t -T ; X f r r '; I- V I ; lip; I M ft ... -II rW3fl7 ;CyS' 'XTtn I lit. :;j:v 7T" ' ! ftWO 0 03 nj- r,7. -i ,t. 1 ji j sisgis Deles 5 ceits ; V.T.MlNaTON POST 5 C-l fl OCQVn ,WH ATES OF ADVERTISING. fl:i.nts per line fot the first in gertumMd tVentr-firecenU per.li?f preach aaiuo" uovw-, ill'coramunication on busines moat q( jjdreed to Thk ..Wilmikgtox l.posT.S.Wilmibitton, N. C. " ' All Advertisements will be charged VVheabove rates, except on special cjij'racls. .!..,' TB aubHcriplioi price to TilE Wjh adorn' rT is Per y"en .months 1-00. '-.kH igtit8) lines, NonpareU typejCoa .(ilut'a square. ' .--. Ib ulo?iDg elections come off on - the 8'-li'of November, , Wisconsin will governor, part of its Senate and AscmWy. Colorado elects judges and county Officers. Nebraska elects' Su preme Court Judge. Mississippi elects ' i Governor and state ofllcers. Connect icdt elects a Governor and part of state gfficfrs.l Minnesota elects a Qoyenor and slate officers. Maryland electa her Comptroller and part of Legislature. Pennsylvania elects a Slate Treasurer mJ cciiuly cQicers. " Massachusetts elects a Governor and state officers. Keir JerKey elects i members of the leg-, itlifure. NewYork elects a Secretary W Stair,! Attorney General,. Treasurer I'uiqptrulU'r and one Judge cf Court rf liKlTUHCAN PATKUSAOK TO ' HiEWSPAPKS. Tho 'AorA State publishes what we ht tiTSiiy in our last issue about-Re publu:an) neglecting -and refusing to "lujiport the Republican press of the lUtffbuti duinj all they can j for the iupport of the Democrats pre"?. The The following "article, which wa cut - frm the Wilmiugton iW, so exactly rites facts in regard to may of the nilmnsl?) f f the North Slate, that we fe?l justified in adopting it as our own. same priceTfor ene carry loj; 200 barrtla? Now, Mr. Iitor (h ttoookt family are grtat, (lttestiobr, ao4 at th Post is read by marry peopl : Ittemted io SmithTjlle afflri,il would like to bear from the qar4alii 'Doctkrhere, ad also the board of health in WiUiingtoa A mbbpoly ofarfy kind M b4d enoagh, eren wbeii'oa 'wlarg , lwtia small tbirW'lii ' oar Qnaraa tine ! is Smi hTilf&, '' leemft' M tbcra2h the first and chesDH shftuM tm mmm) fSrat.- i , . , W hT -in fiiir mind's n vn IhA nimM of but of our, patrons (?) who are al-l pcrea ifjOm me ton coge encompass wivV'toirt" to do" creat thintrs in in , crying the subscription of the North and who at the samo time not 0)1; fail to add a name to our list, but do not fvrn pay for the paper sent to their own address. To such we liall the nj wial lteniion ul the JMW fl" . piaiut. -. ' ', We 1m pe every Jtepublican paper in the state! will join the T08T and the .Jtitrth-Mqtc'ui making war on these of ; Ce.'iiold ri who patronizo the Demo cratic ,ir(u instead of their own. If . r i t - , they will: do so' the victory will . be an Tns ' lOrjBK ; or Beauty. Fore paugbibV ireaV showman, whose great Novembirt 12lht ( has secQred vhat J4 erery where1 prwrtmneed r to be ?th " Ha nS;ofajet Woman In American' td appear ju bis grand street pageant and personate I "Lalla- Bookb, Princets of Delhi," ;iu his representation of this master pierce of the immortal Tom Moore. He pays this . lady the princely sum of ten thousand dollars for appearing du ioa: the v seasee, Iq this pageant and from many, descriptions of this ten thousand dollar beauty, we clip the fol lowing from a recent exchange: ! j i "She was dressed in Oriental ele gance, with the wealth of Ormus and of Iod about her person. She was the observed , of all observers-fa craafure 'far Um good for human nature' daily food." She is a delicate, deljghtfid, deIiciou8 Jamsel.' ller trow is that of Minerva,, aud ''her' buxom besu'ty.ithst of Vena4. ? ' " '! . 7'' . '3J 0 Is wts, asQbeldts, ".! . v. u '1 . 'And Ix-uuUiiU as t1e Itcuiii.' ;" , , She W radiant as tbs stars of nisht. rer.yfg' bhame the arue of heaveo, andjn ?lheirliquld depths lies "i world of,4Jnght- and fancy. Her eajs are f conch ,tbelL ,Iiepbse, is delightlully retrouse, bcipgy 'Up7tited, like the' pe tals of a flower.' Her locks are old gold, with arshimering shine that dazzles the eyes' of thespectar, while as the mai den gazes out from amoag her wonder ful tresses itr seems as though' Luna teg c!ou4. Iler ;' mouth alt who can. Cescribo ' it! Ivory and pearl resting on banks. of coral,'. a: murmurous cave of seet soiind.V whence proceeds rir pling. laaghter and music that.' the (tgbiuwKU , mlmht mnvr. WiUtiit Kor rosy checks do merry dimples bide, and below her-delicate chin Is a neck like alabaster,. As faJhef figure, we'foresr, Houiithipg must be left to the imagioa tion.r SoBLce' to ray that she weighs 147 ocunds She will be seen in the eraud; parade, eMyone.ManyoftheKepublicanoffioet ridiri iipoa the back of a poBderooa noia-rs have 1 maue a convenience 01 -,i.nhnnt mnd all w hare to remaik is .. ' ' I y-r.-n ' ...... me uepubiicjn press as .long as tney ihatiMhls famptis beauty Surpasses iri UUUIU Wl HHU1TCU W VV AUU n V h e thei1 jiorth State wilt expose pub!ku who are neglecting the .publican papers, and we promise the laine at this end of the line 1 . 1 .' I I ( ." ' mm j?fsMt'mxm to w and desire; 'itLt4M H t idarkst We- i NXJUBER l ASJnsaTOJf. On Hon look the Wilminjrton and ' ranee mnch lirS JtCftnuilK ?jthe Weldott traia - at 6.25 p. m., for Wash organizition hiWsMl i lagfonitiraa our Rtfcd fortune to hate riUas aad ;.J)aogVgar;. I the company part Tof'the way of Mr. B. will, i eonclodipa gir yeat 'UjL J H- Bridgersvtbe i popular President of rormattda as Itiar.haW VztlC-U t rWe:7. & Wf-Railroad and the W., C. Otpoe Her. Dr. George nitj spumed aokorani-d torla tus j Patterson.'' Tbese gentlemen : went as eountry Uiirty-thrtei ytsra mtzi I fAP asetersborg. Va. Mr. Samuel P. city, I Boon alter )odfycHjtPrt iral rielghtAgei(t of the Associated in Pennsylvania and pliptrsjrhich ways went alf the way to Wash in g resulted in the formation ofa,!" tianal lon-tcIatterid- conrerntioa of freirbt Grand Xodge hjr a daretii i tide' amenta oljsoathern railroads and steam hMm'taa bl'Udfl boataijiihica imet at the'. Metropolitan lliie NaUonarGia Hotel jk Washington. -on Wednesday w wa as5ry:na c.wn asa i ana Aqmnyt oye were glad to see that ;tT. Collisejrfoekiiam part I lAanrrersary of pine Eal Lode No. 6, 1. O. of O. 8. and D. of 8.' ,i -Address. &e , ,2ht i First Aflnimsary of the above ajoae iook , piace on monaay last, aad as', t t the 'members and friends of 4he. Order, a pleasurable oc- casloa. 1 iJ '.r,' l:-. 1 y At 3. o'eloclr, :pi n,i the -' procession was formed, and ' under the command of Uie Chief Marsha),' P. W. a John Bryan, marched t through some of our prmcipai s tree is, : naitea at bu Cte pWs' A. M. E Church, in which edi fice ithe anniversary celebtations were p take place.' After the kinging of an ode I by the Iodce. and prayer . b. the er) Joe., CL Frv. the Hey. M. M. Winn delivered an : address, which foe beanty 01, leonac - ana conception, we nave heard highly spoken of. I Col. Geo. L. Mabson, of our city, in his bsaal forcible and eloquent style addressed the audience upon the history and j origin, of the Order. We have beeni requested by several members of the Qrder to publish Col. We. address, but Jit. having 'been extempore we can only gtte a synopsis. Cpl Mabson said: T -at the Ancient bamaritans were a Sect among the Jews, WW rejected all the Scripture ! except the ! ' jive j Books of Moses. Because of this difference in j religious belief they were hated 1 by the body of the Jews, add Were objects tff contemDt I amonir them Owing to persecutions growing out;. Of this condition of affairs, they separated themselves from the Jewish nation, and located at a point south of GallUee, in the central.division of Pal- estioe,! where they established ! a town and jcalled it ' Samaria, and a temple was erected by them (Which was sub- seuendy detroyed by the Jews). The oKiuKiuaus, uniiKe iuo average Jw, were jpot of a haughty, proud and dom ipeerDjf J spirit!, but rather of an hum ble, gf oerous and forbearing disposi tion, j After the separtion it wa an un- tlhnal lL! 1. T i I. . . J 1 ru.., UB ow w ur uy ueai- After th .Hilrwu. f tUA irlin lb lr ,1 m K ,..n in i o !,:. I f ' I -! . i - u " I nriWMi ini rnrmM) .iuf th Hrrla iknnlil .. A - !,-. fM- ravr .B ?; a J 88 reconled rbtarned i tn' wh low j . r r-' lu". vumu tivities were concluded by a arand I ...Carolina Central Kailroad will trans- wcuwnen asked by Jesu our bles-Uarch, at the City Hall, in the evening, J port, visitors to the Fair at the following anvnMaa i nuVAH K a 1 I A . C II V. I sr a - .u -4u. n ..y, tim6 ha(j gently..,, uciwg antw,Bitcu iui3 ui a woman of Sarriarift: trnAvintr ' iViat ' 1 Via I.u. k..:nA i..i; ;ik k h-.-.:-; I v-xj- x ax.jcjia. ' it.l . nnn. UnAU,.en .m "w.THB AU Dcuaiv.c ui hue n I uuga iivuvra niu invnuiiii iu. T -" -"n thewi, they bore the same with great ' . . '.V51-. , forti ude. looklne forward to the time "T"" - -h when the grand motto of Samaritanism, Bcv. T. D. Pitts, Sector orv Instituted Lodges of DSirghtett of j ithe marls, knowing that by so doing they I but stands vetrr LIrh as a railroad of- enlisted in the cause a class of workers fickle ; L.itnu---, ?.;,-... who would Bern tire in assIsUng tlreir f m We arrived in Washington Tncsday brethren in rood Works, and encotnt I morniniti after! a very pleasant ioarnet aging them by Iheir good examples to I of , 15 hoars,' f While at the Capitol we renewed labor in the ; cause tt: Love, aad the pleasure of 'meetinc very many Purity and Truth. Since then Union friends ! All f speak highly of the fu- Lodres have been formed, and the ban tore of jthe party j aid of the rdmlnis- ners of our Order now fly in the breeze (ration, of President1 Arthur: - Both his bearing the name of the Independent ewn - party as well as members of the Order of Good Samaritans and Daught- Democratic party say be will give ersof Samaria, of North America; ! the country one of-the very best gov- Since colored men . and women have 1 ernmeots we have had in imanv rearm. been i admitted to membership and al-t i - We left Washington Thursday morn- lowed to take part in Its government, ing' at -11 b'eloek: ' We foa nd as we the whites have gradually dropped outi I passed lbroogh Virgin I 'considerable now the Order is in our full. control. I exulemehtrv'ernbe'f canvass, but We The charter and work of tfc 0dr are -were gla4 whear; on all aide, that the original and must be regarded as geou fiepablican Wero waited' for Cameron ine, for they have passed down through and IUausterickt. The Bourbon the proper channel intoth handa of Dennocras -looked careworn aad nag those who how hold : and work .under . gard. ; . They showed defeat en their them. Our membership is; composed faces while-the EepuHicahs and Bead of men and women who aro AOt alraid juslersi were jubilant, convincing all to take off theie kid sIfres,,or of soil- whecsaw them U that-victory would be ing their mantles by contact, with the theirs,. t We arrived home all safe at 11 poor despised wretechwho; hafallen o'clock np. mi tUaii o: ,..,-ci... ix-x but who may by remonstrance- be caved; j m , i s n . t i ; foe, our motto is Love, Purity .and I Qur colored friedds should not forget Truth. . . . j ...i-, ; -. . thaFair that comes off at Baleisrh this new ADVERTreiaiTyra - " i . rvr r i n.n- II I i ' I if 1 i ' ) ! lit am m I S : ? m M ni . 't V lft v-vjt ,-;f!.V - 1 i-t i. f i ll !..i II I tLl I I ! - I i: A ' j , : 3j ' ' jl ' "sL . r m mm m mm 1. . . . -x. : .m n msm yyi ;(.t:i.1j' ' f . -.u. .-.-ji?.;t Vt iritis 0 Jin 'J'J'1 v'''' ' iJ .'lit." i:,- ... iMi,1ft(fl.. I d.!r it! m4jtf-.,f.;;r.,);'li ;,V.A . i: .pL:..- ' ;:iifr VT "Uv From . Clarkton' $6.60? Lumberton, 4..Shoe Heel; '3.90; Old Hundred, &35; Pee Dee. 30; Polktoa. 4.C5; Mat thews, - 5.40; ' Iron, 6.50;- Shelby, - 7; Abbottoborg,&35; Moss Neck, 4.30; Laurlubxrrf , : 3.70; I Sand Hill, 3.15; Lilaiviile, ' 4.10; Beaver Dam, 5.00; Tuckaseeire." 6:00: Lincoln ton. 6.85: Love, PuiUy. aud Truth, would be writ- Church, has returned from Baltlfii1.11'8 1 Bladenboro, ' Bed: Banks, 4.00; Death op CafT. LBOOETT-Capt. John E, Leggett died in this tity early s a i a .' ' - -.La-.J 41-" (ii ir i iasi ouoaay mornitg, oi consampMun, , Ware not, my Meturea anu Bisters, and hU remains were interted last Men- He was iJasUJ years Am Ammito nf fW 19 geatlehta. well know aad rF'?,l? oue cemrnwalty.- "rr ten upon every heart, and their grand principles practiced by every human creature on the earth. ' ' 'VltrJL Hill,: 3.3o; lEocklugbam 35; 6.25;. CherryvUItMonroe, 5.15; Brevard, ! Gen Pass'gerl Agent. r i I na lnl( BBrBl DI inB IMir UIUIUIFII I mt m rm In Unit . H.nr. nf 111 A Im I . of NVilmlngtoai i that we., hate .ia our 1 tfcifkoliir Of the Aecient Samaritans Bu a. r v Kci I "mind's 'eyer then Fortpsegh hssse-1 .ftd Tj.uirhters of Samaria. ' Divine J r ' j curea a pig mncwwwt "".nwir., ( . i u urjansae3,ua wununaispuiaoie evi-1 highly csteeraed Iri '"V'-'' Firct Really Great Ohow That Hao Ever VIoitcd I 3 .the Qouth! ' 5 ' - ! Will exhibit at WILMINGTON OS E DaV,' Afternoon and Niirhl. " ' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER lQTnft. ZJr1 ?futl feafOB, and first f rand Sootbern Tour. retlUvely larrert tentad ex- btbltton In ibe world. Every wber thoaaands anabla to aula admltMon. At 3Uvl Hi . i . v msDse 4! ft , im uv nnuniii rau iwmtion nia ana women inrannnf ina im. i BverytblBfNsrwor the Season. Millions Expended for afttDtls Holiday. Th 1 New' " Collowal Circus in Two artatJUlnrsfticlwiinr an area larre encTib to axhibH all th etrcassea In America. And ImIbmi wm itaAM i wih, wiIm J. ii Ji!r . . iisssssa " . At.tT. aaa3 Axsas n,a ssASiiSkis . A.-tsnAaJi z, " "'w7 Aimiiui seaia ior ij f 'I VVIImiagton 1 jmm TvlllnB fV... Amtmmmt lUllv VkmJ " IWi f'"-'- ".rr. WlWBaAtSbw.aSa WorW. iralr OAUwlorkarU, ,.,. J. w20 Twined I Reacbn-Clfted Otalllono! r ' ' ? J 4 WHEmNO A BABY OVER 34 INuH WIHE1Q0 FEET IN IIID AIBI ' "' ' !. . Biding a Velocipede Oyer a Blender Wire ' 1 ' " ' "' ' ' i - 100 FdAtAhnM Oi TTMila Af tft AAJli.nM LOYAL, tub Mak Mkteob, BLOWN FROII A CANNON LOADED WITH. , , .. . fotmtnr Uoa. . ' XVWUtm Smith viixk, N, O., Oct. Mkt.tmMmm .JAM1 t Wmm M BXIdh f tl 1 Mtl nnV I w t -' ' . t .. r t ' -i utuv" ' f" '"-"" " Vi w I ror maay years e was ' 1 .aa.arnrr"' f - -t I -wtio is; my neicubor aione, witnout Ejified,2.85; , IdjernaMarnraaaimalaaklfrAiSLua Urena In rVparU Rlpr. Tratnad Gltarre. IVr IUilroad I VT I 1, Jj ltrr lUoa d.rtb. . to Goldsboro): Lala lobia TiiiQatraUaf bat depaiA Jl Jia-i3hu 1 A A I -i k A JT ' . o'o. wut.lv.-.' 1 Am5 For arMartac la this paeaatdurtg tta saao she rlTe.,. pjIdIt .?in " , . amwvw "i i of sis eoo la consideration of tvarywhare Miat aaowista v iruM kj w - W w, Vv . I . TT . I XDT OhDf T lalVw. ft LI Co 15 IUC17 VI lilVJJlC9a Jfa, Lditor; Numerous articles have I lgT 1bai We are afkt all to have direct Wi.u '.Prlt iA ir-linw from rprtdin different editions of Ihe h -..10- rrbnr'.Wil ' , .u. r..: ' rooT.dgnDgthepart few weeks, relat- to lb0. mouaUlna over the Capo Fear 1 .ftKAin. ,h. ,,Ulrgl..ril, mn. im 1. it.:. 1- ,.vti. tv.- 1 . i . ' .. . . 1 , . , .. d " - o- srpropriated b; uer aaicu iuo u.vuW ftnd YaahiB V alley. JtaUroaO, ana WIWI i -mIawW 4rhr bud brn wav OWCTTImB .iiw I il. f itiAV mi1 inir nniiniM' at I ha I . .1 t ' -1 UBDlin UOSOlliliW: ' XMaDOTK. ' iW, mi 4 vmvi mv t hp ' ii Afiiira rua c i :nniniav( BTsnruamasi i sr r - m . temple Was.of too urgent a nature for Wdi hll death wiUWdnred by an Sottth WaahbgtoaVSO; Borgaw, 2.50; hwbeen expended by Capticg Henry fonoWleg'is from the f r-ccn, and kU Licuteeaut, J. T, Har- a, ) " r" a ... tm Aaf -ra 1 r 1 sT a . i i.i . . ,, . . . S . :. j ... conductor on the WllmiartOtt ' We 1 - Me,f"w ' ' w 1 -oraaa nreas Psrads and reVlsw f tbs resowrees of the Or airorepaax Kbew. ntasinr conauciorofi 7w 1,65: Bharpshurg, 1.40; Toisaot 10; th"BT!Tao4 meiu uih .pom trwi p-aa r ,1t W ' 4 don railroad, ami aftet hairing that ' . , t' w.i.- i r-v a b t w.-. j ... i-v-LBUck;Xreek;1.0lte.Wll8oa. 1.00; Fre-1 noon and Evalia.aifcaOandTa'eoeiiT Araota Catalra. ivomaaada CMfia oihar . Iruau n arrTvi uwa auiaa .im w m , Tv, iiji.. ka. I befcr eomaisnelDK by lhatwoOraat Bands. KiersuTraiBpaa uom iwMni same canacHv the OarobnaCentralj nont f s? 1 Wnmlle, fi0-r. Dadley ; rtawTmCf? ib. 1 b. o -ai.ai dy tu a ho ctiu smo capacity ina- v-irouna yenwai, i i now- I aTXttapWaaFrtaod'lMBeaa attu;, trtuNo rartalimaat o Ua aUbi jwfrwi ,j althouirh for Wianv months past he baa I Mount Olive, J-;. iwiaon a, So, How- "ujj eoaltKaTbibiia? rybo4y aaaa ib -whola aho fiTalt IW .U.. r i : -i idea's 1.05c Warsaw. XIOl' Aiarnoua, l TaaaaattrMy at aithtaa wu as u uaaraooo, . UJ.:.. JllU..,.. - i I nMSMnflTI r'vr ri im. I r '-". -i aBSM-a-MsffavaaaatsmaaveWsagawaTeg . mi jb wmrm j . ..j, s-i . j, . . v . , , . -,gi r. ; ui ii . -w Rial bt m Bi m i mi iirnvni. m .. iimi sa raw iiir bj t b w a m.. .. i -.- m. a . a . a a ' a I . ' " ' '. . J i J . i . vaasBrV fvaw.ww. w. si'Ms i . . am aan i nifl ommUM W rr. iMiwitoepicuaTt.iyB .dmiaiater to his Tally lTOhos" wwowlnr J Point, 2.80. d H cunrrrnlnT iKm in mun hir re I ih niMiAn nf tb CiM FearA.Yadl . !: - r . I " usuauy t. largo mf. BnavwiuBi , j . . Jf. He4 la considerable good. Theold kin ValkXiB,waa,ctUrt,t -ark. steamer Woodbury. u where ."R .T "-Tll 1 r":::r:r : " VI OaAJ M esgki long ago to have Weo-lid Uk)a y,,. lke warchase of loi tk.y weie on a danotts Plce just beyond CoL Mcll. ftla,iw M .Xfcr any cW,ue rs&e Ar- the roaSt weW have heeaj Wwtet t TSS M TSZ Uf. -m pond;.th oie.ci their own aelf preeer-1 on-u7 V1" 4:;. . 7 ). aJ sUU vessel, manage to get J th, DJrcfcVon aad oaandlreai- w the lar. The little mill steamer, i W .n. ".ZT. "Trf ---t-v . -""iV " 7 Tha Udles ia carristea: will form at ,1 . .a .u. ,;r n Li d"V1 Lntri?; preaealUw.ta.erw V Samaritan passed that way. kjlJ?!f IcWdabere, d: if retaraed by. No half price tickets will be sold. ArMttA wiU faeli: velara tickets emir to yjAsii opkxiko vf tbb ros,vu l.Goklsboro. -. it awa-x i . :us' kaxMai sttm.i if i - : . fc . a . twgtmi to iiaieiga ana iciarw, 1 t?-' lriUtiilaMulil Cm wVrkifuin will mm m mr tp www. rates to party CLODL? GALOOni ; :t-'ic market cti 4 tl W -WUthry few tba Honey la lb! Oljr. Flat Cltart. Oysters. 4a Chtt andaes bJaa. TiirpciitinQ Hanto Iuaa bo wBawia w'w,wi;! ni . ;j i, Wi. iut-d. inn. kMfit I Awra ana iwna iuw,buww i exkihiuar IwhkJi factaaoakl be but atui?ute4 U jtbiky- m'TmlTJ rZ,. directioa of the Prtddent or tie CJah. iablkLcd tv txhftincata of Srcretarr. I there was aaujutm rcaa -1 i a -i v . i i. .1 - iu t vi ... i v . iJin. 1.. j!. 1 1 ten u emeu on atorscuaKa; wu i w nmMiiba aTaf init .hinntnw T WaJfT A SUMBavR OF AJiUB wintu Haada to work aw r TrpnllM rW i.IIiaaBdiHth CafViiaa. Uoaiwai mmmt mmmAwm-A. will hvftM fair VatB) WlVB Vi iii v 7 .," "fT" w I raap Pr aad kind imuHttl,' pf, will W hilled back free, aad I SaWior taw saaTWaa or a i t v.l u n... .i. I ntfaar iby will a atat wak Art Ot te Kiih the U.'S. -Engineer Depart- , acd lauds her mail and freight 11 rtTDmnt wbsrf ne extension wMpfharfisnownef:dedasstated,fte-rtfjM .4-- A; I Dock street, between Front asl Becond k? ear Bacve. Thanks, my .brothers luJ in the road, arsome Its liabilities Tr w- T" " J " . .trtA. ander t&e directioa of tbeTSaa- . I. r.i,. u ih.r Mt.nxd r W Kv. . ..-'-. .-j .vi- mmA m-ji tA KniiJ It aMianl 1 ox ana - apparenuy -oymg. ooana i - - , . . . . - , ... i -r-rr- 1 . . I ot to pwmbw - Wtt--. . : ina to Uie charter. lyaayitiataU aphis woot I rta .. i anira in orwo a iinuvinvi traw vm- i iwml ina ira aim tTBUTia m ian.i .(... . i i.;ss.i . the evUs I- wil ?.ti and that lhtv . . .V.I..JU. -jb I tha fox will be loosed la front CI liil . . Fnr Haas. Gki. Fit At'L .'a .aviia n.'l AtT. A ... ir . ; 4.. j .r - i atnnia nr rfinAiaLion iar au cnecx. l . . .. muo,, let . look to others, whico I rmweox uray I 7-7." ,vt. " " w,. 5f.v., -a rock of trained dswiil m mm I i- mm. ' V mJtXmm tmmZmm mmmUmsarii Will a. u. VAWsKrxr fr'a the interest of ear tstU! crn:?cLiTin ncu le. Tho . nnarantlae Uws of I ol JT rrT ; w "'r"" w Ik-.v, TkieU to be&idl Jai. 1L HcGowaa. which appears la U,so, North' CetbUna.areter, CapVlIcQowaa come, to "ni r ipucu loo mnvn o iv mm oi wiuw atav ny ;ww - r v i . . , , tnllcit '"tM of our ahiralag men 'rruitce physlclaa here, 1 eythe state te admlalster ui sf the quarantine impartially and 1 the. urv. iw., kaiTt itTi.uu aaaeia I fYi T - - A m. V at -.V ank at IV. I Am 1 a . t . a. . - a. . titer ice i-. ; i c;;:t4 iswm l Kss Ui vii " 777,1 rood tHssu belcy M oa tiktcrV I the frost and arv Ua hk emtoaw . fTraB 7 r?aradA laaL ' A rood tlffis b I aad the rUfcMTUy. everythlas la e now eauace u 7" "77 lW rt tlaV e very b Lnnd i. Lis lias , of baalacsa. AU T my nieads, I . . . -... j 1 .v.. t. .w. t naia'tni k ti mm I arr asasi oer ot abaicb -r -r .umaa wo aaa Irod caa I i,ail ,v;. ..i tv. Mv. . . ...f. .-la.!. .t..t-' .taft.iaara ar-rraca rusur i - a - ltissattattCkt.;Jmiatt w um k ktrrt ell tasa ar-l""" vaes uvs ana uwwi was atan I . , ' . , ir..i -a -..j t. 1 tv. aa4 OA-aaalladwt.T t. 1 7727..- - W kav ea. I H . l. s'Ta.at." - !, .Jl nunuPCAN rtAN. aa4 Lsactax lW -r ' Taa,aaaasaeB U to crab aa fee ira ta . cser flrafrs. tTU-Cf urto UAIsrlunfifH. Bttt,t 777.1 77. 1 1. iM.IewlrsUia b" ' l? of a railroal U Ute 1 Ctrl wkl;a nfee to ocCera ajaxi- f 7 TTv . J , tS a H VTocaTl a:lra?!ea tateaJcf J iv ha 2- f-T . uiiatatVI. laaaav.XIr. UTati vio vasa ca..aicu m. JSBV tatkls lassa. Hr. UTs rste 2lAtstt, Uurt.t3si asdic itnan la ii w bj- a4 la t'WT (Aiii aaia. aaiiSwl la atawrx fh aaathaa aSKafida. - ' - ? -Tha uwi ravtc aili. itl aaa! atat t any r ' bhbbpws as m atxawcivo wacni sawmyt la S- V Jray FaaA4 I . : ....iV.HV. T a, V'tT I t nr. Ar.lht. A a ana tSm I VhLC oT.aiiucrtat.1 tvttnsi;r:: txau at, ' lr.Ucsz:l: lit Veil tails C 7r,:K"r J: , iV' ?.5S u VA"'tVA '' r-1 ' . r . - -r- UiJa w--.wSi,.e U hrr-t i()ivr.-4 -t - , ! r. . r VT .771771 -it -l i u ., it tz.1 0 .... xv-..-' . .. j . . , pais a tsyjew!i--. t ZHJII J ""' ' " rri 1 " ' " : . IJPiT"'-, Wm Wrm- y."w mmmmmm ' .. .. .. ... last. t&xasS t-5, Iis J-Si. Wasfttawcxttllwl . . itQirJliiiMi D v1.1, I 74t- '. seat&to. tididit t -"r:-- r.-,: ' -"777. 7t wKasaW-w4- !2Lirti?.! vzy2Tlr,:w 1 rI-Tr.-r- is-r-l ,t. J. tTla. saet a a ear? r, , asrt am 7U. U,V. . 4 . l77777jEtl-t-tU Ct-ritJattswxsartase ... T-' " ' t .- " "7. . :7. . t.JU" . .,V I,J 'I LLtHr " - "" ' ' j mmmmJLjj.:Jm, - ' rVri:: xzlmiKTll-i rc:7t2 cl::VlawtthsnoUlurrei 1 V" - j . . - ,KEW ADVESTIIErAU.. - 1 f . - 1 al a 9j Clcrpcr'o Youn j Pccpio ; An tiiX-arjRATEO wnrKLT-itrAtSia. sen . to pntii Awn nmijs or mo it ; ' ' aUXVUAlbUI 1BAMWVAUM " " Vol. nt ccameccrt roui.Wr 1, 1K17 " J .... - - r - u a, yofxatiis U fqatigcaigg., 4; r - na u-a mr ut baa Waim fam la . .. ru aotnj&t Wywsd aaU:iiUa-. V. 1 Caaaa( Iat f - f 1 . . ' 1 1 baa a diaU act pvrfMmm ta ara tch M td rty aAbiiaa thai, aum ?y. at aaiaaaattaaT t"'"1 ami titmi ur U yai- wna . Jdl. bwe taara auraaaivav ' a U a aaavW - S r aaataaaa. aC Mrravtac aa4 " ' - aaataria vraarau. r IS maaan axaaiS ST i aay f-4i- a Mm Bta4 yt taaajfcl ! , . - luaai4Tth''ritafr nha4 t. . . ' v wi ara a Mars tar Vd l4tcrw. SW ur (tij aa-4 a ySw-Orfa ia Adtw mV WaeaJ SaT MVIfoa Vifc .a w aa wtwr u a aaa.r jai,? rMl at 1AA ta.sskj' srauJa.lafiSard laur . Jwi t yp raa (Ssarya a sw't'W ft a- au brja4 j:a.--fU4 rj " ? 1. il VtrrrstT rv rmrtxi L miatfmiwmaH. 1:4 tia A - fi mt i hnt fr By A aaaaa'. iTVSas tl fa M HBhH fmrnmrn g I IWHb -m,X. - J seaji ' i. ire ,-1WP"i&A e"ae Jp)anaja4l4s r jnlWaaVsiv X..ar?;-S so avy u.ura!vv gs, . n. i i iii.ii- 5s "fc4 i ; r'kV r