J ' " ' .. .. . ' S- . .- - - ; ; :'- . : , 'V - j , . . . , f S . . ... v ..." - . . ' x" ! . ; ,.. .: . ,f r y , : ' . LC 7- f '4j " - - -' - r:: . -- f k V -I . i M. 'rn1 I- "-' I VOLUME XII. 3'vJ I-- 'j i -- : .. f 1: ,; . c : ?'. - - . ; . . 1 - ' - r ' ' 1 , ., ' . ,: . . ,' i . .. . : : : . . . .,,.,,. ..,,, , ,, .. .. 7, , 'mtiMINGTONPQST ' Juiicrcd at the Tost office at VUming f io'i, Ar. CZ, a.j Second Class Matters -T KATES OP AD VERTISING.- Fiftv rnts por li nf for the first in-f : 4Tti-i 'aii'l tweatyftte ccmU . per line ' ' f ,r c:icli aiVl ition.it insertion. A II roni-'nunjcrttions on bu-iuc inn.it ; Kl'Jre.-eJ to. The Wu-MiyoTON :. - ;:;vsT Vilininjrtou,.N. V. ' , ' All alvrti8t'inent will b&charged ' a'; tlic above rates, except on epeci&l : :)racts. i; . .i . ; f The Xupoleoii oT the Nouth'M (iSruiul Yindiention .! Tli'e news from Virginia makes every true PMUtbcruer, crery sincere Unionist, every luan in favor of "a free ballot 'and a air count," and every American tth7 desires - Republican institutions maintained and .strengthened in this country to rr-joice exceedingly. Virgin ia iiaa gene for the Reaojuster ticket headed .by W. E. Cameron for Oover nor, and John F. Lewis, Lieutenaot Governor, by at least lfiAOO majority. ' lany ofour rien'daiirwho have not kept posted, concerning'Virginia poli tics,1' may-not .understand , how it h that a atrniht out Republican rejoices; ut a victory of the Rcadjusters, wo will explain. The Republican State Corn--' ' uiiltce in i879 refused to run a state tiiket, whereupon Gen. William Ma hone, who was one of Gen. R. E." Lee very best officers during the war of the rebellion, and a man who had previous -to tU.vt iime acted with1 the Democracy becamo disgusted, with the bour honiimljf his party, and their prescrip tive, illiberal policy, orgam'zjdhat is known as the Readjuster party, with su(iU men as Colonel Lamb of Norfolk, (Jolobel Riddlebergr, Colonel Ca"meron of Tetersburg, lion. Frank S. Blair and other able men! ' They made tbo fight' in the .first place for readjusting the state deb a air equitable amount. And in the second place they declared ' in favor of a free bhllot'and a fair eount, aud at the election of 1879 they ,ucccded An- getting members enough , -with - the Republicans, 1 16 control the tiencrrl .Aisembiy. Ihe lweadjusters and Republicans combined and elected Gen. Mahone, who ji very justly styled the Napoleon of .the south, to the Sen- atr; and Gen.! Mahone, in return, had "his supporters to stand , by the Repub - licaua fur. an equitable share of the OfB- Cc. Kor did;tbey stop there, they went so far us to give the colored people re- cognititn aljo. ' ; ' : Heneral Mahvonc weut to the Senate an J he saw at once,, that to make his - poliejr a complete; cuccesa, her must work with the Republicans of that body,, and ho did not hesitate to do so. And on all political questions he stood by such men as Edmunds, Logan, Sher wan, Ccnkling and Cameron, lie con tinued his organization, and in 1S81 the Rcadjusters held a conventionand! . nominated a ticket recommended by the , Senator, composed of Readjusters and Kepublicaus the Republican : Convention ri fusing to nominate candidates. The Democrats made a fuH ticket: headed by their Most snd icoit j popular man in tho .ietale;'. Cteri. lnielr;! - 'The flxn.' wis- rxaJe by the Dtmocrocy very se vcr.; theyj brought tvery argument to b t; the topped at nothing; fried to W.ldt.i1 bul faiied.Lfiading men to 'I'd up cn the stamp or at the mi zzle of He .pistol' before them They then Ported to slander, which they carried on with better tuccesa, that being the 1 true., fori j ef an1 ordinary Democratic i Politician. Their war cry, waa down : iih Mahoneism In Virgiiiia, and the 8uutlet was njallantlf Uken up by Col. i- 'Icbcrger and other brate men, and fuikt tut on ; that line. .The Republi cs almobt unanimously rallying to the "war cry,M aod side by aid, wltb. nb and othf r, the fight wa made, in rtsull aa a conplcte Tiodica 1 cl the coone it Oea" HIian Mahone and the election of his entire yt by upward of 1&.000 ttjorHT. i -H every llepabticaa and aatl-bour- la U Uod rtjoioK GLiK-nijr fair. W are 1 0 formed by Mr. U. A. Bit ' l of Sanpwa county, that the color 4 roplV Ulr of that connty will te off at Ulntoa oa tht'TUi, Stb, fca and 10th of December. We make te ccrrectloa vitJh ttleaaare . aid take tai occasion to aa? tfcat wt vlala oat ' tctd Wtnda a jraad toccm. Thtj htto eocct ed, and wt bare do doubt A World of Qood. of ihe Boat Jopaiar nediclnea - before tai Acatrlcaa pdbtic, la t CiUera. Yo teo U eterywhere. r?le ukt it! wla tool arct.Ii 6C4i tsea on. It li cct u cluast tie titu aa irimt etbir LlMsra ai tt M a vbiakty dtlak. It is csra l ie V 4 bU3c4 boat act tea tUt cat tawU tf t&ii. It Toa Ciat Mahone vindicated by 20.C00 majori ty. ' ELECTIONS ON THUSDAY LA&Jt 1JD UAY FOR DEMOCRATS.! Virginia nas been redeemed by Re-' adjusters and Republicans combining, by 20,000 majority. - v - o Wisconsin continues in the faith ly about 12,000 Republican majority. 'New York .elected the Republican slate ticket, with, the exception ofllus ted for Treasurer. i Massachusetts re-elected Long ' fori Governor, a Republican, by 20,000 ma JOrity. J, .':.. , : ;. , . v. i ! l'enusylvania has cone for a Recubli can candidate for State Treasurer' y, at least 10,000 majority. . V Minnesota, the home 'of AVindom ' goes for Hubbard, Republican, for Got erner ; by 40,000 Jaaajority. ! f MigEifstprr-lhe birth-place of thei shot gifn policy, has gone in Xayor o bourbonism ty a reduced : majority probably 8,f 00. - :: ! Maryland has fallen behind, and the Republicans are much encouraged, the mojonty has been reduced 60 per cent, Nebraska has come up all right elects! a Republican, to the Supreme Court Reuch by 18,000 majority. ' Kansas continues in favor of consti tutional, government by upwards oi 25.000 majority for Republican ''ticket. Colorado has gone overwnelmingly Republican. ; "I ' .. : Connnecticuthas finally stamped out all hopes for ihe Democrats ever again getting into power, by sending to the Legislature 149 Republicans and 9S Democrats. To the Senate 10 Repub licans to 4 Democrats, and one poor lit tie Grcenbackcr. Uovr sad his fate. . . New Jersey sends to the General As sembly: .iror the1 IIoum. 8 kRepublr cans and 29 Democratfj Senate, 12 Rc-i publicans and 8 Democrats. , It will be seen that he Republicana have been victorious .everywhere ex cept in Maryland -arid Miisisslppi which have only been carried by small majorities; by the usual bulldozing pol icy of the white league. rV' 'l O. C. RAILROAD ' ' lias been sold by CapU David MurchU on, President, and a controler of a mat jority of the stock to the Raleigh & uasion xuuiruau, or 10 juaj. jonn aoot inson, the . Railroad King of Virginia and North Carolino. Money, ; brai and enterprise will succeed. Uur peo4 pie have no one but' themselves ' (q blame if the C O. Road is now , run to the exclusive interest of Baltimore and Norfolk. There is money ! here, but ts held by the most selfish lot, of b)c ever allowed to,live. Besides their eel-; fishness, they have not the enterprise, of a bronze Indian lg, and we doubt the capacity of many of Uiem to -look aftertbeir own interest, without saying anything about managiag the commer cial interest of the port of Wilmington.! No one can blame Uafor Kobinaon.-- We believe in congratulating bim on hia succeea la obtaining this valuable properly lie haa ahown himself a man of great ability aod eaterpriao.' Norfolk and Baltimore are certainly in luck ia having such a man to look after their interest I The Colored Indoaurlal Fair.; ; Eduoe Wiuiisqtos Tost: ' ; r The Colored! Industrial Pair opened at Raleigh oa Taeaday, and continued during thetretk, Not, lit, 1SSK A large crowd was present, and the weath er belter than the moat sanguine could expect. A drencalng raia oa tbo day previous put a stop to the dust and caused tat grounds to present a splendid appeanc. The race track wis la iar better coodittoa lama on any previous occasion Uaay Of tko baUdUga vera found tn have beta remodeled, and the tmprovemeat was at oaeo apparent- The entries vera found to excel Wa former exbibiUoa. botA j & quantity andoaaiity. Tbo stock. t Uo casaal observer, was at oaccadaiUed to be superior to that seen at the geaecsl raa of tatrs anywhere la lha coaatrr. The cattle, borsea, ke aaeepa, poalur, A, would com rare faeotbly with aay aisaUar txhlblilass U thaaoata. The poetry, xxJ k? tJjtdaSy, irtri tie mast actaUt fcats?cs of tit whets fair. ahowlcs rerctioa la tiaa the meat rrrfsa tzzzzz t!jkca, la Let w luasitTtr 3t-tt-ti aay MS prttt-.titlrrt na Virginia j declares in favor or a free ballot and a fair cottnt. Floral Hall, as in the past, was very tastefully decorated., and afforded some idea of . the finer feelings and senses of which the negro is so eminently capa ble. The truth is no race, whatever the advantages enjoyed, can present to the human gaze a more beautiful or dazzling spectacle ihan the handiwork of feminine ingenuity displayed in that Hall. The bedquilt, fine table covers, carpet rugs, ladies cbstumes, lace work, paintings, silkemroidery, shell work, hair work, lace toilets, crocheting, hand somely trimmed hats, hair braids, map drawing &ic., were simply grand. De corative art was proven to be an inhe rent characteristic, of the race, which,' added to the acquired ability ia that direction, 'render them objects of fear in the race far supremacy. Everybody, white and black, exalted and humble, rich and poor; Confessed, that to their astonishment, Floral Hall wasj equal to anything ' of the kind ever, shown in North Carolina. The products oi ther ,soil4" -too", 'were vrell represented; every variety of veg etation- being richly and lavishly dis played in Agricultural liall. Corn, po tatoes, cotton, peas, beans, rye, onions, apples, peaches, with! al 1 the other ce- rala, &c. Were pJentiftrtly, yet systemat ically-arranged.. The cotton was an exception, to the rule, it being of an unusually rare quality. ' i . Machinery liall was, well -ft ltd, our inventive genius being as there howa, brought Into active exercise. One of the great curiosities was an invention by a colored man of a beautiful barrel with five heads, which was the chief object of attraction. Jt would - easily conlrain three varieties of liquids, not allowing them at any time to coagulate; Serving, in ji fac, the purpose of three barrels. The plows, hoes, shovels, wa gons, hearse, carts,, &c., made by color ed men, als a attracted considerable no tice. The wool on skins beggars de scriptionits flecciness is only equalled by the finest of great Britain or the Old ,The speeches on the several days of of the fair were splendid and- to the point. Some of the white oratdrs made some pretty broad statements that they would possibly disown if called to ac count , by their party, friends. They seemed free to confess that language is free for 'everybody, and there declared in fayor of free speech. Gov. Jarvis, on .opening, Messrs. McGehee, Busbee and others, i were particularly promi nent in paiorminsr. that task, and we trust hereafter that they will not depart from those j words in ' practice. The speeches, however were all very good; and encouraging in the main. Senator Vance's speech, on Thursday, was long and evidently explanatory, as there was nothing' said that could not be under stood by the ' simplest child present. He seemed to forget that! be was talk ing to very intelligent minds. While he forcibly remarked, "The world moves," he seemed not to believe it. His advice was in many respects sound, but ! doubt whether the race will heed it all or not They have too many academies, universities and colleges to think of being eatuSed with aa ordia ary "rough edge education. They be tieta with Pope, that "a little learning, is a dangerous thing. The Governors must sot get frightenei yet, we are only starting the race. A few educated ne groes are only the entering wedge lor the splitting asunder of the degrad Uoa that alarery left to betmirch the proud escutcheon of the negro race. Lawyers, doctors, theologians, all must graca la character of thta aahta soa before aspiration caa be exUasraiihed. The Senator ! did not aay too' much &r the race, and sought an boar or saora not! to say too little, j lie ia heartily thanked. The good we will cherish, the bad era vna disregard. . . - If the general talk ia Raleigh caa be relied wpoa, sotoes both white and col ored, from Got. JanUe wife daws, Jao. C Daacy's rh was beUer thaa Vaacaa, lie spoke oa Wedaeaday Ut oca hoar aad. la tact sarpaseed general exrkliUia. lit tZtX Stsatot Crcttji rUca aad aosaiUtd fcltsttii cstdluy Sin. Gov. Jan is aad Dr. Katkaa?! sail "ft vast tpeda speech as aay fcdf ateded tahtu. . nerrcrtcjeaa r!s:y CtUal aUaUii am aU tU :M ' N I- 'VI - Lir..i- WilUam E. Cameron, the anti-Dem- cratic candidate of Virginia, elected by I20,000isajority.r V , : -s a "a ? in the Banner, the organ of the fair. He spokeWednesday ton crowded, hut not noisy house. The Newt and Observ er took special pains not to, refer to his speech, other than to say he did speak. It noticed all the white speakers at leOcthj It roav be that the fact of hia being a negro ofScehohler prevented favorable mention of his1 address. He was, in fact, the only colored speaker billed that did speak-ithe others were whites but these things will right themselves in time. i r Suffice, it to say, all told, the fair was a grand, success. The visit by Col. Can aday inspired confidence in his leader ship as the champion -Of negro rights and equality before the law, ; Every body sought his company. The Jate nesa of. hie arrival preyented him from speaking. May the Industrial Associa tion's banner still waive. , , ! j i . ! i: 'b.' SrECT ATOE. " WixMixGTOir, N. a, Nov. 9, '81. ; Editor Wilmington Potit 1 ; - ! Believing the public should bo in formed fully concerning the shooting of Carey Hill by one May, on the 17th day of October, 1881; and as I have never see a correct' account published in any newspaper, I therefore send you this account of the sad affair: I left here on the W'AWB. R., at 7.10, on my way to Petersburg, Virgin ia, Captain Cutts, conductor. At Goldsboro , two young men, v who ap peared to be under the influence of li quor, got on the train with a woman, one sat in the seat with .her and the other w eat the wiwit.; of the seal; both were smoking, andthe porter went forward and told Capt. "ho back and requested.. lae two men to stop, which very much enraged them. They began at once cursing the. porter, threatening to shoot him, and followed him front one car to : another, finally overtaking him at a point in one of the cars where Carey Hil a very respecta ble looking and well, behaved colored man, was sitting. - Their abuse of the porter was so outrageous that Hillnade some remark' to the porter. Tha two men, whose names I learned were Mar and Sharp, immediately tarned oM Hill and cursed and abused him terrirfly, Hill said to them "gentlemen, I;have nothing to do with this matter, an beg your pardon for having made aey re marks concerning it" That d&i not satisfy them, ana they caught held of Hill's whiskers, which were very long, pulled and shored him around three or four different times. Finally Captain Cutta came ia and jokingly said to tha men, "ifyou don't stop this,! will hare to pull your whiskers," and then went ont Of the car and the too. eg oea Icon tinqed their sow. Hill got ap aad went in the other car, they following caught hold of him and knocked biaa over a seat, beating him In the face aatil he cried out for aome .one to take them away. When Wilson was reached! they tried to poll him off the train, saying they intended to blow hia brain out. I took hold of Hill and assisted him ia holding on; fioally oae of the men got Hill on the platfona, and tha other oae shot him twice. Hill was thea let go and immediately raa to the other end oi the car, where he fell to the laor and died. - V?. V T. 7- 'f '1- 1 I hare never aeea, aor hart I! ever heard of, a saora aaprwroked aad old blooded murder ia arr li&t aad thacoa- doctor, whose protcctioa "Ilia aad every other passesger oa that train had a righU to claim yea, dmaad atood aaUa aad altewed this saerde to be cosaasitted. I toll Captala Casts ai tha Osaa that ha di4 not da his iety, aad every penoa ca lhatraia knew I tpeks rixhtly. As sooa as tha asibrta- aata aua UUl was dead it snj dxsp ed off tha traia, aad are saaved aaj ; & Tha abova is a traa accoaat cf the saardac. By pahSahlahyaairia great ly ehtigt ewry whlu aad ced law- aUikgciaasaUtataw TccxlsE. OTT. .Tha aaar of tla airrra etaaexka Uca b a kUy rrrcsul, idirri;i bcriatliscy. U sl a L'a wry u rttaaVsrSi Va- U gn Cinta La asy. alta tit csria trt'i sra. XTa xptCa4 , .tiet aaa 'atacli sir The solid south brokeuMahone'and Ridaleberger did it. ' - . . Captain Cutta, who is one of the Wil mington & Weldon Railroad Compa- ny's most trusted conductors, will give a full and complete statement of the matter. 1 We will take pleasure in pub lishing any thing he desires to send us about the sad affair. .' ' .: i i . QUARANTINE M ATTEKS.F For months our people at Smithyille have been requesting us to have some thing to say about the mismanagement of the quarantine, "but 'wo' .lwaj3 hesi tate to Criticise anyone, and never until we have excellent authority for doing so. we received tuo communication below some weeks ago, but held itf! for the purpose of esquiring into j the fact, . which we liayo done," and we are sorry to say there -is t6o much truth in the matters below complained of, as well as in the communication Of one of the Snoots family ' concerning the management of Dr. Custis, the quarantine physician, which we pub lished some weeks ago. If these things are true the management is a disgrace to Wilmington, as well as a very great damage. .Wo hope Dr. Curtis wil j be able to success fully answer these com plaints. Our cotuuiiis are open to him. SjirruvtLLE. If , C. Oct, 25. 1 SSI i Mr. Editor: We, the underaigned, are about to leave your port for Europe, but before so doing we wisn to settle up all of our accounts, and after haying examined our bills we find our quaran tine charges to be so enormous that we are compelled, in justice to the. whole snipping community 10 oaae a snort explanation. ; We hive now been Con fined at the quarantine station over a month: have been compelled to -take u . j:.t.- : ij suca men lor uueuarging as me quar antine physician was pleased to direct, at great cost, and also employ stetradore of Buiue vlus, entirely iucapable ot do ing the work, and beios compelled to load all cargo here, lightered to tis at great cost, and extra pay for fumiga ting lighters, not less than $5 00 each. with other charges as outrageous, alto gether, fhich almost swallowed upjoUr whole freight; besides our vessels are not loaded as required, and the intake entirely too small. Now wo feel that the; quarantine' authorities have not dealt fairly with ua. One ot -us had a good charter, which was lost because' the approach to Wilmington was for bidden, and was compelled to rccharter as the stipulated quarantine ot the ves sel was set toexpire not until Nor. 1st. Had the said vessel reached the city by the 20th of October the charter would slve been in forcpji but " no such was admitted. However, while loading, about tho ISth of October, auothrr ves sel was permitted to go to the city, that bad no such clean papers as we had! Or at least no better. We had a clear bill of health and no contagion existed on board, and we cannot account for this singular discrimination, and we do solemnly protest against such treatment, which is ruinous to ourselves and- to the'&hippine interest of rour nort: If you find a necessity for tho establish ment of a quarantine it ahouki be alle gether managed on different principles and not deprive the vessels of all their rights by causing them to loose all 1 of their carninjn br auch extortionata charges an anca foolish regniaxioos. 1 on r, mpectfu tiy , j j Two NAVkUToad The Minuter to Fraact, lion. Lati r. MortonpreacnUd cn November 10, 18S1, ' la the Union League Cob cf New Vcrkt a largo portrait of Senator John Sherman of Ohio. '.! OIT ITEM8. Us. W. n 2i. gr flats in thk ' ilv- Taoaizn aorsr roa tbc torr. . I , ...: j - - :s Sabacr.plioa price ol the IWt aly two dollars- sead and take it at care ir ,T. . - I I ' Hxcarsioa tarty from SaslthvUTa u thk city on ranptrt a WeJwslay Major pnthaa JDarea has rrtoe4 ta Caariestoa, where hailt be scaled as Agent tir tha AOaaSia Coast Ut. h r:t -.;Y; : 1 - ' ".v ..; " ' u p . Epiira s U tha sasll aLBtrllua bethara coesaleird aad her Ixipa be twecw thk city aad EaLUhrllie kava bfca Ay?cv5CLxrxT.--Ytf a.-pV3i; tkt speech a4 U&a Jia C IXuury, th aba csdaed aaU. asale ai taa Susa ralr;latcr axt iooa. - 1 - tun win a i in' t i ma v1';'.--:;--! LeLxi ar aaeak thrm asU 2$X ataraaJera. Srrtrsl tzzntjtM Lars beta c&aia "tlarlag tia faat wtai sa kcrtarn drtr 4 la tiw arrtneqa.tit tlsrrts ts ssezZX SEXiOTja 'Accidest. Oa ' the erea-1 of the una 6f Aiex. &&&mS, with 'mraftfc HftTnfc fcnfl tnr'Vil int-I" sgeableranawaV.'ahd wnUaroundins the 1 corner' near J thVrBidence of f tie I late iMr-'WiTOgnIsspwnt, leaned: from iKi hartr Anl caataf nlnrr S.,S2'. assisted 1 in their Removal to" the resf dencei "of Captain E. WrJIanhlng A1 nlessenger vru dispatched to the city for surgical aid Dr.: T. Wood, broth- the sound, ' On his arrlval aad examt-1 nation!'" found iMr " mctet aerionsir wounded, and I m tn orl a f ota i;I)bret oftttla city was summoned 9 in consul ta-1 ras ta, XOr uon, au exammauon uereippea a conv-i iinauon aereippcd a co minuted fracture of the left leg,' and was decided that amputation rrould Wi necessary.' At laboutl O'clock ILIiail: chloroform was administered 'and the limb amputated about four inches abort the ankle, which was? tin jointed by the accident and the "hones protruding. Early In the djsy .fhe sufferer vrs4 re moved toHhe city bn 'a bed placed in an onrnibus? where he arrived about I noon. iJniversal sympathy is expressed I foe the suferer In this aid and ' tunate acadent Mairy pTayersVifl as- woa ipr. nw ooauy com ion ana eariy restoration. ?ff v NEW AU YJHtiilSEMENTS. f i tfm an tffnftBavedtoAntswhol9ny UU 1U vPUUU UUer goods from tbeMan- uiitciurer, wnu aaiis ine cneapeat ttvutsicti STAMPS. ; Bend 10 eents for circular. AU- j Fourth Bt, WUmlnton,lJ.'Gs 9 . ? Office OF.Tu8KcarrAaYiwT)TEAsrnEa Wiuiwaiosr. N. d, Kov. eh"is!'i & Weltlon Kllro4 Oempany win be held at the OtQce of said &mpaoyt'ln Wlunlst ton, oa Tuesday, the 23d tneU, at 11 o'eteek A. XT . r t tst' ' riTrtiwirv! $ . j .. ,,'!-,.,......, TIT ..t'f! -I oovDtdLm , ijt eeeretary; j WILUKS GTOKnCOltTJMBfA A ACGUBTA I 11.H.CO, ...' . . , a i it.- s I .lot- U iM fm Ui 'J Oyrica o the Sacaxraar ava Taaasvaaa , AVlLxurOTov, X. ZCor. Slh. l&U- 1 M1B ANNTJAV KEETlJCfJ - OF? Till buCsUaOl!leraVOl lh Vllmliislofla CulombU d Aoroata TUIlioad Oompaay will ba.keld ' at tbe Offlefl of the tYcsldcat of aald Com- rany.la Wllmlastoa, i laat, wt 12 o'clock M. Taeeday. tho 53s 4 i j.vr. mouraos,t 1 bov Uldn "aaeretary i CLODE OALOOri! v v vr.jtii iicuowAS will ru&xiv tua beat Wblakey for taa Xooey la tteQty. fine Clxara, QyatetmAaJ' CaU aad ae hlaa. Deefj SoiisegGsi JNO. C. BORNEMAN o XOETH KTJDS OT UXKSJOC irood and Tkirt atreesa.' ta; the ta bay ika very beat, ; . Mutton,:; .- a... . i - ,.-t v s . -ft 4 "X CCCfr . , .... , -.; . ! - r.lct end I Craa JOSS C tQZST21X. XS ;-tt 1 1 LLJtk : "! EC; JBJ-JA B ! i ' : CL0,TE1N;G Ctta ysai LTt. trra Ca C-Tzi ZzfCs waarac 23 la drnt Mr. Sprung with his shuVhtd TiBPIllVi ' llin WT' rodet6thesounanVfi V lKQIfllA AND .IHE CAROIIHAS. ; after spending an hour or'twolepar -wod Sri vJ !-- " v li U started " home;'and'; -onthirrntu,rp- "f :' '.'-Tfift the hp tomrfWeatenWM yX W Z?&?d ' ' ;-!jnmr. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE .0 AE30CIA! ED RAILWAYS ' 5 4.tt t : ' ( iUCUMOO.VANOVXllBZB iat, XSSI. iBicmiW-.Ciltra Eijtsitisa 'al From the Territory traversed or reached by . . . V the itaUways of -. THE ATLAFTIC COAST1' LIXK. SPe it t wi 8" f j j J l iff i i 1 . j. f rl, ! i t I i t . 00 . , t:t t 1 ! : : J i 5 J f ! ill I f I I I 1 I j W . c .. f : ' e - -T SS3S3S 1 mhu-mk; hwkhi -a o a . 5 . o lf : s - Z 2 . "S'fcT . ti , m - srtttiti 6 ait -1 Fff. tttttctl . a O : . 9T 'jr. . M wix 14 6 M Notc t via Wllmonilon & Weldon Itall- mma and co Oolumbla. . U " vrttmloaton, Colamtila . a Aurosta and Columbia. ? In eroapa aTb.-C. aod D. will fee only tU Uolambiak Columbia aad Ureanvllla aad lfa'Vamant Af all narllaa on matnet rlj AUaafa-and ChartolU AJr-IUna luilway viTiaioa, ana tieaeta wiu rrauaeordiDf ly. -. Taa itoand'Trla Tlekta'brla uaiuaJ. vba naad alncly. are of a peelflo eoniraei tom. VtMtt i TRAHHrKtWKO TO OTMKIM TnA.HoauatiiAi.rvacuAiiKtM,aadaaiborni uia raqauamana or imbuimuob or aaia op uoa or u uaiiway'e I To tha end of afford affordlnc Inercaacd bellU tlaa Sor vUltlnc ibe Eioltloa. tntraet Tlck4a.adaiHd to parUoa of ih atao karat a named, ara llkawtaa onerad. X rrabrim all tbe aUaalaUoaa of atnete Ueketa. with tae aoaiuoaai one, uta uy ara good iraaaponauon ao Auaaia only wbaa pffr aaatad oa Train a tn anaaarttan lUt all ernajM or raa arcrrrtc i lam tiikt aa- Losa to, as m tub raicm o via, Iloidcra ol tbaaa tleaata mi raiurn at . apan tbair iam aiaciy. wuaia ana panoa or valid tty, arovtdad laay ara tb odsiaal parrnaaara, aata ,Maury -taaoiaairaa aa ordtaaty. ad MUM lor ia ideatiocaiitm or par- . naaara ana lampinc . . . . . ... nf rn arawia iwwi aaa aaan cavaaiiaitad at I iu l aitMi lal la attaata. itwtilba opaa a aUnatae prior ia iba davartara of taa traiaa. Koaa of taa roadiuoaa of tbeaa lick t' a wtU baraaasad la aay nairt lavaauottoa of tba aptutaae fur rat oaal aaaaaat, ladctnt. aud ftnnd, mm of Uaaaltbatwaaa AtiaaiaabdlbetfMiaiUoa 1 tiroaada, aotaonaaa tba ara tbai ail naaaanta axiaa aoainaatiae to a piaaaaot aad acoaoaaWl vutt. for ail laawmauoa not anataSnad la lal circalar. apply to tb iMtMittmO, or Urn ibaatauoa Ataateaf ta Kail at ia laraat. . , Ai rvri:. TROCLAMATIONe SHERIFF HANGING! TAiiTiUaiiixirr.iiriiL hao taa baa daa ail ' Pap2r . Hanging etnaj la tba etata. I aave. OT an klara ae4,aa-Uik. Tba rreu'att ta ibeaaaraev . UPH0LSTER1HU . JLND crattiwwiia. taiha a,iarb CTarortE tXA&5 BUricaaar-v.; P etfl Wnra U asa M r.wt 8!838SSSSS8S , C r is s ? i a r'S - "1 ' 6.!- a r 3 ht SIh -te a aw -r Tva7a rra ; L 4k ..- . a .... M.iai r -:' S4a t.- a. I ay t !. " -!"J aw4 aw4 j:,, J f f m taraoa f -: - w - rx'iir-f,;." i '- I tU.trv i. kcxrd iU II an U C-l