1 LMINOTQN POST i -fiUefeTiTthe Fostojficc at Wtiming C. at Second Class Matter. ' , -jTiTESOF ADVERTISING. The Bubscription price to The Wil- Jo'nthsflOO. V r- Eight (I) Hnes, Nonpareil type, con itltute a square; - t. -' Fifty cents per line (or the first in lertios and twenty -fire cents per line (or each additional insertion. : AH advertisements will be charged 'd the above rates, except on special tontracts. ': :- i ' ' BUAKlZ.lTIO!f OF TUB HUUSB. , a special telegram from Washington inform us that Geo. Keifcr of Ohio, has been nominated for Speaker. He is tQ able man. Hon. Edward McPherson of Pennsylvania, served as Clerk of the ' House for maDj years, daring the con - roji of the Republicans before, and is known to; be one of the best posted parliamentarian in the United States, is well as the best politician. He is the present clerk off the Republican PoDgressional Committee, i tot. 3eo. W. Hooker, of Vermont, qui been a member of the legislature ipypral times, and. at this time is As listant Secretary of the National Com mittee. He js a young nun not over thirty, but is as bright as a star, and is one of the risiDg young I men .of the eoanlry. J- Col. W. P..) Brownlo w, the nominee 1 jjr Door, Keeper, is the son of the late i &nator Brownlow, oil Tennessee Mr. B: has been in the Treasury . Dcpart ' oieot for some time. .-! , '.'.J y ; aII ibe selections are splendid, and does' credit to the judgment of the" Re J publican members of the House. , ' ,i Aoti-Prhibition and anti-Bourbon jwnia lobe the war cry for 1882. - ? Tostmaster General James and wie were it the exhibition in Monday last. i Atlanta: on .Mr, Edgar M. Marble, who has held (ha position of Commission of Fat iais tf. Washington, has resigned And ixepted v a position on the Northern Ticific- railroad as fiO.OOO a year.: law cbmmissloner, ' t QUITE A (J TttlAL The assassin has been on the witness lUod for three days of the past week, committing all torts of conduot, lying, Ac.Mt is about time to stop the farce, called a trial: It looks as if it will go on until after Chrltmaa. , XUf anuual session of "the National Council will be held at rhiiadeipma. Ta., 0n the 14th of December. Hon. ' Jaa, H. Harris and W. P. Canada jure ' the 'representatives from North Garo- Una. i. General Jamea 3. Nig ley, of Pittaburg, Pa., isirmident, Thomaa G. Baer, of New York, and Samuel F. Grolnnef, of Pa., are the Secretaries. Secretary of the Treasury Fplger has appointed Frank Bperry as his private Nerttary, f place of ifr, E j. Bab cock, who has bttld the position of pri nts secretary io the Secretary of the Trtuury for the past seven years. Mr. Cabxock was at once appointed to an ether position la the Treasury Depart vest with the same pay, i. j The "Roanoke Ktvs, published at Wsldon. Halifax county, N. C., pub lished our editorial notice concerning Ma lloore, in which we recommended him as a suitable candidate for Saptri- wtoqrt Judge. The Awfsaysi 5 )t a Republican is to be elected wi M as soon see Mr. Moore occupying position as any other. He is very Popular in thts tfection and won d make jowd run . j - T'anja to the Chicago 'tcf f)cw Uts thai-preaidenl Arthur InUnda to vasuU the southern leaders as to who M shall eppolni as their reprtsentative ! (he Cabinet and that oae man from ata aitta will be selected for the pur f" of liriag the. rrtsldeat the desired tofcmaUon. How the committee U to lected no one knows, Cut it is 1 "'r vUhed that North Cnrolla properly represented. . j Tint AaaUunt rostmasUrGeneral v "Ailosj stems io be the rlsht man ia l tt fnftt place. He la makiag quite l7UUoe;.he has taken noli M if be , u he evidtnUy dots, wb&i U is ur, Ualton ia a newspaper 4 tu poatti u to the! dutise ftheeSce.no dU net have to bo f-acated np to it after hU oppclfttaent raWent Arthnt wUl btttt fidl U locj men as Hatloa v DestocraUo paper io tils city iUruIi to taU eTtry crlalaal ' h taouxU ip bcibro the court col W Thursdiy tz FrUiy Uat a J feai by ittst ol Utrrkk, o&4 were Ult4 fx rtttlvm aloleo .'tft9ts2 tita to txto Veta tt f u I Ui EXaccrxUe iSttcl K.trrtJ 4 as ccbrti. YTe serpen tio .. a'iU U c&t vtrj iped, tr lis HALIFAX, ELECTION FRAUD. The last election, in November 1880,1 the poll-holders, and other election of cere in the cbanty of Halifax so mrnip ulated ballot-boxes in that , county as to count in the Democratic offieers, notwithstanding the county is1 about 2,300 Republican majority. tThel par ties have been indicted, and are; now before Judge Bond, And if they should be convicted of the crime that there is not the slightest doubt that they, are guilty of, we hope Judge Bond will make an example of them that will cause tbe Bbackelfords, Boneys Lums- dens and others of like character, who t ommltUd the frauds in this district. at the last election, to open their eyes and see what they have escaped. Etery one of the crowd, including Mr. Shack elloid, should be in Albany peniten tial y to-day. ; ! I A. U. YanBOKKELKK.. j'. , Ou the 2d day of July last President Garfield was stricken down by an as sassin. There were no people in the country who showed greater grief and anxiety at the occurrence than the cit izens of this city, regardless of politics. On Monday, the 4th day of July, Mayor Smith called a meeting of the citizens to take ' suitable action. While this meeting was in progress, A. H. Van- Bokkelcn carue up Front street and when he scot in front of Messrs. Parker & Taylor's store, he found Messrs. J. H. Springer. John W . Perdue and Robert Scarborough in conversation with the above firm concerning the 'sad affair. Some one of thegentltman asked Mr. YauBokkelen if ne was not going up to the citizens' meeliojr. He said no Jthat be cared nothingr the stricken President, and in avery angry manner said . be cared more for the meanest man in this city than he did for Gar field. lAbout that time Mr. Scarborough got his "Irish up," and he went for Van- Bokkelen in a manner more forcible than elf gant. Those who were present and heard the conversation state that Mr,.YanBekklen's language was rery insulting and abusive of tthe wounded President, and thaf Mr. Scarbourgh deserved great credit for resenting it, and that VanBokkleu cot himself 'out of that crowd as quick as his- legs woqld parry him... , ; ' , " . . What do our merchants think oi having President of the Chamber of Commerce who has in a manner ap plauded the act of Guiteau in asginat ing the President of the United Staves. Tnis is not a party question, but on that disgraces every person in thia city on account cf the position the man oc cupies. " , ; , - j The colored question is troubling oar Presbvterian friends considerably: terr -r r r likely it will be decide4 in, fovqr p the colored people, Qur valued contem porary, the North Carolina rresbyterian, ' Quite a commetion ia caused hi the recent action of some of our Church Courts, on the question which hss arisen with respect Qf the statOs of colored Ministers in our Ghurch. "A concrete case has Arisen, and ! as briefly aa possible we will state it: Some time ago Samuel Park, colored, was amy oraainea ana enrolled as a member of Memphis Presbytery. Since then he has regulejly reported to Pres bytery and Ulen part fn its proceed ings. On one occasion his presence as a 2rtbyfer was necessary to constitute a qaoram; his name on the roll was held to entitle the Presbitery to addi tional representation in the Assembly, and this representation because of hu enrollment it received. ' ' m 1- isome months ago, alter the above, a very important snattet betas; under dis cussion the righof the oolored Pres byter to rote was questioned. The Presbytery decided against his right to vote. Ibe minority appealed to Synod and that body decided that the follow log view, we copy uom on exchange, is correct: That no Presbytery could ordain on the authority of a recommen daiion from the Assembly; that the only authority to ordain vb& is laid down In the OonsUtuUon of ih Qhnrcb; and that whenever a Presbytery sol emnly laid its hands upon a man. or daining hint to the ministry, they then and there rave hiss full Minority to bo at Presby ter and that if In any inch caso be, or any one else for hiaa, should demand bis right to vote, there was' no coosUtntSoeaf way of lorilddiOg'hiai to do so." - i; The ease secaa vtry dear to ua . The AsMmhrr cannot make law? it cannot add one jot or UUe to the Conatllation or the tAurtft or taxo so io isere ExtraTaranco of the pecple 01 tlb community ia what caxca uea poor. A sxrson mKk an taccssj of CIS or t39 pot month. wUl surport a cook, i vrssh woraia and hooacsu! J, is! t&st el the cases a nam about tlree etmats. These scrvasU taut U f&l and (aU; U H that tie grocery iH!a Lave to go onpoU, the domains for the ksaXtr is sol pail fr. Then xtrntscto ts coast frdHsxts la tIion of omr ttry bm csrdusta. II tLo szaa raU get Urxklut, fcty bcA wcU U LcJ- ttWr and Uur." 'rllllL t ... mhmsbsssisbbbsssssjbsbbbbbbwssb4B's)ss1b ' DEATH OF L. . EICE,' ESQ. The sad intelligence has been re ceived by bis brother, Mr. Warren E. Rice, 'that L. . Rice, Esq., died this forenoon at Wilmington North Caro lina, Of phthiais. ; The deceased was well and favorably known here, and the announcement of his death will cause pain to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. For nearly four years he had been afflicted with a throat trouble, and not long since visited this section for the purpose ol consulting physicians in the hope that he might obfaW relief. r He returned to Wil mington apparently somewhat relieved, but the disease developed into phthisis and death followed. ""The deceased was born in Framing- ham, Mass., and was forty-five years oi age. He received a liberal education in the schools of his native place -and at Westminster academy.' In early life he engaged in the dry goods business at Einura, N. Y., and came to Law rence about 26 years ago, associating bimself with his father in the manufac ture of bedsteads and the job turning business. He was clerk of the common council! in I860, 1861 and 1862, also auditor of accounts the two latter years, both of which positions he filled very acceptably. " In 1863 he left Lawrence to assume the position of paymaster in the navy, and during the rebellion was assigned to the receiving ship, Massa- chusettSp engaged in furnishing supplies to the north and south Atlantic and gulf squadron. After serving his con nection with the navy he returned , to Lawrence remaining here, however, but a shorjjjme, wTien he went to Wil mington, and at his death held the po sition of special deputy collector of customs at that place. I He leaves a wife and one bod;; the latter is now aslud$nt at the Institute of Technology at Boston. The remains will be forwarded to this city for inter ment ' r ' : i The deceased heldl and merited the respect of all with whom he was ac quainted. : He was a genial companion, a true friend, and as a man the very soul of honor. Lawrence Daily Amer ican Enfield, N. C.i Nov. 29, 1881. tit the Editor of the Wilmington Tost: been seen in your paper from this coun ty, that the wrltter thought it would not bo out of the way 'to state a few facts which I think will be of interest tO the reading publie. The election frauds of Halifax coun y will be tried this week, and some 80 witnesses have been summond to Ral eigh to give evidence in regard to the frauds. I t iqay be weir just here to- mention some of the facts. In Can- donla ! township : they prevented j 250 TOters from Toting by unnecessarly challenging legal TOters. In Palmyra township tbe Registration book was stolen, which prevented about 400 Re publicans ana about 80 Democrats from toting, and in Weldon township, one Of the men that is indicted was seeo "with a siring around one of the ballot-boxes tied to his leg, and he was backing out of the room with : it when stopped by a young man by the name of James Smith.. In this same town ship, s in reading out the tickets, they called the Republican ticket Democrat ic, to the amount of about 230, or more. Nay more,! in Enfield township, one Bryant ! a Democratic poll-holder. changed the Legislature, which had a Republican majority of about four hun dred1 and placed another stuffed with Democratic votes. In Little township they prevented about 50 from roting by challenging, and after committing all of these frauds at the different Toting precincts, it was seen when the canvassing ( board met that the Repub lican Senator and Representatives were elected; then the only way for them to defeat the Republicans was to count out Halifax precinct, which had gone RepoUloan by about 650 majority; so they counted it our, and . mat gave the Democratic candidates 5i majority. And this is the way they carried Hall fax county la the last election. Now, I ask, la the name of common sense and e wton justice, how long is this to last? I hope the day is not fix distant when the good people of North Carolina will rtae p U their might and majesty and vote the party that In dorse sac frauds ottt of existence. Kespectfilly yonra, - t Esrxxxxs. P. S. Two of the lata that art re ia dieted karo beeas allowed to escape, be cause they were wot arrested as the time the true blU was found. Oar oScen ahosti bo snore Ctlihf 1 to the perform ance of tlatrdaty. ' ;; IX . Galxm ahonU bo bang, taox U kow kt-i tt If fct m'Ci oot bo lasatd rsUty, The tssano dsde le bavirf Us eToct en the.ccostry. ' ThoS.arct Cfcort kxs been U SPECIAL TEIdCGRAM TO TflK ' , 5 . post. , - ; isHiKGTO,,.Dj,C., Dec 3,188i ; ; At a caucus to-day of the Repnbliean members of the . House of Jtepresenta- tives, Hon. J. W. Kelfer, of Ohio, vai nominated :j9peake: Hoawlrd, Mcpherson, of Pennsylvania' Clerk, OoU Geo. - W. Hooker, of, .Vermimt, Sergeant at Arms Col, W. P.I(Browni low. of Tennessee.' Door Keeper, i The caucus wa perfectly harmonious. ; i PH GOLD AWD fJlLTKB";" The mint operations for tbe past year makes a splendid showing for the Easi ness of the country. The Director of the mint, in his annual report sHws that the toUl amottnibf gold aaa ver t anion received and worked by the mint and assay offices was $226,225,522, Of this sum, 1 19371,10i was goldand $32,854,421 was sUter; a sixm of $50,- 000,000 more than the previous year. And $95,000,000 of the imonnt wax foreign gold. The report says that "the settlements at the close of the year cov ered transactions and actual ' transfers between the superintendent and opera tive officers of gold and silver bullion to the value of over six million dollars. While bullion and funds amounting to over one hundred and : twenty-eight million dollars were examined, weighed and counted.,i, We are not surprised that our country,,witb such a showing should be the happiest on top ot, the. ground.': : ";.'.;f iu:. i.s."---'- OIT y ITEMS; 1 Superior Court con vines to-morrow in this city. " ':' Mr. A. Porter, of Cumberland county, paid us a flying visit on Thursday. v. Messrs. Hart, Baily & Co., are pre pared to perform all kinds of pluming; Ex-Senator Roes, of Brunswick county, was in the city on Thursdsy last. y rr.fyb:ih ip'J:' John Anderson, a stevedore, had his foot badly hurt on Monday last, while stowing a vessel, j L. ' : ; Col. John J. Hedrick 5 appears1 as a candidate to aell goods, corner! Front and Market streets. ,lr- . John W. WkiiMiin,. T5i . been very sick, has so far recovered as to be out on the streetsi. 1 ?i : v s : Timber is being brought to this marv kt, to the great delight of the . mill men. Brine it along, it is valnable at this time. L .; 'r-t.;i- The steamboats- are again making their regular tripa qp. tke Capo Fear river to $ayeilevilie, loaded' with freight both ways. 1 ' "! Every man should read the opinion of Col. McRae published on - Second page, concerning the r'gb.U of the col ored citizens to set On juries, and to be otherwise treated before the courts as citizens. " ' . ' . .. ; . Calton Sessoms, of Sampson county, was in the city on Tuesday last.' Mr. Sessoms ia enjoying better .health than ho has for years before. He paid quite a flying trip to his friends here, and re : turned to Sampson county to look after blue-berries. Wo hope ho will be able to spare time to call down again soon. Colonel L. E. Rice wax a desoendant of one of the oldest settlers cf the Cape Fear river; Mr. Henry Nutt says that one of Colonel Rice's ancestry, a man by the name of Rice, of Massachusetts, owned all that large , tract of land on the Cape Fear river below Town Creek, and sold It a great many years ago to a Mr. Cowan, the great grand father of CoU Robert Cowan.' ' : . CapL E. J. Peonypackert Prident of the Champion Coarwte and Ware honse Company Is beviag a Urge and commodious gmaao warehouse erected on the west side oi the Capo Fear river. It wOl bo the largest baikliog of the kind la the city, 'j We learn from Capt. P. that he exiects an Increased boai- nesa in the guano trade this winter and tpring. i-i t,-- TheWllmiDgtMSWeUoa,sthe Wilmington, Colosabia and Aegaata Railroad Companies, we are infonaed, will erect extenalvo wartheoses on their wharres U this dry wIlUn the next six snonthand we farther vnderstand that they r repose to boild new machine sho in place of the oU,'rickef y shin ties they now nso as each. We are (Ud to hear soda good stew. ." : of Deeds Iseawl ssmtk'lkcssevj to the tUlowIss rartUa topsstwedt: Ur, Joah. Esse asi XHsa An- IXr. LL Jacsba asi Ills Ur. Jasea 7Ssoa sod ilia' Z"izj ; Dxxps ahd Mobtgages. The fol lowing deeds and mortgages have been probated the past week by the proper officers: ' - . , . t Thos. Nixon, mortgage to L. Vollers. A A. C. Craft and others, deed to Lucy Craft. -i i i -i-i i. i--i.s- - A t . j ail Stedman and others, deed to A.: J, Mott. Rosenthal,! deed of trust to J. I. Macks. i ' Jos. E. Satiapson and wife, mertgsge to Ll-Vollers.' r ; W. N.'Holt and wife, deed to . Wil liam Blanks. : i T. A. Davis, mortgage io S. H. Man- Sing. : :. r ..: - It - r '. J. E. Sampson, Commissioner deed to S. lTdsQn. - ; W. H. Gerten and wife, deed to M. E. Canaday. . David Bass, mortgage to A. C. Wes- sell. - . , , J. Kiog and wife, deed to Aaron' Davis. . i j L. A. Hart and wife, deed to A. C. Hart , f. -.-i ,S. H. Manning, deed to Thos. M. Uardoer. i v i ; ;W H. Hanby and wife, mortgage to Laura Fishblate. i h IP. Cummings and wife, deed to W. A. Cummings. ; ; I i iW. A. wimmiogs and wife, deed to Jno. T. Bland. I Cbimikai. Coubt. -x ne ' following are tbe case of importance tried during tbe past term : : i - . " State vs Alex. Sauls, i A & B, guilty, judgment suspended on payment ,of COStS. ... i I - !'. J;,- '. . State vs Wml Pickney and William Smith, A S B. Judgment suspended until next court. y State ys J. T. Edenst abstracting streets. 'Continued. i : State ys Oicar Jones, ! carrying con cealed weapons, guilty. Judgment sus pended on payment of cost. State vs WUliam Pickney, A & B, guilty.. Judgment suspended on pay ment Ot COStS, ! ; 1 vi J r State vs Eliaa Berden, peace warrant. Net guilty. . i Staters Wm; Pickneyi A & B.Con tinued. ... -.fr State ys Florence Mofrisa, nusiance. Continued, i' i btaie ys uaviea lirownpeace war rant.; Judgment nisi. ! r State vs Mack Culbretb, L & li. De fendant submits: ' v I : State vs Mack; Culbretb, false pre tense. Defendant submits. ' State vs Thos. Farrell, A & B. Not guilty,", ; , li. State vs Beverly Scotr, peace warrant, Sttb Vs Lew is Jackson, L & R. Not 5 State vs John Ferris, A B. Not Pilty.: ' . i ; State vs Charles Anderson, A & B. Defendant submits, i i State vs Primus , DeLeoo, L & R. continued. - r i1 - State vs Wm. Phinncy, perjury, guilty Six years in penitentiary. State vs Ueveriy RcottJ peace war rant, guilty. I State ys David ; Brown,- peace war rant, guilty, i ' State vs John; Solomon, L & R., State vs John M. Gorden and Wm. T. Oordeu, infariug without license. Continued. - I " " Stale vs Wm. Price. I & R., gailty. Sute ts Thomia WescotW larceny, guilty. t State ys Pat Sullivan, carrying con- coaled weapon, i Defendant submits. State ts Albert W. Herrinc and Mary Ray, L & It Ouiliy as to Mary Ray, and not guilty as to Herring. State TS Amanda ; Turmar. peijury. SUte vs Ann Dvb, L & E gnUty" - State ti Iliraru i MrrriU and Sarah Uerritt, L St R., not gui'ij; SUte ts John Deal and Chas. Wil- Uanssy forgery, srulUy. i f; State ys Davtd Brown, A &'B';'gatt- ButeTs Charles WilUamV larceny Csntinued. ' 1 :- ' !' . l- State T W. L. SmiUi, el. l , aaai- aect. ConUnned.f-.1-::. 'T!---:'t , ! v! j Tho Reyenoo CttUer Colfax has been Ihorouhlr'overnaiiied and pieced la first class condition for winter crnkisg, nadet the nperviaioa of Caps. Oahriei aoabcr comazdlagccrr. The Col Ux is one ef tie vtry best steasners in too ecrvkev The const fros Georgw tewav&CL,to Body lafaavl, X Cis and Uk Tory excalkal Ttaetl are boOi cxal to the taak. We are ev the c?ia ka Cist the sM cvmU abU bUsw tisdatlxa rrrjcttcfrtfftsn'rraxj X rxUrcshl Is Jaclscasva ia am tSiaj ca wxlti If r recrla caa mrlt wxlt c?ua & of toy to tlctlrts as4 tlt dry. i Rey. F. W. E. Pescbia has , arrfyed from Nashville, Tenn., and will ocenpy the pulpit of StPanTa (Lutheran) Church to-day, and may assume Pas toral charge, made vacant by the resig nation of Rey. Dr. Bersheim. Seryices will bo in English in" tie 'morning, 'and in German at nJght;iift;,'r ; . ' i , : -' -'.:' ts- .-.u r 1 A railroad from Point Caswell to Clinton wiil benefit tbe 'country thro which it passes, aa yrdl aa rery greatly benefit . Clinton;! Point Caswell and Wilmington. Capt Richard Paddiaon, of Point Caswell, is moving very ener getically to raise the i stock, and we wish him success. If our merchanU really desire to aid In an enterprise that will benefit Wilmington, they should sub scribe towara the constracUottoTXae road.' h "Q .''M'-.i'i'.: The Carolina Central will sell return tickets; to the Carolina Agricultural Fair at Wadesboroon the 20th, 21st and 22d of December, at the' following re duced rates: . . V,v -f Froin -Wilmington, $i00; Clarkton, 3.60; ! Abbottsburg, 8.60; Biadenboro, 3.00; Lumberton, 2.70f Moss Neck 2.40; Red Banks, 2.00; 8b o Heel, 1.80; Lau rinhurg, 1.60. ; ' . -1 -j;, From Laurel Hill, $10; Old Hun dred, 1.25; Sand Hill, 1.00; Rocking ham, 1.00; Pee Dee, 80; XUesyaie, 65; Wadesboro, 25; Polkton, 40; Beaver Dami 75. i; iv.;-.;'.- From jHouroe, $1.10; MalthewaVl.66; Charlotte, 2.00; Tnckaseege, 25; Bre vard, 3.00; Iron, 8.00; Lincolnton, 3.00; Cherry viUe, 8.00; Shelby, 3.00. No half price tickets sold. Articles intended for. exhibition at the Fair will be transported to Wades boro at the regular rates, and if re turned to original shipper, will be transported free and first; charges re funded. . - , ; J - The exhibition bids fair to be a grand success. J', . '.'- Col. O. H. Dockery and others i will deliver addresses on the . 21st of De cember, i . . .. ,i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3B-TDT1T33BLSI pERS0N3 BUYING DRY GODS FOR CASH will get all tbe advanUf es they are entitled to, in, baying from me, as I do ba- Inesa EXCLUS1NKLX f OR CASH, both ii I : x wi )-- '-'''";. buying and Belling. .. .i ,: , i- "-.'j.- - : ' r I invite your tteotloa to taj 8Upl Block i j of .i .. . - LIKEN TABLE GOODS, TikTksixr piiit.17 rrrvPTra " I-NAPKINS, DOYLE3. ETC. I keep the best and cheapest stock of - towels: : Ladies and Gents' ' Linen ; Cambric Handkerchiefs, ; Handsome Embroidered and Honrs iig Handkerchiefs. NECK TIES FOB LADIES, in every style, j. j- -4 a j SPANISH LACE TIES and FICHUS, black and white. SILKPOCKETHANDKEECHIEF3, from 15 cents to fl 00. ' THE BEST GO cent COBSET IN THE f ..t--j j CITY. - r-A:yy THE BEST fl 00 CUE3ET EVEK ' SOLD. .. . , ; SEETINO, SHIETINO and ' I j COLORED HOMESPUN All kinds of Ooods fbr - -' - 1' ' I ' -: . -r-i- y - S X - r.len and Doyo' -Wear. The celebrated North Carolina Cscsi- mcrcs and itcrcsyo Sold by bm snrpassea any other Goods lac oorabUityaad ecooosiy U Is ahaosl iaam possible to M4 seffly tiMjusaaM .; Tkndm!rfUMirerr mutt mi nttll Jna J. mem, llskt sSreet, dee 4 Ixa aereaora. rrarr: --rn cu rrix , xrsr . uao aas rr-rn cmu Lrm mm C 4 sVC j-a, jmimstsmm -T If t--m0 K OiOint Kmimnf Swm li.- f Sn ftm tt f I'mW iwfkm&Mt, mm JT tta mt li I :m, m m mmmm-t 4 mi mm t4 mr m1 fTVa-T W UM U tm sy- t mm 1 ':jtt )mrf k 4 mS t X m " - ii saw -:ae tr it r. - 1 u its fisjn -' . f . it K- V If A, i , . - i " it - NEW AV VJUC2ZSE2IENTS. , NOTICE. riTfcLK HEGUND BAl.l. tTlB TUB Bf & SAW . . K. otP will t&ke p1ac i.TienkTu'I fTan.ll Ann bNms mr-. nr. j . lng.iharthinat. All German and KnlehU ' oitfdUUylnylted. . - JKa HAA.K. Jk , deo 4-U ,.;-..i.,v,. dim. Com. ... JHK TJ2TDEBSIQWED haying engaged a eonipetent nd experienced PLUMBER, 1 flxft the Norlbi lcif to noil tho public that they will hereafter combine with 'their present Iron and copper Work the bnsl PLUMBING AND OAS FITTING p7 doing riEST CLASST WORK at reason. Aio pww uey copo to merit mar order their c us to mrs may leaye with them. v . dee l-im , ..." HART, BAILY CO. ' jSOHUTTE'S CAPE, : NO. 5 GRANITE ROW, FRONT vj .. - street. ; X HAVE JU8T OPENED MY FASHlOy. RG8TAURANT. ' I am prepared to take boarders by th DAY, ' 1 , . -t;-J -'W-EEar.and ' ' l' 1 1 1 . . MONTH, FIrctClasG Acommocla ; tions for Ladies. The Terybeat will be roralshed that can be . porchaaed In tblo or the , NORTHERN MARIIXTTS. " Liquors, Wines, &c., j w ' Will be ol ' ! SUPERIOR QUALITY. ' :. The City ef Wilmington haa long needed 'Flntaaaaand; v... 'Fashionable Oafo' " 1 . pon ' ' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, And it la my purpose to aapply this want. Heals famished at all hours of the Day, aadtjplo 12 o'clock . . at Night.. ' , Conducted on the EUUOPEAN STYLE. - ' F, A. SCHUTTE, noyemberso-tf' " 'lrtnr. .jOoal and Wood! GRATE, STOVE r AND CDEST 'NUT SIZES- ; Best Qaiditj BED and WHITE ASH. WOOD, Air m lJ'-ASH,; ;V---.f:: t . 7 LIGHTWOO&c., Verjr low; Sawed for Stores or in long sticks, bj J. A. BmiNGER. 'nor 20-lm LOOK iKE! D0NT SPEND A DOLLAR FOR CLOTHING Until yon bare seen the Great JSargmMt we are offering In " v DRYGObDt Onr entire stock at Lovtr IYkr$ tktn tyort. to make roam for Fail Gfs . ..... BoL. LEAR L EROd. ft! Clircrfra Vto crb Cera j Grvra xoncx that Vr in tunny So mrttt fpliaMMa tar aiii mm aa mm bad. mmi ntltmiiiM mmmx mm Ma at tbtprtal4aroS. . 1 Jmmtmmt sjwMta. grmai mvmmt, trom $ u it a. M. tai iwir.n.1 mmMMiMVM mm it la tar&cr ia WMrti Ux rinUrti at CLOCG OALOOfJ! Vf;iil'0 tVaOrtct Cta ;; i 6 Qxrt. tot mooowax wnirroiui u nest yxuxtj tat lSe UaaryiatfcaCUr. rrrsn,C7yura4, ca3aa4stUsa C::f, Sauscjcs. JKO.-C. UORNEMAN q mini urs or vlllxjx w taa P.imt aa4 Tail mum fte tS-a SMaaa ta mj taw t . ; ! tw.f i . -;'TnSam tmaM fesrfr.iasyi te' lit ptt rtts a CiiV .. ; i ....... 3w. i tnt4 :.' ' t' '