v trss. Av .A. MM V Y J - 'a . 'si !" - '1 , mm- Y rt i r nSYA' . , m rrtSTrtV7 II-- i I hi vVir.MlTOPOST 'iiilHheVolce at Witming ha AVl't a Second Class Matter . L'lZENS OK 1 : ;4 rii2'P':1 OOUNlx - fcUBCm: Tender County, N. ; k J "January 21st, 1882, jf jj,cri W ill be a convention of the colored citizena of render county at .v jjUtf, Ht It o'clock a. m. on the 11th ' (jy of February next, for'the purpose V jf taking stcj'S . jyi kipg to the enforc-'V- mj-ut of tbe rights of the colored citi hi the cf,urt.. The colored citi--t'a ' f l'l? various townships will pleaite It 1 I meetings on Ihe 4ih day of ifcruarjr, at 1- m. tot tne purpose ol I feeling delegates to said convention. - Alfred Lloyd, . G. W. CARtt, ' ; y. SJcIjktibe, J. 11. McClksU. . f airjTove ot Hij above call. . rv A. V. rloREEU (Thai r man Hep. Com lUorj&tfierul Hancock ha been in WiVninon far a few days. , .'I ''"''' -I.'. ' ' iir '' ' p - ' ; Vfhe National Board of llealth has beftj id j-CiHion ; for the past, week at tviilartl'H Hotel, in Washington., j j Vjcc President Davis has introduced; "t till in the "Senate -"to retire Judge liiijt of tbe if.. S. Supreme Court. ., . i- Mr, L. G. Martin ha been appoint . j supervising special agent of the U. & Treasury J)eparimect, ' in. place of Mr. A. K. Tinglo, relieved. , 4sKrra'l!i funding bill aeerm,to give ilie&n'ocrats great trouble.- Sherman -'j'. much: ?for the Democratic party, and ija been for year!. - : The Star Jioute cases are being tried in Washington., - Attorney-General lirt sifter lias taken liold of the cases titli an earnetitncss that : means trouble -v. F i tai" ' '' ? ' ' 1 ' . rCiiiiicauld case will probable bo subv , miuci ti lte juty by Thi-rsday next. lt.:Vrte.r,; fo.rltho proseeulion' will. ' tiaJ u? tlio argumout, and then ill Judc will charge the jury, when -'. )stj will lelire and bring iu a verdict v','i(gunty,ii is to belioped. ' Albert, II. Dowel), Ecj., has just , WminVnccd "ihc iniClic'Rlion, in 1U1 -. cigbr. C.tof an independent, political ytr;- -Ve have heard considerable of Wyveiident papers, Uhey d.o not as a jcBCra! thing last very long, but we '. horctlm ivill be an exception to the 1 iuie.s We wish Mr. Dow.ell ruccess in, 1! fulerprisc. !- Tie leading cojdrcd titizeus of Pen iit ouaty have very properly taken V tol4 of tie; .master of enforcing their j iii tlioctu)rt!rar.d have called a MUtJy conveRtion to be held ou tbe : illtViif Fcbriikry next, at Uurgaw, N. Web ope all the townships will look ibtt this Biatttr at once, and Mr, Hor- ftlr, cbai rmau of ttu Republican Coai' lite, ivill ap prore of the call llor- ftll ig t-ways on the right aid.; I .'v-i-v..:, . ; 1 ''t'S-? '- ' :-'.K Utciy rsoa, eq , tbo roinaunger tne river aud Larb;r imprOwmenU, lu finally tnoved his headquarters to r thU ;!ty. -We t oppose 'bia tupc rior Scf t done thi j for the purpose of It more pie Uaht for bim. Vcl i L'tdry will alKo lcnar s? manner tciulucting goTer::ment fltr, AS Mnisbasiof rVratioqs,lo may be i W((at a long time of faithful enkfj tullive the bad conduct be rMpjiItycf at Smith ville; ) '.- QiUKrKi!ieCs. purcbasird a 'ft ! of Utribor Imd 'up 6u lb i tr 'f atral iiv;iroadaadj has eataV large siiw reil pear that d we, iearo u iuaiufActnrir5 1 fpUly. ' lie U f Voaoi ct ncteiingly grcll cbcrgj, ani jks a fortune vraere many men If we liad roor KiJ. - ortSr Carolina would be prosper 'fWhea inbsi f of our people turn k J lA Uki their second nap, he baa MiridiTi' trwk, It is the mXk M trttud to V cwo buiinesi who Of tbe money. The nuri who does tH ttpuatU the Ireakfut bell ring H.t bslni,: and our citr 4 ;4 11 wuofthciu. If we could trde Y: bttodred thousands of tbem & J kondrtd joung, cUVelrUio j uisir.GU. Kidded re would iv taJ aa cxc!,tnt practice M taw aaei jreat opportuaitica for ! 01 olerrah that he quit aa J purcaajei Un4 ia , Cutjltaa aaii Is now makisr ; 7 4 BWof j. I place of a:cuai tbe cilf, pickles up ; tt t i workia torn 5 o'clock ' zmltz uaUl T o'ciocV t it uL ; ( tile, aeirty, waoiy jeole, anl "S a fartuae. Gc4 will blc :i u Aleck. Llw aul Gil t 4T tate worlb Hiioj in. And n. tkia cubject we wuh to par- RwoUoft the TOttDS Military Order, Loyal Leirura United f'S-h: ' Ktates . Heauqua btem. CommaSdery, ; . . State of New Yobk. f 'ew York, January 5, 1S82. ; At a stated meeting of this Com mindery held at DelmoatcoV, corner of Fifth avenue ana Twenty -aixtb street, on Wednesday evening, January 4th, 1882, the .lollowing Report of. a com mitter appointed to draft reeoluliona relative to the death of Companion Abbott, was adop.ed: '.' ,: ' kepoitt, . : :i Brtret lirigalter Ganeral Joseph C. Abbdft, laie Colonel 7tb New Uampi sbire Volunteers, and ex-United States Senator Irom North' Carolina died at Wilmiogloo, N. C., October 8lb, 1881, .in the fift yVseventb i year of his age. . His natno wms among the first en rolled upoa the Hat of membership of this Order. . He was born at t.'oncord, N. H., JuIy.lOtbf J825, and having studied law, was called to lh. bar in 4852. From 1852 to 1857 be owned and edited the ' Mack(tter Xjuardhmi He was Quartermaster General of the state of New Hampshire from 1855 to 1861, and in the latter year raised a regiment of volunteers for the war, in which he served jiss Lieutenant Colonel. La 1863, he waVrwde Colonel. In 1.865 be was brevettid; a Brigadier General for gal lant services in the capture of Fort Fisher.; After the war of the rebellion he beciune a citizen of North Carolina, and :eiig' gcd in tbe lumber business in that stat. lie was a delegate Ito the state Constitutional convention in 1S67, and war. flnfed to the state legislature in 1863, and in the tame year was elected ii Senator iu the Congress of the United States f r the term" ending 1S71. He seryed on the committees of Manufac tur?., Military Affairs, the Pacific Rail- roaJ and Enrolled Bill?. This cbrvalric soldier, accomplished gentleman, man off letters, genenial companion and generous friend,not only unsheathed bis sword in defence of his country, but also rendered important service in her councils." - . .;'."' " j The Companions of this Order cher ish the memory of the high distinction and unfaltering patriotism which char acterised the life of General Joseph C. Abb t t. and tender their warmest sym pathies to bis family, and desire that this tribute of respect be inscribed npon the records and be published in the usual manner. Fenby C. Lock wood, Brevet Major U. S. Vol. ; William H. Guieb, , Brevet Brig. Gen. il. S. A. .' GeoKOE SEWELL, I Chief Engineer U. St Navy. ' ; Committee. By order of Major-General Henry Wi Sio3um, V. 8. ol.. Commander, p V Charles a. Cabletoxt, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. Vol., ' . " Recorder. . GoXdsboro, N. O... Jan. 20, 1882. To Tiir. RnrTOR of TuM r6sT: Will you allow a colored citizen of North Carolina enoub space in your paper for the following. Wt lle we aee leading papers question de in your paper and other In tbe t ate the acboo cussed so ably in reference to text boot. Ac., weure notihincr, said in re gard to teachers and their Ealaiy, and j upon tbla subject we would like to upeakv, After deciding what text books should bo used, our econd thought ought to be about teachers. We must hate god teachers, and bow is it to be broi eh, about. Why by having an cdVat?d school Board or school com mittee as they are called la some states. If we hve first'clasa teachers at home they should by all means! bo employed, and the school committee ought to aee that they are employed. They apend their money with us, help our business, i and it ia right that tbey should be em- ployed. -: But If good teacbert cannot be Jbund at home, why then it ia the duty of the committee to find them elsewhere. But for a Board to employ third trade teacbera (which is next to no teacherj and. place them into school, more esiecially high or graded tchoola, merely because they are friends or rela tives of that Board, it la wrong and I protest against it. Yet it ia done, and no one who U Tcracd ia achool aCaira can deny i.u I aay, Mr. Editor, the Ttry idea of emplojlng; third, grade teachers, I heard an examinee aay once that If he had hla way that bp third grade ctrUCcatea ahould begtTtn, that a ptraoa had bo uataesa tcachisg that held inch a cetUScate." I aotkt that in aomt atatea in tbe aouth thai tome cf cur colored joutba wUh to btcose teachers too toon, by the time they can read ia the Third or Fourth Reader they tbla thej can teach. . Well, it it true they ctht proUhly teach a child hta A B CX feu crta ia tit primary iartAiesUt tttli a tl aJ tattl- iieat teacher, t wha kaowa a!l ahoat tie rsrcaUca cf Mttra, Ac I hata knewa ttrscn to PtlrtU tiTirctd U WILMINGTON, NORTH the 'formation of letters- and worcs, and Ithia a person ahonid be before trying to teach the JilUe minds. And; now, what harm ia done to this kind of a teacher? Why, after' he gets his third grade certificate he goes to teaching; his or her. school days are ended; they know' all that is to be learned, and that certificate, they seem to think, is their diploma; It is a great injury to our schools,' and not only to schools', but to the achool committee who employ such teachers. It looks as if they had failed to do their duty, or as if they , were incapable of judging what qualifications a teacher should have to teach a' school. In some few instances we hare school boards ap pointed, some of whom cannot write and Others can read very little. Now, Mr. Editor, whose fault is it that such men -get these appointments? Why, those who appoint the school commit tee. It is their duty to get educated men, men of intelligence, who are ca pable of visiting our schools and find ing out whether the teacher is improv ing his scholars or not, or whether he has good government, &c And thirdly, if we have good teach ers fhey ought to have good pay; for teaching, if well done, is very labori ous work. A good teacher, well paid, will do more' good than a dozen of these would-be cheap teachers. While pass ing through Goldsboro the other day, I learned that there were two graded schools carried on, one white and the other colored. On inquiry I 'found that the whites were progressing finely, that their object had been to get the very best teachers they could, (in these graded schools the Principal examines' his ' teachers, so of course, he knows just what kind of teachers he has em ployed) jtnd everything works smooth ly.1 But in the colored school they had not been so particular about selecting their teacher, they had a few first grade and a few third , grRde teachers, and that no examination had been made by the Principal, so, of course, he did! not know whether his third grade teachers were capable of teaching . or not, I asked, how comes this-? and was-' told that if the third grade teachers were examined they would not pass, and that would necessarily throw them out, and that the school committee were deter mined to keep to them in, as some were friends and relatives of that com mittee. I therefore determined to write on this subject as soon as I reached my destination. . I aay that it is a shame to have such frauds put upon the peo ple, and it ought to be looked into. Respectfully,', C O. M. Ma. Editor: Recently havinx occa sion, to go on a somewhat extended trip into the country, I was compelled by stress of weather to stop at a cabin for twenty-four hours, where the means of passing time agreeably were of a limi ted kind. A tattered testament in the smallest type, and a last year's medical almanac were the only things of a book description. As the batchelor who oc cupied tbe log shanty was a considera ble producer of turpentine he took a weekly newspaper , for the market re ports. I rummaged around and soon found two or three entire copies of Mr. Bernard's weekly Efar. Come, said I to myself, I will read the editorials of the nar. Of course, while at home, I do as every other person in the city does, look -at the new advertisements, glance at tbe locals, read the telegraph ic news, but carefully avoid the editor rials, which it is known Mr. K writes. I, however, am omnivorous in my read ing, being able to devour ant thing from Hegel to a dime' novel, buckled to the big-typed stuff, and actually read all of it in three papers. As Traddlea aaya, though, it was ai pulL Gratiano's infi nite deal of nothing; his two grains of wheat In two bushels of chaftV Fal atafTa one half penny worth of bread to fiis intolerable deal of sack were the only things to which the aaid atnff coald be compared. ' Such platitudes! (that word must have been intended for the writer;) such a flux of words, and auch a constipation of idea-! I . no longer wondered that daring the past four years twojei Mr. Bernard's printers had become imbecile, one had died of soft ening of the Lraiu, and three had run away. by, Mr. Editor, la one of the pa pen there were fourteen, ia another aixtcea and the other seventeen of the things called editorials. . How coaapoa itcra cau eedcre it ia hard to under stand. - ;'.. ':'--' Cat he caa aay tcnethiag which rou?t9 other fcclinga than ccntempt.-- For exampit ia the weekly iama dated January Sth, he taya thai to mtcre lo cal eelf-govercaeat to the eastera coa tiea would be immoral and ialaisoaa. What dd jctt thlak ei the head at heart whkh coali wtIu each a eeaUaceT V: a A mrJa the Car rives aa acoxtst cf a pUca la Oitthna caaaty, kacwaaj tie DiTil'sTrarp- i Ir; grcaad. If it rray b a firsrUa GAROEINAf SUNDAYS JAN. 22. 1882. rehieteWjest then we respeclfulli andsei in future ail Democratic Conventions be held oa Ihe favored snot; as he can on euch such ecfcaiiona ' itV bis peers. friends and many of his indentured ap prentices athmenpamnTil denLmight open a Tar1 and" baUd a railroad to tfce new D'mocraac beid quarters; :;11VV These persona who have riven me their names as subscribers for the Post. will please send the money jit oneei v ... -Joaw.HWHitiUfAit, There are most too mahy tramps . cir culating around town.7 , . , ' A Baptist Church is to be erected at Myrtle Branch, Brunswick county. ' i rt -s v.-.- ; V. , , Our friend, R. MCroom. of Pender county, was in the city on- Friday last Mr. D. M West has been appointed Superintendent of Bel lev tie Cemetery. Wm. Dabney, colored, better known as "Catfish Billy," died at the county Poor House a few days ago. 1 i I Two colored men, for reckless driving on the streets, -were arrested Monday afternoon ' and fined heavily ' by the Mayor ': y''- -ij,. V - Re.r. Geo. Leonard Chany, of Boston, Mass.,' preached, in Tilestoo Upper Boom, in this city, on Sunday after noon last,. ' i 1 Some of the trees in various parts of the city commenced budding during the late warm ; spell, and green grass was also springing up in many locali ties. - ' . Tbe horse disease known as "Pink eye," which has been spreading through the country for some months past, has finally reached Wilmington. We hear of several cases here 1 J' Archbishop Gibbons and; Bishop Keane, with the visiting clergy, in at tendance upon the installation of the Bight Rev. Bishop Northrop, left for their homes on Wednesday morning last. The "All Soul's Christian Union," j the came of an organisation that gives entertainments at Tileston Upper Room every Friday evening, and is said to be accomplishing much good in a quiet way.v ! y' " ; ; j , ' v. :";.:''- Golden Lyre Lodge, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, celebrated its anniversary, on Monday last, by a parade through the principal streets, in which sevtral visiting Lodges partici pated. An address was deliver ed by George W, Price, Jr., at St. Stephen's A. M.E. Church. 1 ; A dwelling bwuse.. the property ot Mr.'N. R. Fowler, and occupied by Mr. Isaac B. Nothrop, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night, about half past 12 o'clock. 'The building was located on Second between Kun and church sta. Mr. Northrop only saved a portion of his furniture. : L - " r- I - There was a young colored . man, named F. T. Powell, on our streets during the past week, who bad neither feet or hand., but is said to be able tb do anything that anybody else can who are provided with these useful append ages, lie was born ia ColureLua eeuoty, and iaabont 24 year of age if J ' ' 1 11 Two small boys were out gnoning a abort diataaee. below Mcllhenny's asill pond, on Wednesday, when, as alleged, a. strange co!ored snan sasde his ap pearance, sejsid the guns and" snade off with them, threatening to shoot the boya if they followed him. Ben James, the well know a xolorrd crank, who haa beta imagining- for a year or two past that ha was a victim of cor juration, and who brought him self and family to the verge of starva Uon, died at the Poor House oa Wed nesday morning last frost lock-jaw, brooght 00 by trcet-Mltta feet, the re sult of exposure. The young saaa Wheeler, together with tha little tea year old daaxhter of Mr. Lake Ckrtwrtea, near WhitevUle. whom he was charged with abdactln- TeXertnea to which was saade in last Suaday's Tost, asade their appearaaca at tha home of the tjartwriguif oa Wednesday last, acccatpaaWd by tha lather of tha girl. - ' . CUctor Davis, at Ceaabrt, is ex petiltg thrta largt cargoea tf ateti rails Lx tha Itidlaad aSrsa4. Oae of tha Teasels Mehahly get la yesterday. Theaa caxrtta will rca tha ctlTucca af thaCeatcsi VLasm i? ia tU:ty thirty-fiva liccrtsJ CiZu T7 csj- rra!I&ta ar athViat. tTt ttrt &h Is aa!y tla Vrxrlri f Urs arrfvxU cf irrsJ, til Uil Zzzz:,z t J jtl Wood haa been cheap the past week in this market; selling from $2 25 to $3 peiLcord. The body of a colored man was fjund drowned in the river opposite thiacity On Monday last. ! Mr. John Newton has resigned the. light house at Bald Head, and Mr. A 33 Boat has been appointed., . . i A small .colored boy. named Castle Lawrence,4 was sent to jail on Wednes day, charged with stealing a copper still pipe. - - . ;i , The Ppsr is only $2 00, per annum. The widow of the late Isaac B. Grain ger and Mr. William L. Smith, jr.,were married in this city on Tuesday, the lpth instant 1 : y " 7 1 a " i 1 11 1 - Df. C T. Murphy, a prominent citi-1 zen of Sampson, and well known in Wilmington, died at his home in Clin ton on Sunday last. 1 j 1 1 , . Mr. Edward Kidder met'wiih quite a painful accident a few days ago. He stepped on something which slipped. and sprained his ankle. - ' - ;? Messrs. A. J. Shaw, and W. M. Mon roe of Bladen county, were -in the city last week. These gentlemen give splen did accounts of matters' in old Bladen. Mr, J. H. Dosher has been appoint ed Keeper of the Frying Pan; Light Ship. : Mr. j Dosher is a young man of ability,' and we have very little doubt but what he will make a -good officer. BUhop Keane, of Richmond, deliv ered a lecture Tuesday night, at St. Thomas' Catholic . Church, to a large audience, on the subject of ' The Bible, the! New Revision, and tho Catholic Church. He is an able and gifted orator. ; ' V.; ' ; : 'h : " : Deaths Dubiho the Week rThe deaths and interments during the past week were as follows: In Oakda e, nore. luiiellevne. li o Carter, mala r.al fever.. In Pine Forest, John Black m an, 6d years, of kidney disease; Lewis Davisy years, dropsy. The SninuFF's Tax Rjstuens foe 1881. Sheriff Manning on Tuesday settled with the County Commissioners for the taxes for 1881, as follows. School Fund, ' General Fund, Special Fund, V Total," $13,594 66 35.264 71 7,054 83 , $55,913 70 The Post is only $2 00 per' tnnum At the annual meeting of the Chris tian Association of the Front Street M. E. Church, Tuesday night; W. W. Hodges was elected President, Thos. E. Davis, Vice-President, Jas. W. King, Secretary, Mrs M. E; Parker, Treasurer, and Miss Lizzie Kclley, Mrs. W. W. Hodges and Miss M. A. West, committee for visiting the poor and distributing funds. j Mr. Gefcrge W. Gates, thf very ex cellent master machinist cf tbv West crn N. C. Railroad, was in our city for a very abort time last week, lie speaks highly of the future prospects of his road. Lie has many friends in this city who wou!d have been delighted to had him made his stay longer here. Bat he is a thorough business man and will not neglect ' his duties for bis own of others' happiness. 1 f A colored man from South Carolina, named R. A, Bull, was inveigled into a houselon North Water street, a few nights since, by a colored woman named Alice Fairfield, wbo claimed to be bis cousin, and robbed of $55. An iCcer after watds recovered f 10 cf tbe money, which was fbucd concealed ia one of the girl's pillows, and she is now luxu riating in the county Jail, where she will await her trial at tbe next term cf the Criminal Court. The? Post is only $3 CO per aosn : - ' I.. 1 1 ' . v : Doa't forget' to have the whole faavl-. ly vaccinated at once, is our advice to all. It Ia true there is no ama!l-pvx la the city, but Nrrfolk. Bicbmvd, PhUa delphia, Chicago, Cnaitacocgt and oth er cities have gt it and oar chit? should b folly prepared he fcre w get It. it caa da no haras to be vacciaaitd if tha asaall-pox ooa'i get here; shoaid U ho ietrodaced ia! th9 city, khea the tiasely preeaaUoa will he eacdisgty beneScial. ' - -:'":f 'y'y X ixnna.- Sir, Jan &eia has a pacitioa ia clrcaiaUoa, which. kwia ready bcea anssroely siasd, atkisg aa appalatamt aa avwaeaTtr t tha Treasury DeparUaeat at Wjjw'.sr--Ur. SsMcdea, it will b r!xT4, aset with the asltjUrtaae f having m txsi h'owa tJ ealirety, asJ Um lrt partial, kj tha prraatere dckargt cf a caasna whle fcriag a aaratala taoar of tha lata Fteat Gax&d, aa) tha occas&M of tha pc drstsacra Cca cf acmtr aa tss p n of rrr tit!- Itra 11 lis czit'y wri ItbtaU trti he aUl autt wh raccttv ' rr : r -! J Sizzle C?plcs 35 Cents Mlt. u. p. ftYlBJf " . Died on Monday night last. Mr. Ey- den bad resided in this city for ' many years, and was one of the oldest saloon keepers. His death waa very sudden- be was out at 5 o'clock walking about the streets, and 'was dead before 11 o'clock. ; - - 5 - The Chanipion -Compress Company have erected a large wareheuse and elevator on tho west aide pf thet river, which ia supplied with Hunta auto matic railway and elevator combined. It is said to work epiendldlyv The building Is 24$ feet long; 45 feet wide, 16'feet deep ia'the clewryand haa a xa pacity of fiosa 6,000 to 7,000 tont with a shed attached which ha a capacity of about 1)00 tons. . u s -. - -. - : City Affaies, The Board of Audit and Finance, at a meeting on Monday evenicg appropriated $800 for the build iDg of ia bell tower on the ilot of pany No. 1, on irourtb, between 1 larket and Dock streets, tho removal :pf the old bell thereto, and the attaching of an electric fire-alarm to the same con tinued Ihe pay of the police force at the increased rate?; voted a new set Of har ness for the horses of the Howard Re lief Engine Company, and approved of a proposition of J. D, O'Sullivan and W. H. James to furnish material and repair tho small-pox, hospital below the city for $55. . .1 .: AwomanneaelybuesedtoCeath A Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, living! near South Biver, Bladen county, was near ly burned to death a few nights since. Her husband was away from hone and she and her child had laid down on a lodging before the fire. She awoke! soon afterwards to find her clothing in a light flame. Mr. Mitchell Johnson, a rela live, wishing to see Mrs. J.'s husband on business, arrived'at the . opportune moment,, and after bursting- open the doon Which was found locked, finally succeeded in saving Mrs. Johnson from further; injury by throwing a bucket of water over her. She was badly burned however, and is not expected to recoT er. He next turned his attention to the child, which was still lying on the burning lodging, but fortunately the flames ; had not communicated : .to ita cTolhing and it was found uninjured.- But for Mr. J.'s opportune arrival the result would have been still more disss trious. . The IkstAllatiox of Bishop Noh- niKOP.-The installation of Bight Bey. H. Pinckney Northrop into the Vicar iate, of North Carolina took place at 8t. Thomas' Catholic Church, in this city, on Sunday morning Isst, with very inposing and impressive ceremonies. There were present on . the Interesting occasion Rt. Rev. James Gibbons, Archbishop rf . Baltimore, Bishop Keane, of Richmond, and Bev.Mark 8. Grosy, Rev. J. W. Wright, Bev. P. Moore, Rev. Dr. Qnijr'' y, of Charles ton;- Ri jr. ( landisn Northrop, brother of the Bi&bop, and Bey. J. J. Beilly. AfWr the ceremonies of installation, which come under the head of Ponti fical High Mass, Archbishop Gibbons preached an able and eloquent sermon, which was followed by other ceremonies incident to tbe occasion. The ecrvieea were closed by the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament In the evening, fol lowed by p. prtwviful discourse from Bihp Kesie The mnsie by the choir was seeUtbt, and tfce ceremonies were witne-aed by an immense andierce. j On Monday evening there was a re ception at the uatnonc echcoi noose oa Fourth tlrett, when the newly lartalled Bibop was forsceriy preheated to hit people.,; ''y't'r.p 'M- :! , ArruBiiosxcarr or the fcaoot Fckd. At aa adjnarned aveting of the Brard t-f EJacatioa for tha coutty, belj Tnesday ereaiag, the IbUowirg apportienment of the School Fa was madt:, i ' : f,;f'-.-:' 1 Schcol; District No, l-Vhi;e chit- drca 1,0C9, sssoast $218; colored cLi drtn, l.CC-3, asutat tVU. Total white and coiored, 2L5j : aateast ZU Di.tr ki Nrt. J White chU Lna Mvoat tUSiJ; colored clil bea 1,310. astwsiat tO.Ci5. Total wUie ted okred,2,S$ aaocrtf 1, fchaot District Na. l-rhiU rJLB- drca St, sjooaal flCS; eakewd cUUrca VI, aatuit $111. Tcul wtlu t n'rfwtd, 1?; assocet V da 1 1 1, ssaocst tZ&i cztzrri clSirta I $1 imt : tlti. Tdi?-L;:f txJ fhol irrkt N. TJkisa clU in l mmm cVd chUSna . ait t;:a TsLu cU Drki Na. C-X71- tl i i saaut $ tzx. Znxl ia a.tj rrrd. it s-JSsei 171 L ,. . Cr?4 Tii TTha asj esrti cS.r.,!rta, ,C txzzzl It: NUMBER 4. ' At a special meeting of the Board of Health, at which were present delega tions from the citT roTtramnt Wnl Water Works Company; a resolution waa passed to the effect that the water from the northeastern branch of tho Cape Fear river, aa (furnished by the Company, is not suited for domestio purpoaea according to the evidence presented. . .. ,.i..;-t'-;x-v;; NEW AJJ VJSMI8EMENT& 8TATK NORTH CAROtrw J . . MEW HANOVER COUNTS tV. V DUKTJ ..)'': STTPKRinRnmrff ThoBias J. 8onthrd imm - . nair oT nunaelf ana all other ' creaiiora ox miko ioopr, de- "J" . ,1 rutattxr. Johnson Hopr. AdmlaistW tor or tb iuta .of Alia HdOMT. dMCMd. - 1 nnhii4.nl ri-VHE CaEDITOaa of tha eatats of Mlk A -Hooper, doooMed, are hereby. noUnett ' Utat a Creditors- Bill has tbla day been filed by the PlalaUfl avalnst the Defendant, to secure a setUement of the inteetau's etat woorauia to ww. jlu ereaitora or tne eetete are hereby rurther noufle-l to appear befort tbe anderslaaed, at his office la tne city of ary 13th, 18S2, and file the evlaenoe of their j eim or wlu evented from per UcipaUng In tbe aseete of eald eatatc ,t 8. VAMB(NQB.CierK Superior Coort i newnanovorwounty. - Propoaala for Fuel. Uirrran States Exenrsaa Orrica. ' i 70 Saratoga BU eet, Baltixorb, Md., y ' . ' - Jinnarv lil ltiiM I "PROPOSALS FOB FUEL for ue onthe XT Improveaient of the Otpe Fear Klvor, N. O., will be received natil noon or Keb roary 10t 1882; and opened ; immediately thereafter. - , Bleak JbrrniL atxlfli-atlnriB sod i.htmi. ' Uon can be hat oa application to this offloaorof ar..Henry Bacon, Wilmington, t Jan 15-it - ; LieaU-OoL of nalaeers. , A YT7"N"TQ wftoted t sen EJison'N Edlson'i lneUntaneooe Piano and Organ Muaie. Encloee stamp for eatal rue and terms. EDiaoNMiisnfit. - Jan 8 Sm 929 Chestaut St., Pi lis.; P. For Sale. . A VALUADL? COLLECTION OF BOOKS' by North Carolina authors, beinj a poitloa of ihe library of thelate OEK.1 JOSEPII C, ABBOTT. For List and Price address ! ' .1 MRS. JOSETU c. Aiiiiorr, " Jan 1-tf Wllmlnjtou. N. C CIIAS, KLEIN Undertaker and Cabinet Alt Orders promptly attendod U The finest CASKETS, the best W'OKK and tho most LIBERAL TErtXlS. ! Shop on Prineos between Vcvnl ard Second. j J. O., SCOTT, Boot and Shoe (.lakers SHOPS ON PEIWCESS BKTWEES TMrd Fotirlh.aod on Ywot beterelo Alar ket and Prtneeaa etreet. Beat mrk,.. employed. Work done on horteet notice. neoond-nasded shoes bought f.-r Cash. A Confectioner Stand attached. oileAdeee m ! i . dee Si ly , Walk 2). SI TXJtHY at CO- TJctmit. KIcIl. Jaalst ow i flLaft TOTFlXlCfae-rawlCMt J ",'ljTii OU!! A M.V IS. m a4 Scfn tavitHr. Tcraina, letac, PrnUa,Ofte4. l-ituaxv XTBSAOI BaoW5. LmJL Um jea 1 ly sow .. j . For tho JBEolidajTS. A FULL LDiC OF Goods for Chrlctmas! t " pm haa4. ceMtas ta part 9t OILAioES, LEilOAS, CJtXDV, OOCOirjTa, RAHIXSi, circo.N t3Jrr earty sad e rbe t a4'. aaaCaSrafaW AChlAn & VOLLER8. swtW'l- CW.friaM tht .' K. or C:!irc: j3 6 r.lunrcs te tm . . m t tt e4 --ifc,a.e ft, U-i --fea tv ft tvesf 1 To3 r3 Am WlMI,IH bnMMbA gm mm. X - x Li c taifi car of tits. c?i:?:a btfera Ur-2 rt 1 Ttrscd la

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