V At-: A - . . v' is ' .:iN(iToN:Post. ' riMrT.' .1 i A' fail to.i 8ec4 b money Post. lioulil ihe fail ... ,.V, (' f'T ll- :;;'mi),;, l,kPr:wil;be-popped. LTAi rO'.n-Jx. G., March 2!, 'S3 r, i tor Post: -The c-ifiPs.it teeap- i.r,. 1f(iJel on i;he- 20th of ' av ;,s ihQ day i)f the reunion of Con ;r,,lUipS dVi.fi Hi. of the I0;h North (iraiin IlPuijenU jTLe cotriaiittce !l Ill-it V t ! ' vvrfti l lilic fr ihcmUerd ot said Com Jl,a' lo'noiiW the chairman- of the V.-ry rt.-j j'aiiiily,:. ' "'Oiio' V. (blAKLOlTJC, l.'hm'i If, N OF. (J RG AN IZ ATI ON. jslt-v. smkI EStiiIirliouis for ihe r;:in:z5ii or-ilie KcjhiMi. rm E:rJy offtorih Carolina: . Wo rcnuljlish bj'Iow the plan of or- ii iu!o;.:tiii uy mc Jicpuuiicffn its' 160, which m out during the pres- tuive tn If i-arru-d - rl dtiiitJi;ii, jii..dttie llepublicans of iiie nlait: v. ill. do veil ttF t-tudy it so as j.i l'tt"ul't to carry jit outv ..- i J.- County- OrtSiiilisunon.-l-he elrc li !i precinct shall lie the unit of county irHH'xiU'n. Ivtth f-rct-.:nct shall have i exfv!i;!vr coniiiiiUfo, eonsMrrig- of ! ri i' mill v u-'j'nai iciiTiK. 1 hcv. fchall by the Republican yours i-l i he ,n tin It, land fchall elect r ol their i-umber chairman. They her at such time only ot them raav ijl,l.l;irt; :im t m: tel. ri;ejj- shall ftotunially elect a irnuiity-cxvcutive ciMEimttee, to consist j i. u ss tnau live juembcr.-t, who shall .t ; l a tliuii riiuji frt;;i their riuailcr. titles in prt cniiL tt.iiiiuiltees shall ii.it .i' ly ilie aoU .s f;f ihe iprwinct,' ;t l im i uuiity toiaiiiiiUts oy u conven w cf ihe -jTi tif.cL Of iivmiUtes duly t l: I'jsi-uh J, lh:al in case a vacancy i.'r- v-.i!.fo thirtvLhtys prior to an i r.:i.. 4.1 vaci! tv4yi nuiy be filled by 1 1 .j : " r i-.-.m i 1 1 ;iJ. . L) ii 1 1 ! c l :t 1 a ti d t- nu ll,' 1K ii. , 1 re .shall be a Coii i;d c"iiatoriai l)is- Moiiiil, .1 u-Ik-ui I l-'..i!i:t.i:-U', ft.i J 1 i I nut Km n urn' mniiki . Ifrt m each 'countvl' r lit :t ri ervoi v tin-if d 1V lilt" M r.iembef-i, tuetiur v ral dir tnet con- rion-t.. -;ic!i "('I- iiriuao iiovn i ii lr 1 t 1 1 ijt i-ii:i hhali elect a ii.iib.i: J i-oenlcJ; it. t net committee i' m . dixtik:;.- i t icy ii.- v'tt:v 1. ijio fjunSy. Vacau- '; in r;iij-v.i;lini thiit v days of au ty the vote 1 the ciioir ion v l' nof tl viiir.tu'e. (.'.. ir.niitce.-- It c itive C-jir-me u'.ember from .strict hi the state, 11 Cti: U:ir be- a tn;i i ii ivv. v'iJipc-'fd of Ii (.oivrre':isioii:',l It, n- t!- snaU-d by I ! 1 '4fe r ii : iKc.mbt-r.-i at hirV :ii district dtlega- ntion assembled; to bo elected by .lato Coavenli n, and the chair- v.oi the enitveiilioti e.t, which the ii:i u hrid.' 'lin-y sh ill liiv bit-ii-:'. cli'i-tiil nMte .I'i.ite 'Con vent ion, 0 i !io )s. one ol h lr niiia jer chair and shall tied ii sec-Eetary who is i mcaiber, who shuM-rrH'de ut 11 il- 1 1 . f in" i hiium io if the ri-speclive ity. dutiitt atidrtato Kxeculive. unit. s .,h:il! t ail .ih u ir t onvculiona mo :n.r avt u t-eniBorry chairmen f a -'pi-roam nt ciatiizitioii is af- uli wili pi wer only to appoint, and ivc i bo report of t-:r.i'jU. i cutnnuttee on - -N X: t UllVf -C nmuttoe -1ir11 ,,V,'L '"U1 lett er appoint dele- t i any vi iivc fi ".! l-I'iOt, 2"i;UV i iti jt, i whether r Natiauah - I AO in t- ml't.r an c.teCutivo r atternate duly .! or iiio-m'.o f.i fii.i'l h,fvc povftr lo dt legale i i: or authority ti another It. UoproscntaMo i. Reprcscuta- iu cvuntv convcn'Min shall can of throo f publican voters as dele v.. ari-l three av alternates, from i p,-ut.ci th founty-aadt no Mil. Kopts;titath ki Congrcs uh Jadicul,. Senatorial and State nvcntions shall consist of tw6 celc- and fwo alteinatei only, for eyery S:r. of th lower jlloujs of tiie Tal Asunibly and shall ba rpor- t. ad u the jeveril counties ccord t . -l,'!cUs aud ftl,CT0V' to I a a 1 nv vonvititiona vuaii Dtf eiecieu y V x oi of the Republicans of th rrttmct n precinct mettinx s i;bleJ-' and delegateijand alternatet MiV.tut, 5u'e and National onTn- P hall U eitcte J by! a contention r iite uulj ilected ari fent by Ip.e tvri thatjpnrpow a fief uo B-?Ke aud'pubiicatioa of not lew lata fc-jrra at, of th time, p;!ce and par k of uch eoavention,n4 cot other- V'Tj erttiGcAt v! the airman I . m i raary of the iiitttcs, tUojj ff u iVjUHty of the primary ateetlojs 'otetiiiap, : and the tjcctioo of ti ifgwte'tuid fclttriit thfrear. th!! be WiiUsJJiea uncoalcsiM. Kd 1 citni crelrotUl fur. ucU dte Ji furcate. V XlvThU-tUa of vrj;a;ix4tiia and PvdarJiaUeviDUBUeitt fortt until Mjrdcrabro-ittd ty a at tiuent -Vic4n $ut CoiTenr.i. " Altri it) state ContehtUa, Ja'y S, NEW AD VER TI3E31EK ROOK LIME f KM for bOildIng: PURPOSES. FliESIILY BUlliNED ; M1VERED IN W I. .. ' . v A t $ 1,25 per Barrel. vKiV-A ALS ; :j' Agricaltura .Lime i i, f v'- ? : r.-irt'v; J ' - r and, Carbonate of Lime. J FRENCH BRO'S., Jao. 29- lm Rocky ;Polnt, N. C. ; THE KB? FURNITURE STORE OF Behrends & Munroe S. E, Cur, Slarket & Sseocjhd Street", WILMINGTON, N. C.' : W uld respsctfally calt'tbC attention o! PurchaBetof Furniture t their stock o, rwirior, CKatnler, MarbleTop Library and Dining Furniture, " Wardrobes Lounges, Hide Bswrda.Mattresses, Carpets, tc:, which Is thelHftfeat and best selected assortment in the State, to be sold at wholesale and re. Uilat lowest prioes. Cash is their object dec lililni t. , i CLOBE - SALOON! - 16 Market St. ' CI.MT. JIM MCUO WAN WILL FUKNlIl j ' !-:.- ii the btsl Whiskey for the Money in theiCiiy. Fine CiKHrK, Oysters, Ac. Call and see hlra oct :() ly W ill Ik umle.1 FF-.r. ! all tllinU, and Ineujtomen wlthonl ordirins It, It rouult-t liv colored platei, 0 enirraTins, b.mt viin )iufv and ful ldicrlptln, prim and direction! for i jiiiniii -I.VMarlctiMr VrirotmUle and Flower Seeds, FlanK rmt--etc. Invaliialile to all. Mitkigan erown aeedt will W (r.und more rrllalde lor plantinjr in the Amtk Un thosa rrown in a warmer climate. We makeasuevialty f lunplyini J-iaaU-ri, Truckmen and Market (Gardners. Addrett, - D. M. TESaY & CO Detroit, Mch. Jan 1 tit eow ; - . N0HJ1I CmOLiNV HOUSE, J.i).STiiujra, pnoPKiETon. CORNER SErOND AND rRINCESS BlREEns. - : . " " 'I M KLSTMAS is at hHiid. ' THEE.SE the V.' r.ir lt-mkr is always on iia.ni, standing rt'iiily to serve the lluest liquors in the rtst-iH-. a ltesuiurHiit attHClied, where the bust the ninrRet allonls can be round at a'l lioui a. The bvst of. rook ana the iolitest waiters ae the only ones we employ. nee ii ty - ; y - WAISTEl). .. , .-.:"'- .; . 1(1 l it Oil Fl 'i5 YOUNG MEIsImI'OJL'AN- ,vass for. toy R( nietlicsJtor 1 he Human Race. A haa lsoano Income guaranteed-3 nil w'io iver for in their duty. ' ' I A'dr si ; , I'k jf. W. II. MOOUK. ' neK!'itf 1 OTtTL Nrws for IUv an.l Oirl 'X fl Yomii; an.i ii.i : i "a, m:w l.V- EN f ION lust lotcated for theta, for Heine uae ! Frfefc and Scroll Sawinp, Tnrnin?, r.orinp;, DriUing.ririndini:, lVlishiUb", Screw Cuttinp. Price 5 to f50.j . Send U crnU fir 1 DO paw). i ETIIKA1J1 BKOWJI, Lowell, Mas Jan l ly eow Ktate of North Carolina, Couuly of New Hanover. SSuperlor Court. -irslnia 11. Mai the w, Plain till. . vs. - David K. Murchtson, Franelw O. French, Aiinur is. urnvesj jauxes s. wneedbce, ftu-l Andrew V. istout. Committee and Trustees of ihe First Mortgage Bondhold ers ot th lat. Carolina CAiral liallway Company, and Wliaam F. trey, alo UPli Trustees by subfititutlon, and HKiilnst J4in M. ltobtnon, K C. Hoitv .man. a"d Willluai W. Chamberlain, who c ulm to liHve been substituted for th s .ldsstoul. U raves, and French or 8orejr, rospwtlveljv and alnst the Carolina Coutrai Kaliroad Compaoy, and David K. MuroUlxon, Kenneth M. Murehlson. and Wtliiam F. JSorey. partners trading uudet Ibe name and style ot Murehlson C J and t. It. Murehlson, tltDj hlmtelf Prcslilent and lUrector of said Company; and J. Urauder Matthews. Chart M. .stedmao, M. P. Lea. Itatvid W. 0le, James s. Yhtedbe It, r. .HoiTtuanJ Wlt ltaiu'W. Chamberlain, ltuiua H. Tucker, John C, Winder, and John M. Kobtuson, st lin themselves Director, of. the said Company, and azalnst To Farmers Ioan and Trust Coiupe n y, oi N e w Vork.aad the. teaooarvi ana i;oanoKe Kaiirona tym pany, and against 1U A. Lancaster and ntuuerou! otiier persons rlalming to be rktockholdera of the said Carolina Cntral lUilroad Company, and Tne Union Trs; Company, of New York, Trustee and J urauaer auuwi ana uiaxte ii. iu twrts. Trustee. i.eieauani.; AT CitAMntiw. Wtiwk :jf. C.J Utn day of March, isstl The comi4alntln thi aeftoa. dul.reil na afooruiui o law. o io amenntueo) incrcto alaoUuiy vertneJ. belat xhltltvd before iir a aa atndorll. and it being moved tnereoa pt .Mesr. MClUk jviranser nd Husseil lUcaud, me A I tor- nv ana IvUDtri lor ia iisibuo lov an iniunrHhin and the apooiatmvnt of a K CeiVcr a. prai r itr rouriaiai. II 1 luerriiirv cvwiwrnt oni.reti that the daftMtUBU In UU seUoa ibo cause bf for tue at (oKtboka Cttambwrs, n .,. Ithdar Ma.T. UStt. way the Ua. porary lnjuncuua aa praxaM tur a am com uUlnt halt no be graid. and why a K cvJrer aa thervt prayed, for atUaU not be appotaied. . . . .w.. . ' it i. ninutru.-vimi u i tauMi may file any addtuoaal amdavlu au4 ex hibit on or bfor th & dy of April. lvvJ. roviaa. the an snail be wrtd p naTh a deflHtdaat. or Uf AUerer, by that dales " . A ad tne aid daadat may hav there- alirr to CiaeaMittttw aCtJavtw unui uie m dajrot May. lJ4, rroidel. ttv aame afcatt lut u-rvad nnaa nlalnUlE. kT lvr A I tor aeya by that data. Aft that la CWfc of ahklt iwa awtea of tale orvier to aorv4 arwa the vK-nt, ace-iaMiM to law. . JOUS A.V.tUMUOd ; of Tumi JMictal laatrUHu suteol'Xlt,mola, Kew ttaaovorOMMity. r- Wiliiaaiaial I ! C Va.Vrlax. t rf ixiH, i - 1 i tm ina tVaiatr d KtaMatbrwaML a"hHay ortitf tal th -t t a irWwRFfreut tto wtaai MUh; ouwp MXimw . kL..l...l.Al al at o. aT-t V AMWXiiaV y .n -iw.il rH a . l.l. a. a ty , it tMW at. !j A NRW Vertisements. , SCHUTTE'S CAFE, KO. 3 "GRANITE ROW, FRO NT :-' 'ipf'-fr i. STREET. HaVE ; I OPENED MY FASI1ION-"y"-' !" ABLE . I I - j R E S T A U R A N T. I I amvprepared to take boarders by the DAY, , -:y - WEEK, and :- I : M O N T II . '- - j j . " . - " :." ." ! F i rst Class Acomm oda tions for Ladies. j -The very best will b famished that can be purchased in this or the -JffORTILERN jNI A. I? KET S- j Liquors, Wines, &c, : '' .; win be ot SUPERIOR QUALITY. . ' The City of Wilmington has lons needcdJM First Class and j fasliionablo Gale. ladies; and ' gentlemen, : And It is my purpose to supply this want. Meals famished at all lours of the Day, and up 1o I2sp'clock Y.V-" ' ; at Niglit. Conducted on the " IiUKoiEAX ST VLS3. ".V -;v F, A.. SCI1UTTE; , ". ' ': r ; . proprietor. noyenib'er 20 'tf -': . , CHAS. KLEIN Undertaker and Cabinet .".. , :V. Maker. ' All OrJers promptly attciulei L. -The finest CASKETS, the lost WOltlC and tho most LIBERAL TERMS. ; ' ' ' Shop on Prlnet es" bit ween Front and Second. Idtc 25-0:ii THE LEAiDINiTr SCMKXTTSTS! OP TO DAY nree that most ' lse;-s are e.i used by disorde-ed Kidiiava f.lver. If. them. fore, the Kidneya and Liver nre kept In perfect order, perf-et health will be tne re sult. This trufu ha only been kn:wn a shoit timo and for years people satlVrcd trreat aony without betnc able lolihd re- uer. ineuiscoverv of W arner's Sfe Kid ney ana Liver Cure mark ;vnew era in the treatment of these trouble. Made from a simple tropical, leaf of rareA v.hup, It cou talnaju.ttbe elements ncressurr to nour ish aud invoorare both of thesairreat or gans, and safe.. v restore and k?ep thetn in order. 11 is a POSITIVE, remedy fr all the diseases that cause pnins in thi lower part of the body fir I'oi iil Liver Mead aches Jau n d tee TUzz in oss -G ra v el Fev e r Ague Malarial Fever, and alt dltllculMes of the ICTdneys, Liver and Urinary Onrans. i It is an excellent aiid safi remedy for fe males during Pregnancy. It ill .control Menstruation ana Is invaluable far Leu oorrha or.FnlUm; sf tho Womb. Asa Htood Furltler it is une iualft.1, for it enres the4rans that mitke the bioKi. ' : This Remedy, which has .-done snoli won derw. is out up in the LAUtiEtsT cIZCD" ROT T LE o f n n y Tted ! ci n e n vk) n t h e ma r a e t . and is-sold ty Unriits and all dta era fit i?l.iper botue. tor iiaretes, r noutrij lor WARNER'S SAFE DIAUE1E5 CURE.! It alvsifivisiuiiiEiJY. , i W. II. Wnrnrr tt t o.. ' Ilochcitor, X. Y. OU H COiM INENT lu thatNcw Wor:d whLh Is the Old.! 1. ... ...... . .:; --.-I. ' ARtfw 1 1 Jus i ra t W s s W t J o aria 1 . - . ' LVtottd t j -," , LXTER..TUK1s liEN ERAL INt O RMA- TIOX. Airr, SCtKNCE axj UUMOIi, ; "'W .v;' jCoo Incted by, .-. - l '.- ''AUUOX W.TOrttGEE. . ! Author bf "A ro.V. Errand." "Mtcis Wlthoot Straw," -Figs aad :.,Tiui:9' eu ':-.f;v. -.-. J f.-'AautoJ.iy ; :' - 1XVN1KLU. lRlNTtN- AND r.OSKUT a , ... -. H.V1 ruVUthcU Febw 1. .3.- r.wr Jl by all HMttrl.rv f r ikai ana ; Twui :1liN a Ye r, tiOi ?s M tSk. . ' . tUtted fcy ou a rANrtx ext Pu:u;as ax J. C. SCOTT, Boot and shoo .'Mak'cra itors ox pRiNcc uctwfkx t&im O a rta4 on rac trta Jiar k4 a4 llrtwevaa tr. aTtaytoy'rai. a.att aijM a?t :anaM aotarV MMiBd baadavt atKr tiwltl M tVaSv. A fata Sartioaery 5aad a'JJkni.-!!, C'-t - EQElili VASIE2 u n v II F L KL 1. a..i li...ajM! SUM a -ia.' traHa arratTta ? J1i. W!U m. imiwi natawa .-a ' tia wartww. Jv ?: ratavra aa iu y fc.il JUSCELLANEOU. Ricliioni and PetersUnrrr Railroad Co COMMENCING Stindav. ACG. 28, 1881, trains on this road will ran as lollows. LEAVE RICHMOi 11 SOUTH. . .J . : . ii ' 3:10 P. M., Fast Mail dally, makes through connection s forSavannah. Stops j only at Pelersbnrg. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between MlUord, Va. and Charleston. 11.3U A. M., Through Mail daily connect c in g for Raleigh, Charleston, Au gusta. Aiken, Savannah, tJack , sonville.- Stops at Shops, Ches ter, Centralia. Drewry's Bluff, ' on signal. Pullman Sleeper be (" .'tweeaNewYorJt and Charleston on this train. 6:00 P. M... Freight Daily (except Sunday). 7:20 A. M., Freight daily (except Sunday). EE3 LEAVE PETERSBURG NOBTH. 4:15 A. M., Fast Mall dafly. Stops only at .cneettr. jfniimau eteepers oe ' . , tween Charleston and Mliford, 'Va. . .- -j: , ' 7:30 A? M., Freight dally (except SnndayK 3:30 P. M., Through Mail dally connecting with Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad for - all ' , points east and west. Also mak ing connection with Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad lor the Vir , ; ginia Springs and all - points t north and west. This train stops I at Manchester Chester and Oen tralia. Pullman Sleepers on. this i ; train between Charleston and New York. . . 5:00 P. M., Freight, dally (except Sunday.) A d-rect four hours-connection is made between Richmond And Norfplk, by trains leaving Klcfimona xiua.ai. ana rOrlolk 12.25 P. M. - ! - "' ! ! All trains lea vine Petersburg: will start from the Appomattox Depot, i jsnsDAY txcuEsios TRAINS leave ItlQU mond at 0.00 A. M., and 5.1.5 P. M. LesrVe Petersburg at 9.00 A,Ja.,and 5.15 P. M. every Sunday. j f 1 I " Superintendents A. POPE, G. P. A T. Agent. 1 June 20 tf . ,1. . -I .-' . , PETERSBURG RsR.Oo .i ri E -.J.CJ , LOOK! LOOK! LOOK ! All Classes, and Conditions Can Travel. : ? ' GREATLY REDUCED RATES r. ':' ON THE "' - V. '1 PETERSBURG RAIL; ROAD. You can leo froai Rearn'o to: retcro5,ur and back for 00 cents. From iStouy Creek toPeter burrraEd back for 81.25. , ..- -.. i Brom Jarratt'4 to. Petersbnrs and back for 81.95. ! - i From Belhtld toPd ersUurz and back for $2.55. . i . ' . trom Pleasant IIH1 to Petersburg and back for $3.25. : : irom Garysbur to Petcrsburz and hack for S3 60. i From Weldon to Petersburg and back for $3:90. . i Take care to ask the Aeent at theStatloas or the sort of ticket' you want, i You cannot get the Round Trip Tickets on Lie Cars. Get full information from the Aeents. and notice the coniihlons and limits on your tickets; they will be strictly adhered to. - W, P. TAYLOR. . General'Ticket Agent. rttersburg..Va..,Jiii v s,.lS81. j , jy 21-tf FAST; MAIL AND i'ASSENGER ROUTE TO THE WURTH AND EAST, VIA. THE RICHMOND. FREDERICKSBURU AND POTO MAC RAILROAD t Entire trains run throuicnfroin Wiluiirc- Win to Washington, via. tbt route without change. . " Leave Wilmington, W. W R R. daily at....... ; ti iC ntl S.40 p m Leave Richmond .....5 - " 8.12 a m Sunday excepted. t Arrive at Washington at ' m and 1.10 p m, Sunday except e. "" Arrive at Baltimore at it 1"' l and 3.0-3 p m. Sunday excepted. Arrive at Philadelphia at - u and 0 50 . p ra, Suudy excepteoV Arrive at New York at 0. and 10.05 p m. Sunday excepted. - Pullman Palace S5eeinnit ars on the 6 50 a. m, trains to New York, on the 8.10 p M . .. . . e -.. . i i . ui. uaiuiui iraMiHighui' r- t C A. TAYLOR, Oeneral Ticket Agent. E.T1. MY2RS, GenT. tu inch 21 tf : " Harper's Young People AN ILLUSTRATE! EF.KLY-1S PAGES'. SUITED TO IMIYj XDUIRUS OF FROM BlX.TWSlXTtF.N YI-li5 0FAOE. Vol. III;cbHim;nCcs November 1, 1S31. NOW 13 THE TIME TO SUDSCUIDE. The Yorsa rzan.b has been from the first Rucee-iul beyond anticipation. N. Y. Evening-Post. It has a distinct purpose towclchltsteivd ily adnerea that, uainely, of sappiantinic the vicious papers for tne young with a paper mora attractive, as well as more w tnleome. liootoo jvrurnal. For neatness, elesance of cocravtne. and contents nenerally. It ts nnurpaed by any publication of tne kind yet brou&ht to our notice. PitUburgh Uaette.- i Its weekly visits are eagerly iookei lor, not only by the ebtldren. but also by parents who are anxious to provido pure lileratara for tbetr gins and boys. ihrUtlaa Advo cate. Baffaio. N.Y. , ' .-; A weekly paper far children welch pa rents need not fear to let their ctiildr read at the lamlly Crcside. Hartford. D-ally lime. - Jut the paper to take the ey ad secure theattontloai of the boytandglr.". "prinf fletd Ubioo. ' i t. r' ' a TKltia. rTArivrn-a Tmrxta i'KOPLE IVr-Year. Postae Prepaid.! . Kixule Nrvaxits Four ts ab. The llvKind Voluafor JVl will be ready early la oveaiber. Irte s Q rt nrvaiL. Cover for Yocxo Prut -or lae 1. Saceat; pot It wnu additioMMd. lUmUiaaers shooid ba made by P. Office Money Order or I'm ft, to void eUacce of loa. -It i "- ' '1 Newirpapera aro not to co?y t&is avrr tlaarorui wttboat t& csprcsi vardtT of UAaraa Itaatiit. Aodros MARPKBat BROrHIKItH. Xrw Ttg. rAF. Noun C. ItaTf.l n j , NEW tU.Vi V K C X T V ' CralUOttOulKT.) Tbomaal. ftnhrae4 la b - ba r orasaaaiyaranwUrsr-.,w--'t . rrnittaws X JaUS MOPpon a. w t t 1 ao4a t v -x ; .cllTklate. Ata . Jokatna Uopaw. Adtatal-a-t r , . tuw mt tbo Wtat of -Ja llimwr, aeraa A. VfrJat iuie ckxi: rve- or eut t m I liotwor; aisosaiel. mgm storaay. ari Ul a CwlioV Kirt Itaa W ,4f m bt by the fMsUf acala Uaa IWraaat. to iirtitT" --..- - MMiilM ta VaW. JLU CVOkt jkdrs Uae u ar hrry fwrtber tui a?? tao aaoia4aooa at teS ta r-lr r k UalCH.o or M o-Ur . v"rre- ary imaw vi. a4 Ue tao tau arauaavor tawy wUi o tVoaa rr Urtrattaat ta t aa s mt easa eat a Sax aiaeikllM joxuti sTntxr. r 1 1 ' s re VAjctx ... AN4 - aUv4- aaalXKa lAatOr, -aaat k?44raa Haiarr. 4 latfW . -VH. SaafSa imf la aaaaattr sAas. Mrtine Urtt.f Xww IbvCrnaMra.Nk. laws aaat mtmmmm Mn - . jaV'ii nweia'.' . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T2 LOT ON i v-';. U ETWEES MARKET & MULBERRY STREETS. Size, 30 Feet Froiit 380 Feet Deep. I WILL SELL THE LOT , OF - LAND On 17 th St., between Market, and Mul berry Strees in Lots of 30 by 180 Feet, i? or one-fourth r casJ balance in 1, 2 and 3 ) Years' time. THE LOCATION Of this Property is in the North-western part of Wilming ton, ' ri" Plie Lots Aro lttirtt and level aud tlic fact that the Qliy cannot tax them makes tho i inveitrr.ent more i IaOtx f an lit Oif. tCso, U ar. W. P. CANADAY, WSCELLABEO VS. -h - : - THE - r 3JETR0POLITAN HOUSE. .t : EUROPEAN PLAN. 1-, Board and Lodging furnished fl.CO per day. r ..- - - Meals at all hours 13 to S5 cents, as per order. . Oysters In season, and In rery style. Choice tables, furnished in everything the market affords. The traveling pnbllo attended, and meals sent to any part of the city desired at short notice., . i . i - . i Polite and attentive waiters always In attendance. I . '.-r i Cart-yard also connected with the House. " Families furnished at their residences with, meals, daily. Orders by Postal Card for meals received; charge, delivered, 80 eta. eacu, -I SATES TOK rAXIXTES. One pert on, 2 meals a day, per week. 12.75 . . a " ... . - g Luncheon, in neat paekarea 15 oeata. aPROMPT DELIVERY. We invite our patrons to examine oar cooking department dally, as to Its clean liness, tc i . Richakd WirriAXH. (formerly of the National and Commercial Hotels) Caterer and Cook, i ! , robeht, Jaocsok, Porter axd Head Walten Located In the centre of the City, on Mar ket Street, between Second and Third. Wil mington, x. c. joa. C. HILL, oct30tf i . Proprietor. NASBY IN EUROPE. May 11th Mr. D. R- Locke, (Rev. Pelro leum V. Nasby) will sail for Europe, fer the purposojof contributing a series of Letters to tneJToi.EDo Bladk. These leiterSfWlll cover a period of six months, commencing June 1st. - 1 They will be written In Mr. Tfrsby's pecu liar vein, and will he as lively as he can make them. I : -: I THE 1 Toledo Weekly Dlade Is the LARGEST Political and Family pa per la the United States, and fn addition to this feature, contains a dozen others, known to and approved by a majority of the fami lies in every State and Territory: ' TERMS; For Three Months, post paid, For Six Mouths, - -' - - 50 els. $1.00. NASBYi PORTRAIT FREE, t ' i ; - Every subscriber to the Bladf..-during the publication of Mr. Locke's European Letters, for either three or six months, will receive free of charge a splendid PORTRAIT OK MR. LOCKE, in size and style similar to the one of Presi dent Garfield which we Issned last summer. This portrait In the picture stores would sell for 50 cts. It will not be put upon the market at alland can only be had by sub scribers to the Blade. - i Those desiring these letters complete and the portral t, wl U do well to send the) r ot ders early, j We shall print an extra edition, to be able to send back numbers, but the sup- Sly will doubtless be exhausted In amonth. end your orders immediately. . Specimen copies of the Bladb mailed to anyaddres upon appllcatlon.'.Eend your subscription at once. Address i -i -i. f BLADE C9., ' i Toledo O. ! - i ' t o! ' ; m CO Irl V o 3 a to 2 a. Cm XS.!l. MORILU O j oa4 rictweta IMacrM u4 Wiu. irrttxntii crwrts. cAisrr. wlUa -attew'iitsaro.. a IM votf . .- -i -.,. oaata Cawblt wanskrMMf tatMtny, CATEQr JtOIUO CAJtCLX A, XC IT a rii Ttrtaa tu. aa faiaxaja, ItHMtUtWS ItUlMrSH tOl aa M.A. la-taaafl 4irWaf ntaaaO laIMBk 4 a .ai in Mala-' ta AAV AtVUl ti tVa aVjavVSkaf- aa4.tt4taad4rr jra a UM TU.Qaa OJaf-ja 1 Jl 4 KM. wa'Vvsj ajgrSeaSs. t h'waV JatZ HaKyb Ot SaM ,Ba4 t IVW,' ta Hi l r O-afW WMJS WwMrVT to ws.;siU foaB a f"ff f iitiiri i .RAILROADS, Carolina pential liail- - . - - . . . a. - . road Company. ' OKJTICE GEN'L SUPERINTENDENT 1 WHdHKQTOjr, N. C. lec. SO, 1S81. CHANGS OF SCHEDULE. ON and after JAN, 1, 1S82, the followlag Schedule, will be operated on this Rail road: PASSENGER. MAIL A-ND EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY.- . - i . ; ' ; i.- ; ' ,- Vjave WHmlniton.w;i.8J Ko.1 y t J Arrive at Charlotte aU.120 A M - : ' I v- - : . ... ") Leave Charlotte at-w.-..10.10 P M No. 2 : y J Arrive at Wilmington at 7.83 Alt Trrlns No. 1 and 2. stop at regular staUont only, and points designated In the Compa ny's Time Table. . . i . : rASSKNGEIt AND FRtJCllT. . Dally except Sue ays. v i No 1 Leave Wllmlcgton aL.5:10 A. U ) Artlve at Charlotte atL-7i&3 P. U ) Leave Charlotte at ..1:U A. M Ko.e. Arrive at Wilmington at5.S5 P. M SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. f Leave Hliarlntu , ,,.,-7, fi-tvi A. M Arrive at Shelby ; 100 M -1 Leave Shelby 1:00 P. W Arrive at Charlotte......;.......... 0:00 lit Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection -at llamlet with R. t& a. Trains to and lrom Ralelgn. and at Charlotte with bhelt-y 11 vlsiou Train. i - - ; . .1 " '. Throngh Sleeping Cars bt tween Wtlmlng- -Ion ana Charlotte and RaVeigh and Char lotte. " - , Train No. 1 makes connection 'at Char lotte with A., T. at O. it. for Matesvllie, counectlng there with V. N. C R. R, lor ait points on said Road. . Trains Nos. 1 and 3 make connection at Churlotte with A. A C ii. It. for Spartan . burg, oreenville, Athens, Atlanta and alt, '! points beyond. " . , m Train No. 0 makes close connection at Wlimingtoa with W. A ,W. It. It. lor points North. - ' --- Train No. 2 makes close c juntcilau with W., C. 6i A. 1;. k. U 1 V. Q. JOHNSON. lan.S U Utfneral Superlutenda t Oi'r ICK OEXKRAt Sl-rKI'.l.TESEST. PhrrERrDUktu RaixioadCospa y, X'KTEitHUBitor.VA, JanUaiyifl.lsSl COMMENCING SUNDAY. JANUARY 3, trains on this roud will run aa r.o. . lows: GOING SOUTH , BOSTON AND SAVANNAH -FAST It AIL. Leave Ielcrsburj; dally,(Wah'n H. depot) .v. ; .....i a.G) l U tsiopsonly at lictlleld.) -Arrive at Wcldou at.., ...... Mt P. M NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave l'clei-ftburg dally (Wash'u si. depol; nl...; , .....l.) P. M arrive at eldoa at u. 3 Hi P. M -. I- . EXPRESS; I-' L Leave reler.Lurg dully TWath'n s. dept.! ) at ..4.... , ......1 1 M P. M Arrive at W eiaua... JU li A. M TRIiuCtill FREiOHT.' Leave Petersburg du:y (exrepi Sunday) t,,.. ,;.I24I P." M Arrive at elduu at i ; p. M LOCAL FK EIGHT. Ltavc Peter hurg Monday, .Wed neaday nnd Frloav ,. ... lL ti.Vi A M Arrive at We;don-...H.... ...12.W r. M GOING NORTH. j. EaSTON AND SAVANNAH FAST MAIL.. Ieave Weldon daily at . ! A. M ' Arrive at l'ricrsburg at. ,.,. a,-ti A. M NEV YORK EXFUKfcS. jave weldon daily at ... l jap Aruve at 1 etcraburg at .. j t KXTRE-VM. V M Iave w,i,in daily l 4 no a. M Arrive at Petersburg at J, f - A. M TIIfcOlGU FREIGHT. Iave We loon dHy (ex'pt Sua'y) e.T p. M Aril eat Petersburg at .. p. M LOCAL FREIGHT. Leave Wrd Mendsy, Wedae .day and FiUsya!,; p. f Arrive l l"cU;tcr af;. 7 30 p, ( Rleeplnrrars and r.ri clau coaches oa ttUbt aoudsy trains. Jltr-hT,; Vf car wra WKailtgtoa and w aahtucioB. 5' . Tbrooab tickets sold to .all Fastrrn sad Srogh" l0,nU ,J te ?aea Paat;ee' t-rlo south wi t rurrb tickets acdrheck at Wahligtoa ltet depot. I'aaarrcrts rolr-t crrth ad SJtw Mr-a- at reursbor,-,!!. claim Utir Us.taae at Maahlagloa striKt Crr. . ICM. MUY.fks'lHsH. I U. r.TlYLoii tMs'lPckat ftiii, I w.J. DKOs inf-itM. Ttatar. lb 13-lX Greater inducements MAT Ct: Fwl XO llttelwiiEniiiibtii v I-'-.. . -- , . Atlrian tfc Vollers, ' ' M rA Corsair rrotal aad bWa. Ma i ,l-4-rtiyi-'e;4rsit' ' AXD IN tlW.lXX hTOCIi! v- -v.--- ifsc'jvtrstiir'-v. . Enrjllai u Ui S;;urjl' z ' TVU a aUBSIJBf tPwwr lTlaT ' 'VJ - -MSSPawaa u m 2k -Ii- it i - . r - S