A on mm -WW M: . Tt j V w 'l ill A, -tall , y I'. a.i . r:l- ' i 1 1 f f VOLUME X VI, V 1 Li M I N GKT O NPO ST Knjercd at the rottojice A WtYmtnijr oi a Second ' Ctm Matter-.'-' ilXTUSO PA OVBRTISING. lii;lit (8) liues, Nonpareil ty pe,con- uitnti; : square Kilty ent jcr line for the first in; (. rii.fi lad tweuty live cphU per line ,i,r ii additional insertion. ; All ;tdvertieinent-will be charged j ,vt ui"-'. ve rates, except on special ftoif ra-ri . ! . ." -n ; ," '..- . .' ' Hie -s!i.Hcnption price to The Wil- MiN'JK'N 1'OSf i $2 00 pit year; six month I (M)l . AllcomirmtMc itions on buaines imist ')0 it'l'lrtvsMed to THE W IMf INOTON I'o.r, vvilnaiKtoi), N, Oi : ' Tilt: POST AHf IfUNCEMEWT. Tliii paper will not be cent lit future It any except to thnsa who pay in ad . . vaiu'e fr it. We fmd it l.ard to . c llt'ct, ba.'k Rubscriptious that we are l Mttj ik'd to follow t'w rule long since - lui'J ilowti by other pap era, to read only io (ivii;r 'it cri ,J t i thone who uru: wilii t piy in advance for it' Send in your money and y-u 'can ge the Voht, not otherwise. D ie dollar will pay ("T t-i I'imt hi inui.ths, two i dt(U.tr!4j"r twelve tno'ii It.". ; No Jess tbartVi? months time receil. . IIC.tKIlVTItOUIILfi. , It will.be seen by the news we pub-' h.-tli in Hijother column, l hat France ) in very f-rtat trouble. Since the death of ilambctu there seems to be no one hi; enough to lead the Republicans of . France, and it is very much feared by Hie true frieudd of the Republic) that their trouble. aowhave justjeommenced-; we Itojic not. The United States ought to render her e ater Republic all the service poMible in her distress. The i three gresir lieu public governments, the - Uniied Suites, the French and the Meicn govcrumeuta should stand to- ' gCtlHT. :j - t . IIO. JOHN W. NIIACKEL . TOltD. v ' Thin ; ntleman died at bin boarding Iioiimo in ihe city ol Washington on th. 'lSth instant, of pneumonia, ilrf. f-liatkt lfoid whs about 35 yean of age. - lie hud held many position, withered it in liiincclf, in ins .county and state, itm! in 1SS0 he was t'eclared elected to the . J7ih congress, and while serving : iiut ihw'ttiin he died He wai a man - of ability aid promise had he lived iw w;lld have held many other Jotd- tious and thine tH.'d Kervefor the , !alc. No man had ' warmer i r- are . ,lailhlut Irienda- lie was iuriil a. his home iiiM.icb'ands, Ounlnw county, on the UOth instani. A t oiuinille f Voit gress altcuded. It it rent tin htiiue on a special' traiu. Lie leavea a wile, bruih er and other re lations ' to msiiru bia death. V. e ! lender our sympathy to t le family aud friend. , -h ! Hai ifax County, N.C., Jan 21,1883. - .Mn..FiiiTin;:- 1 seldom write arii" cles to newspapers, tut since the cry of Republican and negro misrule: bave been spread abroad by the Democratic ptry lor the purpose of deciding and misleading the people, 1 desire to tell your readers something about Duum j ratic ru e iu this county, which iu Hiut ol d aregard far law aud public sentiment is u nparalleld iu 'he history jof civilixAlion. f ' T i The lajan! of uiagistrates and county coJimissioners,, whu arV better koowu as the bead light .of the Domocralic party here, have in their last two meet ings shown plaiuly wh t kind of respect theLuugry, office seeking Demin rats . have for law; a tut what might be termed justice to others as well as to themselves. You have uvi dvubt see-u an account of their last meetiugs, as I find there wa 1 one honest Democrat in their midst, who had the moral courage Iff couiw out aud denounce their action , aud oil upou honest and liberty loving HHp'e v( the county, to condemn such conduct. The lastueeUog of the board ol magistrates was held fof the purpose if electlrg a' member of the board of ''county comsalaaioaerm, U Hit the w caucy caused by the rtelgualiou of J. M. Orixxard When the meeting was called to order by (X4. iX U Clark, the chAtrma of that body, two less than a quotum of the whele namber, and not withsUudlog the earnest protests eite- ing the illegality and lejustlce of fieg Into an tlecUoo without a fUrrepre rntaUoo o( the county, Iheae aeventeea maglaUatea Tted for Moot Whitehead, aud declared hiss fairly elected a sun her of ihe boerd." A tr daja later : the Uaxd or oaimUkotr, ertUt thle new number, net to transact bust am for lhe county, a petitjtt t the .re moval ot V.' W. Carter, Superintendent ; at Ue county poor hotue, and to sp pobtiabU place Joha IValoa, was I'.' 3 . i .?.t'1 'ivt t handed the board at a t ine whee tnere wre only four members . present. A m iixi wat made Ij appoiet Mr. Poo ton, whereupon another memberjnoved to Mwpon O'llit a full board euttld b had But i hire 'w a beg" le the ear of aom of tba member and a rerlain point lht ia'141. ri carried.! Ibea r H wjukl fill Ttie flral n tioi pet; one member yted in the a ffi rotative and two iu ?h iKgtivtj. The'chainnaB who seeiu tf t- awar (hat be. had ho right t vut, Mtiy in caae f li aaid h wout i uiiawd b from hi; seal and vote a a uimiaaioner, which he did in the sffinnttiv; which mad a tie. Now Bays he, I wilt gi b-w:a Ut My eal as chairm u and 'give: the casting vote wbich he did in th affi'malitw a-d Mr. Font-iu wUs declared legally elec ted. : , , -.' This is the kind uf Demucraliti 1 v trine we have , lind t accept ft place of what .they" cat lid ltegmrule. Under Republican aduiUiatratMHt there never waa a .raafe heard of lu (ftti, sia'e, that wo iitf in any way cnuipare i ibis U h Deiuocratiu luisruiw, y.i j Democrats as the-H wer !ih tu cry negro dominxiion mutt il j..V m-r misled int a chag ' f inn mwv a lowing llif pe ip'e to t-lec Iimc- fficia This saui misrule and Deuncrlic p.uty lai was "evrrely applied at a meeting of the a4i board "f tJommia sloners held on I he first Mnuday in December laai, the result of whiclr was just this: The chairman of the Demv cratic Exe utive Com-nitleer J. M. Grizzar vho was a so chairman .of the board of commissi nerf' "f Uiiu county, did with the ret nt this monarchical Democratic board, refuse to allow Mr. J. H. HaoiKin, the lrJ?l'y elected Reg ister ol lerda for this ounty, qualified for the purpose- of taking this office himself ip which he finally . succeeded in doing, after seUing on the case him self as bith judg and jury. He voted to make 1 he office vacant; he then a-i on that boaijl as a member and had himself elected to fi-l the" vacancy Mr. Uannon being a gentleman of high standi g and in every way com petent ., .'.o fit I this roiiioi. their only excuse for rhi- great! act of monarchy U that Mr. Uannon.! u a R publican. They claimed 'haj he wa not a citizen of the statu at the time of hia el--c'i", when it was proven before thefli, beyond theahadn ci a doubt; tha he had nerer l-fl ihjst ale twelve moDtha at any ooeiime in hi ii.e, ud he never iiad any, intention of making auy where, else his homa. Ue was e.iu p'oyed as wau hman in tlm Lnasury dej ari int nt at Washiugl in, D. C, which he accepted onl I n llip ;purM-s of apeiulii'g hia vacant hours' in the schools in that city. 8til he aid lit poll and properly iax in ihu uonuiy every year, and totrl-i hia iivn.e in the town- of Haiiftx at every election held in the state. u appeal from this nttarule and hr ba roils deciai'in br ihe tvmiui yaionrrn win take tins c-ie to me ciiri and tl a jury can be found iha' will aMr Hannon was ' til a cti-n .f the atate at the time of hia elect ion, then 1 will agree with the amall waivhiower man of the commonwealth, 'Mhat ur Itves neither our proprriy ia aafe Ijn ihia county t am glad to say pbbHe sen timcut i- with Mr. Ilannon, aiid it is io b hop tbtt tti c-iufa wiij no teas accortl liliu lair and impartial trialj Youra, for juath. QUEKVIK. SALISBURY, N. t)., JaaTiT. '8J. 1 KiirroR PuT: I have iMin time to time been intending to write you, but fur varnms reasons bave iwatpoiied it. I have 'determined this lime "to whet the dull edge of my pnrpoae," and try again." My attention, the other day, was called to an editorial paraph io the Nem Obterver, which we all know Is the chief exponent of the inconsis tent principles of the Democratic par ty of thie aUle. The. paragraph In question waa in entire keeping with the auble, sly nature which was character istic of many of the utteraucea of that organ during the late campaign. The Demecratie preea ia em oa the alert to take' advantage of and magnify the leest mistake of the Republican lead era especially when they think they can make: a little capital for their own aide by appealing to the prv-jwdicea of the "brother in black, through these mhsukea.! Yet at the same time Xhtj have beats la their own eyes as! big as a saw .log. Tha National Repuhlicaa Kxrcutive coeaaaiUee, which was la season a few days ago cooaklered the question whether states that art Deny cratic ahonld have la the neat inatfoa al coBTenUoa equal reprteenUtlon vita Republican states. Many of the cms aaittee took sides agalnai equal j repr aeauiioa, but the qoeaUon fisaity pre sailed, TheAweC5erver;ontof the dirrtact of opinion among tha coo mtUeooat2ia ameet wUa laeajle ' eye, eeea where U saay saake a poiat, j aad erica est U tit co&rl titxsest la thaH&Uaa rrtj tl. Qair Jca. VILMINGTON. NORTiCARQMff j era wisb to devise a pi" y which they j eta curtail the e Htred man's political privileges because he adds no strength to the 1 ecora1 college. Wo think ft would have been unjust and unfair had the rommittet; adopted a plan of nne qnal repr eseeUtion, becanse the color ed nan does the best he can, ud even more than the white man, considering he political obstacles he has to sut mount in order to cat bis vote for' the candidate of hia choice. -And, snore over, irihose of the committee f who were ntnch in favor of diminishing tu colorrd represeutation i the next ooareMthMt had, when tey were . ia a piiim io dp ro, alwiwa eqsaJ zeal and desire to protect the negro when hi rghta were endangered, and there wa chance of secuneg them to hi. he MtfHt have been able to add some strength to the electoral college, even to-day; : Hot wMwltnstnntltrrg rhat wen he v M.i.i may be true, such ntteraoces aa gven above, eminating from the A'fw Observer, coeaes with tittle grave from that source. Because we know liai ih r- is no paper in the slate' that cen i witli it in its advocacy of the right I thm minority to rule over the iuj nit: - But, nf w, all at ooce it ia a gei advocate o i be light s of the ne gn ! ' A ng, 8 in,d ministers of grace def nd ." Oie back some ol tho rights you have taken frun im in the kM' rn part of the riair, aud then we will he inn better mood to lieten to jour laltaoioua arguments. - We ail recollect bow the Democratic orators during the late campaign wjuld iuTanably turn to thw colored portion ot their , audience, and with a bland . v. . .. Jt ana. complaieaut smile spreading nvrr their eouuleuaoces, tell tbem how gk eroua the De mocratic party bad beeu in, providing a nice penitentiary where they eon Id be aafe confined when ever they did wrong; and had located a lunatic asylum for them in a conven iently malarial region where they would find lu tr mb'e in 'shuffling off their m rtat coil and "flying to the ilia, they know not of," and how -much greater ai hool facilities are now to what they were under Republican administration, Bui only the. other day they abowed hw much iftenst they had in the ne gr, wheii tby p-astd a . bill in the leg is'aiure havfn( f r ita olject ibe estab hsliiiienl -f a grded echool in stales vti Ik was nothing more nor Use i nan class Irgiaiaiion, as the tax col- ftjinl frnw ibe white pulls is to go to U e. ducat ii of the while children and ihiit fr-u (iie colored'potta to educate tin colored children The oil I is not o.ily uiM onsiitulional, but unfair. Yet a gff.it detl of DemocraUc leila'inn of late ha m other basis than lhai. Wlien they aie not legislating against 'he negro it i agairst the while man, and lh latter ia so blinded that he can't r-ee and take heed. Thecal oivd man hasn't had time to aceumu lata sufficient property on which stax vaji be aaaeosed to decently educate his chitdrn-; therefore it seems to us ibst. it is U'ltgivg'oomuch wheu the whites allow themselves to be tsxed for our educational j benefit in return for the 250 years ol unrequited toil that we have rendered o tbem. In this place there ia white graded school, but no graded school for the colored. In fact there is no colored school in the place, ran by the public fund, other than the tate colored normal e hool. r What then has become ot tho tx from the colored poll-? We suppose it has Rone to run t he while gradual cchoo1. It is said the commissioners sre coo tem pla ting building a school bouse for-.be colore children neat yesr. We hope it is true. It ought to bsve been dona long ago. The e-)lored voters ought never in the first place allow them selves to bo persuaded into voting (br the establishment .of graded schools. ualesr they have an audeetaoding be fore band that there wjlT be no class legislation lor the matter, and that tho colored branch of the graded school will open nt tho same time atd raa as maay months In tho year as the whites. They have the remedy in their bands and should manliest a little of the epir It ol the dot io the autnger if era csnt bave what we want yon shall not heveiU, , ; a B. II. A now branch of Industry has sprang op in Sweden lately tho tabtkaUoa of paper front moss -not ftom Iks living plan V t from '.. tho bleached and bUocLed remaina of mossm that lived centuries svo, and of which mat sen bars accumulated fa most parts of Sweden. A mannSsctory of paper tmes this material ana besna ocora tioos aear Josakarrlsr, and b Uixlzi oat paper la all drrrees of extelksca. tVoan tissue ta sssots three nnsrtsts of an lack in thickness, v These v tstttf are harder thaw wood. Klaa dojt of varies fsrss, s coloix disyosiUoan, Cro sBoakt?a.va pnrvots, an oert, two pairs of lovo Ur 's, a canary, and a nsddav am az-rr tls . -Ada afMBM.aatara " ' " t. I':- s u m .-.if f fits lij- ti Vusn n 4 T..it r . - i i i f - r . -i r 7 FCAKCJB' 'ITPSET, AGAHf . f 'H ssnrzci gewie' Appearat Tnri nTnaniuBian. nTTnW.A I 3 T ' . -,-wwvww-, i Lai riVes fha followinir iddftrnardi tails ol lhe arrivalof t a -fcrnpeiav ces that she ignores the' iipub)ic ''and S1?" fl u,BF'y. "."i .ulPWJ-.wKo rriuce t-rouio in. jaiis jncijrcp ravion. Her. ad Iterenu claim that; her press nee means' a demonstration'; b'ebaJf bX tha namnand familp ti JSapo ton. sheqaa. not appeared in pnblie,Wtatie4sltbon tor bw aotrounded Mji 're: aridipro-' sou weed Bonapimis! -.aoia Mi ahDhf. hower, Tgard her via'rc jnati ndw jajf Bt' imMmnkilreaieiiirjeeaence in the city has provoked met aiawn'aar- pme, but in many quarter 'tear e are felt lor the safely of tow rtpnntinal o. lir i tbooVtit th inoDuottuns IrSait of qgente on toe eve or n tnaumuef taa t the neceaaity ofbsoashiag' pdices frcan FmaceL -willi provoke iha xnodsr- ate Repnblicass in tiie diamber of 1 oepntiee to for Mi I? ioquwt'bttl. Oa tneotnerti&ttt, tt Is mmored: tbaClui genie's defiance vt ih government will result in a s'rong r'sing of B inaprttst adherreiits, - xrcutive raoanUrm.lhi.Ve been take it to i epreaa any dmonsta- iiob by either ot h fa- lions, swh(se leaders have an f je to ihn : ibrooe of FraieTe.and tb ds6plUwf efuhOiReT- public- Thf re h' le -na populiur apprwvai of Eag-M'aili, oututter pff SHt.r.e k uij.ii: uil-scua rxevfihg as the rrtat. a I. w Ja?a i irx. of iinc5 J-roiu. ' (i ia said int. Euen: as Cofcnizani of ihe imftiu f j j..' Thft ex-fntr-a irt c leed ;u uttniOtr of trienU t iay a-.t enteriaii-ed Vrmt res Mai hi da.-. -ii.. a."!- .. LoNiau. Jir 23 t ;iia to esrim nays i hni t L ei t uiog apera .-.ai ii:i tha rx EuiT bS '. Klyeiu" l'a iio l drt dare that Uin obj pt ol 4i ,u fntit la to mark her viupallijr with Pjiiite Naxieon ami' hr approval f hia! tnanut-Mo as rral. expreai ni t( Fapo i-onic piinc'ipUs "it maw he ob' serytd ihailii ia r-ih- dou'itfui, cou sidering the welt knowiii coolness be tween the e-eTiprrHi and tke prioce. 1XH DON. J.n. 24 -i,V c la.iMittt) fruiu Paris to Uie JaUv L Hearri'h iv the ex Emprcaa Eugenn ...wilics ii t!fu tiuclly UudcrsUMMi lba btr preai-itcr.iii France at tho present., june'iire must not- te iu e yreted aa- havisiir u io ilieat aiguiticance. M-.De-w'taiz.iaV. writing in . the . Pay , .?: 'i "Th v in preaa, with cbiyalrou v, i e.ie si'y, jh forgot en Prince Jm-n.a past bia re volts, r intr.-uUHif, a A. ambuioiiMand has ii ( rel ota it rod that - her placa wins nuiu tne b . me ahjs ap imu , waa be g pyseuted, Tbispby ibe ad mirable noUU woman js . perfectly nt Ural audf.i g Cl." , A-di-s?iu;h from Pria 10 the Daily Xcvos as,.: ,."Ii is ceriaiu that iifiiirri,( criis is iiu- miueut 1 ttiti idea of livins 1'iiiice Jerome m d iiy tho nenaie appears to have beei ab-viid-o ed ; Priuce Jerome' wantetf io ic a, wbolt; tr -p friend' under U.e I'leirit thi lli'ev'wrH hia oounel.r v fi);uja24tuvj( JiaS aliuwrd 31 J:tii0oia, b ntapurtitt iQin ; ber ol tlir t ambrr .f ii-puiis, id act as hut cuii-ei l"0, uiltii g time adro catra, bill Im baa i.niiinud , lb tr ttia wilf w h.i ..a si. . I ii.jxitieo liave niue a si p .ki . , (!.- . .ni. j-ti; I'ciu iktp oral i' r inn iui-ur.t't . o. au "arti:le wbich. m jril iii iiiu pter urktog tht ioii'. r in ot- ac'I;; -t;ut preav i'g in 1 n t laiMiiirv pm.ee, Victor em peror of f 1.11.4 t " . lioN IXi Si Jin ' ti -X': id iui 1 cb. trora Paria.aa i-;;idujiad v i arato e to oV'r- ra: Ihr l g-r-.-u cii.x. ct r tlie mm ia't-piai f-M. iia.s , i-uiitd. .'Ther were lli'e 1 aliiio l. c U'o lia un 1'ueaday. WOeu ire nrwit uiuh Juai .tbr special Cuimiiuitt- "(iAtd a uti ilty ai(ain.t thr g-v itoi.e'ii, -it , Bit 10 miuUtkr Ot Wat. and AuiQlial J 'Urcvu b-rfV. iuUur. oi lumi-.f, rfifii i: rt-aiz el-. PreaideiiL, tii 1 vy ur d t u'ein .not Up re aigo. lie iu: " t u :ijafe a oia'.er, and you alor. fm qiur ure iu would utter deavn yvutu wis nuler re but .iu retire now .and , leav luewpbu'ii acb!i'i that a ihi Id be dtserii ' , . . " J .trKKH'SPHKlKMISti - Fbf nt.'g-a raev bol waa fatten ttp lo llie:chaiot-r 'f-.ijt i't- l4' "All'' M t'leineniiaw hvl aiMilci-n n t rid ate i of the system of HitUou,' ibe nti.iK .if the chamber wa a ij-mrned K-r". aw it the retutn of Al. i-es. minister'ol tu- tice, from the cal-iir M-aiiig'ar the lyyee. 1 be Uenapartlsts deny thai it fev intended that any of them shall re sign in order to1 create a vacancy in the chamber of deputies ti be contested lor by Prince Jerome ' After tnetbi net IcouecU al the Ktyse w s concluded most of the ministers' r-irned to the chamber of deputies, 'Another coun cil will be nekl wnnifri w ts devise measures for solving ihe txtUtioediSi culliee. - --Tfsr tu i t :-r-4.rTlsot4aaVt London, January 24. -A dispatch front I'aria says; . It b haxdy poatbTo to overrate, the danArou chatneur which the ministerial crises- haa a. suased.' There wers hree ekntnet cooJncils on ' Tuesday 1ielhe news camo that the sperial cofsmtue showed a asajority againsC inn government.' Gen. BUlet, the If inbte T War, and Admiral Jaartuibry the iJialsiet of Itarine, i again ', rtaiiaed. president Grevy urged iheas no Cdrestgsw Ue said) "Yon sre n 'otlr and yew are a sailor. 1 am quite Wne yen 'weald never desert yon ot under .Cre. out ixyca rturo cow sni kf cte wi fcastt a cabinet, otwtn!4 no Oerti.w a Another dwpatrh wra taat the Ju derc cahieet U vinnjtl:y itfutHt Th neUOcai Ipaeie fo ucatii. ! ,CJ l Am faadholdera arebljg thrlr axocke ca tkt miiketi. The Nrast uf n jU lrstar It unireraUY f -t- Tfe4 te4- kw.:v ef n saUIUrr r; :3aia.&(at ia tm'y Wird C "iTtrJst heftt tie Ur r-t-a cm tls?s l artrroa r Jsst L.a rrls-e tX C-iUrs aid j- rttj r '. ; , -V -f V. i !:..iS ' I " - f I 4.. and ayearioir savins sword. ' It, i eenain tbat thpiambers will adopt I WIW.M,. UMiyctM m, l has iKrsmunyn lha east r la nmrtrtniv m ih in a 01 1 ranee out or juar. . PEdsenie ba afWred in L radon cOrseapondeDttetj-aphs that it is hard to. say yet Whether t this u the conse f uenceof the dirf intimation from the 'rench governmci! as 'is stated, or whether the stepiiiltakeu at the per- auasioB ' ot iner feSSds, all of whom are, grieved, by hfctimpradeot action. Her coming was .result of no deeply laid scheme.' Aj&tK bearing of ibe arrestvor inncealPoieon she tele graphed 0 to' M. Riteber i hat she was eouiog..j with , aojae s attendants- ,8ho asKed, io have. theri4"s as those that hid been occnnieii;t)V,her husband in A a aw- w u &i. 11 jft-'. T -. " . t -Thjs last was thjfxinly point of anv poll tica t significa44;c ta the whole affair( ana but or the aUCinent of her friends that she was callee Cio Pans to consult an xiiccuJMt, would fctve been credftad. During her sUy hirdaho has but lew leading peoplOi:! -Ms MS I ' 1 The Cabinet caJa ilrtainlv naW eon. jinue in office twf Ir three dayg; ; ' T' Dnrin ' the' ex'-ntShient 1 concerning the expulsion of tfte:bretenders Prince Naooleou seems ti-bipntirely lost sight ol One would i'iif io k tha Orlnaiis P'r'uiceV were the dfvineraiiiia afT.f-let by the proptatala oftAe .goerftnieut. ' ' i. a vaoiooc: othiki wua iirio at tne Eiyn- in, t moriEltfei; Tha iinitrv li a vh omi ,rfg n , Mitrj w iJ i . gi v ex-- pinatioia In-f .r3 s ;c-iiiin t.ce of the Uiiambcr of Dpugihia 'afccrntH.'n.J 1 City t ? t i y ms. ilHain E c'riis no longer city To The llibserilet4'i D oA fail io hit&' m i.i- iv i fr l: 1,lt ollli' .uoi'vu. hr the ioiH-y ..u '.'t - dulpfr ihf. P.ST. 1 , ' PKoyitMg fatYANT, Ju. j ' -Wr ' p ? Peiiy4l. , i' ' " Mr. Sumner feliomas, a former ktntwa ruixfiftl-f lltii ci.y, but ii iw of IVxhi, waS Hi ihi ci'y Frnlay tn h a way uorth.JI fi hacked aa if the south wtMt'agtevd'fgif'biai. -.iia'.-H- i i i ' Bice juilng. We learn ihat D- D. B-irkci- of Maitstille, 8, a purchased the Young rice plautijn ?ear this city, ami will cuminvncayueratioii8 at buce tie baa sold his nifclWoperiy at Mayes vili to Mt-ssra. liitn & CampbelK . The rawl School. , . .Tht Union Uraj School, situated 011 oixlo, bciwe2!;auii and Uburcu street, hd aboui.fi 1 visitors on Fii day last. 1 Eery id preased . them selves well pleajetf with the geucral opt- -:-iru: J v Stealing Shirt. :i Henry Hill, cj,lfred was arrested Friday on,, a warAlaaUfd iurd by Jusuce Milli. cbatoll with stea-ing a: shirt from the baric; of a was',t-rw - man inn; the othtLUnL Fai'ing to ive the j rrqyuedSid he was etlt in ' : Commlttedfoir Larceny. . A yoking cob-re liaaTi named Jame Etl-- waV neat SKriday . i '..n the .barge ; of a alinfj$'jf 2u from May U wta, c iiored. M was on the 5th d .y'of Srpeiiilerjsij ice which time Jie ha auccetird in Wfiping th-' offl tr-, untl yesterday. an namiuiiion tef-ra J.i -nee Cari he wai reqnired to give bond in tham of 50 for his aptwataxtM al 1 he w'lr ' o'the criju .! t,bt." iu lefaVil- wh cV In- ws C 'mil. d to j ill. VM Mssa-MpiH haa" Lj (Jl- Ui we"y p.TT. Orru-K U. 8. slAMif losriTAX. Hkkvh-k, 1 HOtXfciAI will f vd at tb offlc Ttle MedlcJtomeefi' rhara O. Ma rine Hospital Hrrvln I f jnamm H.i-h. Wli- miniwa. n. I"., a Oh It t twun of ti!.y Krtortutry Tlii. Iax fug Nrnlmblnc mrlwna tar to taaa f toe Wstra- Urtui Mcrvlce In I bat rlly. tave ta coutaialnc prt MiaaJa.aboM b aaataodkntl plainly marked "Proposals lor AmlriHiico ltor," Ktil a Mr aid llha MiKtt oJUrr la rbare. V. I.-. lartoa lluMii Hprvlca. CosU.ra How. Wilmington. giBjL, who w ill foraKh ait nset ii-y wlyUga ' U appiiriu. . fAtttK.X IRWIN, FSaawt AaalatatlBorsM M. II. a JanJhav- v - VL BTATK Of MUS,ttll CAROUXA. j Saw BayovuiOM.ff, Bcnuata Cue nr. T Ii KUKAA a naT 1 1 acorporaUon v aMt ia taw ha wsHuBlad la tats offiae, of a earmraitwa to S ftoi-i oiunina AawaMMiv tn UtarvoC aw4 It arrarm tfcjU ail ik eapl- m aaaea aas wa 4jtuer 4ttUertwad for awd Mid ta, Siow. tterrtra t nertoas wno Bav stra satS Flaw jfbff .lauriaraUMt are Mrrwr sw US ad Sa a M aitaXiiMcm Umtzn Mtrntmp tum 4 f,tb yaoraar. taad, m S o dort Sk saw for Mt'innum w4 lwUa metra wad Tajlf ewder tne rtaawl amrpwuoa mm aKf i ua voir. t!w aMar aajr 4 aad awat oT oSm Isrfre d rvwBsie sajiters wnar Cwnv aH . fct COAL A.Sp WOOD. 3T iai.-'&rAR1a WSUe AtB;liraJ, V -. sy-T' -.'- CVmmhwV. aadrpawe . VeeJ i-i f'xSrw j. a. aljuLxaxJi. i ianttt Cnaetal .Tssd. 3f cii .'hljyj-,! of I-sirtU U j .I'i Tr -r-f- )f-' ' 1 y tn m TT. 1 TTrTT i . Ji . a - ' A . .. v,. ... I Y r2rfirk 1 nlMftiMnr '." ...... i hi: m IT IlLA DEN . STRKTTTH , ; 1 Re palrinsdoae'fn aU Brahcbss eltiw and BaUsfaettoh (Juaraatesai'8 .ant ly.' t t us -milti-fl -,vI Xrade .1,. ersaZ8ei5I s V p o e E a JS S o-e "3 . THOS.. E- GILLIAjNi J ACK-OSVILLE. ONSLOW COUN- ..7?,, 'H, I'. . iJi! Ui.K T t;.CTlCi;s In tbo courta of liirteret, Onslow, a. lHUlin and .IVnder coanUc Prompt t leultoii v vn to Ibe eolleellon ot all claims-: feraousdcsirMig io purchase pr sell lands lu a liber ol.tbe jtbovefnf med counties will 'ootosoli Iblri uwnloert-st byi-ecluj or torri1ontlirt wfh -me. Ad- TUOMAH 10. OILMAN, , t,f. Attaraey atlw, nov 2U U"",. , - JackfoavUlj N6 ; 1 ji.l rif t biU'l SB 5-53 'ft' a : is 'us j iff sr-- 'Jr - d. -Nt " siIC T. K MlLLEHfCO., i HEREFORD -CATTLE la 1 COTSYiOLD SHEEP CERStSIIIRE SVJIHE. Baao," ' fViu.,e,'n-buM 3 V-i v wan rrw tYvs a lk Km. T - -- j.l-ra-iT" tot J. a fMe a 1 " . a ; arutir aJ ilom I jm u. as. h twn.iT sa u aUTacrr UiOt. Devl?-r j,.... .4 ! rs , . i-t . -. 1 C -J : co c ; . - tij jul -xsi .a-l-rtiit m. i ffltf S..Kf;:i a I v. . w " m Ji 1 1 ' . ' 5 Hwsaawasaa-sMfnw o ? NTS!? AJJ VEIiHSIZIEIiTS. v eijr.rZlO llorno parkArresf In IortaMa Kokum baa at 10.000 ft. er lichisa fivm Hoard in IS hoora, toaruiim aiaba from th ca la a.troot Vu. , 1 ? a saw a 000 fa or Banlork boaida in ia Lourm. Oar IS lltrm trill etU JO.OW tttt la tim. m. ! L JT leas fuel aud Watee than hi aoy othar Xaeiae &ot flttait with - aa AvtanaUo Cat-Offi. Ifyoa waot StaOmary or VortabHs Ziijrtna, Bollor. 3r eatae Snr -aui.' Ebamog or 1 1 V 1 1 '3. urn, t tiaw caci or aiwhuut'a Piteat AVVuuglit Iroa fnllf-y. .ajwaaatg"!! IogBa.W-. . w. rArxx '.arawas for owe , UlwatraUd OtU fn laformatioB and prices. 80NS. Canflug, M. tux.... 'A ftACarORVOU DICTIONARY, . V n r-.Pv. HIS TUUSV NEWSPAPIfJt - A PLACE FOR VOUR PERIODICAL. THE H0YE8 DICTIONARY HOLDER. until 9 :i:. 3 - r ; WI3 A mm urn iiiliiiiil a . bmm ir :.7ii:Gr.iACHinECo CIUCACO.IU..' I VUftwwi I.- a dee .4 H Aaiuiii, WUutaVoa. N C 1 1 - I mV i iiii WrW i 9 a a a a 1 a a a I r -'I' il.m.!lL.iLlBP..,lJ". -.S'- Sl PGHpUNnitlG 1 3 I? 1 1 a ti2 IElTiiOrJEs c -1 ' ; tntrvtmxxscontzva ' BP El THE UOIILD . WaetweaiwNl U$mm Aawdatd Lmmmai aas aa 3 av 4 SaaJ in Ijarasai . a a . j . 41 aVa Sitt9GPaaBw 3 i

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