torn 1111 -4 olUME XVI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. MARCH. 22, SS3.p . singje Copies 5 Cents NUMBER J 2, 1 ,V 5 I , Mi NGT' j Nt POST yV,,.vW at the Potto ffice ' at Viliaing ,i V. f'A Second Clash Matter . A .t' .;S OF ADVERTISING. : i S) lines, Nonpareil type, cob- ' I-i,;V. '!r,i ner Una for the jirst in-..V.'hiii-"'! tweutj-liveicenta per line j 1 1 1 C1 a v Aj .L.faaatioiinHrucrtion. . ; .!' :' ertiriemeuli will be charged i !r.v O n e, rates, except on ' Bpecial i ci: ;H nptioir price to TliE'WiL ,i'ii(7: loa v is $2 00 per year; six i.j.:.ii!ii.v'i o-'). . - . ; '' t ' -: - i vii c rrmmiiiealious on busines must .i M.-c-i.-ed to The WiLMfNGTOil Wilmington, N..G." T11J-: I'OSiT A X XO U XCEM EST. l iiiV J)a,e r will nut be sent in future :i:y except to those' who pay in ad- i i .r it. We tind ' it o bard to I : : t bnck Vubscriptioiin Ibat we are- ): n;.cli-.l loVuilow the rule Jong since n ,f (i nvii bv "dilier p.ji rn, to send only vyr:- .h!'eriti'r.-4. ri--t' ihi he who f 'i'V Xy4 '''Y lM ''J nu j in can gri . ,(.1! . ..r twelve nionylis. No ltis I!' -!- :itin Liiutj 5r--csifd. '' IS-JU Kit lAKUIAiE. iL - n i ' - ... " - )h kn4Wn jMMierally supposed that ilit' i;i )y w r i David -Davh) inarried at I'ivc fu'Ville is a North LJurolinian, but md '')t the castyeue" is aMa.ssichu- .(:!. w ,ii.iiii?havin); been the companion vt'-.l :tT'('tr en ot'Norlh Carolina, in her . i 1 , p ' iir.i v . ;.i in the -otd. world; after their rt- "t ur.ii tt.- iliis C'tiiity, Mirt.s Uurr wnnt to .iM'i. i g u '. visit )ui; rt '.alivfH and .Vis' I.' ho riUlriit'd t lit" r northern 1. n. ;l;r.vr.l-4 a prriact'd i.i lior jrn !!!, "ilrs. (Irefi After .I ii-. I i vi- I--.' hi ; wife, hi paid .his "''Jftr'sfa (. .AI !- ilufV,' wkh 1 bo result" . 1,1 lui'ivvn: At iiii time; the i.wt hava U 'V i 1:1 i 0 0:10.; Im wa chX bolievd iii ; Vh'i 1 '1 ;ivi' woman is:the better ; lU.i,'.i-''l.'.ivi!i .j.ily w1v;'i i 400 p.uj)d.t l.V IS5 I lv AT LAST. . ! i ! . ! : ci.jible uriiole we have V,! :S i.i. my v juv! isli be'ow '.',. njiViidilidr tVur'oUo Journa. and '-ji'i e it.nuiy W reatf ty our friends: J9 It iiiie liii'f llti' tiiii l.ib.r. Hiixivv .mil 0xi'.e"Hf which the petule . of lh v u'nl.rv txu-ud 'mi ji?.!iy pout ics !iiOU'd ' ( 'vv''' ' lliciu to the diligent iini.-'liil i'!, ' 'H'll: 111 i: bUMiicsK tbv'coiin . ry vvi.iil.I T. Ivttler ve.utd . -and .' t)i a. ii in. m it -is' r.ilitics is ttie na ti-'.'u.-ili Ui n-Y, wiiiciii. cliiuiiic, and U;-!(i.i!y ' auu'iiuiJe of forms. 'It .. "sCi'mul.t-tesi the j utilic pulse rE: .1 .. ,. . !,!,.! ... ... I .r ll kK'U !! i'.'J ; t ;fi HI I if i ll" ni i ir.111 111 n L" an .l'UTiif:in. at irJuatice-wt" tiiii I'iiOi , t.:nts i.n. Jl aetv'eratfs it ,v. i, ,1 I, s'i.;tui aiid judges uire to be i .. .1 -i i', av'l when a ctjHj?r.eMoul and '..sidVuliUridt'ctiou coiil'ronla the peo-,v-it usMiiuen ih j lorui of a vioicat t;, h.Iih !i be:ns a' tattoo in the veins, -Vm.t'bvs the ' blood, ami OrzeM the iwuai "t! l the voting population. This isvi'Ht l the iiieveuatile reu!t of a uiiivifrkil elective js ein bastd on uii t(iiLr.ted nulfrage; .tid, while it is dep- n.utd ,-at.d d' phrd ty uii-umiut ui Uu.servutive citiz is h. attire f.aj. uuie ttdiuit' their inability tu sug- j s'fsi .-, ipraeticMH-urt' iV r the evil, there ;t:ev fters lu, with more of less sin .".'m: . arft'ft to regard it as b th a nat uiul ht-ttiiliy iate of. the bvulv poli--Uv in thi. .iiualry.. . If frequent dee thiEis -always ntettrtla frequent recur rivi,. to futidau.jiintal priucipie"- 'Klii:lti.w. !Tt scribed as the sure guar K'l I lie p 1 1 etualion of uepubii . i f i i::uuioii t y the ' fathers tberp ,..,u J no d'rtlwvnce of opinion among t i l' 'pcti nl ou t h subject; but the i i. a in. utal piincifle, and the oly : i -mi mat principle, involved iu ,.Ui,teoi!nlanily recurring politiv! con ti it the dc'strrvf the "uj:"to get in, :t:..l i f the "ins'U ty in. : ".i tkoiior then to thtS culored men . I- . . . ; . ! '.I n.. dr:a' to iui"iu . tr ;rigtii through the column of their tive papers. Ihe alarm miut la ded, and as are uu the rtw, e waU' ca i Uf.i.'t litoweralct us do it. that uo biame Uid at our doorr mere i iot uiUlmiit about .n'rd laborer 'j; here: 'but unteas a jolicy of and iadicrimnnou is inaug i, t.o man or sei of nirti can stay of immigra;i o ltxa our dear ,te- Fire cater must b rtle- lb rear, aud the cimservaUTe- 1 ;va. tuiijdedioer of state . aod ... v USJ v progress, home, prsjeri:y na iing '"thing that i dear to the bu- Sear.. must come to Jtuc irooi i-'. .Le pr Jemnd: it, aod ita pray . Wt l W heard and answered. Ua j.r : .i u tii we win. We can never .- uttie4 a patiadiuoi i throwo ..A tiuuiao rich: uch as will i Uta trxm th enroachBienU of :vprary more hercts io wm ttj ' :hxa that oi tht ll na t i.IlirnTrttiiiUmf-. Usat op ue Utiii ,y uwvet kt"-tliru4--Mr'-fX - vtttV, fe. C , ha ?ub:ncvl fo, v.v iw&rd oottaa milU The Tobacco Rebate Quefttlou. Judge Lawrence, tirst comptroller of thejlreisary, has rendered his decision oa the question submitted to him by the commissioner of internal revenue as to whether tbd tax aod tariff act of March 3, 1833, either 'uf itself or in cjr.nectura . with existing laws oper ates as an appropriation of the money necessary to pay the claiins which may e presented" under the fourth reciion. for rebate 01 the fax ou "unbroken fac tory packages of tobacco and SLuff, cigars, cnerooisauu cigaiB'-ic?. mc vh nt.TlA A aetA 4 J t V O f ftll.J X ft . i . l ' , rr r , I. . ' ';aUnn' r:. ,u f,l,(m. fnP7Sne peopie aiu xaau ou xuureunj t. rebate authorized by the said fourth . - - I section', and that there is no other statute whiehnakea ,an appropriatian 'of money applicable fr that purpose. He also decides that "the statute au-thorz-js the paymeut of claims for re bate to manufactures iu stamps at the reduced rate therein provided, but no such provision is made for payment to dealers." . About WlgginM'tt Storm. Ottawa, March 22.-i John, a former u-jotractor of Ottawrf, now of Moos? Saw., forty-three miles froin lva gena, northwest territory, writing" to a fnei.d here", under date of . f he twe'fth hhUiiI, speak' at fallows ot Wigiu's storm: 'Ihe storm commenced on the eighth jns'.ant at, noon' and continued with terrib'e force until- 2 a. uu. ou 'he ninth, when U . reached T greatest height. T'.ie winu blew. at. th. rate "of seventy-five pules an hour, and the air was one nias of s mow. If you were ten feet from your door you coaid .not find jt 'jtgain, and you could neither stand norbrealhe in it without shelter. This is the irreaijst storm in a century. In the middie of the storm a guu began to fire, announcing that a person was lost ..... XT U in the cen'er oi me iowii. .uur, uuw ever. WOUlu veniure-io mo rts:ur, as -i thtv wer alraid ot ffeiiniK lost inem-r selves. After two hours' hHrd fighting' th party got safely in. A largestore,: 50 by lOU feet, i.nd tw s'ori-V high, was blown i-leau over by ih treratjn dous gale. Jdany Bmall shanties and hons-s collapsed with the force i f the s'.orm. r Tom Ocfilltrc?'' i'asc. llepre-ieutaiiveThom is Ochiltree has filed a.stij:piemeiital argument with the first comptroller ojf the treasury in re gard to the putbority of the treAtjurr to without the payuen Of his salar an a uu ntber of congress uutil his accouna as marshal of Texas fcavejbeen settft'd. This argument questions the iegalnytof such action under the coaptitulion, 'on the ground that its operaiious. woull deprive a rorlion of the citizens of the United States of reprepeuta'.i n in con irrfst. The first comptroller says thti be has merelv notified the Jreasurrr to withold ..Mr. Ochiltree's py until he can! thoroughiv iavestigate th tpies tton. when he will disi s-of it finally. Treasurer Oiltillan says that he does, not, feel authorized, to' withoid Sir. Ochiltree's pay unless satisfactory evi dence of his indebtedness to the gov eminent is presented. The peaceful violators of law iribi'Uih Oarolina upon whose sacred persons tie hide hand of a United States deputy marshal has beeu laid, and the sarrd tyaipsnums of whose ears have been assailed by the reading to them of a warraut of arrest issued by federal au thoTity, will be given nmplo opportuui tv to inaKe'complaiiU id ny wrongs in flicted upii them by the tyrants who dare to uphold United Slates law iu the Hoveretirtl- siaie vi ouuiu vaiuwn i- . .. i. i ... . ..... Likewise the; bloodtbirty sheep which have be;n recently engaged in ki. ling butchers, will soon be checked Showman ForepiugU says: cui tell vou iust what narl of the country 1 am in bv the kind of pie. if I eat l&"$:m outaide the hotels In the south, it's tweet potato pie; in the west, beny pie; middle countn. apple vjoie: Cauadra- cranberry pie;aud New hnifUud, puuip kiu pie. lloiel landlords all over the the world have a ureal opinion of fnlinir uu ditv of drieU appfe pie. Eie phaoUs. camels, ostriches and monkeys are the not animals that- will eat pie. No, sir- rl do -.not know how many pies a canvaamau can eat . City Items. To The tltjr Mnbrribrr Don't fail to have your money ready fW I.shall call on you at once for the money you ar du tr the 1 .T. Providers Uryast. Jb yood haa ben bith in thU market. tiuck farmiof is te order of the land owners around Wilmiagtoa oo Cotloi is alill fltliaing. Farmer had belter make bo and, hominy, and U. cotton, in the future. , Hon. lw Rl Bridge- u up the C C lUilroad proapectiBg the country fo the Iio from WtUoo to Floreace ThU geUeo;fto retfred very cracv fully from the Mror'i ocoo Friday mora log last. 1 3 Mt-aua, Ttogto aod Httbb. pcial Acat of the Treasary D part 4 1 , hav U hex U pa wk, UiiiBg Good Friday was generally observed h this city. lit was fair and pleasant last Monday ad Tuesday, it rained, on Wednesday, apwed on Thursday was cu ar ana coia on? Friday," and pleasa'nt on Saturday. his is a great climate for changes. i -'' ' -H - . ,., It is usual for March to come in like a lion and go b.ut like a lamb. J That was Mr. VanBotkelen'a style on elec tio day. He! went in and wa taken down. We advise you to hare more disorction in the future Mr. Van. It; was Sweat (sweet) to see HCow(e) ThA. ftijh f hlotoi uraa tsar and wlllintv tn be caughtj the ghooting was goof alao. one Bear was Drougni aown Dy in e peo ple i'b the old Third. f k Notice. r Thsf seond quarterly meeting of Mt- Olivd A" M. B. Church, will convene this day (Sunday.) A f ine'ral serirffn will be preached by the Presiding El der 4'. Svupson, at 3 ,o 'clock. Ihe HolyCorniniui:m will be administered at night at 'S:3U o' i'ily Kleclioii. . he t lection on Thursday last the At f. -Howling a'drmeu wtre. e!ecttd: Fir-k Wiird -W. II. Chadbouru and sham'iSTeet; Itep'ublicans Srcijnd Ward E. I). Fall aud G. J ioney Democratt. Third .Ware' .John L. Dudley and iinuel;Bear, jr.fDem'ocra's, . -' ..Fourth Ward-w. Li. Deliusset, and S4 H, Fishuhtte, Democrats, Fi(fhJ Ward John J. tieyer and Valentine Howe, Kepublicaus. All , t?f thee gentlemen are men of nteirrity aud will mike good aldermen. JOINT Jl EET1 Xli . J. let ion! oft lie Clmmbjerot t'om- mcrce and Produce Exchange Ron Hit Heath of Gilbert Potter, ofXew York City. IloOMS . PilbDOCE EXCIIAXUE, W i l jr x tiTo ' ,' N . I'., lar. 30, 1883 A joiujt meeting d the Chamber of CouimeiLe and Produce Jbxchange; called by t rder of the Presidents, was held at lioou this day. . On nvitkm of Jameii Sprunt, Presi dent of tie Produce Exchange, A. H. VHiiIlukUelen, President of the Cham ber of Comaierc-e, was called to the Chair. 1 ' jf The Chairman. called the atteution of the joint meeting to the announce ment of the death of Gibert Potter, of New YorU and stated that- this rceet . . i. i . .. , lug tiad iticen caliea to taice action thereon ! ' On nir ion of F. W Kerchner, Mtssrs. B G Worth and John L. Caniwell wtre appointed Secretaries of the uieetinkr'. ' Ou uiotHn of Dr. A. J. DeRasset, a commiltee. was appointed by the Chair to submit o the meeting suitab e reso- lu'ions. The Ch Kir appomiea ur. A. J T-n a Dcllsst a nd HesvVf. B F. Mitchell, Alfred M.tbin, K. E Calder and Hen ry Mttfet :i s said, committee. The com! imittcc reliretl ttj frame reso- lutious, I ki their -absence Messrs. B. O. Worth aud A II. Vanliokkelen, ceafed and-his virtues and spoke old his good 4 uaiities as a merchant and gentlemau Tne conijiuutee oil resolutions hav ing returnied, presented through the chMiruiKu, pr. A. J. Deliosset, the fol lowing preamble aud resolutions: ' Ihe ci'iumittee ; who have been d arned ith the preparation ot some suitable aciiohyby the Chamber of Com- merut and PrtKluce Exchange of ihis citv. now i!embled in joint meeting. in rizard toahe death ot Mr. tiiioert Patter, merbbant. of 'the city of New York, re.-pbt'uliy present the follow-; ing rep ort, And recommend i"s adoption by this ne-fioe: This ooiurouuitv. in which the te Gilbert Poticr was widely known as an upright anil t-uccca-oful merchant, kind hcarir? and charitable ciliien, and a cnsiient cbriitian gentleman, was hc!ted and grieved by the uoex pected anoi-uneement of his death, which tx-currtd t his home In Ilrook Ivn. N. Y-, $a the night of Sunday, the lSUh inataaV at the ripe old age of tnrre score and ten. He was person ailv known it some of us while a rot dent of this p! tee in hU early life (from S3S to.IS44). during which time his active mUustrv in laborious occu rv t ion and his hrj-h tone.! 'character aa a man. jrav;pnuut ot the future sue- teas aod elevated staodmj to which lie mtai ord as a ciuten and mercnant to Uh trrft nieiro polls pi our country I . ! . - 1 hM cooiiurriuviu, auvi mt iuu- mate relaiiot which have extated re- two Mr. Patter aod njary or the P tlof this ctSty. reuder u htchly ap propriate ihft the bodies compoain Shis meeting ShoulJ not allow aa event f a much latere-: to our commuauv i. nite without adwptiar and record in the r minutes wot expreaaton of thir wdm t! tht toi whkh has twea uiaiai by .death ot tuck a ciU 1 1 m thefeWre ordered bv the Chaos tw ed Coainircw aad by th Prodac Eacha&c ot Use citv of WilaaiagtM rkax i hi aaiaut be eateredl ia their re spective boob of record, aad that o- pies of the same be furnished to the newspaper of this city, the New; York Journal 6f Commerce and the New York Shipping and Oommercial Littt for publication. V ' 'S ' " . BesoWed, also, that w tender our heart-felt sympathy to the family and relatives of the deceased in the great afiction and loss which hare befallen them; while rejoicing with then in thje rich legacy which they have in the memory of his useful and honorable life, and in the blessed hope of eternal life for him through the merits of the Saviour whom he believed and trusted. On motion the preamble and resolu tions were received and adopted. ; . On motion the Secretaries were in structed to forward a OOpy OI inese I olutions to the family of the decease On motion the taseetisg Adjourned; JOHBT Li. CAWTWBIX. B.Q. Worth,-1 Secetarlesj ' A called meeting of the Wilmington Produce Exchange was held : immedi ately after the joint ; meeting, which was called to order by the; President, when ; .. ..'.'" .'".''! On mohon of John Daniel it was Resolved,4 That as a mark of respect t'p the memory .of the late Gilbert Pot ter, of New York city, this Exchange close from 1 o'clock this 20th day of Marcbv until 12 o'clock on the 22nfi day of March, 1883. - Adjourned'. Tt. I hlrinrtrt X- wan u vjjlei x vt ci.ij. I Se:retary. " . t The Salvation Army-Alphouse Daudet'N New Book About It Paris, February 22 Alphonae Dau- det s "iiVaDgeuste," already reviewed among tht "New Books in Paris," creating-quite a sensation bath here uud in London, having been generally un derstood to be an attack upon the Sal vation Army. ; I Somewhere in Switzerland the feei ng was so intense that government in terference was necessary in order to prevent the Salvation Arm'y from be- Dg literally stoned out of the town. The Evangetffets have nothing what ever iu common with the military preachers of the religion of peace. They forni .purely a Parisian institution, led by a set of wealthy maniacs as unscru pulous as they are sincere. Their meet ings are held all over the city. The 'Mine Auiheman" of the book, one of the principit fanatics, is iir real life the wife of a wealthy banker in Paris. She is an indefatigable proselytizer, work- og her wi.y into all the dens of pover ty she can fiud, where any alternative seems preferable to the misery of th time being.i ljicnand, who diefiksome few weeks ago, wasj the lawyer who re fused "Mme. EbseaVcase. Her ene mies must indeed be powerful to have made the almost proverbially daring advocate shrink from his duty. Strange as it may seem, every word of the 'Evangelist e" is strictly true; every etter quoted is in M. Daudei'e posaess- lon. tie even nas a prescription com posed of sirychniue, atropine, &c, put up by one of the first chemists in Paris and fuuud by Mme. Ebseh among her daughter's effects. There was also a bott.e containing a concoction of bel- adonua and strychnine strong enough to turn the best-ballaoced brain.. Notwithstanding these overwhelm ing proofs Mme. Ebsea could find no one but Daudet with sufficient courage to .undertake her defence. They sy the number of threatening letters he has received from hysterical and hyp notiifd women is something incredible. Over ten years ago. vague reports of this same religious scandal were noised about. In the little village of Porte. Sauvreur, on the outskirts, of Fans, children had been, drugged with the belladouna catechized And converted under its iaflueoce; ; but then, as now, the leaders of this cheerful sect were so powerful that the thing was hushed up. 1 It i 'doubtful, however, that the Evangelist" will restore to jitae. Eben the daughter; she has lost. For the last nine years, ever side the hor rible acene at the' end of the book, the young girl has be a living at Za rich. The mother has accepted the situation aud given her op as lost. notwithstanding the brief cold letters received from time to time, almost ore painful to bear than silence. M. Daudet's noble effjrt wilt at least act ma a reneral waroiaf. aai mar deal a deathblow to a .hysterical propaganda which recoils before so crime, aad which to aav th soot dea sot hesi tate to kill the body. It it woch notinj that the tamest of the Eev. Ur. Charles wwth, who coapiaiaa that hts sixVeta- year old daughter, who, with Mtes Booth, was receatlj xpelJd from Geneva, weat thither agaistat his will. a stnktof praiei lie ftief evf mxfcer ever tke . UaitMi of ers uaAVid! exlisi of U book tsv titiei "L'Evaajine aibsWtl all Book Sloe, si a swsmiaaJ pcic,aa4 tborsM be rvi svs4 carecanr tii4 6j II tkoojiliul NEW AUV EETISEMENTS. Certificate orElecJipn. : ; wiLmlngton, c, f March tsto. 1TK THE UKDERIGNED JUDGES, duly qaallfled to hold au Ejection for Al darmen for the Pirst "Ward of th Citi or Wilmington, oh the fourth Thursday of March, 1383 pursuant to an Act of the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, entitled "An Act to organize a Government for the city of Wilmington, "ratified the sixth d&? Ma.xh, a. d. hereby csrtiry that the following is a true and cornet state ment and return of said electron: W. H.CHADBOURN reeoived 41 votes. ISH AM SWEAT received 509 votes., received JS3 vptes. recel v ed 1 ifS vo ; eis . received. 75 votes, received 3 votes. W.E.HOWE K. W, DOSHEK iS. H. MORTOX ' GEO. L. BHUTTE And we do hereby declare that W. Jl CHADBOUBN and I:vHAM SWEAT, huv- lng received the highest numbor of .votes cast, are elected Aldi-r me u of the City of Wilmington! from then K-jT WAUL). M 'J.. li'. OltKKLl,.' lleiMrar. ! i AV'.M.EVANif.Ueststrar '- -W. H. JS'ASH, S. H. TEUuV, M. C'.VU- IIOLIJ. W. KI.VG, J. w. .wairsEY, is, A, RICHaHDSON, JESEIVhS '2t;3EIvT TiiOMAS, Inspectors of Election . ' mh 25 2t Certificate ot Klectiou. Wilmington;- n..c? i ''. Marh i:-J I, !. yE, THEj -UNDERSIGNED JUDGES, duly qualified to hold an EleeiitTi :fjr-Aldermen for the Second Ward of the Ciiy. of Wilmington, on' the fourth -Thursday of March, im, pirsuaut to au Act of the Gen eral Assembly of (North Caroliua, eutilicd "An Act to organjzc a Govfruiueut lor the City of Wilmington;-' ratified the .-ixlh day of March, a'; P. 177,' do hereby 'certify that th following jis a Uce and eorieel mte rueut and return of aiU e-lectUiu; - waoiur.uj,,i recciveu-i vuiCi, iDWARD D, II AuL rerelvoj-ifr-; vote;.- Scattering. o votes. And wedherebytleclareth t GAHRIEL 4.BONEJvaud EDWARD I. II ALL hav ingreceived the highest uuruScr ot votes cast, are elected Aldcrnien of the City of Wilmington from the.sECUND WARD. J J.C. LUMSDE.V,ategis!iar. JAMES G.: BUKU. T. A.-Hlil'AUU, GEORGE E. BORDEN C. Vv. .WANT, lu spectors of E'lectloa. v inh 25 2t . f crliilCHtc of Election. WILMINGION. N. C, Mirch I. l.i,;4 1 yyrE. THE L NDEliilAiNKI' .ILnoE-j duly uaJined to h ijd aa K.'e-;lfJ for AI dfrmeu lor thj Thirfd WarJ-o! the ity of Wilminjtou. oa the fouitUTUuriay of Mat.-I, i;. pursuau: let u Act i th--. Uea- eral AbacmWy of North Caro'iuii, eut it 1 d i "An Act to organir s Govern : A f-r ti:e Ciiv of .Wllmtugl(ii." raiuie-l iu -i!h dxy or: March .:... i. l-rr d urebv-rrSi: that i ' the follow! n; J. a true aa l rrnft .-tte- I t - meat and re:uru of td net. uon: JOHN L. DUliLEY r . elw.i . :?,' K.lMUliL BEAR. J k.':. rweivcd Jl" vo-.m, E. T. HAS tXK" K r .-.-.-..d Ti v 'e. F. W. FOSTER recc ve'J r: v,.i. . And wc do hereby d.Urc thi. JotIN L DUDLEY audfrAMUEL BEAK. J a , havit g received the highest number .f,voi e-L - i - are elected A'dexiuea e-f the -tcy f vt'il. i . ml D (ton irom the THIRD WARD. I A. J. -Ytrr. Kst.irr. WALKE.K UiAKtsJ. W. I'EUI-EW. N. - 1 i O. S.VMPSON. t. a. SAD-J5VA.B, Xu; tors oi Eieciios. - ? L " - - ; i" oil T1 STATE OF KOdlil tAJS-jHSA. 1 UASOVKR COUNTY. St' Sl rxaiva Cotar. sra;(, Triut l.V (.. W. Vcnabie aad J. Ujrtaaa. pir d'-- &c j beirla bb4v I a ct- aext svyle' of Vaae a ri sn? Urvsaaa. ? -. agas..! 1 8. J lacbJeMiea 't'HIS la aa ua Ut rvoa-nt m Ua I i e ace'sat from tsw t-n ist -.. ti liai5iC aad a rrl cf ts4s-.'al i lauij fcrta a4 f. . fansc --vj an it ;- ta np i&at wo 't '. oa r.- aad aaaaot an. r 4s w j -a4 i& t .-a uut a - J .x,.-.. tTXt Vaay. Ut to . t i -a.i. TMU M Hotxtt U lUna :A M4 aar or W li s tetftam ul aart'i ataw aia a. iari as in Ut : w VaaAtl5a;SCr. CMlNt40CtV J Ck lNc4Cat 4 J ' I SMlt 3 Mae Owast.t SMfU ,,; . i - " v- . - : -" ; ' "aj: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Certificate orEIeetion. WILMINGTON, I. . Mareh23d ISSS, AY TK. THE UNDKRAlGNED JUDGES, duly quatifle J to hold an Election for Ai dermen for the Fourth Ward of the City of Wilmington, on the, foartb Thursday of March, 1S8J, pursuant to an Act of the Gen trl Assembly of North Carolina, entitled ''An Act to organize a Government ior the City of Wilmington," ratifled the sixth day of Marcb, 1S77, do hereby certify that the foliowlug is a true and correct statement aud return of said election: ; 8. H. FISHBLATE received 21T votes. WMJl-DkUOSSET received 217 votea, GEO. CUADBOUKS received 175 TotM. A. ADRIAN Veceived 1 vot. Aud-we do hereby declare that WM. L. DeKOssseT and S. H, KlaUBLATE, having received the highest number of voles cast. Are oiectcd Aldermen of the City of .Wll- mtugtou from the FOURTH WARD. 1 . ... ., '-,!. i - - '. JOHN J fOWlEtt, ReglsU. M. S. WILLAKdV J. WILLIAvMS, JCllX G. NORWOOD. GEO. W. PRICE, Ji; , Imjecjtore of Election. m'l 13 2t '' . ' ' M , : i C ertificate ot Election. -. o , r ; ' WILMINGTON, N. C. ! March 22d. IS-SS. ' -"'' : . 1 TlE. THf: UNDERSIGNED JUDGES, duly nua'.iilud to hold an-Election : forAl- deruien tor the Filth Ward Of the City Wilmington, on the fourlh Thursday March, 1S J, pursuant to au Act of the Gen erul As&embly of North Carolina, entitled "An Act; to organize a. Government for th City ot VVilnilngton, " ratified the slxtn aay of March . D. 1S77, do hereby certify tfcM the followiu; is a true and. correct staUs- ulsut aud return of bald election; VALENTINE 1IOWK reeel ved jm votea JOHN J.GEYEK C. I- LOCKEY reeeived ."03 votes. ' - - - t received 138 votes, received 118 votes A. B. COOK 'teal J. !.A;IP.SON received 5 vot flAnd we d i hereby declare that- VALEN TINE HOWK and JO UN J. GEYEK, hav ing received the highest number of vote cast, lire elected Aldfc&en of the City of, Wl!iuiusiou from the FtI7"H WARD, ; ' BENJ. FARROW, Registrar, A. HOWE, Jr., J, IL H ANBY. J. D. "it. KLANDEK. A. HUUGINS.Unspectors of Election. "j STATE OK.voiiTH C.ROLIM , COUNTY. I Ul- NfcW HA.NOVJvR. j ' .Sci t nioi: oukt Spri.vo Term 1s3, t raucls W. WUltams and. Alex. (1. Black, trad 1.1 is under the rtri. name of W!!:iams iiiaek it Co. . . . " vs. - ' I" .Edward B. Dickson. . ! 'Pftls rs-jHi action to recover a debt due mi urciitint from tne defeudant to the lii.Ir.tirls. and a warrant of attachment baa iNsue-d Herein acd It m J rtatlS I ictlo'i ttiHt th-;dee-Qdaut U a Don realdeot t.i ctoneil ntltr due UUlgenoe b found in Hits stale, an mat he hat property la this i ia' aud that h mm f ae-Uou exist Hbuisi sKi uefeadaut, and this Court baa juris itctum tnereoi. . . .Nov.- this i to co iiiunod said defendant ! Kpt-K-r wt th next term of Ibe Superior ! Court oj Nv Hanover County, to b held u ih' Uiu MnoiUj a'ler the Ut Monday iu March lvt. and aniwer or demur to the c 'lui'I.i ii ur ludceweut will be rendered atuit him ace rdlnj t law.. '-.,. i s. Ya mkingk, -tA 'ie-ik of superior Court. MRS. S. J. A V ANT'S, , . . i" BOarding House, LXI dowi to Ur. B. ii". WblU . oa Market lift weo eiod and Third HtreeU. HiimiLtO'. Jf, I", Rau pr dyf ll-W; I it neck. iltai i't r!DU. f ' , ST ATI'. Of )r.Kril CAROLINA. W iu.vvvag totaiT, i HtraajoaCotrstt. ."V. ;:'! , Notice. W'Hlxr AV Ha rf '; tarrAA --J-. i a ae"pea.iB a aw k aw a r iiipiajnii s.a. Z ii' r. al rme r, Jt . fc LMl mt t sa rMMt wsiri ; 5 "' a ta mm, 5 s vj' aay a4 a4 taaral 4 , y "T Ja. A. t lav TaAMt THOS. E- OILMAN. ATTORNEY AUD COUNSELOR AT LAW. JACKSONVILLE, ON5LOW OOUN TYnN. a T)KACT1CS In the courU" of Cartaret, Onslow, Duplin and Pender counties. , Prompt attention given to the eoilectloa ot all claims. Persons desiring to purehaae or sell lands In either of the above named counties will cousult their own interest by aeeing or orrpondUg wUh iaa. Ad dress THOMAS E. GILMA. Attorney at Law, . nov2titf JacksonTlU, N C S. V. ODEN, Jli. . I WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. FOURTH BETWEEN . BRUNSWICK Al BLADEN STREETS. 'I Repairing doue ln all Branch4 oltne Trad and SaUafactlon Guarantee . aa7 1y. . ritti'iif:iuniu-amiivii SIMPLE TP r ? , - 'SEWIUGMACHHIECO CHICAGO. ILL.' - "ORANGE. MASS.. m AND ATtANTA, OA i uri r ' i H I at Yliafti-, 9 C 4tMa CHAS. KLEIN Cndcriakrr and Cabin ri I': 1 V- , -. -v '" - .1 ' Ait Orars tmm y afa4 aav I ' ' ' i' 3batiirat TwutA. 1 jJJWj " HI

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