VOLUME XVI. ,7 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. APRIL. 1, !SS3. Single Copies '5 Cents' NUMBER 13. v.v 1 1 .iiNfrroN post I-liiti'ifl nt I hr Posfojfice at Wiliniiirf" N. w 'hccomlulivtg Mailer. I', i so us (hairing ; to go West should i :! wrlh. f!nl (!-n M. T.Xmnharn a Mareliead, Minnesota, before making ), ilu ir minds whefc they will Wjatf. vSi-n.i'.or Kellogg has been accused liy ji j cr toti already uuder indicment, j,eJ,tii)lic will distinguish between s'uch iin iU:fq-.iitioii and,a conviction. -.-Na-fmw'l 'li'-pnhlicnii. i ' :' " , . -VY Ami ii uv the whole ;tar route irarife nny turn slato informer, tud all ac 0i" .-cii'-or Kiiln;. and then the pco- pie wi'l :.tiiiit him, from the fact that l in y know him to be an bouest mini. .lud.-r longer, of Montana, who has liecn .suspended by President Arthur .r dfiink'jrjiiesH, a brother of Sena tor out'er, of Michigan, "The bottlfl ajIears to have b!ren playing the wild with Michigan politicians for years pas' J it the 'saltwater they drink that ui;.kc.i thftia such a thirsty net? A'riru A- (J'osrri'cr. J ' -r Wc atf surprised at (Japlain Ashe'w puld'nihiui; tii': iiVv:' without suiting the (a-:t, wli ch he must know., that fMniur-i ;-nirT-e;T nnjKH.aaaii. ti 11 0!l: i I luo pures-t. ;ri ly .. 1 1 r that we hope" he wilii yH'do . .. I V 1 1 1 1 r I i.w 1-a i: it) tkln liuliiia i' 'd u' Arthur will visit the .-south' iij it U-w '.V .Will go, H fur as Ffori-iriliii;'-, the.-i to Atlanta, then tljcuili '1 t(u.ir- e ! Washington." Ciii.'i ! !'' induced In slop a day in Viiiiiiii';''". W1m. .-ay our . .Mayor to l n'r:ii'lii)ii' In m a formal invitation 1) do'.io. Wilmington h'a Hot been viiiti' i liy a lVtidet ol the nation for a !iiiii:jrt'S ycor..-'.-Nqw one is goiog to jt ilsrta'igh, we ho'ptv $e will to"p over to; it nvst onc '!y "' r W ll; I iKlani that Mr. "Solicitor ftloori- n trvii'Si to -scrapo up a- lot of U'cSyi'tvii violations of election tjiw.-t in iNoveinlnr last ttga.inst Ud publicans. U'ojmvc liiui and- his. pariy hot ice that 1U lib he iris"vil 8 bring up two Demo t-rais' Jt loro lln: U, t. Court for tvery li. -public uuvli" is brought up by Mr, Moore. Ii.is -done ju-t io nuke e st, aud It, wi 1 bit made ytry infe resting to them 1ji1.iv :. v iri throtiphwith It. IKui- , .r.. - 1 e ci-t le arreti'd bcfiire be van.n- iu-1 ui s, rvalivo nit iiibeis if ike lVj!i!;i'.oiv xdvisv'd against it, but -jnnir lii- ultiu ans can go abe-d.. ri . hi ill - iisiue. ol illegal 'Demo' J-.itie v.'t r.r, and o' lu r v io!tnrs, so I lie iri.n..rs r;ni !.( boiiii'l over to the fcsu.i.l uil at Halt-igh; that Judge IJ.-lci i :;t: lr, Ifivivvv- ttu J l,n l1t -d I :i Olpoi-b.igVll, Wi iiaut I'll !. Ki:l Wt-nt tVv way of ad us' i'i tii.- no'e -;lttr. ! I i'( it" his piaee .Hon'. Williinr IMt l'vi'li-'i.' - n'l.oi die kind of inau our net liiin, U.- Slat- brieves him 10 be Ho ''.j. a i;oir.le!iiaii n-vor wa. and iitwi ull be brilod or guilty of any hjh-cu'.-. ol rascality. Ami in the scioud plii e Hi.- ,V.t attack 01 tlio iioiihcru , m .n . ! 1 . 1 til...l tii-rt- U an i.'tiir.ore. If tli ' s ,:r had s il there were very many d li .-iiiMt - ii.iI1kt;i :ikmi, coiuuionly aUi'd.cst iVt-b:iggers, who settled here au. r I'i - war, who had uiil3 dishonest rouiSin i ! m wi'.U d!sho;j.rab!e na: uvis b'-.ii. Democrats' and liepublir i;i i)'i. would have told the trulhJ-- tin- .y.tr makes nt exceptions, atil v..,.lT all our iioriiiorii friend;. -while." r. kn as :it well ? is we d lha'. right lierc in o 14 very uiidst, some of iriir iui.1 uv.al and houoratjle citieus V.11110 here pi : after .thr war, aud have bet a commonly called carpet-baggers. Mn. tJorge .. French, and his broth en, are d ing tuoro for the bene li. of tin' state tliau any twenty natives h i.ii we n.w 'know., Cdo.-Kd K,"K I'.rutk; our ppul ir p.vsih aster, is re sjv t.d by all. A'sptaia rJ. J. lVuny pKer, IVtx'.dent of thd Couipre tNynpany, who tjs done t much iu tins lute io .hm!d up. Wilmiugton. And we CHiiil uauitt huudrvtU ol other who u eiU4l!y as respa-tible as the ab4ve. , .-Tiie Mc knows this, aud iu columns air cvustauity. used u misrepresent thfiu. . Mow. can we ?Tcr ivt to atid up a Mate aud make it what it ; should be,!.lhe most prosperous in th !Huth, s K-uj; aa th'u i coaiiaueo. V War Helwreu Gov. lludlrrol .Ua.tHnd hi Connril. Hie Roveruor has been turning out Uithfn oilicials for the purpose 01 pay ! is.'itieil ;Jcbta liut at last he vttita.ttei Noah. A. lT'mpteo, tor In -uraucij commissioner, he U the chair - iciU'of the Democratic committee, wUkU vaa his ouly iuatitiction, lae c-j-.u-.4-i l rrfjd to couurm him. so uow tine line ate drawn, and the war b- ct'. in cojJ earoet, ad if we sre not S weaken the Maasachuettes Vys will I auks it lively betore U t done with. I Vii.i. Kd. the enrineer who rive Nf Orlei.cs 2 feer of water, has re -gcd kit position as a member of the .; Mitsitoinpi commiiou. We hope the : rreide nt wilt ft?fle to accept It, Ul county hat a riht to the terries of ao ttatneat a ona, - Hon. Thomas H. llerndoa. member elect to the -48lh; "congress froai ho .lirat district of Alabama, died on Wel nesday last. , v. v.' : .' -i- : ' I . Mr. David Kellett ia one of the very Destieuowaintne ireasury ueparuneur, and an officer that North. Carolinians may well feel proud of. He ia vefy popular , in Washington as well s jat home. , ' .STATE NEWN, liishop Lyman has planted black walnut extensively on his plantation near AshyUle, and expects a handsomV proiiU , ; , j Dr. Leach of Johuaon county, wfio was a member of ihe confederate, coti- fjs aud was an active member of the ce war, died a few days ago. ' . ' , , ,. .1 ue ia i years 01 g nai oeea ait eui- torAwe learn. aome 40 Vears. rr! : j gencrou. it made a present to the Virr giniaAIidland of ab.ut $2,000,00, or np icftuwio .. w vwj.y i released them from & solem contract, which was equal to -a pivseut ot the above aoiouuL. ;.Th v. Allatitii!' -and North CaroUai raiiroa-1 h4 gvoa into tneftatias or a receiver. iVlr.JcrjjMrrSlliii. or Kaieigli haviug hiJwrTrppmiited. hy." Judge I'hiU r. B3tf4 iVif tid ifiat he has beeil bttdiy treated by inn sia ; i!i riuhist ration, which we. expect is the truth A trenifrndom snow hUhtiu toik plac4 in ih nnrthoru anl western -rts o r tuia state on Monday lasL At sorn. places the snow was .three leet doep - 'J,,: u... n ,, K , . ,, ,, ,. -;-u 1 - . ;i lonijrcssfuan elect-U3iueti, has been at ileiraerion on the line of thy Gaston ... 1 -. railroad utany houses were crushed iri invited to deliver the coufederato me and it ia expected that many lives have! moria! address i a tins city. been lost. No such snow storm was overseen in the state before and we! hope never' wil.l be again. onus and esds. jl'LH new postal, law allowiug two cent postage, will go yvo eiieci, uciooer, 1 V'' ' 1 1 'John lirowu, Ijueen victoria's rigtit; tiunrf muik ami tiArvjiit li.r LHH OSL O .1 years, died on Wednesday last. .1 Mr. Stephen W. Dorsey, has finally j taken the stand in his own b3 half as a s witness in the star route trial, now i going on in W ashington. r." Emperor William, of Germany, hat been piite "ailing" the p3st week, but we are glad to; inform our German Mead that the telegraph rejiorts hini better. . ' (ur. valuable colemporary, tha lilcli- mond Whit,-, is ; exceedingly rejoiced ; over the disgrace of tho IJaltimore J;mTlv c,mi (1Ut) Ut cnjro, the ordi Aiiurican. The Wkiy .. h.t.ur on i " , f ., . ' . r. graltilations. , Ci'd of the United States, gave a oan at bis mansion in New York on Tuesday uight last, which is said to have cost 1150,000. This amount is rung from the pxr toiling working men.; ..." :.x resid.oit L'oCirio Diaz, of Mexi co, his' wile lv;o Secretaries and several Iri'cnds. arrived i i Wa-hiujjWu last, week. They liavo lrav-l-d over thn north aud wett taking in the sights; i i-... a -h,.rr .-i .hum oinrer tlOO nri n.ruuM.(i ....... - ------ - r--. i in ihi couiitrv they will return to Mei- i-o. ) ew iorKcny a ways uas fw.u kind it would be tmpossihl- lot ihe dear people of Uia, .-villager to bo I happy without euenmiL they have a war now wnu tut- iuu mcu .i a ,iik- wr. hoiae they will get it. y alt raeausgivetji? inhabita'iu of N.ivv York m"re m and stop the bwr wagons. Vraik Hyme, aud wife, whom, the Irish informer, Carey, charges with ht-inir connected with the Irish invinci- . . . . : V. V..rV ilia 'MmA nieri c ne. Ky rue w as a rr" ted i Paris and held for teu uays, nut r.iirel tHat he was iu France when Carey sai I he was in Irelaml, tnereure re eased, 3 rs rn ull.ifv hpr. ' She also was released, and ioiricsl ber husbaud and come to America, wnere, mtj mm " glorious freedom ol our couutry. . i i - . t. ...... .... lhA NAdiviLLn. March i3 The Senate .,. o,lrtntvl a resolution authoru- allow low Polk to pay $100,000 iu the gen- iiebonds ofthe baTeee tZtm; uioe with ter .ccumulated interest thereon, 7 .Ml At'.i'U , V v - . . , . i -II ... hich bond with lotereat snau i ,w.n ih deficit of Polk for the sum ot $2W,000, which, "hett 1'.. ora.7ttremcntwithI.T. Polk, the at thu sama ume w,u w- - deiuttrng sta'e treasurer. The resolu- mknner as to make lV management tiou the-vote ou which was 25 to o pjpyUr with the patrons of the road. ceivedaa $75,WXV .oyw v v Q? . f u Fnink W. Clarkf SrbS wUhSS general- passenger agent of th. 7. .ks. .lf which .hall be credited line slunder the mtnagement of Ma. li wlLmth. W.cogratulate the cooapaay ChildreaM the balance to oe pw current nooey or ue gf-'"'1" " the bank-of iennessee, pro.u.Ui, uoihios in this act shau prevent uC prosecution of Polk ttt City Items. To Tkfllli Snbaerioerw ln't tail to have your money ready r. I shall call on tou at once for the money S JR. , 1 Thh townahip eouru hato o bad muca wars uv -- IUZ. m mv - all move in ihe new market ia it dajt. t Thk seems the proper thiag foe Uta io do. ' " ... LOCAL .SHORTS Crazy Kitty is dead. The chicke ns in the country jhave the choiera. Dr. S, tralchwell. wam in the ciW a few dara ao ... . ue umei 01 ponce will have ooys arrested for using slung-shota. i.mr u . i,. the houses In the city numbered. Sheriff Manning has a new Gondola, , ... wai ue. wanw a maw. f it. .'j . rlhc cityjlire department, or the white portion of it,; was out in forc8 on Wed- nesday. ( ,, , , . , . ., The Witumigiou.& Weldon railroad -,-.-.v, .. ? . . . . L . . . , , w . - ot'iween vjraugs ana Ann aireeis openea 1 f . .i Ieci W1T Jud ge J j O. Met vas In the city ye?terdi iij way home from C 114 Court. , 1 Capt. Jjin M. Uobtrtson, i'resident Gf tjle fjarf)! iiiii Central railroad. Was in tle city Thursday. Sheriil" ifutton of Uladeu and Hon ft. Ii;t-riv Frayst-r of iVuder, were in i:ity ttc Capt.f. D. Myers, has been elected c'jit f of- e lire depirtmeut m place otC&pt.ri'.'red Itobiusou,;; " The bnicbers held a meeting on 'the 2ith and appointed a committee to meet the bo fere nee. rd of aldermen for a con No electi on by the new board was ri.re merited than that of Capt. John 1 than that of Capt. Juhr is ageutleman and a faith Cowan, wh f.,i ., u:;,. ,!, ,... . . l.ev o. J. Turner, desires -to to build a church at New We hope our friends will ra,c Prli - C. send money, to aid him, he is reliable. Maj. .John li. Winder, the popular general iuaii.ig;;r of the Carolina Cenl tr.il railroad, was' iu our city scvera days the pa-i. week, as jolly and bsppy as ever. ! ' 1 . "i Capt.' Ilrcck, otir Chief of I'olice has been reelected. We congratulate Uarry. r ' ' 'S3lWC mifefTerihg Tu -T?'' lections. a - "' - - - - Coluiubu-t riupi?ri-,iir couit haa beeu in isLssion t lie .past week, tbe . oirly lm por- iatil case wis Hie two wuit men.ior I . - . . r ki-Tiiug a negro. AcquUal was the ivcrdict ol cvurse-; r Mr ." Jolj.i D.'lijllamy has bern elect city attorney !y the boatd ol alder itii-n. e believe tue heiection is ... .r . . , ! .;. r- . ... VPrv- g ,()J one. he is aL young law yer of coergy an 1 wili perform the du it, faith?if:ly. ,"i 1 'u6 y. & Cjmmissioiier, E. 1J. i. tt ;u iHki'ic the t testimony., iu the j , ,. , .. C ai o.iua Central railroad case. iiusselt and Mcllae,' for the planliff, Jjaihews, aud Davis and Stedman, for Uie defendauU the ro id 1 Col. I.. t Joiitv. The editor having been out of the c ty ,or considerable Porti,.i of the time tor tiie paai two raoutus, uis yi i;i. d t.inoii.-e the bapnv selection, on t Jart of ,h0 owners, of Col L. O. y f - tfle guperiQ tsnd-nii or tu CaroliuaCeutral rail I roa4. Oo!. Jo ie is oaa of the most I -f . .! . 1 I Mulir iuea m me su:e na a rinrom lm .verieuce, one who will y'irtoTia Djs duty by his employers, but 1 i ... ., . .n i. :. : w UeL M ux3 a very cxcellei , Winder, his i chW. Two such men ss Wi el lent assist immediae Winder and j jnea will makeauy rosd iopular: but I . ... to Voem ibe assistance oimt pnocv i wu.Ur am! vou have a trio of.be beet I nd most popular raiUuad men ia the i ana tae pajrous, oa. I curing such awe, poiue ana gw luc lo m.uw:e ihe Carolina L'eaeral, the lUleigh aud AagusU and the taie?ga ami Gaston railroads- Help I itiucrokr, N. C, Maah to The Poruo I am an Elder In J . j . m c loa Church ol North Carolina, -d I a enga Valabg funds to baild a church Tt Newport J -p.. j rUdUy appl io the pttj! ir ua a mm . . - . k. a Lit. f FayttetUie N. CX, as to myselC Very rwpecUaliy. ; & J.Tt&xu. Mr. J; W. Taylort new mill com- meoeed work yeterday.l , .; ' The clerk of the auperiqr court pro bated twelve deed and eix ; mortgages the past weekvr- - vt-:" -. The WilminKtB. m1 "0Iow "iWe are informed by Mr. E. F. Mar- tin, that he is prepared, to commence work at once on the aboTe road, and that he intend to have the can run ning to the seashore by J0I7 1st. ! 1 Death erOwev Feanell, Sr- r. This gentleman, . the 1 popular u0w neii, jr., ox mis city, aiea:a- v,uome in Sspson county on Thnrsda last, in his 80th year; jhother good iciti zen has pased way. :,'::. SI serine Hospital. -l .U "i On Wednesday last a'aailor arrived at the Marine Hospital In this . city, from Savannah, G i., and -en Tuesday one come from Charleston, S. C. These ersons are sent here for treatment by Dr. Fairfax Irwin, in charge ol the ;U. 8. Marine Hospital. ' "-.' ;; ol. E. D. Hall. The board has elected ' this gentle man the presiding officer of the board and the actiug Mayor of the city We believe Col. Hall will ' make a fair equitable and energetic chief executive of tbe city. He has our best wishes for a pleasaut and succsssful adminia tralion. ys- ' ..' - ' City Delivery. The post office department will es tablish a ci.y delivery for the conven ience1 of our people very soon, and we are happy to inform our business men that this has been accomplished through the efforts of Senator Ksns om, who always has an eye to aid our peo ple in everyr way possible. ! .;.. a ., . , j. This is the proper season for 'our mayor In get the city thoroughly cleaned up, as the weather will soon be warm and then it will hot do to overhaul the banks of filth. Tbe ivfayor Will have his hands full for the next. few months, getting things iff proper condition. There are 2Q prisoners now putting up at the Hotel de Manning, so we are informed by chief clerk shaw: 13 for ap'peat r9upremeiurt States court, 1 for Pender county couit. We suppose from ; Uie wayt ia patron ized, the proprietor mast feed well, Assignment. Julius llahn made an assignment on yesterday, Mr. J. 1. Macks, attqrney-at- law. being ihe assijrnee. Preferred creditors, First Nrtional Bank, $2,000. Secn:sdi clsss of preferred creditors. Hnr Simiwnn 2 500- Morris Bear uenry csam pson, W,ow, aiorrw jc & Bro $1,600: We. Goodman, fl,oUO; r, t ..-43 nAA iH...UnJ to go the other creditors pro rata, A KHilor Drowned. Jack Howard, one of the mill bauds of. Messrs. Parsley $ Wiggins, found the body of a sailor io the timber pen. He at once notified his employers who had coroner Jacobs informed of the matter, and ah inquest was held on the bodv Friday. It was ascertained; that the name of the silor 'was Jack, and he come here some weeks ago from Charleston, The jurrj returned a ?er- ict that he came to his death from some cause to thsm unknowo. Seaside Hotel. "in our last we stated that Mr. 1L I. erry. ol the Iircell House in this city, had leased me oeasran now Wrizhtsville Sound, right en the sea shore coast He informs us that he is roinff to entirely renovate, refit, add to and make a first class eummer house oot of it. H i located on one of the most pleasants sites on ue coast, ootug i . . .. -a a m I on a point and Having a large oaa rrowa some thirty acres for a park. He will have 901 running w we . a beach with ae Tery best boatmen in charge, tea pin alleys, billiard rooms, Vathiag houses, and other places 01 amusement and comfort, lie intends to haverftshermea In hie employ, so he can at all time give his gneafrestt fiish, otsters crab, dams, turUes, teri - pios c. The hotel t.jtgnt mue. from tie Porcell House aty, v-.y smbstanUal and pieasaat saeii road. wLkh make the drive joat aaoot aa hoar long. It will bo, take it aU ia all, one of the very beat a4 noat om venWot summer places ia m aouu. irolM.ts tke Laarweat 1 surasier to taso WorlsU Hiram Sibky,oC-hotr k Mid to be thelarcest tarmer iathe! srarUL Ht owme more than a hita4rt4 Improved tarns. Oao in IlUseae fbe Mriy kaova as the rsoUitmot 1-arm,- coaulns 10,000 acre; another U Caym ca eomatv. X. Y -L500 ca. VTu- sa Sib-k a hwtTvt a lyrical ton of the soil, katiag Van 1 tified with great commercial enterprises and working harder with bis head than with his hands. He organized and was for over fifteen yean president of the Western Union Telegraph company, and also had extensive railroad inter ests, especially in tho south. He is now the head ol one of the largest seed houses Hiram in the world. The name of Sibley &jCj. isjulready a house hold word iu thousands of homes, to which Itheir farm, garden and flower seeds ire sent each year. They not only furnish seeds, but also 'valuable information as to best methods of grow- inz them. Thty pub! ishj the Farmers' Almanac, the southern edition of which rxoncains prizs essays ou the culture of southern crops, alo the Farm Seeds Manual; which gives a rare .fund of practical information upon ail farm crops. For these boks tho nominal price of! ten cents each is charged but they send ijheir Spring,-Fall and Implement Catalogues free to all appli cants. They are undoubtedly a good house to deal with. 1IKI. ;; MARTiN In this city, ot' eoutuiuptkm March 3t)j.U o'clock a. m. MISS l- JUORKTlI.V MARTIN!, age .) years. Fuuvral'wRl late place at the rcsideiicc of Mrs. Piiilri.s Mar tin's oh Seventh hetweeu Xun uud CturcU streets toklay at.. 11 .Vciock.'jtuenc'e to St. Stephens Cliurch, thence to Pine Forest cewetery. ' NEW ADYEHTISILMENTS- LOST. f PHIS is to j;ivc uct'iee litat appMcatiou will he loado for a iuv c rliiicite of -u (hares ol'capital htook , ol ttic V, A; W. K. U, Co., stamli in Ihe iouiuj .(j j:ii.u V. Mill MaryiF. Kni'pry, tli'j nutiiOtr! of same being 1,5'i-j it Uavir. :-.- l.-.-t through uu fault of of il-l Ull..kTjiii!lf.l.I. 11. 'L. I'l'UKY. Uxct-ntcr for Truustte. aprii 1 11 CITY MF W 1 Ij Ml XtiTO.N . N . C , - MAYOR'S, i FFICE. . ' Var-li 25th,: l.S 1 ; Special Notice. 1 . ... trueto-J Uiarixst all boys, white or colored, ; i . . " -. who may MS caught usinr or.ha in; iu their possession what is known aslunsSh'oSs.? 4 i will be li-Hly cuioree l, ' K. ijjllALL. OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, FOR ALL CLIMATES. We rf the laiyv-rt fnrmi-r, l:ferrvt M-ed arnw. L rrn and laon-Wt m i i! U-is.1t aiiylu-ix-; li- im live irroatoct jacilitiiv for irnln-inif lti-i.1 fc-l All our SeerU drr letlril, lld '1UJ 111" lt MUlt Kilt. Our Annmil Cutalo-V JVi'r Lint hhnir. Tl I K 4JRKATKMT SF.KI1 STOKK IN T11K I world to yoi k own ikmik. It m m (nU, tirw ml FUn.ura vanoti.i. l 0f riowor. vM:ii-!.;. vuu-w tkc s.u, ua PUuiU. . Scut I- Itht-. to miy a.ldiwe. HIRAnf SIBLEY & CO. Seedsmen arrtl ' 1 THOS. E- GILMAN, AT TURN KV AND TOUNSELUR AT LAW, JACKSON V I LLl, q.N IA v; CUUN j TY, N. C. K.CllCt--4 iu lb. cjuit of rittret; f i 0lwIjWf iUn an t r.n.icr coaot j rrompt attention sivu to tue coi'-ti m m au aa,ut. rsra.dinug to i fH or . . L ,; r th above named I snaa - . i .nUe, wtu coumii their en latere . . . I . "'-!" . v . - a .1 1 ey seeing orwrrp ujwia Tll. tM a- r iu lm . AU VMf Li, 1 K-inonvilt, N C 1 nova. t nMJiO 11 C1M bllMOi IVLLIIl r. I fjoJ r ria Let aud 1 abluel naLcr. Ail . s-iiwwf'! iM4el ta Tke &a CAShl.tT. !Ae IMNOlUtXVLrt&Ul. . em friaevm lultw rreat d mg This orJei igt frBBLE NEW AUVEETISEMENTB. Certificate of Election. WIliMiNUTOM, N. C, Mareh 23d, IS&k JV. THE UJSDERSIONED JUIX3ES, duty qnatlfled to hold an Election for AJ dermea for the First Ward of the City of Wilmington, on tbe fourth Thursday of March, 13SS. pursuant to an Act of the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, entitled "An Act to organize Government for the a ty of Wllminston , "raUfled the sixth day of Mareh, A. p. 1877, do hereby osxUf that tbe following is a true and correct state ment and return of said election; ','"" ' W. U. CIAJDBOUBN ISH AM SWEAT - ' "t- . . - K- -- ' recelvsd 421. votes. t. . V - '.. . received 509 votes, V ''I. r. '.'- received 163 votes, received 108 votes, received . 73 votes, received 3 votes. W.U.HOWK V.. W, DOIIEU S. H. MORTON UEO.Lu SHUTl'E ' . Aud we do hereby declare, thai W. JH CHADROUBN and IS HAM SWEAT, hav ing rceeivedthe highest number, of votes cast, are elected Aldermen of the City of Wilmington from the FIRST. WARD, j J. 1. ORRKt L, Registrar. W. M. EVANS, Registrar W. II. NASH, S. II: TERRY. M. CAR UOI.U.J. W. KI.VO. J. W. WHITNEY, S. A, K1CHARUSON, JESSE IVES, BOBEKT THOMAS, inspectors of Election. . t&u 2- 'ii - . ;.'' . Certificate of Election, WILMINGTON, N. C March 22d, 1883. yfK 'HIE UNDERSIGNED JUDGES', j duly qualiacd to old an i Election for A dermen for th4 Second Ward of the City of vyiluiiustoii, on the fourth Thursday of March, lssj, pursuant to an Act of the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina, entitled "An Act to orgunkc a Government for the City of Wilmington," ratified the .'Sixth day of Man h, A. D. fS77; do hereby certify that the following Is a trae and correct stale- . ; '.!.-- It '.; i merit huu return of said election: UABH1EL, J. HONEY recel ved.25 1 voles. KDWAUD 1. 1IAL.L received votes; Scattering, , :';;:. :.., :'.-'-!' .-l w J.lloSEY aud I'D WARD D. HALL' ha v iug rcceivel the highest 'number of votes a-nil, arc tleried Aldermen of the' City of Wilmington from the SECOND? WARD. J. C. LUMSDEN, Registrar. JAMES tiBURR, T. A. SHEPARD, J (KOltUK l-i, nORUEN. C. W. A V ANT, In- siei-toi of Election, inh Zt St t erlitirHte of Election. WILMINGTONr N. C March 2SJ, 'lSM. . r l- thk iMnvmuiMPii .iirrMlES duly .,a.4lified to hold an Election for Al- , dermcn-lor the Third Ward ( the City of WU,uiffJlo,..oa the ourth Thuraday of Mar.. Pursuant to an Act of the U.n cral Assembly of Norlh Carolina, entitled I Au Act, toorganS.e aGovernmest for the Cilv of Wilm;ugtou." ra'.ined the sixth day of March. .V. .D. 1-77, do hereby certify that the loilowlc; I" a true .and correct atate- nu ;it aua return ot said viectton: JOHN L. I'l'DLEY received 2i$ VoV . ii-.b n.lMt lu Dbait) -. tas v V E. T. HANCOCK received 71 vote. . received 12 vc4e. ' . .. . - . V Aud c do bcrel-y declare IhalJOtlN L DllLKYaudAMl'ELBEAR,Ja.. having receive J ta higher, number of voce caJL ate elected Aldermen, of the City of WlL mtnston from the THIR1 WARD. ' f . V' a. J:Torr, staxuirar. -. WALKER MEAKES, J. W. FEIU'EW, Jf. O. SAMFsiOJ., IK A. RADUWAB, lasree- toraol EtectKM. ma at TTK Y WORTH CAatOUNA. EW M INOVEM WC5TV. ; .. W. YttiiiO'ia aad M J.I .... Mrimu.panan4ala . tataM oav ta aa 1 i .a () of Vte iV r-aU. Ur) tut. ' I gla4 . 1 A. J Kua.eaeiea. i j -" . 'I'lllM laaa arUse M fveovwe.a 4e4 4e 1 rja.s.s.S. i a-l-rf-aalk i a-n.e airfKO mm aa i ts- iai a nw iwia i eaaate - I tatMtMrpat 3 'ka M a .j caaaM wl "f a ' WEir. fc - a aaaSaf . . - -a.v ta XiMk taL .. ------ :: - ; w --' -.'- " " --7T" aar .,' . . . at NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Certlilcsite orEloetlon. I WILMINGTON, . C. March 23d 18So. Ty. THE UNDKRSXGNED JUDGES, daiy qualified to hold an Elscllou for Al dsraan for the urth Wan of the City oi, .Wlrsalwgton, on the -fourth Thursday o March, BSJ, pursuant to an Act of the Gen sral Assembly of North Carolina, entitlsd "An Act to orgafllze a Government for the City of Wilmington," raUflad ths sUth day of March, ISTT, do hersbx oertlfy that the following is true and correct sUtemsnt and return of said election: ? v ' " ' 8. H. FISUBLATE rr received 7 vote. WMOr DaROSSKT - - nscelvsd.217 votes, GEO. OHADBOURN ; rveslved ITS votes. Ai ADRIAN reoeived 1 vote. And we do hereby declare that "WM. L' DkROSSET and a H. FI31IBLATE, havln g reoeived the highest number of votes cast, are elected Aldermen of the City of Wil mlugtou from the FOURTH WARD. JOHN J . FOW1 JSB, Reisur. M. S. WILLARD, J. 8 WILLIAMS, JCHN G. NORWOOD, GEO. W. PRICE, Jr , Inspectors Of Election. ' . i mbtS2t -"' - ; C'ertincate ot Election. WILMINGTON, N. C. '" f March SM, lssa, yyrE, yi'HE UNDERSIGNED JUDUE?, duly qualified to hold an Election for Al dermen for the Fifth Ward of the City of Wilmington, on the fouria Thursday, ol March, 1881, pursuant to au Act of the Ueu- eral Assembly of North CnroUaa, entitled "An Act to organise a Government for the City of Wilmington," ratified the sixth day of March 4. D, 1ST7, do hereby certify U:st the following is a true and correct state ment and ret urn of said election; ! VALENTINE UOW$ recel ved 309 vote. . JOHN J.GEYER C.rLOCKEY A. B. COOK J. D. SAMrsoN . received '403 votes. ' i . received 19S voice. , received 1 1$ vote. : - received xi vote. And we do hereby declare that VALEN TINE HOWE and JOHN J. UEYEU, huv- lng received Uie highest niuahcr-uf oi Wilmiugton from the FIFTH WAUU . BENJ. FAUROW, ner.lrr, A.UOE.Jk.,J. li. II AN BY. J,,l. II. KLANDER. A. HUOUtNS. lnkecloia of Ueclion. mb ' Jt I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AUNTY I OF-ne-w ha.-nuv&iv. ScraaioR Cocrt Bi tix Tkkm 1v;, FrajK-t W, WlllUma and Alex. S. I!iwk. trading under the flrn. name of W.::.am Black de Co. t i vs. Edward li. Dlrksou. rjlUB Is au action to recover a debt du on account from ins ucieuuani w iiif filaisiUIa, and a warraal of atiarbuieni has sued herein and ll appearing to my tii- (kUod itaml thdfcndot ta a non reMdeol I ajd cannot after due dUlseooe b luud in I mi .tate, and that he has property In tbu tU and that a cause of a arUou auW against said defendant, and tbl Court baa , JBu'maoa defendaat' wVerC. on -wTr or'deUiir cowplalnt or Judement will be rendered against aim accoruing to law. ' Yili "rwrt - RS. S. J. AVANTjS, BOarding House. V I XT EXT door lo Mr. li. ,F. WbiU-.ua I Market Between Iecoad and Thud Met. Wltmlna-tAO. N. C RaU per day. II per week. Ivtn. Meal i onu. trblftU. V tati; or wownt ca-ot.t7iA. siaw HAJKVaVt IVtim. wraia Cwca :: rlot.ee. W'HEJUUA. a ttaa ed lmMym j ral Va JJJ- LTijX-i?. I T lat aaenili u. '. a4 -" I a4 taa ta. aw -l""1llf ""' mt U. nmw a. ta Cmm alV A-a m. as l MM . lii! - eaaara r. it ss u. ae.a irtimn aU awaaatatag af la tmm i aa I uaa ae awae I au a m A. t 1a I ' . ( 7. Tuaiaal! U Ve

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