VOLUME X VI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY. MAY. 13, ISS3. Single Copies 5 Cents Jf UMBER 19. W 1 1 4 Ml NO TON POST 'Oil, Filtered at the Tottqffice . aL(,Wilming- A7. -C, becona tyiasn Matter. RATES OP ADVERTISING. l-;ight(8) lines, Nonpareil type, con 4t itute a square. J Filt v ceatu per line lor the lirst in- 4i.ttin twenty-live cents per line nr each additionaljnsertion. it i.Irprl ixpmotits will hfl rlixrt'pd cl ie above nates, except pif special aniiiracW- -. ; . .- , ( he subscription price to Th e Wi l Mr niton Post is 12 00 per year; six month's fl 00. : ; ilriimmunications on businesmust b addressed to The Wilmington I'ost, w litniugipn, in. u. , I he rvcw x-orc ivorm nas again . v . . cuHngru nanas. dins time it passes jWu the contrail of a St. Louis man, 'hut will-be continued as lh Deinocrai- jt -organ'of the Mate of New' York, a.l, if possible of the United States -1 lie Afar anil Kaleigh Obierctr seem 4. I .. i.H . ........ .t,!..l. n a n i other. Kingsbury can hold his own exceedingly well when dealing in sharp ami j pointed language, bo look out, Crft'1- Ashe, he w after you. (IVll-OKKVUfc KEtOKJn. The I I rih CoiigrrKMioiinl Ii Irict Assorialjton A Sorlal IJaluerinn nt Young' Hotel. Hip first social reunion of the Civil- .ScfFiVe lie form Association of the fifth i i;i;;iTiiiuar district was held at young's Hotel last evening. There hum ;i Inrim at tentlam-a n f msmlmri anil the evouing was most enjbyably spent,, tt'eiieraj Joseph 11. llawley of Connecti cut was 'lie principal guest of the eve ning ami made the principaPspeech. lie explained fully the intended opera tion of the civil-service bill passed by tho litst Congress and its scope Most of the other speeches jwero' directly' upon the same subject, and the speak er were Congressman Morse and Ly- ni .iii llut I v n v T u m di Ifraam a n Plarka Mr. Jabez Fox, the Rev. Mr. Harbour of'Sonierville, and Mr. John A. An drew' Letters f rum Carl So bur., Dor insh .It. Eaton, and George William C'ur li'sivcrc 'radand it was announced that lotlVr- expressing full sympathy with ilia . nn represented bv the axancii' " t-i.-- j - - . lion had bwn received from Senators r.iyivrJ and lVniWeton, John I). Long, tlonTe IK Jiobinson, Mayor Seth Low t( HttMiklyit, Charles H. Codniau and A. .1. liiHiiicyr 1urlng t.ii I'vuiiin tlu-rf was singing by a main ijuarief that battle. It said Dothjn about holding office during good behaviour, because that would have raised another question which would have afforded an excuse to some gentleman to have to ted against the bill; but, still,, the prac tical effect of the law would be to keep men in office durinc good behavior. It passed by also "Vhe subject of pensions for civil-service employes, lor, certainly however it might be in the future, the country was not yet educated up to a civil'service. pension, list. It omitted also everything concerning . United Stales attorneys, clerks of United Suites courts, and collectors aud other officers of the internal revenue. ' for these offi ¬ cers were selected by responsible per sous. In short everything was omitted, which it was thought would be likely to bring about a dispute and get votes agajnst the bill,iind the Urge depart ments at Washington and those post oSicers and custom houses where there are over 60 clerk, were selected upon which to try the experiment ol the law. About 10,000 civil employe's of the gov ernment would come under his appli cation The law provided for a prac tical business examination, not oil the basis of book-learning, but iu just sucb a manner as a private employer fol lowed in Belectiug cerlaiu ol his own employes. The system of competitive examination had already been tried, as Mr. Hawley pointed out, and proved successful in the New York custom house, beginniug Under Mr. Aithur, to whose scrupulousness against reniovmg. employes for political, purposes a high tribute was paid, in the New York postollice, in the coast, service and iu the railway mail cervice. There could be no doubt of its practicability. and de sirability ou a large scale. Tne relief to congressmen from the labor of soak ing places for their needy custmio iw, and from thn trouble and sadness which was caused them in' many cases of actual distress-4which "relief the con gressmeu themsel ves great ly desired 1 was Becured'uuder law,oand they could riud tame to study the public business, instead of; acting as chief selectmen. An excellent feature of the law, oue which, the speaker huuself dictated, was the provision which absolutely pro hibited political assessments upou of fice holders. The einployes were now. as free as .any otherclass of tfiiiz-ins, and would not bo rewarded foi giiug, or hurt for not giving. The law was sure to work well. Two ol the com missioners the speaker knew well, and could warmly commend them. It pro vided for a Democratic system and un der which every boy iu the country had a lair cliauce, and it would undoubt edly give good employes lo.the govern ment. Mr. llawley then spoko for a lew minutes to show ,that the evils Etf the old system had been ranch exag gerated. He, gave statistics which showed that, iu the past ten years, less than one out of every tifiy clerks in the Treasury department at Washfugtou had been removed; that , 8o0,000,000 had beeu collected by the government in the past teu years without the loss of a ceut by defalcation,- And at uu ex pense of only 3J per cent On the amount collected. This was the best guveruevi ' - - --. fie siK)ko clsueutly of its pist and its present, and skctched in glowing terms what it is to oe. ite caum rinunj rell. We hope it will meet with the success it dec erves. There was a mealing of railroad men iu Greensboro yesterday, lo consider the project of extending the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad to Camden aud Augusta. Col. P. L. Bree deir.and Col, J". D.jMurchUon, of Ben iiettsville, S. C, if ere at the Central yesterday en route to Greensboro to at tend the meeting. Journal Obecrver. That $100,000 Palace. Greensboro Buylc says: "The selling of property to pay taxes, has heguu iu' that place, as it will iu many others, and will con tinue if tho taxes are piled ou." Uow about .building the $100,000 palace for anv Governor of North Carolina, when to pay Uie taxes the hard working peo ple are haying ibcir homes sold and their families turned out in ilia weath er amuug tjia brutes! SUUe&vitU Ameri can. . , "Dr. A. J. DeEossett, bf this at j, was in Raleigh on Wednesday last. Archbishop Gibbon'ainother did4n New Orleans on Moodar lart- e , Major John C. Winder tBa popular railroader, was in the city a few days' A colored excunfon1 fnrRldiigh. was in this city Tbirsday'anl' Friday last.'- ' v .' !- ' , ' f- i i I Mr. B. L. Perry will ppenf the ' feraa- swick Hotel atSmitUTiHc'jlB a very few; days.. " . - " J ' '' ' ;- V " ;- U. S. Manhal J. It Hi!I, wa Id the city on Eriday Attending V ( official business. " i uity Items. Hon. S. S. Cjx, will uot lecture in this city as t'iytctcd. .-j .;. . Col. O..K" McRae, has returned Irom h'B viitt lo Ncw'Berue. , r. Mr- V. if. 'Perry,' of Fajelteville, was in the eity on Friday last. Perry inlorim u that the Seaside Park Hotel he will in a few Mr U4en tlays. hherili' Smith and Clerk Superior Court. Lung, .of liichmond county, was in the city a few days ago. Young Mr. Dawson, has commenced a large store ou the vacant lot next to the First Natioual Lank. -1 -' .-. The Wil'mingioii C-imnress Compa ny have declared a dividend of 8 per cenluiu. ;Th-stock will now go up. The new shops of the W. & W. 11. R-, are rapidly approaching completion, and will be the haiidsomest in the count ry. . A co'ored mati.by tho nauio of Jame Itarber, did very suddVuly on Tues day last, at Northrop: & Cututuiug's saw mill.- ; , Why should there bu two clerks for the markets? Mr. L. M. Williams for the l'h and Mr. E. A. trrU for the Front street. 'I'berejlou't, seem to be work enough lor more than oue. lion. P. A. lMwbaue, of the, linner Knt rtrise of K i to gh, has been in tte city the past week canvaosing for his Ike Hon. Charles Theodore Russell nrwtiihn'L and at the table with him sat ,.,, . loval citizens to take au in the lion. Jolcpli R.' llawley, Leopold lerestin politics ibr all tliat isj;ood p Morse, Theodore Lyman, the Rev. Jines Freeman Clarke, John C. Dodge, Ftaard L. Teiree, Darwin E. Ware, the UVv. II. II. Barbour, General Kraticis: A. Osborn. The company liumbered about tine hundred', and twenty dive persons, and included large uuinbers of comparatively youug meni among whom were mauy members of the bar atid other gentlemen whoae names appear in the list of officers' pub- h"liel below. Tlhe company sat ddwn to tho tables shortly before seven o'clock. At a lit tle yssl eight Mr. Russell callel the veiiipany Vo order, and made the ope ttuij; .lueech. Tho legislation of the Ut Congress upon civil service was not obtained so much through tho cou vivtions and principles of those wh.ov V.Acd it, but lroni a popular impulse that vim behind it. In order to sustain ami uttrul that lecislation, 4.his popu '. iiupuUe must be made a oplar. .'. .... . i- ' 1 f u'livictwu, twi this was tne wora jot mil iervice reform associations, The ( ,.nl;tvt was to. secure a pure, jusl aud '.i. ffu ieut administration - of the govern- - input; and this was to be done through pol.ttcal prlie. There was an im f Me-iv)n that iiTil service reform meant -a drstr.uctioti- of H)litical parties. -This n euttrelv a mistake.! It merely . . i i . t : ' - the country would be neeueu to teavon the great mass of immigration , and counteract the bad influences that ex isted in our civilization.. All bad things in political affairs should bo au iuvitation to lovers of their country to charge into the midst of them aud strike them down. ; General Hawley took his seat amid loud applause aud cheers. Boston Daily Advertiser. Tenth oi'iHay. The confederate memorial d iy was uuivtrsa'l.v oberved. by tho business men ol mis cuy, eveij i"d closed. The turn out was larfie aud well managed, Col. Beuuelt's speech in length, at least, was greatly admiret'. The whole r. flair. passed off to the entire satisfaction of thostv who had', the con irol ol it. ' meaut the removing of the distracting hi B uemes ol place hunting and place .pmvidtug, and so bring parties U or Kuu? uion priuciplea, and couviolions upou uestVus ol vital imjHrtance ti ibe prosptiiy to the couulry. Civil vtvtce Tespccted a party ' statesman, but despised a party boas. He closed by predating General llawley of ini necucuu tie was recetveu witn pro loufced applause and cheers. He naid the law passl by the lat Pougtefs, oti the'subject of civil-wreice rKriu,-wa a put in to mark a IHiiut ia it projresa of the reform' U a very shrewd and sagacious law. It was the natural growth of the last 10 or 11 year. The general idea of the friend of the law w to use it as a ort of wtiige. They did not attempt to Jo every vhinx that ougbl w o by it. . li was JefiMd so as to obtain, if iHtolvwiihjn a few tear, the fa Torbl judgment of the countrv upon iu workinc, ami thus be a sort of ei Ktor for them. For thia purpose it as made to i cover th -departmeota here reform was most neccaaary, ani herv it could be asily aocotnpliahed; The bill did not touch the appoinUseat of vtmasters, for these wer appointed hy a reiHMil)l authority. It oaaiUed, TATK SKB'Se Stateville went Republican ou Mon day last. f " Hon. S. S. Jox, lectured in lialeigh Wexluesday night. The Sampson 'county 'fair will come off this year, the lirst week iu Decem ber. . . , '.-' ..'Col. A. M. Waddell delivered the oatioa memorial day at Charlotte, N.C. ThGrand lmgo I O. O. F., of this state, has been in sessiou at Raleigh the past week. ' Holi. W. S. O'H. Kobinson, U.t. District Attorney, was in Jt.leigh ou the Vth iustauU Grand Chapter of Mavms of this state, meeu in lUUigh on the 15th, next Wed uesda. ; The conferlef ate monuuieut'at ;Gold- ro wai unveiled on Thursday, uav Jarvi delivers! the address. Hon. George French, has received an inviUUtiou lo deliver the addresa national memorial day. at Raleigh, NO. - 'V-'C. l)t. R. M. Norment was not a candi date for mayor of Charlotte o says his frieuds but they voted lor m. never theleas. Chief Justice WaUe, ol the U.S. Siinrcms CvMtrt. wlIK preeM at the U. 8. Circuit Court at lUlelgh ia June. D.-. Grisom, of the Raleigh ilnu Assjium, wot sixty-eikl l4' Ueou to the Morgaotoo Asylum ami taiMxla to transfer thirl j two aaore very tooo; wne ' U4k some loo eeded repairs la the Balelxh Asylum. The North Carolina fr new araxme. aivowu Mr. 1L L. llutchius, the. enterprising colored man whom we spoke of, iu our last issue, is ai the heal of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows of this f the most ortsierou orders vl VJ v a . t - iu the south, aiid it is owing tothc 2'XK.i .nt nf iis fhief otticers. -It is 'datiiyiog to us to sec colored men tak irivale btisitiCiS enter a Hon. B. R. BridgersC has ljeen 4 on quite an extended visit to rlorlda " " -!--' u, r . y ousiuess matters. . Mr. R. J. .Jones, chairman of mr board or audit an fiuairw; hat-b44 absent the past week m attendance on the grand convention!, of OcM Fellows.' Jones is both an Odd Fellow and a splendid good fellow also. We hope he had a good time. - : m K; Mr. S. C. Armslong, Principal of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural In stitute will please accept , our thauks fur an invitation to attend the anniver sary exercises ou Tuesday, the 24th day of May next, and) if .possible - we shall do ourselves the houor to attend. An Anecdote Apropos of Memo- " rial C7rllrf lont. . On a certain memorial celebration at Is - . , . wblcb, as is customary, the commissary juid "qwartermaster department veterans were ' conspicuous, were two old time, high private "Johnny Rebs," who had gallantly soldiered through the entire War, ib a famous North Carolina regi ment, whose history had been written in letters of blood ou every battla-lield ia.Yirginuu These two old veterans fttoodby watching the proceedings. No tice was given by the Marshal that the' coll of Aho killed would be cVdcd. Our two friends were ail attention; they had stood in the smoke and lire by the side Of many a brave heart that had beeu Stilled in death, iu the days gone by; they bad heard the names called ou the toll, , and seen their fellow comrades step into ranks, time and again, and they mentally commenced to recall the -"boy's? names, and when and how they Hid down their live for the cause. The roll call commenced: Geu. Smith; was called ;theu followed the brigadiers, colonels, majors, captains aud lieuten ants, and the call ceased. . "Is that all the roll'' said Reb No. 1, Id. his comrades , i . "I guess it i,'' rejdied No. 2. And on isquiring fuuud that the exercises had closed. " . Beb No. 1, addressing Reb No..-, re marked; "Tom, when you come to think of it vow,, that was the gol, duru dest, war I ever heru on; why, there was no privates iu it at all, they was all of ficers. Why did they not call poof old J. B-'s name, he was shot in the charge at Chancelloisville ami Tom G. and Ben S. and all the other boysw,ho was laid out' in Virginia?" - "Duu k nov," said No. 2. "'Guess.they forgot to put them in the programme, Bow." ' t '.Tbat'ii all right now." replied iNo. l, 'but they did not forget to put tiieiu in wht?n it was bullets iu place of rose buds. A Ileal Necessity. We presumo there is hardly a lady to be found iu our broad laud who, if she does not already posiess a sewing machine, expects some day to become the owner of oue. The household of a youug wife is now considered incomplete without a sew ing machine. r Next to her lover the thought upper piost in the mind of the tnaideu' just blooming into womanhood is a sewitjjg machine, ' i When asked by uer parenu or alii anced what her Christmas or birthday jority of cases is, "A sewing machine: i But after the mihd has been fully Hon. Alfred M. Scales, member of I made up to purchase one of these in congress, from Greensboro, and Colonel I dispensable article, the question arises Walter L. Steele, ex-member ol Congress as to what kind ol macinue to ouy from Richmimdcountv.will visit Wacca- It should be so simply constructed maw lake for the purpose of hunting, that the most inexperiencedt can suc- fishiDg, Ac, next Week. They will be the cessfully operate it. The oilier poiuis guests of Uo'- H- Short while there, mainly to be considered and which GenScales is a very excellent man, and are the most desirable, are durability,- hasi made a very popular' member of rapidity, capacity for Work, ease of coHKress. We hope he will have a oieraUou, regularity o(uotiou, uiu- pleasant time in this section, and that I formity of tension, aud stance wuuo id the trio mavjrove - henehcial U, bis I operation Mr. S. C. Weill will please accept our thanks for an invitation to the com mencement exercises of the University of North Carolina, June 6th and 7t 18So. Address before the literary so cieties by Hon. T. C, Manniug, LLD;, of Louisiana, and the baccalaureate sermon by Rev. A. D. Hepburn, Dp., of North Carolina. 'I The rite of Bplistn will be admiu- istered to-day at 3 o'clock, p. m., at fool of Princess street, conducted by Rev. O. Miller, pastor of the Biptiat Church corner Seventh and Red Gross streets. The .pastor gives notice that the prot racted wieeiiug which has been iu progress for some . time past, will close this evening. . t- : e - 1 ' ' '" The last of the series ol lectures on the family sacred duties will be deliv ered by Rev. J. D. Small, Presiding Elder i of Wilmtugton district, in St Luke's Church, on Wednesday evening next, May lGlh.' Subject: ''Duties and Failures of. Motber-in-Law and Step- Mother." Miss.Heleu L. L. Reynolds of Tioga, Pa., will read before and af- 8 o'clock. " Usuaf small admission te!, 10 cents. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'Proposals. OFFICE CUSTOM HOUSE WILMINGTON. N . C Mar. 13th 1S83. t QEALED riiOPOSALS to supply sulll- i3 i . i ecce aud mlscellanebui Tsuppllee for the Marine Hospital at this port, for .taa year eudiUR June30tU, 1881, will be received at the otlice of the Surgeon-ln.cluuxe at the U. 8, Custom House, until noon of the 2Sth day ot May. 1SS3. Bcbednles will be far- msueu upon application at tnis omce. xne umtea hi tea reserves the rishi to reject. any or all bids. -1 By direction of the SaperrtglnK Burgeon -Qeneral. FAIRFAX IRWIN. ..u ' F. A. Surgeon, U. 8. M. H. 8., In charee of iiospiia., .muuH AGESTS WAXTED FOR THE t;i;ia:Ti al. symbol., JKTEHQ,HETED. By KEV. U. W MOR RIS, D. D. The grandest obfteet of Creation is lue ujn. uentre or lAit. lieai. auimo tion and -Chemical Action.' Its natural wonders and spiritual teaching are alike marvelous, and make a book of absorblnc aud intense interest. The great probte-au of the Material Universe unfolded ndffla- trateur Mature shown to be a-Kevetauen of Gol in the noblest and most perfect sense. Highly commended. "Every fact of nature I is made to repeat some lesson of His gos pel. N. Y. EvancelistU "Both uclcntioe aud devout." Rev. A. C. George, D, !., Cincaco. "A siartlinz revelation concern- iu? the wonders and glories of the 8un." a-fuer J. w. McGarvey. Iexington, tj. -inircsiing, instructive ana very sugge live." LliKhon Jaecar. of Ohio. It sells fast and pleases all.-.. Address, J. C. McCUKDY & CO., i'biladerphia. Fa.; Cincinnati. O.; Cbieago, III.; or bt. Jjouis, Mo. may 1j -m .t- ... t i: r -v : V " ' ' T' 4"i -.ir LOW TIKS AND SLIPPERS. Tyr K OFFER" GREAT VARIETY OF i Styles and Makes IN LOW TIES AND SLIPPERS FOR GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR. Good Quality, Easy Fittiug, and Low Dowu iu Prices. Call in aud examine. ; . ' -' GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, may 13 tf. - 1 COTTON is KlNG75ruiifiJ? r i mi in UUllUll. luvHluablv meuuo luiproveuents found in no otber ENGINES ih the world. For i'ainnhlets audi I'rice JLltM(lso for SAW Mlt.Ls). atldrcsa . KS i THE A U LTM AN & T AXIfMo. Mansfield, Ohio. ' ' I , may 132m c.p.ymn ac4imils ProMtMii iu rm. AL.U whiseona Mack grou. Beware ef iealer wke ilUail ta mmlm oil 1MITATIOFI, KI BSTITUTION orWORTH liKW me wkk fieU thrm m LARUKH rKOrlr. . Rope ccaBia wtlkeat ho IF SAFE. -S3 II. H. WARKR A CO., BochcMcr, N. Y. may 6 tf. Com issioners Sale! miss: rUE OF -v ft-. wt , A DECREE OF THE 'ourtofNew Hauover Coun"-. . : CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. MAYORS" OFFICE,, - ' -MaylKtb, 1S83. Notice ,to Butchers. ' Ll, l'EKSXN.S EXFECTINU REBATES umii-r Scetiou IX, of Market Ordinances, for Fixtures, Ac, must Die their Schedules; ol the Kiinio with the Chairman of theCom-4 mlttec on Markets and Fees by tne l'Jth day of May, lssa, or tbe same will not be al lowed. I?y order of the Board. ' t ' -i 'l. h E. U. HALU 1 may lilt Mayor. TY VIRTU II Snoerior (four I ty, made in a civil sell oh uding in bald Court, wherein Ada McOltuuiny a Admin istratrix or Kicnaru Mcuiammy was riaui tltr, aud Calo McClammy and others were Defendants. iThe uudcraisned. Commis sioner appointed by aald dei-ree. will on Friday, ljtb olfjune, A. 1. issi, at the Court House Itoor la the City of Wilmiucton, at l-'m.. otter for sale by Public Auction the lot or parcel ol" land Mtuhted. lying and being in the City of of Wilmington, and bounded and described aa fol low: Begin ning In the western lino of Eighth Street, at a point :ci feet South from Tu intersec tion witn tne line oi noum nno oi nwanu . Street, running thenco South with the line -of the said Wost side orcKlgotli street, l' feet and ti inches, thence West '. (eel au4 inches, tbeu l-s North '- I eel and it inches. thenee East 1S feet and Inches lo the West line of Eighth Street, the. beginning, being part of lout 1 and 2 ou lilock ;SW, ac ooriug to the oOlcial plau of said City. Terms of sale one half cash, ballaace iu tx months Iwlth interest from day of Sale. A1AKSDEN ISEI.UAMI. Uwloualil (.loiuniissioucr. notice. r iy wittrw it , f I S f " lor tho construction of Culverts. Hrldcea, Cr,KwinKs. Trestles. Sheds. 11 atfor . ,l; iUh, itc. will he received unUl tbsaith of May. GEO. W. PRICE, Ja Vice Pretdenl for Hoard of HlrecUrs,? apriliM-lt health. 1 itic hold o prises and, i aiticularly so, when they succeed, and wo' know the sentiments of the leading ciii;ens of this', state aud they feci as we do in this matter. There will be special services at the Chesuut strtet Presbyteriau Church (colored), today. Rev. D. J. Sanders, who has served this church for the past The "Light-liuuniug "jNow iloine"' tills the above requirements, arid is said to combiue the gol poiu"d "t' other sewing machines, with t'hc 1 dition of many new improvemenu and labor -Mviug devices. ten years, will preach an historical ser-1 . jn9 prke ia no higher than that of mou at 11 a. m. , Rev. George Carson, olher machiue, D. A. SMITH, MANUFACTURER anl; DEALER IH FURNITURE, - j- y HO. 4i NoilTll FHONT Hf UEKT. The Litest Ami Handsomest Styles, ALWAYS ON HAND. - - i, may U'u - - STATE OF WORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. sprr.Kioii Couat Nancy Cowan vs FraucU M. 'Moore. Thomas II. Wright aud others. ' rjmiS action! is brought l y the .above named Plalntllrt against the alnive named Delendautsforthecouveyauco to the Flaiii tltrrroni the heir of Josha. Wright, de ceased, and tho heirs of Isabella Sampson, deceased, of the real estate, or of any inter i car. which they may have or claim In eer- wanarWMllWtiaaU5i.ia utet-iur oi wn- premises. The DeioodanU Frank 1), ouug and his wife Emma w. loung, are iicrcuy notified and reiuirea vo appear v u ' term ot the Superior Court, of the said .wumt nfNtd Hanover, to bo hold at the Oonr tHouse.lIu tne said City of WUmlnctou. on lb March Given i A. V. 1883, e 15th Monday flr the lt Mnday lu h A. O. lSSi, and defend in fcaid action. nnder rnvhand this 'Zlst day of April, aprll Z!6t S. VanAMRINOE. Clerk of aupertor Court B Ward's White Ialy Soap end well sotua P tvry wily, all referce to a life lee I education, at KAltltt, i- J r, br that would have Km rUe M l Alfred WiUiai A (V, pb- Wjai queatioos aadfor the poiroae of I " . .. . b ae O. Uar iHroliuii i tMitralHailroatU'oiu iaii:. " - Tho ' stockholders of ihe Carolina CcntrM Uiiiroad Oompatiy, met iu this city on I hursday last and elected the following Uoard VI Director,: Messrs. JohnHd. UobcrUou, J. .S. Whedbee, D. W. Oau, U. C llyflmatiJito. C. Win vler, V. W. Chsuib'aiue. C. M. fted mn L L Xiitmis, U.. lucker, M. P. iak, aad t-everu Eyre, ' Mr; John M ll'ibertS'JU was uuauimously elected '.! M. J.'ti. Sharp Secre- ury. The PFwideul rerl was ex ceedingly gratifying to the stockhold er. -. ' ;-: : ' TUr Xlirl nriuorUI . rintiun. Th, .ukhuUoo courcoe.! at the othce of Col. R Brink, ami after Mae decisiou a to tne oeat ' apj?ropriai aoer to observe the 30tn ol Ma. and the proceevlinjfiat the Na tlota1 Cetcry Ac. It uaaui ..lv agreed to leave it to a commit- iM of five; cousistiug of Mer, E K. R,ik U. U Mab.m. E. - J. rJ- - ' ..... ... VP i. nacter. J. . Canadav. U take ciiarje aod m ae iK. hle soauer. The committee will . . l.-morrow :at Col. IVink-a ofSc all o'clock P. IT le .minion the Ut ooht to i.v. atM to make a ucf c4 the Mortal eervicee or the "kXh, aod we be lieve they wt and every lady who is 6'f Laurinbufg, will preach at 3 o'clock I he jftppy possessor of one may rest as- p. m. i At S o clock p. m. mere, win ee I gj,e has indeel a treasure. iusUllatidn services, ttev. : John Ail ajj wbosend for the company's i new lavage, of Goldsboio, wilL preach the I iUujtrated catalogue and enc'.oe i heir sermon and charge the people, and I adTerlisuleut (priu'.cJ ou auoLher R:v. Carson will deliver the charge to I n-e .n receiTe act d Uncy-advcr- the paator, Rev. D. J. tandem, ine ntihlic are ruvited. - . I The way to support Republican 'pa pers is to gtvo yoer patronage to the I Woe rat ic press, we ahoald judge from the way certain Republicans att, Republicans waft the eopport of the Republican press whea caod'idatee lot office, but when they hate a lilUe patronage they send it to a ltrO crattc paper. We sappome ite doae to tsiag novelties, of value to thono col lectin g cards, cc. Their address is, New Homk Sewing XIacuink Co-, tj Unioa Square, New York- We, are iu receipt - of the curieut number oI'TkaVeL," a moolhiy mag- zioe for the use of travelers, published at 162 Broadway. New York, by the American Exchange, in Europe (L.ioi- ited), of which Senator Joseph R. II aw- i u PrMUtetiL and Ileurv F. Gillie . . . - -.... il vj - prevent criticism by l-M prose, out u Managef the rotner ivepaoHcao paper n ia an elecant aod most eff-ctive stale win join U3 wc mm wv milk aod water Repahlican to hnow there Is a power behled tho wrooe. Vf llawiwstoa. WrlfatTXii OsiUw tUrdUre . , We are iodtbted to Mr. Edward F. M artin fr a irip over the r. above read bed to the toatKl We left the city early one aaoroingj , pasaiag over the PubUcalioa. The cover and the eUbo- rate nape are the best work of the kiod, aosl the teat i of eaal exteileBc-. It Mutuuiu all orU of ioUresitur aad valuahla doU for fatekrs iaforua lioa about CAaaners and cusu ui. aod a Urge number of sleiea rcit- i Great Brkaio. Kraao.lirraiAay, ll- nrUad. the Spaath anJ I:!a IV alaaalaal tb Ovieat. aad aua4 tk nrLL It L edited bv C A. Brliii present read bed, weat to, the teveo saile. aod ret a reed to the city by li o'clock. We yew Parprieed at txpttmtt UtnUt aaq atAar u amount ot wok wo wood accoaa pUahed, aad it pnh w pleaeort to atato 'FOR Laundry and Toilet U.v. IT lOkx AWAVIWITli: WA-ill BtAUD SAND DOILEKrj VNIiOi.nVaINS NO ROIIN TO TURJ TH K FAB K! C 1 F.I. LOW. it t ui: i skd i:itiii:k1 JIOT OB COLD W llTtB. It mw fuel. lim aod labor, aod ia recsromc-led ami eodorel by sofoe of tie leading Chetn iU ia th country. For ale by limits voLui:itJ. WteUiU 4ceu. Notice Wittx.Tos. y. C; April :!t. sv', HKi will be reCeivtd unUl May 3nh. lor thirty thoasiand eroa-iirs. sa.ld crtma Ilea U be seven ft iong. s inchv lima, boraeu and Oattened with at lea-d ulne Inrhes Ue barfaco. Said cnw-Un to he diatrlbnlcd along the toula tn-t ween Ilmliiclon and Wrigniavilw nouoii. w . ... w. the Ueuerajl jsoiwrintendenl T MKO. W. 1'lUt K. JU.. Vice Prtsldent for-ltoard of Uiwtot. april': i VJX1R BL'j DiscosDh on Urge LK Addrc, -' ''.' Kuaf Ivist. N. C A. ti FAIiJiLEI, Ja , S. JTfW ANT'S, LidNu rt;iii"o-u or ptiHJ MRS. BOanUiig House, door V. WkiWl, S Market Utvi StoJ aad Tni mt a t!miBaw, J. c, !- rt dr. tital s 1 1 ft rv wr u I L tmi ia u lcrm 1 f IO L a4 ' iia-:- lkiM wM e isnvrt CHAS. KLEIN IndcrUhrr and Cabinet Jlmkcr. taat oar people ca aaitly cooat oa ha via tot,rdeaoro, iai TH? ort tisae, of ridtag to the staihire e the caia. The wota h mem tt U 1 - ... that X R4ail Cwtate Owaer. rtrvooa dairiaru '$tt real ia eitheff city or cooatry,, will d-j well to eomfpood with W. r, Oatiy, WtV aisgtoo, N. C, who h rvral i ifelrea term rereocn wao owhtohoy. f 1 " " i ii m km Ui axrtM la mvm 'lor rt t ia-"s vmm lta.iU. Aar i a o ihi vrura f of any toova ta t Mfl. Ta ta ry ' tmii be aaaac mmw ry rt-"T. t am aa 4M I . . . 1 1 .i H i i war w m - . r rnrtm Ca. rwUK MV A4 OHkrt frmmfUf ilUiJ ' ' I 'i- r ' tesii I 1 " - ' -!

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