- I W . -e t ' ' .. . .1 voj.umexv;. WILMINGTONNORTH CAROLINA; SUNDAY. MAY. 20, ISS3: Single Copies 5 fJrats, NUMBER 20 Wkt L "Jk. "V-; J -'- .51-' ' J V- "A. .'A A."'., I! II M ' mm M M : I -I ! M I 11 L I J II, X WILMINGTON POST 4- y fintend at the Poiloffice at WUmiftg uit, N. C, at Second Class Matter. ' Et-tlnvernor Wasbbourb ofMaioe, dj.-.l a lew days ago. ; J. l'n-ctor Knott, was nominated" on Wednesday last, by the Democratic toBveuiiou of Kentucky for Governor rrc'Y ry Uiiandler, has returned to U'"''"" from New Hampshire, jw l baa he-n Attending his sick in iln r. : ' -sa- - j The 1'reMdent will leave Wasbiug- s ion It New York on. Wednesday uext, f.-ivh'ete (in attends the grand opening of ..the" Brooklyn bridge, .. . . l : Kx-fc'eualor Couover is now an assist ant surgeou in tbe marine Hospital ser- vice in Philadelphia. It is said that lie h a splendid pbysreian, which we believe to be true. But he certainly was a failure a a Uuited .States sena- - , .New from Wheeling West Virginia looks as' if 'Mr. Brown, the Republican candidate for Congress in the third dis . trict, has beat Hynder te Democratic nominee: " Mr. Kenna, a -s Democrat, w'a elected in this district last fall by ';; fjOfi majority.- This .will give a black eye to tbe Mar's tariff for tevenue only. - - mt ' ... Ihe DemocratB haye "whipped 'em ' flirin " this time in We'st Virginia. The A . 'At- - I " .". tide lii runniDg wun us. nuu ninu ' to cliange the course jof the tide? '. Xttv' Obsrrrcr, ';. As usual, Brother Ashe, you are hat- looinir too soon. That district . went .'..MO-Democratic in 1882, and now, nly six inpnths after, it is claimed By oiily'J'O majority, and it maybe Brown, Republican, is elected. So we wouldn't : "change tbe course of the tide.1' IHlartlly Outrage. Ralkiuh, May 10, 1883. Kmi u u i'osr; The most outrageous f ibe most cowardly usurpation of po liticut power, the most henious wrong ever perpetrated in this city, wa en acted last night by the newly elected so-called Democratic Aldermen, ex ceptlng threeK wtio retuseil to co op '.rate with the eight unscrupulous poll ticiaiis who are Ibe authors of the .".crime to which I allude. . r 'there are five wards iu this city, un " der the Democratic gerrymander, the Had am' 1th wards, are heavily Repub Hcau; ihe 1st, .Srd and 5th, are Deuro ; critic. The 3rd ward, polls the small ' -i u, l-ap,esenUJ -k fi i Vdermen. The 1st and CtU! wards by ' three aldermen each, niyip the Demo crats eleyeu, aldermen, to.six llepubli- The two Republicau wards poll ue ir ly or quite half of the whole number of votes cast in our city. . . . An i.ioptKin vim held in this citv on u. Mnn.lav in this month, witluthe . . i .t. . results above nameo, auu iut uni.j i .h .,ti,. nw board of Aldermen , j i . l. .K..j. ..'.- were sworn in, iooa iucr bvi .i . .;..;...,. in .h- ,,p,liiiirs. But - 'f k'Vl 'v n v j- mm - a three Democrats were opiHwed to the reeloition of the present mayor, aud .. i;.,-.i ... ..., with the other eiirht. who were Dodd rueu. Last uight the bosrd met again, 'and after the proceed logs of three previous nenwious wore rfad aud approved - Alderman liwa tkall submitted a resolution declaring Mr.Stewait Ellison, Republican, ineligi ble, becairte he was Janilpr of the gov- ernmeob building iu this citsMr. Vault's lVyle, Republican, was declared iuefiWble. tsause he wai walchmau of oaid building; Mr. James Hamlin, i; i'ubliv-an, was declared ineligible, be cause be; was clerk in the postotlice ; Mr. Jaa. H. Young, Republican, was dfvlared inelible, because he was a . -clerk iii the revenue department; Mr. Am. in Hunter. Refublicao. was de vlared incliciblt, because he was letter H. rttlierer lom the letter boie iu tbe utv. At this stase el me .rocefuoK .... - ii. .. the entire Republican delegation, with three 'Democrats, withdrew from the .. i . - m-nn,. iMvtoe only eiabV aldermen Wrmvuuwho proceeded to a. - reelect the ' ptese-it jMsjor, W. H. lld, and other tiiy omcers, tbe okl . eet. who are ob- aoiio is to the majority of voters of thie vity. Ibe board of eithl then pro ceede.1 to make aMermen to till vacan cies, and of course, they elected Denio- crau to represent Republican, wanls. aieui reprteenv -om-.- Uow much further the political oet- ses are to go, or-how much longer raB-es are to go, or-now auca .oBr th people wilt uietlT eubmU to beieg i. . i twdiii. i. . . al " tw. mitm f callv. remains to be seen. The city or Rail .k u Pahlan be alx hundred - - i a..;.,r,i. a.l aiitl w have no ww- eouUon. I fear, very aeriouaiy, tne ,.. . A. e.w-. tfl our court refuse u givw pfywww which the people will arai. demanu. refaa. to dtUvtr an opialoaupooacwy poliucar case whkh went throagh Ue teguiar chanael to them. a. Special Letter to The National Repnbllemn. " ; , . Richmond, May 12, 1883: Hon John 8, Wise, congressman -at -rge-elect from' Virginia; 061. J. S. Browning, Jor. Cameron's private sec retary; Judjgq Edmund Waddillr who ii United Stalea district aiio ney for the eastern distr ct of Virginia, and one or two other well Known meo, seated iu Judge Waddilt's oflico this moroing talking over the recent de cision or tbe supreme court in me Richmtutd school board case, i he cin versatiou turned upon the apprauli- i g presidential contest. You have traveled ibrougb rob ably every county in the state,' and have had an (jpjMiriuiiity ol ascertain ing thj driftof public opinion in regard to the comiug presidential contest. TeH us something about it," said one of the party. When 1 was Uaveliog through tbe state," said Congressman Wise, "I was more interested in who was to be con gressmau-at-largtL from Virgiuia than who is to be the next presideut oi the United States. A pleasaut smile illu minated the countenance of the young Virgiuia con resmau - and his ej;cs sparkled with satisticdon. I satisbed myself that Mr. Massfy would neither be congressman'-at-large nor president, and! am still euggett endeavoriu o convince others of that fact." "But still you have your notions about the presidential outlo-jk," .inki yqiir correspondent, interrupting. "Yes, I have," said Congressman Wise, "but they are very vague and undefined as-yet. - It is impossible to forecast either the '"issues or the candi dates." . . . V ' "What do you think will be tbe leading issues-' r "It looks tome as if parties were drifiiog back to the position tney occu pied fifty years asso, when ' Clay and Sargeant ran as advocates of the Ame ricau system. Iu other wt rds, it-loofcs to me as if. Ibe country, having abau doned the passion issues, is dividing off into parties, o. of which advi;iies a national (tolicy uf inip"ove&ieiu, tar iff, subsidizing shipping 4oV regaiu our inaratimt) iuQoortance.l coulroilitiK Hie currency and fiuanc, relieving and aiding the Mississippi valley, aud gen erally applying tbe national power and wealth upon a liberal construction of the nattonai idea o( a iiatioual aggran dizement. While tbe other suit o u tends for a limited, aud re-itric e! tional policy, the chief recomineudi- tirtn of Iwhich shall ba ecou-iiuy and the non-interference nuu nou exercise of federal power, save as is abvilutely necessary. Without elaborating tb is idea or further pointing out tbe uitiereu; re sults which would flow from tbe su premacy of either of these theories, it seems plain to me that one thejyiil shortly become the rallying cry of the i .ri: The Utter theory is Ue t... remnantof theoldsutes' r.ghtsdocirine. it tritimnhikd in the first cDntest. and . . . will be defeated in the next. lTie ne 11 ceasity ol auopuuK mau iuBl; .u . to perpetuate " ' 1" J .7 " T.rr -. . I .'rA nothing fcr 11. but. OU UU n,.'ir. rx ih need of a natiouttl policy of protection and jsuccor i Mculiarlv the tase in Virginia This: Old: - . . ..i l; i : M.rr nl lh west iWHU niS AUIfllUllll system would have: swept Virginia like a whirlwind fifty years ago il the Vir- ffiniaushad not been slave owuers auu afraid to give too mucu w uuuiii i,t- nf national supremacy, r.tcu m the days of slavery her stales 'rights; positions were always ioreeu upuu u . s. I h. .Uverv and the relation wbich it I J : i i Knt hntwtaen her and her 'sister slave aUtes. Tb-dav, standi ug with slavery abolished, with all her uope oi me iu itirlvinc in the development of ner raanufacturing 'resources, her! "people i..h . Iitil tir r federal auoremacv lnn..l..n;.n. .n.t biffh hoiMW ma 4 cuu.j . .iii.""! - o .i I of aggrandizement irom ine iriumpn ot the American system iovolving pro- tectioo and restoration oi commerce The utes right theories have rerj I .;.. I u-h , ahocks atvu ioa oi ire- -"TI TkI ....r ,.... a that thv L T - popular and caplita- j y,- M they.were in their first contests I J 1 ' .a... .a a il. l ibe ruuoi an m n ia .u .? I .Li.. IkIkmii a hnuil apprvacuft v.. , ani narmw cvniiruvuoa oi irurm power uf those who advocate iu liberal J wejdin- tbe pjty repaired" to he resi and United exercise, respectively, the 1 , .... , - -nl advocate of the former will have a new Held of converts nefer opened to ineui before in all the territory wnere slavery fosaierly exuted, in which .the people Mi Pre to manuuevaiioR or cv; -.n 1 . or fe the need of .. fhat urritory 1 deairnat .u, 5or BOrthefn loraia,irWthern toVia BOrthefn lorau,irthern Lod weeterj , AUbaa. .JTfJf I ...i iaat bat mot laast. Louisiana. . aii bat LouUlaaa will unite la a natioaal I o fM7? . - ,k . nt v It, B1.. I i .hh. Louisiana, althoot i iMuinr av wt.vi- oow hoeW weory u witnu um. rm be made emthnaiasucally tu i v"7 7. 1' .- .Vi .HMa thai tha k tkll NHT UUl IU UVa . o- j- atroni e.oh aad i w-. - - I 'f k.. . i- i a ww" . - -. - the next ' contest which boldly pro claims, as to its leading tenet, the su premacy, of national power, and as in cident to that supremacy not only pow er to rule, 'but power to sae, to de velop, and to baud up. Under" that general declaration it should announce as its lead mg purposa federal suprema cy in currency aud finance, a system of iederai protection to American indus try, and determination to regain and establish our commercial importance eveftrby a large expenditure of federal wealtp, restore American, oottomry, and regain oui'iost carrying trade, especially in &outh America, and a liberal ex peudilure of jfederal money to reclaim tlie-drowne! Lied of the Mississippi valley, and control aud direct the over Hows of tha AlissUsiippi river these are a few ot tbe tbiugs wnicn I believe to be tbe winning ideas in the approacbing presidential contest. Which party will 'adopt ihem or whether "either will have the nerve to utaud upon them remains to be seen, l am cautident, speaking for my state, that she would give a trluaiptf aut ma jority fur such a platform. STATE J be colored press couveutiou, of the atale will come oil" in Wilmington, July &th, 1S.S'., ' j Tbe NoNh Mate with its usual mod esty, claims Ciieensbro as the "hub" ol the utatfi. . i Col. Ktogb says thtre will be uo jury ttiai.4 tit ihe Oh.trloUe, IS. C, U. S. Distric- Court, for waut of niuucy to pay ibe espeiihe. Jj "A druukeu uiiu b the mine of B. Slateu, cnue near killiu a lotuf co: ored men at Wadtsboro oir M inJay latt;' he tired :t thsm, but some one koockfd up the gun aud saved tbe crowd r Co.. Jubn W. Litis, died very gut deuly a. hii Iwiuh -s in Whiteville, Ci luiubus cvunty, on lhursday last- He was' a lawyer of pruiniuence, and wals 01 years age. . (iharlo.Ue is becoming a dangeroub place, according to tbe Journal-Ubjcrtzr er';i account ihe crimes. Murders', roooene, iiguisHuu ciiuiug scrapes ar J as toinmoii" as ibty are, or used to h at i'lve l'uiina, New Vtirk. The cuinuieiiceuieut cierciscs . Ziou Wesley : Institute, Sitisbury, u which itev J. O. i'ricj is President will lake place Juue Olb. Bishop Jones is to deliver inc. ;ul ireas and a graud t'uie i-'xpcoich Aru-o I'retbyleriaii ijji, towustuaii, Henry .C. Dockery lisij., trtiiirued iioui l'exas l'uesdayt tawrujuig. He 'bad a Very picusaut tripj aud iluuki well ot the Lone &tar blatw. Mr. K. Ij. Steele, Jr., wuo ac c.iuipauiel him, remained in Texs aud will prooaoiy visiu mrnuj uciuiw i she retdrrs. Spirit of (hi Solh: Wei notice Staples in 3atleud-j ance alt4'ourt this wek. He is promH ueutly men'tioned us the Democratic! candidate To'r (.lovirtmr, in 1S&4 We hope the lleyublicans will nominate the Uou. W. S. O'B. llobiiison, of Way lie, as the Ooi's. competitor. Mr linbinson is a c;eni-leman of fiuc abuityj and is one ot the best talkers iu the- state, and is "popular wherever be Is known. What sav our .friends id - ibinsou. for Governor id 18S4- mVl,,y,t fibica Ycsterdry Re?.' 11. M.. Tuppcr re . f . i .1... i . coiveu a urairur .t,w . iUV ."l5k " .Liliiiixiu oi a betiuiMt ol to.uw to haw University by M-. .Iudoo Wadd Leonard, of Hampden, Massifchusetls Ue wa, a brother ol Mrs. H. M.Tup i .1.. I r l..t ii ier. ami was ine iuuuuci uv known 'a tb" "Leonard Medica School" at the h.iw University. Ibis building, which ! is .elected on tbe acre af 1ml iu rear vt the old It-tveruor a luansioir jriven oy mu i:, uui.uib as one the hnds.Mues. school buildiurt in the Jtateaad of a siyle ol architect lure entirely new iu this part ot the COUhlrv. - A" kJ ('.""w rt 'f r. Mr. 11. V. Hurkbituer, ot .v utuing ton,.N. C, was luarneU iu this city vesterday afternoon, at b0 o'clock, to Miss Kioiae, daughter ol lr. ii- V IVruheiiu. The bridal couple were at tcudtd at tbe altar by lt. Clarence Kiorcace iWroheim. brother and sister to t w bride. Dr. Bernheini ar formed tlr teremoov. After U " ' T , i suvet. unr - Uv h h.cku were ce.eoratea. a aw I CoU),le lt,a u5gbt tot WU ,rr,int. f-i.h themilo their kingtou. J --- I. s . i future how by U a the hgrpie-t wi,hes of their larje frie0J$ itt , bsrlott. Hay Pa the sea the best and circle ot ffieoj$ itt h4rlott. ilay p.-cepentr, e 4ml t.ppioea be their, through h 1 W e are miaesiea w rr iov- i ... . . c and dinars wnn ot cy I tvAu.i. bada.i rroa deainnx to parchas will addrasa us throosh the postoCce- The person mariag uie Urre.4 cash ofet will get thm, they art a apleadid taveMmeoU Addreea W. I CAJtAtut, Wilmingtoa, N.C ? ': Daniel Howard to quite alck.f ' Look out for sicka afUr 'thw cool weather. . - . The letter carr0rj8tem'ia working splendidly. ... Ay: ' Marshal Hill was pn Ut city again on Wednesday laau trs- 'n t -. .-itx incursions seem to- be the order of ie day. CbAlU afterwaid; 7l j V See ad. of Baalaaa Fuller, manager. of a Minstrel CtorJaay', Tlle,Jale8,.' St Stephens' ,A;M. E. Church bast camp meeting some miles', below ihe Miss Bradley echool will close for the session on Friday, the first day of June. Hon. E, W. M.k-yU8ed tbro our city ou Friday night, on his way south. .''"'-" ' X. ... ' ' Samuel Edens, who shot Henry Ev aos is in jail,' and wilt be examined next week. ' v ' ' 1 r The basement for the Dawsou store will soon be excavated, and work ou the wall commenced. Th Wilmington y district conference of the M. E. Church will mettwiite yille on Thursday next. :- r The National Memorial-Association, will have a meeting at Col.. Brink's office to-morrow afternoon. ; , I We know a man who will bet the Slur one thousand dollars that the pojH ulatlon of Wilmington is 21,000,1 ' The Directors of the Wilmingto", WrigbtsviHe and Onslow Railroad Company, meet in this city on Thurs day next. .' I , . - ' i The C Mitiaui. 10 grade the Point Caswell and Clinton Railroad, has been given out aud the work will commence at once. t Tb- who who want good clothes, a good lit, made in me latest atyie, nu oi i .... .... . .. i the bt goods, anonia ceriainiy see ur:.i! i 1 1. r 1 J 1 vv i.iiam nyncn colore nuyiog Wnere. .- I I. . .-... .', . ':..- .1 Hon. Alfred M. Scales of Greensboro, I aid Walter L. Steele ol Richmond, mre I spending a pleasant time at Col. H. B. I Shoit's, at Fleminglon, fishing hunt- I hunting, &cl T ' '' , j ',' I r. . . i i i nr. f 2 . I xne stocKnotucr o in v iihiukwd i g r. . : . - Jgif. . A I Ct W. Williams, Donald McBae, Jaa. H. Chadbourn, J. W. AtKinson, nenry A. Burr, C. P. Alebane, . Isaac iiaies auu aici. u(jiuui. 1 1 1 u . I w Mil attAntinn tn tha advertise- ment. in this" issue, of Messrs Brunhild Rro... PeoDle who have roods worth selling always advertise ihem. When- ever amerchant is afraid to advertise he k.. nn mtthktiw'rvtiAda bnsin ess. or the judgment to keep the foods ua uw ' v 1- . . worth-Kallinr." O 4 1 1 lr. 15. E. Burma, President oi; tne 1-irst JNaUonai cans, 01 mia city, is .....-.. ... . . -f. . building a very handsome residence on Third street, between Ann and nn ureeu. tnu aiii. viun u kviuk mi one immediately adioininr that of Mr. Burruss. Mr. Forshee, of the firm of Kenan A Forshee, intend haying a res - idence erected on Front near Nun stt. We congratulate the gentlemen on their rood iudgmenU, s ' 1 Hon. Jos. H. Neu, left lor A-ennsyl- vania on Thursday morning last, on a short business4 Tisitj We hear that M r-Neffs father-in-law laa a tract of land in rennsjUani which ia likely to turn out a bonanza. Oil hae been die covered on the land, aad they propose soon to co u mime amklnjc' wells and seeing what can be doae it that di rvclioa. W nope ye to hm of our friend Nf fl striUBt "ite." there ido man woo we had eoooer see save a bp tune thae Mr. WeC He k ihfj touled gooa uiwv, ana wu owgouu news lor tn m aw w w mwm- - .. - . i. .t . ceedsd in e oil raiacenv - . & a a. 9 Jl Vt r Stole, y ', I -1 wealth and lnxnry, the development 35 reward for ooi Flaina, hehaa0f natural science, and tjbe lofiaeoce either beea loat or eome ahxrr has chap aaa greaa aeaww , hM safety, we near bs wh cu tak tha train on Tnttreoay morainr .... .i t?.tU u-ilaVL Trr. ? T uavus roaw oee. will be paid to any one who will briag kim back, or arrest aad Foster him aa- tm w. eaa eoaaa tl Hi mat naxucaujrry aa.veeei www mm eta are lutsa Ubiea arooai uh traa, howerer, that tbe Ehta ! USt e babr, lad ahoaldbe tk of txile all or rneada ajb. till he k a ti ll o5 aad ftataU yai to hear frgsa ila . mis. 11 The little daughter of Rev. C. M. Payne, died at Winston" a few days ago. Gen. Newton, who was made Presi dent of the society of the army of the Potomac, waa placed in nomination by. General S- F. Manningof this cityT Thanks to Messrs, H. L. Coble, chief manager, and J. SI. Sikes, chief marshal, for an invitation to attend the commencement of Trinity College June. 14th, next. - Gen S. H. Manning, was expected -home last night from Washington, D C., where he has been iu attendance on the meeting of the society of !he army of the Potomac. j . HMr. Stacy Van Amringe, has gone into the auction business, he will sell real estate and other property, when possible, in lroat of tba Court House. Mr. VanAmringe is one of ihe best tatkclioners in tbe state. Hon. W. S. O'B. Iiobiosou, tis, pre paring for the session of the Circuit Court to be held at Raleigh. We had the pleasure of meeting him a few days ago, and he ia looking well aud as full of energy as an erg ia of uc At. , 1 - m l Mrs. Kaight, tli8 belovei irile of Capt. JamesTTnTght, Master of fratrsT portalion ol the W. ft. W., and the W., C.& A. R..R., died v?ry sudd?ofy of heirt disease u Wed.. csdsy la-t, the funeral" t tok place oil Friu ty morning. Sew' Hotel. There seems to he a ' r'air proipcut of raisiug.a 6ufhcieut aiu-Kiul ol mouey to build auolbcr bottl ui this city. A committee has charge ol the matter, aud wesuppose tbeif.ji!c wiii be given a chance to say w hether they vwiut to invest or u.U A Mtrangc ami JIh rl ling Hrenw!! In There h Spirit Vorld?i A remarkable dream or preternatural visitation recently occurred in Lquis ville, Ky ; Mr. V. E. Morera, a gentle man well aud favorably j known about town, ou retiring for- the; night, l'oeliug unwell aud uervous was very rrstless iu his sleep, bill seemed (o himself to be wide awake and in full control of l:b . .V.,orUi ... i.; . 1 j...- showin:r hitl ,. ,kmin , " . " numhpr fiinim:(n(l:n hint Ifi iitif.Ain it from the lottery aud theu vsnished The dreaui was so stirlliug as to fully awaken him, and although one who never believed iu, lotteries or upheld them, yet try as he would he could uot haka (iff the vision ir lrrrL Lhn ii'.im- i u--. l , k.. i.: . !, ! asked for a ticket with n8mbers 0f hi4 dream I ou it. For i tlln,teU the number was unsold and his ticket given him. -Tne; drawing I was soon to come oil and .so uervous and excited bad be become that, al though airainst n is priucip.e-s no uc J termined to witness it, aud strangely I enough, he saw bis number drawn I from the wheel and the handsome 1 .. '.-I priae of $5,000 was bis. Was this sim plv a coincident? Who can lei:? I Next drawing tates piace in LAunrviiie, K M . . r jwi"DriZM. aiuountiu": i ' lQ jii2.400. Whole Ticket osly 1 Addres II. M. Coardmau, L ubviUe, , Tbe June number oi me .ri I Auru:aH liccu w oi.cm with an ariicic 1 by Joseph Nimuio, jr., bief of l.e treasury bureau of tatitic,ou'Ainer- J lean Manufacturing Interests, in which lis eieeo a singularly lull and instruc- I live historical kettb ol Uie rise a.hd f manufacture in tbe United p wilh - Terv effecuvc glates, presentation of their preseut oudiUou, and .'f Ibe agency of UriS legislation in promoting diversified industries and encouraging the invenuve g?uiaioi the people- Should this author's advo- cacy of pioectire legislation- prove dutasteful, the reader finds tbe uccded corrcctiTe in an article by lue Hon. U' M SnriBfer. on "Incidental 1 ax- i . which u ao ttct tt fvtt of nm p. c tJiimaa, lreident ol - . nODkin Univeraity. -rites of . .p. AanexU of Collece Traiu l . - aff-cuJ br the i ccreae of 1 0f a larger reIi,ou liberty, ward xkibited la the machlaatroos of tbe w i aioamiUsU against a Lneodly rower, l ia diartJd ol to oo:i-t;nj oi act- I kaa neutrality. Prof. Iaac L. Etc en- of -Herbert Wi i ... , .f j- ..ii .-j I hliemx mcitmce. and Cbri:iae Jiiloa coatribatea "A Few Words about FaV Ik Sagiag." naAUT, there b a tyae 1 lkA mmm aid, the Je- Dr. J. 11. Isct- I tk mmm aij. tie Uv. Dt. J. U. Lsck w a kaa as aa cpf; U the etage, and o ifc otter, Je.atsu? auaagar. and WuUaai Wiaue, dra sagxjc cntc ct a aia)er, t-i a rabUahcd at J) Laisyef ec. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-. H. BRUNHILD Ji BRO.,: ! t Distillers, Wholesale Liiiior Dealers ASO 1'KOrRlETORH OF TH CHASMON cigar factohy, WILMIKCTOJI, v HICRU BRUNHILD J BROS, M AN U FACTURERS OF. ALL KIND OF FINE ' ij I CIlKWIKCi TOBACCO, ,c .' NAV18 ASDTfflTS, . may ao-tf ; : ...j .. ' , ,. i U WILLIAM LYNCH, 1 - the - - :X Tailor and Clothier, TTAS A Sl'LENDlD AStsOttTMENT uf y-jr-.u Doeskins an 'I : , Broadcloths, A M t It IC A S Ai I I n PORTED, Which be will cut and make to order, in tbe latest styles. SHlilnrtioii C3nnrnuteel. tore north side of Princess street near tront. . f--- may zt tl Proposals. ! , OFFICE CL'aTOM HoUBEv WILMINGTON, K. C, Mar, 13th 18s3. gKALKD I'liOfOSALS to supply subsist ence ituil misceUaueous 'supplies for tbe Marino Hospital at this port, tor the year ending June Jioita, jssi, will be received at tue oiace oi me burguon-in.cuarte at uie v. H, Custom House, until noon of the 2stli any oi May, in:. Hcbeduleb will be irr uished iiihu application at this office. Tb L mted at iU reserves tbe right to reject any or ail bids. i'.y direct lou of the Supervising burgeon Oeueral, Aiurax IKW1N. V. A. Surgeou Hosplta:, V. 8. M. H. H., In cliarre of - luayliot ac;i:ms wanted FOlt THK j tIljiiS XIJXKj 9 IiauUli, I? riClUlttKIKD. 'liy ItEV. H. W-.MOIt- KIS. 1: l). Th r mildest obfoct of CreaUon i-. tUc SUN. Centre oti-Jle. Heat, Attrac tion and Chemical Action. - Its- nataral wouders and spiritual teachings are alike tunrve oiiN, and make a book -of absorbing and iotcase interest. Tha graat problem of the Material Universe unfolded and 111 u tratedi Mature itaowa to be a Revelation ofUod in the noblest and most perfect sense. Highly commended. "Every fact of nature is made to repeat wot laaaoa of His goa pel. ' N. V. kvangeJistt. "Both aclenune and devout." Iter. A. C George, D, IX, Chicago. "A startling revelation eoncero- tlve.- Bishop Jaggar. of Ohio. It nIU fart and pleases ail. Address, J. C. McCUHDY A cy.. l'hliadelphlaj Fa.; Onclanatl. p.; cnieago, j il; or u iouib, ai-i, may VI -ax LOW T1KS N D SLIPPERS rfc Ol'FKU Gilt AT VARIETY OK Styles and Makes I N LOW TI ES AN U SLIPPERS FOR ! ilENTLEMEN AND LADIEss ' WEAR. U ol Quality, Kasy Fitting, and Iw"lou, iu Fricea. V'all i airl examined. R. KKKMCI1 t SONcL uiav tf. D. A. SMITH, . : ,o. ....... . .;',1 M ANUFACTUBER ail DEALER IK I FUENITURE ' ' . U.M3 XiiltCU FUUMT HfUKKT. TlieUiot kul iltihi?iael I ALWAYS ON HAND. ' ' 1 y . : :;.. , I , ' !i. u. y ; r :'-". Ward's WMto Lily Soap Laandry A Teirft UiC.; rr vjk AWTAT wrrM! ' " .. r . i : . . ';.-- A. - ' "-. i . '. '' . i' ' WAUBOARD 3 AND IWtLERi AMjtXiSrAlSa SO KuaMX IU IT 11 Hi- IM D tlTllK IB HOT OR t OLD WATl.lt- j . rc, jBi " te , aa4 labae, aad W - 1 - 4 Urn ir.l i Civet its ia th cwaatry. ,:yrf ak by ' yj - s If ADttlaX A VOIAUU, iarrs.; r OEEKA: HOUSE mohday may 2 jst. James' Minstrels. ADM I8SION S3 aad S3 tEXTX. ' -' f B.'MFUliLER,v Manager. ' ' . may 23 It -... , s - ;'W'Wr..4WI3'S I -1- r.KyrtKK rAC-filMTLC-PremuMt Ltu -iiS AM whlMraa slack srcni4. Tlrnmrr nT trru mho ttwp to rtlT4TIOIV. trMTITCTIOTorWORTII tw4i which yteM Onm m LARMKIt lROF IT. Noae are ccaala wltkoat the 't3T: S A F E . J3 H, M. WARNER A O., Rorbeater, Jt.Yi may U If. i Commissioners Sale! BY VIRTUE Ot' A DfcCKEK OF THK Superior Ooart ol New ltanovar Coun ty, utade in a civil actlou paudlng iu aaid Court, wherein., Ada MrClammy aj Admtu Istratrlx of lUeliard McClainiiiy waa Flaui- tttr, audCato McClatumy and otlirni were Defend an U. - ,Th undersigned. CommU ioner appointed by said decrae, will on Friday. I Ch of Jane. A. D. lss-Lat thal-ourl I I2m..o0erfor sale by rublic Auctioa tbs nous vooria toe uity oi wtisaingion. at iv vi auva v mmiu niiuniat. i m auu being In tb City of of Wilmington, and IaI mm wl At" iaa.1 cl( nala.1 lin 1 bounded anil described as follow: Begin ning In the western line of Ktghtn, Btreet, at a point & feet Bouth lroat its intersec tion with Die Una of South aide of Swauii Btraet, running thence Routli wilh the liu nf the aald West side of ;Kigbth street, l ' feet aud 6 inches, tbent-e Wet !S feet an iaoliei, thenu North 4'1 feel and 6 tnebe. thence Kaxl W feet aud 0 ioches to th-We-tlineof Eighth Street, trie bectnnlne. ing part of lota 1 and 2 on Block ac cording to the official plan of sld (aiy.J Terms of aaleone half caab. ballaac la six months with tntrel from day of sal. . MAK8DKN BKI.LAIiY. . lawlunl Oomtulaoncr. . Dial iJ v.. vli.. --- HAWOVKft ooaitrT. . .. - " Sci'eriob Oorait Nancy Cowan Vs Fraaci M Thomas 11. Wright and others.. Moorift, rpiIIS action W brought by tbo abovt aatned Plaint! fl again. t the above named Defendants for the conveyance to Uie Plain Ufrrrom.UaebalrsofJoaheati.Wrtght.de. ceased, and Uie heir of Label la Samp."", deceased, of the real estate, or of any ioter wi which they may have or claim la' cer tain premises artuaied In tne City ot Wil mington, County and Wlale above-men-Honed, and which aredoacrlbed in tliPconi plalaL,aud to quiet fhe title to tbe aM premise. The LetcolanU Frank 1. Voung and hit wife Kmraa W. Yooog.- ara htreby noltflvJ aud r julrcd to appear at tha next term ol the Superior Court; of, the aald county of few Jlaoover, lobe bol4 at Uc Cor tllousc. Itt tne said City ut W tfiiitni:ton. on the 1 ilb Mooda- alter the ll Mntulsr in -March A. L. l, aud defeud tu kaid trUOB. tiivcn under niy band this 21 day of April, A..I'.l!H SL VaNAMKlNOK. ; Clark ot noperiof Court april'a ; , ' ROOK LIME n tttii.ijNtr.),UKiv:,v -4 . ...;. . ;;-f Uisco.DH un Lirgf LsK .- Ad4rM. NEW ADVJ ffn rnV.st t tiaxii .' 'I' - ! , j - 1 ' c r .-A lioaky I wtjii, N.C ' -""'; "j' " - " - m i. v jTAUSLfcJ.JiL. Spilitf i Wltsatagu. S.t, ' MRS - S. J. AVANT'S, BOardini; House. Hawaet lktara4a4Tyaa ' Wilaaiagsost. J. Ua. I pr waa, f eB.' riU. GHAS. KLEIN t ndcrtalscr and Ctlnrt --'anakcr:;!! Aaoraere raasjsacajULicna.U4i eteefte4 ,. , '- , eW i4sf " a i