THE WILMINGTON POST. mLMINQ'fOF.' r. a. SUN BAT AlOBXIKS, MAV 20, 18?3.i I J ' v Smithville, N. (I., May 15, 1883- Editor Tost. Dear Sir: I am cer tainly somewhat astonished at tbe Wilmington daily papers publishing all the municipal elections, held in the state, with ihe exception of old Smith Tille, right at their nose, and the (jtiestion i, i why did they not s iysome- 'thiag about, it? -The anawer U plain, it elected a : Republican mayor and yoDiiDi'W'i'uvin, yciwiug me must weal thy ao'J i fact, ihe bigcst men. they r. Lad. ;! -.' -j Tbe rote stood as follows: For tfayor, JLww Ai;(aUoway, 66 vote; I. pr, w. yurvw, oi voies. ; ' , Y mr friend,; . . Locis A. Gallowai. Something New About the Suu. Although Solomon told us, nearly o.OOO year ago, that "there in no new thing under the suo," it is a well on- ', ubfisbed fact that some startling dis coveries hare recently been rutde in ' the sun. . jien have always hci some vague idea,- of its heating power, but of iti o'her mighty agencies theywere largely ignorant. i It is a subject as fascinating as it is instructive, and it is worthy of our earn at atteatiou, especially whou so admi rable a work as The Celestial Symbol Interpreted, (advertised in auother col umn, published by J, O. McCurdy & ' Co., Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago aad St, Louis,) is within the reach of every one. The learned author uot ac HUi'mls us with, and makes plain the newest scientific discoveries, but he tiao uiitucs v cery sums great ' moral truth. ' , I Lest we be accused of undue euthu ,; siasoi in speaking of his book, we take the liberty of quoting the opinion of t'the able aud critical N. Y. Observer: "This work ha been carefully ex amined by eminent, learned and ortho dox divines, who unite iu testifying lo its great beauty, usefulness and truth. To sotnej tbe analogies may appear a trained, yet they are not more so than- the figurative languageof the Hi bie fairly warrants, and th&ilfastra liourt are fitted to exalt our conceptions of tbe glory of God in nature, and es-pecially-a it is seen in tbe brightest of al' His works. The reader finds the evidences of God's . power and good ness constantly rellec'.edTrom from the sun in these pages, and if led from ad miration up to that adoration which becomes the creature contemplating h'm Diytue Make." Uulojrd people of Kentucky are said, to jbe jifeparing to remove to Kansas in consiueraoitj nutnuers. r NliW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4- UHAJiSON'S m. Basiuess Directory for 1883. iOUN TO HK 1H8UKU, Mlf KllllON 17TH YKAK tK I'UHLl- cation, i " W 1H cmiUlii ovr 0.(H", NAMKfti, ami is intemlod to be I he FULLEST AND MOBT KKUAHLK KEKKRKNCK HOOK ever r puMtslicd for North Carolina. i The llaslnt'is huiI Professional Men of 1 ery County, City ami VII luxe will be re ronleU ami -laMifled for convenient refer I mce. lrk u .V..O 1 . l'hoae whom I fall lo see will please ooui ! munloate with me at Raleigh, N. C. L miUJWN, TublUher. aprUAiZui THOS. E. OILMAN, .Vr.roRNEV AND "COUNSELOR AT LAW, : JACKSONVILLE, ON ATA) W COUN ; . - TY, N. CV - 1 1 IKACriVKS la laa court, of Carteret. 'nUm. Duplin and Pernler mmIIi.-Pruror-l attention given to the collection oi i : , - -:;. cUiui. .Ierns0eirlnc to paretMMpr - ' - ' ' - I t Mil UaJtln either of the above IMUB couatlee will wantlt their owu latereet :; ' t)rwm or eorrpoaJlnc wlM Me. AJ- ilrees THOM4H U UlLMAN, r : Alloroey ai Law, IarkaoTlU, 21 C aov 31 if ftll A V vk made al tome by le t. H VdaatTKMia. brat buatBeea ow W 0 I ar lae pwblvr. Uatl atot We will afaari jrx. MM. wotueo. koya Bed (trla vaatil errrrwfcece U work to ua. Now U the tiata- o tu wrk ta rre Urn, ar viva romt wbota U tw Uk . U boaisMwa. S' olkar aaiaw will ay jro aarly aa iL a M raa amil l MUaraormoua cr1a ai o, lUj oviAt aad lama Dwa. Mm7 ADVERTISEMENTS. Molasses. - E ' ' r' V 1 I1' . :' I EW CROP CUBA AND FORTO KtCO. 1" Hogshead,, Tierces and Dirruls ... J; or sale by lab is tt AUlil AN & VOLliKKS, Butter Lard and Meat. Q Kcus and Tubs BOTTKU, , -',. i t200 d lo,l-AltD. 225 xes Mfc-"- . . I1 rQ Boies UJIKESK, For sulo by uUiIStf ADRIAN A VOLLEUs. Bungs, Niils, &c 5() Kp58 JNA1LB. 50.0 Bundles HOOP. IRON. ypy Bbls GLUE, For sale by mh 18 tf ADRIAN & VOLLERsr Sugar, Cofiee, Flour, FULL MTOCK ON HAND, : For salje by ADRIAN Jc VOLLKKS, ' . Wholwalo OrocerS, inbMll S. K. cor. Front and Dock Sts. NALK (1 KfcAI. ESTATK, Under Fereclosarc Of Mortgage. JY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OK a decree of the Superior Court of We'w Hanover County, rendered at tue Dceeiober Term Afb.. 18!, of said Court, In a certain action therein pending between W. r. Canaday asPlalntitT. and C. D.-Morrill, aud C. D. Morrill as Administ rator of 1!. D Mor rill, Juii Ann Morrill, W. C. Farrow, and wife Ann Augusta Farrow and Ida May Conkllng, Defendants. The undersigned. Commissioner appoluted by said decree, will sell by public auction, at the Court House Door in the City of ilmlugton, on Monday the 4th day rVf June, I8S1, at 12 m.. lor cash, that certain lot or parcel of land lying, being and situated in tbe City of Wilmington, County and State aforesaid, and bouned and described as follows:' Be ginning in the eastern line of Third Street, Mixty-six (W) feet northwardly from its in tersection with the northern line of Han over Street, running thence alon;: the east ern line of Third Street northwardly sixty six OKi) feet, thence east wardl y, parallel with Hanover Street one hundred and siTty-flve (16j) feet, thcucd southwardly, parallel with Third Street stxty-Klx (iMi) i'eet, thence westardly, parallel with Han over Street, one hundred and sixty-live llii) feet to the eastern llneof Third Street, the beginning This day of April, Ihsj. MARSDEN BKLLAMY, april 2 0t Commissioner, Williams ' Sovincr HacHiri: ARE ACKNOWLKOOKD TO BK TBK BEST IN THE WORLD . They have received hiho.Mt Awards at Uie Centennial Md at all bthor luading Exhibitions liclJ in Europo : . nud Anicric. v ,v 2TZST iUCHIITt VaSSASTSS B7. TSS VAXXS5. Tactorics located at Montreal, CanadA, and Tlattabur, 'Kcvr Yorki ' ' , 317 KotrtSimi Strte, Ucntoal .. maa Cm KiCuiOQi and FetcrxLuro; Railroai Co CMMKNCINO Tircaiiar, November ISth. lvv2, trains on this Koad will ruu as rol- lOWK ( ' LE RICHMOND SOUTH - .is I j, t'aat Jaail, daily, tuakaa through connections for SaTannah Stop only at Petersburg. Iullmu IlMoe Sloping Car bet warn Mllford V and Charleston. 11 .M A M. Through mall dally conneel tn for Raleigh, Charleston, An- tusuL Aiken. SaTannah Jt Jack son Tt lie.- mops at Shop, iniea tc. Central ka, Drewry a lUaft. on algnaU Pullman Hleepar be tween New York and Chaxlealoa T oa tola train. -. ,t ija U K, Fraltht Uailv (except Suadajr. J J) A NUrrelxht daily (except Sandays LKAVB PKTERSBTRO SOltTH I I- ! fcii A M, Kat mail. Pal ly. Stop only at Cneater. Pntlmaa sipcr k h v tweea Charleston and MUford. ': ': Va .-. A Jl.rrTtaM dally (aaeept Sttadj) S.W P M.Tbouch uudUJaHy. coonecunc KiU fUcluBOod. e4ertckaiaf aa INilama Railroad ftjr ail MMata eaat aiHl weat Alao ma lot conne-Uo wtta Cbeapvkt aUOfclo Railroad (or the Mr s Kiaia Kprtasa aad aU polats K A n TklA ImIm HUM at Mawcwestar. Cweawar aad Caa ' - ' trail. ftUmaa aKaaeta tm lu train betwee ClULrieatoa and ' New York. - tja P M.fVeiikt daily txcH aaday) A Jiirect ftwr hours connect-on U made kstwseat KlciiwMAd ajad Narfbik. by traia teavtaa KidiBaed ll-i A a, aad Narattk UFhH ' - . . ' . All traia UaTia lMrbrs waiaurt (rows me Arr"aihax Prpau I J H KKS tX, Srrtateedat. ATCTaVUrdtY Awat tU !"''. i PROSPECTUS. THEr WILMINGTON POST OR '; I 8 83, With its Exceedingly ; Large 'Sub scription LIST s the Best APVERT1SIHG MEDIUM ,s a 5 : In this State. It is the Only , Republican Paper Published in the Second and'hira Congressional Districts. It reaches all classes of the Hople, WHITE and COLORED, it ativocates Equal Rights before the Law and at the Ballot ' Box of ALL MEN, ltsocation is in the JARGEST'COMMERCIAL CITY in North Carolina. GIVES'? xlFJ and MARKK1 K EIGHT. d 'f-r; A . IT MS UlTUSKLnTd i ' RINCs AND CLIQUES Railroad. Political or Commercial - - , ' l :. '. . 1'- An id Ei poses them Whentver ' Found. AD VER T1M1K KATES LOW T TWO DOLLARS A Year ia AdTMcf. Do not Forget to Snd th Moaty Address, TDE WILMINGTON POST, . i NE yfAD VEBTZSEIIENIS. h Allantle and Nortn Carolina DlTlaion. Time Tablet No. I . In Effect Sunday, July 16th, 1882. Expresa, PaMencer and Hail Train ran on thla road aa follows ; i i '. .-i STATIONS. I P.M. PM. 6 00 6 40 F1L CENTRAL DIVI8N HMITHJflED. 6 J5, 6 &5 6 S Pin Level ATenae, uoiu MUl 6 51 7 11 Priaeeton. 7 10 Oopeland'a.-.. GOLDSBOBO 7.2t A A N O DIVISION 1 00 1 27 1 ' 1 S2 2 06) Beat'a La Granre 2 23 2 33 3 16 Kalllnr Creek 2 51 3 5M 4 10 3 551 4 7.1 OoraUraaa. , 4 45 4 56! Tnaoarora Ciarke't i hi 5 20 5 50 6 36 NSW BERN 6 24 lUrerdale.. 6 31 a m unauia., 6 52 6-55 7 35 7 24 7 44 7 62 Newport Wildwood 7 44 7 52 Hollywood . 8 06, 8 07 San Soaei Hotel..... Atlantic Hotel. 8 08 8 131 a 16 MOKE HEAD Depot. Train 48 eonneeta wfth North Carol! aa train bound weat at J .-00 p. aad with Wilmington A Weldon train botuid Sooin at 6:44 and &29 p. in, i ' ' t i, jiry-.r. 4 ! j. Train -47 connecla wllft ' ITorth Caroltaa train from the weat, arriving at Goldaboro 4:12 p. m., and with Wilmington A Weldon train irom the South, arriving at Golda boro, 9:50 a m. . . . j Train 4 eonneeta with Wilmington A Weldon train bound south, arriving at Goldnboro &54 and 8:29 p. m, and bonad North, leaving Opldaboro at fc03 p. m. -Train 3 eonneeta with Wilmington A Weldon train Jroaa the north, arriving at Goldaboro 6:44 pijUT , , - j Trains 3 and 4 are specially adapted for local traveUnd will carry first and aecond clais coaches. Baegace will be checked oa these tralna. - J. W. ANDREWS, Chief Engineer and General Manager. PAST MAIL " AND PASSENGER ROUTE S . TO THE V " .,'?''" I ' : ' 1 'f. NuRTH AND EAST via RICHMOND , FREDER1CLSBDRG AND PO TOMAC RAILROADS. Entire train ran through from Wilming ton to Washington, via this route without change. - x, ,' - ' '. - Leave Wilmington, f W ft W KB) ' eauy ai a iopm ana mwpm and a 19 am Leave Richmond aU.5 02 am and t8 2 am aud 1 17 pro. 4 '; V "- '; . : . , Arrive at Washington at f 10 a m and fl 00 pm,aud93Qr ". Arrive at Hallimore at f 12 00 a m and fS W p m, and 11 20 p m, i vv;:. --;.'J- r'i Arrive at Philadelphia alf2 44 pin andffll6 p m,2a0am. . , t Arrive at New Vork at 530p m and 19 30 p nm. and 9 50 am. t Dally, Sunday excepted. Daily. . I'uHmaa Palace Sleeping can on the 8 50 a m, tralna to New York, and" on the 8 40 a m trains to Washington - - C A TAYLOR, General Ticket Agent. . E T 1 ajyera, Ueu'l Supt . nov 19 tf t ; v 1 i t o CM CO t-a CO CO attc:: at uu, TRACnCT? ttk rvO ettaxt REAL ESTATE, 7i9S IliOTS ON I7TH STBJfiET. MARKET & MULBERRY "streets. Size 30 Feet Front BY. 80 Feet Deep. On - 17th St., between . ..).. Market and Mul berry Strees in Lots of 30 bv 160 Feet. For one-fourth cash, balance in 1, 2 and , 3 Years' time. T THK I A )U ATI ON - Of this Property is in the North-western part of Wilming ton. I'll 12 LOTS Are high and leveL and the " fact that the City cannot taut theni makes the , investment more desirable. MTe. AftT ia pioa or by lui to, , ' 1 V7. P. CANADA Y. Wilmimiton. N. C. NEW' ADVEETISEMEUT3., Wilaisgton & Weldon R. It. OmCB QUUAt 8CPXKIKTR5nKRL 1 Wilmington. N, U, May US, 1S83. J COAMUK Of BCHJtDUUt. ' 0: N and alter May IX, U8S. at 3 p. m, Passencer Tralna on the W. A W. Kal'. roaa writ run aa rouowa: 1-- -- ' DAY MALL AND EXPREoS TEALN DailyNos, 47 Northftttd 48 Bonth .. .t Leave Wilmington, Kront Btreet Depot at S.40 A M Arrive at Weldon 1140 P M Leave Weldon..... gJO P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front fit. . DepoU...-..........,.... ......., g.IO P M FAST THKOUOH MAIL AND PASSEN GER TRAIN, Dally Na. 40 Bontm. Leave Weldon ...C -witfeltPM Arrive at W UiningUn,yjont Street r , Depots. M.w.rtw.Hm. ...... i I.IIHS0 o$ PM - - - t ' Mail ao Passenger Trains,: Dtilj, ' :Nos.'43Northr f ' ' Leave Wlimingtou...MnM.....M, Arrive at Weldon ..... . . 8.00 P. M. 2J0 A.M. Train No 40 HouUi will atop on I vat Kooky Mount, Wilson, Ooldsboroand Magnolia Trains on Tarboro Branch Boad leave Rucky Mount for Tarboro at 7 1. M. and 5.15 P M.. daily. Returning, leave Tarboro at i SO A M aad 10 P M dally. Train on Scotland Neck Bravch Road leave IJalfax ior Scotland Neck at &5a P. at. Returning leave Scotland Neck at 7 A. M daily. , , Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North Dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Bon day via Bay Line. - Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close connection for all points north via Blob raoud and Washington. All trains ruu solid between Wilming ton aud Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. ! For accommodation of local travel a paa aenger coach will be atUched to local freight leavlhg Wilmington at 6;13A. M., litlly except Hundays. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. T. M. KMEitsON Oen'I Passenger Agent. may U tf OFFICK CiKNFUlAI. 8urKRIWTKlDIirr V ' PETKKSBUUU ItAlI.KOADOOTIPAWY. PKTEB80BRO. VA May 13, 1882. j tlOMMNCINa SUNDAY, MAY K, 1881, ; trains on this road will rnn aa follows; UOINU HOUTH. BUSTOX AND SAVANNAH FAST HAIL. Traius Having Petersburg tWasluugtoa btrett l it as folio: ; ; ; .- ' . Pa.-,M us-er t rwu, daily.,,.. 121; and 4:L: P.M. Arrive at Wlloa......;...M'fti!antt VM P.M. 1 rciifbt uama daily. ea cert Sunday 7:SA.M Arrive at Weldou"......, .. ZA) p. M. tsiVt. WttDV. raci.enr.rrain.dailym:ja'A. M. 1 PM. A rri e a 1 1'eUniurg I. U A.M.3:12 P.M 1 rt-tght train dally, except fuJ) . . IjnPM. Arrlxcat reterlturg.... iaou P Jt , Train ihaviug l'eU4Vturg at ;U P. M. fwp iny ai ucutetu. v Klrvpiug rare aad first eiaaa coacibea oa night and day trains. Nocliaoge of cars between Wilamlagtoa aud Washiu(ton. i ThroMch Ueketa aaM lo all Kaatarm Northern Southern potnU aad baggage cofcra fnnragn. . . Paengere going tout win parchaae iicb eta aaa caeca baggage at waaftiagtow atxakatM. . , .,- 4 .- .,j Pasaengera gotag nrtk aa4 alocta-lag at Peterabvrg. will cialn Uctr bagiage al w aaht&gVoo atreat depot- . KrcUiil train a oa thU road ax la leaded eaclaalTety lor frvic at. asd.aa pramataai M aaaae oa tasia mr tbe lane oi taiai agara. Phi a ark Urnrel mm Utca trauta are apactally ace4 taat tar are uaat o aay, lacoaj na a lactita to Amu are aos raoatrad to aats Ukatr rc fur l a)a oi ucsxa tor traagaa tralaa orua hkm imiti irajaa aioa a4 a teat eg Ml Atry.aM aU aangin wUl bi gMrgvki a uAt poiat. . R. M. SCULY. Ca)I ay u - COAL AND WOOD. dCN4S4jd Vtaa Ca, U"MaaV ajg rwusM rwarTax T aJ a.W A (afi aarfiy. a ica, : ti . Usuiaj jf AtiVEOADS;- GKa. BurMmrrxNDXNrs orxics WUnlcgtin, Colnnbia & An- ftsla C II. Company . 'ft i'L'rt v::v n- i'' . WlXHIKOTOK. N. C. Mav IS, 1SS2. CHAN.GK or 8CUXJDUUI Oil AND AFTER May 13. ISS2, at LOO p. . the foltowin haunnr Rr.hdnla nut rua ua uuuaw; ..... j NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dailj) No. 43 Weat anL7 EaaU Leava Wllnuagtoa.. ............ 9.3C A M LaartTloreaca.. 3.55 AM Arrive tt 0, Ct injunction...: J A. M Arrire at Col am bis, 8.40 a. M Leave Columbia . : . . . :.. 10.00 P M Leave C. C. A A. JqacUoa . . .... loao P.M Leave noreaoe at......... ... LW A. M ArTiTt at WUaiiagton . . C10 A M Wight Mail ud passenger train, Dailj, .ijiL m west, . ; Leave WUailaluiaCv. .......... 11.10 T. M ArrlTfl at Florence 2.20 A. II Mail and Passenger Train, Dailv-.No. Leave riorence.... 0.35 P. M AniTeat.WUiBingtoB .T.CTTM Train 43 stops at all gUUoas. lNoa.40itops onlyat Flemlngton, While- ? elle. Fair BluOMarlon. . Paaaengera for Columbia, and all points' on Q.iCB, R.. C O.aA.B.K, BUUona.. Aiken Junction, and all points beyond. laoaiavusflo.unitDiAiprtH. Beoarate Pnllman Bleenera for Charles ton and for Auguata oa train 4H. All traiaa mil anlM Mw..n n..rlulna and Wamlngton. . . , , 4CUN F. DIVINE. . Ueneral.Bup't.- A. POPE, Uen'l 1 aasenger AgenU ntaylU-U . Carolina Central Ka ' froad Company. .,", ";. - ': ' ' : J OFriCK OK 8UPKBI NTKNDKNT WlldiiliaTOM, N. CMay lt, 18KJ.I CHANGE OF SCUKDl tK. ON and after Ma- Itt, Irki, the fallowing Sehadula will ba nnanlaH nn t hi. tr . . . road: " PASSENGER, MAIL AND KXl'HUSii TRAIN: DAILY. Leave WllmlBgton-........;.jo p ti -J Arrlva at Charlotte alT...70 a M -' "V ' No. 1 2 ; f M ' W VW . . f" JS J Arrive at Wilmington at s.Si A M Trelna Na 1 a,i . . . . , . . , i n u ia aiaiuon s Tablt,IC",g,tl lh P-' lwn K SMinday. "7 j . w watortiay. SHELBY pi VISION, PASS ENOKR.M All , axraxea anii rKgioaT. Dally excejd buudayt. Leave Cuarlottel. Arrlveat Bbelbvi ..KM A. X .te-J0 P. at .... P. M o P. M Leave Shelby ..sdt, Arrlveat CharioUej. Tnln. Kt1n.l . . . w . i . Uob at Hamlet wltb It A A Trains in and . Turwagh Sleeping Oars Msa Willing, ton and Charlotte at,d KaIHgh aad tt.. lovla, . . '( r - N. C R. R. AahtTl'le and put at A Ian, for MpartaatMiTg. Uraa II la. A tttee Atlanta aad ail potau boalbwaat. L. c Jon k. ;" ... 1 Hopaiatodt. P. W. LAiiK.oeueral paaaaagar AgeaU Ia n 9-It f. JOHN WERNEB, rBATlCAL VEIUIAX BAttBEa. -.;'.'. axd ri:it t jskb. t 2$ IIABKET STBEkT. ..' . . - ' - - - 7iLniricTon, n. o. ' - v- . ' Y MAkt Y tUkJUax ijl mMit M OA la4latemUaflitillUMWa4 Ttaeawa Tattaatw j tMauy. BBOWN tSc PEARSON. AJltt Van rt aypaaa. i- r reakaawi Auiuu, AUiw 8 Wq r niamu rtaa WlLJUXQTOlf, Mi CI arua u TvSS3 SWMl aviy, aaU kooorM7. AMma Tra g wtm e PaW". liMsia?

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