- Parting and Meeting. " One by one the links are broken, A . Links that bind life's precious years; Or by one the partings ipoken. , Partings bushed in silent tears. But the sllenee hears the greet lag Front ibefltr-offsnhny shore, Where the links each other meeting, ; Are a broken cbain no more. One by one each soul ascending, LUts us to a higher life, J Eaeh with other, closer blending, Stills tt e murmur and the strife. And their voices sweetly calling . Touch us like a household psalm. And their blessings softly falling Soothe us like a Sabbath s calm. t One by one the lored are leaving. But return as angels fair, J Heavenly splendors round them weaving With the human looks they, wear; All the past those looks restoring Childhood, youth and riper years,- r How can grief. Qieir lose deploring, Longer ask the heart for tears. One by oue, above us bending. Closer du was days decrease: Watch and wait with love's dear tending. Wateh and wait our glad release; Ilands are hear their final grasping, ' Reaching through the parting vale. Hearts are near their final clasping Throbbing, panting: Ball! hall! . WANTED. 5,000 acres of pine land, all in one body. Those who have euth land will please communicate with 1 me at once, giving full description of the same. . W. P. Canaday The Talk Tor the Tw Columbus, Ga., Feb. 4, 1881 11. H. Warner & Co.: Sibs Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure beats all the medicines 1 have ever heard of for kidney arid liver diseases. ' It has cured a genuine case of Bright 's Disease here in Columbus 1 Judge F. M. Brooks., and that is proof enough for me. It is the talk of the town '! - J. N. Gilbert, M.4; Advice to Mothers Are you disturbed at night and bro ken of your rest by a sick child suffer ing and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. ..Winslow's Sooxhiho tirnvp for Children Teethikg. . Its yalue is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no .mistake about it. It cureB dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, ".softens the gums,- reduces inflamation. and gives tone and energy to the whole ays tern. Mrs. Wisslow's Soothiq Syrdi' for Childrkn Tekthiko is pleasant to he taste, and is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price '2b cents a bottle, ly , The Wilson State Normal f. Sehool. ' The next session of the State Nor mal School to be held at Wilson, will commencee on June 14th and close on July 10ih. The Board bare "scared the services of Prof. J L. Tomlinson, Superintendent of the Wilson Graded ' .School, as Superintendent, and of Prof. E. V, DeGraff, Superintendent oi Pub lic Instruction, Paterson, New-Jersey, asPricipal. Prof, DeOrafT has a na tional reputation in Normal School work, and in his great specialty of teaching teachers how Jo teach, has no. superior in the United States. The Corps of Instructors, further, consists of several able and ei perienced teachers, including Prof. D. B John son Superintendent of the , Graded School of Newbern, and Prof. Geo. E. Little, of Washington City, D. C. With Profs. Tomlinson and DeGraff at the head again aided by a competent faculty, the school ' will sustain, and doubtless increase .the high reputa tion it has already gained. Awrrlrau Enterprise. . No invention of the nineteenth cen tury has worked a greater revolution in house-hold economy or conferred more of a benefit on humanity than the : sewing machine. 'V The first productions were crude and uncouth in the eaUeme.-and it was re served for American skill and ioge- ; nutty to bring forth a machine of any practical ?alue. , In order to appreciate the great ad vancement which has taken place it is . only necessary to compare one of the machines built during the lafaoev of the inveotiou with one ofthe latest in nrttVAll .laht.tvlinninv Va UnmA In the manufacture of this machine old ideas have been discarded, and in accordance with the progress!? move ment of the ace new mechanical pria dries have been substituted of such is htrent and absolute value a caaaot fail to command ttheuaselvea , to the most casual observer. '' For all kinds of domestic and man factoring wprk the -Now Moore' taun equaled. - " ' TV ' ; '. k the teally good points contained ta other machines have been utilised is its coftstntcUos, Many otv la proremtaU ami deTtces bats also bees added, the result of which la a machine as nearly perfect as it U possible to make one. lor ussplktvy. aaraatlitjr, sass el management and capacity for work, the -Lht-ftoBsisg New Hose- has no riraL and the happy , boss os. or om may rest assured thai he or she has the rery best the votU af orda. All who seed tW the Osmpaays aew Ulastrated calalogue, ami ratios tasir tlmtiamsat (prlrOed oa aaother aagOvUl rcetrt4 est ef adverUslsi aotsities of rTlzt U e4 eoiiectora. Their addtets U ..nr ToX rvtxa XUcsuc U 5J Vakm Sonars, New National Sjargical Institute. Two surgeons from this old-established and widely known "Institute of Atlanta, Ga., stud Indianapolis, lad ," will make .a special and limited visit to Wilmington, N- C May l9tb, 1880, stopping at the Purcell House They will bring surgical and mechauical appliances, best French artificisjieyes, and ertrything neoessBry for the treat ment of accepted cases. They treat no one unless there is au undoubted prospect of greit improve ment or complete restoration. De formities of every description, includ ing: Club Feet, Diseases of the Hip, Spine and points, Paralysis, Pile, Fistula, Catarrh, Female and Private Diseases v Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Chronic Diseases, etc., treated, j :' AgfcrCome early, as the visit is limi ted to the time stated. For circulars and full particulars, address National Suroical Institute, april 28 St Atlanta, Ua WliajaiaCxTOXV MARKETS. May 12. Spirits Turpentim. The mar ket was firm at 37 cents per gallon, with sales reported later of 200 casks at 37 cents. BosiN The market was firm at$l 30 for Strained and $1 30 for Good Strained We hear of sales at quotations. TAR The market was quoted firm at $1 40 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales of reosipUi that figure. C&vvx TuitPZSTLMsV Market stead y with sales of receipts at $1 60 for Hard and $2.50 for Soft and Virgin. CoTTON Market quoted firm, bales on a basis of 10 i cezts for Middling The following were the official quota tions: Ordinary, 7 6-16 cts $ lb Good Ordinary 8 a-16 " " Low Middling, 0 : " " Middling. 91 ,r " Good Middlicz. . 104 " " BFXJE1FIT3. Cotton, Spirits turpentine, Rosin, Tar, Crude turpentine. r62 bale 221 casks, 2312 bbis 254 " 47 ' " - May 11. Spirits Turpentiub. The market quoted firm at 37 cents per gallon, with sales to reported later of 20 casks at 37 cents. , - Bosik The market was quoted firm at 11 30 for Strained, and $1 25 for Good BUained. With .sales at quota tions. TAR The market . was steady! at fl 10 per bbl of 280 lbs, with alea of receipts at quotations. - , Crude TtjRPiamifK Market steady with sales of receipts at $2 50 for Sett and Virgin and f 1 50 for hard. - COTTOU Quoted quiet. Sale- on a basis of 102 cents for middling. The following were the official quotations oi toe day Ordinary, Good Ordinary, Low Middling, Middling, Good Middling 7 7-10 cts f S11-1G ioi - ft m Cotton, Spirits Turpentine Rosin, Tar, Oracle Turpentine. 710 bales - 157 casks 4381 bbla 231 bbis 00 bbis May 15. , SPIRITS Tcbpentihe. The market was quoted dull at 37 cents per gallon, with sales reported of 150 casks at 37 A cens. Rosin The market was firm at $1 30 for Strained, and 91 26 per bbl for Good Strained, With sales at quotations. ' Tar Mjkrket firm at f 1 10 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales of receipts at quo tations. urudr xuRPEKTina Market htm Sales of receipts at $1.50 for Hard and $2.50 tor Soft and Virgin. Cotton Market quoted firm with sales on a basis oi 10 i cts for Middling: The following were the official quota tions: Ordinary, 7 7-1G cts Ih Good Ordinary, 8 1116 " 1 Mitidlinir ti " " Middling 10 " " Good Middlins:. 10, RECEIPTS. Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, ' lr, Crude Turpentine 630 bales 163 casks 1945 bbl, 33 bbis 283 bbis Spirits TtarRMTisK The market quoted quiet at 87 1 cU per gallon, with sales re do r ted of 300 - eaakra at tht price, but later we hear of sales of 1"0 W cases at o cenia, Rosiit -The market firm at $1 20 for Strained, and 11 85 per bbl for Qood Strained. No sales reported. Tab Marks:. firm at $1 40 per bbl of 280 lbs, with , sales of receipts at that figure, r- CmCDR TCATTl.Nn Market firm Sales or receips at $1 50 for Hard and 12 55 tor Soil aad Virgin. Cottov Market fins with -lea on a basis of 10 j ceou tor Middtiog. Ths followinr were the efieialanntiLinn- i-io cts Y o Good Ordinary 8 11-16 " 9i " 101 " I0i . Low Middlisg, IfJddliag, Good Mtddliag,: :0Klt-tf3. Cottoa , gpLrUa Turpsaiias 447 bales 76 casks 11 bbis TO bbis 225 bbis Tkr. Crads Tarpeatiaa May 17. Knim TUVKTTIXB. Tbs saarket qaotsd dall at 37 caats Mr cal!oa, vita sales rsfartsd latar af 2J3 casks at 34 caars. Roix Taa Marktt was sUsdr at tlO Sor Stralasd. aad for Good SsralassL No salsa rtportad- Taa. MaHiH Irrn sa tl 40 rer bbl f 2S9 lbs, vUa sales af rssaipcs at ib CarnTTBumxs--MArkrlteaJy sriU sales of rtesitti at tiller Hard il SX50 for 63ft ! Ylrrta. itb CorroN. Market steady, with sales reported of 35 bales on a basis of lOi.fbr Middling.- The following were the of- ciai quotationi: ; Ordinary.; 7 7-16 cts lb 'lood Ordinrt, S 11-16 ? Low Middling , V'i Middling, 1 10 j 'tood Middliae 101 . tt KECEllTS. Jottou, ' Spirits Turpentine Rosin, Tar, Crude Turpentine 311 bales 175 casks 937 bbis 547 bbis '52 bbis : ; . . May! is.; Spirits Ttjrpkstine. Ths market opened dull at 36 cents per gallon, with tal8 reported of 85 casks at that price, and 100 do at 3uJ cents, closing dull. RosiN.Qnoted steady at $1 27 for Strained and $1 32 for Good Strained.' Sales reported 2,500 bbis Strained and Good Strained at quotations, and 1,000 do Good Strained at $1 30 , ! i ; Tar Quoted firm $1 40 per bbf. of $280 lbs, with sales of receipts at quo tations. Crude Turpentine Marketsteady with sales of receipts at $1 50 for Hard and $2 50 for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Cotton Quoted firm, with sales reported ot 30 bales on abasia of 10J cents per lb. for Middling. Tha follow ing were 'official quotations: Ordinary, 7 7-16 cts $ lb Good Ordinary, 8 11-16 u". J Low Middling, 9 Middling, 10g Good Middline, 10 ' rt , RECEIPTS. Cotton ; Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar, Crude Turpentine 255 bales. 150 casks. 944 bbla 82 " -6 " 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Greater Inducements! PURCHASERS OF GROCERIES MA V BE FOUWD At the Large Wholesale EstaMislmiei! Adrian & Vollers, H. 1C, C'oruer Iruul nnd Doekeffj Than caii possibly be ottered elsewhere. AND 1IW TDLIR STOCK WILL BE FOlWI Every Tiling in the Grocery Lits That a Dealer or Consumer needs ' preelections Tor the Country Trade ample and superior. EOT 29 IX. A COMMON-SENSE REMEDY. SALICYLIC A- No ' more theuniMtiwns, Goat or Neuralgia. Iniirleilu'e Relief Warranted. 'Permanent Cure Guaranteed. 1 . ; Kive years established and never known lo fall In a single owe acute or chronic. l!r to' all prominent PhyUtdana ad drimwiit for the itUnUlnj ol Bailey Ilea- r . SLt'RETi ; -Tlie only Uissolveroforthe polaonoas uric achl which exikU in Uie blood ot rheamaile and gouty paiienU. f.VLICYI.ICA is kuowi as a eoasntoa sense retnetly, because U olrlkee directly at the rau!e of KhenmaUsm.' Goat and tfwt raltla, while so many ko-called peciflos the enecta1 rnc ODlJr 10 ut Hxmlly : It has been conceded hy eminent scIsd tuu that outward arpllcatloaa, uch aa rab bins with olla, olnunenu, lininseata, aad outhlng lotion win not eradicate these dlaeaaee which are the result ol the r-ois-ouiqe of tha blood T. ;th Uurlc AeM. SALICLICA. woi its with Baarre'oas eOect on thU acid and ao mumrmm sae dis order. It now cxeluaivaiy need by mil celebrated UyMclana of America aad Eu rope. H lg heel Medical Acmdeiay of Farts report ft per cent car la Urs oar a. . bcjjehbkb : that WUCVUCA is a muli r tor Rheumatism, tiout and NcaraJct. Tha lDtanUy lDtw rn areattbdavd almost 1T,5u.at?1ia- nelteaTuiantee4eBouVy refunded. j Tboaaanra ot teaUamnlala aewt arw- m I Baa. Doxrw for S. 5&t fre bv mail nm m.im t ! .vsK YOL KIDRl tKibh- a rr But do ovt S diuHxl taat taasaa Isala- j iww iiMBaa mm warn genuine with the name of Waabwraodi Co. on -fi-i trhl hlifinraafadU-JSa M.AMI. . .am. . vinrvuw mm J M CWU. 1 ksal wit pura uouar oar siaajaar, mm lad la . pcaalbte rruiuta to lnur m aa ta tb ireauueat. Take ao mbrr, or ft a a t oa. WASlUl R-NEatU. Pro rtetee. ? "V.eor.Jves giSaWlOaX. FIRESIDE PUBLISHING COi PaiUaelpkia. tu T i ' ".- JXTtaJJUl-NT l-ad aid OeaUeea are wasted eraywfeav tkraeajaoat tao 5tat of Sorts Carwiios tauwdatw ta lvxMar k VmHmiimm at W rtiuautMg rCKli-SHi.Va COMPJ1XY nvairiStt. aU raUtara wvil mm seal frmrnpmm aal 1 aJJIISEilNlB; AUIJOUWCEUEUT! .oil aMY WE WILL. GIVE i;. Hi ':.' : ftT;gj6l 1 a, r si " ' ' . '" ' ". '-, ' :' 'Kv:t- rr-, 'fff.,. i t,. $ ...... - ''y-- '-: ..... J . - ..r :- ' ; f -v'- -.-.t . : :. -- ? ; : i. . . ,j s ' :, " ,r.. L-.'?i!: --I' '. ' 1 : ; " ' 'i-rV iiP Bll ' ij -, To the person who sea'f, us the largest ,: -;'-W--aaBassrof - CASH SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1883. -- i "if 0 i :ii '.'y ' :.4 - :.. and . TWENTY.riVE DOLLARS IN GOLD For the second larxest number. tf. '5 JOB PRINTING. Ucvt: si Frio o s , JF YOU WISH TO HAVE TOUR Bll Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Hand Bills, ' Cards, Tags, Circulars, Prolamines, Pamphlets, Catalogses Price'. Lists, L&- bles. Tickets, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Blanks of all kinds, &c , A., A., Printed promptly and neatly. Write to E.8. WARBOCK. - .P.O. Box 402. , H ' Wilmington, f. c. saReter to Editor of this paper. JUST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE WANT ed.oLdham'8. . WESTERN SENTINEL ! I (Established 1832.) Should be Read at Every Viresid in Weal- era North Carolina Full of News. Fan, General InformaUon 1 and Something to Interest Everybody. 8S2ID SO CENTS AND TRY IT i , MIBBK HORTHM ' WIN8TOM, N. C, " . 1 aprUZItm. , NORTII CAROLINA HOUii J. D.STELLJES, , , . . PROPRIETOR, CORNER SECOND AND PRINCES8 CI HRBBTMASiS at hand Bar taader Is always oa THEEbE the OJTHA.HD, staadtnc Ml llauara In Ih. ready to sores tha Cneat llnuora in the 8tat. a sVestaarmat attached, where the Bee iMawsniDordftaa befonnd at all houra. Tha best r cooks aad the politest waiters the on lywwaa we employ. Taeoamnrniain hoa smi aotaata wwakty nines se m. aad wui aaau. tm eeawaae. aoatace rasa, at S3 mmr a a a n aa ay U an satfte sarai as Its aaaaw anil i si 1 1 if ii l saw will eoatnbaaa auaw wuanuesaMiieuua aasaavu. ailUMa .emtvA. i isaxta taaraaaaf m. US I Ii ml7m. rai?iafU.y wtu vawawwtatawa mi Um mil stMTMaeo aa-d m s swadL aiaiUK-c Uiartoe -i iSsH.su weAyaonaae AD VE&TI3EMENTS. CAUTION. WOLFE'S Schiedam Aromatio HA VINO BEEN JiROUUHT TO OUR attention that imllaUoua of our article are betng told in this market, uollceils hereby given lo i whom it may concern, that tfie ' . r i I Tending of anj article. Kithany allei stioiis of ?tsde;insfhs shots detrrihed. V f fcTrltlB4w ttct(ot tai; a. Ceagraaa rrxUPHU aroLTV sjuX'tatt, - U NE W AD VEH 7 tSEMEN i5. c5 o m GEO. N. LAMPHERE, REAL-ESTATE AGENT. Morchcad, lIinn. iFOK SALE. Tow.ii Ljta iu' Morebeail, Minn, and, Farp D. T. IMPROVED and UNlMPKOtKb FARMS iArce and Ismail, in Minnesota and Da kota, all In the famous RED RIVERVALLEY, where the soil produce more Wheal, Oats. . Barley or Potatoes, of a Better Quality - and at lees cost and labor per acre, than any soil In the world. Laud is adf&iiciug iu Value 0U to 1(H) per cent, each year. LOTH for IKK) to flOCO each. FARMS for to IJ) an acre. ltu Jiovr nud Heap the Heuvfits Y era Itise next Fall nnd Winter. Money Invested at 10 per cent, per an num, net, with the best real CKtate security. . For doacrlittve circular, list ofpropetly prices and term, address wlthlamp. . OEOKtlJE LAMl'illvUE, -. - Morehead, Mino. juiao-tr S. W. ODEN, JR. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. FOURTH BKTWKEN RKUN4W1CK AID BLADEN HTREETS. f Rrf airing done In all Branches oil be Trade and. -tlr.Uou Ouaranttre au 7 ly. Sam'l W. Holden. HAVE A i.AS-i iniU aud l l.OIB- 1NU KMsMifthuiClil en tlif .tflh lde vf Market bet -. h 2ml ud .rd Mteet. i aia prepared to d t ic err nk. a reaooaM ternia. I (WArsntev Mufattoa I inrtlr the pbMtr, a Ho may the rr ict o a ni m cUm l'inuih . to ai aial are before MBaaia- arf(rtt)-uu rl here. Markei between Sadaad rd ' w Umtnstua. N. tV aet-t WMi OOOTO AND OHOED. XU MAKJi ATttlO 4 Mat is rksaaa-k If kl SmJ . rO!01 , tSgfmmm aa Sfj B3 " 1 -- , " a ar iAaJ ST. TATLOtt. IftS W ADv ERllSEUENTS. 0 csi Sws. OXIIll 1 SS3? sV (0 .Co -SSJ nil 'iC a. 2 t " r - a. c w e 0 o w ft 3 :S'3a5 ' Sta z-i-yssa-' to JL idg n Jm S a cq -ci i CI REAL ESTATE Jim. O- E 1ST o v. FAYJiTTEVILLE, n. c. WILL B UK AND SELL REAL ES I TATE: Negotiate Loaus ou ""' ' ' Anywhere in North Carolina. Office with Ti !l. TAYLOR, rj., one lhK Weat of Poat Orlice. Oj H. BLOCKER. Mdl 19 U. : . . j. - o o e in r : ' ii - - r ihii i I . A El .4 ?.?. v j-?f?J" ey. 'h.twii. '2 SBVHIGMACHIIIECO- CHICAGO.IU.- . ORANGE, MASS.JI tun r?r. w I. AMO. ATLANTA, GA g;i. Vf-fy- y- r" saaaaiBBaaaaBBBi i D riKUKH WllmlBW. . C dec m IBLiZY' 0 OT AU. PtAWTS. f OR ALL CROPS. t ALL CUMATtS , .,-. A imrt and 4r.br. ..' ; , (.'r-atda.i tor U- ?' .rtTt:T Ltn atotr I tmi WSSLtt To lot a anos. t ra - I tfll:taaf &, " HIRmM SIBLEY At CO. Saoaaem S T. aad tiln. CSV mC f 2? u , e I .,'.. isf,iaij?iifr aj a, f ti . aV I M . . aa EX aaaa B R AdSjM a 9 a . f jm k . 1 C ! o I I Tort. I smlsjl of rscsifs at Uat atk. soraaa. ' r erum ' Stiao n tavttk. fjsoata- eTsra,-; MiaMy. St'

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