-ii.-r u p , - " f . S i Ol.UMK XVI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. OCTOBER ! 9, ISS3. Single Copies 5 Celts NUMBER 45. V '"- " " " . - ' ; .' - - ?-.- . ' - ' - -. i ' ' ' , . - - -" , j-tr ' ' ' - .. f . . . i ON 130T p. lend at the Pokofficc at iVilminfj 0if N &, rf k'aa Mailer. TSOr ADVERTISING. jiijUt. (S) lilies. Nonpareil type,con-,iiiute-;i square. , 1 F fly ccuta per line for the first in juoiiaii'l twenty live cents per Hue otcK additional insertion. ill ulvertiscments will be charged t the above rates, except on special contracts ; The subscription price to The Wil mishtos l'tHTM 100 per year; six months n w. . f; ; . , Ml coifluuicationa on busihetss must be addr(scdj,d; TllE WlLMINQ t.os Post, Wilmington,, N.O. - r-Tbc Civil itiglM Act. For practical purposes tue civil nguts ai tiif 175 "s ever been a dead letter, uf... rhe lew ?a iso.aieu euons ruaae 10 r : Ltt Wat iirnppsiM Uva Koriir ntx'.l ri IT IL U T v f-i"" www umtv MM.ar lu""" ,, . .. . .K , .eryeu ; : Urw liardlf be doubted hat these ei- i ..) 1 .1 ,'J. I : 1 I fort- and occasions utrunruua uy tui- tho 'rl .....Inr ( ti i j t f I litsir l 4 .t rf iYia law, have tended toprritate public feel "ing, to 'kcrp aljve-j antagonism between the r;u'M, iu'id to pu.stpono that gradu al obliteration of unreasonable race iiitiutlH'ii which the march of events - vruiiiiicipJitioii has tended to bring jJ,;b:. Thus the act, though sincerely ii-enM to bi in lit ihe.colored peoplo, iai really done theTTrmore harm than guu'l. In iniartersjWhere'- public Opiri . ioti support iio unjust: discrimination ag'uiwt them, iio .such law was neededf iiini il eoul.l bo jiif no real service. In ijuirtcrs where old prejudices prevailed, mid itublie. opinion- .sustaiutd unjust ilisriii)iii;tioiis, the law bus been prac tically itietlAieuvc to overcome those j.r.jii.lio's, but has often intensified Ui' iii. Ihe . eiTceiiieTit by law of a rii;!it to t lie ''ei.jlyiiu"tit of thetaccom nimiiitioiiH, ailvanljiijts, . facilities and priviJe'M of inuM, coiivcyauces ou laud aud pur, tiieatro.i aud other places of Hil)lic aniiiseiiien!, is in the nature ot. tilings' impracticable. A man or woman cannot ail'iml to i;et out writs, and bear the ciM ol ' ruits, every time a bed in a luiUl, a lickt to a theatre,. or a seat in a.iirtieular rt.iiroad car is refused. U'tot all em a comparatively poor &ui ftuiid.leM ,clacs of citizens afford tbe of lime1 and wmiiI he involvtd by perHinVvAxV. euiWa.Not Vu money which h general a"d enforce such .rights by legal process, lie nee it. was fr.iiii I he lit.i.t inevitable tiial, in locrtl ilie.s w-herjj juiblic opinion was adverse to tlie piirpose of the luw, it would he eoiniiioiily tlisri-vsirdcd, and the occa siiiiurellVirts to enforce it would fail to chiiiie the I'lovaifi'ng custom. All this was pointed out, when the rivil cilits btfl wan pending, by some the nioti earnest and true hearted friends ol the color A people. It is not need-J ful now to recail ' the. names of niaily ' who ts pressed jhis opinion in dubate, 'iu.public j 'tnnals, and in daily intcr- ,-cuuttf. iiiey url'd that it was hot an act t true kindness io the colored peo- .. . 4 WeU Uku any step that would temil to .keep aiive uureasouing prtjudjico .ginst them; that their freo admission , tollie ' eniovtuent of the the facilities in. autn could- on! v come through Wiug nf Mich prejudice, and that poa- Wvl.iw would be found inellective for f e' Jl tthtre public sentiment-was stilt; aa'frwn.lly.. The obiection that th iruure was ujt warranted bv the con- I " I tlU) SOudipril st( Pv..t if waa t!rt I eriou charge against leaker Blaiue uat heilui-uot heartily tavor tht" bill, I8d vote j-diust it by Representative Mj el New Jersev caused his de- t tbe uext elec.iou bv seventy. ;ZrJECT 1 .1 . . , . 1 . - . 1 wui.cu wirc trae hearted advocates full justice 10 ,tu. ml.,re.l ,HHile. as fouiiuetit Republicans who lieu the idotu or the couititutiou . Silly of the measure in the form pre- 'iptriei.ee has shown that the meas Bre hi leen . iuetleclie lor good, and "i ' liu tended t keep alive preju vf 4 of race at the south. 'Now the ; "firme Uour; hold that the act was ; ' rruud by the fourtctuvhameod J"a!. bnaits? that amonduicol is pro ; k BibiU.ry the Mate, only, aud "the : ; S''lHn auihori.'-l to b5 adopted bT grt fv,r enfarciug that amendment "v direct legislation on the waiters reviicg which the states are probibi From this opiaion Justice liar- J'nu.snd thecrounds of hU dis to begird lureaAer. But the Uf ti k tiUr Mrr.w...a.. ' 777. Pt of the Und. Nothing can Pt aaiBPMvcmtnt of public eenti tuutiun, because not iu pursuance of f their officers, have carried ou their Dut every grog shop keeper was their have just changed their location to the tho aiueiulmcuu tipou which it iras goverumcuU in accordance with the arJeftl worSef, while every active Pro- hall over Capt. J. L- Boatwrighi'a stoT. E,;r"l luae ' vain. It isto faw mah has persisted in maintaiuins 4...,, WM lheir ally, whether he , . . ; tv . ottel that a majority of. the Re- iUj uuiawlul government u. spite ot he himself or not- One Capt B.T. WUliams and hride sailed pubucau rotes :againsi the measure, ACt 0f congress, tbe avtjudicatton of the would amit u to uimseii or out r v-Vf,,, bet. it was prewfti by lieu. Butler in' i ,re me court of the territory of Utah, cbsj t,f voters wactMo kick the Re- the echooner Mary E. Fenctf for ls:i . 1 c iujuviuv v ....,,;.. , , . .....u Jim Yftik nn uondar. The captain lit KPitiiriiirnii niui 1 i.a ui. nuiuiuii ei iud vvunu.o ..,.1. u.n itriv inr uivini:. luuiatu iuo " eotbraceo such limhliirans a I under Justice w.i: 1. .. .,4.. Mil. its iaroUioo comav "r-' , ahdw this. Ia was t:,... ' '9 T t,r !,t ia t ol 1 jn;rr, ;4 .wij.,. it drot I aweaoea. v. w. 'irf. 11 ikvi. uriT. 1 imr - j . .... i ..iw. i.DMii.'ih" - . iu. 1 ... li.h l. J'",".?. a the lloar ameuamenu -.-r-; iA 6V In 173 tt was 2,533; to U. preached Ue ia crtd in th.v .l,.; i, MM to Hs provision. I an.. . Io t$, 4.145: ia 1S8 I r. r r. SiMStt wi t a,.,, .r:. : Uf uerwns to u "rr Th ia j lesuu ynr, Mit ..j . ... ,v ' ivici - i -7 , , f.i!,,r' to e.evw - iM.Mkl tSlr TLea 1 --t i r.tv of lnublican. not be- elonet oy -;7"i -..tl oualf we gre r"". rrr . ! 7 ' VZi I u.!UVm. atae ti... . .w ' r thoie appooieM - - i u--,i. m i-mnicit-on rot urw i - r-- Md.;"' :;r '"r''V-P' V .,Ter rexaUous obsuci; KL tTwV rr ceaL The rrotias I T. JL EU. of r - w sut pai i ni inair riFiiLi. uul.1 ' - - irtftm urn f iivw - - - . , ecaa-ii... 'Z .. Vw.. s. thr waT from M . f ' 7 . : I .s. u danac U decUosi tW WkltiekL ol ment the decay .and obliteration of a prejudice which denies privileges to a colored - man merely because he is a colored man,, regardless of his charac ter or intelligence, hia manners ' or worth will not be retarded, but has- tened, we fully believe, by the rtmoval I ot an irritating law that cannot be en-1 l mvnmr nil nnnni vw - I K EPOItT BY.a0V. MtTEEAY, OP UTAH- conoress defied AND its laws j nullified aid of the "military I iNvok-rn I ray, of Utah, has made a report tu the I Secretary of the Interior on the condi- rr .1 . ;,i ,r tlon o. afla x s m that territory with ref- ereoce to tlio "Alorrosn problem.J' He says : l have enueavorcu to execute I the Juws of congress and of the terri- ability 1 possessed. A coui- br..aiin to nnliifv th laws of c..,.Pa ' Cj I has iun existed in Ula ?T Tlii p(.r- . , , " ... . .J. - J (tmril'tf II fill I ktOM rnAi fill ur ill P TimH - v. '-yi'v"-";""""" ' M auu couimnes ai an iiiues to tvuue aim defeat tllo .,lain wiJl 0f -coDeresa and . . I i presideuL aud the luijudicatiou of the suprcui'! court." (i He continues : "I am impelled to warn you, Mr, iSecrrUry, an 1 through you the country, of -.dangers that beset the couutry in this, another irrepres sible conllict. The history of all stares demonstrates that limes come When military aidils necessary to sutWort' the civil authority. I know of no reason that takes Utah out of the f rule. The Utah militia, organized un der the law find the proper proclama tion of my predccessor-Vbut purposely organized to be independent-of federal authority, is not and cannot be made available. It therefore only remains for this territory tint" the military forces of the United States be made ayailable, and 1 present, with he ne cessity, llie recommendation tlr&t it be made lawful for soldiers of the United States to be used for tlAeliecutiou of processes outof the couits ef tho United jstates, in the hands' of the United States marshal of Utah, and that their service, under proper rtstric ions, in .c:u ot rit.t, or insurrection, ..or uomes:Amate Uiake'-j it.y,893.- tic yioLioce, aud i r the Tfiroaerv.vtiou of I the ica'.!', fay more readily be made tffccliv than under the preseut pro- vision f law. i trust, however such security of ptTson and properly as is rila.ari"d which every citizen may rea- Honubly r5tifect, will bo grant! d to all alike here." - : r NO LAWFUL TLlUlliroUlAi; CiOVE'UX MIJNT. 1'rt jt :dmg, he says tiiat altliougu oy the act of cojiirress.ofrlSOO the lerri lory of Utah was formed, there has at no tiuie since 1S52 been a lawful" terri torial government iit UlahVi bectiou 7 of the organic act of lt50 provides that all township, district uud county otii- l i."",.! i.V ..o S.1 or Sted as .. t i. vr itartu itia iiriiy nif il I. O"""" "11 I ihe casemiirht.be, in such mauuer as I should be provided by tlie governor aud 'egisiative assembly ot tn em- torv ot Utah, lie cites the clause ol llih act- "The governor shall noun- nate, aud by anil:vith the advice of the legislative council appoint, all officers," cttf. As to me m.uiuii,.ui "' !in carried out he savs: I V 7i.V . Tfi- ...,rsH the conn- tjes f utftt-- were" properly'" orgauized, uut tLe legislature jointd with Jb'righam Ybuug, tho governor of the territory, l-" '..V:"r.: wr-h cral lolluence, made provision lor lue . . - .1 I appoitilmeut and election of officers iu ways uot auihorizod by, hut directly in oppofiliou to the exposed will ot con- ,rea- While other territories, with jrrc?. Whilu other lerr tones, with r , .r I iw fur the selection I I K H II UIIOIU" - .. . ...,.Kr ih, liff kuOWU th Ed ,nUuds aet." " ' .',' . He says that as governor he uomi- uatej to tlcouucil persous lor the jifftfrcut territorial clhccs, such ofthyirs ... K..itrmexl in the mauuer le'?- w u v . . . . 1 .ru I by congresa. W YX other way, niuaer iu n. .,iV?" JJT of the lerritory, being .Tii;rt..n.,o " and "the council de- council de- , ... Jx.,r,mv .r rtSect them. v ,.t the rower civen by coa- cihad Ped out of the bands of f.. n.vri.or bv different territorial he thein. aud reeotveu iuiw,."-. .... ui llff.e that the xinjpianu 01 '"-"v oiu.tl-. uuuecey andthat no - ..: ... ii..N.in i r,Hiirtd. ilea iddi: i' AttU 1U? uuii tonal fS ..........1 wnicn io hirTy tear has existed ia the lace ol Iie; land lb country,- exuts to- coogrrti and tue cv l .. jirLuriEP, . uRLt.TfeIlure CanUouinjj, be J : .Tce.rTSS W : UJld "If ubJw ,b woiuuu -"It wis. of the Prohibiuoa rote in yain :,7ia the other, and made i w n aa w bbikt inns w w " k e tory t o.ner. a:- h, . l HtaUd IOI lav been appom of refusal that touwa- uaiterwunj ; v over the entire "territory could only on this earth, perhaps, be seen in Utah, "f rTVVS? feated, and polygamiste and worse held on and exercised the functions of office and to-day many bo hold on who are I not entitiea, -under the law, to cast a vote." I He says that it ia not reasonable to annnnaa that lha a i t.lia 1 Q tzra wViavi Iia tan innlv vaIw nnan ni laW upSi t ho wile combine to de- feat it, and adds that congress must provide other agencies to enable the covernor to fa.ithtu.lly execute the laws. I With respect to the opinion that in terference with Mormonism would be an interference with liberty of worshap. He that the foundation of the ter- ritory of Utah by the Mormons was an lQ a religioa Ue calls attention also to the viola- tiou ot tne aci 01 iso wnicn aeciarea it unlawful for any corporation or as- poses to acquire or bold real estate ot a sn-eater value than 850.000 within anv r.mint v in Rnv territory, hv th Mormon Church, which according to the latest J J . J ccuttiu oossesseu property witbiQ one county to the amount of f 2.500.000 Ho uav h ain fin.ia that nnt.ii Si . standing the law of 1852 forbiddine i. iM I inll ptiSd.Tad ItUhgisTatu of the Territory created hv Coneress "'gam, licouimuea 10 oo openiy uiugm not only joins, but leads in the success- ful nullification of this. law. -He says that, independent of every act of con- u.L. , ,u 'iv..:. TT..1. an ftro.laMastinaltrovernment exist there to-dav and has existed there for thirtv years, intended to meet all require- oral nfrair.of men of a nZ JZ fh?f riv.:. a i r.. .l. I , c u .u .e .u i:i ii ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 hi a aim iin .Lmv liijsli. Lim Legislature elected under the Edmunds law fiiHo put ah end to the evils, con- gr.es shall repeal .that section of tne f 0;foKi;.i,i a,tr.u o and assume control iu the government C3 " i - ..t,.r,i,0 t omuiotnro ii tocriciarivA I council of three or five, or if. necessary of thirteen or- more, shall be appointed . nnnfivm.H iho I senaiel t provide laws lor the TerritO' , . - ry. Tlie Facts. About Ohio, The Democratic papers in their na- turaj exultation, got Judge Hoadly 's piuraiitv at one time nearly up to 15,- ouo, Mr. Newman, the Democratic Secretary of state, upou a careful esti- This is a differ- ence with a disfinetiou. Mr. Wew- maiv? own plurality last year was 19,- n5.i The Democrats polled doubtless the largest vote the? have ever had, am yet ihey lost almost exactly one- half of last vear's plurality. -If this is a great Democratic gain, the Republi cans will be sitisiled with a repetition of it next year on a largo scale " From another point, of view, the Democratic victory in Ohio grows smaller to the eye. Last year Mr. Newman had not ouiy tne PuralJ stated, but a clear majority oyer ue- publioau, (Jreenback and Pronibitien i candidates combined of 1,53? votes. fjudge Hoay must be about rO.000 - v-i f . vjCvs short of a majority As com-1 Piirt.j wjti the pluralities on Congress- q laal yc:4r the showing is still J?oor- , J ' a . er. The Democrats elected thirteen members of the House by pluralities aggtegating 3:1,297,' while the liepubli- elected eiu-ht by pluralities ag- . . .. .. . . . gregaun- 12,873, making .tne toiai Democratic plurality 20,424. Oh this 8huwing "the Democrats have lost more thau oue.liaif yfiaat year's plUraliiy. They have lost all this ground- in . . 1 C . .1 .1 .1 I. . I spiieoi me iact inai, iuey uuy m- bin: ti u of a , year, iney aavautages in mis campaign are uot likely to have next iev hd not only a very rich j"-- - - , candidate a;id au abundauce ol .ittnu, - 1 j . temperance question arall. Anotner class wanted to kick it for not having .. ..... ,. i, f.,r.tr than it did. It suf - o fered oa both sidea by having to do iU duty without goiug to extreme. Then, laf in the campaitrn. the Prohibition vuvj - - ,v,.f.. Amendment furore swept over thestate, out all the calculations ot ine I uxu-im. This situation will not be f r-..'M m a Presidential year. Even ciVem p,ohibUioaUu feet that, ia a I reeKlcniiAi eecnou, l nilsvi ... not a practical one. In a i'4teeltvti m, wire the reguiatiou of th iiitiJr trAtlic by U.e etate u an iseue, it doe hppen that some thousands of ik.m ar l thev were in Ohio. ,V.... - j - ; int voU!g a w aa me party . oi Kuai iouad ot that party which hai doac more tha all others lor lem- rn-raiife. Bat eved amotui these the M lhw Vltw of ltt4t nlM. uons tff tae ute xo the liqnor trafic caot, without abentNluy.aaect their "tes upon the admiaUtralion ol the l.NtthWAl EOtwrs, m. u T-jZTT i aa r iht bbh k I a a wk was uca wpi.tN ' m9thlrrW. and Ue leaders iri.yn;xt yU:: StT sr ys. tera will be wiser, and we Tentnre to J predict that the Prohibition, rote will I meeUng of the Eastern been for the unexpected growth of this 1 disturbing element In the 'later cam-1 p&ign, the Democrats wooid hare been I defeated by a , majority which would I nave sent thtm' into the FreBlden-1 tial battle disheartened and "readr g ha Southern Republicanism. I The course advocated by the Courier I for the recognition of southern Bepub- I ncans at the hands of the north, has I called forth numerous letters of satia-1 faction from the wrath. One of the la-1 test is from a business man of Fayette tille, North Carollaa. . Alter speaking 1 ei Col. Canadaj in the highest terms for ability, energy and efficiency, call az him tbelr Thurlow, Weed and Hor- - . ' " T'lJuight last, hile the family were at Republicanism at the south has beeh ""V31 V r ,. very badly treated. 0 native Be- LI!. 1 l 1 1 I osiraciw a aieu oj the bourbons at home: and, strange as it may seem, they are Ignored or treat- ea in a "no gooa-out-ot-JM azareui ." sort ot w.aT by the- KepubUcan leaders. north Tf. ia a wnnHnr f K f alt t r. rtm nf W" Republicanism among good white men at 8011111 hYe not before npw been thoroughly obliterated. Late as it is, we who have stood firmly by our flag ander all these adverse circumstances, note with much retoicinc these new gns the Northern firmament. . We thank . our friends north that they at jaat ..seem dispMed.to take us by the hands and reward our men of merit. The election of Mr. Canaday to the The election of Mr' Canada oosition of sereeant-at arms of the sen- I . w ate. would be of incalculable good and wae UP tne young men of our state tfJ ana uoerai party in me country. ccn- aca(N. Y.) Courier. A Boston man Ym j a von led a pro ff8 by "J" he kills the stray dogs of " 1 minute and a half. the corporation at tbe rate of one each lie doesu t reveal the entire process, but remarks that i "death results from a differentiation of hydrocephalic consanguination of the nervous centers" It Js notsur- pnsing that the processus a-succeas- v Mity Items. Mr. Edward Magarigle, late captain of the street furce, is very sick. Cumberland county has her fair at Fayetteville on the Gth, 7th, 8th aud 9th of November. The Jewish Feast of tbe Tabernacles commenced n Monday' evening and lasts for seven days. " The Norwegian barque Ellisif, which cleared on Wednesday, took ut 4,000 barrels of rosin, valued at $4,974. Rev. Dr. Pritehard expects to spend Uwo SulSidays with his new charge here before gfiQg tne gUlta eoaTention t Ejenion, Dr. J. T. Schonwald is to open a new drug store in the store corner of ilar ket and Front streets, recently occu pied by E. J. Moore a Co. Dr. T. B. Oarr and wife, who have been spending several weeks with a bro ther in Michigan, have returned home I innmul in hulth Mr. J. B. Craig, who has been sutler ing for a year or two past from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, had a return of the malady a few days ago, and has been very low. The Independent Order of Been s once are .m w . . ,. I. ! a J ' W. t mm. a 4 ah r I ah t ntw I condition. Harmouy Tent No. 139 waa uwiiw iu.&. Miss Louis Moore, a sUfp-daagbter of 1 of Mr. Moot. caroorougn. The State Fair commeoved at Raleigh on Tuesday. The attendance is said to be large, but we hear ol Tery few going from this secUoa. The people down this way, as a general thiafc seem I to have lost all interest la such matters. Ifeyor Hal! has been preaeau Ut.J.6, Allen, of Raleigh, who is aaperiateading the erection of ks new court hooie at Bargaw, rewlec county, delivered a very Interesting address V. e 1 betoretae erunaay kbsw I . n.nti rti.rrh a Sondav l&at. r Wsmfclkmm4 ny from fclcV vZILS '"ik Materia kt W. M. keaaedy. Ue pa-tec ia charro. There was a UrjeaUtn lance. r" . TVe Eart-ew baptise XmxuXio. I WBICn me in I tnviec wa7 w . - . . w u.t waaUrgWy M. Kaedy trodaciSry atrmwa, aad elected aode Joart coaatT. ft, OoeMora, M um mscWi ataad. A i u th rv A pet pig belonging to Mr. R. Fallen 0f Pender, followed him fifteen miles to Baptist Association last week. He shut him up twice on the way to await nis return, but piggy was determined to go U nrftacKinr that time and broke out , ., - , me pen ou uum oiwiou3 There were no services at the First Baptist Church cn Sunday last, and none at the Second Presbyterian in the morning Jbut Rev. 2$rr Peschau, of-Sfe Paul's Lutheran Uhucca, nueu tne pui- pit at night, the pastor, Eev. Mr. Payne, who was recently married to Miss Cora Murphy, of Clinton, being on his wedding tour An old resident of Masonboro Souud, by, the name oMJ3asley, had his house by the namo 0 and robbed on Sunday rca", w j. il r 1 J V n ininHAO miei eutweu ujr Fiiilo&u" No other articles were disturbed, aud not the slightest clue has been ob tained to the' burglar. bte.mai.ip.-i.jRiw, v,ap, Phillisklrke, cleared for Liverpool, England, on Tuesday last, with a cargo of3 G50 bales of cotton, weighing 1,745, ' at $m 552- oZo pounds ana vaiueu . ti,iw. Messrs. Alex, bprunt & Co., were the ahippers. This is the secoudiBritish gteara8hip that has cleared from this , 14 . . ,u 'at Pt with cotton during the present season, aud another is now loading. A young man who registered at the Commercial Hotel as F. H. Cornell, of New York, was arrested Monday after noon and carried before J ustice J . C, Hill on the charge of stealing a watch from ttie.hard Hunter, colored. Here ho gave the name of F. H. Harriss, When arrested he made a desperate of fort to escapo', but failed. The mag istrate required him to give bond in 1100 for Vis' appearance at the next Criminal Court, failimr hi which ho was assigned to quarters in the Mur ray House. Chamber ol't'omuiertc. At the annual meeting of the Wil mington Chamber of Commerce, which was held at the rooms of the Produce Exchange on Tuesday morning last the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President A. H. VanBokkelea: 1st Vice-Presiaent E. Peschau. 2nd Vice-President D. Macliae j Executive Council- -R. E. Heide, Harriss. J. H C. McQueen, Geo. H Chadbourn, Wm.' Calder; and ltoge Moore, President of Produce Exchange ex officio. The bodies of the persons drowned on Monday of last week, while crossiun the Cape Fear River, opposite the lower part of this city, have an oeeu. re covered, that of Jennie Lcspiere, aged 1G, having been found a short distance below the "dram tree," those of Charles Simmons and Mary EHxi Harrington near where the accident happened. N inquests were held Coroner Jacobs who deemed such a proceeding unnec esarv. The remains of Jnuie Les- piere were interred iaJJak tlrove (o - v. - paupers) Cemetery, and thosb of the other two in Pine Forest. Couuly Froperlj . A joint meeting of the U-i-lFl ot Magistrrtes and the Board of Couuty Commissioners of New Hanover county was held vn Monday morning la;t. Justice WjW. Harriss presiding. The object of the meeting was toyrecover poeiession of the Fair grounds HptTty near this city, which was donated to the Cape Fear Agricultural Associa tion in fee simple aud is now desired by the couuty. in order to preserve its right of way. A letter was read from Mr.'F. VV Kerchner, who now holds the property, offering to,dipoe of it at 115 per acre, or $i,OX as a whale, and it, was movad and carried that the purchase be made at (1,000. Tf arer la nrnrpwiek. On Saturday niaht last, near A'alen- tioe dmilh's store, in Wacfamaw Town ship, Brunswick county, to while men named Aaa Smith and Joha Wm. irnith got into a quarrel aboat Kae s&atler, denng which Smith waveeo to draw a knife. At thi juncture c&e Wm Andrewn, who wilsed the en counter, attempted W -rparle saeoi. when SiU ordered him eat oi the way, with the w amies that he wid kill him if he iatefred . Saasih' tken eommenorl the ajaaaJi npoa Hid, who was badly cut ia the hip and est.irylf croM lha abdomea, tie wxai prov ls( fatal ia a few misstep Tie sear deeer fed asd op to Lu4 -xuU a-a tSdisft had Ween rtctired &f hism- 4e cmvatd was 'a yjar atxt, aboet & 27 years are, aJ had s family. bmlU U alirped saariem, ha a wSr aa4 chBdrva. Rxh g, wko w dnak tf gl Uc tisae, hare Wad refu&kw u local " snopTff. : Mr. F. M. Foy, of Scott's Hill, PenJ der county, raises fine atocx.";. ', ' the Baptist State' ConTention meets at Edenton on the 7th of November. On one day during the past week there was received at this port 2,161 bales of cotton. . . Ilev. Oocar Miller baptized ( 34 pei sons at Castla Ha fnes recently, and 9 at Rocky Point. L i Mr. A. P. Yopp, a machinist of j this city, has accepted a situation In 'Water Valleyi Mississippi. . Newspaper thieves aregetting len ful aboat town. Some effort should be made to reduce the number ' j ' ' Messrs. Eocpie, Styron & Com of this place, are about to onAti a store In 1 open a store in i Goldsboro, on the 5, 10, 2D and 99 cents counter plau. I I Mr. R. K. Jiry an, formerly of the Fayetteville Examiner but now of the I TTi-i'L-i. r. . . . . i.. i I .u.4.vui j x r&oo, utuci;u w m wumv i during the past week. The-Norwegian Barque Ganger Rolf j which cleared for New Castle-on-Tyne on Monday, takes out 2.7S0 barrels of rosin, valued at $4,200- The British Steamer Carvis Bay brought" here from Liverpool a hand some English fox hound, which has been quite a curiosity. " The direct trade of onr port s hav- iug a boom. Thus far this season three large British steamers have been here after cargoes ol cotton. lhe lighter Washington, sunk on the west siue ol the river auring me- iaie siorni, xiaa ueea raisea. one ooion t)Mrrisrii Jpo. Hftrrin.- & Co' The Schr. John Shary, Capt Clark, from Charleston for Philadelphia, with a load of phosphates put in at Smith - II r.i , , v. , i yille luesday, leaking badly. ,. . . , ;t a .. . . lhe eclipse Which was advertised . tO come off' on Monday night last was inopportunely overspread the sky. Au effort is to be made to secure an appropriation from the next Congress to . improve the navigation of Black River, and to that end petitions will be numerously signed. The sum $3S-30 was raised here to wards the fund for bringiag to Raleigh the remain of the North Carolina Con federate dead from the National Ceme- I tery a Arlington. Postmaster Uriuk states it hat the I has as yjbt made no provision to redeem outeUediug U cent stamps aud stamped envelopes, but will do so. The Schr. Robert U. Parker, Capt. tfteelmap arrived here from Perth Amboy, N.'J., on Saturday last, with -.fkik - ..i r oOO tons ol steel rails fur the Ope rear and Yadkin Valley Railroad.' The steam-tug Harold, Capl. Craw ford, arrived here on Monday to be usejj by Messrs. R jss & Lara, contrac tors lor furnishing stone and brush lor filling up 'Corneake Inlet." Mr. Geo. W-Crapou, au aged cituen of Smith viile and father of Mr. Geo. M. Crapun, of thiscity, died on Sun day last, in the SSlh year of his ageT He was'greatly respected by all wbo knew him. : No city or tor. u iu the United butts can boast ol a more jfaceable and law abiding imputation than Wilmington. Mayor HaII only haa an occasional case before him, aud theu only fjr of fences of a tripling nature usually. Tbe eermou ol Rev. F. U. Wood, ad- ure.sstM pirticutariy to young men. wh'w-h u .Ulif.r ) lk KVrinf crmt n Methodist Church oo Sunday night last, ha been much commented upon n:es ilaj. C. M. SScdmsa arrived home from tu European, trip oa Satnraj night. He has be in. absent about four monlhi, daring wiuch he vial ted moat of the principal cities of interest ia Ue O'A World, and return ia excellent health. : -'' Mr. Wiltiawi Wwoll ia4 I potato os exb btiion at stvwrs.! Holme A Walter' atonr. a lew dajsaf, a twewt pvtato iitjd a nvjai exactly like a uKk, Ue bead std neck beinf a per fect reprrwntalica II wa" mr4 by Ut. Joha. Od&av i The rriUeh ffieacuifp WoodAle, tic c e-arrd from 'ikti pxnr Sr days sg-?. tx.k &al bai'of cutoa, vJa?d st 13,555, r aarfy a ur of a ttUu-s of Sollart. It was the larreat carr vet 4)ppd IrtM het. aad ali fren t-te fcynw-thst wf U. R. Mtr.i-a A Co. A private kJUr hat lra rvc4ted lUe. tH. Tajlor. kanij.tllkl nrt ikit Oard U this cuy. da34 W-I ai !tWi ikib u ! V. irt alrr4f rjtci- i u He wui rtiaaa sham hie brnr. re. Ur- Oe. ttalkei, i" -, NEW A4JYEKTIBEMENTS. j. a voss.: i . ' : -1 f . ' , - HAVE MOVED MY fcOOT i AM D SUOS MAKXNQ Ail REl'AIKLSIO 123TBLISH- - ' . f '. z :j . MEST'ou Princess between . truut and I Second streets, where I aliall be ght4 toaee my old friends. oct5-tf. i, o. voss. WAKTETX AccnU for "Life and Times" o rrfttenlSJlf. oSniSi'ain'cie I Tom's Cabin" In thrilling and romantic interest Fully Illustrated. : . Extra Mraas to Southern A rents. vabjs. JJUJiilll imu oo.. oet5-U Hartford, Ooun. Farm for Sale. rIlAVEA FAIiM CUTAriiirU TUK.KK hundred, and ten acres, aeoat one han- area scree ciauia du in. a uu bum vt eoiUvatlon, three miles from Kn field, ou lnr. with ft xir rooms, and k lichen, three Hslilns; urooK. lines a very goou uweii- twl tenant nouses an wroL u new. tio. fcuuall orcbard or touuk apple and peach tree and a few grape vines. Price gxi. Addreee JULIUS CUTCU1N8, . s u field, N. C. oct5-tf A BrilUantlScheme. DISMAL SWAMPLOTTERY CO. OF Norfolk, Virsinia, The tranchlae of tale enterprise ts, ImumI upon, the charter granted by the Legisla ture of the State to the Plsiual Hwamp Canal Company, and iu legality ; has beet ralrlT testea borore tne c ouru The oblect in view is tbe "lniprove- ment and extension ol tue Caual, aud V... A.ll nnnnr.(t ..uw V... . . 1 . -n r, .. I V. I purchase of the Uck.eU.oi wluch there are only 25,000 WITH 356 PRIZES. I 1,A m Vnm laan ilwit ll.n J " "J OT IMOVeiTlDer, I OUO, J at which Umo, withdut roaTPoNE- ii win pe maue in uie ciij 01 ror- Srtk. before thepubUo, aud under the u- lpervision of a commillee of reliable clu. I sens, and In like manner each bucreodlnu 0, bc, aato HTtm,i.er jui. , SCliKMK: Capital Prize $5,000. 1 l'r Ize of.. ..fi.ixio Is ...s.".('o 1 do .. 1,SX) In.... l.mo 1 do 1,'HW U l,i i d is ; i do ih.... . ai 1 do "Juo Is. ..... jun 1 do ... 'JUU U......... Jl I do i .. Jioi ta..:.... J do ......... 100 are........ w 15 do M are.......... m. 7 n loo - to 10 are. l,(i 100 do 6 are. , l.ouo ai riiox SiATioK raiatcL ' 9 or..... ii lit . or .... .t : iso oi , l-w W lrtreJ, ! DistrlbuUng fl3.wi I TiclictfcJ Ollljr l.OO. Plan of Lottery klrutUr to that ot Lout- Mmpny. Jf B. II0RB.lt II, SlaUagCr. Applleatlon for rlubValek. ur for tnforiuA- uon upon any other buninc. i.io.iid b plainly written, gtvlug rSualc. ojuly aud town of witter. ltpiuittanc- hould he eul by hipre rather than by P. U. money orders or res iflered letter. m praa cbr(N opon 1 and larger num. WlH e paid iiy lhe cuniiwuy, - Addrea plainly. I. P. IIORUACH. Nurtolt.Na. A genu for the ale uf Tlekc-U rr.a!rtAl lhruucliout the riUU. AdJrtjs. arililuM a above. , willt-lr i STATE OK SOUTH tAlttMSA. 'aw liANovaa tVst i-kmiok On ar . Htuu CLajuc of tui Si i'luuk tXrT. I lirook u. linru, Piaintin". Mary Holme. Kderar"! K. imairy, K. H. t oluu aud wlHaii:e ll.folu. and T other. LKfcadaau. ' . r IT betnj; made U apfu mty i.uiaiic tloa Lbat Kdward I: Uudlrjr and - . I;. LoiMojd wife ri;i f. ...!. mi arc nan retjrnu of lbl State, ad rtoD, atlr due diligence, be fonnd to ihu Hiale. and that lh y are proper ptrlW U tit.. alx. aad have au tnlrl la pfopr!r tti ibi. Kle : Saw thntc are to ruottuaod U said FjSvaM II. iMKlteyaodK. IL tuixin und tir KaUie 11. loiMo u api-r at iyiint, la thectlyot vk itmiattMti. n Ike i d uf ioealee. A. l. l at Id ori-e- I mornlsc. ud uuer or Jrast O-itu ptaiaa. or ;o.irtant wtit -i ri-.jd ananded is eata nxakiut. n. VlAUKIStlt, Crk Siiorl'ou l liaaoe to. af tlt-r UKT TOI K no.evm. wonTu i DON T TAKE AHY ON ITS W0KD. COMB AND ENQUiEE H I It MV EH ' - Je Pnater. . " - , 13 mrstta rr iu.tr Less Than Cost. tyE ajuc ( tTlrIjiu ura of lj. fee a X Mjuii; terror uji,. A5D HAL. t kwtau w m. I are tam at sj at-a. a a awftfi mum. . t . i cdx &. raca a i? jsa. n n - I .A L "-, I i t r i