. C-jT. Vl' vVi&jafc ; i t h ,,TIvU;T,H 4 oc V'ttr siP UJ8.I4 1 C iG 0 Q D q it a is Vp." : fc a '"lI.V'JJ L i ' L f " ITT ' ' r -. - . . 1 r r. o i ;, t if Ceitcluded.) '; V-v '-i ny.i , -vt!.TOght aHb harft been . Jed to intimate. tbat,J mfqpropofal could apparehtt jrlofe ( nothing bj tuimittmg that jbyvfomeun. fqrt unate conctHtaice of circumftances, . withour any hoftile intefttion, the: Ameri ( can embargo did come in aid o the'! be. fare oiemioned -m. blockade of theEuro.. pean continent, precifelj jit the very tnay merit when, if that blockade could have ,., fucceeded at a!r,.lu intefpofition of the .Arneicln'gdrerntoentwouldimo(li(reta'r 'Jy hate contributed to its fuxxcfi : Yt Itflbould probablj, Iiave tkonght'tnyfftt - bound to remind you that, whaterer may .be. the, troth of hj fpecaratiorij the fame embargo withheld our f tonnage and ottr exhorts from that commoication with yKe coloniei of y our enemies, and r With the: . European continent; which you had ifler. ted. vour riurhc to ttrevent t . urTi'mh m- a - cj I ' " . oiret communication f with rhe ront3nm , you had in ltpiohibited r which, eren forms, TOU had Dtofefli-d to trerrr: nht aithat which could be claimed, but ti art. indulgence that could at anytime be withi drawn t which, as a traffic lor thd Unked ; States to engage m you had it laft dif couragcd, not onlr by checks arid tlifEc-jK ties in the waybf its profecution, but br - manifefting your intentions to mould; it into all the fliipes which the 'belligerent, Cfcal, or other peculiw policy of Great Britain might require, aud to fuhjeft it to heeclufie joriidiaion oi' her municipal codei armed wkb alt the prerogatives of that i uruVerfa- law'sto which ' nation's are : pnlwkti nig-Ttgrnrornen ' tr4 commerce -j -' y ' ' . lo giving an account of our fecond corf. fercnc'you fay, "thsf, though not dating wfclf to-be aothnriaed by my govern, trwnt fortully to offer the fufpenCon bf tie embargo as an immediate confequence of the repeal of the orders in courlal. yet I did profefs my readinefs to' lake upon . rcyfclf to make that ofer, provided that yo voiOJ gire me beforehand an unoul. Cial aflurance that, coupled with that of. fer, fo made, the demand of the repeal of the orders wou'd be favourably rrceived i that yoaof coarfe declined to give any fuch previous aflurance, but as I appealed te attach reat importsnce- to this fuggef. tion, and you were led to think that a com , plwnce wiih it might tf neve me from a difficulty fa eiecuting the inrtruaions of my government, too contented to take i few days to confide? of ir, and referve , your definitive snftref umD voa fliould fee r spin.' You thetjobferre that job " oevet doubled in yoar own mind as to W.i...ivj win impropiietv ot eo f cooriging me to take an unauihoriivd fle p by an unofficial eroeiife that it Owuld be wei! received." i am fure yoo did not. Gr i ball mufr til r.k.. .i .! but I muft take the liberty to fay, that I am rauillv furr that 1 tt...i.. m itivwEiu vi fkwg you to git t me enconx ement toy tAo an onamhotixed flep ofanykiod, I am, Indetd, truly momSed thu my con iX has appeared royoa in ihatliffht and I (hoold sot be readily conloled if I did not ttteft thir, U condefcending r lifteo ven for momrrt to what tnufl tuve firockyo it an Irregularity, at vim and nu2toty lo irs purpofe as renrrhenfib-e hus .principle, you wa t at Icifttive even int credU for good JriemioM, and lor a ttwg defirs, fiacercly feh, although rrroncoafly obeyed, that our countries fhould ""J iHemelres in tht rtlarive eo C'lcm, w'iith (tit ihf i-HfteJa and tends to the haptiuxfs of both. .Wheai pT0ft5rd a reaJtnca to make fnypropofal id wtti'm;,lt was, is yo Fau, pros iConaJry i but I did not intimate !..!' w'1 wU!wt w hotisy, oof did I CO tpt hnd that fuck wis, it I now Ine it to hare Ixco, yesr taftnTtea. Ttiii ptoTifibiuT nature of rhy oiret aroTe" prepare fuch ar thlr Jiroceeding thc oc lout of circuniftancea, Ihrf was afterwVdV r ilfitarreMffe preiTed.Tapdn coavitiipn that, ifi.it was .notnmg more coma oe neceuaryr. i mr iderftood you to Tw deGrous bf afcertaining, i whether I was empowered and difpbfcd, 'with a" vie ir :-w a ' firial 'Arrangement io ten form, as an orerture irijg1nitigt& m7 government, i or coune, ; inpr, every thing being, firft ' mahir 'a xnote fhould be prefented but that I would, With vouf permifliort, takis i'litjle1 time W jcorifider or the maimer and jteraatv I did not at that time fuppofe fast we were 'cbti Verfiri'g about a tten'i'prorwfarwh'tchl was to be made 'ohly to" be ' relecled:' or cci lupine uurpoie ui at'iioerauon ; ana. conqaenpy, in protefliog toy wfllhignefi to TTak it 'it (Vvm it w oror!a7itrrlarpt for it; i pfefurhed'that I-haLdohiiJl that j boa defited -.AnA I Wail mnfii-irit ih'thi pptntoh, not ooly by your faying' rbth'irig,lt reaueltin? me. I was tbont to the A O m ' w " " room, to employ myfelf before, the taext Interview; upon fuch a nbte as we had been talking of, and then retracting that r queft, by obferving. that I wbulu doubt, lefs firft. defire to know what ' were your ideas and intentions7 upon the fubjeft of it t With which' 1 wa eheii to ilndf rffin J I fhbuld be made acquainted at another' conference.1.":.' f.vA!V... ..-.!.. v '' j At the tliird interview, after fpeaking'of a tranfadion upon the lakes, of which your traders complained,' and of another occurreuce in the bay 'of PifTamaquody , you obfetred, that you hid thought long & anxioufly upon what 1 lud fuggcfled to you i that the fubfed had at firtl (truck JOB ktheinq ginrti m fimP1 careful elimination it had ben found to be that, in the Yaual (late of th world, it behoved both you and me to more itr this affair with every pblhble degree of circumfpe&Ion'i that, without fome ex p licit propcf! on 'my part i i writing, up on which the Britifti govenrr.cnt could deliberate and ail, nothing coulJ be done j and, finally,' that you muit leave me to conlult otf own difcretion whether I would make fuch a propofal. It appeared to me that if this defermi." nation (houtd be pet r lied in, my overtute was not likely to be fucccfafult and ( ur Red accordingly, the propriety of going on in a couife which would Wad us to a bet. leriflue That courfe was, that we fhould onderftand one another as to our relpec tive views : and that aconcife notr, which 1 had in JCt prepared fi nee, the Uft meet ing fhould then be prefen ei and acled upon You informed me, that my' wilh in this particular could not be . acceed to i tha , if t preffiited a noter yoa mud be left at prefent liberty tb decide upog what U propofed i that you could not give me even an intimation of the probable coofequences of it t anJ,"ioa word, that you would ncithet invue nor difcourage luch a proceeding. Tou added, that there were torn point belonging to'the fubjert, which it wonU be pioper to dtfcuU in writing one of which was the conned ion bet ween our embargo ard your orders of November, fuppofed lo be implied by my f poM. I remarked tJut, withanac real rtfurt in view, and with a wiOi to irtive attKtt tefult without delay, U could not be adv Jible to entangle ourfelrrs in a wrhtea cottrfpoodence, undefined u to lit i fcope soj duration, upon topics on which we were not lAdto agree i and that if I were to frame my note wuh a knowledge that it was to provoke arrti ment, iniUad of leading, at lhiiaifis (0 falutary ckarge in the lUtt ol tne world, you moH be confioat that I too ma ft Stgae. And wliere would this end f To tut wWtfomt confequence wvnld it ConJucl us I At iK tU( t i-. ' Jill fT?:lh4, Mh iM "r" h . now puced, made delay tl no urifcTtaoce, I yd take tb.t to : ,ya tne zotrioi Augutt I nad the Honor to fee ydij' again, and, after entering inbro at large than I had before believed to be proper, inrdaconfiderarion of the eflfeft of my prnpofal "on the enquiry 6f adhereihg to yourorders in council and after fead ing to you partsof my inflrutiions, I de" i livere'd' ail official nbtelh which the pro pofal was nude inr the form required.1 i Somethinir waVfatrfat thn interview.' of the affair of the Chefapeake'nd the' I piefident's proclamation, which h is not I ; vprefumeneceffary tb repeat ft wiHbe fuflicient to ftate, that you afked me what was o be done with thefe fubjecls ?JAn J" that rViy reol v was, that they had no con-'-neclion "with the prefeiit 1 but that 1 vetnment had t every difpofltion to attend to'thenii with a yiewto fuch an' adjuft-' ment as would be honorable to both par-1 tftV'v 1- A',A tnff.innnU that U .' Deded (for you did not luiitnate fuch an espedlation) f that reneweahegoclatkin upon ihefe points fhould, as well as ' the repeal bpon terms, bf your orders' lit council, be invited by4r formal overture frbm thegweilfheobf America- " TV' ? 'X I will not trouble; you with many obfer TationVrrrt)re. ;": -....; 5 ''YouVftate'in'vour letter' that'' thir was one point upon which yoa were par. 'H1'J kV ICVCIfV JICVUC iiiiui mation. fend upon which, from my can.' dpr ; and' franknefa, yott'were fortunate encoeh to obtain it.'' . Thia waa. m wh j o f " ther in fat the orders in council of No-' veniber had been known, to the goverrw ment ol the ' United btatcsy previously to the mefljge of the PreCdent propofing cuibirgu, Yotw 10 Or a 1 morirgconfj-" deration to that mefiage.' ' I quote tha paffige, prbdpaliy, that I may recall to yout recolleclion, that my fuggeftions, npoh the fubied of it, were not nude offi. c'uly, 'or as being authorized or furnifhed by any comnrutiication front my , govern. mem,cr Vokntwer to enquiries on your part. They were very briefly-made, near the clofe, ai I think, oi out third interview, in confequence of vour intimation intend ed, peThapr, to amount to an eiKiubv) " yivyvm impiiea mar ine emoar ro had been croduced b th r r w-w - vewvisj-vs) November j to whjch you added that this could not be adpdtted, tu,d (as I compre hend what you, faMl that it even tequm-d to be made the fubjett of fome notice or diCcuffion in wruing, as intimately conL necled with my propofal, if It, fhould be brought forward in that fhape. And I ndettlood you to sffign thiaa one of the reafonswhy a written overture was in difpenfable.- In reolvine to ilut int.m. tibn, and the remarks which fo.lo wed it. J prouuea to ipeait, as I did In fafl fpeaL front general information only, and diT Claimed, as it was my duty to do, all aa ihorttv to fv moreuDoa th mtnit . .,a origio of the, embargo, than I had fbme time before dience to the orders of the Pic Sden:. The purpofe of my obfervatioiia was, ChUfly, tO IheVi that lHf ana.;.!.. .... r'j embarUlig fa formal difcuffijqs upon this f ' ,UI you mat it was not in mypower, either as tefpeed Inflruc iiobs from my gomnrneM or knowledee offafll, to do To. My bphiion was, and I fpoke sccordingly, ihat it was oe of thofe qaeamns which might be lfi com pla:ly at tr without the leaft fajort to fn upon the great oblrfl of our tnces. . l-here could b fuch totijeflural mform.ion ss 1 was ab . Oif the contrary, bj faHy difcloflng to yoo my own rnatcruls for forming ia ephi I o m i it you would be enbred mere df imdli to fte, ihatl Cou uk m r,. J anf diWaliiort. Ml.IrK ... '.. . to arp-vioh. Ami i could not but be obtain knowledge blthrfas nfaeJtioav'X fpi nag. i. from "confiderations ; wbKb.haii; tvetjr claim to toy lefped t lor 1, know that your mind was far Above, the reach of prejudices, which wtiUld 'akriDethe ; At : merican embargo to participation v in th Councils or views of yoof jidvettary, csctf ' any lmigii;W My fuggeftiona were to the ollowiog efiedti thatc I bieitbfWtOfftii your orders of November h4d.amved..-ii the United States at the date of theiiPreG i dent's;meffage, tharjatrecnt changrji . the conduit of France fo our prejudice dnt v ; appear to be known jthat ir.teiligence. hadj been received.' and. "k belief. fen?f4.n-rf : ;of your intention to adopts fome. further, ' neafure u ameafure oretaJiation agirnft " jPrancei by which owr tomtnerce and uM righu would be affadecl that i there waa !reafott to conclude thatyotiJiad acloady; adopted fu'chJi mearufrrthatSil eoliee. ted from. American ncwtpers) this '.had. appeared fiom phvab iletterii, r an4ythof: newfpapera of this ' conntryreceiTed . iti. the United Statea fome days, beforei the: ,meffage: of:the preQden and 'probably, known to th govertimnr thar, in iwordt .various information toncutred so iliewV ;that our trade was likely to be affailed oy ' the combined efforts of both the' belliger' 'entpartieit an! the embargot -was . a-i meafure of wjfe and peaceful . precaution,? 1 adopted under thia view of reafonably, jaatkipated peril '; '.- j;;s J -tYou cbferve, - in another part of your i letter, . " that you have always-rather wifhed to refer the argumentative difcuf' Con of the fubjeft of the orders fa council i to the official correfpoodence, which ya" have more than once been taughtt6ekpek: .roe to open upon it. 1 - If 1 fhould object to-any part otthhrlUfuent;ii w.d be ta the words more than once. Your" with hia always appeared to oe fuch as f yoo now reprelent it, and you had re.fon ' to eipetk that I would commence a writ ten dtfeoffion of the orders of November, ' icon after their publication. ' I hid told you that I fhould do fo, and you had faid that there could h nn nKtlC u... - .vj.kHVU IV l, yoo were afterwards arprifed that,- upon - uai iciiiiinew io nave ine fubjeQ where it was, until I fhould know the pleafure of my gov-mroent. Ihe orders had btenoffill.',-l - nicaied. not to me, but tb Mr. Midirbn, U through the BrkUh tniniflcT at Wifhin ' " ton.. It tr1A lK..lM.. V V i i - r ...v.twii, iu or proper f(aolefa toy inftruaions IhouM make t " wncfwuejinar tne tiew, which the go- " ernment of the United btates took of i them, fhould find its wa to nn l i the fame 'channel snd. accprdinv !v. the kttets of Mr. Madilon, to which 1 have referred fa Bit note af th via t a - n did open at great krgtha difiuffion whkh I could have no faducemeDf, to Hon, al though I did not continue io ihlnk ray. ; fe.f autloraed to commence ir. ' it only remains to add that rou fhare In our feferal convrrfations wis, wh-t yoa reprtfVnt it to hive been, not coflfiderbie and that your manner, alihoogh referved,' wavs ii pei leaiy fiirnd y. Incedootfiy that IT in thra Irtrrr. written unJer the uiflunra f r. . concern, that the rioro?J I hA to Uy before you has bs ui fucceUful. ny uimg v io oe lound bb yon could i . i, mu h h, s inail of ihe brft to rerftt that I hata not k .u. IO do Indies t Bf 0a trrlirn mnA truuoos . . . 1 have the honour to U, wh the fcigheft ccnnJmroo, Sir, Tour mofl ebe-ft tumVe fmsnt. BLANK COOKS; K?CTfsri!i ir.d Other I.-".- " pJicJ atth-ioffict with Ulahk Bcom ,4 sfiaud that any anaiciy you m hi Ini, (a w -irj cckiipiioa, JaauiryJO.

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