5 .11 , - YILINGT(JN;'(KpTII-CARpLtN A,) .TUESDAY, NOV?d. BEH T, 1809. 4' NUMBER 45 ' J"" ' I IrKutri'eur tuiJt-Uje rvntic ooon our-end.t fVBtiSBEDB, bqdy of mdepi ft Jetlt, hyy; formed a'-s rong bqdy of 1 lnaut-otiiu oppoiurtts, pf dv'cki- royolu-jj ur thva ti:.H,w.n; those .of.taiir,, uuve.tAmir! army ,of wore than a few hundred mtp, not iV -'considerable ,toreifita -navy.- . -e rcnch firrr.y' of. ?wrAorti6(-ofefHted tile. tfe jK'ttisnv-1 ,varyctek .'V tlw si if .a ia; army, by a -a aad U:ia, fcor Vic established church of Knjjand. . -,' '; - It wiit not bepnudcred ii8 ' more re'i, fmeniintciiWtuaMctbe Welih emigrants. h the. U., Stfites. as A ' Section of. p'eorle- hot M CIUIUIVI IM HIS JL.llKtlDll OiULK VI UUIHVLVJ . lanr.teHvtnteer.thVfcria Vighteintb- ie American provin and matured to se,pi .; Without thr'Tn;H .mlrieti . with thCVnanYov evfcr&l iTaf J-'t"! ,h itinnvof tl"; 'iiio'-t siftclf"' coonth'Sot : Wr.thcrt,( remains M) be acl io-t Acj (J, grcurnSct ndjari; of -rov rnputaicd.nTnuniMrrotnih? &&.&&rt n)!' tim.-W.omMov of lir-gland ,v ( WulhSh.c-pm Li'cr d-w tHtf vU W V ubjt -etioir of: the . ' kWol-thWV.rtileOj reh;vDia, ,Tioualof :i' stMlgtHttd the . -which seem to hive been', nearly rtu,V4ru- , . .j.i,, ,,4 , r- . i' . - u., I y. uu m-iii iiik ol iuni jiki ,"4 mini u ' : .jrm'atton o?'thv huw of Ar Nohft Atii---t-s'T .ir.kn'p'ypult0V j'W-i i3 require ,.-, 'Jdwvrifcijn.uip .iVicu't'y'ij our refers vxunnouni taijuusiiuu : u is rerv imrrar- .. a... t?v : afcij :v J: .'V W inctn'fn s (V. tfl'l! i . , -V-c Jlpnis'ta,-' fi ; . " ta.rfji"n.,'thit w houM toiuukr we ouwr Jik i been governed, fy the m.ae kir(gs, it 3cotl.1o tie 'pre cfomuhc,e of thft ciink l.fyof atj sioti'psobp nltlan,oC ' ttrnufs of" ii 'tbrwgntcljie l a dJcru, lUct. freedom from S.ixon. uaruo rho 4 cfcrani jnstitir'.idiial was so rvatlthat tlve LegisUtiirj ofiifgUrtai(iua6 it abaolii'clT nccLSry"to .abrpite" anct'duoprtM.', tk.tr Bcronj'nr tnan.the i m8art ot,ueorc' the ittcwid'tn ch tn;e the jnsiitutions and habit o' tiia SwOivh'. vfo? ancftnt lifhou" h.v to'thii diy" a tfrparats Jahguage, ajiiV, Vven Wni 'of WVl iVitovcrigiii of England end-. liitt, : ij.taaaqt -h tloubted that the mmkt rV talents.1 and ct-tieral kuouledcs 4the b.ricerand the dUcipuncd ccijcctnessf the' soldierk impressed'' th public" mail, a? iii well as ,tha ' govcrnn9epty the array, the , h&vy and tlve tfiilkU tof the VI States with hlffh .ideas of1 their .merit. ai(d charactcf, Ynen the .treBence of die Trendi navy, is-; Teembered11"ar.d bai many, iptpin of rank,' talents' and nterpr'w5e saved n the Ameriean rtrhiy and navy, n4 Wt vill be naturally presumed,1 that those JVr tinerB.'in on of the ,tnost nfluefitial it- uavious ol ftummi iaa must.ftave exateu veryconsiderable atteatJon iJie case ot; theVStates, in the wiu of he revolution;'' electerued thisUiedCalljc anny and Gr lic-JiiVy in our- fields and . waters It wctt Isown hayr "eminent the 6i?ccfs of the 'anrf of Jiochawbeati.znA of,'thir, fl-ct inVA'metfca,' rendered thenAelye8tp JfAer etMbetty 'during tlie firs years of the Frenj revolutions Among; the sum ber t)f, cja8ciM proximau and rembte, which confrihuted to e'xeite t$ political fv formation in France,tle ! senti menta imbibed by the ir. military character's hcrej art pot, to.be forgotten. .'sThcyygave us, probably in return, nny, impressions an ' taiijjht America hy ielr turly imitation f of ber; great act, the jyisdotn, the virtue, and, the T;timnortante of hir memo'i'able achieve r f If the pla'd khd ttent , of tins enquiry weri to comprise a volume, some adiliUoi4 considerutions might be" adduced w prove that even the American provinces were r.W ibepcwV ifaltEunlehan oft the Kn- UtkirtgJom alone.' W. might etabiun arrameot with ibcrvAsed iorcet i tv'. ertnet to the preteijt tinie, hch the twenty ealcuhOed for, theffeul state 6f things and , i seumuiy, oecause supposing triose servahts . to posw.i's bpthulems a d tai suffitu .it fur ' Il,the'i 'ftoses of their rthptcvye(statior.3, their li; i o1 is, from Wrnrsncicntihevcrt' r- , , . i ' ' ... , .AU . ...i,v, !. . .1 u.. , ...v f.'."L"" l . - edby endeavors to i dcitud thcmlvts, and " ' to annoy and df grade1 their . own political, w jsneiaiesand. yurj majesty V la te&lWu'f:-;' so a ptoplc may' be kept m'crroE,miay (hc deceived and Wined$ by the, mfeans of press, whichf 'unpervcrtedV Lo well calt culated' to enstire the constant triuninK of truth nnd I ;have for my 'part,1 no doubt ( le (iiwi wun sui our paratie ot iviieny, 'h' x A cstentatKHicf unrtserye there istt-'i-- the tilvole world,, jho, people:, whp, ht pro- pprtiouto UKir nignuudt-biiderjUndiid ' T ' ?' -f Uttle of their pyblic aftirs "as "iiunttetv',-:' -'-' stood Ijv tKeApeopie- of 'this kingdom.;-!., ; " ' ,V Wrtje jiict'thjs ihe case'j"ir; it'Mtfuld bV' 'V. impossible thit the erie'my liouid be in hi-T ''m Ptescnlf iUxuriahing 'state with' respect 'tU j ' liis mt rnaV. and othi I' fesoart;e,v tehile" Englsnd posscssts buch means of cfittln jA," f off those rtboyrccs. '"j, ;fr'j ' t.'A r'T-je0?"! w4 country is j that jFr'ancrf is .In, a jnk rable" state 4ut '.-j.'l the" people are 8tamnci-uiid thf i i '. . - r cOmnitrce' thcr is ao mwie of it gtiing oa . ' , .V in. "theidominions.-of fttpolcon -m unon.r ' " u ;i" V Miiv .ui uc isitts in. int.- i names,' aJ)out, Windsor or Ildnapton'CtmrU'.Tis ioo1, : conclude to be the opinion 'of your mafesty ; bocause ip I before oJistrvcd yoto iftfof-- inatioa'as to sut'h.maturs, milst be 'derived . 1 ' -1 frdHi. your servants; nd . thbt . s'rvahm'i l"u"'' u "cr ,rtas - tteciaration, tii ; well as by thtir'conjuct, that sach is their ' S ie ;of he , situation of the'.eprre' of . France As to whtih.tr thtf ifthii-rf. fl "J . . . : : n ! -, 1 .Napoleon like of di&fike his gov'crfim.ent,- tTVHriurr.uiey oe rx-tter or Wbrse 0 tnor , ' th:.n.thty' Wire' tind thtir Jormcr sovcJ ,w ' nignsj thes are wstiotk (which we' can' VV 4 distyks'td'no Jrofu, tc. we ftossiss fi0 , V UU proviaccs ol Aiiiynca .orougiu wiui i o vr ou. utau. . u,, . i ,of toramjlrte hith b the onlV vilWa i rviuo,: of -thr WtitoJc 'respcen , lVV.i",'" .. ..'f1.....'!' . '.'',1. .. ' - ' A.'. ,1 rptu...- i.r :. a -.vt . 5 . Ai .. 1 liernlut Eurore will not here W further STf ?r ,rry:y. W.u . r'. H iiowtnttTiaper it is mi r. rr-r , a. r - 7 rrr- " " ? 4 . , rMCfhat i.f T. 'A .io'iri'S.iifi.iJ'nr iiiJir mo. pursued. ' In tho UIowjngpatcr " Jfiirroaa lawsand inawiidns, the fciVp'ord f Moaht.that irta.iy I tvm hive ocib drawn htad nd jtuf;jfiiof uVrude wvrif ihi-y Of Gcorgsthe ccotul,vaU comatne. w ren'j txlitjn 'in utidr ilw eiduwve ijiflucnte ; di.r tne Scotch- people w. a, temper, Wiw-in and eharaoter matrruUy diiTtrent 1 counuSs or with Ihjir dcfcrndaW have sn.d or adopted in North Aroerka,, in g ! tter t.'playct,lh.rc Vannot'bc .the Ume ofour confederauon witfl .the Mj fsdoiht.thJt.rta.ivEsiVm8 hive httn dnwtt nih kingdomK ' v' 1 stiite, tHeiBimprtvd tootiiuon oiagijcul- from tftK ; UftUiluKdopcruidDsol th hutna, 4 ) ture; and; that actnlj spirit 'ofv kuui!tT,,!u,0d, 'and troili'ih- .wtrklngtf'of tht hta ,fc 1 T. VhiJi never was hrokrti down till Uitutint.t nd "Jteiifigi of uV rude lavrg- 'Hit 'CtttOMBlAmTS, CODDEJT'S BETTER TO .THE LING, i.Min lite C.nglish. it is cOrrvcr lhtK(i)rt - ' M aflirni.thatllts ! deiyaUoosoinwn, fojn; ! .. k .uwViWmUt.'rcriaion mor- - t., wvl. imittudons 7rota Syl2and ,1 c l ' N.'tK'Aii!ricin nroviaces hve cooirsbu 1 as irtf tiaturiil c;uAtS.' - The aciM.U'pfi'scnce ej thu red mix s. and that of .he Aincaa po- Jle, to the nuaiilr ot'a siidiun in the whole, lit h-i iucoaiUicrahW iitt Vi a Wat'uni of less lhan s.Vch ihiihOHS of nkc pt'rsoui. Tne r! und vuu.m of t.Oiope-are4 ot the On the Mtruime H'ar tgdntt Fruit. ' .lETTtll. ' ' '. : Tfcut ndbtnmunurcof our. Indian tenikd to display a number , of. Kvpwnoat 7i,7'TJ:.:? triViiUw'.Europcaii sadcr, lathis L'WS- Ti wrtof commerce: to nhkh aSuitc !, tuve s.u or rTJri r h what hi EmUd uU .thfe 'MaKriri tcadc but in. the tioojisioos of- Napolecni PT.counucs unccr ins sway, u j$ to DO con 'sidtftd as oething njuth more Impor uu uwii 4 ua . 4 nrrr i no oourx ihattle o-i-de brt etc London and die cn:i! mines it of a million trmra" n:orrf Vsti-. m . Jif gtund; than ay- h r foreign "eoramcri'e 1 f ut together j but it ca;,t ourycV tVcr ine mapoi i.urr, we snail ti e, thai the coKSting trade d" Napoleon emJi acts eli. -. -. . - ... .. nuu 1 j acj tnii a tujrutmc crtsmuaica t;on bftiYt-rn hi cn nl . not faUy nl - i hi tm mm, CUT urttnta cmvs. hcUMSiy.to the rxi suttee of the ' ft ojrte ,89ms f Uu se cotirtrioi must 4up tiv, Uie,olcn 4Ui tonw "V. ttliout the o3 ral the iust-,nd tlte-silkst and tlx-'taton. totmu Ws toight it : liiitthe tcutl- 1 ccuki not, in mjiv casra pwhililv'eii'.t idiout thfc ntcfscftntkof life from the drcfcpiioile, 1 i.onhi.httd of carrrirff on UJj rommrrre urJt h u thus 'there, artno mcuns othtr thim irm: f rntailed upon the nation u&luu and wta 1 narkitn n slurry N jH American proviaccs have coouiyU' j a&nw.ni3iu,c.ini4ithm:ani.ttiigiim as ted to infine'.qaiitittci,' really uot EnUh j fa.g w,a' flic c . or black labrurers chararter,' " ' . J lrj dilfcrrM to'ijM', wnd the "unTrcqutPt . SifrtU rf raarki arise itpoillUic aulmct r,k;j J unctrub rorsh!rmrof an oWure, .f thff IritiTailon 'and f stubluhin. .U. j iui uuki.'own city, whom thcy. tmUavorw I J trsonal $.Tuv Ad for many vears a- tlu-t( llic Presttierwns'la the Nouh"of thatj riukto by rodj nd hnntWe rifice.v J pended which" has drained the kingdon of' cm co khSrdom. are mixed people, wiih Lvry j the gravis of dr: W tlrpvuJ rU'itioas and I m youth and its iter, JesTWg the ncjat idoi 1 . ulirn twrr in- tne nation, it tne end of 1G years of war hicti has given rise to the income tax s Inch tea caused ft nun fd v ry mn rsUte to be slirnatfd, under Uie name 01 iicurropuoa 01 ima Tax. which lias banished frumesi frdm h Land, and made bnk fcoti kgal tender iMchhst srta the llabens CorpMa, or I)'-, -ir.r riulhle. ScotisH '. c4ara:tcriMis, 1 1 lltronili cntrcaii 4, ht mafi of thovj dc 1 r,i ration to be the .offMwmjr ot dec t . 1 .' i r'uh". on the othef ktad. haVc- strontty rc- rc-aid itk Tuf determine J W tra diformitv and imijetiiity t which hi thus artrd mwi dv Scotch. 'It n weH known spini kjjd ot'iur tharktauues jI the ,?it an immf nt mmi 5ncMnt f ; In Jiiit tri'ies art dj,-l (J 'd m th if constant HiSet.i?sn propk, lVtkhttrmn and Hom j fcurt with line aggn sing nd insiitiinj Caihofica, Jus Bowed iuto the tnlddK stait s. ';hiV, L)kJ thif tol,i.t pcfice wI'Jk Ux .. The degree ftf Sim Uaruv 01 tne irjn v.auv.4 v btu a u tuvc be cu just aud umi Ht au u olkw to the Etisriisw fcpucopalisns it na . Tut LVtcks, 111 oiln r vouutruk, have bvtn .... . ...i . j . . . . ..... - i. . . t r 1 I r 1 i . rt rr kntl JiacaM and svhich,-wliile Uhis ruUd tlw: )n l of ihoUaandt H!on tliou aani vfCic'Uktof iu Wiorvw, in ftrder to irofiTcri-litem mtodefcndm of Sicily, tad tUK r fircli cooi vies.has ini reduced thoo" am Is ad thmnanOl of flctKrt V de- ftfid tlxs sme land. Atitha Omr, whrff vi In i!m fl.-Uicm. is aikxkudvfiS'd upon tbj gtsatt fnd.tlu !1 ffoAtinttbt ? more than that mca sv concuma ih- , at mttaa v.tfi kii tu trot,, stvt rthiSits h?n coropnnd Wh their cot.,ue y lu.junaU, u to'd sefam uu 1 In h c rors. Tley ftihala tit ' Europe-the inrst ' cHitkal rtkrV"d iVef. tb the. ip,.) ' flieardant and contnaHcd c Us set 'of the , tai tk.rcur 1 khe duti r.i navTs and DonutatSoti of the united kingdoms.' .'IVse miwionirieti to .the-' "dcfedi'a dt ertet ! I last attempt nbeisat K W wede galttrthe tnrnrrnus cmitrams nv hk mmiui nv vw n nr 01 taeautr ami vi irc ri 01 vn 1 cntmr, 11 ai'pcari w ro iu v-? "S."v" , titii aatkirt tny Huoiroatcnii ot tne prtptr , erau ' iiw eaugnurwa trmti 01 ir.m rp- poimtj nccm couch if 01 mic, na bt ofovi-d to Hv or ftf the itmii !c f ;nih tharacur. of ine rrotren'tors tlie Stotfh ami Irih PrtWrua mad a 1 1 iy ruccesirully rrcsscd upon Etnlsnd the ' poiiticad, riUgidJi and. erctcsissucal s I rtnft league and covenant of the i fUi f f o tury. 'Iu ianueace was most scotiUy fill in the Eftgliih na'Joa 1o Uvt middle of the levcfstceniH eentmy and liuk Indeed ws . H deemed conjT'nW i ith tle dtsracter of thr AfljW Saxon' InhiVitnu of Oie king ,'. m rrf tngUntlf t hf time of. planting AfBrrlefti -,-: 1: f i During the mo irroua periods tfik North A.ntrkan ptovmcra ihc IrUi aad 5i'th Hihertia fam'Jies were-pf nry ;4. trrt fTct wfJKtartd t every stifr ' f L'kfl contutwi'dl Ojtat UrUiia,civiai.J v . . , . ,.' ' . . tvMc ho hate Wtn lr,ord iih that ti J . ( - s ft " f A u' id wiKruiijr.iijTw.s n..re:tnnurw etl thimKlvtt is -trutU j as'j'toV rs f the aAchl nl mrm lan-fl, of mitM ematitsandphUaKhy,and ph)riciaj,,! r Hie pftj4eof Amtric U Ifeo, Uwt thecsit tf too lAarttin Amtrlca hAt mts aiontd tvjtryhcre prolotnxl diwjuitiiK'fis on fhe nstural hiwuf of m, oti Ut tlfsi Of hamaniwhjrc, and ut Cx furt wor .1, (ty a?d tX'iu'uiw UutvUvtrte of lh Ch. i- tinrtliiNw- ful nnhlitjy W state etnaia Ucw, .rditing b the HKrle or carrying, on, a warw Stun writOate Jn?th si4 tuth daolatioj ton fn.m its mannfr-loie none of iu Intt'nwK it.npdttanc I for the attorn! time in my Kfc, prwuac tt X Jd ss "myself Uirctty to sour Mskstv. Uliflf fsrethit- lu this n- i'.A.icf , no Vtrptr of Mlkiat plf iUhIJ, Iva rtttnti!ne,hc 'it in Ihs pttl? t,r- f part CI Utat hivh hie nr to tur-rtcss an 4W I wtitr. ' t, , , . 'l"hat yowr Mj7 i m I sir'Jlri'omrd totlvegrrst ml ifticrrinft matt rt ujo wbirh t art sddrtn2 so- U wiilKMit the It ft tU U rsntruhvx 4, tht ih pfr Vnf I S'Ast hfsUiiKin, caoju'le 1 fVtanv ir w in 1 in 1 iv wi 11 iv , if 'if c ( . 1 luit i 7 ynjT 1 ti, imfv wivrn ntft'sUiW, twl Mrtf 4t4 A fortiori lyorn jlur kiiia r.uil tctfuo, urti b iv v lt 11c est nt of ds commefre. tn the & fa ' mioivns of N.spol.'on, U'starulv to W tr. ' diicd ty those bo nre not acquainted wiCt Uc t-c. Akmp the fr-M of (mlt , Ttiw '..u.'.,....iu! ...... . i.'f. . -1 , . "" a"u ck voiont: rouillic ami in tm rrovuias of, France end Miti2i .thtougtt LcUc;.ftn-l.tltc grand tvnal of" LouU XI V. to lloril aux, rmI thtr.t c fc'c- the At'saiie oa.it of FraiKt; the hole U : the coau of, Holland, ahd inta the KIV. if alioit, fiom tle Cakie v the souOirtu . ip of Italy, all the toorori art c na mcud by .ft,thain of .-'rfjmmttt!.J i.(:rr . tourse as compClft tihai aV cvit txica din the IT Id, and as advw.tarru t if it extitMve. 1 Ml commerce Ut hy yrt r majrwy'a sefvants,. i.ard of u'd' r ihd tUgmlins; ppiMtkiti tA t mn feiof ftHUh h fi!!r aiitiin!.' 5't.ijs to a bi&r.nj If England wi re .t tU ,frtui s!1 tottmu ( nvrr-Vin iih r.rt bau f4, she .m1 li f-eiit flf s!rn 'nW h d lpy,Irt.-s, si.i.i r t;- tli'matfall. . ilaUfut t-3 l! t4,:cirur!ta , iptfi tctfrrj lx:ikl(j smI the L'osl JV!in the inhl4uiw,i lntdrn mut prr t.S P ' diiptrse, ,Ti rc are stve I lHes of Oir C?iing If d, uf ft df ar e'rf vf. untc. kot ' f