t - .1-: ' I f CLUB RATES, f J Xearij sabriitiatts In j 4, f Oris of -Tea : $240!' I -;1 ' ! - t 4M4Mgi1.tI.MfI....Ill&At ISSUED BI-WREKLY. SINGX SUBSC1UPTIONS. 2S?CHTS A X33AB. - t 11 j t 1 m t t & 1 & 1 c a o VOL. XIX. MORAVIAN FALLS NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, J9J4 NO 25 Mil It II Wi Ison's First Year A Record of WatchruJ Waitirlg, Fizz and Failure Aiiiciiciii Citizens, Ltfcaies anct Gsn tlemeu: as toaay' marks Ilia close of tae first, year oi Woodrow jVVilscn's "Vaicniul YvanmsV 1 believe you all will join me in . thanking, oar lucky stars tnat one fourth of tne rocky rocid has been past. A year jtgo WooJrow -&rrd his crowd of pie h m gry politicians and prosperity wreck ers took tOiiirae oi this government. Prosperity abounded far and near. You didn't hear a word ahout. mie thousanas and bread lines then. :?he Republicans went out in a blaze j of giory so far as good times were C3n cerned. Everybody admitted lit. Even the leinocrats, in answer to the pro pnecies of Republicans that iWilsc n's plans would bring hard times, de clared that the prosperity of the country was too great tor Democracy to hurt-it if it so desired. !. Wei I reckon the people now see how Dem ocratic plans effect, the coun ;ry. Woodrow and his crowd of industrial quacks have been working at the Con gressional pump-handle almost con tinuously for a year and what are we getting and what have we got? I re peat the question, "What have we got?" j - In the first place, we have the wc rst dissatished people ever seen in Ihis nation since the days of the Civil War. North, South, East and West there is murmurings and rumblings that express in no uncertain tone Jthe temper and feelings of the people. Many of those very men who helped to elect Wilson are frank to admit today that he has not onlyjmade a bungling mess of it as relates to substantial business questions, but he has insult- ed the spirit of American patriot sm as well. In last issue of The Yellow Jacket it gave the names and post office addresses of a long list' of steel plants that had been forced to bank tneir fires and close their doors since Woodrow entered the White House and the heels of the Donkey were turned against the industries of his . country. That is merely a j drop j in the bucket of what Wilson's I rst year has done for the natjon in the way 'of breeding idleness and busi ness disaster. According to the fig ures as taken from their own ne ws papers three million men are w th out jobs today. It took a column of the Y. J. to hold the list of the si eel mills that Wilson knocked out, aut if the editor were to attempt to print the names of the men who have lost their jobs since the Democrats t jok charge a year ago it would r eqi tire sixNthousand pages 5 columns to the page 100 men to the column to hold the names. That's one feature of Wil son's New Freedom. I -Lincoln freed four million cha:tel slaves and Woodrow has freed three million American working men from their jobs. That's the difference' be tween Republicanism and Democracy. That shoWs the destructive power j of the Donkey. That shows that Pros perity cannot' withstand the battering bombshells of Free Trade I even J if such jumping jacks as V. P. Marslall did tell us last Spring that the Pros perity of this nation was too great for Democracy to cripple or, destroy, even if it wanted to. But people r ow see how it is. They have had an other demonstration of the fact that the heels of Democracy are wcrse than its head that it can j hammer down more in one year than a party of Progress and Prosperity can build in 20 But, ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats have not stopped at do ing all the damage in their power at home. They have bligbted the high honor of this country abroad.' In one short year of Wilsonism wesee fair name of America, her credit the ,nd her standing made the laughing stock "of every civilized power on this round globe. A year ago when the name of this country of Republicanism was mentioned there was a reverence for the name of the "home of the i free i tnd the land of the brave in every coun try -in the old world. An American citizen was respected in China, in Ja pan, in Russia and all over the ea:th. When Teddy - visited the v foreign shores he was greeted and entertain ed by kings and potentates who telt .highly honored to do him honor. T af t was welcomed in Panama, in Japan, in the Philippines and it was a bapge of honor to be an American citizen abroad. j Men of other nations looked on an American as a citizen of 'the land where freedom of conscience and ib- How You Can Enroll AsainSt Rome Beloved reader, are you tn faror of free speech and a free j eburjeh? Do yon want to keep the Pope and his slick-headed priests from taking ore. our liberties, as they have done erty of speech were guaranteed, and respect oi ner citizens demanded of ioicjign ' countries. Tney knew that hacK of every American ireem; n stood the army and navy with their armament and millions! ready to avenge any insult or injustice done one of our boys in foreign shores. Nations like Mexico, even if they hated our liberty-loving ideas, dared not lay their hands on our country men because the name Uncle Sam meant Peace to the .- Peaceable and Vengeance to the Treacherous.- Look what a year of Wilsonism Democracy has given us.. Wilson's "watchful waiting" Mexican policy has made us the laughing stock of the . world, until Americans abroad are ashamed that they are Americans, and many of them claim English citi zenship to avoid jeers and insults wnen traveling in foreign lands. Wny, Mr. Editor, even, a haif-breed bandit deliberately shoots a peaceable visit or to death in his private office in Mexico, and then defies the Ameri can government by refusing to give his body over to our authorities. How would Washington look on an insult to American arms like that? What would Lincoln say if he who' died to free 4,000,000 slaves, should awaken from his peaceful slumbers to find 100,000,000 freemen enslaved by the cringing cowardice,' masquerading under the dubious title of "watchful waiting" of Woodrow Wilson and his Grape-juice swilling Secretary of State? How does Grant's immortal motto "Well Fight it out along these lines if it takes all Summer" sound played to the tune of the Wilson Democrats "Watchful Waiting" until thousands are murdered,, shot, 'burn ed, robbed and tortured on the very threshold of our land of the free? Mr. Editor, my blood boils when I see Villa, a mixreed bandit hissing his defiance into the ears of Uncle Sam whose hands Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryan1 have tied fast by their "Watchful Waiting" do nothing .policy. r . And I believe Wilson's Mexican at titude is controlled by the shaven headed hierarchy of Rome, the Man who Sits on the Tiberian Throne. We are at the mercy of the Tiber. Wilson knows that Mexico is the hotbed of Roman Catholicism, that it is priest ridden and Pope-bullied. For the United States- to take over Mexico would mean the introduction of Pro testant religion into that morally be nighted land and Roman Catholicism would be doomed in its last strong hold on the American continent. Rome does not want the United States to in terfere in Mexico. The Mexican- is splendid material for Catholic build ing. Mexico is about one-half Indian and one-half Spanish. The Indian ingredients in a Mexican makes him fine material for. siJbh brutality as the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish spirit makes good soldier fodder for the Knghts of Columbus I army that the Holy Pope is marshalling to take American institutions. Mexico is a good recruiting station. Statistics show that 58,000,000 Catholics can be recruited in North and South Amer ica as against 56,000,000 Protestants, if Mexico and her Catholics are in cluded. Rome cannot afford to have Mexico taken over by this country and Christianized by our Protestant missionaries. , . 1 And that, Mr. Editor, is. the whole reason, the sole .reason, why Wood row has adopted his Watchful Wait ing program in Mexico. ; Does any body still doubt that Wilson has sold out his country to the Pope of Rome? Mr. Editor, my blood boils when I think of these things. I knew the Wilsonites would damage trade; I looked for them to inaugurate hard times and establish Soup Houses. But, Mr. Editor, I was not prepared to see this fair Republic dragged into the mire and mud of : civil degradation under the iron heel of a Dago Pope who rules his minions with a beslob bered Big Toe. By the eternals, let The Yellow Jacket rip open the secrets of these Flag-hating, Constitution-deriding de mons until they have ho more room in this broad land of liberty. Let everybody send clubs and help the cause. And this Is a million people's pray er. - Yours for Liberty and Never-Let Up. ELI TUCKER. Mar.. 4, 1914. those of Spain, and every other coun try where they have undisputed con trol? Do you. believe that your wife ought not to be tabbed as a bawd and Continued on page 2r Column 4. Club of 10 subs, for $1 Club of 4 subs, for 50c. The above Special Offer holds good for sixty days and applies to both new and old subscribers. We hope that every friend of the Stinger will take adv?ntaisre of this "low tariff" subscription offer and send us a club. Any subscriber can easily secure a club of from two to ten because peo ple naturally want to see what The Yellow Jacket is saying about Wood row Wilson and his Free Trade Ad ministration during these piping times. We kindly ask each and every friend of this paper to secure us a club as early ass possible. Please don't remit stamps on subscriptions. Address all letters -to The Yellow Jacket, Moravian Falls, N. C. The Yellow Jacket Bi-Weekly One Whole Year For Only 25 Cents. 2t Sad, But True It is sad even to a Patriot who never entertained much respect for the Democratic party, to read that there are 350,000 men out of work in New York, 300,0Q0 in Chicago, as many in Calif ornia,if and 3,000,000 in the United States, jg We are sorry these thiners are scRbad in Seattle. St. Louis, and the -other big towns where so' many smke-stacks of Re- publican prosperity4kre out. But when it comes to the very doors of the administration, it administration. aaama ii thof "HaMninr f in- j dignatioTstrTking pree!o6sft" i wnnmnrn v, i i iu uuuuiun o uwu uuus mix. i Herbert W .Kline, superintendent of the Gospel Mission in Washington, a man who ought to know whereof he speaks, declares that there are 15,000 unemployed men in Washing- ton willing and anxious to work and support themselves if they could ! only find an opportunity. We would be inclined to think that 14,999 of these men are disappointed DemVcratic office-seekers if the post 1 offices had not already been dished out and the Civil Service examina- tion farce completed. But the fact that these men say they are willing to work shows that they are not - w - - r - - Wilsonites, and it seems to the In- tsect that Wilson ought ta do some thing to - relieve these 15,000 unem ployed men. Of course it is none of our busi ness, Dut we give it as our private ! opinion that unless Woodrow gets busy before this army is increased by' the arrival of Coxey's brigade of 500,000 he will want somebody to come along and softly kick him in the slats. THE SCRAT CABINET. Inauisitive Person" writes to 1 know the correct names of the mem- bers of President Widrow Woolson's cabinet. Well, -dearest, they are: Serious Tension, Strained Relations, New Freedom, . Jaw-Talkwa Bill, Jose-phus-in-The-BIossom, Watchful Wait ing, Free Trade and Free Soup. The serious tension is taken care- of by Attorney-General McReynolds on account of the appointment of an assistant in North Carolina a gainst his expressed wishes; Bryan holds the portfolio of strained rela tions assisted by Speaker .Chump Clark; New Freedom is the kind the President's Private Secretary would give the patriots by putting the gov ernment in the hands of the priest hood; Jaw-talkwa Bill runs the grape-juice and hot-air department ; Josephus-in-the-Blossom floats sun boats on Peruna oceans; Watchful Waiting is held down, or up, . Woodrow ; Free Trade is sired by the whole bloomin' outfit-and damned by a.000,000 suffering workers out. of jobs in the United States, who also make it possible for a department of Free Soup. When Tumulty Confesses Oh, thou Great and Holy Father, by the river Tiber's roar, hear me as I come to bother and perplex thee, I implore. Listen to my sad confessions, my "Peccavi" with its frills. Hear how I have gained concessions as iny Holy Father wills. Have I not the place of hon- , or, don't I hold the nation's keys? Don't I act of Jobs the donor, fa- vor all the Knights I please? Le Knights come, for we will greet them in the White House when they come; Woodrow will be there to meet them, to the Pope's crowd he's "at home."' Send thy armies on, oh Father, from the hordes thruout the earth, they can enter without bother, of thy Knights be there no dearth. Woodrow'll fix it with his veto for he knows thy holy Plan; Woodrow, knows -as well as we do thou dost mean to fill this land with Catholics from Fin land, Spain and Hung'ry, Ireland, Rome till our shores from deepest Inland form the limits of thy home.. Holy Father, oh, how grateful do I feel to know that soon, those who call Rome cruel, hateful, will be singing a new tune. What a day is now advancing, as thy noble K. of C. arms its bands, alert and prancing, to defend the Holy See. Soon the married bawds and has- tards (those who recognize no Pope) will be ostracised as das- tards, if they do not take thy dope. They who cry of "schools" and "freedom" then will sing another song as the warrior K. C's lead them captives in a vanquished throng. What will "liberty" and "freedom" be to men and women then, as we bayonet and feed them in a. Romish dungeon pen. Ah, dear Holy Dago Father, Let our. con- stitution fall, we are thine and we would rather see our men and ? women all grope in ignorance of learning, with their schools and " Bibles burned, than to have thy holy yearning, for this blessed , country spurned. Stop the Y. J., and the Menace from exposing all j our sham, if thou dont our name is Dennis and our plans not worth a d . By the saints and by the sinners we adore thy holy toe. ' Bless us all, thy little minners, save us from the Y. J. woe. Amen. "Make America Catholic That's the word that has been bering solemnity of a pot-paunched passed down the line by the emissar- priest of Rome? That's what it ies of tne "Vicar of Jesus" on the Tiber' and iSing from statistics it begins to look like America is head- viwu. urc sPeed- ReliglOUS st.at.ist.ica show that . 1ftne . . to 1906 the increase m . , TT .. , numbers in the United from 1890 Protestant States was only 44.8 per cent, while the Increase of the Roman Catholic numbers was 9S.5 per cent, or al- most doublj their numbers. According to statistics in Europe, Roman Catholic percentage in Population is almost double that of j th& Protestant population. i Secretary are bending heaven and bucking hades to get every bloomin , toe-kissing foreigner into tms coun- t , 1 , y w scads together to come .over the sea d be fe of us- Wlth mre a miIlion foreign-born, priest-worship-, j - 3Tear, three-fourths of whom are Ro man Catholics, it is easy to see where this grand country of liberty is heading in a very short time. America will be Catholicized . and capsized in less than a decade at LUIS rate, Uliieoa we a. nan. . What are yon going to do about it? . iuc v.. that. has made greater stndes m memDersnip in tne utineu otaLe, especially in the South and South west, during the past year than it ever made ' in America. With the opening or tne Manama tanai, emi- grants of every rank: and smell will throng our hospitable snores, KnocK- ing at our' doors for admission It ' seems as positively, certain that a world-wide scheme is being foisted on the American government by the "Holy Father" of Rome, to flood our grand republic with millions of un desirable toe-sucking Catholic aliens, as it is certain that Woodrow Wilsony in declaring his opposition to the literacy test in the Bennett emigra tion bill for admission to American citizenship, is in league with the pot bellied brigade. Men of America, do you want to see your free country made Catho lic? Do you want to see the Bible taken from your reading rooms, your Sunday Schools and your Libraries read to you only from such portions rea , . as the whie-heated Mother Hubbard petticoated priests choose to reveal it? Do you want to every pro- testant son and daughter in America branded as a bastard and every Pro- testant mother a bawd, because our sons and daughters were born of wedlock not sanctioned by the slob-j means, men, and that Is the black cloud that hovers over the land of the free and home of the brave. And it is no far distant crisis that confronts us, American patriots. This fair land is nearer to the death . ,t ... knell of political and religious 11- ... - . .oerty tnan it nas ever oeen since tne black days of the Revolution. The situation is far more threatening, for England in 1776 made no warfare "against faith but against an opposi tion started by our own selves. Eng land was of our own blood, and soon er or later, the colonies we believe, would have received their freedom just as England granted local self government to other colonies with out bloodshed. Pnt T? r-iTr r rlfowa Thai T-vl r rwl xr Irriiffl thru her snarling teeth to stab the institution that God ever . cemented with the blood of martyrs reJ g nheTty ( XUViOJ-C VAX C Y O Ut A UlVWViJ Doeg Romedeny this? Wnat i3 her attitude toward the open bible in our public schools? What can her priests say in reply to Rome's dia bolical destruction, of bibles in lands where the Roman Church has gain- ed unlimited control? Rome is the enemy of free speech, knowing welL that free speecn sound3 th death knell of. religious persecu tion of the Roman Catholic kind. Does Rome deny this? WTiat of the wanton waste of the hnppy home of Rev. J. A. Cottam at Dearborn, Mich whose house was burned a few weeks ago after he had been warned net to preach a sermon ina Catholic com munity proclaiming why he was a Protestant? This was one of the most diaboli cal deeds since the Spanish Inquisi tion of the Roman Catholic church. Posters announcing the sermon had been placed conspicuously about the town, and Jan. 25th., was the day set for the delivery of the sermon. There was no suggestion that tae sermon was to be ah attack on priestcraft, there was no intimation that the speech would contain any thing else than wholesome Bible truths given as a protectant preach er's reasons for being what he is in the service of his 'God. Yet these announcements were promptly torn down and destroyed, - A . . .the protestant preacher, warning p freQ .n a - iand q Christian civilizatlou, ne wouia not biuffed. rut he left hi3 resi. ; (Continued on page 4, Column 4. v- r i ' .- -' ' '; : ; i . -

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