Pi I r A i - The Yellow jacket PTJBUSHED EI-WEEKLY. R. DON LAWS. Editor and Proprietor. KOTE XSIS. , Bead stirnui on Please don't subScrfpttens. We can't use em ia oar business, i Remit raft, check, registered v letter, express O. money order. . : Always write year name and address pla' and direst year letters tv- THE YELLOW JACKET, Moravian Falls, N. U. t , .by I or nl7 Eatered -A. the P. O. at Moravian Falls. K. as second-class mail mat tec a. PUb LUSHED IN ENGLISH 0 N ti Y SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAS .. TEN YEAB.S RATES. .25 .63 Be sure that you are wrong then ' vote DemycratiCi arid Monsters are incapable of repfo ducing their, own race ; maybe this why priests never marry. - is APRIL 30. NATION'S NEW, FREE DOM BIRTHDAY. . Get that issue of The Yellow Jacket and read all about it 1 : W. W. in Woodrow's name might .stand for Willing Workers- -for ins there s a hopping army of 'em willing and also waiting. I A woman wants to know,, if she buys a bargain for $1.99 and gives the clerk a 2. bill and he hands her bafck 2 cents, is she guilty if she keeps tne change. No, dear, she is inacent. April 30th. Keep that day engr v ed on your mind and send in a club eo as to get that number of The Y. J. It will be the greatest Patriotic issue that ever came from a red hot press. A sub wants us to know if any of the parables refer to the Demnjy crats. Well. yes. the one about loafs and fishes. . That's what everybody does these Deniycratic days, i News comes from Pittsburg taat owing to depression of business tne Pennsylvania Railroad Company will discontinue 14 trains on March 101 That's the way "Democratic Pros perity" blocks traffic. I Woodrow may be feathering his future nest by vetoing the literacy test. Woodrow knows after three more years he will have to go! back teaching school and he wants to ; in some ignorant ones to educate. to et You have been hearing uof the Knights of Columbus oath.; Well, friends, we propose to publish W 1 -son's oath in the April SOth.y issi.e. Something startling that no Ameri can can dare to miss, club now. Get in on a The figures compiled by the gov ernment bureau of labor statistics show that the retail prices of food stuff are at a higher rate than atany other time during the last 23 years. How does that sound to your! listen ers, Mr. Free Trade Scrat? Fred B. Smith, for twenty-fi e ; years an evangelist, Has retired fro ni -religious work to become an execu tive officer of an asbestos manufa turing company We have our opih- - ion of a man who will quit preaching Christ to enter the asbestos busines S. The Democrats are ripping their surcingles over the information thkt STINGERS ??4-r"w ueii"-ue-iii-i,ii- .diussoiu. lanieis -cc .saved S2,ouo,00u on a battleshio. Biit wuat ues ii prom a government to tgthrow 3.000,000 men out of jobs? ,rt follows that the Catholic Church cannot be reformed." Cardi nal Gibbons, American head i of the -."...-.... 4 i i Romish Church, Faith of our Fathers g:Page 84. ' r. iiow auoui inai iranK coniession, . i -lr11nw Patriots? ;r t" The head of the Romish church in heartily - deplore the disorders; Vhidh rrCatholics commit," but up to the time ilwe go rumbling to press we havenft ' ;Jhear& aJiy of them caning their lnem- ters to taw iui n. i : i .Talk- of an extravagant Congress? Wdnderv-iHh'iScrats are willing to ftnfeeTltotal output of the : last R publican congress anu uieu u w u n- ures. to date and put them t side b Bide.tE Hoy many nunareu uumons Sinbi& hzve the Scrats spent, boloyeq , Aiid where lias it gone ? They are organising pig clabs In Georgia, which is better -than organ izing Coxey's armies. The ; sooner people learn to market an acre of corn on four legs instead of four wheels, the sooner people will not have to depend oa political parties for prosperity. ' ''t:' Prosperity may bo. roving around like the Scrats say; but the thous ands of Pennsylvania Railroad em ployes who have been thrown out of their old jobs on account of the No Business breed ' of prosperity under Woodrow fail to see where it comes in. J i i Hi t I' ll - , Wilson's Campaign Handbook on which he bases' his 1916 struggle for renomination, mentions 31 achieve ments as second-term claims. But fi before the Y. J. gets thru svith the water-spined puppet of the Pope in the White House, Wilson's 31 claims will get turned over in the shuCle and look more like 13. We propose making our issue of April 30th., the strongest Patriot number ever issued from a printing press. We earnestly ask every per son who loves the flag and hates shams ' and tyranny to rally to our support and send us a big club of subs in time to get that special num ber. , Don't forget, the date April 30, 1914. That is the issue of The Yel low Jacket that will contain the hot test stuph that ever rumbled from a printing press. It will be packed as full of 16 inch projectiles against anti-Americanism as a Canal forti fier, and every shot will hit the Pope between the blinkers. Cuss high living, swear at your wife, lambast Woodrow, kick the cook out of the house and shoot the dog. But don't neglect to send in your subscription in time to get the April 30 issue. It will be the greatest Pa triotic issue of a paper ever printed in human language. Send in a club today. What interests us is to know whether the Pope thinks that Presi dent Wilson's children 'are illegiti mate because they were born of wed lock not performed by the "Holy Priests." Wonder if Wilson ever stopped to look at it that way when throwing all the fat jobs to the shave heads? Money in circulation is to a na tion's commerce what blood is to the arteries, and when a country enacts a Free Trade law-that takes our cur rency out of the country it bleeds our veins of prosperity until business just naturally dies for want of the vital fluid. And that's what Demo cratic Free Trade always .does. Cardinal Gibbons says the percen tage of illigitimates is far greater among Protestants than among Cath olics' But as "Slippery Jim" arifl his brother priests call everybody bastards who "are not born of Roman Catholic wedlock, nobody j with bat sense is going to believe his slander ous slur. A sub wants to know what the ini- tials stand for in Wilson's cabinet. Well, Mariah, we are not sure about the rest of 'em but we know W. W. stands for Watchful Waiting, W. J. for Wind Jammer, and J. D. for Just Dabbling, which is about . all Jose- phus-in-the-Blossom has done he found the hole in the boat. since Sir Ernest Shakelton says there will be no liquor drinking on the trip to find the South Pole. Well, b'gosh, what's the use of going to look for the Pole? How the Sam Hill are they going to see the Pole unless they take plenty of red licker along? 'No licker, no Pble" that's the motto. We give it as our private opinion "that a sober man wouldn't start out to hunt for the Pole. t Those fellows who think; that tho' time is away off, when the Holy Ro man brigade will start their attempt to wrest this free government from the sons and daughters of liberty are going to wake up sooner than .they imagine, - the most surprised people that ever said grace over a ' warm meal. The crisis is here, men of America. K " - : m -m "tii '' I : "The Catholic Church ': is the work of an Incarnate God. Likerall God's works, It is perfect," says "Cardinal Jim. Did you ever hear such, blatant blasphemy in your life ? The Roman Church nerfect. the devil : the Wnrlr of God, rata. And yet Julius Caesar was at one time its " Pope, " and -used the job to help kill off 1,690,000 peo ple during his military career. Per fect Church, bosh! VISITING CAKSOIJCS W3 HXLIOKS STARVE. LE President Wilson finds time to go visiting, but not time to find employ ment for the 3,000,000 idle people who have been thrown out of work by his New Freedom Tariff. An extract from the Catholic Col umbian, Columbus, Ohio, of Jan. 23., says: "Mrs. ... Joseph P. Tumulty is the only woman in Yashington who is ever honored by an informal .call from the President of the United States. President Wilson not infre quently 'just drops in' at her house in the course of an afternoon's auto mobile "ride, to ask after Mrs. Tu multy's health, to chat a moment with her husband, his secretary, and most especially to pass the time of day with the Tumulty children. When the White House car draws up at the front door of the Tumulty house, there is a mad scamper of 12 little feet from the nursery to the front door. For the six Tumulty children are on intimate terms with the President, and with every mem ber of his family." Prsident Wilson has already in formed inquirers that he thinks his secretary, Tumulty, is the best pri vate secretary any president - ever had. Here we see how the head of this Protestant nation regards the whole family of this Toe-kissing Jesuit, and honors them with per sonal visits such as no other Ameri can household is privileged to enjoy. And this is information from a Catholic paper, gentlemen. MILLIONS OF EGGS FItOM CHINA. According to the dispatches China has just sent 4,000,000 eggs to this country. These eggs are imported by a firm which says that eggs are being shipped into the United States s from Russia, Italy, Germany and France, as well as from China, as a result of the Wilson. Free Trade Tra iff Law. : 1" These eggs , cost . 10 cents a dozen in'China, and 'they are being retailed to the St. Louis trade for 20 cents, which is 6 cents less per dozen than the farmers around St. Louis say they are able to supply eggs to the local trade. In other words, beloved, the slant eyed rat-eaters get the coin which is taken out of circulation in the United States, the home farmer who helps pay our taxes and supports our in stitutions gets nothing but the cold shoulder, and the consumer gets a consignment of eggs from a land reeking with bubonic plague, leprosy, typhus fevers and every other abom inable filth known to the East. If this is the way Free Trade is to reduce trie cost of living, then, by the eternals, no more "cheap living" cry from this scribe. San Francisco scientists declare that Chinese eggs will introduce ori ental diseases into this country, and say we would do better to go eggless all our lives than to take chances of introducing the fatal epidemics into America which are almost certain to follow importations of these foreign foods. The older an egg gets, the 'better it is, is the motto Of a China man, and we'll bet our G. Cleveland britches that you could set one of these Chinese eggs under a healthy home hen and it would hatch out a full-grown turkey buzzard. American egg-eaters, how does this dosage Of Free Trade hen fruit from China set on your stomachs? "L But this is not the worst feature. It takes our money out of local mar kets, reduces the cost of living only in spasms of a cent or two during certain seasons, spreads danger of epidemics, and cripples the home grower who cannot compete with hen fruit supplied by these glint-eyed, opium-smoking, den-dwelling, joss worshiping, slant-eyed celestial greasers who live on rice and rats. And Josephus- in- the Blossom's paper, The Raleigh (N. C.) News and Observer, asks- the farmers to sup-n port Democracy because 'the new tariff has justified itself byj checking the. upward trend of prices of the farmers' produce". By gatlins we always supposed farmers wanted their produce to bring big prices. ; Honestly, does any sane person f still regard the vScrat party as any- thing-but a Pink tea affair? HOTT YOU CAN ENROLL AGAINST EOHE. ; (Continued from first page.) your- children as 'bastards because they were born of. a marriage not "solemnized by the mass mumbling monks? Y . Then, send in the name of a neigh bor or a friend with 25 cents and let us put hifh on our list for a. year. We are .printing our paper at a lower rate than any similar publi cation in the world, and we can only keep up the fight with the help of the Patriotic Men of America who resent the Pope's insults upon Amer ican manhood and womanhood. If every one who reads this would send in one name with 25 cents for a year, it -would add thousands of names to our list nad enable us to broaden our scope of warfare. Friend, Brother, Fellow American, this means YOU. Don't put it off. Wrap up a- quarter and send in a name, or slip a dollar bill in an en velope with ten names and let us gladden ten of your souls for a year. Let the clubs begin to roll. WE TOLD YOU SO; WE DID. Back in Sept. 1912 when the Scrats were rearing up on .their, hind legs and ripping their gizzards loose for Wilson and Free Trade the Stinger said: Suppose Wilson wins and his tariff plank, which is exactly like the one the Democrats used to bust the coun try 18 years ago, is put in operation, have you any reason to expect that the tramp and the Coxey army will not be the next station ?- Suppose Wilson wins and he sets about to bring down the "high cost of living" can you conceive how that miracle can be accomplished without hitting the farmer ka-biff between the eyes? Wilson says you farmers are getting too much for your products. Do you want to see prices come down to the aVerage that obtained when G rover, was running this country? Then you should freeze to Wilson and yell till; the rafters of Heaven ring. Suppose Wilson wins, do you be lieve down in your heart that the watch dog of Confidence will stand guard at your door step as it has stood for the past 16 years? , Suppose Wilson wins and a" few thousand hungry Democrats will gal lop up to the pie-counter and receive their little allowance and as many Republicans will retire to private life. but how about the millions of Dem ocrats and Republicans that will suf fer if wages were cut as a result of tariff for revenue? Well , by gatlins, now see how your Democratic chickens have come home to roost. - The tramp of Coxey's army is al ready sounding along the highway to the White House. .General Coxey and his horde of hoodlums are lining up as we go rumbling to press, bearing the. banner of "On to Washington.", 'And what about .the high costof living? Didn't we tell you sor bud"T Eggs from China, laden with germs that would make a horse have con vulsions and a poll cat puke, pouring into our American markets at prices' that make it hard for the farmers at home to compete against these slant eyed antipodes. Corn and other grain brought into our home markets at a price that makes home produce an expense and burden, instead of a profit to the citizens who pay our taxes and support our home institu tions. And money that should dp in circulation here is paid over to this squint-eyed, pig-tail brigade. Money in circulation is to a nation's commerce what the blood is to the arteries, and if a country wants to. die of the dry rot, let its currency circulation be stopped. And ugain we ask the question we asked two years ago: "How about the millions of Democrats and Re publicans that will suffer if wages are cut as result of tariff for re venue?" Instead of millions being out of employment, Jeems Henry, the list rolls up the staggering aggre gate of three millions, and the ena is not yet. - Verily, when Prosperity gives an audience to Democracy of the Wilson brand, bankruptcy and starvation, Democracy's Siamese twins, geton the job. . - " . And we told you so, we did. Wilson sat down with a smile on his face and talked "Watchful Wait ing and Bryan serenely sipped Grape J uice while hundreds of Americans were burned, shot and tortured by the Mexicans. ; But as soon as one of the-bandits plugged a hole thru the heart t)f a British subject, Woodrow and Willyum hollowed "hands off" hike a house afire. Does' this coun I 'Mf- BARGAINS one fim-claes nexr rc&ther Pillows 3,00). one dand se Sheet ($1.00). ly $10. All new sm crer offered, i good for a ebort . ail money order hlnrks. 1 PILLOW CO. I . tt. c. 1 vi and lack o? control Oi. urine irt young or old cn red with harmless medicine. OZ plrt FrAP ZEIS CTO CO Dept. 9 Milwaukee, Wis. V5" STRICTURE TREATMENT i GUARANTEED ' If vou are suffering with Stricture, enlarged prostate, difficulty to retain or pass water, you will get immediate, entire and permanent re lief by using SKEsirs PAnnLESS remedy No Catting, Dilating or Drugging If after using the treatment SO or 60 dfTs you are not fully Satisfied, write me to that effect and I will positively return your mo-y. without one word of complaint or excuse. JSo possible chance for you to lose a penny. My booklet, "AN HONEST TALK." with guaran tee, sent free will open your eyes and con vince toil Write at once. O. A. io Allen Bldg., CINCINNATI, OHIO. Every morning the shave-headed saint that says he is- Jesus Christ's assistant at Rome, flumps down on his marrow bones before one of the images in the Vatican and says: "I confess to Almighty God, and to His Saints, that I have sinned exceed-: ingly in thought, word, and deed." Well, "nobody disputes the "Holy, Pope's acknowledgment that he is a hard nut, but what we would like to have some Mother Hubbard Jas per inform us is why the Sam Hill the "Holy Papa" tells the Lord he'3 such a bad egg, if he is infallible? Now don't all answer at once. -3 The Yellow Jacket is trying to per fect a Society for the prevention of idle workmen. Your hearty cc-oper-aticn is earnestly solicited. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE - U Grateful Patients Tell of Almost Mir aculous Cures of Granulated Lids, f Wild Hairs, Ulcers and Catar acts It Makes Weak Eyes Strong and gives Instant Relief to the Burning Pain or Soreness of Strained V Eyes r Eyes Hurt by Night Worfc. If you suffer from Weak, Sore or Failing Eyes either diseased or weak from old age and have tried Doctors, Oculists, and all kinds of remedies, do not be led to believe that there is no hope for you. . Write today for a trial bottle of Schlegel's Magic Eye Lotion. It will cost you nothing either now . or at any other time and you, will be sur prised at the wonderful and instant benefit it gives to those who suffer from any one. of dozens -of eye ail ments. " Grateful patients testify to almost miraculous cures of Cataracts, Gran ulated Lids. Wild Hairs, Ulcers, Weak Watery Eyes and nearly all Eye Dis eases. . . . . . . Many persons write that they have thrown away their glasses after using this magic remedy for only a week.1 You are not asked to send so much," as one penny to test what this mar velous treatment will accomplish in your case so BE SURE to fill out the coupon and send it NOW before you put this paper down. ; The sending of this coupon may, mean 'many, years of peace and hap piness for you instead of an existence made miserable by blindness. FREE BOTTLE COUPON This coupon is good far one' trial bot tle of Schlesrel's Magic Bye Remedy vest to you prepaht. Simply fin in yocr name and address on dotted lines below and mail to the H. T. Schleeel Co., 7627 Heme Bank Bunding, Peoria, HL ........... i ft .- - . ... . '........ ...... I I w i i t we wl1 ,Wp yoa ("-- wiio pxira 10. now ($2.o0), one pair full eizo Blankets $, Comfort, full eize ($3.00), oae full si; one pair Pillow Slips (5Cc), all for on geoas ana no srasu. jBjprcat Par 1 Satisfaction guaranteed. This offer ttrca only to advertise our goods. 1 I now or TTnte for circular ani order SOUTHERN FATHER & i i 9 h r 1 ' It try belong Jo the English? it1 .

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