T v ' : mil r -i A VOL. Ill -NO. 48. MORGANTON, N. C SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1879. WHOLE "NUMBER 152. RIDGE II 1 ! I I J II ;i " 1 1 , RUN. More than the wind, more than the snow. More than the sunshine, I love rain; Whether it droppetb. soft and low. Whether it rusheth amain. Dark as the night, it spreadeth its wings. Slow and silently up on the hills; Then sweeps o'er the vale, like a steed that . ' ' springs Frm the graap of a thousand wills. Swift sweeps nnder heaven the raven cloud's flight; And the lani, and the lakes, and the main. Lie belted beneath with steel-bright light. The light of the a ' . t khipg rain. (it evenings of summe: the rain tu.. fr.- -n flowers tUo ji - M c:ica i ice ' nnlight is low, l l-hutfd skies; i summer can Are not stirred by its gentle Btuprme. It falls on the poo's, and do wrinkling it makes, But touching, melts in. like the smile That sinks in the face of a dreamer, but breaks Not the calm ef bis dream's happy wile. The grass meg up as it falls on the meads ; The bird softlier sings in its bower. And the circles of gnats circle on like winged seeds, Through the soft sunny lines of the shower. satisfactorily, and, with a quick move ment, Maggie fastened the door, and drew from beneath a book cover a carte ieisite; and the gentleman on the card was Mr. Jack Carleton. But, of course, Maggie did not know this. "So this is my futurehusband, ac cording to the astrologer," said Jliss Barton. "The gipsy woman said I should marry a curate. Pshaw ! What ah idiot I am to have written such a fool's letter. I dare fay, I am duped along with many others. j,I wish I had not written. It is a good thing none of the girls know it. Of course, I am a dupe, and I suppose th very existence of this piece of elegauje is a myth. More fool 1 !" . 8 IV'ith another loo!XJ,. placed it bet hours, spent in each other's society, he requested the .honor of her hand, what could she say but "yes ;" for was it not her fate as told by the stars by a wonderful astrologer! Of course she said yes. Then they joined in the festivity as if nothing had happened out of the com mon. - He never had occasion to repent his action, for Maggie was the tenderest and sweetest of wives. But her secret was her secret forever. Adrwtt Thieve. tf aggie's Secret. A Policeman's Philosophy. "Marriage. The great astrologer, Signor Morgan!, w ill return a correct likeness of your future partner upon receipt of thirty stamps. Name, age. and sex must be given, with a slight description of personal appearance Address Signor Morgani, &c, fce." 'And this is your advertisement, -Morgan? Ah well! I suspect youi dupes are principally old maids and school girls." The speaker, a handsome young man about flve-and-twenty, threw down the local paper with a merry peal of laugh- ler. The person addressed, known in the advertising columns as Signor Morga ni, was no other than a certain plain Tom Morgan, a regular slip shod, care less fellow,' who, after trying his hand at various trades, and failing in all, had finally hit upon the tfbove mode, which (gratified his indolent, disposition, by calling forth little exertion save the exercise of that literary" ingenuity of which he possessed a large share. He had formerly been 41 school friend ot Jack Carieton's, who, an hour or two before the opening of this story, had fallen in with him on his return from a prolonged Continental tour, undertak en nominally for the benefit, of his; health, but more possibly to'help to get rid of - the large itn-wme ;eft hi in by his' father The young men grasped hands cordi ally enough when they recognized each other, and soon after adjourned to the lodgings of Morgan to have a talk over old times. It was during this talk that Morgan confided to his friend his present mode "-of living, with strict injunctions to Veep it a profound secret; "as of course rified bey'ond measure at w said, "it migiit the sudden realization ot 11 you see ..old fellow," he prove my ruin if known. "You were always a good-for-noth ing scamp, lorn, saw .jajK, "And you were always a lucky dog, Jack," returned Tom. "By the way, what are you going to do with yoursell This Christmas?" "Why to spend it in the jolliest style at the jolliest p'ace in Christendom," replied Jack. "They have not seen me at Barby Holt for eight years, and 1 expect grandmother and the rest of them will go mad with joy when I make my sudden appearance there." With this flattering conclusion Mr. .lack Carleton, elevated his legs till his' 1 eet reposed on the mantel-piece. Barby Holt Manor in Nottingham ween the pages of the book, and haste neddown. "here were merry doings at Barby Holt that night. Squire Martin Barby, or . grandfather Barby ,a as the young people, children of his many sons and daughters, aiways called the old gen tleman, and Lady Ursula, his high' bred, genul dame, always gathered a large circle around them at Christmas And were could you spend a jollier Christmas than at the Manor? and who could make such mince pies and! turkey stuffing as grandmother's old housekteper at Barby ? The dancing was at its height ; the; holly and ivy quivered on the panels,; and the oak floor was becoming more and more slippery; when unannounced!; and with a powdering of snow on his cloak, a tall figure rushed among th: dancers, seized the Squire's hand and wrung it violently, fell on -Da me Ur sula's neck and gave her a hearty kisa; before any one had time to think what the disturbance could be about. But the Squire's eyes were keen, audi after the first moment he returned the grasp with a hearty "God bless you,. my boy, welcome home!" and "Wel come to Barby, grandson;" said the kindly voice of Dame Ursula, albeit some t.:irs of iov shone in her soft eves. "Cousin Jack! Cousin Jack!" came from twenty mouths, and the favorite grandson threw aside his cloak, and flung away his hat, to shake lianas wirn all the aunts and uncles, and many of the guests who remembered him. And one jo these guests, seated under the holly decorations of a great oak panel, leant her white, terror stricken face against the wood work, and pres sed the slender gloved hand against a heart beating strangely fast. . "What can it mean ?" she thought. J "Why am I to struck atnf appearance of an utter stranger?" And vet it was not a stranger. The face of the favored grandson was the one whose image lay between theleavei of the book upstairs. Ah, Maggie, it is dangerous to have dealings with astro- . i i 1 3 losrers. Here was the gin, who nau answered a mysterious advertisement for mere fun's sake, astonished and ter- what seemed ie astrolog er's mute prophecy. A policeman having been called upon t5 shoot a dog in a yard, took a seat on a fence, drew his legs out -of danger, and remarked to himself as he took aim : "The seat of all vanity is the heart, and here goes." A cow in the lot beyond threw up her head and went galloping around, and the dog trotted over 'the yard as if perfectly at home. The officer got a good ready and observed : "The fear of death Is otten as strongly exhibited in beasts as in man, and their dying agonies have been known to bring Chinese thieves are cunning experts at their profession, adopting, the most ingenius devices to attain their infamous ends. I recollect a Dur'gbiry which took place at a friend's house, when the thief found his way inio the princi pal bedroom, and deliberately used up half a box of matches before he could get the candle to light. Bis patience being rewarded at last, he preceded with equal coolness In the; plunder of the apartment, not forgetting to search beneath the pillow, where he secured a revolver and a watch. Tliflfe. Chinese robbers are reported to Je able to stu- pify their victims by .. us? rjrMM nar cotic known only toftirtuVresTT have no doubt this was done in the case re ferred to, by the agency of the Chinese house servants, who perhaps.introduced the drug to my friend's bed. Chinese, when it suits their purpose, do not stick at trifles, as may be gathered from the fact that a Chinaman, esteemed a respectable member of society, at tempted, on one occasion, to poison the whole foreign community of Hong Kong with bread he supplied. The Malays have told me of cases where, as i !..!.. 1 ' 1 1 , ' uumv eunie njjui moug iiiim ij j the reporter.) I The agent led the way to a small building In the inclosure where the food is prepared. Large cakes of cracklings, as they cOtne from the butchers, are broken up and put into .-rge cauld ron, where they are warmed over and mixed with corn meal, and then, after cooling a sufficient time, are fed to the dogs, in large troughs. Around the yard are arranged rows of kennels, which during the winter are supplied with abundance of straw and doors to protest the fated creatures from the cold blasts of winter while waiting for the day of their demise. Another hig board partition separates thefeeyind girls," according to gWI "old itnaker custom, the dogs never onee meeting to cast a sympathizing glance into each other's eyes until they meet at the threshold of the fatal box that termi nates their career, The killing is effected by means of carbonic acid gas, and is said by scien tists to be a painless death. When a sufficient number of dogs are ready for the sacrifice they are entised into an air-tight box, capable of holding from 100 to 200 dogs. Two stoves are charg- Horse Nomenclature. NEWS IN BRIEF. Beginning with the top-notch flyer, why was Rarus so named ? This ques tion can happily be answered by a re production of a portion of an Interview which appeared recently in a sporting paper, held with a veteran horseman, who knew the great trotter from birth : " Reporteri How did Rarus get- Wis name? " Mr. M. Why,-it means rare, don't it? That he's a remarkable horse; not many such." " Reporter )f course, that is what It means; but rqrus is a Latin adjective, and as Conkllug is not a scholarly .Uiiu. it -There are said to be but 6,074.022 Greeks in Europe, of which but 1,750,- 000 l.ve in Greece proper, the other rer siding tn Turkey. Chicago packers, since November 1st, have slaughtered 388,039 hogs, against 245 071 lor the same period In 1S77, aud 207,400 in 1878. Nearly a million and a hall Gospels and New Testaments printed In tweuty two languages were given away at the Bible stand in the rarw exposition. A tramp claims to have been robbed in the Memphis jail of $187 65, a dia mond nin and his mother's picture. He savs he Is only an amateur tramp. Uk seems strange that . his horse I ing the road lor bis neaiuu should get such a name. I Louisiana contribute iV Mr M. I can tell you all about sugar and molasses from cane, and Ver- that. He ha.l a son who went to college " .'j tears to the eyes of their executors, Bang ! A woman who was working up tney averred, the cunning Chinese thief ed witll criarcoal. with dampers turned an old knot In the alley, flung down the passes the door of the house to be pil- 80 as t0 send all the heat and smoke up ax, put her head over the lence ana laered. and tosses in a liandtiil ot rice ,hA -hlmnev. s soon as a blue blaze i -i I, -1 .. - . i 1 1 1 . . I . , ... . . j I warneu uie uonceuian liisi euc umu t lmpregiwteu wim some aroiiwiii; ui ug; appears on the fires then all tne win want to be bothered any more, though This drug soon sends the inmates-off aowg t0 the box are closed ; the damp- she wouldn't object to his shooting up int0 a deep repose, from which they er3 are reversed, so as to cutoff coin- will seldom awaken till long alter tne robber has finished his undertaking and that in the complete atid deliberate style that suits the taste of the Chinese For I must tell vou that they at all in the air if the police regulations re quired it. y Natural history asserts that the av erage lite of a canine is lour years," resumed the officer as he brought the revolver down again, "and that they are subjected to fourteen different diseases. 1 will now take that chap right behind the-ear, penetrating' skull and brain. and causing death in from two to four minutes." The smoke had scarcely lifted when a melon peddler whose horse was coming down the street at a pace, rose up in his wagon, and called, out: "If you boys don't stop shoot In, beans st me I'll wallop the hull crowd, rich ones and all ! That 'ere last one just tickled my nose !" "Natural hist" began the officer' when the dog discovered a hole under the fence and slipped into the street and made off. "Natural history," repeated the blue-coat as he diopped off the lence, explicitly states that dogs must stand still when being shot at, and if 1 didn't hit him, it's the fault of education." ' mu mention wit the clilmney, anu to send the gas into the box through the pipes connecting the stoves with the fatal chamber. Not more than a mi nute elapses before the dogs fall insen- and got to be about as much too smart as the old man didn't know- enough, if you know what that means. This chap named all his dad's herses, and he gave them names that nobody else In that part of the country understood." And this is the way that Rarus got his name. Goldsmith Maid, it is suftl ciently well-known, was so called from Mr. Alden Goldsmith, who developed her tro ting powers and introduced her to the turt. We never saw any significance hi the name of Smuggler, unless because he had a stealing gait, or had smuggled trotting qualities into a pacing. Occident, of course, was so called because of his being reared near the settine sun. Flora Temple was (-j so named from her dam, Madame Tem ple, while Lucille and Fleety Goldust, in common with many other speedy times object to vulgar haste, whatever j sible, and very soon they cease to be the business they are pursuing; and breathe. Thev are left in for eight or thev prefer, if possible, to avoid sudden I ten minutes, however, to he sure that surprise; and unexpected attacts the slightest sound, will make thein take to cowardly flight, dropping their booty aud their nether garments, if tliey have any, in order to facilitate escape. But when they have a daring burglary on hand, they go quite naked, with the body oiled all over, and the queue coiled up in a bob at the back of the life is entirely extinct. In warm . weath er the air in the lower room or box is ten degrees cooler than in the open at mosphere. "What dogs do you capture the question. "Every dog that lias no niu..ic on; no matter where we find him, so long as he is outside of the house, even if he head, and stuck full of needles on every is lying on the front steps, we scoop him side. The following adventure with a Chinese burglar befel a frjend of mine About midnight, as he lay avake in his bed, with the lamps extinguished, and the windows open to admit the aiif, he saw a dark form clamber over the window-sill and enter the apartment. He kept himself motionless, tul tne thief, believing all to be safe, had stolen up and into tue wagon ne goes. 'Ever have anv trouble with the owners?" continued the questioner. 'Oh. ves. Thev threaten to knock - i T i : .. ..A iny neaa on anu cnew me up auve, auu all sorts of horrible things, but when ever I see a dog without a muzzle, a.id e.sm't ire.t, at him. I iust brinsr one of - - - n ' these nets over him, and, if the owner Sensations Under Chloroform. beets, while New York produces one- tourth the sugar from maple. The total receipts of the principal Paris theatres! during the LxhiDltlou ot 187 were 1 ,00,000. The receipts ofv the same th.-ai.rea during the present Exhibition were li.l.w.OOO. The income to the State of Massa chusetts from the Hoosao tunnel this year. Mill be about $100,000, or the in terest od about one-tilth of the cost. Ou the 14th Instant 317 loaded cars passed through the tunnel. Mr. W. W. Corcoran has presented to the State of Louisiana a painting ot the battle of New Orleans, by the cele brated French artist Salni. Tue work, which cott $20,000, is designed to orna ment the Slate Capitol. The cultivation of celery Is being brought to great perfection in Clearfield county, Pa., the growers of the vegeta ble having established a regular exposi tion, where specimens ot the crop are fljers, obtained a4palronymic from their exhibited, aud prizes awarded for su bIm. and indicated the sex hv tlie pre- peor stocks. 1 I . . ,,t r.. u A woman in oatesviue, i a., wnw . . . I . . 1 . . i . I rlxn - I B Iwli I irue. it,. . , , , while th. othe. was baptized in this manner: W hen d ay paClU ner husband's gold watch still anonvuious, its owner was deuat- jnt0 lMe stove. During her absence the ing with a friend, both what to call cook built a fire, and the watch was i.im and whether to shin him to a cer- cooked to ruin. nx. One tain place where he was to trot, uv boat or by rail.. He settled the point bv saying: "i'd swmer shiphlni by boat." when his friend exclaimed. "Why not call him Sooner?" and un der that name he trotted In 2.25. Those who think that he was so named In the belief that he could reach the wire snnner than anv other horse will set- that they have been mistaken. , Another queer name involves quite a little storv : Several vears ago the The low prices at which the Massa chusetts savings-banks are selling their real estate Is attracting attention. Ihe Wlncbendon Bank has just sold twenty wooden and ten brick' dwelling houses at Chelsea for $20, 375. These houses, in 1874, were taxed lor $75,000. f The Fifth Royal Fusileers, a Mon treal volunteer regiment, resolved to compliment the Marquis of Iorne by adopting the Highland costume and th Lome tartan. They wrote to Scotland tor samples of the Lome tartan aud got three samples, all different and each Chicago Times, as a bit of sensational declared to be genuine 1 began to be terrified to such a won derful extent that 1 would never be fore have guessed possible. I made an involuntary effort to get out of the chair, and then suddenly became aware that I was looking at nothing; while taken up by the confusion in my lungs, the outward things in the room had gone, and 1 was "alone in the dark." I felt a force on iny arm I which did not strike tne as the sur- iutothe centre of the room, and then don't want to give two dollars for him anruun- rknt nf ld and seized the Intt ii- that dogs career iii this world is )ust as der. Botb were powerful men, and 'a good as-terminated. Come out some inrions struffsrle conseciueKlV ensued;'! time when we are going to hwrc a mi hut the robber had the atWnlage. for Ing matinee, and we'll show you how his only covering was a cot of oil; so easy the transition from this to another that at last. Rlinnlnsr like an eel from world can be mada for a dog the grasp of his antagonist, he made a piung for the w indow, he was about to drop into the garden beneath, when his pursuer, with a final eft'ort, managed to catch him bv the tail. The tail was nal restraint) keeping me down, and this was the last straw which made me "Wliat is the name of that young lady give in the last definite thing smell. standing near the fire-place and talking sc-und, sight or touch I remembered to mv Grandmother ?" he asked as soon 1 outside my own body. Instantly 1 was as he got a chance. "That's Miss Barton-!" Jack worked his way dexterously stuck full of needles, and, alas ! a false geons " hand," but merely as an exter- one? to0i an,i Came away by the weight dered agent of the tall, and was lett a woriuiess trophy in the hands of the European, whom its proprietor had vainly tried to rob. How many links do you suppose that Newfoundland would make?" queried the reporter, intimating that he was well iniormed as to the fate of the dogs when taken from the death-pit. "How manv what?" asked the bewil- rouud the room, and by the time he was within ear shot of the youug lady there seized and overwhelmed by the panic inside. I could feel every air-cell struggling spasmodically against an awful nressure. In their struggles they seemed to tear away Philadelphia's Dog round. from one an- was a cry to put out the light for snap- 0ther in all directions, and there was dragons; and while they went out with whiff, a sharp spring placed him at her side. "Miss Barton Maggie how do you do?" There was a little glow of the fire. just enough forhim to see the shiver his words caused. She raised ner aark. shire?" inquired the Signor, suddenly, eyes -with a shade of displeasure over- "The very same, old boy," said his companion.' Why do you ask?" "Only that I had a letter ii oni there to-day," replied Tom. "A letter! what about?" inquired in .lack, with innocent coolness. "Why concerning my advertisement, of course," answered Tom, rummaging among some papers. "Ah, one of my grandfathers guests, I suppose, in for a lark," said Jack. "What's his name?" "It is not a man, replied Tom; "she signs herself Maggie Barton." "Maggie Barton!" exclaimed Jack. "I know her at least I did. May I read it ?" he asked, eagerly. It was a 'short letter, in a girlish hand-writing, describMig herself as tail and" slight, with golden hair and hael eyes, and requesting to be favored with a rarte-de-risite of her future husband, y return nf post, of course. Kudosed in the envelope was the fee of thirty stamps. Carleton held the letter up before his Vjes long after he had read it. "Morgan, he said suddenly, "will you do me a favor?" "Anything you like," replied the Signor, in a "preoccupied tone. - Jack drew a envelope from his pock et, and selecting one likeness of hinir self from about a dozen, he laid it on the table. "Morgan," said he, "I want you. to send this to Mis Barton, in answer to her application; aud I mean it shall come true, old boy." It was Christinas Eve, and Miss Mag gie Barton was putting the last touches to her evening toilette for the forthcom ing ball, She dismissed; her maid, aud, with her pretty head a little on one side, was trying the effect of a scarlet gera nium among the ambrosial pun's of hair. Presently the 'geranium was settled coinhitfhcr fear; but of course he could not see that, and he continued to mur mur unintelligible nothings till, in common politeness, she was bound to urinur unintelligible nothings pack. universal racking torture, while mean time the common foe, in the shape of this iron pressure, kept settling down with r.iore and more irresistible might into every nook and crevice of the scene, -my consciousness- was uu about this : I was not aware of any thing hut an isolated scene of torture, pervaded by a hitherto unknown sense of terror (and by what 1 have since learned is called the "unity of con sciousness ; " this never deserted the scene, even down to the very last in audible heart-beat), let L cal. it a ii Kor-niiP I recognized some again. " . - w resentences, and then, parts of my body, anu ieu cne pain in m.o t. were nressinfir round the one part was not the same as that in i. ..i,r ,lih. Jack made a bold stroke, another. Meanwhile, along with the II T I ... lw vm, owe me a kiss, intensity oi convulsion .u u.j ius,.. " K.l t.,.,t nn .!-- r.. S" eiemeill Ol liuii-e nau "f JUSS Oilliun . : .. , ,t..:l, mo hrnln ThU in allusion to some old wager ot; cnaotic roaring iu j . : I ki j-l.iimci tarron trt rsPflr. tiinip vniiTii. i "-- - " IIIVI 1 j ... far of the last few hours inside my ear. till the confusion pres- The experience had already reduced her to a state of mute resiffuation. iXothing he could say would astonish her now, so to this rnnmrlrnhle niieStJoil She Only BUS- wered : "Do I?" nni-nn win- ves. Masrsie. Don't j - - you letnember Jack Carleton ?" a revon Jack Carleton ? came from lipsViat were returning to their natural color. "Yes, indeed !" he replied. "Am I so much altered?" Perfect astonish ment and silence. "And you owe me a kiss," Jack continued; "you remem ber that, don't you, Maggie? I'm go ing to have it now." (juick as thought an imprompto kiss was taken in the dark. Well, by degrees Miss Barton became more reconciled to the existing state of things; so by the time the blue flame wxed dim, and the raisins were all consumed, it seemed the most natural thing in the world for Mr. Carleton to place her hand upon his arm and march her off to a quiet corridor for a chat. What can't be cured must be end u red. nere was this young gentleman a stranger for years taking the most complete possession of her, and all thei the tuna his likness in the book up stairs as that of her future huband ; so of course, when after about two golden ently came to a monstrous tnuuuing, every thud of which wounded me like a club falling repeatedly on the same spot Fat Man Made BmiVJUnt 61 Pound. Prativiu.e;"aS July 20, 1878. RoTivic Meoicixk CO., Buffalo, N.t Gentkmen. Aboil InrM montns ago I commenced using your "Anti-Fat. at which time my weigm. rvm,..rU Bv following your airecuuus carefully, I have suceeded in reducing my weight to 100 pouuus. mwi very satisfactory and pleasant; but just previous tO my commeucm. we uro, your medicine, I had purchased two suits of fine clothes at a high price, and find to my dismay, that tney are entirely useless to me now. When I put one of my coats on, my frlenou n me n iw like a coffee sack on a bean pole, and when I put the pantson well, descrip tion fails. My object in writing is to ascertain whether you have not, in con nection with roar medicine business, an establishment where your patrons, similarly situated, could exchange these IUisa rarments for others that would fit. 1 think you ought to have some thinr of the kind, as it would be an in- rineoment for manv to use the Anti at, who now object to using It, in eonse-. quence of the loss tney woum bubumu m throwing asiae twuhuib nmu." Just turn this matter over in your mind a "OWhlnor Exchange" is what you want in connection with your Anti-Fat truly. GEORGE BOTD "Are all those dogs to be killed?" inquired the reporter, touched with pi ty at the thought of the untimely end that awaited them. "Oh, no. Some of them we have had here for a long time. The best of them we are able to sell. Thus far we have sold during the present year twenty-one does, and the sum realized for them eoes into the treasury of the society We keep them at least four days, unless the pound is overcrowded and then we are required to keep them but forty- eiirht hours. Tne owner of the dog can get hlnl out by paying two dollars. The city gets the money, and has received, up to the 1st of August, 424in redemp tion money during tne present jwi Besides this, we have dogs sent here to board while their owners are out of town, for which we get at least fifty cents per week, and sometimes more than this." "What do you feed them on?" in quired the reporter. "On cracklings. Just come with me, and I'll show yon how we prepare it but I eness you'd better leave your um- hi-olla behind, or that Siberian mastiff might think it was a club, and he don't like sticks," replied the agent, putting his hand on the gate leading into the pen. "Never mind," interposed the scribe, 4 his knees bezan to knock together. "I'll just take your word for it "Oh, come along, they won't hurt you; I've been here seven years and never was bitten yet," answered the keeper, encouragingly, and, closing his comments with an exhortation to the quadrupeds to "clear out," he led the wav into the inclosure. "Now. I lay me down to sleep," mur mured the news gatherer to himself, trying to recall something of the reli gious" instructions of other days, and tremblingly he totteteu towards tne la- tal gate Links,? replied the senhe with a knowing Wink; Bologna, you know?" "No, sir, I don't know," the dogged answer; "when they are dead thev are taken to Point Breeze, where they are skinned, their hides tanned aud made into gloves, their bones boiled and converted into fert lizers, and the fat rendered and rraniffactured into a restorative tor consumptives an horses afflicted with epizooty. Going Down Hill. 1 gale. uuu u.w, "Did you ever bear of Daniel being I their way, aiv .st into the lion's den ?" asked the re-, righteous thin Men who mismanage things aud fail must not expect to be pitied. Why wasn't he 'sharper? There was Robin son, now ; he failed, and cleared $50, 000 by it ! That was something like ! Robinson is a smart fellow ! Got his eye teeth! The men that gets the in siJe track of Robinson must rise early ' Yes, sir ! But Jones was always soft-hearted. No wonder he lost everything. He never pressed his reditors for com pound interest and his rents were never half collected. Vt hen bis tenants came with the old story of "sickness and so many children," Jones let them off, the milk-and-water fool ! Children, indeed ! As if poor folks had any right to raise children ! and as for sickness, that is a luxury which none but the wealthy should indulge in. And now Jones is going down hill ! Well, he deserves it. Help him along ! He ought to have foreseen that the Jimcrank mine would have burst up, and that the Moravian would have been lost at sea, and that the half dozen friends, whose notes lie indorsed, would have gone' under before the year was over. Pure mismanagement! It was mismanagement, l es, sir . IlelD him? Of course not! A person must be crazy to insinuate anything of the kind. Guess you ain't quite so oreen as that! no, not quite ! . Times are hard, and you've got all vou can da to help yourself. Look out 1 Sj trnnr inOttO. Let Xo. 2 (lO llfl -.1 V, - the 98 in c Men who neglect thiugs, let them selves be fooled by rxjpr people v&o have the audacity to give birth to child ren as often as rich folks do, ought to go 'down hill; and you u neip mem on and think you are doing a enterprise, detailed a reporter to pro cure a package of whiskey each from a number of sample-rooms in the city. He returned from his micion with twepjy-six bottle wbicbf: 3; J tlvelv laUled with the letters aT tne alphabet, and then submitted to a chemist for analysis and report. His verdict showed that the bottle labeled " Z " contained the purest liquor, and a private key informed the 77ine that the " Z " whiskey came from the sample main of one Jacob Wolford. These facts being duly published "Wolford Z" whiskey became the rage, the ad vertisement was immense, and in the most natural manner in the world the u ia livatnucil nixin a trotter who has made his mile- in 2.21. auary Bird. In the selection of cages do not let beauty control your selection alone, but let the comfort of your pet be your first nhiAet in view, whether his home be ' sightly to view or otherwise. Koomy abodes are necessary to health. Wire caees are preferable to wooden ones, In thit they do not gender insects mortal Wet pepper It seems, throws off great quantities of carbonic acid gas. On board au English steamer in a Chin ese port lately, a quantbV Of pepper was taken ti board, a pv i-i;uh had Chinaman went into the h! VUnd felt senseless. I Four English rT went' down to render assistance; tuey, too: became senseless ; and finally all five, after ventilation of the hold, were found dead. A sea captain, just returned from a whaling voyage to New Bedford, Mass., went ashore at a nearer port so as to get heme a day earlier to give his wife asur prlse. She, hearing of the Ship's arri val, had meanwhile rushed to New Bed ford to give him a greeting a day earlier than he expected. The result was that, she found the ship but no captain, and he found his house but no wife. Sur prises will be gjven up hereafter In that family. Miss Elkinton, daughter of the., head of the celebrated London house of of that name, recently presented to the -Princess of Wales a bouquet of real flowers, the leaves and petals of which have been indued by means of four dis tinct processes of electrie-iuetallurgy -with a coating ol as many dlttereut met als gold, sliver, copper ai d Iron. A smaller bunch of nowers, an gut, anu enemies of the feathered tribe. Scald j half a century old, is preserved under a cast porter, standing with one foot in the air, fearful or putting io tne grounu, lest It should come in contact with one of the 200 paws that crowded around "Don't be alarmed," was the assur, inir reolv of the dog manager, "they don't care for bones, with a malicious smile lightning up his dogmatic fea tures. Uet out, 1 tell you tinis io iu I Hats for ny years past Used In toy own famll v and recommended, to the lamlues ol mj ngreaitoBs tne best remedy Ik owottor Sds and UKrptetit Cous.imp Uvpr Javne Kxp-ctoiant, and also Ja ne Sacame Plus as a remedy lor Coeuveness, Biliousness and Impurtiy ot the Blood. Mir confidence In TImT villi of tnese aedlchu. Increases the Werl use them and obs-rre their won dertul nealUi-resug effects, Ther hare Blven onlTersal BAttehcUon In all tne faxautes your perches, and do not be content with wiping them off, as insects breed in the wood, and soon prey upon your captives. Keep the usual fishbone in his cage, as it serves to sharpen his bill, and aids digestion. The bottom of his cage should contain sand and gravel; it is his delight to pick in it, and it Is servicea ble. Do not thrust in his wires, cakes, bread and sweetmeats, as in their cap tive state they are difficult of digestion o.ii n nerniclous In their results. A simple diet with change ot seed In spring, in summer, cabbage and salad leaves, in winter, a ripe piece or apple,. is all they require, and better suited than a more luxuriant diet to p-omote health. The canary birds received their name from their native islands, and were introduced into Europe through a peculiar accident. A vessel laden with merchandise, and bearing In its freight many of these.lovely songsters, straod on the coast of Italy, opposite the fam ous St. Elba, the exiled home of Napol eon. The birds, set free, sought shore ; the climate being favorable they would have become naturalized, but the beau ty of their plumage, and sweetness of their song, caused tbem to be sought for and captured, and transported In such numbers that they were at last extir nated. Their first Introduction-Into Europe was In the sixteenth century, and to-day throughout Europe, even in Riiui and Siberia, they are found In considerable numbers. Our best musiei ans are said to come from the Hartz mountains, Hanover aud Thuringla, rivalling Saxony, which alone, In 1867, furnished the market with 75,000 cana ries, this being her usual yield. Thirty thousand daring that year were shipped to the United States, and found ready market. Since that time the taste for pet songsters having greatly Increased the importations are almost Incredible, and, the supply being up to the mand, the price of a pet cinary i .urithin the reach of all. v-w York la the largest cultivator . K.t raittn 3 904 030 oat of a I wmun, taw m k . ,.1 0f o 821,721 busneis. e New ork. ; w ' de- no w glass case in the Queen's drawing room, presented by the unite 01 weiangton. The Prince of Wales' thirty-seventh birthday was celebrated on the 9th Inst., at Sandrlnghara, by a sort of family party, in which the Duke of Connaught . Prince Leopold, the Princess Louise . and the Marquisof Jorne took part. The laborers oo the Royal Mews, to the number of 170, were treated to a dinner. The day was celebrated In London by Illuminations at the theatres, club houses aud public places, and at Wind sor, by bell-ringing, salute-firing aud flag-flying. TMamond digging at the JJutoitspan fields lias been unusually successful of late, and. besides several beautiful stones of 50 karats each, a large dla- . I mond weighing 24 1 karats, was recently i . . . . . i picked Up on a Claim ueiungmg v a Captain Jones. The "water" of the stone is not of the first quality, being of a light "off-color," but the gem Is free from flaw, and win cut very iuii. This is the second largest diamond ever found In South Arrica, the "Spalding" diamond, found la the river diggings some years ago. and weighing 288 karaU being the largest. The fifth publicationof Behm and Wagner's well-known "Bevolkerung der Erde," Is Just out, giving some elab orate statistics on this subject. Since the last publication of these statistics the population of the earth shows' to tal Increase of fifteen millions, partly arising from the natural growth aud partly the outcome of new and more ex act censuses. The total population is now set down at 1 439,145,300, dlvlled among the Continents as follows : Eu rope, 310,39348"); Asia, 831 millions; Africa, via zi ;w; Australia anu ruij- nesia, 4,411,300; America, W.l l'i,00U. The Black Prince, which has . ar rived at Halifax, nnder th command ot the Duke of Edinburgh, is perhaps the largest war vessel that nas ever visited American waters, mis iron clad baa 4W'-lnch armor, carries w twelve, and 16 six and a half ton guns, and Is 308 feet long. Her tonnage is rated at 9137, nd the horse-power or her engines at 51C!. Despite her great proportions the Black Prince is almost valueless for naval .warfare, and Is adapted only for preying on merchant men, ner royal captain, as the second son of Queen Victoria and son-in-law of the kusslan Ciar, will add Import ance to the coming vice-regal reception. A- X