L MM. mill ' ' " m - - t . ' 1 i it g ' t , - r - -- - - - 1 - J"" J .F. MTJRRILL & CO., Editors and Publishers. EQUAL AND JTsT LAWS FBOXPTLT EXECUTED - - - ft.W Per AtJ- VOL. X. HICKORY. CATAWBA CO., N. CM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1887. . KO STT! 1 FY Mr. Eugene G. Blackford, the New York Commissioner of Fisheries, has been investigating the condition of the 03-ster, and his report contains much in teresting information concerning that Invalve. In 1860 the vast" majority Of the ojBtcr? Bald in the , markets of this country was from beds of oysters of nat ural growth, while to-day sixty per cent, of the annual product of oysters is from planted beds. Of the 409,186 acres of land available for oyster growing but 15,580 acres contain oysters of natural .growth In sufficient quantities to pay for the cost of gathering them. The natuml growth beds of Rhode Island and Con necticut arc practically extinct, and even the great beds of Maryland and Virginia are being rapidly exhausted. . An Internation Exhibition is to be held at Glasgow during the summer of lg88. The guarantee fond already ex ceeds 240,000, and is being increased The objects of the Exhibition, as Btated the prospectus, are "to promote and jJE&ster industry, science and art by incit ing the inventive genius of our people to still further t development in atts and manufactures; nnd to stimulate com mercial enterprise by inviting all na tions to exhibit their products, both in the raw and finished state." Promises of support have also been received from America, India, the Canadian, Austra lian, Cape and other colonies. The site, - which has been granted by the Glasgow corporation, extends to sixty acres, and the buildinjrs will eover about ten acres TO THE WATER'S EDGE. THE BURNING OF TIIE STEAMER 1 JOHN J. SEjiY. The PaiitRCtri Get OflTtae Baralae Beat la Hafeiy-Tae Malla Deatrere-A Kew BaattabeBallt. j Fire was discovered in the cook room cf the 6tcamer John J. Seay, when a short distance above Cedar Bluff, Ga. Alter ineffectual efforts to stop the flames the steamer landed, and her pa singers and crew succeeded in getting off safely. there wa? twenty!! ve passengers, and their biggagy wa savteJ. Everything else, including fnight and the United States mall, except rive registered pouch cs, was destroyed. After burning fiercely for some time, the steamer sunk. The John J. Beay was built in '18?, and was woith twenty -thousand dollars. The insurance was only $6,500. While the let i a heavy one, Captain 8ay is 'determined o build a new steamer at once.'fully eua', if not superior, to the one just ftcstrojeJ. He thinks the boat will be afloat within sixty days. A MEXICAN OUTRAGE. The patent medicine trade is a great and growing one in England. During the yc.ir 1830 179,071 was paid by man ufacturevs of these articles to the Gov ernment in the shape of stamp taxes. In 1865 the- sum paid was only 55,333, and in 1875 itwas114,323. The quantity of medicine placed on the market in the ,in years loto-oa am not increase so largely as it did in the ten years from 186 to 1875. The Pall Mall OmctU fays that as" the value, of the stamp or abel is one-eighth of the total value Of the article stamped, an approximate csti imat f the total value of the trade in those goods is possible. On the basis given the above journal Fays the expen diture of the people for this clrss of medi cine has increased in twenty-one years from 107,0,7 to 1,611,639. BATtLF. WITH BANDITS. CeMom Officer t'eatare a Large Amaaat of KmuKBled (iaaaa. A dispatch from Brownsville, Texa$, says: In the mountains near ban Carlos a party of thiity bandits, undtr one MariODO Be-indez, were overtaken alter a chase of tifti en milt s and routed by a force of ciutoin police and troops under Scnbrs Felix, James and Joquin G. Castillo and Captain Romeo of the fifth Mexican cavalry. The fight was quite lively and resulted in the capture of ten mules and horses laden with smuggle 1 goods. The extradition of the smug gler Kedndez is asked for, but as smug gling is not one of tbeoffeme indicated in the extradition treaty between the United States and the Mexican republic, it is almost certain such a request will not meet favorable consideration. I Iacarceratlea tf A Wealthy Asaerlcaa aa a Walae Cfcarve. A dispatch from Galveston, TexM, tsjs: Information was received here from an entirely authentic scarce that Richard Stewart, living in the Stile of Chihuahua, Mexico, and having large interests in Mexico acd Texas, has been immured daring the past four months in a dungeon in Ojesnija upon a trumped up charge of fraud. During that time he has been unable to Communicate with his friends or the officials of this Government, but within the past ten days it appears he rmugled out a letter. He is a brother of United States Assistant District Attorney Solon Stewart, cousin of Col. Joseph II. Stew art, of Austin. His property is going to ruin in the hands of Mexican?, and be sees no hope of obtaining a fair trial or release from Mexican Court. It is believed that the object of his incarceration was to obtain his property He appeals for Government action in his behalf, representing his condition as de plorable in the extreme. DYING BT THE SttfRE. A Peealtar Deae la &cbeeil tr. Weal Vlrgtala. A special from Ilinton, W. Vs., sajs: Information received here from Mc Dowell county is to the effect that a dreadful state of affairs exists in that part of the state and southwestern Yir- ginia. lhe elroutn. nas maue toe waiers very low, and a peculiar disease, which has several times previously followed this condition and which is supposed to be the result of minerals in the waters, has broken out. In Dead Horse Cave neighborhood there are over one hun dred esses, with thirty deaths. Not a family has escaped. Crops arc neglect ed and farm work is at a standstill, it requiring the entire time of every indi vidual able to labor to care for the sick and dead. It is estimated that two hundred people have died in JIcDowcll county alone in the last four weeks from the disease. General fJcWo Notes Prof, eefcocer T. Bairi, of. the United States fish cemnwsiou, died at Wood Hile, Mass. , The boii worm Is said to be damsgieg the fine cotton about Wtdeoeld, Sumter County, & c. The steamer Fulda, which arrived st New York, brought 1200,000 in cold frbth England. John Armstrong, colored, second cook on the ttesmer Katie, was accidentally drowned in the river at Psrsnnsb, Ga. A blue crane, measuring tlx f.-et eight inches from tip to tip of wius, was killed st Frie'htiri,'fik, st Ilotk Hill, b. U. WAR BXTTTEEN TUsTHACES. Vrverwl -4. who ter- IN THE HANDS OF A RECEIVER. New York's aqueduct, which will prob- ably be cmnplcted this year, is regarded asonett the greatest triumphs of mod ern engineering. A few general figures, says the New York Sun, will give a better conception of this work than now "obtains. The aqueduct is in- reality "a contimrous tunnel, thirtv miles in extent. with sectional area of 155 feet, or snf 5ccntly large to accommodate an ordi nary train of cars. It traverses a broken country, now beneath lofty hills, again crossing deep valleys; diving at times under broad rivtrs; most of the way cut in solid rock, its average depth be neath the surface being about 150 feet. Excepting where it is carried under wa ter courses it maintains a perfectly regu lar though slightly descending grade, and yet will deliver its vast river of w ater at the highest elevation on Manhattan Isl and, thus giving a In ad for distribution which will carry it to the top? of the loft iest buildings. The pnsent aqueduct has a sectional area of but 53 feet, or but a trifle moic than one-third of the new. Thus the new will bj capable of fur nishing the city three times the volume fbf water which the old aqueduct could convey even when pressed to its utmost capacity, as it has beeu for several years past, to the great anxiety of the engi neers and others concerned.; The Wrecked Natlanal Baak af fainter, Santa t'aroliaa. At a meeting to day of the board of directors of the wrecked National bank of Sumter, S. C-, the bank examiner stated that it was necessary to put the bank in the hands of a lecciver, and that one would be appointed in a few days. In the opinion of the examiner the de positors are in vo danger. It will Ijc fevcral days tefore the cxamimr will be prepared to make a statement as to the condition of affairs. The bank people arc ccntid nt that Baralctt's bonds-men will l ave to make good the amount of his defalcation, whilst on the other hand, the bondsmen are equally confident that they cannot I q, held liable. An interest ing legal contest is therefore inevitable. A number of the mcst substantia business men of Sumter have determined that it the stockholders fail to put up the money, and thus permit the bank to go by the boaid, they will at once organize a new banking institution with a large amount of capital. At Elpaso, Texa, Editor Smith, Shot Cakl well was dh charged, the diit being justifiable shooting. The Right Rer. L W. a Elliott, Bishop of Western Tex a, died at Sewa nee, Tex a. An express train was run into by an engine new Jcrtey City, li. J. Osrs considerably damaged but no lives lost. The Cologne Gazette says that laree quabtitiee of ptz iron are being ex pot ted from bweden to Iennylrsma lor rail way bridges. The meeting of the natioosl committee of the Prohibition party in Chicago, which was called for Novt-mlier 16, hss been postponed to Novimbr 30. At Naibvillc, Tenu., the Standard Oil Works, Fe aire's distillery and Swan'a marble works were destroyed by firr. Lots nearly f 100,000. Insurance tin til. At Gorham, Maine, in II. E. Johnston's corn canning factory the bursting of a rctoit instantly killed John Hamlin. Fred. Hamlin was fatally injured. Gal vt-Mnn county, Texas offals! re cetved by express thirteen $1,000 londt ftolen by their defaulting treasurer, Burk, who has surrendered himself iu San Francisco. COLLEGE CURRENCY. iMMiagraata 8wlale r laitiailaa Ureea backa Itlatfe far l'e la C'aatateelal Hekaala. A dispatch from Cineinnsti, Ohio, says : Complaint having been made that immigrants at Castle Garden were swindled by paper resembling U. S. money, but called college currency, steps were taken to find out its origin. It was found in Jacob H. Long's printing of fice at Hamilton, O.. ami quite a number of plates were wized and Mr. Long warned to print no more of it. The imitation of United States money was elese, especially the back of the note. The currency was not issued to deceive, but for use in business colleges, but swindlers found it convenient to use on strangers, and as the fctatute forbids the making of any imitation of United States currency fcr any purpose tne piste contraband. are The Philadelphia Pre:$ thu? portrays' the. evils of adulteration: ';The most dangerous adulteration of, the day is to W found, not in those jnstanr where the purchaser is cheated in stivngth or in quantity, but in the line on which our exposure to-day sheds light. A child sleeps nowadays, in a room whoso" wall paper with arsenic pattern renders the lir deidly, and whose window curtains cf lead and arsenic dye load the air with death; the flushed and feverish sufferer wakes to draw on brown and yellow stockings, dangerous with picric dyes puts ons'jt whose inner leather lining has been bleached by a cheap but nox ious process, hugs a wax doll whose com plexion has been colored by another solu ble and dangerous dye, drinks a glass of .. milk which impure water has deprived of iSK oj .its natural strength and, has aJrged with the germs of disease, slips a bun into the lunch basket in which chromate of lead has been stirred by the econom Xjwker, starts for school suck ing ja stiwC of pistache candy, which owes its tint to Scheele's green, is treated . by a schoolmate to an ice cream colored by another preparation of arsenic, and hen the unfortunate victim of these daily dangers, sown thick in the path of a civilized child, succumbs to their mani fold poisons, the parents mourn over the obscure providence of God which remove' from among us the young in all the opening rigor of childhood. This, is no C0L0R0W CORRALLED. Tke Wafrltke Indiana la a Tlhl Flirt, and ntil fo Talk to "Hi White Mil." A dispatch from Denver, Col., sajs: A courier has just arrivetl at Glenwocd Sprirgs with the following message from Gen.. Heardon for Governor Adams : "Major Leslie has Ctolorow corralled with two hundred bucks; they want to see big white man; won't tslk to cowboy. They say the whites want little fight, and soldiers must go back or have little fight. Kendall has only fifty two men. TLis is positive. All other inform ition on this loint is false." Another dispatch from Glen wood pringi urgis Governor Adams to go there irem?d lately, saying that an emer gency exists which requires his presence at once. Governor Adams, accompanied by Congressman bymmes. Attorney-Gen eral Marsha and Hon. William Byers, left for Meeker to hold a conference with Colorow. The Governor stated that he sincerely hopes to be able to induce the Indians to r.turu to their agency and end-the preient trouble. NAT1SNAL OPERA! LAST HCEMU HOME AliAIM Mi f'levelaad tletaraa Fraaa Her Tlilt ta Maaaachaaell. A dispatch frcm ew lork, say: Mrs. President Cleveland arrived here bv the steamer Pilgrim from Fall River, where she had gone in a special car attached to a Cape Cod express from Manon, Mas. Mis. Cleveland wai ac companied by General Greely, of the lgnal service, and wne. ana several friends of Mrs. Cleveland. .The party took an annex from the, of Murray strtet to the PennsrlvwaJ. depot, in Jtrtev Citv. and left for Washington t. a soecial car attached to tne touitern sxoressat 8:30 a. m. The President . . . . . . nai at the depot in vasninjnoQ awaii ing the train, and upon arrival the rrty went immediately to tne wniie nouse. A atlas laUrkaaaaa la Wlkk reraaaa ara illlle4. ; . A special from LitHs Rock, Ark sajs: Loeoke county, just east of bcrs. Is the ectBS of a war between the white snd blacks which, from Present sppesr an ccs, will ot stop natli the Govern ment sends sUte miLtia. The most ia U ne ezcitemeot prevails tnrocghont the ccaoty. Clarence Chtpcnaa, one of the l&igi'at plaaUtion owners, was waited on ly a nnmbrr of b'ak cotton tickers, who demanded double wage lor last week' work aa account of rainy weath er. l!r. Chapman adhered to the coo tract, when they hot him dead. Hi wife snd mother, who luvhcd to tt see be of tae ttafrdy. were then riddled with bulls t. hevrrsl whiUs who lived in the Brlhborboud, branog 'of the shooting darifiz the forcnooa, armed themsxlre end stsrtedeut totnvtstigste. When wuinn siou a nail a mile of Chspman h 'U they were halted by about twenty srmed negroes, whocjeaed a fudUde. Two of the wbltrs were prvbablv ftlly shot and roe badly wounleJ. Four of th blacks were shot dosn. . Ths evening a large meeting of whites collected and arretted about a down nrgroe. who were lodcl in jalL Over one huadml armed negroes ar rived at Clear Lake the place wlv-re the priunrs are confined, and more are cacs'antly cvmieg. They sre very boia tious and say they ilt rertie their friends, come what may. Probably fifty white mm are determined . to rvit the mob. Thy have the advantage of gI l ailion, bring la botucs. Moreover, thi prioncrs sre all chained to posts ia the yard, and tare tren lold I oat II any attempt is made to rtarue thna th-y will be shot at once. The report i cunent that a convict frrn. tight mile south cf Clear Lake, has len attaked by a baod of thirty armed black ft, who murdered Mr. Wil li im, the lewc, end teleaartl the pf'.S oners. Chapman's farm buildings a well as th e of leveral other white. wereb'irnrd. Sheriff Hicks, of Lonoke, has Uen notified snd I en rute to the crne of the disturbance with a atrvog pose. A RELIGIOTS RIOT. tee 7nrs c:sj?. Taria as-aal Aaikaea. Aec IMainai a. aa4 Karal fra k Trim Dar. waaaawawat Queen ChrUtlsaa, of srava. recrxtly postponed a Te Dexaa foe a bU ffei. Ia a recent Frrneh doel loth pmir were woneded. This moat b claard as the moat rtnirkstle accident of the s a on. Lawvvrs she nil be csrrfal how they row as 1 clients. Attorney Iuaaof New York, adviard CahieT tMxtt ta steal a million aad sbeod, aa 1 now At tor act Dunn It la jsil, t 5EUPMICS. Thm Teamtsts XXaawar. Aal ar im r TV t l an r rfc'.T C-mi-rrr laaat vmi at aiarrry. Tt3 cmt la 4al atT I i vital T-k5 dr. Ui aVwa ' Teil. IU ha aJ aiory Ta mil Uat IM i The instruments of the IlalUmrc and Ohio telegraph company were removed from the Chlcago'exchangc, on account of the company furnUhln quotation to bucket shops. At Pitt'burg the Intrtoallonsl Stove Moulders' Union has suddenly determin ed upon demsndingsn advance to wages vsrying from 10 to 15 per crnl. all over the United States snd Canada. A special from Little Rock, Ark., says: Much alarm is ft It by cottt-n planters on account of the cotton we rm which has made its appearance on liottom farms. Cotton is much dsmsgrd by drought and it is feared the worm will complete the ruin. Harwood, the owmr snd rider of the steeplechaser Wheatley, is tte only "gentleman jeevey ' at rarstoga. lie rides his own horse and often lands him a lict or. Harwood is considered one of the best steeplechsjie illeis in th? fw-inrttre whn he ta in pood condition. I trstilcd a iMMMt of white and attaked Msyor Hewitt and a committee of the I the. n groe. Ihirieg the melee Hunt was New York bjard of alderman, appointed I aht through tb lung and. latantly for that purp'S?, have sent sn invitation to JIrs, Ircsideot Cleveland to attend the New York firemen's parade and inspec tion in Sreptembvr arid present a staid of colors on that oeeasion to the fire depait-meot. Tke Tawa af Oeeaiar aa iae ar-Talk - Marker aa alai l.faeklaa. A ietlal irm loratuf, .la. saj Thi little town was thrown into a great excitement by the killing of J a me K. Hurt. town ir.aihU, and the aetlous wounding of Tho. H. Shiver by a mob of drunke n nr cnc st a crlrttrattoQ of a Sunday aehool aAociation. Five hun dred ncirn-e e ta-1 gatheml, and about 2 o'elork larhl !lurft was called on Vj arrest a drunkrn nrgn. When Hurt attemitl to irmt hitn he wa$ nurruodl by aliout three nr of the aesroe with drawn kalvrs snd revohem, demanding the prioers re leae. Hnrt drew his pistol snd scat t red thm. The necrxww took their drunken cornpinion away from him and walked off 10 the wooda, where ooe hundred gathered and defied tie Marshal to interfere with them. Huiat quickly Tb vx. Um bra. rCmsA. iii t- i r r AraiMS tfcta lm w U (r-w frtak sww, rww W, srr tmsJia; TV ewra v S tv, lit iWk r lw al arrrw in t-i It" y ?tVa Trfm Alcohol and I leadsUTa t Tfe ar KWl n sra that rarVf cm kvriM rw-atf j rerl foe wia al'ui a-ww rtra amrwlai- w rir lol-U-ftrK.rT even Crs- -' s7vt a ot aVeaxA : fo . Um a Tla Prtr rw 1 rwwt- CUJ & Cv, N. .: -1 ttl e aiW- U rw. tfeaJ t?ra a twa tnz ta Ibrm m tWraU as U anal tt wxh wtu to ha tSrai traa H rn b aho ttl tW aV.il ha awxll. WWms o-a atolv Ua roUUoaa of WW So f -mA. trO. of mil are tmxrl tT - H a 4 tmm twwalar. M irt w f" li ii u ( e tba im-iiv-tuu- ! Wafth 5 alyvca of lani t tmral ta Uvaa mi mm mrthrim . im ul i ba ksoaaja Tew. If It luai a v aura aha wm oww rU-oaal I n. U.ia WKm tarn so ib thr! - A-rt1 aikJ f ta a;TeiAUna of f ia t ca. w &al QX kHwf Utalrl lt4 tt w -eee tntm Vni to t wt l-j tamm kiaol aa a f.nt Keev a. 1 -!- In eW-nrr. mmiUmkwrmUlC9U Ik r4W i"i i taaa fore aat vrUaty. n vaaww away freaw U r.-iii a- tmr autVe.l-w a lJU;. M'-it-t. IVS UtUce. Veat, Ktx. 1. Urt, lr, rrwAiVa!, l"U)ir. !. r---. I-wii, IjrS, aS AlwW rt bo Pir la ar alamtanl ru ". M w cavOMaary I ac4 ru rrvvf tiani,atrevrona haJ t-laja-il it ftrarrs UUiai. IwwraCInSklly tt www aaJ to r tmi atrnwk, Uil to ta eat4. Toair Urn elrw wrw-4 f r- ; Wm rmm lra l a m vlT- .'T SkrW WmJ ' If m-9 rate rtrr4 ! m rr vaavi ta of tVirrUt t vts lax f nla mrm j I Uai II h tv.-.n-.-'n. aoi liw-rWora eaw ! rraT ta t It k f IS ajsvaegc Uaa lLf.imrtx fmt v en. I lv.l tt trA Iwrtl 1 la tlA 1 law af aaiaial crt etir lv re-'- - 4. m f I .i . - I it ,ai!iUlil. "'Twelve metnta-t of tVe Fsclih howe I tnx it t ni ai U Imi tri t-r m of rvoimnu will suit tU Cmintry la 1 tar wtih U a.rw irara. rr ffw eir m In i ' eaawr. Uk Urniwtof mm tA UaHieoH a cV4 tam ta m f t- paw'arw- New York has a tat oa ioterlta very et tax to ray. Within tW Uat larv years it ka i-aid (ttrt .:00O,rjO isle tbe lirainry oi lte stale. Andrew J. Yaadcrjool, who drorrwd dead ia Pari a frw dirt aro, was ooe of lite forvmoit iswytra of the rw jotk bar. Hi practice paid iratceo Jy. The Qoeea of Easland is abot to pubbsh a novel, sats a Frrach paper. iler majesty, tils ad leu, w;ote It maay years sgo. Thete sre In New Yotk eitj sook thing like 190 cmta phjucUes. Half a do.-o or so make Income of eho.t 1 10, 000 a year. 3t 1st Churchill, the anthjf of "My Girls," is rtivate srervtsry ; of a Ne Kerland rsilmad. Harriett IWcher Stowe has written a a letter to a friend deny Is f that the i in o. r health. She sajs that be la ab'e 1 to lake a long walk every day and fee! strorg ana Uitfui, Mrs. ClevrUnd Intsntcxl 10,000 k after aha was mink!. Coftrrvaara a McShane says that tbe valor cf M Omaha propeTty io whkh Mr. Clevc- Uod aad ber mother ach ow a o&e tJ-in intern t is st least fSOO.OOO. The New York C a t nUHJ tsVrn th- lead to l'if.iB- the tlrsdly car atov.. Trntt; ,imrerr car arc bcrvafler to b.Aui with altua r4ra S (hhrf rsilrav would d we'l to male a Bote of txiWr the car stotrs nvt surely , The Efleelaaflke liafi; Hmtd at Aae ilaa far One-ialh afihelr Cat. i The sale of scenery, stage effects and costumes of the defunct National Opera Company, under foreclosure proceedings to satisfy a chat tie mortrajre of fo7.796 held by Frank K. Lawrence, took place at Jersey City Heights, N. J. The sale aggregated f 26, 108 for propertied that are said to have cost over f 150,000. Sheriff Heintz has an unsatisfied judges ment for f 13,000 obtained agaimt the Opera Company by Jaccb Itosenstein. Tl e sheriff intended to levy upon any thing remaining after satisfying Sir. Lawrence's mortgage. ACCIDENT AT A FfEttAU. A Flaar CJIvea War aa Tar Crawa la lre elaliatea ta tfce Cellar. ANathville, Tcnn., Speeid, says' A singular accident occurred heie st a funeral. The father of Lee McOar, who accidently shot and killed himself, lives at 22 North First street. The lot is le low the level of the street, and the house ii elevated about seven feet on posts. About fifty people were in the room where the coffin was, when suddenly the floor gave w ay and all were precipitated into the cellar beneath. iTbe wildest confusion trevailcd. Tit shrieks of women anti the yells O jthiliren were terrible. Finally matter were quieted down, and it was found, strangely enough, that no one was hurt st all. Order was rettoird acd the funeral ceremonies were concluded at tbe grave. A Call his been issued by leading rrpre sentstivrs of the Knight of Labor as semblies, trade unions, land and labor clubs, union labor clubs, and other similar organization throughout Mas sachusetts for a State cooventfoo, to be held in Boston on September 10, fur the purpose of nominating a full Stats labor ticket. Madame Grevey, w. f the Preaident of France, dresses well, but not estrav Sfsntlv. On the occasion of "La Saiote lUtiUe she was in iron gray sua. Her eg of-mutton sleeve were held la bilow the elbows with black cuffs Citing cIcsj tohc arms, and her handkcich'ef wss of Chant illy lace. So wa the boa net, which had a gray trivet bw in the front, with sn aigrette tipped with small brilliants The other b w under the chin, wss fastened with a diaroocd brooch. ACCIDENTS ON THE RAIL. kilted. T. H. Shiver wa ahot throurh the cheat snd it djlng. A negio named Hubbard wa killed and a few others wounded. The others Ced. The aooda are being scoured for them sn 1 If caught none will ever rracn 111 alive, as tneea tire oputatloa of Decatur are op ia a rent riving purtuit. lac cicilemeot l in v iHh. a at trtssc. I tie eegnie nave-recently made tbreati to lurn the town on rVpUtntvr lat, aad In fact Some one recently ret (Ire to tbe roldenee of P. I. Mjoot. destroying it. There is now barely possibility of their threats beiog rarrietl cMit, for if caujht hardly a tinglr oe-e of the rnb will ncapr with their live. imaginative sketch, sis could be quoted tiot," Report and analy or each specfica- A RAILROAD WRECK. Trmlaaiaaaake4 Kear Pltiabarc-Oae Mil Faiallr Kaarter terlaaalr Hart. The secoad section of the Cincinnati express going West on the Pan Handle road jumped the track near Skelley's station 55 miles from Pittsburg on the 23rd, insL, and was precipitated over an imbankment into a creek. The tram was composed entirely of mail and ex press cars and was badly wrecked. .engineer ucorge i nompson was terri bly scalded and will die. George More land, baggage-master, of Columbus, Ohio, received painful cuts about the head and body, and Fireman James Mc Cullough. of Uhricbtville, Ohio, " was badly bruised. George Norrin, express messenger, was also slightly injured The came of the accident ii not knowtu Trains were delayed several hours,, out the tracks aie now cleared. - Maad S. Lowers the Record. Robert Bonner drove Msud S. on three -qusrter mile track, on his'farra. at Tsrrytown, N. Y., the fastest mile that has ever been made to wage a. The first talf was msde in 1:081-3 and the last half in 1:04 3-4, making the mile in 2:131-4. Mr. Bonner urged the mare onlv on the last half. Mr. Bonner weighs thirty poejids over the regula tion wciirht. He says the world has never ?en Maud Ss equal, and she ia better mare today than she ever wra be fore. A TTeman Braver Thaa Tier Bean. A dispatch from Abeneton. Va.. says: That while 8. Scott and Miss Broylea, of LijnciiDnrg, visitors stMongles Spnegs, were out driving their horse ' became frightened and ran down the side of embankment twenty feet high into Hoi- stein River. v Scott swam to the nearest shore, but the young lady staid ia the boggy and forced the horre to swim to the opposite side of the river where she ,was rescued by mends. 'J! surma, oo you know what a 111- tese kitten isP "What Is it, my aonr 'Why, it's a kitty that you can maul and tease," PHILADELPHIA HONORED. lata aae1 rrelahi eveeal Aa Eailaraal Teala Kaaa Twa reaaa Killed t'aaa44. A diapatch from Wheeling, W. Ya., says: t-migraet irain -o. 0.1, coming west on the Laltimorv and Ohio railroad at eight o'clock, ran into a fieight train tbe Faston siding, twenty miles caat of this city. A. F. Smith, engineer of the emigrant train, and Isasc Arbuthoot fireman, were instantly killed. The en ginecr and fireman of the freight train are only slightly injur!, r uteen of the emigrants are terioualy, but nooe were fs tally hurt. They were taken to Cam eroa ior surgical attention. Smith and Arbuthnot lived in Wheeling where they have families. The accident was the re sult of a mi?a prehension of orders 00 the part of the engineer of tne freight train Kit thi-knnfit H haf tKa lltrhtf.wav and pulled out of the siding just ss the emigrant train came up. Another dispatcnlrom Uonaellsvtiic, Pa,, says: The Baltimore aad Obx ex press train which leaves Pittsburg at 9 o'clock jumped the track at Hermitage ttailoa, six miles east of Cow oe I lav ilia, at 1 o'clock, badly wrecking th engine and baggage cars, which went over an embankment. One paaaenger coach was derailed, but none of the paasrnzrrs were injured. The train men escared by jumping, the only person hurt being the fireman, who broke his leg. y rrlaai Cteveleea Aeeeata laaltailaaa ta Twa fleeeeeaa la Ika I'll? af Braakertv le. President Cle eland has accepted tba invitation tendeml him by th raitera ityof IVnnjlraoia. the l'hiladf Iplla Ubrary. Amer.ctn Ihiloophical S twly. Fiaoklin Institute. College of IlijsUnan. ( Ktatiae Law Aiademy an 1 Hutoncal hnrtrlv to attend a banquet to In giren la bis boa or st th Academy of Made 00 Saturday ,evenlog. the 17th of Septemlarr. In tte afternoon of the same day tbe Preaident will attend a banquet tendered him br th llileinian Siciety. The I ocicty ha had for It guett Prrsideat Atahmgtoo, Jraerar, J season, ijier and GtanL (Vtotr, to pmcet a mttoorUl ta lb IreMent aktag that all diaenarre Iw- twern Kogluxl anl the Called Stabs. which ranoot be irttlcd by uuum-j. hll la; rrftrml to arbilratitt. They will prraeotrd U) th Ircudcat by Mr. Andrew Carnegie. Mr. Ialry is fsI f loTntisg ia real rtte aad la kokiag foe a aaiiaVa plare la Long Branch to purchaar. Thrvt I ears ago she tbocfcl o "'Jiog tbe of! stc WaJlark rn4iaj, ka-n a T Hal,' but aervtiattrat lu thrnwrh. Sle intend to make Isms Ibach 1st per ma arot summer reside ate. Mr. Cleta'acd ii a fairly rood swim mer, but dor not tsre much fof c?iie?. She like V wade out natd the waUris a Unit up to her n-xk and the a eaim sbotaward with a slow and graceful stroke. Her mother dor art twin, imt ia very food of salt water taihia. To grther they have taara a great deal cf pleasure ia this fpert at Msrtoii, a a-1 nothlaj but unfavorable weather ta ia-terfeie-1 with their daily bath Es Cor rtemao Mom's Mhtole f r acrtoi io moaomental twoere aad will have the pleasure of Icollag.sl b rarl( ia that fit. He Itooeof IW (A f IU- ocl staleutKa whte alatur sre to aWa the dotne of lhe new ataUr tj4tt4. The atatemat thai Mr. orie'a alatte ta to I plrd ia a tonixatd" a tltw-le is ueauttoalcd. Tbe adoption cf the cclv Uisd te for railroad emplojtrs by AUbaa&a, IVanailvsala and svicoe other stair baa e ao d much ccnr4siat sasoeg mk mea. They tosap'aia that the let tt whkh they sre subjected are Irthalrai. and the ful a re to pa them d tot imply paretic! laedkrnrv. A ser.ke of the em pkje of the lUaadio iaJrl a ItcmtD at 00 accottet of th'a v.Uv LUad buirr. "la omjrvo ass tnivm, elVral. kW aaat arena otawr afiswuisu. brr:ra w -r Vtana. aW4ac4 mm mrwrmt lrTarary art ware taea laa tawaa m tea H t-.l-l law kT afcta hm ayvtee taw iwa ltrr-w aa mtmcrcal rraxi.l iijr ajr a cTr tKxaa atJ Xhrxr vr fc? l- ao a f mt otSiw ri. -Tlv tTml a -Jl l twarprvSl t-y Ua Ujj aaatvs Vsw a Aa raH a'rrw fat La r?e- It ait lh.l n uiwfw wt H ttm. It not onJv laka r4 ." WW. last tt iiHM trvrm tm a ml- ef rai frsU. It an aJTart ta wam t r a taara -U Vj wita Ihm iwi'iloa ml ! uTr'-Uri ST fr Um M-f are iaxrvriU44 f jt or are atrtt a Ua f1arr&ar 4 IV f faaetam -laaUUe te tai ft taaa lm Wnatt aneadn aa'ra drvt.rt rertair 1- Bytaiifwuit e tawvtLaJ a--t c A-m. av. at lial U (Scataara. ttmUTT, i c, unt is tlwkkiw iref rtfrtafSa.,v CV1 le k-w-ta aaJ irm-g Lf. T.iiifVa a Haa trwtl wttarra fcc H from Amiy ru TV u aa- a t auacaat tciaa taw lit m tni uur. for rLrea. foraavVYx, for Una Itmt.u c aal few tacaw SaZO taara l jtil c-.l by lb VWT-T lkiXt mrOAjm k L.V Imn law 1 A tr aaa aaZTt f.ZZZmmrm.' it kkaa Ina ati a mm r W littf lm . fria tor rrtmt tm aara taf (, e--M.i fmmmr cm eaktraJB-w mtst lam Im i.; m 1 w e 1 7 m aal tf Ual tat V-.m !. rt- x hmm t ta4 cwt All ether CrW,- rm fere ta tbraa aaata, ll tm fla aaaial ln,lV4aw tmmm tMml fr l awra eoaWUwawwaa f 'e aa aiflt,V rat mm II aaa aa ia- I Saj-f f r mib'-i' xrru re aiml crmmf n m 14 w. t etra W frcaw tim mrj wwm c uom u baraa aiw m l tw tta i It tmlm Mb! MllVM W m mmvmmr I mm fw fwSa ar Sstraa. 4 nmtm;Um4S'BWTrm.'rrurfmm a It mmtm a kul tt anaiVI awl V tw w to 1 mmrj lint It arraj' ar mw ary Va mmwnam SwwiUi anl 'Uu n c.-' ta t fitacrl tt mm mmx. I. in r 1 k rrfc-l4Sl f rerw mm If m rj rmm .1 1 Ui www aw r-w aa n aaa u a caw lkoa mrcrmmam eajwa be rtrwat a an r taw tmrvim, mm ka At amn trmm a-- C" yaaraX. Taklag an Ia4laa Dr14e. A special from Pierre, Irak., sate: DouHava F. Carlin. chief clerk at tbe Cheyrnoc Ageney, wa jnanled to Maid en LHipret, the wtsllhietl t Indian beirraa on the ?k-tti Ileervatim!n'Ua is clcwelr rocaertetl with nromlaWt armv otijcrrs. and with the Cerliae f rwrxjuo Illinoi. Over 1,000 Indians wUseed the teremooy. and the frstuitirs will but four day. : The reputation which )fr. it. W. ChlUit ta woa for princely Lbnahty s rmtariaaatag lo him. A It amp rmniied List at Lo; Baea the tthef day, and aiktd bias fur snorfcry. The felltw moat have f started a t'atel Natr UtxJ. lor wbra ir. gate him a nwartrr he beeame very asjry aa! threw it at the fhilathrnt with all hit might. Mr. CU'wi scry proja-tly t Iil a4de his ptraathrrettc taotivr sad hal the roaa umu-l. lie was firra ality dajs for his little freak. la - Mr. D. O. CroU-y (Jetray Jaeal U twra made president of Mrs. fL I. New. by 'a Wctnsn's ldowfte,t Cattle Ux. pany. The company ha C'e 1 its elr- sal ha a capital , ..'no t divided i-to i 7f to cw-fct tuaa cotrc4 of newrtr two The Nsllea's EilUr. . Parsxaxt to rail of PrrsllswtC. II. Jow-s of Jaekaootille, Fla., tbe annual meeting of the National Editorial aa aociatioo will cveae st Denver, VA Turtly. September 12. The date was oeigkaatly 0trd for tVptember Cth, bwt has bera pcatpooed eoe week.' The Baak of Loodoa, Ontario, has sue pended payment. The baak had a aob cribnt capiul rf one talL'Vow dollars, of wnith tit J,3 was paid up- Verv little loan U ciprctrd by bill-holders. eg Ual la are, mow a.evn wva wi ; ol ae rraai MesletiL ca txa there bawd of eaUk. The stock la te be pUced with voocs as an endowmrat for their children. ft Ikorw rrohlhlk ' t4 tha atrcatzaK mrnnmmtM tha tr" awew cWaa aUM rTeuiaa m tal U a svw t4-tt. Tie m ciaimnl Wr la Tmw saw. W tt haa aarver t trVl. aad mm fad lo aoaWvtaad aW emh a (ka raja l a-UL TVt pruil m othar ataU w U-e it haa t- trvl aal aaf at aa aaw aa 1 mXi lWr, lt Immrnm aaevaa mmm lataairra&rd It aa V at ka aw eMarai. anl they era ert-)e V -j r- - haiea mrmmm tm tha awJUrt, a"-Tf hmry taraiM Ubar ara r at Um r- luluoa c4 XXm x.mmlmvrm ajl mm aiajatrr. aat tkmy mrw aaLa!l If w Um &A 14 yrtJUt t7 mrmJ.1 Im U- In aa to wmUmam ft. Thry wvwil wait t try ilea, lk ax aSaa. timt Imrr mX Bm mat Jjuf J : mm Vm rm- trary. UVt j' "L m mmrm, Tf rrrTf-r '.rtar 1. ' UULaa aVl mil Um r-j " trxmmrmmiCT. M at am-. '. 1 T' mmrm par. V are for, t r t - -. .i IMC mmm t&Kt ZXm at mm irtVMt tKat mi .-! SotaX'y it a -tjatwrn th Latrwt m kj--a l.-r. aaaaa awata So Ua Tr XLmX jrUm t".,mm aotrT"tt Ckafia'J LmmrrmL PUsaark's wife Is aa ' l&trrctljr woaxuBU She k more thsa ststy years of S. erry tall aad very gray. Her fes tarr are prceaiaeat sad hrr thrck bs rtry hirh. AUogrthrr she has a strorg fata, the Is a wowua of tvrydetrrmia rI charartrr aad not nabkr the 'lrow Chaarelkr hisaarlf la rbatiascy. bhm U food of talking aad sprwk ta a loJ de dUrd voice, tfhe It apt to tell storks which a rirl of the prrkd would to: 1 care to have hrr mother hear. The TTerira Sepply arCettea. The total risible supply of cottoi for the world is l,?i3,iW bales, of which 61 1, W0 bales are American, against 1. 15J.52snd 744,SM rrsprrllrely last year. The reralpt- of eotu n foe the week ending Aug. ,tTth, at all in trTbr towns were 15.34?, bade, acd the rcceipU from plantatiori 19 310 talcs. TkeCltkt Kla4ar a Kirnaakr. You want a kerpaake that wQ al ways remind yoa of roeP the said. f do, dsrhog." he said, tenderly. nThU s the laaitcr with mysrlirthe whirperrd. v , There wia be a weddieg thorUr.-s. flja wrier. Aerwaaled Far. 1 dowt sew what brrotaea of all my Hrrulsrs." crtrwlrd a summer-resort P-s-usee. 'I had 200,000 on hand when the sraaon eprard, bet there's cai y a lew Uil. "I knows where they're gone tat",p4raJ tHll-toy. WeU, whertr 'MUs Aati'joe utol Via aH tip frrrrari lrrr, sir." IZAH M. fWef aa rvrawdr. twUe t JCf mf trr'-ujr tm aT taw anukArr taaoLtraAia.I'v. I t UraaiJaarai -Hacaianl rr't rwsa via nr rr. A3 hataw ar ter grira. arl ana kwa rnmm Ual Uat lm t t m mi m-j a4 V ta a IrmmSf -. fi V,vi. tka m."rrmjmm I f a aatp"wa.ra Oarrw tmm m-mm iVsw lmSf ew a w rr eoaaV mi mLnmml. ttfr mmr mlnm. I A rfrtala eaa t'mmt 4 tema!f aS li e taar. they kW alr r4 r irnajl IT Utf mm r rMav a 1 w3 awrar tk aaaaa uk y. T4i aicarw aUat:a.Mr,Uw.'r aala faa. I?r Vm OOand va atrajat tewifnrw TVk rWVwet of tWa TrVwtUl Uae tmVmwml rcUr-ara CvU-w wva U vtwr laa"i raj ttrre Xrm'j't tWaeur lr It. I.aa 1 1 a maia . h kal amarH t anrarlr: t rraarterry trrrarw Vmwn im Urn lt&rmm:ha rrwrm. a mwra t.1. ' mrrl WUair. C. T. I" rrU e I Fa. wt fVi aant1 15 am tmi t J-r. klraaa. f - ta t- t r-tnm U ix t'- tmnmrmlmXUo.mmiW'rx. l.-ra.-'t. 1-r4 Wt, te at -m. ( r Xjm jmr cf tXm -' r 3riiV A " - 1 s .1 1 - -

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