t F. MURRILL&CO., P editors and Publishers. EQUAL 15D JTST LATTS TSOaim .T ZXrCTTTD' fLM Ft Aziz vol; x. HICKORY. CATAWBA CO., N . CM FRIDAY, OCTOBER ' 21, 1887. NO. 11, .1 r LTmfJONE DAT, TLi morning 7- page, old 1 7 reo linden leayes with hue of gold, Three Ttfec leaves I And, seeing them. etood r in besido raj lover in a wood yiicre Bhining linden leaves the ground be strewed. And, searching there, my true lore gathered t thee: iFor lovo," he said, "for lore and thee and me, ' . 'To keep Jhi8 golden day in memory And as he searched the linden 1 cares among All tenderly he sang this olden song, ! Whose words unto the melody belong: ' "And the linden leans above me Till I think some hings there be In tLis dreary world that love ma w Even mc even me." And as he sang, and looked for leaves the while, IIis eyes songht mine with arch and tcndei smile. What joy can e'er again my heart beguile Since death to rae has done this cruel wrong! Una hushed tho beating of a heart so strong,. And silenced evermore the voice of song? O precious leaves! 'Tor Jove-and thee and me!" . . - Amid, the pages old they still may be. But, seeing them, again I seem to see The loving face ; the far off day seems near ; The voice I loved in Bong again is clear, SYnd once again thes3 old-time words'l hear: . 'And the linden leans above me Tilt I think some things there b In this dreary world that love me . -Evea-meven me," rally bo struck, at a distance of fifty feet, by a pia irom a passing locomotive is to mo the very 'irony of fate The attempt at pleasantry evoked but a feeble smile. The subject was one that struck-uncomfortably upon the nerves of tho group. - Golden shook himself together. MIt rwould bo the splitting. of a hair to mo," ue saw, cynic uy, "to make choice be lt ween the bolt of iron and the bolt of Wectricitv that killed Hovt. It was hard a or a fellow to be done to death bv charge of lightninir when there was not a cloud in the sky." , "Jtioyt had been warned not to touch the battery wires, mterposed Hairs ton. Grantly snugged his shoulders. ' Fleming not to back that beastly Ara bian, had you not, Hardin t" Hardin assented. .. " The I'ates lead the willing and Carly. THE DANCE OF DEATH. v HILANDEKDAR BY entered the reading room of the1 Maecenas. At the granite threshold of the building he had hesitated, but thot power of habit 19 strong, and for five veafs it had been -vat w ms naoic to spena from one to three hours daily in the luxurious apartments set aside for tho choice spirits of the club. f Ho had hesitated on this occasion, not because he had ever failed in' being a welcome accession" to the groups of! young men usually to be found engaged1 in tho occupations of tho place, but,, without doubt, because of the unusual) circumstances environing his ownper sonnlity. For, the fact is, it was tho morning of Darby's marriage day. That evening in the multiform bene-, factions of the gods, to him, were to be crowned by the gift of a wife of bis own: heart's choosing. Under these circum-i. stances, therefore, it was perhaps natur al that the bridegroom-elect should have1 ncsuaieu to Drove me attention nia presence was sure to call form in the rooms of the Msocenas. Luckily, when he entered, there were not a half a doz en fellows present and these were in a, group at one of the tables, evidently' . engrossed in tho discussion of some sub-: jecc caicuiateu to aiviae interest wun the topic naturally suggested by the un conscious self-consciousness of the new1 arrival. j They wero high-bred young bloods thoso of Maecenas. The courtesy of their greeting to Darby may have been , little more pronounced than usual,' that was all. Not the lift of an eyelid,: as they made room for him, betray edj -.cognizance of, the happy destiny they knew to bo imminent for him. 'His; best man expectant, Hardin Golden, dis-j piayeu aumirauie jimxsc parties at ease. "We have just been discussing thoj freak of fate which has victimized poor J)arrow." he said addressing Darby. - "Darrow what of him t "Man alive! Have you not heard! I Why, the papers are full of the shock ing occurence." "Tho papers I have neglected to looH into: I I hare been otherwise engage ed," stammered Darby. ' Hardin nodded. "I understand. Well, Darrow, poo fellow, met an awful death la&i evenJ XDg. "It can't be possible, Why, I walk-, cd with him on Carlton Terrace as lata! us 6 o'clock, and when I parted fromhimj he told me he was going directly home.' ; "Yes.- Yetitwas not two blocks distant from the terrace where ho was tripped by the trailing loop of a telegraph wire.' As. fate would have it, at the same mom- ent there was a train ' running at full speed Upon the elevated road above, tho bufler caught in the wire, andthe loco- motive rushed od, dragging the coils in which Darrow, poor devil, was being - tossed like a shuttle cook. Over and over he was whirled,- sometimes abovq tho roofs of houses, the wire broke, andj he was dropped into an obscure street, mangled and lifeless;" ' - Darby shivered; he made no com ment. Itvwas an awful story to hard heard pii his bridal morning. , HowJ might a mortal bribe Fate, who rode ad in the car of Juggernaut, grinding out the lives of the happy and wretched alike? The flippancy of Bret Crosby , jarred upon his mood. . . i "It strikes me that's about thestyld Death s adorned these later days com , rented tliat young fashionable, break-i 1 the silence. He's an ill-mannered Minster that's not got the politeness oj French dancing master, when hd rouncea upon and waltzes off to destmc-i Hon with a fellow, as he's done with! JOarrow." ' "Fata ruim nTcnienL" : . muttered Grantly, " There were Giles. Fleminc and Hoytas well as Darrow. - i There was an uncomlcrtablo pause Awtricken, tL vej Alng rrrakrs eUnd tha floor of t!i daao hall. Tbcr were rapid qoe4J ninga aad agi tated rrpuoa; tare m rm rroaaa bTw and ihtn ami aol halfT .vprrMd. Thro there vy a auenca aa J the rpolcbro in the Ririah boosA. fhrcmgti this ai )rac tUU the first wf ird notes of Bar. dinelli'a Daore of D th. No on lttoked at Uo moaaciaa ererr rye waa UsVmeu caioe cmda cn iiui- aader lrby; My npoa umvIm- Tel vet of Um diran. vhit aad rhrid: about her traiWl tha satin and Laos and orange fimn of her bridal at tire, i I "Bardinetl's vilia .was riving: forth nicker strains. Uofaolaatio wrra th now plaivUrw aad.ixaxilonsjr. full of a madf merry, anon drop- ing into fathomle drptiis of pathos. itaeemed as thouh tkm playvr wcra Improrising the airs, teCiivg to tha still re upon th or iclx th ti c a Lie ia its dreams and a jiraUona, in ita failorr. Tet throub th wondroua harmony dnrpped erer, cWr knd pure aa abower of p earla, th boUaof the rhjthmio taranW ilia waltx. ' The call to raowmoxit n arhed the locked snaes of the dm xaer. Bha knored: ahe arose to her fed : she elided orer the floor. Her roorfxnenU wrrtl uwiuuuoi jwuiucui tioud, voey were thoaa of tha Gram. Her face waa the frozen one of thedooa ied IphigrnU. Upon the silence of Uh ootn the Ital ian'a medley wrought lik 3 macie. Tb wedding guests mrajoJl hither And thither in groteaque laimirry of the dream dancer upon thj polished floor. The breeze of the nighf waftM the mya- I ucai strains out throag n the opn She was yielding to his tooch, ex pending into new beauty aa the plant waa doing in the embrace of the jnoon1 rays. Uat from the shadows of a f era mound J to one aide of the absorbed lorera, at face, livid, sharpened, contorted J glanced for a second. The bride a yeu 1 . At 1 . . caagut in tuoouyx us one oi vom uu opened buds. The moon-plant ahiverea throuxrh all ita foliaxre. One. of ita sterna snapped aharpty. and Carolyn arew Dacxwimone oz uie ouas en tangled in the meah of her reft. "Ah. the pity of it," she cried, taking the despoiled bud into her jeweled fing ers, and canncr upon it rmrretrauy. "Ah! if I might but rondo the ruin I have wrought. So intent was she looking at the broken flower. ivLs so indent waa he gazing at her in her wiatfol beauty. that neither of them aawwhai the pair of staring res. ahadowed by the fern frond., can ffhl a glim nan of the hlda- oua many- legged beast thai had darted forth from the foliage of the shaken plant. ' Alert upon one of the broad leave it stood until the quire ring of foli age settled into stiUnea, then crouchd. waiting. ' "Ah! Phil," murmured the bride, her evey dewey, and her voice tremulous. what if we should find our wedded happiness to be no more than this moon-flower, lovely to look upon, but to be brokon by the first rough usage. See! I cannot make even this am 11 bud attach itself a -fain where it may gather life and beauty anew- bhe bent forward, making a pretty pretense of re-nniting the plant and ita severed blossom: but instantly ahe started back, making a rain effort to ment, and bore them past wondering toobJe wagie tub cmjux ertnxiiu. JatI trm Tav r ltlsaaldCaai tte T&&k' eeepvratlrw bare a teak wbo trijTtkas aate W,0CO,0CO ynr. TUf lXyrm and do a bortaw of tU3LWQp3 ywr. Tbdr 5C0,0CD TmaajUri rvrrt profit Ii5.000.0ta. TWtr tlM r. tvly f 000.000.' 7sI UthUaf ; railway fth wl to cf TaHwart to mUrtm wit rfrtrtctty. faa riaaa cm of traraa. The Booth XlortUa ItaOway faa tcr kim V MOM4Artjicrtatc all Irs feat traiaa frees Olina to XmS, aad the Cart iptvie 1 tralas bava tra io r(itd few a loaf mitofTnirtDipm. Far rU aviMi, taJ.rW t Crrt Vr CU rr. Thevirua teat creeping from her veins into his drag the unwilling," quoted Grantly. "Who was there to warn Giles or Dar row T "For the matter of that," flippantly returned Crosby, "who can warn against the doom that maybe lurking in am bush for the first of us fellows that leaves the Mascenes!" Rendered restless by the turn the con versation had taken, Darby had moved away from the group and was leaving the room. He heard the idle words Cosby, had spoken. He went on ai though he had not heard. The baize doors swung 6hut after him "After all it may not be a pitiless doom to which one goes, you see, Cosj by, laughed Hardin. "What happier destiny could a poor devil of a Maecenas bachelor nnd awaiting him th"v tho wifely embraces of a woman like Caro lyn Lomax? "There s many a slip quoted tJos-'. by. "Fortune has a trick of smiling on: Darby, I know; but she'a a fickle bel dame at best, and may play him falsa when he least expects it." "I'd take Phil's chances for tho prize he's to draw from her to-nigh tt tit all events," said Hardin. "The floral bell is swinging already iu the hall of thd Lomax honso ready for his wedding chimes. Ha! speaking of the decora-i tions, that reminds me. Sartini, the) florist, told mo ho had just received an importation of Italian plants, and T promised Darpy I d call by and tell him to send up one of thoso superb moon flowers for Miss Lomax. Sartini is cer tain he he has one that will put out ita blossoms just about the time of the mar riage. Darby thinks that would be a pleasing omen for his bride." He returned his paper to the file and at onco took his leave to attend to his commission. A few hours later a brilliant company was assembled in the parlors of the Hon. Paul Iiomax. They had gathered for the celebration of the marriage of his 1 daughter and heiress to Philander Dar by. What fato was there now which might balk the most sacred plans of the' bridegroom'svlife? Still Fortune's fa vorite, he had already received at the altar, consecrated by tho high priest,; Love, her most gracious boon, in the coiMUffalvows of the woman lie adored. j and among her bridal guests his young wife was moving, tho stateliest and lov- liest of them all. In a pause in the dance her eyes frank-. ly met his devouring gaze. He waa at her sido in a moment. "Come with me awhile, can you not Carolyn?" ho eagerly whispered. "Itt is a mad mockery to me, this phantas-j magoria of lights, flowers, and nodding! nnd bobbing puppets, forever mterpos-, ing between you and me. Surely we may bo entitled to at least a quarter of an hour's emancipation .from She smiled and, humoring his fancy, put his hand within his arm. ; "Whither would you navo me goa There are lights and jeoplo every where." He looked down upon her, smiling. Tho moon's rays only hay a right to ue where our moon-flower is opening its blossoms. Dunbrek bad had less an artist's eye had he failed to seo the pe-' culiar fitness of that alcove for the any charms of our lunar plant. She moved at his side, roseate and palpitant So, this explained the diplo macy he had used in inducing the old gardner to move some of his choicest plants from the retire! alcove to gire plice to tho heavily foliaged plant k sent up from Sartini's. He had meant ' that only tho moonbeams should be there be fore herself and run to seo thej faint blossoms Open their bearta of perfumed Afnh nf tho conservatory was in a blaze of licht. as the balance of the house was; but by a detour. Darby succeeded in in- I t reducing himself and his bride into the t alcove unseen. In this transverse seo- ( tion, where the fern mounds ended, they found, as anticipated, their seclusion in vaded only by the half light from the outer conservatory, - and the splendor' oi the moomigut war. was nooning me new plant. They bent together oyer their floral treasure. - The bride uttered a cry of clelight. suppress the exclamation of pain or ter ror that sharply broke the sulineqs of the conservatory, iter ry waa snnily echoed, on the instant fnim the clamp mm 9 I ll oi ferns close rry, which, violently agi tated, gave sudden egret b to the figure of a man. It was Bardinelli. la to master in muaid to Carolyn. It was to the side of his former pupil he now darted. larby was still clasping hei in his arms, ' anil was questioning her in an agony of apt prehension, while ahe, nervously agv tated, was using hi ar womanly aits td reassure him. "It is nothing, Pail mere scratch sung. A great spider, X think. The wayfarers upward to the empyrean to sweep the confine of other realms jj mystery. i oa IUrdirjelli waa lending all the cunnl of his hand to rouan the suspended ultiea of Ida bokmsl papiL The heavy lids tv fling her "vision were alowly raised: surroundtBr objects were once more photographed upon the re tina of the eye: the tin re of bfe returning to lip and cheek; her move ments had lew rf grace and more of energy. it were a taougn ine ncj of flesh were again bing riveted upoo the free movement of the spirit. The statue had waked to hie, though another Fysmalion should reap the kiaaea ot creature nipped me and leaped away be-t ) those divinely parted lips. fore I could well see what it waa. Ah ! Signor Bardinelli, is it youl 'Oh, Phil what" Pale and terrified aha lay upon thd breast of her husband, who, livid ad death, only held her closely, making nd effort to restrain the Ita ban, who hadi 1 without ceremony, eeixixl upon the bride's hand, upon one fl nger of which was appearing a lamt lo ia of diacolora lion, marking the couri e of the enven- smea sung sne naa reccr.vea ice one word Broken, as he son lied his line in motion to the wound, had sent a deadly Ml 1. 1L. 1 2nm to tne uriuegruunj a ear. "Tarantuu: "So other word was spoken. Darby knew what meant th drop or two of srreenish, viAoous linui d which the Ita- Gan onco or twice eW cted from hia lipa. ?ach time returning in mad haste to his task of peril. Darbv s bride knew, too. what signified Bsrdinelli's desperate earnestness, as well las she comprehended the threatening of danger to herself in the vertigo and shivering already creep ing over her. Ti nt neither of these thought of the risk Bardinelli was haz arding: Bardinelli himself did not give a thought to the matter, till the possible result of his daring come to him in a flash of consciousa ess. An eager glance. convincing him of the fact that the poison was being abated in the veins o -i ji i . nia wuaom pu.ni rcvemicii to turn. De rides, a fleck of blood close to the punc ture in the dainty hand over which he had been gloating. The blood, he knew, was from a wound in his own lip. 11 u teeth had nearly met through it aa he i . w m lay in hiding mere oeyona tno lorn mound. But the virus that was creeping from her veins into hia rae aa the wine of life to him in comparison with tie venom of jealousy that had maddened him, aa he lay there watching tho wedded lovers, reveling in their stolen bliss. "It is done," ho said presently, lifting a flushed face, from his odd work. "There remains, Signor Darby, but tho drop or two of poison taken up by the blood before I could get to her "The drop or two taken up by her blood f Heaven havo mercy, ja there no antidote I Bardinelli smiled. "Speak man I There must be no im possible here. "There shall be no impossible, oignor, if Bardinelli strength faint not," the Italian quietly said, "for tarantism, in . .a a 1 1 my land, there are tne taranteua dancee:" "I know I remember," cried Darby. "It is a music, mnsio she must have; and you you Bardinelli "I know the mnsio yea. When the poison works in her nerves and brain Louder and louder swelled the waits melodies of the forgotten mnaidaa. One who casually glanced towards hia saw that be was contorted, ana tnai tne veins in his forehead wrre purple cord, tensely drawn. Ho mijtht have looked the iAoeoon wrestling ia toe iouim ot the aea-monsur. Not the lesa surely, however, waa. U master hand informed of the grain, of a deathless will, and the observer, ton knowing, turned again to mark 'the effect of power upon tier, who like Eurvdkvs waa being lured back from, the world of mystery and shadow by,1 hij Orphic enchantment. Suddenly ahe stood still. The throng: of spectator gazed at her. Their united breath would not have nirmi the down ox a thistle puff. Her white boaom rose and fell. The orange blowora looping her corsage trembled like sentient creatures filled with a paaaion of joy in her living warmth and lovelineea Her eyes roved anxiously over the ex pedant assemblage. She wsa looking for some one. For whom I She smiled a dazzling smile of recog nition, and jovoajJv stretched forth her arms. Her bndrgroota hurried to meet and take her intb his embrace. For the first time there waa a diaoord in the music. No one noticed it. There waa a break, a pause, then a crash of chorda, then silence.' "It waa yon who drew me lawk among i the living, Phil," mummured the bride. at rest on the heart oi her nostmnd. "Not the bend of death could hold me from you yet, dear. It was the jrarning of my spirit that spoke to you through the muaio of Bardinelli' violin." Tbn, O my beloved," he Awered, in the abnegation of an humble grati tude, "it ia to Bardinelli I owe the debt Tt Urw ia t tmnmUl te t fYe4- eWi by BrruA wtDtr tf rrUawVta favor of rtUlef laiermUoaal tfvpvWa rj srUUatkm, Trr tW aixnataraa ef lo Wl tnJrvd aad thirty ' natm. ' It U ba tTnalaatrd ca vwDart, aod la a ort of art. It is afa fwt m with drroratad bar- Orn,aad at the brad Ii aa aZWfrartoal dwtfn rapf vsanthtf a awkw tt the tweeen TW wtd be a Ua ef Ex Omf Wr ate and cAWa ta fUM, 5. Cn la a fr Ura U roarfW the eaWJaAaa i c4 a Www fcr rtcrta OrrJiaa rUid aad tafina Cccifrdrrat wtrram. The IUM ?Ua and Otwarwr tiw the bry taat tWre wtUUtafwO ilt iraat tUawtataad ttwt aoeae r4a of artloawatia ecreadrpoe IhmA will reK rreedSy ta the astatbaawvl t uth a taoeaa a la ae$. Oaeeftbeeaartad rwoTkmin of TaJMd SUU Bmatwrt trmm the eoeU ta thHr ts- willtecwaa te maaia at ttwtr keaa efUv Taavtoc cetrshrtd m VaaMactoaa. IViavVu Gait, cf FVrkla, rag aa4 Xorf, of Ala- tana, Occarail.of Kfcaowi, aod Joamx, ef Alkaaaat, have ta aharaft froea the CapV tal arairWy a day stare Ccrgf adymwi Home cf Ibmm make tp aU acrra ef fcr rrmalaiaa, whfle ethers fraatry that th ka VtmhtTC bry tha aey cW plr c earta. Thefaasoaa flaatlex a!aderiIEewei water. Eoftaad, aa eccD wvftae muZJm Caia mflmr a Jo dlmrprr., aia ta a taa ct mtrmjirm vyCHqa fcrroU Uyar of rt top of w Lira te a thia eoyWtac e clay bocad tcfatbcr by ta recs of vrta, tioa. Il rmlt ea the clay bcOoc of tU Uka, UA wrmmAimm aoaae f orre. awptcd te te ta ikm gam rmratej ty the Vraru matter, vaoara tt to rim to the aorfao. Its cxtret aoiartltD( rverhea half aa acra. aad U rwe sad faUa wtlh the water, aaU b tzZlj suks oat of icht afaha, to be (fa prc6aty for awaral yara The BtaU of Kkaicaa te rnrlC e4 to VTaaHactoaaitotete ef Lewi Caav te Uk tt fiaee asxa the Wp eexater wem ta pcanonta eutaary llaU, st the CaOaL Each Flat Is fatftjad to arai smtates of two d tta datiacaiaYMd rlthMD te ha to the ccnkx. A arcre at Buu are rrprvam'ad, aad Ufort mazy jyara, the ahirbte the oil 1 13 of Eepreatetafcvea, wfllb wU tSA with the rereevmUUae ta brease or marble of 4httbl AsmtV cana TkionM of the Oaaa sutato ad ta rarte by Trmxk. The statwte te to bsawaa ft4 U, ol white lt!te laarW, aadwUlco I13.00X ynOm -ii la crfaclu . i aa-e erct 4 at JHalh sad IVa4w7, 17 O. Ka..wa.t2ztaaarfa a traraa rf U r-- ratietraia daat4 ta mm aawa aad aaateaiaa' a larra awavhr. Two rata traiaa www M'c ri o aca elW. Ta rU aS fcrea rU ia oay i tha atraatte W4 Una wrarr-i areaadweraaira, The fr i tke mrrmA car beraaM ratascV4 as the iWate wVka were wtaant areaa4 Ua grtji m trmSf aa suntlMrra4tralataaaBCfca. It taaathetrat a4 t taVt rrjH tawtit awwral ca eaaty. The fradat earrte wa mmlj ibamA ln7 1 wt Uytaid Um Uwk w Wa Uia lap pra4. afce a4a aMy aa4 Uat Ua eaMaavabtra NwjrX. TW teaawtflaar foliotr a4 a4 yn. the rarar . aa the an: w. rmSa te th tocleaaowrtath aa. The ti 4 t car U taa tatewal Uw t a rwnd ad. R tetMkt,tfaa7aVawwaharV IW ka avtra arac4 TDtPniLVNCir l rti i. raj--a Oarc A an I f i I . i - U-m Aftt Vut frt t k w-.-i.-a tlaJt Ct, It taa ( Caaaaa at A tta TCaxty ta the aaeraia the TfirtiM atra It as, toad tj ta 4 tev wharf ta Ca;aMdai iwi to ta ea Bra, A3 taatrwerti waaca UUaavad. TWrUcla the beat wa cat fir a4 tW mm. m oaa artenUariin,Ml taa fol taa aaJfv The tag Iona Oiy raaw a akc f tta aa. rp acorTJy afar tha tr cartel ae4 cvre 3 Oa Wp hi fcr otr The tac terae bar tama a the Cr. aad U arw4tartBaaH raa aata avaalia ana rrer the Pmaa traasp, TCata rawrKA, tjw teaie te Ilaat aa a. aa4 faaral water ta- a uw acM ca ut tan i aaa waa wp j watU t eVter. wWa taa a' tm ward apartfawil wwe fionted. The tr realaat to thte atrtioa tf tW ttip ly aavtac raci wtra aaW tte w fmt aft c U axrcot frtH The itafWaiVa k-s5JLiV .: . mi'r- aow blr aarpraS aad aAated. . - -.. I . . tt Tate oa ahir ai tiia gewt. wW m f-. qwoqr ct Crva ta taa caff a. TWata aa ooat that acaae f Oa trm Waa U a tereadiary ortxta aad mUrtl&t ? liaaaaia aaay be aaad ta a da y or t a a t."ja a li r tte f r X w i as4 ymA, all rm k t-m T. At tt fas 31 t-V tW: W.-! ila a nt w i "1 k a! C fk a txuS ra k Oaa a'rt U aaaai a wa afwt. r t umm v t a trrx I l-a ia r ' S .l a wrt A atrart A wUn fei- IV t- Ut vr rm r- t jt t.a ma hora. TTa LTSd T ttei tM aa m aal f a 4 1 rr- Vt a ml a tl IV-TX Mi t a w-mm 1 J. ria tnaJk T avi J A ea ia a si- LA aar:!-ral a,le 1 t- fa Ail ! a !:. aV-i Ua J A3 w ms f'-i. t fwssara ertx fi.t r li lt WRJtJa R a te a ta. Ii' a La ralV a 4r rl a V 1 rraar ratk JV. it Mmrm K A fata aterr ta I aai Ua4 rzt Tim tr it taa "V V urt aj4 mem a wm tw ham aaart wm,i trm.k. I mm a 4 ; f ya, I mm ja t a wa 15 f rw ; hr try t-i!, -Tf r-fc 0J i 1 1 aa ta at&t OUT. Aai WLukl ty ar Vm Am f a-a t W4w mm t4 11 rr--- IlWn, t I w'rarf J Jva I may never bore to repay. To lUrdineUi I" , ,j The tragic death which had befallen thd -A. X-.-iiirttfM f thfii members in the nasi 1-4 )'. . cents to revert to. - v "The mare that broke Fleming's neck had been landed but. a week in this country from Arabia, said Bret Crosby; "one would think she had crossed con tinents and seas,' spurred of the thred fateful hags, so speedily did she acm plish Fleming's doom on her arrival " - "The' fate that overtook Tom GileJ was not less strange," commented Harj din; "it to? a chance in a thon$and.. Td .. r I W" 1 I J l 1M0&Tm mm She turnetl in her craciou beauty and moved toward the place of the nusician. He did not rie to meet her. ne eittinff twndinir forward, and hia face waa averted aa from a aiRbt diatrrasing to him. II is violin hail slipped from hia irraep ana wa resung aaisaa um !, two of ita string broken and aharled. She laid upon his idKmlder the hand from which he ha.1 extracted the venom of the tarantula. "Bardinelli P II er voice had never before appealed v lo him in vain. Now he gave it do heed. OHO ir i DirruuBj urr iiium iru vwuvi- ing with the long hair Amting over his ehoulders. I Irr gentle claw cloaed npoo tho fingers still holding the taut bow. Then a paaaiocate cry broke from her lip, and ahe turned to her hnabaad. "He is dead I He has givwo hia life for mine, rhU.- SotAr r.rwaee. Ila raltwISo raa TAmA. A PpcUi from BtafTard PprCS Octm., aay: A(Tat avoaatkei was rraatad ban whra the fact barase kaew that R. B Ilkka, raahiar of the BUSord 5aiioaaJ task. waadfaaltar to a larre aaaoat. Vpcm th bakl Jxxr was Mted a actio that the ixatltatiaa was rVard raodlac aa b tioa. TUtooaJ IUak gtaaataw IL A. Fee- nua.t the datrVrt of I3!caa aad MlavajH, who wa anui to ihia datrkft ea epadal ewty. rl vea to the pnaa the fisOowtag farta The tavrrtlacalkai of the aSaira of the beak abowad that lUrk waa a oafawJUr, a warraat wa wmvrm oat oa rharxlaA'. with the mUolnael of 130.001 lie ateo falVafVd the books of the taj. sad li able to revaaratioa for farrwr. IU kea to 5crwtHa, before a Uattad tSUAe mhaioaar, aad www pom ta wtaflOO to ap pear oa OrtoUr M. The tatal "V. baak teat tal at ever 11 00.000, aad Itirk CoafMaal to havlag tabs f71,Ooa, MW-ka livadat Btafford Prrtra taat vaara. Ite ta eoaaartail with a wwmtmr ti t u an aa terveteia. aad baa roatrfbated larralr to mak the toa a eioarahiac twaaiai 4ara. Vtaaaaata aa laaaaa Aaftaak. Fcr the awvad Uata a t mrm Cra vid taa Jt ertaara laaaae At? heat, tm Uta Uarftsof CVrUai, Cf-M. Il a Ua ikaiof the WMkrr daara. rim tha rf the ratteca aa a UCU; ot ratrratkv AtaaA tara Vaadrad a4 CTtj of tteaa. la ceaf tf thatr ttea4 twwraaJyttJaJlvrKaja abra Vtm cry af ftrraeaa, aad' Caawa aad aaaaa rearvw te) wjrm thrsa aah tawSdartc 4 A TJBpaS wa the tha Mtaadaafa bad raraty Uaaa tea taa racaa aae tUal ua k(ag fire aad A mm acacAa. Aa accai a t be Crat wzdSmamml bat elated tha altead- aata saade a ccwraj aeaa naa l4o the e?- rattatf atack aad faaJ aU Uay ecaAl tt The W4tea of ats teaaa va aba bad by aarhytta rarovarwd- aad taraa ha aatwrvd bad U-a Tfts TArA tneiKir. Via 99-my tuN a4 T Iteataa. Oaa Ptaih at rliAa-J4AaaUte 11 aaa rlah A tjarpalrb fjraa JarkrarUX Ha. aaya: The fart that a eaaih bxaa jCVa f rrar aad wraS la rUlA bwraaaa k Tb tai5mt of the cuaaty Wib beers' laa aaaLaUfr eWtarat ewaraatla rtftaat IV- Ulka, ad arai oat a ararteJtraJa anh rS. cra to wuy tW traiaa at tha bnrar cf tha coewlr. A I rata waa bm at Oraar Iark aal aU j-ncm trxmt Patelka awaaMAbark Ibwaoaaayarial traJ. Rtrl aaraaiiaa baa mm mUiimM ea rail aai oa rfvar, aad II te b4 iW.U that tha frvar raa raarta iarkaoaviSa. A afarteJ to tha TUeea Cakai fnaa Taarta aar iWra .Mteaai tmrm ran aad l(WUa tV. rtrter aad awi tnaa ar Wa4 have ar- rfrat A Tread, tvlaaloa. aad f aar. TW bray tra "Vs aftaaia aa a T-r --! maiaal terf- Vsm rt w-ril - ' ' ?omcea ara IV tr ra. Ua " ' a J -ra. mjm Vsm w-r,w ! -t .' - V . . - . . i f- tmr Uta latter, ra-o- a tr-i mi i a hyw ar-n.. ta t-i al I Kaana-'a. t ; taataara. II r1 paf aatta heal ji aT. ""- & mm a frtxt . m m i l x f ar tr a2-. tte tsx.ttu ( : ' Wiia. ! ay (Wl r-. 1 wm IX tv aia-anA. aaAl i n i i f?A i;, y&ajaa r - --a I. iff j t-sa asatter at xf a-t aa. f r -ky taa af rr 1 ; rr , Vj f t. t to frtt mrm tumtva. a.M r rr.m t -i 1 -frit ta (krr rrvV. mm r r V I ai4 ac ta j-rm:'.4 m Um mt. 'tttm ;;. ky ay Rra Tte tr tijra tf Trt-r,, V' Wartm. Ua m'T a-tl s' r m ... . 1 - - i wrOt t alia la Ult V I : .' ' ; Unl iiaiitiiM Mt k. - ctera cf zrv' aai al avsj i. t-. r : lMTt'Ma Tatry yr 1-:j 1 fcai.! tea ort t t , 3t a a TmC a.-. y . I t-- i a"tra taa a-al ,"'- ' U my m a Vy $ te a. 1 1 ;"- t ' ttery J ta awMW-f f:.rJ l . brwa. A3 tetacaara mrrrar a-w ar r n a a fraal. te.sM.-. . Ivw v- m mm rmtnm- l Ll ft b ' ta tmna Vl w t- t taa T ' T-J' tteaa a alriaB4 ajeJ ..- f-a la ' la mesci..aa to aX a a i u ' A ria4 Mat f I - 1 wjd ta " 11 .Ta Lte aa " ara a . aal a (Yvat af ta J ta li..r ' rrVtte of Ua Laa y Vt t-t-a ot a asaa t ater i n i v , t rca to a-J t.a;e. V, . . aw i ai -nl tm mjrt tx r C-ii ar x -, .1 n. f t ( . . aWx kl rTn!i m n tttoBlirtaa(Titec3: l wi u . I Ja a4 tte aa i',a- a ar f t--. . ; t aa Ul lli4 trr i- Aaa to k Ua ''rt J-tec t " ' " Illtwr atar;J; tl M aJdr to aatea. r mZ i ' mnim V 1- - t - tar k Ua wr, tvat U' fc . I OT. t"rlJ a tla rca rw- t faliWUit:Vt!- , cf Ua t.::te w . a r t t MteUaui; wa wJa t-r r : -J ,-, : Uauii.tr It ar rTarw l : . a i far ka lha occsum cf laa r-w ' it ar ar atiat rmm -mm f lim te fv - t W tte U m f r-viaU. A -. r ll-ca La -3 uu u a -a a- t ' - ' te I rr-L a ef tsa Ur-w tra..""-' . t-.i .! Ua tevwata imiM ti r-cxlia c;. t tr cf aainaa. a&l mmmp t- a re- Cry i i a 4J itn attavt Ual V tuat cctea ! la caraUa af awh fr a:-.x jswf v : tt atkay Icajaa a4 ti-si tx ta ar; : r The Flnt ClrrjAr 1-Uw. MXiV ia drod." she'will move; and II vriH play tha death dance for brr. Come, Signor Dar by, let me carry her; I can beat place, her so that the faintest notee may stir t 1nmrwd aenaea. jarcr xaaoe TTalf frntirt with amT -See, PhiL it has five or six blooms i no oroteat. but yielded her to the I tal i: - j .ii i .i-i . - . . . -1 v:, on it aireauT, ami mere aro ouier duos the Waterrille, Me. XJ claims that CaVt. William Kendall, hQ aa-H' thJa place in 1826 aad erecte.1 a aaw ancaequesny tnveniea ana put mio tion the firat circular aaw for the I manufacture of lumber. The areolar saw waa in operauon iot sawing lamorr on our falls some years previous to 1820. The Inventor of the circular aaw were Messrs. Jaorroith and- Kastmao, who jried on the manufacture of lumber ia the cove, their mill occupying the site where the pulp mill now stands. I well rrmember eeem Ihia aaw in opera tioa previous to 1820, eatting out clp boarda. The log were sawed into four fretlenftha and planed on a machine nroTielled by water power, and opening, um lovelier!. you ever boo anything Yes, he answered wit gravity; my .Carolyn, I have seen something love She bowed her veiled head lower ove the pretty towers. A, strong arm passed about the slender figure. ' - v - Oh.ny beloved ! Was vhispfVcd r her ear, V these blossoms are but insen sato things, at best; don't wasto joui caresses upon them. I am consuoetf of envy of my own gift to, xou. ian. as dmuhphwc" mercy I Had he asked for the heart ia hia bosom he would not have wished U say nay.. Fragile of build though h was, Bardinelli caught tip the lovely burden surrendered to him. and bore her, with the strength and apeed of aa athlete, back to the glare and languroc perfume of the ball room. "Her life ia miner he muttered, is ,;- Th'f delirious krr. as he felt th Ntmlaations of her heart anrwering to tha wild throbbinrrs of "the poiaca-cLsrj Jl art4a ci his treaaL . . ; A MaateaaOir W1a4 Oat 1mi oa lb acathara eoaat of Xaesfcaa eomd oa the Tib aad Kb. The rJty Qoattta, a Urara at Bcra thaa axt eaoc4a wa tnUUr Awtrerad aad aaaay baa war kat. TrWvraia rlveerroawtsof ffKeg arean, Baaey wanw, rbfldrai Raw ftoaadrriac ta the Wormy, earraaw erviae for twto. which aa at al head. 5 partiretera are oUataaha. aj dowm. Ltrapairara a J Ik te aByycaad Ihayy area aamher of wrarka la the Oatf . bat the fart caaaot be aarartalaad. later atearaArfa. ratoth AjKrlatad fraaa rfrt tha eaUr eorTre aad craaya crop ta Btacia dtetrrywl- A rrtMtaf IteiteiAa. XX R. Hd waa rnoTirted la tha ravaJ araaicna at Baater & U of tad a wait epoa hia wtf, aad to Jafl lo await aaateaw. IU stated be nVl dia baf or be waail fa to the laiftlirj. That m6fM ahoat 11:A) o'clock. U a0cr a araaaad by a aoiaw ha U-baJEat. aad ( la.! lata the eaTJ ccerkScr wa lad ,a aai I by oaa of the jate-aara that Raad aa lryteto kiablaaaalL The Jalkr toU lhaaa, Lat bias akaa, aad waaA bark ta bad. la tha hi the oaad body ofllaad wa feead tne by bi ahirl froea the wtadow barsef hte rait It te-a A. J. Tajlwr. a wt3 kaaw faraaycf Law- dale rtatted Cctoalaa & C. aa4 ww4 ta tha Uktefrtead. Jr UUac. oaAa. mnmUy mtrm After l I rhat whh the Ua&Sy ha rctJrai to ka twdrca atet i e'eioch. Al 13 to Ua aanrai a aaraacA ia aamt to hat ream to a! Um. TW waa aa raa awn te bi k anrh. aad apna cfai teaf th tthww ba was rapWted by tha atraaf I aaraS of raa. lie Lk k waal la aad f oaad lit. aeq I . . vi i hat similar to the tnrninir lathe, where the bark and aap wood were taken off. They were then faatrned on the clap board machine, the log turning oa it rratre and a row of cUpboard cut off by a circular saw arounj the log; and U the log was of ukient dimrcawma a ptxxifvl row waa tabra oX The Ing wa propelled back and forward and torned by machinery, giving the thicknen cf a capboard by an index without the aal of a mill man. The machine waa roo aidrrede great invention at the time and attracted much attention free ttrr3Tj3Ylr;i2 the Rrm, TafVa btarfc ba the (ar. grmwmt aad foaaa- lac A tha aaowth. aad tha wtektow aVrvm. 11 bad tami awt ta raa aa rath-tag Tcy after warda Iw. TUy wta norm tte aad frmad Mr, fayVw ra KsrsSZm exKMbttoa. The tAm0a2Otywm axv&ad. bat wttboart TmJSa tha Vatr4 mCmX. 1 rritiaaiiil aarijaaaVaa waiit T aVkck la titowaaiac.ad tea taitraad Unr te aC rbearw for bia maiwy. artAirTnitrLranim. TVa Tm0m IW IU .1 K. C- Kataha- C ar: Tea 9mw Tarh Saah. Uxw Yoax, Octotar tl Taa waakfj baak haw tha foUewiax chaaraa; !. a. oarrraa a aJo; amaa, liw raaaa.n,. tr4,000; ajwcte.diyiaw tlU,0CO; taa drra. tarriaa 172,730; drpoaUa, timniaaa 1 41 . CC0 ; ctrraWUaa, cterraaaa TVabaakaaaw hoidrUXO U rxrraa cf th 25 ft eaol rati. - A aUvraArb trmm Wlaaaiagtaa, JC. Tb H I Owlt rVraaaav. CarA trau wbarh arrtTwd tar fWtarAa fiaa ?Uw Terk. Wa mS Uuim Tx Har bor. ahoaASa'rWa bwt TVaratej 9mlm eoCad arUh the tnai r Z C CakkA, Capt Twaac baaed Ur tTaaAJbcVaa. IX C. to ItarTcek.aaaagthe late la abaat tawav I aUilAf marl aad b-watVA letkia acrt by ! tha OaUf rteaaa. aad U r ta 3Uw Tawk la that en L arfth tha arrrrttteai of Car oac.wba teaawa terra tor WaaUaeav 2e Brat war kat aad aa tararai lart, aad th Oalf atraaua aajafi'ra I aa timeamvc. Arrcrdlnj ta the oTVU, rr;-t tlar v-ar 50.TS3 fatal raw wwat rwrtacc cf of Atjrt. of c I t aiX'Lr" Ua fCTh- !! Daw oa rrchlt ti.o-ai. aai rarAat a rl r - ' wawCi. la!W Yca-k. ay. : Tte wrt WatJka mrmm taxf iav zm frnrm. ' a kaaar Itet to a4ca Vto tea a r-am !--aara lte txatesara aal to A Uxwu -94 carato fraa Vtm fan;aa f ant, Itewfcr. to tba a! w c;-A to ti Iter ria ajkl teaia.- wkb-a lia r - waaa ttr t tte-r tra. A I 1 U tei U 1,'AlO C ia-MM f.'i ia KW eri, m r -f U --r ; k-f laa. ttm rar i - -"aa I tf - 1 m a-a afa (. ol 4 a rr ara- - t 1 aa araatte to water a at a? 7 - ' jbt f ajr a imimi mm raa t mi.wm fxm ra U i tt r-t T y - Uat lV-Uv.-ai aaa or !.-' ' - acrt 4f if r-t. mmrsmmX rm I M-mmmm, 1! t 1 ra mt-Mjr fJTfi U-a"t lT r7 : - aaa kaerva lte atv.x .. .4fv-- f am mrrmtmijmmm ka LW - "" J f. t 1 . awati r"l cKa.ai tato t ' " . i-' tea, caa aaa) awy ta rassa C yaj tarvaaa i femr ' ' tai Wkl rav'y ; aafirar mm , . ' In. MMjltetwaiaW tl-'! ? . Uaaa aaaa aaA to aVa Va a r ' 1. a - ! I . arra toaa ttoy J raaarvA aval r?- .1 1 ty Ua-aa. "Ia Tatala a anW ar'aa fn " f r - - "n rU, wWa Ua lAvaa tew rMam.I t -1 itef taaraa. U"a ara ar Swnaa r-a-: v toa raC'kav Ttena wa A4a"M Um f mr- tew. Tka- U'-a Tka-'W-ar Vt mmt arr.i v t lV-2-a waa a fa-'sra. Il a vV ; Xauaa w tii.- at t awte W Ua U u jaw 1 lte t favrt rf mr -S a a r aat C pnmmrm tt j 1 tiB lar U arCara. I rftT tlcjkca Irat. Itejt 1 t -a- te Xua tra aaa n la rrC-.'l, . tte"- la aanaa tka ma t. .. itr. JtasJW te tra. Ila U I tew te r. t wa a trw o-..,'Tr iHira aav bawa . ka tl Ur a ..: r. t ta a i-r" ary ta Ua ra te . Ur. tiWrl Carrrtt TAwrt CarrHl taa rmrnml cf tha EaLLaacr ai Uti CcraT, aad th rwefaai a araa TTca F term w3 rocsaa to act a ryraCirtU TS3 th aggsal aaaaCX- riwvllaaa. 131 Erih kry, te Tra)xrta la 1i!aL Il te ca-'y Uraa yaavra at- tv f 1 l - . . fajara aurtevy a f 1 la J",- ". V aa ra;rry ka lia assK jr- r--" i ' -riy ta a-ra4 -aa Vm a r - - - - hfm kaa taaas wt i ? lr-r.; ; i S s ' ia vl Ila ana- '. vr Ira. ' I . I -- . v I ( t -a. la mUti hmtUi -itia' I ria. tnl t i raCaJ. T's-a x.y af L- .r ar r al. t - r rrj f -a" ry i." '3 f V f-i-4 - .a-" 'a l.-ps-y a a-.-Tj v 1 .2 i r - . f.ra. larra- lt. rr Vja --.r :' ar i ra f - a rr. a c s ' " . tert t:u..-l.a M 5'. "

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