v I. F. MVJI.RILL , Editor and FiiMiaher. E()UAL AND J IsT LA US I'KOIITLT EXECUTED U.CO Fee At a. VOL; IX. UICKORY. CATAWBA CO., N. CM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1687. NO. K5. S0M1- FAMOUS DUE statk.smi-:n and pcrmc C)X Till! FIKL.D. TbO Code in England, Ireland and the I'nited States. i rn v HAT list relic of tho age of chivalry, tlm duel, has well-nigh rcwhi.il its final stage. Pcrliapo in no coun try has duelling eve. Is-en carried on with tho enthusiasm that now, Imt the tink; wa when the " (lrc:-i! -I." was tin; happy Jmnting ground of .faction the garden Hriot of dnoilut.;. t -duca'.iou of n youn ; man Was nof eou i.:. n-.l iHii"l tu until U -. had taken a degree ; ii tin: pi-tol, ami an son aw any one was i.:-1i.-iioim enough to lio the subject of con , -;i:t n two tjutxtioiiH were wire to ho put: lamuy is in; of "Has ho ever lh3tiueljiig stories In "( 'bar:- Ma. klliiiton," avt; inori; t r less iiil rtlll liv t. ami fonn tho most infer. .isugtH in those rnl.ickiug nowls of to rvlre his fire ami then, if not mortally bib to dcttvi r Ida own ftro. To try to cOmrtcW- with such a rapid shot an. Lick;nsn would on!y re sult in deranging Jackson's aim, anl nmU isVasibly ,-Xvn no fl remit. Jackson cx pict ted to U hit, am hit M-K-n ly, h it In de pended on his iron nerve to bring him safely through th ordeal. At nightfall loth i-ar-tics reached tho spot, and put up for tho night at farm hon-rn har l.y. Tbe next "morning they were on the ground. Dickinson's sc rond won the clioice of position, while Overt n obtained tho right of giv ing the word. Tho thvd was tn I at tight paees, twenty-four feet, which oeingduly meas ured off, was marked by i egs at which t ach principal wai'placcd. "The st-comls stood at right angles with their iwu pistol drawn to prevent anV violation of the ni'.ctt ftr such nr-i-osions. In more than one Imdiiice a duellist baa li!t n known in that c untrT to firo Ik fort' thut doable er ki I re no htwl a enancc to Pt.' v . . ;t i thcw.rd waKiv.n,. at..i A " ', ' . " n i" al v. rarv 1 1 f . .re .ui. ii eiuuciTiit ro n ,r, lf .1,1..,. ,.t M Mnl IfH III IV lll.lt II 1 a III vial: Kho ild Ik; guilty of such a thinj as that, th' sec iih sh iuM at oiico nhot hint dowu. Then Overton ak. d: "Are yoit rca-ly ?' Iioth replied in tl. aB'rinativc, and then miM.-nW famt- lhn word -'Tire!" Qilick a a riaMi o'f lightning 1 n.:!iiist ns piftol went off, and a pi i IT oi tiu-t va:i sc. -it to ny ironl tliC IickI or ,!:i!l.-yr,'TMarI.orreju.'r,1 i ' ToiijJ'irkf'o Ours" ht i i ad been opjf.;etl to code was compiled. on ike nFi.n. Charles l.cvtr. The s.k etches of l'.arriugtoii :ui'! t'.ie iiii'inoi's ami htographirs nT a Imn !r. l yr irs a;' portray vividly this fealmv of I. i-li life. Sir Jotiiiii -l;ai'riiiirton det.-i's 'io Mian 'J.7 nt'vinoiali!i' an 1 o:ti-i.tl dut;!-i a- .li ivini.; o I during iilit lvrio.l n whi.-ll !: wriii s. Among tin ni may lie found a Lord t h'a-ii t l!r nhting a Mastt-rof tin- llidh;. a ';it f .Ju.-tt i -t 'i 'htiiig two po'-rs of the ri ahii, a X liu'ii'i Uur if the - I'scheijut V !i.;lit:n : a I'rivy 'oitucih r. u Provost Of a college light ;i Masier i J'hailcery, and another Chief .1 .1st i ! oM '..iiig of three irclil It men f n!:i t he " oifry. 'l'he uell known Loril Norl ury, tiii I" Ireland's infamous Judges, was said to have ' ; b; up" into preferment,' m 'notorious wns he lis a duellist. A liob'.e lord, 1 ring Worsted -i s-t'c.4 of lawsuits, called out ccriat tin a ':'.. n bariistt'-rs Nvhn tjiim. A regular Irisfi !u 'h beeauie f lmoii-i u:id-T Hi' namt of "tin i hii !y-:-ix ii:nma":iilmei.ts of Ualw.iv," which lai I down to a nicety all the miimtiio of pro ceeding, from the time of the first iiiFiilt until ono or tho other c.m! i!a!t W t i disabled on the lit hi. 'i'liev; tr given in et n-o in Sa-)'!iie,H-"Hir.tory oT l.bielbng." and strike tho uiodefn mind -.-the mind that has not become ''more Irish mid less nice" with lth amuse ment and astonishment. 1 town to the year ;lSt!) duelling was almost as common in Liigljaiid a:t in Iiland. Tho Duke id Ve!lington, when (V ycfrs old, chal lenged tho Karl Wlnchelsea for a KupMsetl public niTi'ont. They tnct at an appoint-tl l-hce m a'.' London with tlnir stei'ii l-., ami at i he Mul' l the duke, tired witlmuk- hitting his :;hersary. The earl llreil in the air. an 1 the i lal U rQ-ierniinated. Micaulay, who never shot a pisiol in his life, acct-pie l a challeng I c. mi a Mr. Wallace, whose history he had re viewed with great asperity, Imt the ditlieulty 'v. as composed through the intervention of I'ri. nils before the ti.Jd of honor as reached. American s!i.tesn:ii and public men both North ami South have frequently resT(od t the "eo.ie ior a si ttlement ol grievani'ts, am the t.ist of tin- llistij contains the namt s of the most emim nt mciLln our history. Hamilton, the foremost statesman of his time, was Mile I by I in ir, who was at the time Vice ricsident of tho United States. The entire country was plunged in mourning by this event, but the facts are too familiar for repe tition lu re. In most of the American duels there has b. en ry little child's, play or make Klieve. When parties sought the field they usually i-hot to kill, and tho great majority of Ameri can duels have had a fatal result. Olio of tec most celt bruted was U'twecn Jackson ami Dickinson, in IS1. It was long la-fore tho 'Tys of. Jackson's eminence, and when he .,is a brawl ng. carousing, horse-racing fron tiersman, far from dreaming of fame or of becoming President of the 1'nitetl States. The iUarrel originated in a horse race, but relent lessnewt was given to it by some super serviceable friend reporting to Jackson sonic :ep. rsions lti.-kinson had niado on his wife. Thu ws tho deadly sin that Jackson liewr forgave, and a challenge paused and ;is accepted. Jackson was at tlie time in his fortieth year,, and his opponent m some yearn younger. Jackson wan a good, asbnt i;ot a great shot with the pistol, but Dickinson's perfonn.mceH with the wvaitou kiti' phenomenal. He could cut a string at a distance of twenty-four piues. At the worn of i o:i:mand he could plant bullet after bullet in apace no larger than a silver dollar. He re quired no tune for amiing. butcouUl shnt the instant tin-.vord was given. When it leeame noised in the streets of Nashville, where Imth bved, that .Tai-ksou ami liekinson were to ligiit a duel, the foyner was given up ai1ost, for ht' could iiiit'jiossibly tire as tpiickly as the latter, whose aim was known to le fatal. Many bets were made taat Jackson would not Jackson's cbe-t, J:ehsoil tire his left a'lit tightly it- ross his cut st and raised his isto. liiekinson, amaZ' ti at the iiitwonteil failnn- f'f his aim, recoiltnl a step or two. ami cri-d out: "(tool (omI, have I niis-wil him ?" ll.v-k t the. mark, fin" sai l Ovirtou. and Uiihoii. witil averteil -yts, n-sninetlhisplav. Jackson J Took tit liberatti aim ami pulled tlic trigger. The pistol did not go oil. lie examined it J and found it lial stojipcl at half cock, lie drew back i he hammer, took aim the wcond linn', and fiu-tl. Oickinson f. ll, shot tbnxigh the body below the rils. tvert'n stepx-d ftr wartl, a-tirrtHineil his condition, ami then con ducted his ll Uicjpal t.ff the ground. Thy had not proct'cdcttl f-ii' before (he surgt oil noticed tliat one of JayksoiVsV.ioc i w.n ftill of I 1 1. "Are youhit? be t m Iuiml. li. I K-lievo he ha t pinked nn- a lit: It , l"it ttoii't sar any 1 thing about i' !" Ibi kin-on'n oini had IkiiIi 1 1 rfect- but tlc'slcii l- ro-ss of Ja -k son's tignrc dressed in a lose frock had dtt-ivei him. i The ball raked the breast lone. ami iutlicted a wound that troubled Jackson to his dyitig day'. lickins"n tiled thut night. . Henry ("lay fought two duels, ami was tho t hailen-.'t r iii i both. Tin- first wn with Hum phrey Marshall, while loth were nu nibi r of the Legislature of Kentucky. They wcru of opposittvpiirtics and ctmstant antagonists, and dnrinc ;itl'-lKi;e Maf-h.lll Indulged in i r.nal leniarks so sovi re ami ib iuinciatory a to draw a im ssage from Mr. Clay. They met and exchanged two ir three bhots, loth l-ing slightly Wounded. Clav's second dm I was in lSJit, with John Uandolph. Mr. day at thin time was Secre tary of Statt; unib r John Ouiiicy A.lams, an-1 lbindolph w.n a H -nalor from irginia. ll.in tlolph, in one of bin fo-Lil tiralcn agaiie t I he Adniinislratioii. in which he fairly ex hausted tin unrivalled vifc-ahulary of abuse, attaekttl the President an 1 S. rctary of Stutc ei-sonally. and sikiki- ef them as "coalition M l'dit'i! and P.l sek Oeorge. the eonibinatitn, ru bear.l of till then, d the l'liritan ith the b'aeV-'eg.'' N-t content with this, he Went on to call ?dr. Clay's progenitors, to account for bringing into the world '"this licuig, so bnl- TKMPKRANCK. V.'fdon nf rsrinrn. I ift u; yotir pyi)-1 tintipir rj:ija, AikI too ih hrrNfiiM n iiKMitl; "I le f twill's ( ltr .4 itimr I frfU, I ' ll- w tt br lnt UIK o It fcfcj; L'l n the n.ttin'ain tid s Tb- K-gions form, Iii-Cr nnc s r.n The royal b nnr tides. Oh have ye thought tho year were i!o To tak I lie .i frim o, Tl-njh have known lnm Ion He wt rM-wid written prrnmi f Tb" mount n-. are lir, I .ok up ami ! 1 Im- liavt Mid tm Hanua tlw we!l fUk-1 Lira, Th vis'oti i hatuj-'s; k, itaprms N iii4 a d.m ihnl; It i m p i-t me f our iln ami, 1 l.e Uitlk fi-rnit la rt-al; It is i!n Ia a It-r'n shtit! TIk- tin ia mail", 11m jut;.!. -s fnH Ilus n o. h a the foe't: rnl ubt. To vp Mil! n-k wl n i-n for asf Tl. air ro nK l'f tolen; Ih-nr e ti t mynl ty llitltji, J el ah" word i n; okt-n: Tl . nriof Ctir.jkteinlora Mllst feel bis in. In stoiini mid tin Tlie evil'miist ttrcumb. Ih prayer nnl nti-r, in vow an vote a. Tin nation jo.n it ftirctn: 1 he mist I eyoud tlx- lootiiituhi ftiKlti Hk b"r--iiM-n ,-hhI Ihi.-s! V"m:e up StaU-! la-l.ultl t nr uptaai k a 1-, The VW-:oi ) 9; eil-n, ri in u p j our star of col 1! Tbore's panic in tin IltHn-Ixwtl's h'. Tl ugh mil with ibunken laugbU-r; . A lii'ger wi nes oK.n the ualii: W ait ye w hat i t.i eth n.'t t ; 1'n fviv In?, l-ataee ttor, I el-okl K th tliej.l Ik Ih ars tl. lm I Ot tetnin z ti n iienr. jl;o heights are full f nirtnVs smift, Ai-tl pray, r ! brtathmn un.h r; Wait ye mid tlw tl.irkn, lifl, At r tin I nit ii I thunder Shall drive nway iu s orn t ur glldenl cur-, AihI th-n n heuise lasoiign land ncw-lmrn. D riij'il William, in the rbirc LOST ONTHE LAKES. W i: K'K UFA 1 SS r.Xt RSt EAXER THAT WAS Ilt'lLT EOU SPEI ! HATH EU THAN I OKSAFLTV lilt; MiriHirrVMI Hate tleea 1. Tim triiiihii Sofir artbintf at MilwiiW-r WU.. h lrn-ht tin 6rt Dn of the Udal rirk ! larrr M-nr I'ffjelkr tdt Unitoua, Wl. Tint the wnrk U tint of thr..rfl llrr V riM.n, tf Ihr Northern Mkhlg-an line, ii i-t.!li.ln-I lnHt ln-jnl dniM. Mk n Uranl a rrirw .f twrnty -two nu n nn-1 Mrral jmrtip-rs the rtxrt uuinif-r iitt Initio; Known, ami it an- that all tumU trmUni. Cai. A NOTED D EST A RATH) "3 TXTZ. TTrata4 ( 0a ! ! M wrll reatteaitart U KaWta Kof two jrar a drfmraJo titml (rn Manninr, fc!Ua f)I! Mfltredj. . rKtimittcl all ! f crime la Sutb Candina, utrialtoc. lrc ! rral rNiotie. ljfct inter b rua rit of that Stat.? Into Ntb CaraUaa aa-1 at to-e rvirnmeartnl hi ctin. lie atole hrrw atvl all "CU of jrrrtj arl ia thluw louatr tlolr.ia rrpi fnfa rhurrh, runoio; r.fl 5th the oen, l4T-ln- ujMn It at Jarra bcrr b tfl for tlx night. In tbU wit be ral trr Ibe !lf. Mm time narrow t' etatlioi; rsf-Miit. Kinallt lc rraclrl ilranfurt I'nuatj, an I lTrja a arriea tf xtnffr ri. WAN 1 1 IIS" O TON, i TK oarois it t t t. Cear-'Tw Ifnrr. tLf 4 M Ii I . - I J v . - . 1 erryr tl trra 4 fU a! nUti l tW WJ ( ,W ,t, t! !!.-".. - te.iNr. i:;.r z - i;ee .' ..Of. I"' Nloran, t( the SnjtwT.r, UloTtrnn.r Scale rT-rlTrtl amiuiit fvT Sthrr tr fotir raft, with rm clinging i bun. aal the tru!t Urran" warm, to tlM-m. and a!- a amall tirnntIn J lt Ajril be foun-l tttrtlnj? a inir woinru an-1 thr" men. AltlnHth be wamn la Ikaufnft IVniatr. and W lr- . . ... i I nuule an elTttrt t rvrue thrtn. the higli I . . . , nm prrveiitnt ni rrntiertno anr a- Thr Anti-Id imr Cruaade. In rtm'ra lit t:tn U oilier n'rls tfi'ern lug Ma no, Neal lKwa latest uttcran. c is n" follows: .Many years ngo the people of Maine ron sunit d tnn t-tn-ir; drink thau any other Mate in the I'nion. Mr. Ulaine, writing n th subject, a lid that nt one tirre r.o l-mp-'e iu the country u J such eiKtrmnusqnantitira of li-jutT as did the p-op of this Mate. To Iaj- we e.m say tliat n- S'ate in the Union uses lit 1 1. .Mr. 11 afi. lias also aaKi that -inarkablv durinz Mai no. i Here im a liant yet so corrupt, w men. iim- a r-uien m.T h- no State h is prosja rtl so n erel by intK.iiliglit, slum it an.t MuiiK. ."Ntu the l ist twenty Tears as only for tins PiacKguar.i annsc. mil also ior Ca tin for all thin change. ' certain tnstnu itions. agarisi is ir.i. u, ;ir- Urunj drink hast been l ilt t lay calh-.l linn out. 1 m y m i on uio ir- Year a-o there were tnc it M-t.in c. tlw fniit rmr N-in; ht r ll U alde ami rruirino the rr-w lrt efforts. It wa alxut lit n'llix k in th- morning whe n the llrt iins tf the wmk in lh lux f the l.aliti; rarpo ami furniture were Mtn. Alut an hur Utrr rafts w.re iglitfl. tn unif th'-'nf tiiMnt w realnut p'tie, while tthr ignal!ed the Siiti rir. fapt illi.init. of the Mhnrr Jei.h al-K tti"rtsl liaxing tin wnrk- . age aUmt si mih- r:tt f T liivrr ' lVint. evith ntly f a ngi r e l. J One tf the i rrw awr a lly. and a pitre f a ilo.hmr with a man n it wa 1 next win. Tlie tt-4 was running high that it was iinnild f-r the JM-jh I'aicfe to octt n-Kr enough t the man t pi k him up. I'apt Moran. of the lramhip Sii tir. who briMight the first lion of th wrtf k. fk.il . "To s.s one man on a raft apju-alinj; for our help, another 1 ing from x--my, ami a MnaU lat in whiih we mnld M-e one woman ami Ihne men. tie wav inp a eiat to attract attention, all I" ing ts.M-l aUiut in a tt rrible m .. without our It ing; able t rentier them any a"id nnce. wraa heartremierin"; in the extn-me. We wen iii" fighliig; f"r enr lit-. With the exception tf th' ok rxerx man was down lahw . Our tilbr hal luti-nn li-nni tetl frm tl- nibb-r nt. lc. iin;; u at lh m rr t! in- j-a, until we m.in.ij;cd to ring up tinrarx t:it kle. With this w; kept our iwrl nt of the trough of tlie a anl krpt b-r Nfnre the irih. It was tlirit- hur ! fore we eouhl hamlle our lie, and thru pan firing on the r? ttirsuio-S biro, ami there wa a regular ftaille. I'ia ally tie was alt tlw, and tbum wfenl etl" wa rrurrd. Kvro tro be lr fiant. lie was krn t- jil at Wasbicp. ton. f The newa f the rapture mmm frd, a sear b tf the amp was tuade and it w a ftHiml tliat Manning bl hi qvuirlcr in a ledb'W rxn trs- t fiH" ie. whri h tl on a ss-rt of WUaL In Ibis live be bl a tote. ldd;Dg and i hdhing etrn l.k an-l 'ktut, lsr. i.h- fttisl ami ne lbn j rsrtiy. A lurk dr was ntleil tt lc- it-jrnirig in the Irre ipite naturally. He was tfirsl for bfsc traliep; and rntrnrtsl to a twnlv tear Mm, lie remaiml ilrfuot. ami aUn Iwr wa lo the lVnitrjtirt aa'el be wuM rajsr. On the traia he nearly tie! f bis -In klrs ami was it at work ia thnsji- n. A few tlaja ayt be del ml Mif ndl rail. TbetTirrrs t.f the ptivn at on re rnrule that be was btslio asme wlnre ia the jrrrat e-hure or Hit tb numrrmar luiltliog. Iy ami night the aearvK Was keisl up. Kirrsj blail at inter ail around the bS sJork atb. which uToirHU the tri. aod I... an.ir.la loir altastann llkraltrt11 N xiilir wi re admille! I tlw" jfin. ', lfj- ! Manning oml'l I'siwi. rirrsftrtasrttt. m lu aaaoal rtt tW mrrrrtrr rsrsrler lr Ssfk aaj yrl that ia luiptar. wib it ias w4l. aiV4 ttiaaalr aal W .! al rrsrrrsi witbia lt satr4. caa4 1 stt rMiaaaled, awl it tfrtt eess. vcalrtl thai rrrj j art aa.it t ijVl 1 takra ti aaakr l'rjniatt aapi i all rrpuirrtrls Aa a pxrj 4 1 1 V . ci foe a rdrsal iira 1m fT-irl. and it batiatf lsrrta tKttrTmaI t lii-l aa arrneel es-ll at this ast jarl. aa tstmutr i M!alt!rl .4 I.C:i ". je xkle a srrtixal luiV-ba 1t ltm aa! trtl ahtfst la rrsktala swW tVr 4at aa red b sbeltrf. CrTT1a tw KJTTcA. fWrttarr Faie?l.H b ab.in-4 tb disenUwl t.f titt's-a tWtls of Ibr !. 7-.lr in bs lSes Vot fawtrsBt bsue wb bl fle Irt r Ibtr ttil ntrfl etniaatna ff reirsa. strKETAUt niiARo?ciiirc. At:' - - - I r r : f tU rs t J aa.1 if l'.V ff-V ti rw.,rrf tb re trts f-' fr,4 1 1 I C.l al! lb" tV j- r. iu .-. ti- --' fr-. )ir lal. A.k. a a a:V 4 ttrvl t.t , rtv-l rt b Lrsv I wa.a- " " t ... -. . - .. - lit hfl iAie aa4 U'J af Ctm !' .-aa-.i lar a. tSKai X-e -f noss. ! ta4 T19 M. I Mr at jt rjaaJi rtt?J Wat a it tv t-tr t s,iasarseeaetf aae. A M. t'aul Miaas-e4a Wllt stjs: TW lir anaMicteat of lbs t- b-; au4ia! f Jirtr7 t-f hUlr kvart ! lt fs.4ie iHUas Mafkr- bs ettl ai little rveaofitt ia b city, osila- t thr fart lb. I tU rrTTt rts (.- !- rrbttises. ia SM. Iwl la the Vt 1 - tasr t tb ' tJ 7 . f"l!, U a trr.M- .k-atV W.'.! aasat t eja f f" II -- UVt wb-a W- lUfciTf-a r-f W t.rt.tr fe a-.l tbt lb- sl'a wt a!st ia w-s a nj trtrcitv a '.lts rtsrU! tbe evatre t i'--tn..;t; a hf sir a al tbe li ail Is a s 4 lb jr ll.ls.sa sirw-k at tW .!Uks. ar4Lj- fsaZI '.mr IWea m lr-a 1 le t-l tVfl W Un tirts f I? -a sfd f.stlx rtsv TbT I nfl al ab-r. I ' :'r" t -f rl s-sl a n!l - mi ' m. Tbr ssl Ta t t . of 1 14 t. I !. i ti--.f lb" t He IH. J. I. Mlk- a.I bwl-rulbsr, m I sbail. mv.n; takra I nfTrslt tltntrsl lbs- f4bia ia tit-' la.b'v iVvr . trrrmlmg mllrT ffsB If. ttkrsr: Mtrkor was ljfa ia. al. -os aol is if stjSl cUti bow near It fo1t xi o L ait!-crb ' t:t lt saw 5 mm b iwff bka. Ilrr Ittr. Frank lakte. tbe trt ss-etrfarT f the rsnitbststiUa Iottoti-sji. 1lH -etal impiTtsal iii ia Wabt'sm. Mim Mrk' icat jrri-l raKW-. Alsram Markov. wb was , ala If gin;-. H'le ot tlie li toinac ami excnangtn allots. The first tire was ineffectual, but on the second Clay's bullet pit reed tilt foldHof the white thinm-l wr.ipj.s-r wluc'.i P.vi lolph. with his usual eccentricity, wore on tin- tie tl. Ihmdolph fuel in the air, ami, advaneb'g with extendi-1 hand, at tho sjun time shov ing th-j ho'.e in his wratper, ht t-houte-l. in his sbVill ami ii.-rcing voice: "Mr. Clay. Mr. Oav, voumwe nit- a new ' wrapper." "I'liank ed," rt plte 1 Clay, "tlie thbt is no greater," and took the extended hand i:nd di'Mk it warmly. They b caim- List fr.cn Is fr.-:n tint time. Thi tlm 1 between Jonathan Ciiley of Maine 1 anl Win. J. (i raves of Kentucky, b ith mcin- ( 1m rs of Congress, is notable from the fact that tin. re was not the lea t is-rsoual animosity . ,1 ' I j c ' -r i;.. 1. 1 ..i , -. II . lei - '' '-- l : , - ,U.I mitt -t ' . t - j ,ie-r V Mm $: '-tm Pcr.NE ok c.e:;. jckson's Avram. . tnit of tho war indu-tr.es carried on here. The luniU-r trale einpmye I a larpe numlier of our men, ami the fishing industries a great many more. The.- peolu'ls wren nearly all ejortl to tbc Vet Imlies ami other sr,uthei n iountries.and t-arter.nl lor rum' and mol.-isses. '1 he ow n;: a of the saw mills anl the lls'iernien n ver nuvle the M-tte orw iitlkT ri"hr, anl the- only n ault-s of their indi-stry were a population of toper, dilap idated pernio! house . Ktiiniet farmers atxl tbt-nving farm t-uild ngs. Wlien Blame vaid that Jfa'no is the nw-t pre speroun State in the I'nnm sjrke fio trutli. The dil ipidated bu Idin - are Is iu rep-iinsi or rep'aetsl by new one. lwud-onnT in nrctiitecture and suttantiul in structure, and the almost hojs.s ovtrtr is giving ownv to vigorous imliLstry, inteliig nce and wealth. Ily careful estimates, this Mate now saves, dirvl-tly ami indirectly, tho sum of s.'l.iso.tiO yearly. In fa. vol th-.e facta it is a great w rong f r Dr. Crosby to ay that the Maine law in a failure. All' o' her j ub'ic interests shrink into ii.sgnifi.ance when comarel with th.a tpie..ti'Mi, an I tlie eau cm hardly have a more dangerous larrier in its way than statements like that of Ir. t'rodivft. They nro cLingerotw Leon use we have strug'l-sl for n re tlan a naitcr of a century lebre the eves of tlie uatiiMi, and if tu vessrul our example will le fol'osel by every Mat" in the I nion. Su h nnn fchoul l lw mfornvd, s"i that they will never rept-at sn -h statements as that of tlie tl rgyuian I refer to. t he (act that the Iarz?r proportion of in- lia-n tsx-n ImiiislKsl: tlie tact thai femptat.on for I we were out f M;:ht of the .hipvr'iT.il A.-' J I , .-- I Jil I "V t "X VU , ..VI ; .. . , I I I yj 1 1 .". " I II 1 "L Z v-ff Iff: m - l taw UKx- n - - -r w twcu'ii them. P.oth went upon the ficM ex pressing the highest it-g.ird fv t ach other, fought with riik s at ighty y.-mls. ami on the thirtl tire Cilley was shtd dea-l. Tlm st mls, who were Henry A. Wist of Virginia for Craves, ami (itorge W. Jones, afterward Sen ator from Iowa, for Cilley. were greatly blame I for the fatal termination of the tlm-i, ami were undoubtedly r sensible f.r it. The dud turned entirely upon a point of honor. Cillev hail niadt- some strietun-s in debate un the character of Jane- Watnon Webb, the fa mous New York elitor. Webb neiit him a challenge by 'the bands of ti raves, which Cil ley refused to receive, not on the ground of i Ik in-' opptvMtl to duelling, but on tlie ground ! that Webb v;ts not a man of honor, ami hence not entitled to de'tnan 1 the satif i- tion nnal among, gentlemen. It is a mi vim of the "CtKle" that a js-rson taking that posinoii makes-himself amenable to the second, lo cause it is a rellection on him that he wou'd a-t in such a manner for a msn th-void of honor, tiraves ttk this view of it, ami accord-' inglv sought oi: a s.ond ftr himself an-1 ! challenged Mr. Cilley. Cilley accepted, ail the i time professing the highest regard and friend ship for Mr. ttraw-s. lit chos- ntlcs at eighty yards. The first two fdiot? proved inetTeclua!, but the st.-eoiids mado no proper effort to then ttle the matter.1 At the third tire Citley fill, mortally wounded, and di.tl on the eroun. There have lt-en many other duels between meinU rs of Congress, bnt none more foolish than this. As the sentiment against duelling was verv tenipeiane of t Ii. svint v Ptvn L'ni? sbtirm that f1ourihil hi th city of" Portland twenty-tive years ag mti t w it It tli.tti r. not ud rem iins: th fact tliat no liouor ts ' i now importe 1 fnan the Weht Indie, ami the j 1 i i ' . . . t mtireis oi rum inn ome oiupmi nctei-s oi land at the Portland wliarvc after the un load 'u; of cargtn a are alml.shod tin not all tin so fa -t-s signify a prrgress in ie nlirts-1i"n or tlie otlier Were r.tt three-fourths of the j:iU emptv six mouths after the law was imsseil? Hut jeople say they lo not under kUikI w hy tlie grog tdiop in tho larger cities an' allowed to exist. That ii the key to the situation. After our thirty year.' of trying to work out the great problem. eople point to a few of the larger cities and aiy, ltok at Maine." It is easilv seen why the puttin out of the way vl such olraax !- to tlie causj as this is of tlie utmost itnpoi tance Mot ol the kalo-n keei-x except thane of Bangor, disijr:e of their rum on tbe sly." men. Inert ts a jnx.iiiiuiy tliat a I irv M-hoontr ming; up the like afttr us in.iv hive pi(kfl up th j -ergons in tin lKtt. They was ilm-c .r four mi h- astern of i.o ami I coubl Mt through n glav that she was loading towards them. Hut he may lwve Urn Umml for Mani t iiiw.1 i n I could hu pesl witlenit mi ing them. Tlierc i little sM.ildlit tliat he ctHibl Ii im-l.ik. o the lin n off the mft. ami it i even lotiMful if h coiihl pick up lh kiI iu ut h a a If i-l ie i-ouhl pt clc enough ! throw them n line as he scudded by, and I hey held on ti it. I here might I- a i Intin for tht m to l .icd. It .i a.htwvj i m ;i as I haxe e.xt rient tt in all my lif on the lakes. ire rviO'Di-kx , wluctiwc h.pl in low soinctimts Luritd h-rslf s i that only half of hi r m.i-1. tubl l-ee.i. Once -he staved under lna 1 lhughl she w as pme. Many will attribute the vel b.s o ovi-rloHtliiiir. Without a rar'o he was a tleeia r draft n-- l than nnv th . ... . . like, ami It Was illlfildc to b.ll bT with profit to her owner withotit making her up.fcaworthv. In ordtr lndtain gn-al scl. ht r buihb r sarrifit-ctl btoancr . . .... . . V ami stability, and rxi-rv Xt ru nt t-l man w ho saw the Vernon after she w .is launch ttl rtliclcnl he woubl "incr of later t Ul.l of coVj laVVL was aril ptB rau.itn iwjrM-n Laajr ,.-. 1. tu.i t ; last rvtittiM. I J l f rftr alt'- lr-.-TS. A o -i as a;? ro-wt ibet&i-llW " 1 litre, It.-k is rtfl-1 ! blsa. U.t it Ja. Fea as b .V I s. b.rk '.ab! n al b tb J -' i:Vl Ust a lrs-frUj 14 w. tb.""' iC l!aft.i.!sa .-rrt U! tbe tl trv. A M f br-! sifS l- r- t -" trko- frra-Hlb'r. was bCfte. ..v- -. asl t,sl' i.;nnrikr itnUhhlti 7Av " " .JT i T I.IUI lbs- l'fe:d Tb'-s fllir i ikririi'ikirL in tbe nx-rnio ' in a I -tiring rain storm, he .titi; osit if a ' as llx ow rtr of lb s.pre U-tl sirtiallr furnUbesI iKiildms an-l wltria n.?nul. 4tktt. Fijbth Nivb l..rt latMt r in his lumls dbrI exv- . stfrvts, bilI'lf-b. n-l U li the tnrloMtre t.iwarls the t'A.aftIri a I M1'1' ' '-" " ?r Aat-"! ie rearrsl Ihr 1I b taairtst it Iki )niuiti m;ui ""' --- a sh . a a i aa -a a a a a ww -u. ximmU rlUrsl Ins KC JW,IU . nmtr-, . o " bf.dCdiol. Nothing dauntrsl be otrsl J'l'tM-r. lsi lU .itt- the ladder and the stotkadt-. As he I l.wtofVr l-ull Iiie. JOS "I'-SJ t tJ t4jd tbr anther iuarl ami Msfning A Soul-Savin; Scheme. (Jovernor Cndtpiitt gives some telling fa-Ha couo'ining 11k workiugs of prxdiilnt.oo in Atlanta. This is a city tc sixty-five thousand; was us wkkenl as nit c.ties whir lfUor ruled; one tf its stnx-U was bns with saloons, in latly txnl I walk through it with Kifety. ami the" travest man tlreatlel to even ride through it at night. Now its Maloru ara V It.1 alt l u 3 1 i.i ii .iii u j mi ii, . . . , . -v ... . - . it ! oay tr lugbt. ami we win noi near a i " ... profane wont There were a burvlrtsl ami I unar. ami half a tbentntn and . : , . . .... h . in 1 1 m L .-K idum. - 111 V jv.titwnta in r a.... i , i -- , i . -. - -. sittl that tbse, a hundred and fifty buiklings. would stiml emity. Everr ingl one tf them is ttxaipie.l, many of them with storm w h re laalthfuJ fotsl. inteai of tk-aroying Wonim Qoarrrl In C hurrh. A Whei ling:. W. Va. dt-sttth -ms: News luis jut rcai 'he I this t ity of a vt r scti'His and scn:ithn.d lighl ln-tween the female incinla-rs of I he Metln"lit (Imrth at IIorc Ncrk. a little h.uuh l in Jai ku County, alut sixty niib. -uth of lien. The irate women were am-Mfd. and at the hearing; efore the Justice of the lc.ii of the tli-trict the following facts k wen brought out : s While the i sod or tf the t hurrh was in the midst of his Sunday morning w rtimti Mi Amentia tault ami Mr, ylalhrny. who tHxupittl ailjoining; Jsrws, liecame invtdictl in a puirrel, ami as th hot word tliturlcd the ss rx im-s (rs. Maboe a sister of Mr, ttaull. mtcrferrsl and at lemptctl t soi the tliiisit.n. which only athlfd to the rage of the tpiirTt ling knmtn, and one of them drawingja i"ck i et -knife rudicd at the pejwemaker. Ity an an i omen Irnpia-d on live outile Iwiran firin' wilh a rifle tlahcd down the railway track toiarl the cilr. Ttiree sbtl were Hr-s unitiil inclv. lait a fourth strick him ia tle- aUloint-n. He was lln-n taken. Iuf was siill tb fiant. Al I irlsrk in tbe kflrr noon ileal h huhrs hi oic. e; a v alxoil :yi xcar old. t t . . lirmeaa ofTke Kail. j A lilcjnraph le lai-1 arrows h ll"k Idaatl f, brtwu-n Mrmka tl Mfris HI., wnski-il freight irain N. 1J 'm gints-r John Jlilisami r ir mxo i nvs wrrv Itistanlly killed and the bra-1 lirake man was fatally injun-d. The jmiss-frants tloubtb-sis intrndodto wreck Ax- Kana City exprc, due there al 4 . a. rnv Tlie ia.rnirr train was Ibirtrt-nj min ute late nd tbe freight Jwillml oul rb-ad l run to Menos-ka. strikmi tle r I at ruc tion with the results Mated. Tbe rfcrite men! orr the wreck is inlrn.se sii-e it has la-en tlrfinilrly astrrrtainrl tliat the olrktrttrlion wa placed on tbe track) with the deliberate jwjqms of wrnkin tle a-eager tram. Kxritrmcol is rr mcnlrsl bt a prow ing Ulkf lhl th- N-wart-'atl eiprts rar rnurdct ami rtddary tr" 4annn the rtime. tJirge rewanfs have already lin oflrrnl Ity ibe It m k Idaml rcsmjsany. and tbteclista are on the ground. Rattan Mrlkrra. el I-h tfsws far ft f j J I tl " a f I I .H . f - ." . A -! ' z j'-rt t w rwl A al ir, l-l a-ti-- w t ! mir ibe rs.-t f t'j- lt lb" Tl-r t14c v k'attr ! ; 1 sf b s I j ' hs C a r 1 -U IMI st If rj f'S'. .! tWH i 4 wtl car- Mi Markt- b ln tmi J ivd in ibc Stale tlrxrimtrf lioti l!" lkfc lws ali lrr sir Mart. b ba ikir f tie- lraolle f f.gw Mtrv At llr bmr James ti. lUaies aald rctetary t.f Mte a law w a pd f.e liiiMiti; Ian mrTnltrr of lb iste f m:i lMing plitr in lb- m bjr1 ntrnl. and b- err-d timlf as .1 trrmir.r.1 that llr la .iv-ot. - .J-r. Th lVal rbtk ltMil lb- Marl'- Isrfoee Ibe rt rt al kr. l.w b "' of Ibe Stif sb-tubl Ir dohargd M. tllaine vrot.Ut eiairirsid lhtl w.s?k ami iafottne! the eltk tbl -e 4 IV losing alirsi w as iliarisl4- ia a n'" "f br knwrtr of Ibe lagaags a-l lb 4b-r kr4 llc rrroetls ia stuwh Jt malar order thai be wosdd lo b.rr nciiber. Mi Mark se baa brr- s.ir. two of wbora are iaarrVl. aa laols-b era are nvartiel atvl lle ia lUJiiaw-ee aal the other l aa iCiotrs-r la tb tj bj f Ike lioartams-ct. THE TBAUEOF THE XOMII. HE Miin:ilTI TUUIMND PjU TW riliTil'rt(iW o ith asa. T.afr Nfita.4s. A dojsafr ! fr-ea Nc tk Tb TW stut. tf,t W LU i' r J tir li Carf -La. a tt r rfs,1 f 1 1 '7-m J a kse. r pti la l ".Ut. II latfr witla c a tta Ian lt 4.sav I.4Sr tf I es V tt' - t . 11 ll-rr ti X itUtxi f !- i'ii li.ai im.m il j.l !--e Iairw c r. jfr 9mA, .s r-f r. bate w a t! at!,s rr re lri-- ilarjjettif a ltjisa Im r a aai:a wtr tr.' va-Uf lie tft att!i- fa ,:rt J a' a tack iW tw-.7, atbetbit f bs ti jrl .r Ida rh was tarfi;!!y tari.tl l!r HUa ie.Ua? al t-.z-l It 1st r.. Ih;,!1- lit. iaeJaat. wt,-a Jw kt -i a l.t.. tbf..b i'lta. Ht. C aIa tad It, twesxuTta atte arxla eof aad ail' it f ar-I. tra km la4 Ifjc dirvaty-' (u Ar-a lakra t.s itttT-t K.-a. b-a aLo. i a A late tlisraatrh from New Orltran mi a p nrral alnke is now in JrgTrts m ibc ugar plantali'pna ihrmglsmit a lity r lin tf the aug-ar la-It f the stale. Jiegto Pilar. rent, under ibe leattlrrship -f Kaigbta of lualior. ltatl tlrtnantlol aa adtante of IwenlT five real r tlay, tbe ptvrl price itein one tbdUr ami' ratia-es. j This in-ing refusrsl. lle nrjrnra lirranKi l-nl, ami rrfus-d U Ut t.tlxrs aork. tbivernor McEnery melvrd a hjatrh from J. J. S-haefcr. a Terre Ibooe plan ter, slating that bis plantation was in the hand of the, strikers, aal eked far as sistance, the parish authorities) l-eiB una ble tirolerl him. Tberexji-oe lb. ernor ortlrml a drtachnaent ef raildia la the scene of lribe to act un-Irr orler of the civil authorilb-a. A ihtachmcat; of artilrnr bale Icfl Ibe cilr f. .Terte llonnewttha galling gin a thrr inch rifle. strong in tlie So-nh. and in many States tht re drink, is snL l"ns rty h-s im-resveJ Iron Itcinir strin-'ciTt le-'al t nactim nts'ai-ainst it. the i ten to thirty lerivnt 'I he rer.atr renarkt d Sontht-ni tire-catt rs!ct cue time thought ther ! tl-at liettid not like to discusa tla l"naneial could insult Northern men with impunity, but they sometime got very much the worst of it. in ISod the ass lilant of Charles Snmiu-r, I'res- t ton llnxks, challen-pcl Anson Hnrlingame of 5lass;ichnsctts. 1uriinsanieateptel od pro j Hsel "rifles at the Clifton House," Canada, which the valiant I5rks declined. About the same tune i; ger A. crvor ii irginia. now a well known lawyer in Xew Ytrk, challenged s.: warnso the woan. Vnrn trovx the field alive. Tlie " gronnd ap einted for the duel-was on the borders of entu'.ky, a long day's ride from Nashville, and early one morning the principals, accom panied by- a few chosen friends, set . ent for the place. Dickinson's party were in advance, galloping through tlie vtWs mm jvr iuo iiitiuniaiuH in prt'a glee, aria U-nelitsof prohit ition U At'anta.vat as tWy are.they are dwarlel into ingnitkanc9 by the response to Christ ' tuoinentou tpj ca tion: "U hat shall it profit a man it rn gam tbe who'.e wot kl and kne his own aoulT lie likes lest to consider prohibition as a anub saviug s -heme, for Mich it baa proved to At lanta. As soon aa li iu r was turned out, tb stoii it of Cod bad a chance on men's ht-atta. John F. Totter of Wis.onKin, and when Pttter i and a wonderful revival followed. To-day aceeptiil and propsi-l bowie kuivea, Prior J there is not a c.ty on earth that ia more truly nhvlinetl tTie eondvat. Bnt long lie fore these. ' Christian than Atlanta;"i.Uarnenaai womea wh en are pVtt.xMy the most recent caae of challenge ia Congress, more than one North ern man hail displayed a determination that sec'.iretl for thcni'a m.vt stn liol courtesy. A rather amusing case occurred in 1ST. Lin tho House of llepnt:ative!t, lrcten Gen. Ctlaase-x-k of Georgia and r.ichard Ukldle of Pittsburg. The latter was a Lrotbcr ef the famous Nicholas liuldlc, and was an accom plished gentleman, and a lawver of distinmish ttl abiUty, A few days after he camo to Wash ington he sent to the !Sjeker a memorial signcnl by some of bis e-mstitnenta. It provetl to I an AUdition docurneut. ami w --jijaxins rne weiKin ring witu merriment. i:ery ' K --,and tlica Dickinson would indulge in pis- & pr.ctict and at one houso where thv V stopped for refreshments he performed his tavoiic it-m in ruuing a siring with a Kingla pisttd hall. "Show Tivn. Jackson that when - lo comos along," eai he to the owner of tho , honso. Jackson had been in manv onmni.t.. f but ho knew .this, was to he the most serious of his life, and as he and bis second. Major Over- - tO'l. rOxlfl aloiilt BOnKwlt anart ftm ' 4 ta-tr f ru nds, they disenssed all the contingencies of a.j.iieAeoniing ngut,, ana now to meet them. The .tr.oi.A.lli..i:i . 11 a . nonixxd by Gen. Glasscock with bit and hePTVke' also with ko ntocli aspcritr of ! tc .Xlr. rdddle thM tle Snt-aker called him loi'r br ! fr ; A tbisspoint Mr. P.aldle rose an t tid that i I have ttren adde 1 to tbechurcb aime the adop tion of prohibition. "Is tbe law enforced, and will it continue to bet" "Yea. just aa lous as nVs) flues ami imprisonment follow its infra -tion, prombitkn will irUUt." L'sttoa Signal. m A Coatly Uerenaes In aa eakins of tbe beneCU of Hijrh Ucrnaa, s ot ctnpocaxv rerrarks tliat, "Posie mtuo :ng Hie number of drinking pUcea ia a loarked degre. tlie tncreaaj ia revenue ka x t ry great. cl.x:nunr. furtlarrmore, that ia tle larte cities of - Nebraska .the pulaio a . a a .a a a ruhen lorwani to help I lie (trmaiants ami low were Iteino; stnn k light ami left. Mr. Malheny amttnletl in reaching Mrs M.ilone ami intlictctl a ti rribie cut un the i r art of her lly w ith the packet knife. The woman fell. Imt alrma-4 im mediately n gVlncd h r ftet. ami liit hantlol a knife br some artion A the excited crowd, she endcatort. to stab her astailant. Tliis was rrventtl, ami a, the comliatants liaal by ibis lime et hautetl themselvew. the rouneIs of Ibe more conM-rxatire element cex-aihd ami the woumltsl woman was con ex r I to hrT home. Several of the women ha e lieen imt nnler lmls U keep the t ace. aad Mrs. Malheny wilt prlably t ia- dictetl for aaull with intent to kill. PsitanMaiaaRrt aa It iWrarawaailaa a4r4 at Wealb aa4 xTrae. New Yfk. Oet-4r 11 I- A tVa review of lrle fvc Ibr okwi Iiainjj Ibe psvt weak and dtrirf tbr moolh Ibe aolume of b .i mtaUbeal a.e wbal. a Is t Mural al IH season. Hut lb lwt.al.rf lrwl- la a. lcobr and a-ct . fall Ubla-l lbt of the same rooctb lt year, a fl 't ly f4airc lj lb aauesaal a4rw t linr la arirtr.l T. - - . aT. all TV dtslnrxitxsn ! ! bara bk4 iuile iwt exflaii --a al rvdWtkina are slill sb.wtr ll ! many qtaartera. Iba-stgh tie" iaite ia thai ress-1 la liaore faotraU llaal it ar I itirrtl la le a week e two !. I1" a " Mr. fai!l t-anwbka lia , tatsla th-L I k rs"w r., m ay lLal La ta !a ! . tsTvxerl lt; If !kn ia lwtka rf e42 rt Iwditiif ir fr.-ena Ukir-; fert t ll fnrsavy aeaatru!ll ea-a.:. trif t bar;.-- If tLy are al..b-eri, J:kara was at a!cd ia Ft ''?. li?. aJt-l j was rtr-attvtl fj sarirral t Ibe r-wt ; iaie.tl rx la tb- r:t-. lie a aa ter- I IkJiil I l! Va.Sa.Atl t ttfaia J - lu.l aa-l tb r f avaas-ial Lt.f r s tt tl;a tilt, s-x,pji-i- aei!f alt--I sti ta. xia t was f.s ajB-4atil m w es r"- aua4rl aJvraaa.tr? t.X.taI b r Lxa) I laS) .tiai of fsaiie ; I. br X ttr- I !- 4xeI P;Ur jf j?t aabr ssarrV aaaaaat f I ItvaaMjfve Iff a a a A atar'f rrax f sas.l aarl rattalle teBL."" mand for arratu.-lala fr tb-s'b JaV . M u4f I.VS 3 - a. a ft l . t . a - a. A C"a!rra Scire. ! ( Tle alcamcr !nlejienIcot. from Irli-trrran- -h tisxhol at Pahr mv 4.irra infrctrsi 1L.aaa lev-ugbt r New York oarr four bumlrol tXT2 w-enrers, who after on It a day aad "1 hair tleteutioti haxe i-ca sralternl anal Vr-l ra- ti'l frrri'jcat aaI lhae U maod for t-nsry frsaa Ibis 4at bis 4 ceases I, lbu1ait baa bwas ia ttJaaar. larr-i man v ttalf ace have draaa down o a miaia tw. end aas il- lioaia ff acraranvlali'a Ue !a r fwwsl FtrKangvsk afill ni-! fair alitltla tra-ie, and It It alllka Vsr Ibr ae tncal of raiurta tarr ft tb aewsraa. irkew of o4U rb are Ira, aa-l ibe taanvvtneat stalisiaartory . lljs9arajaa failarna Ibfwacbtosat tbe coaa. trr tlunac bmbweik aamlsrt fne I bat Tab Ir.l l aa-l Canada ?t, IMal 1. araiast fll lat wrtrk atvl 55 the wtek reai A lUakNrttlra fer Cji-la w i' bate I l.r lb b Cab La ti ke t f ll tV-fsvll cl 1 11 wabf Aaalaxl Tv sfr M.T -Sa t f eavtal jr a,. i-ai a- tbat C U aH Ibae trl t ns , il. a t-art. X4 laaa-ae Py Tb' D'.sa.tr. lTka, M' f. a l b7-raf4a c-jae;'- ra ld al Hea?irlsa la I , ia tK' trs.a l-ar-af bt o'e l4 I be tb;- ' v T I Atlaatsc lUUeax at tb lw I s' tamk i enre.l at twrta. X TZ tea, ia rrve-e abnaa.1 lhnug!out ibe rpualry. TbctT had Urn bo ia fret sou dtsras ow 1-aarl during the JvajCT of wenly wa data ami all tle taaawrgvra were welL Iit craft $!. t r p Tie. I oax issxmal4r tmm aa I lbrity thai Ibe rrv-litce ad IV F-at IM Ii'lkaak. rtnIUI I-T .Wwraaa et-I J Farr. arel r-srvetly Iraaarrre-l ly lbaa lo I. II. Kern, bate arrrs-l la arvevnt i ceats on the dollar. cHirrceoa t;eieral Hamilton al Waableo. I riwrieacsl la ladariajr the New Taw Ion, learnio- the facta, UlrgrajJl a I rmlil.ara, bejiacirarJ t4 "b i Ibelaa the ciliea wbitber the tmiraata bad rncra and Trwb-rs IUak. to aatcr tat. nooUaresninsted by tbe rexenueaoVsneed from licet -. Wb lo tbH Uttrr atateoeaa ''f, wished the mtriWr from Gt.-.irgia might ti 1 arr-es, have we Ibe r.cht to d,-grdeani pan- dry to firo aaquckly aa Dickinson, but rather allowed to proceed. He onlv asl..-.I iK . lege of reply; and in ordt r that there might 1 no misapprehension on the part of that gen tleman, Ledesiretl to inform him thatheahoiild reply out of the House as well as in it. in case the ;e or of his remarks might render it neeee. aary. This c onej the debate. Henry A. Wise after ards said: "What a d-d foot i;u- CgLt up to bis knees iq blood." noi ; ion of a tecnnauniijr fer the l-i i jr otw r-ort . ja . . - . . . . ti m i . . . w . m m ... . m w m . n I ciiCeta Cartaung viro vuin f . . wotikl not tlie nwit-atrr exoetkted for drink more thau pay tbe avhootlng expenseaf fail to see any dts.lay of atatesutaaslirp In tbe at t of fucvnsinjj enuae La order to create tnf ficicnl rvnue for co ernntental l ui ioev It is thIJvery license that makea the avlmoYav tration? tbe govcriirreria expera tw i' C'rcrc H-) ieairV " Tlmas M. Walter. f I"bib.lelphia, one of the Icadin;? arrhitecta of the coun try ami treident of the A racocaa Iasti. tutr of Arcbilecti La Ueati, ageii ri. He etrrutesl tbe plan a.loitcl by Congrrsw in ior IIK CXienron x.aeioi at Washington, Icaignxl the f! Irani Cl- i Imildin In ITiiUlei4ua. toe wioff . the raxtrnl office ia Washpfctan U 51. the cstrron ol ine x nni iHatra Trvasurr ami l-rwloiiice isusimf-i ta iy. Xi, and the Jorac of Ibe National Cap. toL - Tbe Omventij-aj of the I tbcrboo.! 0f eluded the r lectkn of officer by rrV-sa. in-j Nkho'os I?, ft f'bi-tb.v Tca mr, as graai tl-l!-a. bitbt-r the Imigraata bad lra sent lo look after thrtn. This baa ia tantly rausol rtritrnaent aal aUrta la ttoe tJact-a, ami gmat bliraatiu U aroosrsl agiaiost tbe New York brallhaS. rera. It U bsrw trrrmaes to aeasl -laack all Vewarta that (nay Wreafler arite from cholera ru if it Van ! law f nil j slooe. A Errel i er Tar Ut C. O. The C"br--ake atxl Ohio lUllrva! baa ramfesMrsl ju.Igmeat a Ibe tltrxJl t'esurt at llirbn-vio.1. Va.. to C. P. IlaatiaglotB, Its president, fir the asxaa of fl.Ti-VWI for RKsney avltaaocl to rv-aleeaw rrarsas pajampbfyra, Ir., Tbe 1411 of Jasfrrsent baa also l-eea Cletl ia roxut la Ilrtrriro Coxmty. Cosxnarl for Ibe rtairpaay tnale a formal aaawer. abkh, Bx4 Ifiez aatia. factory, tbe J!gt aj picti-il GraJ Waa. C. WVkbam. tbe rsrcosd Vartwl-t-a.brat of tbe road, receiver. Mr. Wk k rata jrare tbe mratred 1skI ia tbe atita lw.O1. Tbr rl h x. l la porlera ar Trader liaai, to aaicr lata lbs? arrretas-at, aa-I il aa a4 rnlm ast that Ibe Cakiear rre!ite wbl f. Tea arraatC -anrat U ladcTa.b-t rd" iba d-pri-trsra, w ho ill be arsm! ia fIL i tvsjrrt ta ;: -a i la valCPSal 4mTem m mi all-l lb es tMr1a r"w b-lU Wt rcr It - taaW M r , l aal bn.f5 4 tk f -:. tJa Ike Ia f."S a f l' a rs k H 4tc a I hJ a a'ar.Ve .4 4 it- rat saw km Ibe .I ;!- !f at I! x; rmt m, avasl lWs, w:b lU -r efr.- "! aal riswaww. atj4 ia rtwla If arw a lla l n .1 A awwa e-a-w ia. 7b, ttf d-sstVT 'kM.l tf i;e?.t ; ri k b sr ekl.:i tasf ab-a: 1 1 a! rnn i aar -l 1rxTts!Vlt, Mr o A Tatat Eialasdaa. A tetriY4e tst4uawat. resa!tis ia tbe I.a.a. . .(..tt. mm, mm mmm.1 1 Baaa staf I lb- a ta-as- aastxe. fasts I. s i, b - A Ttaleai af Skella. ftt w(a.!esr a were a iai s.(, tbf - I Eal ae-a ia l4u aluti lbs pa art sf lb tsjs ce t.t CI, at 1 a. - s a a: uum ai a w t tb I Vet s r-'s I f - a. "T at a Th U r rr. iaU te ra-T. twrarrrl a-ar a-vxkia-jv-.t wt daea af a-1, tr.a'1 CVrbxadlbWs.aJtbe wotVaef ibeTss 3 j I f - b ' aaf -.l-rl I aa- aaassr -a fr j e ("arriarr Ilarjaare oaaiaaf. Tbe fes eirtal Ibia; axaaafactarvd l-y tbaa lre as a rraUrated IsaW aanvket f.sT lorr I Ss The ararktta are !iptr. ia )a;w Tarab I aad ibea drieI ia ov ce ef ib orraa ijXl-tl wUh CTrl fjrr. J. i.a tbarbaer. a tmrj tixbteea year t il. aid Alfml Retalera lL, were Lfcirai'.ly a..;te.l aad bc-crU Jy brrnol. ba -!-. A I b-at ct ba f . . ae,tfvt"l If tb si. I tii.!. ci wbaarsrt U l4tb a li-' ' - l a frit laj f-t Ibe ai.',, e an-a-t .a l- f a r r Ir-Va a'...', a ta V - U, Kaon i! Tr -v. t-aa a-4el J ft'i I - a. z - !.'.! a-d r ! l!.e r a tm Cjayjaten, j It ia s.etva a jWfcf tit I 1 1 V a t . .s it la 1 , t at J t 1 1 f p I f :l T". 1 11 " Tfi ' Mr l'r . tV- ! t ' is X 4 SSlaV..Jr