ORANGE COUNTY ORrr ERVER. II I L L S 15 O R 0 U G il ,N C . SATIKDAY. - Oct. -I'.k l-7. JOSEPH A. HARRIS, Editor and Proprietor. Entered at the Tost Office at Hills borough, N. C, as second class matter, j TALMAGE ON DAB BOOKS. rmtniTPT Wni'KS '?REAK UP THEJ Ties of Home Life. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. Science and philosophy have ex hausted themselves in profound treatises to determine the jast rela tion between mind and matter, be tween body and soul, how to pre serve tbe equilibrium between the two, and how to restore it when it v1 COW Air. Calvin J. Green, who was found guilty of perjury at Durham fined .950 and spntenced iv,vut, - " , -.. . .i . n. t-..;., m'in fine vear s imDrisonment in tne YhvLot Money at Coney Island , c mnty jail. He took an appeal. Races Yoc Robbing Their Km- j jhe S:ate Auditor will commence itloiier Horror of 'Card Aw lo ssue warrants tor State pension- Kaith in Luck. !ers about November 15th, the list Is lost bv sickness of the body. This "Depraved literature 19 doing having been carefully revised and great problem has successfully been more to-day for the disruption of j scaled in accordance with the act ot solved by a gentleman in North the domestic circle than anything Uhe last Legislature. Carolina, by experience on himself, else," exclaimed Dr. Talmage .while Edenton Enmiirer : Julian S. Carr Paving that an ounce of practical addresP5D-an immense congregation .j m. - candidate experience is wo in several pounu i in thn Urooklvn Tabernacle on bun- . . , ot scientinc or philosophical tneom- . , IIS IUC iycuiui-nJi; ui me iridic wuiu i . . . i :ii t , . ..k i ,: in. iur. namun is one oi vne oest posslblv honer with the nomination. , . . ,,7- . t. . k., :. -u:t:... known insurance men m Winston, land virtue ihe latter trait too un- . T uemiemeu .cer siuce x was A SOUND MIND A SOUND QpJjQ. Al lHE B AZAli - - day morning Oct. IGth. "Clandes- lint; . - " matinees, in hotel parlors and other places are thft damnable results," he . ..... . 1 : I continued, "ot reading tins vue m erature. 'Jiut the heroine is so be wiichingly good and the iiero so The Oranne Cnt, Observer M ora;u" 1111 the oldest ?,Pcr jUluhfd in the"P' -Uy brutuer, iont you kiiow Count;, and to A n. Mth, 18s7, j f e plent-v oi "d bK0oks ' irt,i the Cnti jnpt,r in the Luwity fur the fist wvtu yturs. FALL 188T ! OUR NEW STOCK 003XIIS i IIS' ISVliUv 13a v WILL BE ABLE TO SHOW, YOU THE LAUGEST STOCK ov" GOODS THE TOWN HAS EVER CAIIUIED. The new addition to our Store will be completed by October lyh This gives us 12,S00 square feet of sales-room, besides 13,000 square & oi Warehouse or storage room, and we utilize it all. rm:LATi:T. Tcxa-s has a ne-v caiutol that will cost 3,000,000. Snow fell in Illinois on tho 2Jnd ,'ir.d in Virginia on the 2.jth. The T'res'nlcntial farly returned to WadiingU n i'i-t Saturday loom ing at sunrise. Brooklyn Is lo Lave a statue ot Henry Ward Beccher in a small J aik near Biy mouth church. (tmi Ii. E. Lee'ri daughter, Miss .Mildred, now in 1'ari.s, ha ia-sel the cri.sis in a teiiou.s illness and is improving. i resilient Cleveland has issued a proclamation setting apart Thurs day, the llkh day of November, as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. to be observed by all the people of the land. The Postmaster General will make a favorable report of his Depart merit, lie thinks n will soon be self sustaining. Two years ago there was a deficit of $0,000,000. It in thought that it will not exceed hall of that amount now. Ex-President Jefferson Davis, ac companied by his wife and two daughters, passed through Mout gomeiy, Ala , la-a Monday cn route to Macon. The tniin was welcomee by a saluto of one hundred guns Thousands of people were at the train, and ladies loaded the car with llowers. From the Southern World. Mr. James Elverson, of Philadel phia, Pennsylvania, doerves the thanks of paients who desire to see the minds ot their children fed on hraiihy reading ..matter. His Goi.D i:n Days, for boys an J girl., is one of the handsomest and best weekly publications ot ihe kind in the coun try, and should supplant the vile, sensational trash with which the country is flooded. The hope of our republic is in her youth, and if their iiiori'l chatacters are not elevated and made noble by a pure and lofty lype of literature for boys and girls, we may expect .serious trouble in the future ot our race. From the Chicago Tribune J HIS PKAYKK ANSWERED. Mrs. (i , a vcy charming lady and devoted mother, was much shocked the other evening at the in Kocent depr.iity of her son. a child of live years. She has taught him to believe in the power of praver. So when he jvishe; anything he adds h to hi nightly supplication. i'he devil don't own all the honey There's no excuse for lebauching mind and body ; life is so short that you can't afford to fill up with cin deis and husks. . 'There's a young man who, judg- ng by the books he- reads, will bo a merchant prince some day, 'and iheie'fl a young woman who will make gome man's home happy m the uture. These sort of people are i l oinn to be tie an ana suouiuers above the rest by and bye. Ameri can forests are full of honev. One book m3y make or break us for life. One of the turning points in my life was when I picked up a copy of John Buskin's works at Wynkoop's book store in Syracuse. It cured me of crippled literature. There are authors from whose pens flow the very nectar ot heaven. v hy not read their writings ? ."Some men say they can't bear al coholic drihks. My brother, don't hrag about it, if you Bay so just be cause you don't like it, for you might sav the same thing about food that you didn't eat it because you didn't like it. but there are some, many, indeed, who do like it. They take it for insomnia, or to drown trouble. They begin "with a mint julip, suck ed through a couple ot straws on a Long Branch piazzi and end in the gutter after having drank a decoc tion of half whisky and halfkero seno. Some will have it though it sacrifice his entire family. In these modern times we find only one way : to ttop' short off, and to stop we must have the help of God. UI have seen," continued Dr. Tal mage, "on Sunday restaurants and saloous the sign 'The Shades,' and I always think it suggests putting a man's character in the shade and putting his wife and family in the shade. Another sigu, 'Old Crow," suggests the carcass of the filthy raven, and yet, with all these warn ings, right on they go to physical, spiritual and mental assassination. "I have crossed the ocean eight times," said Dr. Talmage, "and there you'll find the best room reserved for gambling. I have known a man who when he went aboard the steamer in New York had money enough to take an extensive Euro pean trip. When the steamer ar rived at -her destination he had to borrow money to pay for the trans fer of his baggage to the hotel. It is absurd to scoff at it. Oh, the tragedies ot the faro table ! I have known a man to start wit,h a game ot cards in a ladies' parlor, and closed by committing suicide at Monte Carlo ! "The Legislature last spring li censed pool selling on the race track. Young men who this sum mer lost all their money on the Coney Island race, track are now takingjnoney from their employer's tills. Every New Yoik Senator who voted for that Pool bill has on his head the blood of those souls. "I have such a horror of cards,'' continued Dr. Talmage, "ihat I ..... 1 . tv , years ot age I have had what the r T .J Irlntnrc ra I run diRpasP flnd which would grow enthusiastic during iheT , . v ... Zf ,b .r, 3 tr T call white swelling. Mv hin was campaign in behaii oi arr. xie - . nu swelling at the knee joint, where v- . t g-y y j . 1 inert! la a uruiusc 1 uuuiiju., nuiuu nao isorth Carolina need just now. " , " J 1 Knnn t f r. . mtetnra I If nnnroa this I UCCII IUK1B lui vvuiav Asheville Citizen : Yesterday has ereatlv depleted my system, to while, in Waynesville, pr. Allen geihfer with surgical operation on showed us the squash of the period, tbe leg bone. I tried eyery known It weighs 143 pounds and is certain- blood purifier to build up my sys- ly the Jumbo of the squash family, tem, but none did me good until I It was raised by Henry Green, one took S. S. S. I use it every spring, of Haywood's best farmers, and is It always builds me up, giving me one ot the Chili variety. At the appetite and digestion, and enables last Fair held in Asheville, Dr. Al- me lo stand the long, trying, ener- len purchased a squash ot this vari- vating, hot summer days. To me ety then on exhibition, which weigh- there is no such medicine for purify- ed a little over 100 pounds, and gave mg the blood and budding up the Mr. Green some seed. Mr. Green wasted system as S. S. S. On nsing "has beaten the record." it I soon became strong of body and J The Shelby Aurora says: Our ea8y ot n,ind- My color changes voung townsman, Iiev. Thos. Dixon, lrora a Pale worn look to a Wealthy, jr, renounced the bar last year lor robust complexion. the pulpit, and is now preaching to lours very truiy, crowded audiences in llaleigh, where he is considered one ot the finest pulpit orators in the South. This week he is considering two re cent calls with a $5,000 salary at tached. Boston, where he preached last Sunday week, and Philadelphia 3, Atlanta, Ga each otter mm $?d,UUU a year to storm Satan's stronghold. This is nearly $100 for each Sunday. M. S. Hamlin. f Winston, N. C, April 12, 187.r Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. For sale by all druggiste. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer Greensboro North The Richmond & Danville Rail road Company have decided to lake the Etoves out of the passeuger cars State : Un der this heading, in our issue ot Julv 14th. our croD editor said there would be a killing frost on the light lbe engine. ot the moon, which would lull on Oct. 1, and sure enough Sep. 25th Bucklex's Arnica Salve brought a frost all over the Pied The Best Salve in the world for mout section of this State and Vir- Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt inia. 1 his prophecy was based Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap upon the first singing of the katy- ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and did which always occurs ninety all Skin Eruptions, and positively days before frost, and as this insect cuies Piles, or no pay required. It made its appearance some fifteen is guaranteed to give perfect satis days earlier than usual, an early faction, or money refunded. Price frost was predicted. The Dutch 25 cents per box. For sale by W. signs will do to observe. 1 A. Hayes, Druggist. The lower floor of Tl2 11AZAK, JUMOKt will be one of the nicest MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS rooms in the State. Our MISS SMITH will be'in irom the Nortfcern Markets next week with the NEW AND ELEGANT STOCK OF MILLINERY. In this room we will cairy HOSIERY, GLOVES, DRESS TRIMMINGS, HAMBURGS, CORSETTS, LACES, VELVETS, PLUSHES, Ac. The upper floor gives us an ELEGANT CLOTHING ROOM. We have bought just double the amount ot Clothing to fill it that we and have them healed by steam from have ever kePl- This Sive us r0om iu THE to make a much larger display of DRESS GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, PIECE GOODS, Ac, We have them this time. Come early and avoid the rush. lioitut ilnl N ov SSioolc oi .J?av?Iiv. Raleigh Biblical Recorder : We C. M. PARKS. wish to call the attention of the peo-jV" A 1ST rP T-p t py Judge J. II. Merrimon, an able judge. All honor to him. At the Superior Court last week a man was indicted for selling liquor to mi nors. The evidence against him was unbroken, and came from three quarters. Judge Merrimon in- WE WANT TO EXHIBIT TO the win III.! .1 in- nan irs i:eart upon the ivos s. sMon vi a drum, and, after asking j would ps soon ask my latniiy to play God for n vm-u night, for a week. hiV ja game of cards as I would ask them mother got ono and put ii out of i to play a game of ra&Iesnakes, or as Mght. but where sl.e could reach ii ' I would go into a cemetery and ask wlo!e he was praying and place it the grave-diggers to have a game at on the- bed so :. thai when he raised l skulls. How would vouvfeel if a he would see it. As he ! ruined 'ambler came to vnn nrul l is pray.-r with the usual ; said I began my way to the gamb- structed the jury that the evidence from either quarter was sufficient to opnvict. The jury retired and eleven of. them decided to acquit, evidence or no evidence ! Was there ever such impudence? But Judge Mer rimon was equal to the emergency. Forthwith he dismissed those eleven wretched men with the instruction to the sheriff of the county to enter their names as men disqualified henceforth to serve as jurors. OUR FRIENDS A WELL SE LECTED Stock oi O'l'JOlCO-lO IC. NISSExN A: CO., WAGON MANUFACTURERS, SALEM, N. C. -Acknowledged to be the best. WRITE TO THEM FOtt PRICES. FALL ivntl AV iKSTllt M 1 O O 13 S AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE hi he-id ft. ill d i I a'.ed V i o DOS n-.miina ami papa, helling tiell in your parlor : eves and ' m the same ; " ion are an lftmramm it vnn breath exclaimed, "Where the devil"! don't know,", continued the pastor, did it coii.o irom ?" !" that in Wall Street transactions in j stocks and produce are legalized, Yl ( ) fP TT IT "P Q ilutmuch of u is gamblingT You V "A- -tX UJ 11 O !sePlhiol.l fii,;,lre "ont suspecting flics. A man I know! tapping his hip pocket, some time I ago told me that he had SISO.Ouo! - ' ! FRIEND, there. Now he is penniless and ' M f 1 . k 1 rir. .1 . n I OIIIIII'lllkD j k II" 1 9 V m . . 3IiiIi C Uii-tli I0npy I ) a1' street. Ninety out of lt go 1 'in the same way. A great firm goes down, 500 men are swallowed' bllORri- NS LABOR. LESSENS UP w'l t THE PAINS ATTEND ING IT? DIMINISHES THE DANGER TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD. no faith in luck rious circulars izard SHOULD BE USED A FEWcte MONTHS BhFORE CONFINEMENT. Gambling is gambling, whether in dice or breadstuffs. Young man. buy no lot'erv tickets ; beton no u;ii?e uau oame or vaeni rrr wv-n. 4 i.mivi answer no mvste FAULTLESS FAMILY MEDICIflE "I have used Simmons Liver Ropulator for many years, hav ing made it my only Family Medicine. My. mother before me was very partial to It. It is & saf ood and reliable medi cine for any disorder of th system, and if used in time la a great preventive of lieknes. I often reoommmd it to my friend-, and thall continue to do so. "Rev. James M. Rollins, "Pastor M. HChureh, So. Fairfleld,Va." TIME AND DOCTORS' BILLS SAVED fry altcavs keepittft Simmons Liver Regulator Ux the house. "I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family med icine I ever used for anything that may happen, have used it in Indigestion, Colic, JHarrfura, itiliousness, and found It to re- lieve immediately. After eat lnr a arty supper. If. on going to ted, I rake ab-ut a teaspoon ful. I nver feel the effects of the s!ipj..-r eaten. . ' OVID G. S PARKS, "Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga." ONLY GENUINE- lias our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zed in & Co., Sole Proprietors. Vro 91.00. PHILADELPHIA, FaI PRICEb FOR CASH OR BARTKR ! We are receiving DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, i. II AMD WARE, CROCKERY, j GROCERIES, NOTIONS, SHIN- , GLES, &a, &c. ;iave : that stauds in the front of the "-ration imm the estate oU Owen Lloyd. J Is. Go, earn an honest liviou. l 5 J h"i-hy notifv all ncrons i , . . . j Ht'liool lor Yoiin'tr lit is hills' PhvKH'ian, i , HlLLSBOKO, N. C. y LmH,'H ""l JLU- Office : HiiyfV Drug Store. j tl OIi-Ik, Kesiilence :" Opposite (North) James! II ILLS BO HO, N. 4 1J- . ! .'milE MISSKS NASII AND MI- X KOLLOCK will n-uw Ui i--t- nf fliir (infill' fin rrilaV. AMES B. MASON, ATTORN EY-AT-L A W, ClIATEL IIlLL. N. C. . , Practices in the State and Federal Courts. C-sTCollection of Claims and Rcvenuu C;uses a specialty. A. W. GRAHAM, ATTORN EY-AT-L A W, IIii.LSBono, N. C. Practices in Countief of Orani", Dur ham, Person, Granville and Caswell. e-ises ot tneir scnoo: on davof Septemher, 17. tuition for day scholars $-0.J Session. Circulars sent on aj.jli( ation. Jso. W. GiiAii am. Thos. Rlfux. QRAHAM & RUFr IN, ATTORN KYS-AT-L AW, . II ILLS no BO, n. c: Practices in the Counties of Ala mance, Caswell, Durham, Guiltord, Rockingham, Person and Orange. 1 ED All GROVE ACADEMY. MALE AND FEMALE. Sessions opf n thn Sorond .Morri ' :n i January and . 1 ulv of r.u h yar. l f-r!.ri' 1 per Se?ioti-of iivf mouths: En'Ii-h ! Course, $12.-7) to !..'). Classical Cours-. t'-i-"'- Muic with ue of In-trument. $1."- Board ier Address B. PATTO.Y, IViih ipaL Cedar Grove. Oran f'o.. N". C. WUKAKCK A(SKNCY. rpo THOSE DIIRING. KITHKB LIKE OK I IKE INrKAN K. I offer mv rervic-s. ifat.- on dwelii barns and t win pr.j,.-ry o.Jow -offer an indu -n, !it lo ard wit.: the reach of all. Offiee iu the Court Houv-, for present. D. II. HAMILIOV. 'ALUABLE LaND. FOB .-Al-t- SPLP.GEON. And don't forget that we kern the best GUANOS on the market, and f the celebrated i DENTIST C'Send for book xii-S,v mailed free. "To Moth- Teiinensee "Wtttjon. GRAIN DRILLS at your own lluAin n liKGL I.ATOn Co.. Ga. Atlanta. Oh, come from the material latnl of- ln,'!,t "1 to id estate to make pay , ... .1 1 -t.- iu' al a e. aiii.l llntU'P 1. nivpn v uuic a:;u uu v r s; mi nrnr ... , ara be uuo. of tbo VorbU- ,',7tV,l uen nonev. iU r-ii'ho. i ! ' . iu the time preiW prices and a fine line of BUGGIES A good many new cases and sev- njnc'' W!'' I'e pl.-ud in har of their re-j and SiOV E.S way down in prices, era! deaths from yellow lever ara Ty' ThU llJ ufS' pu I ENOCH SYKES. AJmh;i;rr.uor. ' JAMES WEDB, JR. A DRO. yellow fever are ; 5 reported frota Tamps, Fia. I llillwlofo, IV. O. tSTOnkfi next door to Dr. Hooker Drug Store. Open every day. JR. WILLIAM LYNCH, DENTIST, iiniisiin, rv. J. r2T"Office in the P-ri-h bail-Jin v:. Maii'-um strict. Tlie Duncan Carrinjrtoti tract. " &-':' ea.-t ot IJillstjoro, contaiuiii ab: ' acres, well watered, well timl- r 1 n;; part in : de-irabl Utf? ! cuitiv Well adaptc-d to tobaVco, corn, oats and g'ra. Term- e:-y. . "Apnly to Geo. L. D,; v,b' -take pleasure in shuwisi any y-"' wi-hinj; to buy. ever the i-rti- " - or to A. W. GRAHA?! Sept. 1. 17. T7OR RENT OJl SALE. 31v IIoue and L" ir. Hill-h -rv- eio!i iiven imine'itatciy. JAMES Y. Wiiili' liilhboro. Mi'.y i Ir?7.