- s .- "TlliJ PUBLIC GOOD SHOULD EVEE BE PREFERRED TO PRIVATE ADVANTAGE." .VOLUME 3. Lincolnton, North Carolina, Thursday, November 19,1846. Dumber 21 Tt. 71 u; -v 4 i , t f i i i i ; i i . iirv i - . ii iki f t i i ta i i i i - a i b.i t w w -VMAJM uyy in j. a wJit. 3 , rniNTED AND PUBLISHED WEKKLY, BY THOMAS J. LXCLES. , Trntvis. Two dollars pci annum, payable in advance ; J2 50 if payment be delayed 3 aionths. No subscription received for less than a year. g-y. to CLUBS. Three papers will be sent to " " anyone Post office for 5 and -seven to any di- tect'tons, for $10, if paid in advance. '. ' Advertisements will be conspicuously inserted, at $1 00 pi1! tjuare (12 lines) for the first, and 2) cents for each subsequent insertion. , QCNo comiuunicatioc attended to unless the " " ostage is paid. Lincoln Business JJireetory. Court Vjlcers Superior C-urt F. A. r-Ilolic, cltM K. Equity m. Williamson, cleik. County court llobeii William son, clerk. Each of "these offices in the Couit House. W. Lander, Solicitor, law office on the main street, east of the public square. II. N, Gaston, Sheriff; Paul KisUer, Deputy. Regis"-, W.J. Wilson; Deputy,. C- C. Ilendurs . County Surveyor, Isaac Hol land : County Prnoessiuncr 1. 11. Holland. Coroner, Wki R llullaritl. Lawyers Hay wood W. Guiou, n am st. one door cast. L. E. Thompson, main at. easf, 3d square W. Lander, mam st. east, -,2d square. V. A. MeBue, and W. Wil " liamon, offices at McBee's building, main St. 2d square, east. Physicians S. P. Simpson, main street, Wf?st. D. W. Scm-uck, (and Apmhecary, nv:tm st. two d-urs east. Elim Caldwell) jnuin-street, 6 doors cast. Z. !5uit, offi ce opposits Mrs Mou's hotel. A. Ramsour, . main st. west. f Merchants -Win. Hoke, north on square, cast cornet. B. S. Johnson, not ill on square west corner, - J. A Ramsour, on square, north west corner. C. C. Henderson, on square, (post office) south. J. Ramsour dj Son, main st., 5 doors west. Johnson & Heed, on .-.qua re, south west corner main t. Academies Male, 13. Sumner; Female, . Udder the charge ot Mr.-Sumns r also; resi dence mam si. 5iii corner south cast of the - court house. Hotels Mrs Motz, s. w. corner of mam st. and square Win. Shule, main st. 2d .orner east of square. A. A. McLane, 2d corner, west, on main st. B. S. Johnston, !ior;5 wfts((it(.fxi,arf.. . Grorrs C Piesneil, main sr. 4 doors east ot square. Win. R. Edwards, south'- west of square. L. Rothruck, south-west corner of square. Tailors Daiit-y & Seale, main st. one door west of square. Allen Alexander, """" on square, s. by w. u'c. Moure & Cobb, on square, north west con.er. Watch Maker and Jeweller Charles Schhitdt, main st. 4 doc-js east. Saddle and Harness Makers J.T. Al '" fcXiiPr, na'.p. st. 2d earner east ot quart;, B. M i; F. J. Jetton, on square, north by wet. J, A. Jetton Ci., main st. west. t , V'riniers T. J. Kecles, Courier office nr.tkt east end, south east corner of th' vChurls?ti road. ii'ooA- Binder F. A. Hoke, main t. on !2d "q'.'are wr stof court house. Painter II. S. Ilicks, next to F. A. Ilol.e, ivcs-t. - ., Coach Factories Samuel Lander,main st. east, on 2d square from Court House. ; Ab ler McKoy, mainst. east, on 13d square. S. V. Simpson, street itn;th of main, and n. w. ot court house, lsaae trwm, mnm st., west, on 2d square. A. & R. Garner, on main st. east end, north side. Blacksmiths Jacob Rush, main st. 5th corner' east of court house. M. Jac Ls, main s., east ead. A. Delain, main st. near east end. J. Bysaner, back st. north west of public square. J. W. Pa tour, west end. Cabinet Makers T-hornasDews & Son, mAiti st. east, oir 4th squaie. Carpenters, $c. Daniel Shuford, main s., east, 6th corner from square. James Triplet:, main st. M'lWb- building. Isaac Hou.ier.imin sr. west end. James W tils, mii! st. west of square. Brick Masons W illis Peek, (and plas terer) mam si., cast, 4th corner from square. Peter llouser, on east side of street north of squire. 77i Plate Worker and Copper Smith Tij'H R- Shuford, main st. east, on south 8id 'or 2d square. 'Shoe Makers John Hugpins, t,n hack St., south west of squire. Amzi F( r J 6c Co. south west corner Charlotte roau and main st. east end. Tanners Paul Kistler, main-st. west end. J. Ramsour, back st., m rth east of square. F& A. L Hoke, 3-4 mile west of town, main rodd. Hat Manufactories John Cline, north from public square, 2 doors, west side of st. John Butts & son, on square, south side. Oil Mill Peter 'and J E Hoke, 1 mile fiouth west of town, York road. . ? ' Paper Facfory G. & R. Mosteiler, 4 miless.iuin at ot court house. Cotton Factory John HokedzL. D. Childs, 2 miles south of court house. Lime Kiln-Daniel Shuford and othdrs, 9 liules south. WANTED A youih of about 1G years of ogeas an apprentice to the Printing bu siness. Apply at this office. j COTTAGE COURTSHIP. BY MISS LAXDON Now, out upon this smiling. No smile shall meet his sight; ' And a word of gay reviling . Is all he'll hear to-nil;l ; For he'll hold my smiles too lightly If he always sees me 6mile; He'll ihu.k they shine more brightly' Wl.en I have frowned a while. .,; 'Tis not kindness keeps a lover. He mtist fepl the chain he wears, All t!e swret enclianttnent's over, W hen he has no anxious cares. The heart would seem loo common If he thought that I:e2tt his own; Ah! the e.r.pire'of a woman Is s'.ill in the unknown. , Lei change, without a reason, Make him never feel secure, For u is an April season That a lover must endure. They are all of them so faithless. Their torment is your gain ; Would you keep your own heart scaiMess, Be the one to give the pain. SHORT PATENT SERMON - BY DJW, ja. 'An Irquirer' asks me what are r.y arti cles of tauh, without-jesting or jokin.' Therefore, you may. perhaps, consider the loilo ii!g as my cpeed, raiher than as a ser mon for you. , I sumeiisnes say what isn't meant, Wiibout an idea of deeeiviu'; Thesu tto I give wiih good inient, AnJ mi;st religiously Itlieve in. My hearers Since our Inquirer' is so anxious to ascertain to what extent my fai.h is capable of reaching, I will answer lacon ically, to wit: 1 believe with my friend, Paul Pry, that a spirit of inquiry is the proper characte r:uc. of uie ue. It is certainly common, if m i proper, lo inquirers to what our neighbors trc doing, in doors and out; and t mtddie, kquacicusly, will! matters With which we have no u,ort business, than a kitten has with a b;li cf yarn. I believe thai tht mom industrious are the most contented and happy. Idleness is an uuubus tpon ti.e bosom of enjoy ,ent. It is the harUtst work in the woild to do nothing by the month, and have nothing to do iiwuh. To do up business as ii should be done, rcqt-ires the pauence and fortitude ot a lrog pond. 1 believe that the earth revolves, and we are earned round with it. As the woild. go:s, so go the mass. "j I believe that kicking against custom.and spitting in the face of Fashion, is a foolish and futile endeavor. Both may need cor rectionbut they must, and will, have their way. 1 believe lhat if Legislation were M order what we should wear, what we should eat, and what we should drink, it would only make matters worse. A love of fine clothes brings distress upon thousands an indul gence in rich and easily viands is often followed by serious consequence! and an immoderate use of stimulating beverages is destructive to both soul and body ; bui our law makers have no more right to meddle with ihrse mauers than I have to cut the corset strings if ladies, or tear their bishops from I'll take a drink of water. I believe that ff the devil be the father of lies, he has a devilish". Urge family to look af-er and rapidiy on ihe increase. 1 believe that girls are like kittens gently smooth them the right way, and they wdl rub and pirr, most affectionately; but give them a contrary trush, and ihey get iheir backs up in a most disdainful manner. They ail like to be kissed, but sham a deii cacy about the operation- 1 believe the Earth is older than most people imagine; at any rate it is old enough ivi take cure of uself. I bel.eve that all sudden changes of the weall er are not only disable but un healihy and o with regard to the sudden changes of national government.' I believe lhat notwithstanding the efforts of thousands to ".kill Time," he is still on the wing and is likely to be for many years to come. I believe that a wife who scolds scd ill treats her husbsnd is no gentleman ; and that the husband,-who is forever Irelling, ami fiuding fault, makes an old granny ol himself. I believe, from,rhat I' have seen, that many men ought to have to earthly ews tenccs one to gel together a heap of mo ncy in. and the oihrr to enjoy it f : I believe lhat human flesh' is hrmf to 'di gest. Jonah didn't sit easy on ihe w hale's stomach. - --v I believe that simple honesty, the naked truth, pure virtue, and a straight' up and down dealing with the world, have as much the advantage over vice, trick and strata gem, in the long rnn, as a good iquare trot ting horse has over a pacing po-.ey ; or a rackr r that goes his mile or two like ihe mischief, and is done for the rest of the journey. Poke over, with the cane of consllrra lion, what I have emptied before you; and if you ran find a single grain of wheal a mong the four perks of chaff, I shall be highly gratified. So mole a be ! ' Aunt Sully Spain's notions on the ho nesty c Riggers. "You needn't be tel lin me noihin b.ut the honesty of niggers, Tom," said Aunt Sally Spam; "you young folks now a days thinks as how you knoT every thing, just cause your daddy,the old fv.ol, had money enough to give you an education. I knows more 'bout niggers a great sight than you do 'bout that drotted Latin whai you're allers spoutin' at a body. I reckon you never heard me tell of, my old nigger man Betsy ?" , " I acknowledged 1 never had, and the old lady, alter lighting her pipe, continued : ; ' "Well, Betsy and I was fotch up toge ther, and 1 think from the time we could cleverly run ibort, we were the thickest of any thing I ever seed. Well, arterl grew op and married your uncle Ned, v&,went to keepin' tiouse, and 1 w as s i distrest" at the idea f parting from Betsy, that uodv ! tie iraLfC infi i nmipni nf h-.- anil li. w, , the usefullcst to be sure, a helping me to keep house, lending to milkin' and poultry and ihe like ; in fact, she alters toted the kf ys for me. She's been a keepin' house for me now nigh on forty years, an I never kotch her with noihin ol mine till a fort nihtsgo last Monday. I was a washing of cups and such like arter breakfast, so, "Betsy," says I jest in them very woids "take th key, and go to .the sto-room, and get out the flour and things for dinner." Well, the old 'onimi siaried'ufT, and arter a while 1 finished a washm' ip. and, in fact, was gvvineto my room for my sow ing ma tenals, when who should 1 meet, right slap in the face, but Betsy, comin' fiom ihe sto room with a large basin of sugar under her arm, the old thing had stole. I couldn't a fell worser if I had a bin shot ' Lord ! Betsey," says I. dropping- my bands jist so fashion, and btistm' into tears ; " L rd ! Betsy, I wouldn't a thought n! I thought if ihere was a honest one in ihe wtorld 'twas you!" "Lord, missus." says Betsy, busiin nto tears too, "my dear missus, don't cry so; you knows we's all poor errm' creters; all lierble to temptation, and we all will steal. I been a stealing all my life, but dis is de fast lime I ever was kotch!'' 9500 Dollars Reward. A handbill came to us this morning from Greensboro', detailtpg the circumstances of a distiessiug case of seduction; and offering the above reward for the apprehension of the offender. S. P. Coffin is ihe gu.hy man. He seduced and ranaway with the wife of Milton Hunt, leaving a young wife and two small children. His guilty part ner dr6erted a husband and four small chil drm, one of whiehisonlv fourteen months old. Coffin is about 28 years old, tall and slender, one porcelain moih on the rtght side of the upprrjaw in front, shews his teeth when talking, rather a pleasant coon tf nance. b!ack hair, six feet high, square projecting shoulders, long smail neck, chin urtung tip slightly, eyes -mall and a lutle sunk, talk q nek, sharp nose and broad forehead. He is said to be guilty of a high criminal offence in Guilford county, for which he may be convicted- His stolen mistress is described as being 5 feel 0 in. high, glowing reJ checks stout, weight 140 u 150 pounds, very black hair aged 23 or 24 years havirg a young appear ance. Coffin is well stocked with money. welll armed, and is inclined to gamble. - Salisbury ff alchman. NEW YORK, Oct. 21. . The Royal Mail Steamer Caledonia,-arrived at Boston on Tuesday night, at quar ter past'll o'cloelc, froni Liverpool, whence he sailed on the 4th inst. via IMinVx. The sfcimship Great Britain left Liver pool, on the 22 ult., for New Yoik. with 195 passengers, and on the same nigl;lhe went ashore at Ruthmullin in Dundrarn Lay, coast of Ireland. The passengers were all safely landed. At the last ac counts she had ne t been got off. Her car go had been discharged. Particulars of this disaster mav he found below. The royal marringes in Spain forms the most prominent points of discussion in the European Journals. The London Times and the Morning Chronicle protest in strong terms against ihe Monrpeneier un ion with the Infanta. The European Ti n.es vnys the Government seems disposed .o do all that it can to meet the evil in Ireland. Every mestis aro being taken to find the people employment, which is equivalent to finding them with food; and large stocks of provisions aie forthcoming from America and elsewhere ' Nevertheless, there have been somo famine riots in various parts of Ireland There had been large sales of Cotton, and prices if any thing were a shade higher The market for all kinds ot produce contin ued buoyant, and at rapidly advancing pri ces. In the course of the following day, Wed nesday, ihe 23d, a large number of the passengers proceeded to Warren Point, oth ersto Down pat rck, with the intention of returning to Liverpool the larger num ber proceeded to the latter place. The scene Thursday morning presented was one which that little Irish town never before witnessed Four horse coaches and some doz;n jun ing cars prot ceded at the same ti:ie on to Belfast, to teke passage by the steamer Windsor, which sailed on that da v tor Liverpool. v , 1 During the day, the steamer prince of Wales went round from Belfast, to render 'he Great Britain assistance in getting off, which was tried at high water, and found it to be impossible. A letter dated DuddramBay, Oct. 2 1, contains the following: "The Geat Brit ain remains in nearly the same state as when ou left. She is taking a little more water, the pumps were working nearty all day yesterday, they have got the cargo out, and are now discharging the ri als on the beach there are two steam vessels here; should Monday be fair, they wiil try lo take, her off at high tide. I hear th Sea Nymph Newrv steamer, 13 to be ner on Monday, with 20 other, to try if they can move her." The rate of discount in th- London mon ey market remain unchanged, but he de mand for money had impr -ve-d, and the foods were dull and neglected. The state ot I m land, and the relations ot Europe aris ing . ol of the Spanish marriage, had an extensive effect upon the market. Ireland was in a state of fan. ire, and great cxerttcus were making for the'relief of the people. The papers announce the dpath of Thomas Clarkson, the well known philan thropist. The first number of Dicken's new "Se rial," called " Dealings with the firm of Domebv and Son," was published on the first instant, and copies of it were uudoubtx edly1 r cfiived by the steamer. The Bishop ot St. Asaphs, and Sir John Williams, Judge of the Court of Qui en's bench, had died sir.ee our last advices. Mr. Vaughatt Williams has been appointed as the u-cesof of the latter. A saJ accident occurred at the Aberdeen Rail-rod works on the morning of the 2St. i:ept.. Thr;e of the arclies of the inclined plane gve way, and bi'ned a number of the workmen in the ruins, seven of whom were killed. The arrivals of the past week from the Uni'ed States of America have included some parcels of new Hops, one vessel from New York having brought 14U bale, ar.d another from the same p!ace 91-bales of this novel article of supply from abroad, ths produce of the Uni'ed States. Never Satisfied. The fire with wood, the ocean with rivers; death with mankind nor the coquelte with lovers. Gesh Cattou-lHiportant! . The W ashington Union of Saturday last contains some interesting statements in re lation to the discovery of Gun Cot'on, to which wf. rlludi d last week. The Europe aifcorre.-foi-.dent r.f ihe Union says this5;r- ' tide "will undoubtedly eventuate "in the discontinuance of the uie of gun-powder !" Iflhis should preve true, the demand for cotton will be wonderfully augmented. The Union says : ' The question comes up, whether, with theso experiment before us so din ctly vouched fi.r, as I bey are, by one of our most intelligent citizfns, it docs not b. come the duty of the Ws.- and Navy Depart ments to investigate ihe sul jocf, and to in siitute a series of 'experiment as soon as ihey can communicate with the authors cr the patentees. We say pntemees, l eeausc we understand that the first step has al ready been taken to take out a pa.'tnt rihl in our own Patent Office" The European correspondent of the Un iot',writing from "Frankfort-on-thc-Mame," says:- " Upon my arrival in this city I was in vited by a friend, a distinguished member ofthe German Diet, to dine with him, and not declining his hospitality, I nit with and was presented to Professor llaltger, w ho i is but proper to remark is distinguished for his attainments, and who has charge of th? public laboratory as a chemical lecturer. Befor-;ihe seperation of the parly, Profes sor B. took from each of his waistcoat pockets a paper containing some raw cot ton ; a small portion ol that which was in one he placed upon a sheet of white, paper, and near it some gunpowder upon another sheet. He touched them nt the same mo merit with the burning er.d of a cirar, and with the quickness of the lightning's blast, ihe coiton was consumed without smoke of i dor, or ashe, or even the , slightest stain upon the snow white sheet of foolscap; whi!? tho ignttio.iof the gunpowder seemed o be sh.w, although of ihe'Uat quality, by which the paper was bur:;t and oolored.unT ihe room filled with smoke. Ho then took a small quantity of gunpowder end pl.-cc-.J it upon paper, entirely covered it -.vi'.ii pie pared cotton fit in il.o oiher fMpnr. Touch ing the cotton with the blbze 61 a match, it exploded without burning '.he urqiowder ! Subsequently, at my apartments, he 'explo ded cotton upon the palm of my hand, with, our my feeling the sensation of heat, such was ihe remarkable rapidity of its igniting. " A short ti.n, it is stated by the inven tors, is only required for the pieparatton of toe article, and the process is so exceeding, iy simpie thot it can be manuf ictur-.l by common ki)oiers, and without any dai g.r whatever ol combustion. It can Le fi- lor use in a few hours aftr the rot ion is taken Irom th hale, and without the aid f rvi chinery ; and it "may be thoroughly satura ted with water without affecting its proper ties injuriously. As soon as re-dnVd, it is again fit tor use. There is nothing to ap. prehend to it from its spontaneous combus tion, nor will it ignite by frc'.iou in its trasp')ttation,or in the loading of fire arms, or become- 1i.fl.1med under a temperature of 200 d. Cleisus. ' It will catch fiie, either from a blaze or a spark. " The fact has been ascertain d fror.i re peated experiments, that the forty eighth part ot an ounce e f the prepared co-ion, will propel a bullet from an American tiflo as far and as far as the tvelfth p.rt ul'an ounce of gunpowder. The sixlt er'tk part of an ounce will drive a three q'iar:er ounce ball a distance of tixteen hundred paces ! Moreover, the barrel never requ res clean ing. Forty shots without intermission have been made, and without any p rcepij. ble acci mulalion ol filth, white the j.un was througnout entirely fie Uum heat. In fi ring a 3-p.'.u:ider, the re?u!t was the same in this respect. The experiments in blast ing rocks with prepared cot'on have al-.o I been eminently successful.' At Basle a large block of granite, mea-uring 240 cu bic feet, was blown up by four ounces, whtch could dor have betn effected with less than two pounds of superior gunpowder." Litbig, the celebrated chem:st,says lhat flowers will grow in powdered chaicoal, and how more fjrilliar.t color, than in any sort of soil ; but they must be kept always moist by watering. -'