i Rail Road Convention. The proceedings of which we publish ,1day, with ihe able report of the corn tittee will fc.e found of considerable in terest. It was unfortunate for Lincoln That the convention should be called on 'the Tuesday of Gaston Superior court, ('their first) as otherwise the three coun ties of old Lincoln would have sent a large delegation ; as it is, the friends of the York route can boast of a respecta Me and intelligent assenblage,who have given the lie to those croakers who en deavor to show forth the roufe by York ville a an opposition road Is there opposition in proposing to subscribe '$250,000 of stock if the road should be made to pass through the section of 'country where this stock is located? It e is ridiculous to suppose that sensible men, and capitalists are generally such, should pour forth of their abundance to bring penury to their doors ! Dut say they " we must take the most direct rou'c (rem Columbia to Charlotte, with out diverging to the right or Jelt." If a rail road is to be constructed for the especial benefit of Chailotte, without re gard to the probability of its ever pay ing for itself let Charlotte build the ) road but if a road is to be built for the public convenience if inducements are b be held out !o capitolists.lel it diverge Jnd continue to do so, when it can, as h the present instance secure the trade fa wealthy scope cf country, besides aver $250,000 it, York, and much other conditional stock that is now and beim ubsenbed in this vicwity.- We are not opposed to the Charlotte road, why should we be? .4. Inanch from York to Charlotte WILL be ilt, if York ih neglected now then fcur people can find a market that will suit them; then the cry of "opposition" may be raised, but none shall say " we Uid it." i The main rosds from Lincoln to the village of York, by Crowder's Creek is VS8 miles; by King's Mountain, 39. The first is rarely impossable from high wa ter, the latter never. The stage road from Lincoln to Charlotte crosses the TuckdSfge, a foid one mile which ri.-es very rapidly, and which, at no time, a ' stranger to its meandering can cross with safety; but, ta diverge a few miles, t lie may cro-r-AuiJSi rung's Terry, it ' the water is not too high. From'Sheiby Cleaveland county, (a right angle from here, 23 miles) to York j i3 25 miles, ridge road. From Dallas, G-$-ton county, bearing to :ru; 'oft, 15 miles fiom here, to York, is 25 miles, and a good road. k Lincoln is not jealous of lie neigh- ' tin. lw, ,.,;.-U . . l !.!. ""i uut ouv ttiiius lu suair uouc ill 1 r I .1 . r .i. .i i i uii iiiusc cnicrpr'zes oi me uay, wntcn, as they reflect character on her own peo ple, tend to the grentest good of the greatest number. Let Charlotte act in a kindred spirit, and all will yet be right. Otherwise, like the dog and the shadow, ' both mav be lost. j 0OCol. F. A. Ui.ke, of our town, is now in the city of Charleston, where he is j completing the even more than npressa I ry arrangements for the re opening of ; that well known establishment on King j Rf,uu. I, ....... v.,,.;,, 7 ....... i l-UCCIi II1VJI d9 lilt. ilVIHJ lilUOC sign of the Stag ; this is removed how I ever, with all the old beds and furniture, and the first supplied by the name of the "American, and the iattei by the best j jbeds and furniture the best judges could ' select, r rom the known business ha- i ?bits of Col. Hoke, our whole communi ty cBnnot hesitate to recommend him to jhe good citizens of the Queen city," while we feel assured his accommoda ting disposition will make the old up . country stand what it ouce was, the place where most did congregate. IFe j '.do not like to part with such men from! among us; but so it is the best wishes (of our county attend him. CO" A Washington letter to the Balti ' more isun, says that Mr Buchanan has consented that his name sha'1 be used cs a candidate for the Presidency. f C7The Marchioness of Wellesley, a grand daughter of Charles Carroll, of Carrolton, is about to visit this country. J She has connections in Baltimore. She will be a lioness, certain. FOR THE COUKIER. Mr Editcr -The whigs are beginning to haul in their horns : they, think it will not do to fight any longer on the wrong side ; and if peace is made with out their aid, they begin to think they will stand no chance to get into power. They cry now, let us vote men and money, and prosecute the war to an ho norable peace." Why did they not cry so from the first, and we would have had peaco long ago ; then the enemy would have lost all hopes,and yielded to justice long before this. A I.mese, Catawba Creek, Gaston Co. (KrThe Union, speaking of Geneial Scott's army.says that without counting Gen Pierce's de aehment, hich has ac tually joined Gen Scot:, but counting in Major Lally's command, the reinforce ments destined to join him can scarcely fall short of 16,000 troops; and this,too, independent of the two regiments that have just been called into service. From the Fayetteville CaroKuian. LT. S1NGLETARY. We find in the Ralegh Standard, a comruunic.-.tion of three columns length, from Lt Singletary, lately discharged from the N C Regiment, making state ments in regard to the late difficulties in the Regiment. I'. does not appear from these state ments that Mr Smg'etary committed anv act deserving the censure of ihe Colonel, except signing the paper requesting him to resign. On ihe contrary, he produ ces letters, signed by officers separate ly and collectively; one testifies that Lt iingleiary did not persuade or induce them to sign thai paper; another that he did his duty on every occasion, another says the punishment cast upon him is unjust, and would be reversed upon sm impartial trial; anniher that Gen Wool acted upon a misrepresentation of farts, of course by Col Paiuej and that Col i'aine, and not Lieuts Tender and Sm- geliary, should have been discharged This last is Iron: the Adjutant of the Mississippi Regiment. A paper signed 6y every commanding officer oMhe regiment, and addressed to Gen Taylor, sets forth some of the con duct of Col Fai:.e. Private Thompson (oi this place) was ordered to stand with his ha', off before Col Fame; not readily obeying, ihe colon I went into him fisti cuff, and concluded by throwing a tin basin at his head ! Oilier cases of using his fist, and knocking men down with a stick, are mentioned. 'I his communication of Lt Singletary a Jmiii U'asiiingi" it , ami ai ihe con clusion he Eays the matter will soon be brought before a proper tribunal, and the result of its scrutiny made known. This is as it should be. We consider from all we have seen, that it was a piece of tyanny to dismiss Lts Pender and Smgletaiy without Uiul, and .pot. ;t;e hart say r-o ol Col Pate, who, iiii,e has shon, is unfit to com maud a regi merit, because he cannot command him self. We said so at the tune lie was ap pointed; and we suspeci that Gov Gra ham and the whig legislature now find it Hue to ttieir sorrow The Un ion says thai orders have been sent to recail Mr Frist from Mexico, Thus is cut ofl" all further propositions for peace on our part. The Cincinnati Survey Shows,that a Rail Road tnun Chesterville to Yoik ville can be constructed in 15 miles. Mr Fox's survey proves that a roid irom Yorkville to the upppr point of Long fs land be I w Mason's Ferry, can h made in II 3-4 miles. This makes 30 miles to this point. Will the Charlotte Jour nal t,ay how far in a straight line. Char lotte is from the "ast named place pub lish this article, and then pfiint cut anv shorter rivals, particularly designating the placts where his r uto will cro.-s the river. Fishing creek., and Rocky creek, with the intermediate distances in unit-?. S",and up to this fair am' square, ai.d we will praise vhj. Yorkrille Miscellany. Bishop Onderdonk. The Episcopal Convention in New York was occupied on Wednesday, with the discussion of Bishop Onderdonk's case. The chif pomt in debate was to the number of Bishop necessary to revoke a son teni'e whether a majority of their whole number or only a majority of a quorum. Finally, the convention hud the subject of the new canon on the ta ble, on motion of Hon W. (J. Rives, who introduced a resolution in effect that it is inexpedient to restore Bishoo Onderdonk to his Episcopal functions. Schoolmaster "Bill Tompkins what is a w?dov? Bill "A wtddc-r, sir, is a married woman, what aint got any husband cause he's dead," rtlaster " Very w. What is a widower' Bill "A widerer is a man what runs arter the w.ddeTs." Master Well Bill, that i not exactly according to Johnson, but it will do, " Breaches of faith! screamed Mrs Partington as she heard that term ap. plied to Mexican violations of the n'rmis tice. " Well, I wonder what they will have next? I have hearn tell of clocks of hypocrisy and robes of puritv, but I never heerd of breeches of faith before' I hope they're made of something that wont change and wear out as old Deacon Gudgmg s fauh did, for his was aKvav changing IJe went lrom bel.evi. that nobody would be saved to belief ing that all would be, and at last turned out a prenolagf-r and did'nt believe- in nothing! I wonder if xi na s,ronit og cass.mere?" and she bit off her thread and prepared a new needle full. "I can't ber children," said MUs Prim, disdainfully. ,i Mrs. Partington looked at her over her spectacles mildly before she replied. "Perhaps , you could yoj would like them better," 'she at last said. Santa Anna Clocks. A witty auc tioneer, finding his company slow at bidding fur clucks, put up "the last," and said, "Now gentlemen I present you with a new kind ot clock it is lulled the Santa Anna clock and warranted to run without stopping'1 By last Evening's Mail 03 Though we detained our fa per. we have nothing further from the seat of war than is contained in our preceding columns. The following paragraph should herald the return home oh Col. Bohadil. Lcuts Siiiglctary and Pender. We aie graritiec o state that the President of the UnitedStato l,aK justice to be- done to these gallant vou oncers. j ncy were dis.hoeotablv dis charged," our readers will remember, by Uen Woal, and ordered by. Col. Paine to leave the camp of the'orth Carolina Volunteers, on the ground, as wu.s aihjfred, that they had Uen "con cerned in" u Mutiny; but the Picsidenl has blotted all this our. Thc are the word-: "The order of 'hf Presi dent in ting ease makes (ienpral Wool's order ol discharge null and void, and Lieut Smgellary is considered as never having been out of service." And sitndar order h;is of course been "iven as to Lieut. Pender. & The Secretary of War has directed Lt Smgletary to return to . r..... in Mexico, and report himself in person to the commanding i flicer of the North Carolina Volunteers. These officers, therefore, stand just as they did beibre Gen Wool issued his order "dishonorably discharging" them fr rn the service. In restoring them to 'nf-if ,-:!; i rid-, th- Pres'dsnt !v fo i'-vt'i i:ci ?;. otiiy Jv a stvse vf riht, U.n by a due regard forUielaw; for we understand, that according lo the rules and articles of War, no officer can be dismissed from the service except by the President himself, or by the judgment ot a Couit Martial. Standard. In Mecklenburg county, on the 2d instant, by the Rev II. li. Cuniiingharn, J. W. Logan. Esq.. of Rutherford, to Miss A. L. J. Wilson, of the former place. i O T ICE TO CREDITORS. By an interlocutory decree of the Court of Lquuy, made at Fall Perm, 1847; it is required that all persons ha ving claims secured in a Deed in Trust, made by Henry Fulenwider to Dartlett Sbipp, p.esent and prove them before the 6'k-ik anu Master in Equity of Liu coin County, on or before the 1st day of February next, or be forever thereat ter excluded from any benefit therefrom. W. WILLIAMSON, Nov 6 50 C. & M. E. Church to Jhtild. Proposals will be received by the un dersigned, Commissioners, until the 1st day ol January, 1848, for building at the Uictard nd 'iraharu Family Grave Yard, nt-arty equi distant between lira ham's Furnace and Brevard's Porge, a new BUlLlv CiiURCll, of the follow nig dimensions, viz : 44 leei long by 28 wide; to have a stone foundation, and to be 15 feet high from the siils to the plates; to have 3 doors and 10 windows. I he above building to be completed in a neat and workmanlike manner. Further patticnh:rs and specifications will be given, when proposals are pte eenieJio C. C. GRAHAM, Q E. A. BUEVARIV W M.JOHNSTON, K C. L. HUNTER, 5 D. DELLINGER, J 7 Oct CO - 19- IS W - S Would respectfully inform st Received and opened at the old stand Just wVJKir STOCK OF GOODS, , PURCHASED EvnitELl FOR CASH, lul l L w V '"J nnt' U'dtS D'y Goods aRd Silks f cverv varifciy, they wul keep up a choice assortment of German Roltiug lltus, Carpenter' Tools, Groceries, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS. yc $c. . -Thei? ?-re lUng n'e,U anxi,U9 to do a" business, and fl titer themselves that they yvi.l sell Goods on such terms as will brini; custom, rherefore thev ask you will come and look. Lincolnton, N. C. iSovember C 5t -f SI tfCr FRESH AlifUVAL.tj T C C. IIEXDERSOX, Is now receiving at his old stand in Lincolnton, a iargt and splendid assort ment of New and Fashionable F ALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, having been selected bv himself wiih great care and economy, heca.i! warrant as good, and sell as cheap,.! not! cheaper, than any other Meichant in the! pljce. t is .St ck consists in part of DRY GOODS: Cloths, Cassuneres, Satinets, Oregon Cassimeres, Cashmerets, (.'rotou Coalings, Erminus, Jeans, Veitings, Irish Linens, I)rili;!ig8, Hosiery, Glove9. Suspenders, Hanokt rchie fs, cvi?ry quality. Laces, Ribbands. Edjings, lioertings. Patent i breads, Bu.dngs, V. ncy Colored I'onnet JSilks, R?ph LTew S yle Oreg?n & L ama Plaids .Silks, V elvets, Satms, Cashmeres, Uelair.es, Bombazines, Plaids, Alpacas, Gmghams, Calicoes, Checks, Mii.ihns, Ca-nbiicsJltd t 'ckb, Flannels, Diapers, Worsted Serge, Jaconets, Sheetings, Shirtings. &c. &c. Queensware, ilardvare, ( rucibles, Carpeiings, Dve SiufTs antl Medicines, BOOfS ISi l") SHOES, Bolting Cloths and Screen Wire, Coach Trimmings, a large variety. Harness Mountings and Saddle Tires, School Books and St ticnary. CHOICE FERFUMEll Y. GROCERIES, Of every description. IROM CASTIJiiS and XA1LS, In fati tin- in-.;si General Assortment of Goods ever brought to this place. The public are invited to call and exam me for themselies ; no trouble to show Goods. Country Produce taken in ex change for merchandize. Jept 18 46- CEtfTRAL. BOARDING House Chvrch street, opposite Planter's Hotel, CHARLESTON. The location is in the very centre of business, within one or two minutes walk of the chief edifices of Religion, Commerce, Law, and the Daily. Piesa. QCsBusiness men, Visiters, Country Merchants and Travellers genteely ac commodated for one half the hotel char g s. The patronage of the up-country is solicited. Sept 25 47-3 cn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, LINCOLN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qr. Sessions June Session, 1847. ORDERED by Court, that hereafter Monday of ejeh and every term of this Court be set apart for the transaction of County business. All tl e Justices of the County are requested to give their attendance accordingly. Ordered further, that Jurors be sum moned, and all State witnesses bound, to attend on Tuesday of cach'term, and not before. Witness, R. 1L LI AM SON, Clerk. Sept 18 40 Printer's fee, S5. TAIL OR1XG. Having received the latest Fashions, is prepared to aecommodate the public. His terms are moderate, and h: work shall not be excelled in taste or durabili- I ty. (WLcTTiNo done at snort notice. ; Nor 16 2U - T (D Iffi IE3 ! the public, that thev hivo of CofjJlke! JnZw OTICB. Gftnrrrc W M'Calistftr. nf 0t3Srtl,'s County, 3 miles and a half north-west of Dailas.on -ihe 13 insf. enlrred with m n stray, a GRAY MARE about 14 years old, r. bout 154 hands high, dark mane and tail, t-pavined on tho right hind leg, valued at 25 dollar. M. II. HAND, Ranger. Gaston County, Oct 14. 1847. Land for Sale. I wilUiTer fL.r sale, on the Land, on Monday, 6ih December next, on tho water? of Beaver dam. in Gaston coun ty. 177 acres of LAND, joining the road leading from Lincolnton to Shelby, and joining Mos's Rubers' land. Said Land sold under a Deed of Trust exe cuied by Robert Smith, of Cleaveland county, to secure the payment of cer tain monies to Thom?s Williams. Terms made known on dav of sale. JAMES W. JACKSON, Trustee. Oct 30 49- Dr. MICHAEL'S PILLS, AN EFFECTUAL CURE For Chills and Ftver, and warranted to cure whenever the directions are strictly followed ; nor trill they be found less effectual in relieving i error-.1 Headache. The known tfheacy and unparaiciled success if thse Pili, entitle them to more confidence than all ihe eaten pen- ny nostrums- now deluging the country, tmi propositi, cures lor Chills and F1 pr. vvhiUth uW.-jiciit ctTcce,ari3tnr ut of deleterious compounds, sene to open new dixoi.MM, making serious in roads ;; tb tender coats of tho stc inach, &c. These remai ks are not de signed to pufT, but simply to notify a suffering community where they may fii.d a safe and efficacious cure. I'l p hiih testimonials, :ccompanying these Pills, justly entilios them to pul ii; confidence. By reference to the Bill of directions, it will be discoverable ihit they are not recommended by Tom, l):ck and Harry, and nobody knows who; but by nams whose veracity is bey ond suspicion. A few will suffice R"v Saml Williamson, Pres't David son College, N. C. Rev Cy rus Johnson, of Charlotte Rev A M Foster & ladv, S C Confer. Rev W A Gsmewell, " - " Rev Dr Jas F Gilmer, Mecklenburg. Dr Th-.mas Harris, ot Charlotte II B Williams, And many others. --For particular?, see bill of directions. Supplies will be furnished by application to the inventor and proprietor, at Morganton. N C. J. MICHAEL HAPPOLDT. They can be obtained in Lincolnton, by application to C. C. HENDERSON, Agent Nov 5 50-1 y STATE OF NOR I'll CAROLIN A, LINCOLN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qr. Sessions Sept Session, 1847. Asa F. Cochran and wife Caroline, vs. Gcoige W. Motz. Attachment levied on a servant Boy, named Bill. IT appearing 10 the satisfaction of the Court, (hat the defendant in this case resides without the limits of this State, so that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served on him, It is therefore Ordered, That publication be made in the Lincoln Courier, giving notice to the said defendant thai he be and appear be fore the Justices of our Cou:t of Picas anil Quarter Sessions, to be held for said cour.ty at the court house in Lincolnton on the firat Monday in December next, then id there to plead or replevy ; other" 13 judgment final will be render ed against rum. and the property levied 0:1 condemned to satisfy plaintiff's debt and costs. Witness, Robert Williamson, Clerk of our said Couri, at office, the 1st Mon day after the 4th Monday in August, in the 72d year of our Independence, A.I). 1847. K: WILLIAMSON, Sept 18 Clerk-.