The Sb?crif)pr is now prepareo with a omf.jriable Hack, in 'convey passengers to .it f.-o.n Lmcolnlon, or. reasonable terms. Hi T'-s'dence Is npar the East end of the lovm of Lincoln, main street. JAMES WELLS Joiv .8 41- TO TIJR PUBLIC OF LISrOLSTOX, Ami citizens of IVort2i Carolina Having recently made a iMl u i'hiladelphia, I was advised hv a gen leman who had witnessed lhe effects sn t to bring with u,p quantuv of ldel's Vegetable Embrocation, wlncd has pertorined luot wonderful cure$ of the following injuries : Severe Contusions, Sprains, Injuries from Falls, AND StifT Joints of lot." Standing. I have alsn for sale Kdel's Vegetable Purgative Pills, which bear a high re putation in Philadelphia for the cure of Jjyspepsia. Disorder d (stomach, and all Bilious affections, Diseases of the J Acer, 6fc. A LSO EdeVsFireExlr actor, (with a policy of Insurance) which as a rente dy for Scalds and Burns cannut be sur passed. A more full description of the above Medicines in pamphlets, with numerous certificate, can be seen at the tore of the subscriber. C. C. HENDERSON. Sept li 40- i-': si'Vjicahle niflicifie is daily effec t: -...-,!- . t ihr n:it astonishing &, wonder .r.. m:.-- .'m; nave ever uuen known. All ' . r : ,k-.I :i 'jr Astlmi., Coi.ii?, SS ji , -' : '.iu.', lumping Cough, L' roup or i;! . y C ;-ii!ri;,iitj!i, i I, runic Pleurisy, 'rs;-')n.;s. Phki isi Sorsness of the Urea-t, -j'-,. -. . or, add every oilier .i r - t ,( o-and BUEAM',can and J a -.ft . ?.. .jeiuiU3?. UKOXCiil 1 'ii-.-Hve : is f.nuuaily s eepinjy ihou f itiou-Jiids o a premature grave, si.-ir' i5.? mutiaUen n ine i f CU.NL.MP I ilN,ii ah' ays coreo by it. 'I ite usual ir; p: ;s it tliis fliease ( Bronchil is) are ;'mi "reiitr.-rt ot Uie Lungs or i'hroat, a :s- i.os.ijMicuIly of lireaihing. Asthma, iitr.'.ic t r a .spiliii g up of phlegm or naMer ui s'tmetioies bk od. It is an iiiflam-rii-.l'i.n . f ihe nr.3bku tvhich lines theinsuie t:i V t- h-y.p of ihe w ir.d lubes ot a:i vesse's!, which run ihr-'Ugh nvery part of the Iuiigs. 'I hij Kxpi ctnrKnt immediately 6npfirftsses th-Coogh ami Pam, subdues the Inflamma ion and Fever, removes the Difficulty of Jrt athing, by producinga free and easy Ex pe-toratjoi.', so that a cure'is soon effected. Ji always . ures ASTHMA 2 or three l'rg- :.vs?s wiii core the Cnmp or Hives of f-n, in iroin titieen minutes to an hour's ti'io- it nir.r.ediately subdues the violence . u m: g Cough, and effects a speedy '" ' iii'iiireds who have been given up physicians as incurable w ih 4Con non, t:ave been restored to perfect u. s a re.i;edy in Pulmonary Disea-i- Jt'.-.'. e h:ia ever obtained a higher, . r-'-j ?-ptitalion. C. C. HtiXDERSON, Agent. .r:r.v .N'. (-.. June 1, 1S-T. Fay c's iiair onic. We ht.ow Di. ioKjly personally, and t :err ;s io m..u i;i ii,e jonntry, whose opin ion is e 1 1 i ; led ti tii; -re especl . He is on all .:lj-c!s hottest aim Firn ere, ano his high r : .; :.-r as. n Physu ian can be attested by ti'r hisi o.edical ineu m this city . Phila. H'tepherd's Town, Va. Oct. 10,1843. i)oar "-.ii - Vou inq .ire of mo w hether 1 ie. VMUr H - ir 'I onic, and the effect. -ever:.t y-ur.s a,, my hair begi;i to fall r.v . .v ,,escal. and I hai! the pros. ;ci:t i .'je :;i;i.. rn baldness. D,riug severai i i vaiious preparaiiot s recoru : ' ' !'C t air, from which 1 derived ' "; -; A length a friend recommended r :4dir i"omc. I used three or 'our bot-if-ordi ig ju ih primed;d . i of six tnoiiths, my hair was thick . -nid since its tendtiuy io turn uray 1 l ave ever before g-iven a certificate, .'ov.iien.iing pjientni.-dicines, which indi. J.:n:.:;a!. iv osd. is they often are ,do much jory. but ;i. a cush iike the present, where : :-.w ii;e article i be benefi..-ial, and that i -;ii do no harm; I have i,u scruples in oWt:rgtacts wiihininy own knowledge. Vours. N.c. t John Qcigly. M.D. Dr D Janye, Philadelphia. I. e 1 ,y An Apprentice is wanted. f 1 f. rIIE undersigned propose to sell, at "s!s their Quarry. 9 miits South of Lin colnton, Limb f a superior quality, at the following prices. to wit : Slacked Lime, not gcrened.per bush.10 cts Slaekt-d Lime, screened. " 124 Riche Lime, or not slacked, " 1R We have reduced" the prices of our Lime ti meft the hard times, and to enable the Fsrmitisr community io procure a valuable ariiclf in impruving their Farms, at a rea sonable price. E ' strength, our Lime is not. surpassed by any in the Western part of the Stale ; it has b en tried by those compe lent to jiKlse- Call and eximine, and try it for yourselves. Letters addressed either to I). W. Sehenck, Jacob Rush or Daniel Shnford. living in Lincoln ton, desiring any information in reference to the Lime, will be promptly attended to JALOR RUSH. DANIEL SHUFORD. Jsnnorv 27 mzMm The -success thit has followed the use of tne Embrocation in (he cure of this disease has been truly astonishing. Physicians advise their pMienia lo use it, as the only Pile 3Icliciiic. In addition to its bem ,i positive re medy lor the Piles, it never fails to cura that IN I OLERAIJLE I T C II I N G which is so very common, nnd has its jocatiou in the sime part as the Piles. Read lite ioM'uvino; from the editoreal columns of A lexandvt i Mese5ier : " Fcud at Last. A Sure Cure , for the Pile?! Phv-icians at:d Chemists have long bet;n anxious to discover a medicine that would cure one of the most troublesome discuses, the Piles. Success has at last been ihn result. Dr ' Jackson's Pile Embrocation not onlv : stops all bleeding, ullavs pa:n and in j flmmation.wubd'ies that intolerable itch ing, iitit etH'cinaily cures like a char.n, and in a very short time, persons whose lives have been rendered miserable for yenrs. Only a few from a great number of certificates will bo published. Read the following : PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! Philadelphia, Maich 19, L?45. Western Hotel. D.-. Jackson Sir; I think there are few .fins ' hjch art; nire common nnd troul'ksome titan the Piles, and du ring thu last fiiteen ears I have sufier ei from ;nom very mucn, causing pam, bleeditig and immoderate itching ; I used ail the various remedies, but with on' relief, unli 1 got a bottle .f your Embrocation from Dr. Jay tie, No. 8, South Third street, which completely cured me in three weeks! Yours, iruly, S. H. PLIMPTOX. Mr. Ashford's letter must settle the question in the mind of every one. Piles Piles! Piles Rarely a day pase that we do not get some tes tin ony, either verbal or written, ot the great efficacy of Dr. Jackson's Pile Em brocation. Read the following : New York, 721 Broadway, ) September 24. ) Dr. N. Jackson Dear sir: Will ou snd me six bottles of vour PILE EM BROCATION? I wish hern part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentle mao, a friend of mine, who has found great relief in using from my bottle two or three times. You remember, when in Pniladelphia, I was suffering dread iu-ly from this terrtbie scourge I only took one bottle from ou; 1 have not used it quite all, and am now porfectly well Asyou'may suppose, 1 proclaim lhe virtues of your medicine wherever 1 go. 1 tell every friend about it, and it is singular to perceive how many are suffeiing in this way- - I believe half of my acquaintance are more or less afflic ted. Let me tell you that you can sell here as fast as you choose to make When you want a certificate from me, you shall have it. and you are at liberty to show ibis letter if you wish. Respectiullv yours, LEWIS P. ASHFORD. A great number of persons who have Uen cured, wi; be itfcrred to, by cal mg on the Agents. IT NEVER. FAILS! Puce Si per bottle, or six buttles O.' So Prepared oniy by Dr. N. Jackson, and sold wholesale and retail by Dr. D. Jane, No. 8, South J'hud street, and ('. S trivors, corner Spruce and Seventh Ms., Philadelphia, and in Lincolnton N. Carolina, by C. C. HENDERSON. Jure 1 Of every description for sale at this Office, or priuted to order, li 1 n?," ""it j. . I BSD! . AND Spencer's Tonic & Restorative The vnriralhd Purifier of the blood - and restorative f the system in 'all morbid secretion of the glands, skin and liver, morb'".: humor and vitiated state of the system. The. mdicatioi.i requiring Spencer's Pills and Bitters, and when they should be used without delay as a preventive to the formation of Acute diseases, are When there is pain in the back or head. When the Tongue i. furred ; When the urine is very highlv colored Wheu fhe shin is hot. dry, or yellow, When Ihe Appetite is poor; When there npain in the stomach or bowels; When there is ncrvovs irritation; i When there are cold Chills; When the dreams ate bad or starling in sleep; If taken upon the occurrence of any, or all o'' lhe above iodicuiiou of approach ing disase -much pain and sickness will be prevented We have room only lor the following: The following Certificate is from To bias Folsom, Esq., ol Kershaw District, Kershaw dist. S. C.June 3 184G. I have ued in my finuly "Spencer's Pills, for two yeaispast, anu during thcit 1 1 iie my confidence in their superi ority over every other similar prepara tion wifhin my knowledge has been con stantly increasing; I now esteem them to be ihe best cathartic Pills in use- Fiom my earliest remembrance 1 have been afflicted with Sick Head ache and Costiveness, and for a number of j'ears ptst hiive been trying various advertised remedies, among others, Beckwrh's, Leo's ,nd Peter's Pills; but Jailed to ob tain any permanent relie f, until Jan'y, 1545, u which the time Dr. Spencer's Anient left me some of his Put., recom mending me to try them for my com plaint. 1 did so ; and by their superior action upon the morbid matter and toe;r mild y et effectual purgative proper ties they so cleansed my stomach and bowals that they removed both the head ache and its cause and gave me certain and speedy relief. My mother-in-iaw has also used them with success in the same complaint which site has had, so severe as to throw her into spasms and convulsions, being obliged in these ca ses to tesort to cupping and other severe applications. 1 have also imide frequent and constant use of he Ptlls in my f'um'ly, in cases of Boicel Complaint, brought on by the two ftee indulgence in use of Berries aud Fruit, and in all ver known of the failure in any disease which they are recommended to cure known of their being tried, if their use was for which I have preserved in, and directions strictly followed. TOBIAS FOLSOM. Kershaw dist S. C. June 2, 1846 In January ,1844, f rom wet and expo sure, I took a severe cold, which re sulted in a high fever, accompanied with a severe cough,and painful head ache. These continued to increase in severity for about two weeks, so much so that my friends considered me, nnd I, myself, believed 1 was in a very criti cal and dangerous state: At theenH of this time 1 sent and procured two box os of "Spencer's Pills," and the first day of their use 1 began to experience relief, and before I had taken one box, my fever was gone, Cough had ceased, and Head-ache entirely cured : I was soon sound an xcell: I then said and still believe, lhat by the blessing of God, they were the means of saving my life: In looking over the directions af terwards I saw they were recommen ded for the cure of Dyspepsia, with which my eldest daugh ter had been afilicied lor a long time: I recommen ded her lo make trial of them ; and she did so; and by a continued use of the Pills alone was perfectly and 1 think permanently cured. WM. MARSHAL. Just received a large and fresh supply of the above Medicines, by C. C. HENDERSON, And 13. S. JOHNSON, Lincolnton, And maybe found generally in all the towns aud villages in the State. Dec S iy TISE COMMUNICATOR. yUI is the title of a weekly Family I? Newspaper which will make its ap pearance in Pmsboro', Chatham county, in May next. It will embrace, intelligence of a political, literary nd miscellaneous char acter ; ami will at lhsame. time, advocate the CAUSE OF TEMPERANCE, in poIiu.s, it will be ventral. Thopp friends ol Temperance who have so' long beer, anxious for a Press to advocate the cause to which they have so warmly ad hered, can now be accommodated, as a suf ficient uurnber of subscribers have alieadv been procured to warrant this publication.-! The Editoreal Department will be conduct ed by an association of able writers, 'lhe price of subscription is $2 per annum, in ad vance. Pituboro, April, I84r. hogax & TH022PSO:, WHOLESALE BGOKSELERS & STATIONERS, No 30 North Fourth Street, Have for the supply ot booksellers. County Merchants and others, a large and complete assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY.. AND FANCY ARTICLES H, & T. are lhe publishers of School and Standard Books, Manufactures of Blank Books, and most of the articles of American Stationary; and keeping aiso a handsome as sortment of FOREIGN FANCY STATIONARY, they are enabled to offei extraordinaryinduce rnents to purchasers, ia the prices, variety, and extent of iheir stock. Having recently become the Commission Agents of some of the most extensive Papef makers, they can offer to wholesale and re tail dealers and to printers and binders LET TER CAP, LEDGER, WRITING & PRINTING PAPERS, at very Low Pri ces. Taey will also keep oonstantly on hand a stock ol Wall Wiodow , and Screen Papers of ihe most beautiful patterns and briihant colours, at manufacturers' prices. Blank Books Of their own superior make, are always kept in quantities to su. ply orders, or made up to such particular patterns as may be re quired, Merchants' Showbills, Or Advertising Curds for jeu Good3. 11 &. T. have been pruning these Show bills for the last year or two tor tneir custo mers in very beautiful style, but for the ap proaching season they have had some New and Elegant Desigt.s engraved, which will make a inure showy and attractive adverti sing sheet than has before been printed, and they particularly invite it.e aiu-niion of mer chants to this article, which n ill be furnished at a very moderate price. Desirous of retaining their old cus'omers. and of adding as many new owes as pue-sib!-to their list, li &. '1'. will endeavour alway to have such a stock of articles in their line as it is not lo be tonnd in any other establish ment.and the(r prices will be found lo range as lo a any oilier house, they hope, there t'oit:, the advantages Aloch they can otier w ill induce all oeaiers in these articles to callat Hio. 30 if orth Fourth street, whenever they visit Phiiaueiphia- Worms! Worms!! Worms!! Of the diseases lo which children ate ex posed none are so fatal to ihetn as worms. Unfortunately children are seldom free from them, and as they imitate the symptoms ol almost every other rnuiilairil. ibey often produce alarming effects without beingsus pected Worms arenotonly a cause ot dis ease themselves, bel by their irritation ag gravate all other diseasesjtvandering from ,.f ihe bi'dv lo another, winding themselves up into large balls, ami oootruei" ing the bowels, and frequently ihe throat, causing convulsions, and too often death. The best remedy ever yet known is Dr. Jaync's Tonic Vermifuge, which is perfectly safe, and so pleasant, that children w ill not refuse o take it It effeclually destroys W ORMS ; neutralizes acidity or sourness ot the stomach increases appelile, and acts as a general and perma nent tonic, and is therefore exceedingly be neficial in Intermittent ai.d Remittent Fe vers, Indigestion, &c. and is a certain and permanent cure for FEVER and AGUE. It not only destroys vVorms and invigo rates the whole system, hut it dissolvesand carries off the snperabundant slime or mucus so prevalent in the stomach and bowels of children, mere especially those :t bad health This mucus forms the bed ot c-s. in which worms produce their youngjai 1 by removing it, it is impossible for worms to ren"a" i the body. It is harmless in i effects on the system, and the health of the patient is always im proved by its use. This Vermifuge is very far hcwever from being- limited in its usefulness to mere cases of Worms, for it may also be prescribed with most decided advantage in all derangements of the stomach and digestive organs gen eral debility dropsical 6welhngs Female complaints, as sick head-ache, flour albts, menorr hagia, &.c. Numerous cases of Piles have been per fectly cured by the use tf this valuable Ver mifuge. This beneficial result may beat counted tor from its strengthening the stom ach and bowels, and also by the removal of ascandes, or small thread w orms, These vermin generally inhabit the low er part of the bowels,and by theii irritation are a very frequent cause of Piles. DYSPEPSIA may always be cured by laking une or two tea spoonsful of this Ver mifuge, morning, noon and night (before ea ting) and by taking mv SanativePiUs at bed time, in sufficient doses produce one, and not more than two evacuations from the bowels every moining. WEAKNESS, Loss of appetite and ge neral Debility is soon removed by taking this Vermifuge in doses of a lea-spoonful at a time from three to five times a day, as it is an effectual as well as an extremely plea sant ionic. Finally, what the public have long de sired a medicine of this kind, which might be depended upon (prepared by a regular physician) i riov offered io them, and can behaJ of DR. D. JAYNL, No South Third street, Philadelphia, and cf all per sons who sell his Expectorant Carminative Balatn,Sar.aiivePills4Iiair Tonic, and Life Preservative. For 6ale in Lincolnton, by C. C. HENDERSON; Juue 1 READ what SCARPA'S Acoiut. Oil hat done! L&ACOUSTiC OIL! cS The greatest cure ever ye, performed by any medicine. 7 never Jails ! The following, just received, in among the thousand evidences of perfect eurea be ing performed by the use of "Scarpa's JJcouslic Oi." ' West Troy. June 3, 1845. This is to certify, that I. WillismJenks proprietor of tha West Troy Exchang Hotel, having been afflicted with deafnen in one ear lor the last twenty years,' ont1 in the other for the last year, o lhat it vvp impossible for me to hear the loudest voic and after trying-various remedies withou improving my hearing in the least, I was induced to try Scarpa's Arousiic Oil, for the cure of Deafness, ant) it is with great gratification I am enabled In atae that it has perfectly restored n.y hearing, and I will be happy to see anv person wishing for information in relation to 3y case, " my place in West Troy. W1LLARD JENKS. The medicine is highly recoromeiu'ed r the North, by some of the most respect: ble citizens and newspapers, and as it ca. do nn harm, it is worthy a trial. The medicine can be obtained, togethe with a long list of recommendation?, at the store of the Agent, C. C. HENDERSON. Ltncolnton, N. C, June 1 51- PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFA T'S VEGETABLE UFE PILL phgenix Fitters The liiirh and euvird celebrity which theke pre-Finiicnit ; Medicines have acquired for their invariable ellieacr in a'., the diseases which ll.ey profess to cure, has remlered tha U'ual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but iinwoi liiy ol' iliem. They are known by ttivir fruits ; their goo1 works testify fur tfiem, aud the n.rive uol by the faith ' the credulous. f If ASTHMA. ACUTE atd VHROS1C Ml EUHAl'iSt. AFFUrriOSS uf ri ULAOUER and MOSEYS. j BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the south and west, where thoae ilisoasea prevail, tliey v:M ! be found invaluable!. Planters, fanners, and others, who ont use tlnse Mudicincs. will never afterwards; be without Ih.-m. HILIDUS CIIULW, and SERUUS Lo.-ent$s, bit ES. cusrirESEss. &. coi tius, vnnuc. CONSUMPTION. Used with crrat auccesa in this disease. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPcilAiiS. TyffTFiTt?T A - Nn iierson with this distressing tli east', should delay using tlieac inetlicim a inrmiMiiel. ERCPTIOSS uf the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY. KEVKK and AGUE. For this srourpe i.f the wes tern country these medicine will he foind a aafe. aieely. anit cert run remedy. Other ni'-ilwin. leave Uie fysU-m aiihj:ct to turti of Um: disease a cure by these medicine is iwrmaneRL TRY THEM. BE SATISKIGO, AND HE CUHfcD. FOUL S E S S of V O .V P L E X I O S, OBNSKAL SSBILITYi UttUT. OIDDISESS, tikAVEL, HEADACHES, of erf kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY KKEU'IA TSAI. IMPURE bLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS (J APPE TITE, LIVER OOItXFL AZNTSi LEPROSY, LOOSENESS. in rnvt i.s. I 8 17 A S K N Xover fails to eradicate entirely all Ihe efP cU of M. r. ,r ,-nfj. SIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEIHLITY. SEHVOV3 COMPLAINTS of all kind$, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION vf the HEART, PAINTER'S CHOLIO. P I Xi 23 S Tiro original proprietor of these nierlmnaa was cured of Piles of 35 years atandiiig by the ue of Uicm Lifa IVIcilicinea alone. PAINS in the heml, side, back, liml, joints and orrana. It II K IT tt ,V T I s :i . -riK-att alllicied willt this terrible disease, will he sure of relief by the Life Medicine. KUSII of WMIOI) to the IIKAU, SCURVY, SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS. snnoriiLA. SING'S XSVZZt, in iu worst forms, U L C E RS, of every tietcriplitm W O R IVX S , of oil kimU. are rrtcrtunlly expelled by these Meilicmes. I'iirents will do well to administer Ihem when ever their existence is uN'cted. Kelit-f will be certain THE LIFE TILLS AM P1IOIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LI Ft P I L L i &nJ P ' H ( N I X BITTERS beyond the reach of compe tition in the estimation of erery patient. The i;enuiue of these medicines are now put up in wl ' wrappers nd Ubcls, together with a pamphlet. tt " MorTat's Good Samaritan, " contaitiing the directions, Ice, on which is a drawing of Broadway from Walt street to our Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very e sily find ns. The wrappes and Samaritan are copyrighted, therefore those who procure them with while wrappers csu be a9urrd they are genuiue. lie careful, and do not buy more with yellow wrappers; bat if you do, be sauAJ tha! liey couie direct from us, or dont touch them. Zj Prepared and sold by DR. WILLI Am X3. XVXOFFAT, 334 Broadway, cvrtier cf Acthouy street, New York, For Sale by G. C. HENDERSON. 21-ly Nov 19 Wrisht's Vegetable Pills, Or Indian Partrafivc, is a sovereign remedy fer Fevers, bruall Pox.SirasIes, Inflammations. Rheumatisms, &.c. Fresh supply, this week received, and for sale cheap, by C. C. HENDERSON, Agent. Lincolnton, N. C. 43 Snnil Rvvanuzmnts. The mailtiom Salisbury, (two horse coach; ar rives every Sunday. Tuesday and Friday night, about 10 o'clock. Departs Every Mondaj,Wedne6day ad Fri day about 12 o'clock, m. From Ashville, (2 horse coach) arrivea every Monday .Wednesday &. Friday .at 1 1 am Departs Every Sunday, Tuesday, and tfiidt night, about II unlock. JJOKSE .UAILS. v Charlotte mail (horse arrives Wednesday anc Saturday. The first comes by Dallas, ir Gaston co., the other direct, De parts W edneesda V8 and Fridays; the first at 12 M. the other at 7 a. m. Yorkville mail Arrives every W ednesday and Saturday, at 1 1 a in. v Departs Every iioncay and Thursdav at 12 a. m. v ; it, Spartanburg mail Arrives and departs by the Ashviife mail Via Shelby, " - ; Morgant'h mail Arrives Seturday at 6 p rn , Depirts on Friday at 6 a m, Psiiuha maii A rri ten Kiinrits st A n m VMM .mm., AM,,. '.SJ kIUU- I ft. UlllVl departs at 5 p m, - -

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