NEW AND SPLENDID 21 The Proprietor of the fUlk YORKVILLE HOTEL, Vllliad his Stables burnt down jSfSi't ?J jn August last, by a stroke of lightning; he has nv erected net? pnes, sufficiently large to contain Sixty Horses in good style, topnther wish good orderly Hostlers. His Hotel is now in successful operation, and he respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage ef his old friends ; and he hopes the tra velling community will give him a call and see how they like him. VVYLIE L. HARRIS. Yorkville, S. C. Nov 20 51-3 Lincoln Business Directory Court Officers Superior Court F. A. Hoke, clerk. Equity Wm. Wil liamson, clerk. County court Robt. Williamson, clerk. W.Lander, Soli citor. B S Johnson, Sheriff". Caleb Miller, Town Constable. Register, J. T. Alexander ; County Surveyor, J. Z. Falls ; County Prooes ssioner, Ambrose Costlier. Trustee, J Rarrnour, Treasurer Public Build ings, D. W. Schenck. Builtlin-i Committee J. Ramsour,P. uHimryJo'.n F Phifer. and H Cansler. Lawyers Haywood W. Guioii,main -: !' - ' Mat. L. E. Thompson, .i.i.u -i. cai, iiA square W. Lander, (nam st. e;ust, 2 square. VT A McIJee, and W. Williamson, ntficcsat Alcliee's building, main st. 2d square, east. Physicians Simpson & Bobo, main St., west. D. W. Schenck, (and Apo thecary, main st. two doors east. E. Caldwell, eat of Female Academy. Z. Butt, office opposite McLean's hotel. A. Ramsour, botanic main st. west. Merchants-Ben S Johnson, north on square, west corner, J. A Ramsour, on square, north west corner. C. C. Henderson,on square,(post office) south J. RamsourJjSon,main st. 5 doors west, ft E Johnson, on square,soulh west cor nermainst.' R Reid,,on square.soulh east corner. Hoke & Michal, on square Sooty Shoe c$ Hat Store Horatio Thomson, main st., on 2d square, west of court house, north side. Academies Male,T J Sumner; Fe male, under the charge of Mr Newson. Hotels Mrs Motz, s. w. corner of main st. and square W. Slade, main sr. 2d corner east of square. A. A. McLean, 2d corner, west, on main st. B. S Johnson, north west, on square. Grocers W. R. Edwards, main st. east of square. James Cobb, so. east corner of Main and Academy st. Tailors Moore & Cobb, main st. 1 door west of square. A Alexandei, on square, 8. by w. side. Watch Maker and Jeweller Chas Schmidt, main st. 4 doors east. Saddle and Harness Makers J. T. Alexander, main st. 2d corner cast of square. B. M. & F. J. Jetton, on sq., north by west. J. Ad. Jetton, south west on square. Coach Factories Samuel Lander, main st. east, on 2d square from Court House. Abuer McKov, main st. east. on 3d square. S. P. Simpson, street norm ot main, ana n. w. of court house. Isaac Erwin, miin st., west, on 2d sq. oames Cornwall, main st. 2d square, w. end, south side, corner. A. Garner, on main st.east end. Blacksmiths Jacob Rush, main st. oth corner east of court house. M. Jacobs, main st., east end. A. Dclain, main st. near cast end. J. Bysanner, back st. north west of public square. J. w. ray sour, west end. Cabinet Makers Thomas Dews tSt Son, main st. east, on 4th sauare. Carpenters, tyc Daniel Shuford, main sr., east, bin corner from square. uames i riplett.main st. M'Bee s build Isaac Uouser.main st. west end. Wells, Curry & Co, main st. east end. Jinck Masons Willis Peck, fnnd plaisterer) main st. east,4th corner from square. Peter Houser, on east side of street north of sauare. Tin Plate Worker and Copper Smith -Thos. R. Shuford, main st. east, on south side of 2d square. Shoe Makers John Huggins, on back st. south west of square. Tanners-Paul Kistler, main-st. west end J. Ramsour, back st., north east of square. F & A. L Hoke, 3-4 mile west of town, main road. Hat Manufactories J ohn Cline. n. from public square, 2 doors west side of st. Johnliutts & son,on square, south side. Printers T. J. Eccles, Courier of fice, 5 doors north of court house, Isl and Ford road. Oil Mill Peter and J E Hoke, one milesuoth west of town, York road. Paper Factory G. & R. Hostel er, 4 miles south-east of court house. Cotton Factory -John F. Joke & L. D. Childs, 2 miles south of court licuse. Vesuvius Furnace, Graham's For$e, Bievard't, and Johnson's Iron work, east. LimeKiln Daniel Shuford and oth ers, 9 miles south Letters for tne above to be addressed la the Uincofnion Post OJfiee. TO THE PUBLIC OF LIXCOLSTOX, Ami catixetis of IVortl: Carolina Having recently made a visit to Philadelphia, I was advised by a gentleman who had witnessed the effects of it, to bring with "me a quantity of EdePs Vegetable Embrocation, which has performed most wonderful cures of the following injuries : Severe Contusions, Sprains, Injuries from Falls, Stiff Joints of long Standing. I have also for sale EdeVs Vegetable Purgative Pills, which bear a high re pulation in Philadelphia for jhe cure of Dyspepsia, Disordered Stomach, and all Bilious affections, Diseases of the Liver, fyc. A LSO EdeV sFireExlr actor , (with a policy of Insurance) which as a reme dy for Scalds and Burns cannot be sur passed. A more full description of the above Medicines in pamphlets, with numerous certificates, can be seen at the store of the subscriber. C. C. HENDERSON. Sept 1 1 46- The success that has followed the use of the Embrocation in the cure of this disease has been truly astonishing. Physicians advise their pMients to use it, as the only Pile Medicine. In addition to its being a positive re medy for the Piles, it never fails to cura that INTOLERABLE 1 T CUING which is so very common, and has its jocation in the same part as the Piles. Read the following from theedttoreal columns of Alexander's Messoiger : " Found at Last. A Sure Cure for the Piles! Physicians and Chemists have long been anxious to discover a medicine that would cure one of the most troublesome diseases, the Piles. Success has at last been the result. Dr Jackson's Pile Embrocation not only stops all bleeding, allays pain and in flammation,subdues that intolerable itch ing, but effectually cures like a charm, and in a very short time, persons whose lives have been rendered miserable for years. Only a few from a great number of certificates will be published. Read the following : PII.ES ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! ! Philadelphia, March 1Q, 1845. Western Hotel. $ Dr. Jackson Sir : I think there are few diseases which are more common and troublesome than the Piles, and du ring the last fifteen years I have suffer ed from them very much, causing pain, bleeding and immoderate itching ; 1 used all the various remedies, but with out relief, until 1 got a bottle of your Embrocation from Dr. Jayne, No. 8, South Third street, which completely cured me in three weeks ! Yours, truly, S. H. PLIMPTON. Mr. Ashford's letter must settle the question in the mind of every one. Piles Piles Piles Rarely a day passes that we do not get some tcs ti irony, either verbal or written, of the great efficacy of Dr. Jackson's Pile Em brocation. Read the following : New York, 721 Broadway, Sejember 24. $ Dr. N. Jackson Dear sir : Will vou send tr.e six bottles of your PILE EM BROCATION? I wish them part'lo keep myself, and part for a legal gentle man, a friend of mine, who has found great relief in using from my bottle two or three times. You remember, when in Philadelphia, 1 was suffering dread fully from this terrible scourge. I only took one bottle from you ; I have not used it quite all, and am now porfectly well. As you may suppose, 1 proclaim the virtues of your medicine wherever 1 go. 1 tell every friend about it, and it is singular to perceive how many are suffering in this way- I believe half of my acquaintance are more or less afflic ted. Let me tell you that ou can sell here as fast as you choose to make When you want a certificate from me, you shall have it. and you arc at liberty to show this fatter if you wish. Respectfully yours, LEWIS P. ASH FORD. A great number of persons who have been cured, will be referred to, by cal ing on the Agents. IT NEVER FAILS f Price 81 per bottle, or six bottle or S5. Prepared only by Dr. N. Jackson, and sold wholesale and retail ! I)r r Jayne, No. 8, South Third street,' and onrivers, corner fcpruce and Seventh sts., Philadelphia, and in Lincolnton N. Carolina, by C, C. HENDERSON. June 1 ! O t . now prepare.! with a comfortable Itack, to convey passengers to or from Lincolnton, on reasonable terms. His residence is near ihe East end of the town of Lincoln, main street. JAMES WELLS. Jnly 28 41- This invaluable medicine is daily effec ting some n( the most astonishing' &. wonder ful cures that have ever been known. All who have used it for Asthma, Coughs, Spit ting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croupor Hives, Consumption, Chronic Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Pain &. Soreness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, and every other di sease of the LUNGS and BREAST,can and do attest to its usefulness. BRONCHITIS, a disease which isanuuaily sweeping thou sands upon thousands to a premature grave, under the mistaken name of CONSUMP TION always cured by it. The usual symptoms of this disease (Bronchitis) are Cough, Soreness of the Lungs or Throat, a Hoarseness.Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hectic Fever, a spilling up of phlegm or matter.and sometimes blood. It is an inflam mation of the fine skin which linestheinside of the whole of the wir.d tubes or air vessel?!, which run through every part of the Lirngs. This Expectorant immediately suppresses theCough and Pain, subdues the Inflamma tion and Fever, removes the Difficulty of Breathing, by producinga free and easy Ex pectoration,so that a cure is 6oon effected. It always cures ASTHMA 2 or three large doses will cure the Croup or Hives of children, in from fifteen minutes to an hour's time. It immediately subdnes the violence of Whooping Cough, and effects a speedy cure. Hundreds who have been oiveri uo by their physicians as incurable with Con sumption, have been restored io perfec health by it. - In tact, as a remedy in Pulmonary Disea ses, no medicine has ever obtained a higher, or more deserved reputation. ... C. C. HENDERSON, Agent. Lincolnton, N. C, June 1, 1847. Worms! Worms!! lETormsjl! Of the diseases to which children are ex posed none are so fatal to them as worms. Unfortunately children are seldom free from them, and as they imitate the symptoms of aimosi every otner complaint, Uey otten produce alarming effects without being sus pected. Worms arenot only a cause of dis ease themselves, but bv their irritation ag gravate all other diseases, wandering from one part of the body to another, winding themselves uointo la pre balls, and nhinwt- ing the bowels, and frequently the throat, causing convulsions, and too otten death. Ihe best remedy ever yet known is Dr. JTayiae's Tonic Vermifuge, which is perfectly safe, and so pleasant that children will not lefuse to lake it. It effectually destroys WORMS ; neutralizes acidity or sourness ot the stomach.increases ajjpeine, ana acis as a general aim perrr.a nent tonic, and is therefore exceedingly be neficial in Intermittent and Remittent Vp. vers, Indigestion, &c. and is a certain nnd permanent cure tor tLVHiiund AUUru Itnot onlv destrovs Worm3 and invito ' e rates the whole system, but it dissolvcsand carries off the superabundant slime or mucus so prevalent in the stomach and bowels of children, mere especially those is bad health This mucus forms the bed or rf. in whiMi worms produce their young;ar by removing it, it is impossio!e ior worms to rer-a n the body. It is harmless i- i ls effects on the system, and the health of the patient is always im proved by its use. Phis Vermifuge is very far heweer from being- limited in its usefulness to mere cases of Worms.for it may also be prescribed with most decided advantage in all derangements of the stomach and digestive organs tren- eral debility dropsical swellings Female complaints, as 6ick head-ache, flour albes, menorrhagia, &c. Numerous cases of Piles have been per fectly cured by the use of this valuable Ver mifuge. This beneficial result may be ac counted for from its strengthening thestonr ach and bowels, and also Dy the removal of ascarides, or small threadworms, These vermin generally inhabit the lower part of the bowelsnd by their irritation are a very frequent cause of Piles. DYSPEPSIA may always be enred by taking one or two tea-spoonfeful of this Ver mifuge, morning, noon and night (before ea ting) and by taking mv SanativePilJs at bed time, in sullicient doses -.o produce one, and not more than two evacuations from the bowels every moining. WEAKNKbS, Losa of appetite and ge neral Debility is soon removed by taking this Vermifuge in doses of a tea-spoonful a! a time from three to five times a cay, as it is an effectual as well as an extiemely plea sant tonic. Finally, what the public have long de sired a medicine of this kinH.arKinh !;,, be depended upon (prepared by a regular physician) is i,ow olitred io them, and can be had of DR. D. JAYNE, No. 20 South Third street, Philadelnh i ne uoseriDer i sons who sell his Expectorant.Carra'inative Balsam, Sar.aiivePilia,ljalrToniCfandLife Preservative. For sale in Lincolnton, by C C. HENDERSON: Jtme I jv AND Spencer's Tonic & Restorative The unrivalled Purifier of the blood and restorative of thesysfem in all morbid secretion of the glands, skin and liver, morbid humor and vitUted state of the system. The indications requiring Spencer's Pills and Bitters, and when they should be used without delay as a preventive to the formation of Acute diseases, are When there ipain in thefcicfc or head, W Hen the Tongue is furred ; When the urine is very highlv colored When the skin is hot. dry, or yellow; When the Appetite is poor; When there is pain in the stomach or bowels; W hen there is ncrvovs irritation; When there are cold Chills; When the dreams arc bad or starling in sleep; ' If taken upon the occurrence or any, or all of the above indication of approach. ing dtsase much pain and sickness will be prevented We have room onlv for the following: The following Certificate is from To bias Folsom, Esq., of Kershav District, S. C. Kershaw dist: S. C.June 3 1810. I have u.fcd in my family "Spencer's Pills" for two yeais past, and during that time my confidence in their superi ority over every other similar prepara tion wihin my knowledge has been con stantly increasing; I now esteem them to be the best cathartic Pills in use. From my earliest remembrance 1 have been afilicted with Sick Head ache and Costivencss, and for a number of years past have been try ing various advertised remedies, among others, Beckwuirs, Lee's and Peter's Pills; but failed to ob tain any permanent telief, unt;l Jan'v, 1645, at whieh the time Dr. Spenctr's Agent left me some of his Pills, recom mending ma to try them for mv com plaint. 1 did so ; and by their superior action upon the morbid matter and their mild yet effectual purgative proper ties they so cleansed my stomach and howsls that they removed both the head ache and its cause and gave me certain and speedy relief. My mother-in-iaw has also used them with success in the same complaint which she has had, so severe r.s to throw her into spasms and convulsions, being obliged in these ca ses to lesort to cupping and other severe applications. I have also made frequent and constant use of ihc.vo Pills in my family, in cases of Bowel Complaint, brought on by the two fiee indulgence in use of Cerries aud Fruit, and in all cases with success. In short 1 have ne ver known of the failure in anv disease which they are recommended to cure known of their bring tried, if their use was lor which 1 have preserved in, and directions strict I v followed. TOBIAS FOLSOM. Kershaw dist, S. C. June 2, I84G In January ,1844, from wet and expo sure, 1 took a severe cold, which re sulted in a high fever, accompanied with a severe couh.and painlul head ache. Those continued to increase in severity for about two weeks, so much so that my friends considered me, and I, myself, believed Fwas in a very criti cal and dangerous Klalc: At the end of this time I ten! and procured two box es of 'Spencer's Pills," and the first day of their use I began to experience rehef, and before I had taken one box, my fever was gone, Cough had eeased, and Head-ache entirelv cured : I was soon sound an well: I then said and still believe, that by the blessing of ijod, they were the means oi avm mv life: In looking over Jhe directions af terwards I saw they were recommen ded for the cure of Dyspepsia, with which my eldest daugfi ter had been afflicted lor a long time: 1 recommen ded her to make trial of them ; and she did so ; and by a continued use of the Pills alone was perfectly and 1 think permanently cured. WM. MARSHAL. Just received a large and fresh supply of the a bovo Medicines, hy C. C. HENDERSON, And . S. JOHNSON, Lincolnton, Dec 8 lv LIMB! HR undersigned propose to sell, at their Quarry, 9 J miles South of Lin- colnlon, Lime of a superior quality, at rthe following prices, to wit : Slacked Lime, not 6creened,per bush. 10 cts Slacked Lime, screened, J2J Iloche-Lime, or not slacked, H We have reduced ihe prices of our Lime t meet the hard times, and to enable the Farming community io procure a valuable article in improving l heir Farms, at a rea sonalle price. For strength, our Lime j'3 not surpassed by any in the .Western part of the State ; i: has been tried by those compe tent to iudjre. CaJI and examine, and trv it for yoarselves. Letters addressed either to D. W. Schenck, Jacob Hush or Dane! Shuford. living in Lincolnton, desiring any information in reference to the LirneT will be promptly attended to. ! daniel shuford; : ; READ vrlmt SCARPA'S Acoustic Oil lias itoite ! ACOUSTIC OIL! the mil cure rem rda The greatest cure ever yet performed by any medicine. ncrer fails ! The following, just received, is among the thousand evidences of perfect eurtft be ing performed by the use of "Scarpa's Acoustic Oil:1 " West Troy, June 3, 1845. This is to certify, that I, WilliamJenktJ proprietor of the Wt Troy Exchange Hotel, having been afilicted with deafnees in one ear for the last twenty years, anil in the other for the last year, so that it was impossible for me to hear the loudest voice, and after trying various remedies trillion improving my hearing in the least, I was induced to try Scarpa's Acoustic Oil, for ihe cure of Deafness, and it is with great gratification I am enabled io state that it has perfectly restored niy hearing, and 1 will be happy to see any person wishing for information in relation to ay case, at my place in West Trov. W1LLARD JENKS. The medicine is highly recommended at" the North, by some of the most respecta ble citizens and newspapers, and as it can do no harm, it is worthy a trial. The medicine can be obtained, together with a long list of recommendations, at the store of the Agent, O. O. HENDERSON. Lincolnton, N. C. June I 51 ' PURIFY THEB L 0 0 D. M O F F A T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS phcenix Fitters ' The liijjh and envied celebrity which ilieve pre-eminent Medicines have Required Tor their invariable efficacy in all the disease which they profess to cure, lias rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They are kuowii by their fruits ; their good uurks testify fur lliciu, aud they thrive uui by the failii of tiie creduluu?. (if ASTHMA, ACUTE and CrtROMC RHEUMATISM. AFFECTIOSS of the lil.ADUKK and KWSEYS. ' BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVE It COMPLAINTS. lu the sonlli and west, where thnsse diseases prevail, they will be found Invaluable. I lantuH. lUrrnor, nud others, who line use these Medicines, will ntvrr ullerwnnls be without thi'm. lilUUUS CJIOUC, and SEROUS Loogrnrt,, HILE9, ClfcTlVEXESS. COLDS &, COUGHS, CIIOUC. CONSUMPTION. Uaed with rivnt success in this disease. ' ' CORRUPT HUMORS, VROPSIES. -. v DjTSPEPwZ-A-. No pcraon with this ditrrsinf li ; east-, shoiil.l dflajr using these niedic.inei immediate!?."' ' '"' J EKUPTIOSS (J the Skin. ERYSIPELAS ' FLATU- LESUY. FEVER and AGUE. For this course ftit wes tern country these tnwUcincs will be found a a&fe.'silieedjri tod -certain remedy. Oilier medicines leave tlie system suluect to return nf the disease a cure hy these medicine n icrmal)et;t -TRY THKM, BE bATISFIKD, AM f tCUKiO. i , FOULNESS of COMPLEXION. "' GENERAL DElllLITr, r UttUT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL. II EA VACJIES, tfrvr.r , INWARD FEVER. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE liLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS QT JfPE THE, LITSB COMPLAIKTS LEPROSY. LOOSENESS, m w it u i u I A li IiISEASEa Never fails to eradicate entirely all the nf Alercurr ni lei v sooner than tiie most powerful im.tTitith of Stfrsatmrilbb & NKHIT SWEATS, NERVOUS DE1UL1TY. NEKVUUS J COMPLAINTS of all kind; ORG A SIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITA TION of the HEART, PAINTER'S VIIOLIG, FILIiS, The original propiictnr of lliese medirinea was cured of Piles of 35 years standing hy the Use of these Lilt Medicines alone. . . '. . PAINS in tlie head, aide, back, limlm, joints and errant.'' It II K U M A T I S M . TIkm.o nfllinteit with this terrible disease, will he sure of relief by the Ufa Mcdicinrv? ItVSH ofULOOD tollie HEAD, SCURVY, SALTRIIEUM, SWELLINGS, SCHOFIILA, ore KING'S ZsVZZs UiU worst form... ULCERS, of every detcription. . XT' O I" XVI S of nil kinds. ar cflertiinliy rlini by lliese Medicines. Pn rents will do well loadniinislei litem Wbe.' ever tlieir existence i suspected. Relief will ho certain. THE LIFE TILLS AM) P1ICMX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD 0 0D, t,S Venn the systero I FE PILU -ml 1 the reach ot compe '. And thus remove all disease from A single trial trill place the LIFE P H GL N I X BITTERS beyond til ion in the eitirtiatiou of erery palietil. The genuine of these medicines are now put np in white wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called " Itloliat's Good Samaritan," containing tlie clirectiolis, Ice, nu which is a drawing pf Broadway from Wall street to Msr Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very easily f.nd ns. The wrappers and Samaritans are copy rift hied, therefore those who procure them with white wrapper, can be assured that they are genuine, lie careful, a&d do Boi buy tnoe with yclltv wrappers; but if you do, be satisfied) llui 'hey come direct from us, or donl touch them. TU" Prepared aud st id by v dh. "wiisisXAiti xj. aiorrAT, 335 Broadway, cvruer of Anthony street, New York, For Sale by 0. C. HENDERSON. 21-ly Nov 19 Wright's Vegetable Pi IN, j Or Indian Purgative, is a sovereign remedy for F-vf is, Small Pox, Measles, Inflammations, Rheumatisms, Stc. Fresh supply, this week, received, and for sale clieap, by -- U. 0. HENDERSON, Agent. Lincolnton, N. C. 43- sivvanntnmxts. The mailfiom Salisbury, (two horse coacby ar rives every Sunday. Tuesday and Fridaj night, about 10 o'clock. Departs Every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day about 12 o'clock, m. ' From Ash vi lie, (2 horse coach) arrives etery Monday .Wednesday &. Friday ,atl a. mK Departs Every Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday night, about 11 o'clock. Horse MkiiA.. , Charlolfe mail (horseJ arrives Wednesday and Saturday. The first comes by Dalas, iu Gaston co., the other direct, - ' ' - nmu.t. VJ l i I. : J .1 "j--. - uuvuuu j a ! u m. IIUOJ a , UJC J1JSS. at 12 M. ihe other at 7 a; m. lorkville mailArrives every Wednesday and Saturday, at 1 1 a tn. Departs Every Monday and Thursday at J2 a. ni. Spinatiburg mail Arrives and departs by the Ashville mail via Shelby, Morgantort mail Arrives Seturday at 6 p m,' Departs on Friday at 6 a m, ' ' Catawba mail Arrives Saturday at 4 p mind: departs at b p in,