J Saturday, November 17, 1S49. COTTON The latest foreign in telligence gives an advance of Jd ri former pneea. Fim he Charleston r papers, we quo'e 10 7-8 a 11 1-8. Columbia papers, 9 3 4 a 10 3 4. AW IrorA:. The election are ver, and the whig h?ve a majority ol 99 n joint ballot. Mississippi.---The Democrats have swept the State, making a gain of one Congressman. Michigan Has gone for ihe Demo cratic Tn-ke-, entire. California. A ('(invention has been held in California, in whirh it w ag'ted, ammo'iy, that slavery should not exist there., nor free Ne groes bo allowed to go (here. Q&- Mjor J. A. Yung,of Charlotte, l,aa been elected Brigadier General of the 5ih Brigade, N. C. Militia, vice Gen. Neel, resigned. T here was no opposition. CO"The Salisbury Watchman, of l ist week, has not been received at our office, bat we have accidentally met wnh a copy in another quarter The Editor corrects one statement, we pre sume "by authority," relative to the opinion of the Hm, D. F. C Id well, as i his jurisdiction in the case if manda mus, argued by Col. Wheeler; tht Judge did not, it seems, "claim jurisdic tion." Well, we were mistaken, we suppoie. Again the Editor saya that Col. W heeler has not carried up the matter to the Supreme Court. Right: he has not : he ha had satisfaction enough in havi; g exposed the trickery wtiica nis Dftn ueo to distranenise a larye number of officers, and elevate a gentleman, with ut the least experience in military life. We hope this wtil be the end of the matter -or, truly, from the action of the last Legislature, the military is become a farce, and it mat iers Intie who plays the principal characters. NOTICE. All persona indebted to John Ratn- snur, Senior, by note given the 25 h INovember last, are requested to come forward, and settle ihe same with 'he undersigned, living two miles west of Liiiicolnlon. DAVID HEDKK, Nov. 17. 34-2t Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN AW AY lrom the subscribers, near V ah ington, Georgia, their Ne- iti.'iinmi gro Doy, RCii.nriiM, a dork mulatto, about 5 feet 8 niche high, well built, rather slim.aboui 35 sears old and generally wearing large whik era. Said boy was purchased from J. a. uauiMiur, fc,a., ot Liincoluton. a month or two since, atier having rana 2VO MISTAKE, THIS TIME ! : ggFRESH STOCK r-TT eygy i ury vjoous, groceries, ctc.icrX R. E. JOHNSTON, S. XV. corner court square, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Has received, and now offer to the pub'ic on reasonable termt, a lare and choice assortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, heids every other arti cle brought to this place. His goods are selected for him bv his brother in the Noith. with special reference o this market ; thus he will be enabled to supply the hest goods at the lowejt prices. He has also received his supply of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Ready Made Clothing, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, OCT The great excitement aiCharlotie this week, besides court, is the meteor ic stone, found in ('atbarrus county, an arcount of which will be found in ano ther Column. It weighs about 19 pounds, is apparently a qnality of Iron ore, and has not the least appearance ot sulphur, or o'her requeue lor enmbua. ti-n. It is to be sera to Pi of. Shepard, lor analyni ; therefore, if ihere is any thing in it, we may look tor lots of theo ry. the practice, we do not care about being too familiar with. .We saw a great many beautiful and rare specimens of minerals, at the laboratory of Dr. VV. F. Andrews, which to us possessed a far greater interes'., accompanied as they were with the proper explutuuion of their class and locality, by Dr. A. We found every thing, as we anticipa ted, in Charlotte ; the spirit of improve ment is rife and the people ate alrea dy beginning to believe it a heapott, Sadler's Hotel, was crowded,but he hid ample accommodations for all and, it) fact, he will allwnya have the run of ot custom, if he continues so well .to do. serve it. Next is our friend Kerr, who comes in lor a goodly share of patron age, and who always has to greet you, a Iriendly smile. The Sons of Temperance, h;ive a Division here.-r-funiberuig about 50 1 We undeTs'and a celebration is to tke place tnday, when a Bible will be pre sented to them, on the part of the La dies of Charlotte. The only large building we see go ing up, is .a brick store snd dwelling lor Dr. Parke, icnediately opposite his old sta id on the main-st. There are others going up, however, and several b ieg improved. We did not hear as roui.h of the rail-road as formerly, but, pre sume, as most of the road is let out, V ceases to be a subject of speculation, if any are bit, they seem resolved to v grin and bear it out. One thing, it re quires but a little pereverance and goi-d management, to make ( hnrhtte the point of trade for Western Carolina. The male part of the cittz'-ns sffm to partake I irgelv of the tribe of Eau, or to be born under t- e sign Capricorn. For of all thrf -vh kers, zes. colors, and modes de Parisitnne, Charlotte i the place to find them i" perfections it is a false idea that whi.-kers become fvfrv one : far from i;. and in fact there are but few instances tl at they can be admired, but to see some of the fiery red, and grz!y bla'-k. that we fnve teered clear of ihe day or two we were from home, would beat Dr. Andrew's Cabinet of curioiiies, in anv plnce else but Mecklenburg county. It is a pry Mr. Badger had not some authority in that qu-irer he would isue his ukase demanding the abolition of these ab slractions, and substitute a comb by way ol a "Proviso " Louisiana Elections- The elections in this State took place on Monday last. The Democrats were successful in the city. Wnlker, the Democratic candi date for Governor, has a majority of 252, and Louis Dene, the candidate for SU riff 2 in- j -ruy. There has been a great Democratic gain throughout th S:ate, as compared wnh the vote given at tJtelast Presidential election. In ihe first DwtrC, the Democratic candidate ha been fleered to Cotigress, and in the second District the Whig candidate was iu ceasluJ there will, therefore, he no change m the political representation of Louisiana in Con greas. The steamboat Ohio, Capt. Black, from Cincinnati, (says the N. O. Delta of the 4ih.) arrived here this morning, having on board Major Duval aud Mr. Bright, with the Seminole delegation, being thirteen in number, including two interpreters. These Indians are en route for Florida, for the purpose of having a "tiik" and making evryihing firaight but his leg with Billy Bow legs, Sam Jones, and other chiefs, in or der iu induce the remnawt of the Sem inoles to consent to leave the peninsular and rejoin the main body. wa from him, and bejng captured near Silk-, Satins, Muslins, G.ngha.ns, Prints, Sinwls, Bonneis, Ribbons, uarDourMMiie, jie.uucky. tie is well Artificial. Perfumery. &-., Rroadrloths, Vestings, Neck-kerchiefs, Lillun1cUu,Dnx1t)i)!Incireauiiiiu and everv article .,t uUe.nen's wear. write, Hotl i q .tie intelligent. R fls, R flr$ Barrels, double and siiigl barrel Shoi Gut-s, Revolvi ,g Pistols, ne wh sen aoout L.iri.-ointon f sM C.iinmon d . Powder. Shut, and Lead. Cutlery of every deacription, ween, auu is prooaoiy nort mint netgn- UUK -K vSIlOES. and NAILS, Wood aud Willow Ware, boihood, or moving eastward; his object Saddie and Harness, German Bolting ( loth, and Screen Wire. wreioioju as oeeo to get to a tree Upper and Sole Lea-her. Mackmack and K se Blankets, c,l3', GUV1 ELAS'I I: Overcatd, Leaair.ot,, Fubteco Wrappers, Boots, ine aoove rvewara win do paia on bn9, Suspenders, Canteens, Gloves, Travelling Bags, Stc. his being lodged in the Jail of Lincoln Groceries, Hrd and Hollow Ware, Castings, Yarn, &c. county, iorin Carolina, oy In fact, evej-v thing ihat can be exoected in a merchant establishment. The b. fe. BARRETT, I gu.da of other Me.ctiants having been picked over, now is the time to choose from Agent tor K. vv . p.,ie & Co. our fresh supply. Lmcnlnton, N. C, Nov. 16. 1849. OCTAIinost ail kinds ol Produce taken in exchange for Goods. All 1 ask n to North f!arolim-n Ft pii.-o.Ho i.,nv I give me a call, aud I will aslomsn viu. 31 if Nov. 17 d times, and lorward but as above. Nov 17 00 The Supreme Cou't for Cleve land will be in session at Shelby the ensumg week. We purpose bing there on Tuesday. Our friends will find us "about3' Hardin's Hoiel, whose bouse has been recenily fi ted up, and whose accommodations, it is said are hard to beat. &tr We would call attention to the advertisement of Mr. R. E. Johnson, in to-day's paper. His slock has en selected with care, aud is quite extensive. OCT "The Sketches of the North Cun-lna Preas," by Tacitus, the hrst number ol which we copy today, will prove of interest to the general reader, as us preparation has cost much tiouble us d research. The gentleman who has undertaken it, is well qualified to man the suiiject ; and we therefore look uuXtousiy lor the succeeding numbers. No Hogs have vet reached this place ; but it is generally supposed that t i e selling price will be about 3 cents uross. The Ashvilie Mtssenger, ol the 15 n tnst., say : - There have passed through this nUce in the last ten days, unwinds of 20 000 hogs. The ho. in 20 ouie ol place could lake each omex bv th t.iil (wtu re they have an) and mane regulnr line ot 'succession' or hog row for 60 miles ! Such a grunting, squeal mg and corn u a hing, has tiaidlv ever been known, ('urn 50 ci. a bushel pork 3 Jo S3 50 per hundred, gro. MMUUhD, by 34-tf MOORE COBB, MERCHANT TAILORS, MAIN -STREET, LINCOLNTON, N. C. (One door west of Motz's Hotel,) Have just received their FALL aud WINTER supply of llBADY-fflADU CLOTHING, Town Ordinance. wJJV ORDlJSVi.XCR for the belter Go. vt rvmcnt of the Jegroesof the Town if BE IT ENACTED by the Authority of the T on Commissioner, and it is hereby enncted by the authority of the same, I hat, from and after the 15th day of N'lvember. 1849. Pa sues, oeruiittin? JNegroes to g t,i more than one nlace W hich has been seitcied bv one of the firm with great care. ieing lauors waiun the 1 own of Lmcolotfi.. on th. themselves. hov can lemt dv anv delects tnat may occur. Call and see their saaio night, hall be void and ol uoeffm; Dress and Frock Coals, Sacks, Vests. Pants. Cloaks and Ucer-Coats, except upon business of the owner, in of everv deacriuuou aud ao iuv. Call and see if we cannot totlT vou both in the wiiicn case ine rass ahall specily that artiel. ami ..n. lor we will aell low. Uct 7 th M . . l. . " r ma orsin 13 upon HUC'I DUSmeaS. Be it further enacted, That uionthlv I a.ses tu more tuan one nlace in the I'wn of Lmcolni on, shall be of no effect; That Patrol is hereby required to observe ihis enactment, and in all cases to ti.fl ci the punishment prescribed by lav. I Resreetfullv infor.n their friends and the oublie. generally, that thev havft iSe it further enacted, l hi it -an receivea ana are now opening, a largeaiucK oi gooa new Nejrro be found walking the Streets wnh a Club or tsink. wi. shrill for eah jirut every c ffence receive filieen lashes, aud ihat each and every Patiol shall have the authority necessary to carry int'i effect the above enactment. Published by order of the Town Council. WM. H. MICH 4 L, Secretary of Council. Lincointon, Nov. 17. 1S49. 34 How is your Time, Folks! SLADK, KISTLELi & CO. P o o r 11 o u s e . The Warde s for the county of Lincoln, will let out the Four House and Ihe Pau pers therein, for tbe year ISil), to the luw est Didoet,ai B. JS. Johnson Hotel, in Lin colnioii.on the first Satuniay in December next I he keeper if required to furuish board, v. atiing, and luel tu the paupers. There are .five paupers at present on the premises, and the kee.er m allowed bv eon tiact tor the piestnt year, the rum ol fifty five dollars lor each pauper. He also has liie uat of ihe poor bouse tract of land, M. lil'LL. Chairman of the Board. Oct. 27 32-4t ry Goods and Sil&s, Groceries, Hardware, Glass and China-Ware, Roots, Shoe-jHats, fine and cheap; Carpenter Tools, Sheet and Rod Iron, Castings Pain's, Oils, Drus, I)e Stuffs, Baltimore tanned Sole Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Sjddle Uags ; and a lot of seasonable Eeady-llade Clothing, Which thev off.T for sale ver !w, at the old Remhardt stand, south-east corner of the court square. No trouble to show go '! ; Come iud see them! CjF Countiy Produce taken in exchange for g?ods. Lmcolnton, October 7 29-:f J. A. SADLER'S IIOTEi. CHARLOTTE, X. C. Having become owner o: .half thu property, hp leave to say to my kind Pa 'iron;), and the Public gener aiiy, that it still will be kept open as Hotel. Tne interior of this House has In Lincoln county, on the 15th inst Wtn. J. Hoke, lq. Mr.JiRot) Williams, sohiiei uf ih Aiexn an war, to Miss Alary i L. U ise, of this county. The cake, kind fnei ds, tby care provided, 'Mi:g Mal'ring mouths has been divided ; fto long-r wise may it still appear, rio:e lui me brave deseive the fair." VALUABLE FlWVEll T recemly b,lufi,led pn ayin i..feno. Iio iiu eiiiuiisuuiciit -in iota port ui no country. I will also, on this occasion, tende- TJlC Subscriber OlTerS for sincere t .anks for the very liberal patronage 1 have enjoyed, and promise, if the closest attention to business can retain the same, not to lose it. J. A. SADLER. The Stockholders of the High Shoal Manufacturing Compiny, art? requ- sled lo meet at L-ncohiion, on the llth day of December next to transact some im portant business. ANDREW HOYL.Pr.Vi. Nov. 17. 24- 11 anted to Hire, AtJLE BODIED' MEN, white or bi ick, to work upon the Greenville and Columbia Rail Rind, lajiug Superstructure between Colum bia and Ntwberrv f.. H., lor whom lib eral wages wiil be given, and punctual pn meni. Apidy to the Chief Engineer, at Ins ofDce, Columbia,- or to Butier & Sum nifcis, ('onir ictors, on the hue ot road. Wm. SPENCER UROvVN, Chief Engineer G. & C. it. U. Co. Nov. 17. ' 34-4t ' Nov 3 J3-4t Merchant JSIills. sale hli whole p oiaiion. lying sveu null s wet ot Lircolutou, in Gaston Coui'ty, intersecting the Spartanburg and ' ew .Mureaniou raads. Ihe trci cout m ns ?145 ' ACRE: about 150 under cultivation, with good feuce.t he balance ihe best ot wood land, The Mill of ihe undersigned, three with dwePt' g, kitctieti, siabien and oiln r anj rt ,, ait ltne3 ri0rtn f Lmcoluti-n. oui-uuiidings, good water, wiiti a cha- has underyone a thorough repair, and i.- Ieheate spring, aud good meadow, with nw prepared to do Grinding of every bottom adjoining. As the subcnber description, having a good, .capable, unc lniends moving away, ne win sen uns fl0(tt8t Muler. c! 20 vcars experience desirabie propeity.on the most ieason dble terms tor rash, or approved tiado ALSO, Another Tract on ihe new Rutherlord Road, containing between 3 and 4UU acres, lying on the north 'de ot Indian Creek, m Lii.colo county .about 7i miles, from L.iiCoimon, with 2 improvumtuts, and necessary outbuilding?. tLW, PESS & AYUE'S Another Trict, known as the Ilughey GOLD LEAF ROUGH y READY- 15 r ou I rac, containing between OCT Their Saw-Mill, being furnished with one of Culiiei's best wheels, ct. lutn ufT lumber at the thcitest nonce. Tne public patronage is icque- ed. J. &. D. RAMSOUR. N. B. They te piepared to crush Corn in ihe La is. Oc . 20, 1649. "31-:f laool 2 ere, in Balias ! Watch and Clock Makers. The Clean Sweep nearly opposite Rotten Row we can rake the stakes, eat the cakes, and use up any thing that belongs o this resion ot country; if there is any knuck up or knock down we are aunie. N. B. With s super extra feeling- of "ra'.itude to our pairons hereiolore, we com mend ourselves to ihe pu&lic, and s'lll Lope tnat they wiii continue tu favor us with their pairoiftge. Ail wurk warrauted, and at the bhorlesi notice. P. B. CORBY & CO. C3 We can fix off a Watch or Clock in leas tune than me Oulginebutt the iiuli off the tfrMge. Sure as E7 X. M; P. Nov 1ft 33-if Dr. ALEXANDER RAMSODR, Having IcK-aled liimstlf one mile and a half west of Lincohitoii. on trie Rutherford road; on the place formerly occupied by Lawsm Henderson, dee'd. offers his professional tier vices co the citizens ui ibis and the adjuiutrig' counties. : Nov S, IB t8. S7-tf SADDLE, BUI 2i LCS, liujsy and CariMge iIaRNESS ; Vagm Gearing, (dollars, home made, IrAh Tine and coarse, for tale cheap ai my tiop, on main street, opposre Slade's hotei. J.T.ALEXANDER. Sept 15 . 26- 80 and 100 Acres, tPlth two good oichards, meados, and the riecess iry outnuudings. 1 In plan tation also iie.t on toe .iieis ol Indian creek, in Gaston county. MOcES M. Rc BERTS. sept 1 24-if TOBACCO. IT arr anted Superior to anything of the kind ear introduced in this country. Alt e ai-k it a ihoiouii trial ol it. Call and examine for yourselves. R. E. JOHNS I ON Julv 21 18- A Splendid assortment vf prio nd bcMMER Goons ctieorr i.. -aii ver for cash, or on a credit to .punctual dealers, is no urfered, ai uiy storo in LiriCi;tiitidT iall and examine. C. C. HxsuEnsow. mv 12 y- urctiu; aud Ueartu Uag tor tai by C C. HHJiocKSOjr

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