A Barbcr-ous Appeal. Barber! spare my chin, Touch not a single hair ; V har tho old shuvers grin ? I'll raise a goattee" there. They may call it chestnut-bur, Picked oakum, or what not? Yet, barber, do not stir Thy scythe shall harm it not. Lay down your murderous blade Give it the cut and sheer ! Forsake your dreadful trade, And lather those who sneer. Beard the lion in his den Shave, like brokers, for the tin Vat leave verdant boy and men With their goatees on the chin. KISSING. ''Oh, quit get out now don't you really nish you wouldn't; Oh, quit will yoq ? Oh, get out You know you ought tosholqdn't, ?T1I cry, now if you don't let me go I will, I'll declare I will Oh, quit, now behave get oat Come, now, can't you be still ? "I'll get mad, now, if you don't I'll slap your jaws, you elf; Por now take that pop and that. And go, behave yourself. 'There, now, you've jot it oh, be still You shan t have any more ; You've gut oh. take your face away What no man's got before. ''Once more there that will do ! Oh don't, You've rumpled up my hair If you'll but quit, I'll give you one Now take it there thre there." AMERICAN HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. South West corner King George srs The subscriber (lormerly F Lincolnton) has taken the F'slnhhshment well known where he will be happy to accommodate his friends from the up-country. His Beds and Furniture are entirely new, the house is put in complete repair, and ns everything shall be done to ensure the comfort of his visitors, he will promise that his terms shall be reasonable, and request a share of pablic patronage. The Establishment will be openc about mo 101 ui reuruury. F. A. JIOKE. Jan 29 4- h O OK-BINDEll Y AT TISJE PAPER ITIILL. The subscriber respectfully informs the community at large that he is carrying on the above bnsiness in all its branches, and will thankfully receive ail Jobs in that line, and execute the same in any manner de6i red.either in Calf, Sheep or Morocco, whole -or half binding, or in Embossed Aiuslin, with full Gilt backs. He is also enabled to tur nish Court Dockets, or other blank Books, a variety ot which he always keeps on hand, such as Day-Books, Ledgets, .Memoran dums, Copy, &c. &.c. Always ok Hakd A larse stock of Letter, Foolscap aud-Printmg PAPEli. IlJ3 Ah orders addressed to him at Lin colnton, Bill be promptly attended lo, GEO. AlOSTELLEd. June 2 I'J-rly DAVID WELSH, Watch & Clock IVTaker, Jeweller ANP SILVER-SMITH, Is prepared to clean and repair all Clocks Watches, Jewelry, &c. entrusted to his jcare, in workmanlike "ii manner, while he hx " nPCIo tr L'ppn cnn'lipri i" " -r with Gold At. Silver Ppncil Casea, Itir.gt Slides, Breast Pins, WATCHES and KEYS, (gold and silver) Crystals, of every kind, Spectacles, and everything in his line. He hopes to merit a con tinuation of the patronage heretofore so generously extended him. Lincolnton, April 28, 1840. Washington National 2Ionumciit The Committee appointed ly a meeting of citizens to receive coniriooi !.! low aid25 defraying the expenses of transportation o a Marble Block for the Washington Mtnu ruenl to the town of FajeUCMiU, are now prepared to attend to the s:une at t heir sev eral places cf business. Subscriptions are solicited. C. C. IIESDURSOJf, 1VM. J. JIoKU, n. s. joii ;?:', I'ETER S. KILLER, WM. KAMsul'R, JAS. C. JENKINS, R. E. JOUNaXi.N. Lincolnton, July 11, 1S49. Mcmlock Sole, Ilariicss and Upper Leather, AJoruccu, Hog a Calf Skins, Chaise Hides, Enameled and Patent Leather. For sale low, by V, C. Henderson. jtlXEN ALCXAKDER. Having received the latest Fashion, is prepared to accommodate the public Hi terms are moderate, and hi? work shall not be excelled in iasteor durabili tVt (KtCcttiisg done at $hort notice. Lincolnton, opposite Mr Henderson's new brick store. Nov 1G 21- li 1M 13 . jHK undersigned pipose to 9ell, at their Quarry, 94 mifes South ot Lin- con tor , Lime if a superior quality, at the foitoWin prices, to wit: SZacked Lin e, not screened, per bush. 10 cts Slat ked Lime, screened, 4 o che Liiue, or net slacked, " Is We have reduced the prices of ou. Lime to meet the hard times, and to etbe the Farming community lo procure a valuable arlice in improving their Farms, at a rea sonable price. For strength, our Lime is not surpassed by any in the Western part of the btate , it has been tried by those compe tent lo judge. Call and examine, and try it for yourselves. Letter addressed either to D W. Schenck, Jaci.b liush or Daniel Suuford. living in Lincolnton, desiring any information in reference to the Lime, will oe promptly attended to. DANIEL SHUFORD. THOMAS liOKDLEV, Saddle Harness, Boot 5" SHOE MAKER. SHELBY) N. C. Respectfully informs his friends that he has established himself at the above- place, where he hopes by the superior qunliiy of his work, and strict attention to business to merit a share of public patrrnnge. Repairing done at the shortest notice. April 28 7-tf AND Spencer's Tonic & Restorative BITTSHS. The unrivalled Purifier of the blood and restorative of the system in all morbid secretion of the glands, skin and liver, morbid humor and vitiated state of the system. The indications requiring Spencer's Pills and Bitters, and when they should be used without delay as a preventive to the formation of Acute diseases, are When there is pain in the back or head, When the Tongue is furred ; When the urine is very highlv colored When the skin is hot. dry, or yellow; When the Appetite is poor; When there is pain in the stomach or bowels; When there is nervous irritation; When there are cold Chills; When the dreams are bad or starting in sleep; If taken upon ihe occurrence of any, or all of the above indicatiou of approach ing disase much pain and sickness will be prevented We have room only for the following: The following Certificate is from To bias- Folsom, Esq., ol Kershaw District, S. C. Kershaw dist. S. C.June 3 1846. 1 have used tn my family "Spencer's Pi Us," lor two yeaispast, and during that time my confidence in their superi ority over every other similar prepara tion within my knowledge has been con stantly increasing; 1 now esteem them to be the best cathartic Ptl Is in use From my earliest remembrance 1 have been atlltcted with Sick llead-ache and Costireness, and for a number of years past have tnen trying various advertised remedies, among otheis, Iieckwuhs, L.ee s arid reler s r'lUs; but failed to ob tain any permanent relit f, until Jan'v. 1845, at which the time Dr. Spencer's agent ten me some ol his Pills, recom mending me to try them for my com plaint. 1 did so ; and by their superior acuon upon tne morbid matter and their mud yet effectual purgative proper ties Uiey so cleansed mv stomach and howsis that they removed both the head ache and its cause and gave me certain and speedy relief. My mother-in-law has also used them with success in the same complaint which t-he lias had, so severe as 10 mrow ner into spasms and convulsions, being obliged m these ca ses lo tesort to copping and other severe applications. 1 have also m;ide frequent and constant use cf these 1M m n.v fam'ly, in cases of Bond Comnlaint. brought on by the two liee inuui-ence in use of Uerries aud Fruit, and in all cases with success. In shot 1 1 have ne ver known ol the failure in any disease ii.wv.nmcv uic iLtuimm iiuea io cure known of their being tried, if their use wjs for which 1 have pitse.rved m and directions sttictly fullpued. TOBIAS FOLSOM. jusi rrceiveu a large ai d Iresh supply oi me i-.uue Medicines, i.y C. C. HENDERSON. And R. S. JOHNsON, " Lincolnton, Pec S iy TO THE LADIES. The genuine Balm of Columbia, for liestortng tne Hair. Long hair ia a glory to woman, says Paul, And all teel the truth ei the pious quota tion ; Preserve it then, ladies your glorj may f H. Unless you protect it with this prepa ration. If you wish a rich, luxurient head of hair, Iree from dandruff and scurl, do not tail to procure the genuine Balm ol Columbia. In cases of badness it will more than exceed your expectations. Many who have lost their hair for twen ty years have had it restored io its origi nal perfection by the use of the balm. Age, state or condition appears to be no obstacle whatever; it also causes ihe fluid lo flow with which the delicate hair tu- bea m filled, by which means thou sands (whose hair was grey as the Asi atic eagle) have had their hair restored to its natural color by this invaluable remedy. Caution. Never buy it unless you rind ihe name of Co ins lock & Co.. Pro prietqrs, on the wrapper ol each bottle, or you are cheated with a counterfeit ConneVs Magical Pain Extructer 1 he World s Wonder pronounced so by all who have ever usedit. W hite Swellings, Inflamation, pain in the back, weak limbs, tender or sore teet, und all scrofulous sores are speedi ly and permanemly cured by the Pain Extractor. Affections of the lungs, Hgue in the face, breast, tic doloreaux, chronic sore eyes, blistered surfaces, &c. It is equally beneficial mall kinds ol in- flamatory diseases, such as sore nipples and eyes, sprains, rheumatism, white swellings and ulcers, bruises, burns, chilblains, erysipelas, biies, &c, will quickly be relieved by the application ot this salve. Caution.' No Pain Extractorcan be genuine unless you fi;id the sigoaiuie ol Comsiock & Co., on the wrapper ol each box. Bewaro of the counterteit. Longley Great W estern Indian Panacea. lst-For Colds and feverish feelings and preventing fevers. 2d-For Asthma, Liver Complaint and Bilious affections. . 3d-For Diarrhcea, Indigestion and Loss ot Appetite. 4ihror Costiveness in females and males, and Nervous complaints. fith-ror Stomach affections, Dyspep sia, Piles, Rheumartism, &c The great points are, it is not bad to take, never gives pain and never leaves one costive ! ! JVi T)isc.av)Pry. Dr Connell's Mixture, for Gonorrhoea and Gleet, Seminal Kriusions and Weak ness of the Utera or liladoer. This mix ture contains no injurious article whatever, hut possesses ionic properties of real al- ficacy.and more congenial to the constitu lion, than anv other medicine used tur these complaints' Freed tiom the nauseating qualities attending Copaiva and the com mon mixtures, it will be lound agreeable tu the palate and pleasant io the stomach, and will cure any case, or all pay is refuse tor it. It is equally good and certain for leinales. Sola only at 29 Poyorass st.. ISew Orleans. Mother's Relief Indian Discovery. All expecting to become mothers, and anxious to avoid the pains, distress and dangers of childhearing, gre earnestly en treated to calm their tears, allay iheir ner vousness, and soothe their way by the use of this most extraordinary vegetable production, t hose who will candidly ob serve us virtues, must approve ot t in their hearts; every kind and aneciionate husband will teel it his most solemn duty to allevi ate the distress his wile is exposed to, by a sale and certain method, which is, the use ot this Mother's tielief. Carlton's Ring Bone and Spavin Cure. For the cure ol King Bone, Blood fepavin. cone cpavin, Wind Galls, splints, and Curb on Horses. Also, Carlton's Founder Ointment , fur the cure ol Founder, plit Hoot, Hoot-bound lloiscs, and Contracted reel. Also, all W ounds, Bruses in the Mesh, Galled Backs, Cracked Heels, Scratches, 'bit-kings, Docking, Cuts, Kicks. &.c. Hays1 Liniment for the Piles. The worst attack ot the Piles are effect lualiy and permanently cured in a shor- lune by the use ot this genuine Hays' Lin nueiii. jiunoreds ol our nist citizn s ihiobghout the country have used this Lin- ixii nt with tooijileie success. It is war ranted to cure the most aggravated case. Laulion. JNever buy a unhss ou find me name ot Lom&tock M Co.. umm ih wrapper, proprietors ol the gnuu.e article or you are clualtd with a coui.ieileit. Ccmstock's Heu-es" iNcrtt and Bone. Liniment, ana Indian Vtgetable hli tr is arruieu to cure any case o . i . Rheumatism, Gout, Contracted Chords and Muciis, or Still Joints, strengthens VY tak Limbs, and enables those who are cnppltd io walk again. Use this articte and be cured, or go without it1 and suffer as you please. Certificates of cuies by the hundreds can be seen where this article is sold only genuine. Caution. All of the above named articles are sold only gcr.uine by Coin stock &L Co., 21 Courttutid s'., Iew York, Proprietors of the Urigin.il and only Genuine Mugtcal Pain Extractor, lias also on had a complete aj-sortmt nt ol oapsund Perfumery, which will be sld much lower than at any u:her h u-e in Ihe U mlrd Stales, toi cath. Sold in Lu.colnton by J. II Ail SOUR & SONS, mav 5 8-" This invaluable medicine is daily effec- ling som nf the most astonishing &. wonoer ful cures Miat have ever been know n. All w ho have used it for Asthma, coug-hs, Spit ting of Bluod, Whooping Gongh, croupor Hives, CnMmption, chronic Pleurisy, Hoarseness. Paii &. toreiiesso the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, and every other di sease ot the LUNGS and BKEAS i',can and do attest to its uselulness. BRONCHI l ib. a disease which isanuuaily s eeping thou sands upon thousands to a premature grave, under the mistaken name of CONSUiMP TION.isalways cured by it. 'I he usual symptoms of this disease (Bronchitis) art Dough, Soreneesof the mngs or Throat, a Hoarseness. Difficulty of Breathing, sthma Hectic Fever, a spitting up ot phlegm oi matter.and sometimes blood. It is an in flam mation of the fine skin which linesihe inside of the whole of the w ind tubes or ail vessels, which run through every part of the Lungs. This Expectorant immediately suppresses the Cough and Pain, subdues the Inflamma tion and Fever, removes the Difficulty ot Breathing, by produtinga Iree and easy Ex pectoration, so that a cure is soon eUt ctec. It alw ays cures ASTHMA 2 or ihret large doses will cure the croup ol Hives o; chiidien, in ironi titieen uiiuutesto an hour', time. It immediately subdues the violenct of Whoopiig Cough, and eflecis a speecij cure. Hundreds who have been given up by their physicians as incurable w;lh Con sumption,' have been restored to per feci health by it. In tact, as a remedy in f ulmonary uisea ses, no medicine has ever obtained a higher, or more deserved reputation. C. C. HEMJKIi&UIN, Agent. Lincolnton, F. C, Auyust 1, 1849. LA1LIL AT C. C IlENDEKfeON S jSTUUK Lincolnton, A. C, If ycu want to be cured tit Chilis ana Fever, Nturaigic or Ntioub lie -idache, and gel Dr. lu t.tl's 1 ills, li ouait Dyspeptic, have Liver disease, or liowei oifX'ider?, with ns?ocibte itcivons tits- luibai.co, get Di. Uai pold banativi bitters and Pills. '1 he Compound Ver- mtiugu byiop will oo tounu uj on tali trial, one ol ihe best and ihom tliicteot remedies for llortns, reut-viog, biso, the secondary efJects winch general. lollow ati attack ol Verminoze Pevtr. For the relief of Co&ttvttiess and the t fleets o! such a condition, no mtdicme can do more than ihe Compound Calh- arciic and ratuily Pill of Dr. If. The attention ot all nursing mothers called t'J Ihe superior ativaniHges ol (he Intent V armtnative, ol Dr li. Hundreds oi mothers are ready to testify to the truth ol tin effectual remedy lor ihe disorders that Inlatits at the 'Jieasi are liable lo, and which oUen inflict much suflt ritii! upon the little yiclini, to Ihe auuoyance ol tho mother's c mlort. It is unnet essitry to add in the columns ol a newspaper, certificates. Call, n you are a oulleitr, on C. C. Hendeiscn, Agent for the proprietor, examine the testimonials of rtcoinn tnda ion, and who, when they discover the high ana unquestionable chaiacteis tiiat have kii oiy lent their aid to sustain thee mtOiCines, which have curtd not only persons in this community but elsewhere, can, lor a moment, hesitate to hehevn wnat is tsei lorth in lavor ol the above medicines are true. Feb ll 48 Cm SARSAPAlilLLA & 1LD CHERRY PILLS. The universal celebrity which this nutli cioe has gained 111 evrry sect ton ot the coun try, and itie many astonishing cures it has t fleeted. have established its elficacy beyond all doubt, as a general family rneuiciLe it has no rival.' In all cases ot Incigesticii, li 1 1 liou&Fe vers JJisjiepsia, Liver co:ilaini5, 6irk headache, Jaundice, AsUitna, L)n. .-y. Piiet, Colif, IXornif, fJistaseut ihe Heart, and all alier.lit.us ot iht stomach and bowels. Lt. HOY'S PILLS will be Luud a never Jailing rtrutcy. 'lo lii&urt the full benefit of these celebra ted Pills, they fchoulu be kept tu the house, so that upon ll.e tlrst cutnuientt rueut otfick 1 1 ess itiey may be at once resorted, to. One jose then is oetier than a dozen alter the ctsease has become established iu ti.e sys tem. Le Koy s Pills are purely vegetable, and so in not tit 1 that the itiiant ot a month old may use tbcut it medicine is rt quired, not only with salety, but w iih a certainly ot re ceiving all the btiitrn medicine is capable ol imparling. Females may use them curing ail tlie critical periods U ttieir lives. Le fttiy's 1 lot. win truie their health, and piouuce regularity in ail the functions of hie. i'lict- "lo c-ut per box Fur sait ty L C flenderiun, Liocolnton ; Hoyie &. fctoAe, Dafus ; A ilomesly bhvlDyviile. Juiy 22, 1843. 256 m Wrapping Paper for sale PT B I F T THE 6 LOG B. MOFFA T8; - VEGETABLE UFE PILLS PHCENIX BITTERS Tb klh ad envied celebrity hich USeM pre-enioeBt Medicine have ecquired for Iheir intariable effieecy ia ail the 4ieaet which they profeM to cure, ha tendered th luual pracuee ol' puffing not only uauecetMry, but nawe thy ot them. They ere enovn by Uir fruiu ; Uteir food work teetify or litem, and Uey Ihma not y Ute (aith of Ue credulous. tif ASTHMA. ACUTE and CHROSIC RHKCMATIS3I, AFFVCTltS nf the BLADDER mnd KtBSEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS St LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the outh and weet, wkeie theM diaeuea pieeaH. they will be round Invaluable Planter, fannen, and oihei. who oaM ase theM Modicinee. will never afterwanli be without Ukm. BttrOCS VHOLIC, and SEROUS Loosen. BILES. COSTTVEXESS. COLDS db COUGHS, CHOLIC, CON.l'ftieriON. Uaed with swat ueeeea a'hialeaae. , CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES. D7SPEPSZ A. No peraon with thi diatreting oV ease, abuukl elcla iwinc tfteee meuir.MKe iaimediatelir. I ERUPTIOSS of iht Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LESCY. FEVER, and AGl'E For this icourre if the wea tern counter theee niedicinee will be found a aafe. apeedy. and certain remedy. Other medicine leave the iritera aubject to a return or the dueaee a cure by three medicine hi penuaoant TttV THEM. BE SATISFIEO, AND BE CURED. ruULNESS of COMPLEXION, OENDHAL DDDILITV, GOUT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, HEADACHES, of ntry kind. iS WARD FEVER, IS FLA MM A TOR Y RHEUM A r.V, iMPURE BLOOD. JAUKDKS, LOSS if APPE TITE, LlVHn OOWPLANTfl, r , LEPROSY. lOOSESESS, HKUCIUIAL niSEASES. Never tail to eradicate entirely aU the efP-eta of Ketanrg inS- oitelv etMHier than the moat powerful orrparatHMi of Saraajiarilla. MfJHT SWEATS, SERVOU DEBILITY. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS o mlt kind: OKU ASIC AFFEVTIONH, PALPITATION nftht HEART, PAINTER S VHOLIO, PI Xj E S The oiirinal pmpriM f lhae medieiaea wat cured or Pile of 36 year atanding by IM tua of Uieea Lifo Medicine alone. ' PA ISS in the bead, aide, back, limb, joint and orjran. KHEVM ATMNi TIkm afflicted with tb teniltle diseaae. will be ure of relief by the Life Madieinr- ItUSIl of BLOOD to Ihe I1KAU, SCURVr. SALTRHtlUM. SWELLINdS. scuoruLA. or UZNO'8 Z1VZZ( io it worat forma. ULCERS, if every description W o R Ttl 3 of all kind, are efleriually expelled b lhee Mediciiie. Parent will do well lo dminiter tbem whew ever tlwir extitic is iwipeelHl. RelW will be certain THE UFE PILLS AND PIKENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And ii3 remove all disease from the system. A tingle trial will place the L I F E PUIS nd PHSNIX BITTERS beyond the reach of compe til ion iu the enimaiion of every palieuU The genuine of thee medicine are now put op in whrte wrapper -nd label, together with a pamphlet, called " Moffat Good Samaritan," containing the direction, Ice, ou which i a drawing of Broadway from Wall itreet to ear Office, by which ttrangert vititing the city can very ily Cud tit. The wrapper and Samaritan are copyrighted, therefore thote who procure them with white wrapper caa be aiiured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy noe with yeWoic wrapper; but ir you do, be Mlitfied that hey come direct from ua, or dont touch them, fjy" Prepared and old by Dn. wzLLZAin d. xaorrAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony "itrtet, New York. For Sale by . ' C. II EN PERSON 2I-ly Nov 19 X.incclnton Cupola F V ACB; The subscribers respectfully iiiform the ciiizmih of old Lincoln, and the ur rounding country, that they have started their establishment in lull opermion this day, the 5th ol March and itrc now pre pured lo fill all orders for Iron or C.oin position CASllNuS, in ihe latest and most improved manner. 'I'tiey warrant them to prove as smooth and true as cn bo execu'ed by any oTlier f 8isablisliment in H e State, ard flatter lliene?tSfjfrCM personal experience and aiienlion, they will deserve a share ol public luvor. lT Their establishment is at the cast end of town, on the Main street, where they will make to order, and keep sup pltfd with every description ol" Stoves, for the parlor or kitchen. All orders entrusted to them will be punctually filled, and their prices shall always ue moderate. W. U. & E.S. EDVV AKD3. march 5 .52 rJcw Establishment. Encouragellomelndnslry! JAMES CORHVALL, Having taken the Carriasc fehop for merly occupied by Isaac Krv:n, on tho main ntreet, near the west end of town, is now prepared to make and repair Carriages, Bussics,' Carryalls Sulky, Wheel burr o's, And iu fact every thing that may be re q nred to run on the old rough fashioned road, or the plank ones in contempla tion. He flu done much work in this , place, which w flttteis himself will re commend bitii; io those who have putro nised him heretofore be returns thank, and solicits u continuance. 0O Country Produce will bo received in pay, as he is surrounded by good ap petIle; hut as "u.oney makes the mare go," that arlicie will be prelerred. ' All he asks is a fair hack ; he loves work, can't live without it therefore he will work at uch prices as he can lice at, and when he die;, let his works praise him, though 11 would prove ra- . ther laie so far as his present interest! are concerned. 1 Its ruaterials are of lue best quality, and all work will be seen ' to by hinrse lV while be will endeavor by - punctuality lo merit patronage. CC7"TrirnmiDg and Painting neat! executed. inarch 3