N S: volimii: c. 1 titrftiit imi i ftiri - , - , , ; .- ... .. ..V- rutNTKu and ri Bi.nii r weeki.t, rt ' THOMAS J. ECCLES. Tk.rms Two Dalian wr annum, proa Wf in advance ; ..!..) if pa yi.it ut be dtlayt d over six months. To ('i.i;ks Three flyers trill I st nt for S'. and seven for HLw advance. Advertisements trill be inserted c.l si r squire ( lints) for the first, and . cents for each sulwtjtt' nt insertion. A Hint to Wooers. J j The following couplets ciuho.ly a vol- lime of sound doctrine on a delicate subject: ItOl CLE Oft (1 ITS. I've courted you, Ellen, for tw elve month or more AtiJ ! rather worse e T, I believe than j he fore; tlA.' Ti a loving game, truly, I've played, 't is fit, hope you'll allow, v-c, should tfouUr or i-uit. The other jwitw tl.e propositi. m yet more forcibly : '.oloi)" you have Juoled iijc Iiall uu anil j half yes I am quit4"t u los for your meaning, dear Miss; V.uouh in allco.cience yon've halHel and hatuui'd iay "yes," and he kinsed or say "no," tid he d iV. Ire:inin ou WdIinjf Cake. The editor of the Kv:msvi)le (la.) .hmr val writes as follows 4m lcinjj presented with a piece of In i dv's cake : With the wedding notice in another column, we received from tin' fur hand of the bride a piece of elegant wedding . ;,ke to dream on. Well, "we nut it nu- der ihe !ie:nJ our pillow, dml our eyes hweetlv as au infin!, and blessed with un easy conscience, soon snored prodigious ly. The ;ol of dreams treutly ton-hel us, and loj in fancy we were mmied. Never was a litth? editor so h ippy. It was 'my love,' donre.V 4; weeli-sl' rin iur iii4)ur ears every moment. Oh! that .1... .1 I....1 1 l.-.L..,. ..U" lu.r. Ul- U.V..J,. H..M ...w.. w.. ...... . Jhit no, sojM evil yeiiiMs p4its it uiillm head of our ducky to lu:ve pudding for dinner, just Id please her lord. In ahun j;rv dream we sat down to dinner. Well, the puddinu niomeut ui rived, and a huir' lice alnmt ob.rured from siylit the plate be Hire us. "Mv dear," said we fondly, "did you mike this.'" "Yes, lov ain't it nice?" "(Ilorious the best bread puddinir I ever tasted in my life." "Vlum pudding, ducky," suggested my wife. "O no, dearest, Lmul pudding, I al ways was fond of "em." 'Call that bread pudding," exclaimed xnv wife, while her pretty lips curled slightly with contempt. Certainly my dear reckon I've had to eat enough at the Sherwood house to know. Uread pudding my love by all means." "Husband, this is really too bad. lMum pudding is twice as hard to mike as bread pudding, and is more expensive and a yreat deal better. I say this is plum pudding, sir," and my pretty wife's brow flushed with excitement. "My love, my sweet, my dear love," exclaimed we, soothingly, "do not get angry; I'm sure it's very good, if it is bread pudding." "Hut, sir, 1 say it ain't bread pudding." "And, madam, 1 say it is bread pud ding." " You mean, low wretch," fondly re plied mv wife iu a high tone, "you know it is plum pudding." "Then, m Vain, it is meanly put to gether, and si badly binned, that the devil himself wouldn't know it. I tell you, madam, most distinctly and emphat ically, and 1 will not be contradicted, that it ie bread pudding, and the meanest kind at that." 44 It is plum pudding," shrieked my wife as she hurled a glass of claret in my face, the glass itself 'tapping the chi li.'!' from my nose. "llread pudding," gasped we, pluck to the last, and grasping a roast chicken by the left leg. "l'luni pudding" rose above the din, ns I had a distinctive perception of feel ing two plates smashed across my head. " Bread pudding," we groaned iu rage as the chicken left our hand and Hying with swift wing across the table, lauded in madam's bosom. "Plum pudding," resounded the war crv from the enemy, as the gravy dish took us where we were depositing the first part of our dinner and a pl.itc of beets landed upon a white vest. "Bread pudding, forever!" shouted we in defiance, dodging the soup tureen, and falling beneath its contents. "Plum pudding," yelled our amiable spouse as, noticing our misfortune, .she determined to keep us dow n by piling upon our head the dislnv; with no re:iile of b-,,,,1 I the Then ill rapid 'accession followed the war crv. "Plum pudding!" shrieked she with every iiisn. " Bread pudding," in smothered tot.e;, came uj from the pile iu reply. Then it was "plum pudding" in rapid succes sion, the l;i.-t t ry growing l--!l-r, till just as I can diiinelly rccollecLii. had 'flown to :i whisiier. lh mi midding" , , v.i... mkV...i l.v tremendous crah, as my wife leaped upon tin' pilr with her delicate feet, and commenced jumping up and down wheti, thank heaven, we awoke, ami tlms saved ur life. , ... . . ... - W'e ;dmll never dream fn we4ldin e.d;c a taiu that's the moral. From the Warn ntun Xt tcs. S.eJler Jiaii; California. Xi:w Town, Culifuriii.!, ) Xoveuiher l.;i). I am unt, under ordinary circumstances, urpriscd to learn that mv letters have not rcat.UM yun :,M for s 1:, a tane, hut I am reallv asjonished when uoue of nsv letters, so uiiiiieroiis as tliey have been, not one ha. every other mail, that i every other mouth, j To those who arc fully acquainted with the horrid ron:u-ou and total ii -gleet ot the Post Oilice in San Frautiseo, to all let ters from the States, w e expect nothing but failures of letters on all hand.;. Your letters of June I got eight or ten days since, and along with th-m iue frum Ami, dated A pril. This letter 1 wili send hy a gentle man to New York, to mail it there, and, perhaps, it may reach its proper destination. As the gentleman is some three or four miles from me, and w ill leave early in tin? morn ing, this letter must he necessarily short, as he sent us one hour Irom this tune. 1 a ,,r;,u tw Tw- lH,t lll or four weeks since, and count Mouses of one or two hundred. 1 have put up a very comfortable log cabin where Jlas and my self p;.ss or time very warm .ind dry. This town is iu half a mile of the place on Deer Creek where i have been mining all the summer. Three miles oil" is another tow n, ealied Kough and Keady, aud a month or two older than XcvTow m Sprinkled over hundreds of ravines and hills, is a vast ,.,.lw ,lf w, I...li ..on ,V. t , . . . , . , . , addition to this, all around for teu or twelve miles, a vast number of persons have set tled for winter. As ail the streams have failed, almost altogether, in gold digging, all the miners have betaken themselves to the Hills and Ravines, waiting for the fall of rain to operate on the hills and ravines. 1 am by every mouth's observation more and moro convinced that very small sums have been made by each mau a few, veni few indeed have done well not, I should say, above one inau in three or four thou sand. And when I say that he has done w ell, I mean to say that he has made some three or four thousands of dollars. I rejat what I have said in my former letters, that 1 w ould not give .l()T().K) for w hat any man has made iu fifty miles of this place, this season. Cold can be had almost w herever you place dow n your foot, but not iu such sinus as to make a man, in twelve mouths, rich. If any man can realize two or three thousand dollars a vear, after hard work, he is lucky. I mast acknowledge that it is reported that some men have made large sums: I di not say it is false, but I do say th it I have never seen him, or have seen the man that has seen him. For thousands and thousands I can truly confess that they have little done but to support themselves and sorry to say, that many an I many thousands h ive not done as well. The man who pla ces confidence iu Xews Paper reports, and many letters sent to the States, will as sure ly he led into great error as he lives. Truth and veracity are sunk to a low degree in California. Nine men in teu, of truthful characters before they Jelt home, become great liars in a few mouths after breathing the air of California. You cannot get the truth out of them. 1 am confident that many would steal were they not afraid of our sharp and quick punishment, extemporaneous trial and extemporaneous punishment. I am afraid that as soon as the regular Court House Law is extended over us that Law yers he brought in and "the law's delays" can he ha I, that crime of all sorts will be multiplied. When I look around and s almost uoue hat men, I feel convinced that unless we hae more of the Salt of the I'arth we1 are gone, and relapse as sure as day into savage life and habits. Fp. however, to this day in the Xorthcm Mines, all is quiet and free from every species of violence: no man is made afraid. All of us from North Carolina, have done ns well as most other people perhaps; I suppose that two or three thousand each w ill be ahout the size of our little jtilc. All of us expect to do much better this winter aud next spring, as water sufficient to work the ravines and hills . has recently been found out in many Hat places some half a mile wide between hills not mountains, they are as rich if not more so, than ravines and streams. i hese places arc totally destitute of water in summer, hat have a plenty after the wet season takes place. The fall of ' rain began last Tuesday to the delight oft thousands. Every cradle and Long Tom has been ready for ten days to start iu ope- ration. But after six or seven months of, dry season, it will require tea or twelve days more of rain to put us iu full operation. New Town is ou the edge of these gold ll-ats some of the best mines are ou or near hills an 1 Hats between the lulls. .Mi!!i:.- dollars ha-f bcu ih n nwav ou all the streams 4m variou .;,U of work. I couldnot think of retiirnil until I made my j pile grow l(,(-)0. I lu ,l.y joiniug wirne ! Practice of inedicine to! vhtiu. to maVe 1 the sum aliovc, by ."ny j ext. Ho you all ' must learn to do withou i;? uuiil thut time. .My health and spirits j V fina firm n d excellent the last qui: evjoal aud hieh enoun. n any person toum epeaK ot coining to California, as re lum for me to remain, at home, mile 1 i. youu. strong, hearty ami used to worl, and has a good supply of energy, ud if VViM., be, a Pe ter Davis used to say, a kan, $haru fellow. Any man tlm made up, cai almost cr rtainly make eight or ten dollars :r ay, and with a Httle luek, may make 'iUChr twenty dol Jar A d ly. . I Jut tJiC ,-Arr.i tuj. iiTtra-e ahout four or five UottaM rilay. All artt cles of food still continue high, Flour ifO dollars tier hundred; Me Pork Hi dollars per hundred: lJae-u $! per lh.; .Sugar M'Jcts. per ll.: Coffee 4 cents er !!.: llutter ! per h. Sce. You can gtt Irish Potatoes, rrry fin", at Jl') cents per 1. ; Onions, wou- derlully line. ler i:. on can g( i any thi'ng you want even up Lore in t!r' moun tains. I'nt you must dig hard for gold, to gratify your appetite iu "such luxuries. 1 do venture to get Potatoes, and now and then an Onion weighing ui)re than a pound. iias and I aiv pre tty gooj cooks, and have '. n . i. i .i 1 itiir :iinctitcs at an times mucu .h i. r uuu OMr jv. 0 u,:,u understands how to jjve j;,. ,)r;,u.t., until Jk- learns how to i.:,. -nlll.t",t; bv itxereise. I have been in mv house ten or ivvebc days the i ii . first time 1 slept iu a house since last April I twelve mouths ago, exceft a lew nights at Sau Francisco and Sacramento four w eeks since. Tlie4e tow ns havf grown wonder fully since 1 saw them laH winter. The Wo'rld sunplies them w itli tvery luxury on earth iu abundance, excej t Ladies. This ' lay is free from rain, ami the sun shines out warm aud brightly. Many days, 1 am in formed, w ill he enjoyed -'through the wet season as fine as this day. uKvenhere, high up the mountains, it is not nearly so cold as with you. 1 w ill w rite soon again by pri vate hands, as many arc iiiv going home. Ninety-nine of a hundred .arc anxious to go homes oven with one thousand dollars; and a rery great number would be content to have enough to cary them lioinc. It would require a strong w orking juau to make teu or fifteen thousand dollars liv remaining here four or five years, and be very frugal and judicious to do that. Few very few, from choice, will remain lu-re, jA v.cc.eliy Ilr hold them here for some time1, and then per haps many may get engaged in some em ployment or other, ami finally become con tent ami satisfied with tlie country, espe cially tSie young men from the westeru States 1 indeed, do not dislike California as much as I did for where ou the face of the earth, can y ou find so much to excite and employ the mind aud body as in California ? If there is any employments) deeply exciting as looking for gold, I have not experienced it T.i tlmtu.n.U 4.f -nersons thus en- cnsctl. fills the w hole atmosphere with its contagion, and a man is made of strange stuff to resist or escape it, Small Pox is not more contagious. This avowal from mcmst uot alarm you, for home I come as sfre as a gun if I live, and have made up my Pile ns large as 1 nam u, aud a Imb larjrer, next suiumer. II ladies couul .-rami mis conn- i i.uion oi a decent propriety, is considered try, aiid be content and hippy, I think 1 j as not having reached the "elegant" ex could make some arrangement for the men; j treme of refinement. Avery large propor hut I honestly think that im Lady halfway : tiou of females we believe are sensibly a cultivated. and accustomed to tolerable so- verie to the practice of waltzing, and those ciety cotd I h irdly exist h re. Time, aud j in the very highest sphere of life are necr cireumstanees, must have tiuir fair play ou seen mingling in it, while many parents the country an I its popula'ioii, before the will uot allow theirdaaghters to he engaged better portion of the sex can venture here in it, unless w ith those of their ow n sex, indeed, if ever. If gold digging should and we would observe to those females who sink a little low er in its rewards, ( California w ill he abandoned to the wild In;!i:ins,w ild animals, still worse, to the vilest and most depraved men that the world can supply. As au agricultural country, that I pro nounce impossible. Those towns on the j Hay and large streams, will go to ruin as soon as the nsuies in tne mountains cease to yield a good pay to labor. I see clearly that if our daily receipts sink a little lower, our daily Bread cannot he purchased. Food must be brought from abroad, aud canuot fit! in value below the point that compensates the man that briags it to us. Lren in the present state ol tilings, thou- samls do not get enough to eat. Pork and bad bread, with many, make up their Bill I of fare, day after day throughout the year Sixty thousand persons cams over the south pass alone, this summer, arriving a mong the mountains in California from August up to this timr. They came desti tute of money little or no food no em ployment, and entirely ignorant of looking for gold or working for it. Few, very few mines can justify the owner to give four dollars a day for hire of a man, aud conse quently can give hut Utile to those who need it. Add. to this mighty torrent of peo ple, all that came by other routes, and you can then form f tuic idea. tf th- multitude that has spread over this country. itb so many inert and each umai with two eyes, how can a particle cf jrtdd'iti tinue uudis covered! Look at coy motiicnt iu the day, i-.i any direction, and yon see men like goats w auderinr in e verv possibly direction. i rospcctiug, as called, that is examining every hole and corner for Cold. I passed four weeks since, from Sscrauieuto Towu, on ihe Sacramento liiver, up to .Marysville on the Yuba, forty miles iu the stage w e travelled ou the valley being from fii'tetta to : twenty miles wide, extending iroin the liiv- ! e r Sacramento to the tvvl ef mountains; throughout the v. hole extt-tit 1 saw uot one 'foot of ground in e u!liv;.m :i. Cu the west , ci.!? of the Bivcr : lik pht-u c:.:.uJs npto Coast Monata'ms, ami n at a Plough or Wc Hoe la touched th oil. Tlnse nlain t that flank each tide of the River, aru oer j flown hy w&tcr frni four to tcu feet deep; t tlu water rtuiains until Jue ome feet deep, a larpe Whale Iloat can ail o er the i tiiaiii frum the I ovwn ii ?aeraneut un ti I Slarysvillc, forty roiW, nd never Cnd it Luhiitntd hy the performer, d which ueecMary to c into River.' When ihc wa- was in toneiu nee fccelej lot liutawtek ueecMary to go tor fiually one up by aa intense uu, tlicii aeoure or (rass springs up, and many cattle graxeniiit until the. lat u( August or first of ieptember, hy whWdi lime the plain looks like it was scorched all over. To talk of cultivation of these plain is a foil v. I he moment , vou reach the foot of the mountains,' no man would wnturo to aru-jlture iu the niount.iin. Jle iih-s, m ? . . . . far as 1 could cee iVmiu Saeraeaento Tov u, down to San Francisco, l."i) mile, nothing ! niiliation. Alas! how weak, how frail and like cullivaUou can he seen. Imleed it if i evanescent, are the moral promptings o! self evident that the Hoods must soon cv.-r ! many human hetrts. llow few are jov ovcr deep the hole country: as a proof of j i-rtied am! guided hy a judpmtut ft" their this, 1 ascertained beyond 11J t!i:it all j tiu u. o r uhst r e l!ie "clf-repcct w hich all frerh vegetables jfe r.t the market "m Sa- .hiu'dbefi-4ifir tin msth e. A great part eraiitonlo are brougbt Jrotn low down on the Hay, and south of San Francisco. For j Potatoes. Onions' and (';ih!i:igc. Ueets. j Turnips and Crapis feu countrie s are e- j qnal to the Roulh arm of the Hay of San j Francisco. For some few years yet to j come, the markets of San Francisco, and I all over California, must demand a vast i in u mi t of all these productions, and con- tinue to pay a very high price for them. Those w ho turned their attention to the grow th of such things, must have realized great sums. I saw a Cabbage ,sold in San Francisco for four doll.iiv, ibis was the common price iu market, liad I half a eectiou of laud judiciously located, 1 w ould not give it for any dozeu mines iu Califor nia. II ut I understand that that part of the country is almost exclusively owned hy Spaniards, Mexicans, and many specula tors, Americans. All the lands that ace worth having will be lost to the Covern ment, unless Congress docs act quickly, and w ith energy. Frnud, corruption, ami "I! nf,r.aSin ity Urv. hl fu" X 'v all. lcll Mr. f. to w rite to badger, and request mm m urge tue senate 10 o oruer tilings that a man may have a reasonable' 1 chance to get a slice of I nele Gain's real t.oiu:iJ;t.; autl btani.lS, as lM)W, to be Kohl at estate on the 1 acific. If 1 could get such a , IO!l.iru.t.tf: forKcrv of them being ponwh place, perhaps 1 could alter some coaxing, ah,e u ,, altl llllirismlmcut. An ap- pursuade myself to remain iu California, and finally invite you to come out and sec the country. r.c.popi:. 1VAZ2'Z1.. Indelicacy is defined hy Dr. Johusc.i, as "a want of ei.koant decency." And is it iu genteel society we are to look for its most frequent examples? Arc we to see it nourished and perpetuated in scenes of graceful life, aud not seek to restrain aud eradicate it, when we have the power aud the means of effecting so desirable a pur- l)t)!ie- 1 "e 1 Italian waltz was introduced here some years ago, ami it was some time before the natural and then pre vailing modesty of our young ladies could he sufficiently overcome to insure its suc cess; but as it had a foreigu lineage, it soon became the idol of fashionable parties ; in deed, it is now one of the first accomplish ments iu our polite amusements mfd every owe who is not skilled iu this modem vio- nave uoi tne same misgivings winch some of their associates have, that a little more regard for an attribute which most espe cially adonsthe character of w oman, would tend much to elevate them in the estimation of discreet and sensible persons. The po sition occupied iu the wait, is aavdiiug Ion i . . - - . . that of propriety, which every lady wo uhl j shrink from w ith indignation in any other place; and we never witness the indelicate ! proximity of those inoing in it without an I inward feeling of rebuke. Mauv, we sup- pose, may he thooghtlesly diverted from u modest ami becoming dignity iu the hour of excitement, hut there is too great a uuni- her of a less scrupulous character, and for whom our remarks are particularly inten ded. No woman of true modesty will consent j caps.'ovcr iu value, .'.; cents each, upou to he a partner in the w altz, especially, oilcery pair of boots ot the value of 4 hfty almost auy one who may chance to ask her cents, and oa Loots oJ less alne and ou to accompany him, which is sometimes the hocs Xli cents. case. c certainly have less respect for ."dr. Svtt opposed this tax. .Mr. Frwiu those iu the w aif, and polka, than we have j did not see how a protectee tariff U big like for those in the quadrille and cotillion, hav- j the gentleman from Cabarrus, could o a ing no objection to the latter amusements; gaiu.st protecting our ow n Mechanic. The and we will feel sure that we are Rjt mis- j aniem:mcnt w a rejected, taken in believing not being the advocates ! of the "largest liuerty" that thv great free dom which is exercised in the former leaves a vi-rv unfavorable impression ujton'cverv , reflecting mind in regnri! to those who np- pear in them. "When pleasure takes the path which rea son shuns, And gayety supplies the p!;;ce of set se. Then foremost r.tthe banquet aud the ball ! Death leads the danc e, or i-tamp- the dead ly die." STACE DANCINC. Female stage dancing has like w ise aided much to demoralize, aud to create a licen- i ilitUS Ostein our youth as well as iu those of I a mature age: aud we have seen not?;hi'Mu I i-uy public spectacle which we have e er witnessed, more corrupt aud objectionable i than i'; hi5e ricas am! iud-vet-.i? e.hi' hien-v well rnsitmWr it Cn rcprcscnUUoo, ut.! our stairc. Th? female iT-ur com- inimity at thai day were aliuvst mmcrsally arrayed- ajrnii-l it, n it was eiluhitcd m other cilicm mid pcwcrally cxprewed a !e- tcniiinatiouuottw attend the tlictrooucn orrasum. nn ru a more tot:el cari " had scarcely elapsed ere ihe iwUntiolial ha hiliments of decency had veuihcd ruil. mvrirs!ii uf ihe fairest jwri sf crvaUon' ro'iitimied In attend Otld iie a-?- ild ta llook oa with a delighted complaerrcy W ' . t: . t ......i.t'nit : the blu!i ofumtime imlicatctl n cvepUott. - to us iei ami mieeuiy pcnnww-- w: nave seen the ilecp ami ucejituiog ur ral rouge on turay a fair cheek, tiiouh otr . ' r i I . L. without a feclini of litv as ut1 tt-of hu- ol mankmd.it would stem, are cjuite as willing and d'ipo'-d ti he r'iig with tlu? many, as Ut he right w ith the f w , r.iwl hav-e not Kutlicieul HidiemU'iu e, if tin y have the virtue, to adopt a course in conflict w ifh the usages of the mass; hut whatcwr has the sanction of a certain portion of ihe world, is cr likclv to hae their a-ut though they may really dUapprow of intuit which they countenance ami support, being too regardless, aNo, of the rllcet it may hae upon the lives and character of othcri. The Pottage Lit, has pr.fsed the HouM of IvcprcReutativcs by K.o a y t , to ' 5 noe, with the following proMtdou?: A miitorin rate of three cents ou lettcis weighing not over half an ounce. No diminution iu the existiug m:tl service aud compensation to postmasters. On printed mutter, not ocr two omwes, one cent pot-tagc ; bound books, not over thirty ounces, to be vuaihe. blc. On newspapers, iu the State where printed, only half the forego nig tatct- no postage w lii ii mailed to acUial ub, ribcrs iu t,c t.ollll,v Krt. printed, or w ithin VA) deduction of it) iKrtciit. on magazines, when prepaid. A three ceut proitriatiou of 1,oOU,iMjO to meet auy le- ilckiiey in the revenue. Letter uncalled for it the end erf tiv VTeCki Cw'biii'dierliMrd once only- Suitable places to be provided for in cities, or towns for the deposit of letters, to be collected arid delivered by cac-rier-, at one and two cents caili. Kings MouMiuin Railroad. We leain that the Kings Mountain Kailroad, (says the the Yorkville MisctUany.) is progressing :o rapid iy can reasonably be hoped for. the grading contracts are ail let, w ith tho exception of ahout a mile ami a third. Many of the timber contracts are also made, and persons are almost daily applying for those sections not under contract. 'i he iron hr.s been contracted for alto, and is -pected to arrive in all Lining -the -Sfrkrg. These facts w ill explain the rapid calls, that have been made on the Stockholders. It is certainly the interest of the Mockhohlers w hen once the expenditure of their money is commenced, to have the w hole roatl com pleted as early as possible. JttcrtJ will iu this manner be saved, sold they wili en joy the benefits of their underluing. Our Ou a ITIccSitirsics. In the N. C. Assembly, cn the VJd idt, the Kevcmie Dill w as under ditciiesiou. In the twelfth section, .Mr. Steele moved to strike cut ? Km), as the penalty for in. t j iving in property, and inserting .:$, which mo tion was lost. To the fourteenth section, .Mr Person of .Moore offered an amendment, which was adopted. Mr. Drake oll'in-d an amendment, to lay uu ad valorem tax of !' per cent, on all rea dy juade clothing. ehoctt,bootft.-;i(khe,Hiar- ! ues. liuuors. wines, cordi.'.ls. ideaturc car riages, the manui;:cttirc of other States, brought into this ."t;:te for sale; which a mcudiueiii was lost. Mr. Taylor an amendment to tax forcigu 1 made liquors I cts. pe r gallon. .Mr. C ! w ell moved to strike out li aud insert CakW one cent, w hich w as disagreed to. The amend ment w;;s then rejected yeas .'id, nays 41 .Mr Caldwell of Kowau offered au a mcmlmeut to tax foreign made hats and IkKror.T or the Board ok llr.Ai.ru, for the tree k ending Tuesday, Jciiy lst. "'l itS lUmul ' report thirteen ucw cases and one death, of the revniling disease, viz- : DEATHS. 1 negro m::u, aged about '27 years. BOBT. F. DAVIDSON". JNO. A. YOFNC. B. C. CAR. SON. Charlotte, Jan'y 11, lsCi. ' A poetic young man, lu k.'nrfil.i'n the movements of a lot of gold fish, say "they. Unshed and darted about like- brie lit hopes through a lyver's brain." That yottug" man should - be looked to. !e' br-eif staying oer o'l.igh's and fetud ig whiskey WIWMl.l.ll..l

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