9 r 1 H 21 Vol. Raleigh, N. C, Thureday;;, December 4th, 1873. '. No. 24. L I 71 U L A o WEEKLY ERA- Wm. 31. BROWN, - - Manager Kates of Subscription. Weekly One year, in aavance, Six months, Three months, $2 00 1 00 50 Hates of Advertising! lm. 2 m's.!3 m's. Kim's. 12m'H 7 00 810 00'?16 00 16 00 1 26 00 24 t'Oj 35 00 28 00 40 00 32 00 45 CO 35 00; 50 00 50 00; SO 00 80 00; 150 00 12 00 15 00 17 00 18 00 20 00 30 00 50 00 Transient advertising one dollar per square for the first and fifty cents lor each subsequent insertion. WANTED TO LEASE. For a term of three or five vears nremises suitable lor a Printing office, situated on Fayettevillo Street. Apply to The "Era." 1M tf THE WEEK. Report of State Treasurer. The report of our State Treasurer Hon. David :A. Jenkins, is before us. The entire amount of the State's indebtedness exclusive of special tax and unconstitutional bonds, is $17,881,045, upon which interest has accrued to the amount of $5,506,154 85. Of this amount $3,378,200, was issued before the war and sold by the State or its agents at par for gold or its equivalent, which together with the accrued in terest thereon $2,513,400, make a total of $10,891,660, as ante-bellum debt. This is conceded to be an nonest debt or ., tne state as 410 charge of .Improper, distribution of the funds arising from the sale of this class of bonds has ever been made. The Treasurer estimates the interest (exclusive of special tax oonas; 10 oe ruiseu i,tW,ooo w pwr annum. This amount added to the expenses of running the Govern ment will make $1,900,000 per annum to be raised by taxation. To this amount add taxes for coun t3T purposes, and taxes in towns for municipal purposes, and these amounts with what the holders of special tax bonds propose and wo have a tax requiring 2 and 8 1-0 of the real and personal property of the State. The Treasurer thinks the people cannot and will not pay such a tax. He suggests the issue of new bonds for old bonds in such maner as the General Assembly ma trw I may prescriDe. ine xreasurer deprecates any action looking to total repudiation. He states that he will resist to the last extremity 1 Sque 3 00 $ 5 00 2 do 6 00 9 00 3 - do 7 00 12 00 4 do 9 00 15 00 5 do 10 00 16 00 i Col'n. 12 00 18 00 do 20 00 25 00 1 do 30 00 40 00 the suit of the special tax bond other paints used. It can be pur holders. The report is an able one. chased already mixed for use and Taken altogether the officers of our Treasury Department are gentle- men of first class abilities. With Hon. David A. Jenkins as Treas- urer, u. . uain .fcq., as chief Clerk, and Aaron D. Jenkins, as Teller, the people's money will be well taken care of, and in them the citizens of North Carolina have! faithful sentinels on their financial watch tower. Our City. Raleigh this week presents a lively scene. Members of the Legislature, Judges, witnes ses, jurors of the Federal Court, members of the Grand Lodge of Masons and hundreds of others are here. The merchants are no doubt having a busy time. The ladies too are here in force. We have a beautiful city, and every body seems to be happy. God bless old North Carolina and every body in it. Cato Rogers has been sentenced to went y years in the States' Prison for assault with intent to commit rape. Trial took place at Duplin Superior Court, last term. secretary of State. We no- tice that a proposition has been in irouucea In the Legislature to allow tne Secretary of State an addition clerk. It is known to every one at uu jammar wun mis aeparimeni been oDservea Dy an oi our people I Capt. Jas. F. Johnston, in MecKien Of the State Government that its as such. The DUbliC Offices, hanfr hnrr r-nnntv. was burnt with all its duties are of the most laborious character, and it is almost imposi Die for tne secretary of State to promptly keep up the business of his office in a proper manner with the force now allowed by law. It not only is not extravagance but actual economy for our Heads of Departments clerical force. iw navy ramDereni We know the tact that the business of the Secretary or &tate is sucn tnat tne services of mm - w t m m Mm . . . I at least tnre clerks would not be too much to keep up the records, issue Jand warrants, and transact sucn other business as is constantly accrueing in tne omce. we think it is due alike to the Secretary of umioauu m uiepwpiB oi me ounce who have business in his Depart- ment that one or more additional clerks should be allowed him at once. We hope the proposition may be carried without a dissent- ing voice. The Chapman Sisters. On Monday evening last, Tucker Hall was filled to its utmost capacity, to witness the Burlesque Opera of " Little Don Giovanni," as per formed by the celebrated Chapman Sisters, Blanche, Ella and Belle as sisted by other members of their Grand Burlesque combination. We do not exagerate when we say that we have never seen the comic Opera better rendered than on 'this occa sion. The piece was interspersed f hrnntrhnnf. with Iiff.i! niins 'and witticisms; and from the rise of the curtam Ulltil the close of the piece, the large audience gave zound qfiAr mnnri nf nnmh,t;nn nH on. plause The Sistera have made a d , hit f -Roi,. flnd Wfi regret that their engagements pre vent them from making a longer stay with us. They go from here we understand to Wilmington, and we really envy our tide water friends, the great treat in store for them during their fair week. We hope the favorites may pay us a visit again soon. Bradley's Enamel Paint. In another column will be found an advertisement of C. P. Knight, General agent for the sale of Brad ley's Patent Enamel Paint. This paint is coming into general use in . ... all parts of the country. It is made from the purest white Lead, Lin- seed Oil and Zinc; and for cheap- nes3 and durability, it surpassed all any color desired can be obtained. The price is only $2.50 per gallon and one gallon will cover 20 square yards two coats. We invite special attention to the recommendation of Prof. W. G. Simmons of Wake Forest College, who has tested this paint on the college building at that place. Our people who have houses to paint, cannot do better than give this paint a trial. Good Dinners. Blair of the National and Blacknall of the Yar borough treated their friends to an Extra Dinner on Thanksgiving Day. We understand that most of the editorial fraternity of the city, were among the lucky guests. Editors are generally a hungry set and we have no doubt they cleaned the tables at both Houses. As we (the local) were not expected, we didn't go. Minstrel Troupe. Williams and Woods Minstrel Troupe will give entertainments in Metropoli tan Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings Dec. 4th and 5th. admis sion 50 cents and 25 cents. THANKSGiviKa JOa Last - Thursday, being appointed by the President of the United States and - Governor "of NortU . Carolina" as day of Thanksgiving,' should have and a few others dip, suspend oner atiens duringthe day, but outside of these we could hardly perceive any difference between this day and others. It seems to us that our business men should "come to some understanding among, themselves in regard to the atiservajice of Na- i tinna i un inavs. iiiverv man seems to wait for the - other and if one keeps open, and transacts busi ness another thinks he can with equal propriety do the same. If our Thanksgiving days are to be no better observed in Raleigh and else where than the one" just; passed, it seems to us a perfect farce to have suclra law on our statute books as i reQUires His ,jxeeiiency to issue any proclamation at all.' ? We think our neonle should at least snare one day for devotional thanks to Al- I mighty God for his kindness to us 1 as a people. : : Hay Crop. A gentleman living a few miles from New-Berne on the A: & N. C. Railroad has raised this year 150 tons of excellent hay upon 100 acres of land. It is said that the profit upon one, hay crop in that portion of tho State will more than Jay for the rland upon ' whicHit is raised. One hundred and fifty Ions of hay is worth sixty bales of cotton and can be produced at one-fourth thA nrnnR. Our 'farm era' ivon Id do well to look into these matters' 1 We have no doubt- that' many ...... .would do beit and more cereals ExciTBD;-We' - 'heaf.ihat - the peoDla in the mountains of Biirko and Mitchell counties, are.much ex cited in anticipation of war -with Spain. The Hickory Press says that ex-buskwhackers of the late war are already seeking their old dens and caves. A gentleman travelling through the country lately came near loosing his life, as he was taken for a recruiting officer. We beg our mountain friends to hold on awhile. It is time enough to get excited when the Dons pass our Raleigh Fortifications. Even if they pass Raleigh we know that our gunboats on Enoe River near Hillsboro can stop them. Keep cool. The Armstrong Mystery. On Sunday morning last Mr. John Armstrong received a dispatch ; staling that the body of his missing brother had been found floating in North River. Mr. Armstrong left on Monday morning for rew York. We have not learned any particulars of the finding of the body. As it was found in North River, it is fair to presume that Mr. Armstrong's brother, must have crossed over East River to New York, after voting on election day, and was either murdered and thrown into the River, or committed self de struction. Counterfeiters. At the late Term of the Federal Court held at Asheville N. C. the following coun terfeiters were convicted and sent enced to the Albany Penitentiary for two years with a fine of $2,000 : J. Baker, Ashe county, Dr. L. P. Blackbur, Mitchel county, A. M. Cabel, Graham N. C, R. L. D. Burchfield, Swayne county, D. Frazier, Mitchell county, J. H. Lewis Graham, Henry Butler Mitchell, J. S. Hide Graham. ! Another large body Of Ji.ngii.5n to War- terltftlntlepUdhj ,raes,ifc;:t 4 settlers arc on rcn county. til ' V-'n FiRES.The frin house of Dr. Columbus Mills in Cabarrus county, was destroyed by fire on Monday a morning, Nov. 24th. Loss heavy. On the same day the kitchen of - I contents. This is the second time this year Capt. Johnston has suffer ed by fire. Election or OFFicERS.-kA.t an election of officers held by Rescue Steam Fire Engine Company on Monday, Dec. 1, the following offi cers were elected for the year 1874, viz : ' , Foreman Robt. H. Bradley Ass. " John R. Ferrall. Rec. Sec D. Reid Upchurch. Fin. Sec A. R. Tenney. Treasurer P. C.'Hardie. ' Hose Dir. Frank Brennan. ; Asst. WmW. Stillman. A Strange Character. Miss Hatti Massie of Madison county, I N. C, died a short time since at the age of 65. She was born without arms, or legs, but was possessed of more than ordinary intellect. She could write well and read fluently. At an early age she joined the Bap- tist church and continued a devout christian during life. Hon. W. H. Battle and not Kemp P. -Battle as stated in our last, re vised the State Statutes. We had it iighti but the Printers Devil thought it wrong, and in attempting to right the supposed wrong, made .the.whole thkig wrong. m ; 1 i -BREA'Kn CEn ; . Sewing- .Machine l : ji in Jf rices. uur reauera,wxi ested to learn that the Florence Company: have responded to the. general call for lower prices for sewing-machines, and will henceforth seil-4fceiriwelt- known -4Hict superior machines at' a reduction of from 30 to440 per cent, from former prices. On 21st inst., the barn of Wm. Stone, of Fbfsythe county, was burned. Two curings of tobacco were destroyed. The fire was doubtless the work of an incen diary. Atthe same time the mouth of one of Mr. Stone's horses wa2 badly cut. In Town. Bernard of the Wil mington Star is in the City in at tendance on Circuit Court to answer suit for alleged libellous matter in his nnner against a Mr. Griffin of . t x - o Baltimore. A New York drummer fell from the piazza of the Stonewall Hotel in Tarboro, on Monday night last. Severe cut in head and bad bruise the consequence. ggOn Wednesday 26th, a young man named J. J. Howard, was thrown from his horse on the race tract of Wilmington Fair Grounds, and and had his collar wrist sprained. bone broken J. C. Allen's grocery establish ment in Tarboro has been broken into and robbed of a keg of fine old French brandy and five hundred cigars. The Goldsboro Fair Grounds and buildings have been sold under foreclosure of mortgage for $3,500. The Methodist school at Greens boro has 158 scholars. Jennie Harris, aged 101 year.?, died near Rocky River Chur-h, Cabarrus county, N. C, lately. Rutherford College in lounty, has' 1G0 students. i . ke Snow (-jgnteen inches ueep Oil j Roan mountain X. C1.. las Several large vessels of late have sailed from Wilmington direct for Europe loaded with cotton. We have never thought any good rea son existed why our people should not ship their cotton direct to Eu rope instead of allowing north ern speculators to reap the increased profits Let us have direct trade. Daring Robbery. On Tuesday "morning between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock, the residence of Capt. R. T. Fulghum was entered and robbed of $200 worth of wearing apparel and $40 in money. The thief had not been captured at last accounts. EW Office. The Telegraph office in this city has been removed to the second floor, front room of Williamson, Upchurch & Thomas' new building. N About 45 Sheriffs have so far settled with the State Treasurer. Copper ore has .Caswell County. been found in - The citizens of Wilmington are agitating the water-works subject. ; The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil is Hazard fc Caswell's, made on the sea shor, from fresh, selected livers', by Casweil, Hazard & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients .who have once taken it it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any tf the other oils in market. - Statement of , the Condition of the WID O W and ORPHAN FUND LIFE -INSUKANCE COM y PANlTmdde to the Secretary of -... Stat&janlhe Slst day of Dec., 187?. . The t name of the , Company . is the Widow and. Orphan Fund Life Insur ance Company.. - It is; located in Nash ville,' Ten nessee. The amount of its capital stock is $052,150 00 103,262 50 The amount of its capital stock paid up is ASSETS. Cash on hand and in the hands of agents or other persons, 92 State of Tennes see bonds per value. $92,000 00 39 City of Nash ville, 33,100 00 2cityofClarksville, 500 00 17,441 81 $131,100 00 Loans on bond and mortgage, being first lien on unin cumbered real estate, wortn double the amount loaned, $7,975 00 27,327 49 f Debts otherwise secured, Debts for premiums, 76,888 50 24,423 72 8,610 00 252,451 36 $546,217 88 Deferred premiums, ' Interest accrued, All other securities, s Total assets, LIABILITIES, i Losses adjusted and not due, $5,700 00 Losses unadjusted and re sisted, 10,000 00 All others claims against the company, 278 95 Total liabilities, $15,978 95 The greatest amount insured in any one risk, 5,000 00 State op Tennessee, ) County of Davidson, j E. D. Farnsworth President, and T. L. Marshall Secretary of the Widow and Orphan Fund Life Insurance Com pany, of Nashville Tenn., being duly sworn, depose and say that the fore going is a lull, true, and correct state ment of the affairs of the said Company ; that the said Insurance Company is the bona fide owner of at least one hundred, thousand dollars of actual cash capital,, invested in State and United States stocks and bonds, or in bonds and mortgages of real estate, unincumbered and worth double the amount for which tho same is mortgaged ; and that they are the above described officers of said Insurance Company. E. D. FARNSWORTH, President. T. L. Marshall, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd day of Nov. 1873. JNO. H. BASKETTE, Notary Public XOKFLEET DUNSTON, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, CORNER OF Caha, ns and McDowell Street.?, RALEIGH, N. C. TSNOVv" PREPARED TO DO ALL X kind-', of work in Lis lino with r.cat nes.s and dispatch. KrJeli:::, Sept. 1S7:'J. 1

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