A "1 I "V' VT " XT -.A . J V y T1IUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1879. IILSSKV A JOUIAt lro'i. iuHT. joiin 11. nissKV, A 1'erilon lloctrlu. Theie has grown up of late a notion in the Legislature that the concerns of each individual county are so epe eially its own a. to be freed from the suprT;siu: reUaint of all the otber couuuojs; and that what the rep- rtvciitatiics of any county may pro- r..uih wish or tha ntiment of .i .t u i . fh tfranfi ith ........ OUb i v i v4 uiiimaur, ust tuc gtvwwu th-it suchtrpreM'iiUtive is bcst entitled J Bk U V MB w J - - adviitacwus t 1 i own popple, DoubtU- ilnsuaio.y i.:eavut doc- inue. aud may tiul i t ei y cuuty eettin exaclj w ii il wants and a.-k, tlLout reference to the rights of oih wiiloui rtuumi ( cr.. or the paramount ribt. ol the State. It is an itdoleur. aud a good natured d,H trine, too, l'-caao it saves . . i ti ail the trouble of mxt gUionu.to the effect of KvjI mattes upn pubhc J.1- uv or rubU tutt rl. aud makes legis latiou a i. ,'jsi it ame o: s c:al anion- uses, wLere tucb. representative 1 i turn u- leg:!.:ive niicjii.n) for the ovl of ins teilow nirtn'iH rs.sure, i a I; i- tuin, of rece.vin ; tl:o ' c cnp'.i;ueut. P.at w a:e o suie tliat this is not the true ii.teut aud pvirpe of itpre svotat.on bj con tics or districts, that w e a;c imi icd to protest against such c nstructioii o soon .ii it :s c nuuciated. Tne eoerai A.- etnbiy is n t a gather ing of the r?piveulat. ves oftiu-con-ftdercy oi iudfps.-n.itut coautu--. Thee cvuniu-s are nut peltv sreig.ilu!. tending up their orgau t nee iu two jeais to make their lu.lependeut de mands frni a graad councii of the Slate. T'uey are o..y parts of a grea". who e, with rights t aert. aiul in terests to advance, and wrougs to re dress, but aU u-jec!s to tbe supervis ing control id the agreate wisd-.in, justice and pM.er ef the who'.c. Keh ccuty may have orue sjtcul icai tel wl.i. h it may wish to supply ; but i: bv no me ins it 1 that it must be sujp iel wi'.ho'it investigation into its tl-ct uj-'ii the r: ral public i-ittnst. or tts CM it -.i w;th g nerj ul-lic f. . t. t.' r am'j, not up n 1 1 1 - -ini-j . f the ! v.l! r. ; . cC!.tat' i ; ' .. .;-. t!:e I. V . i'. .ro w .1 Lave L..H .'.i : ; i r.C"ri in t.i;r. e; y tb. vs ii t & . i ' iLc s . e; al c :i-t! u-i'. t ut the r:.t : and i: di l ave Inev. c . ut ;u ti::i t If s'at upon any measure of gever-I .kOi: Uca:i-- iice it is aimitt- d tb.t t'.e will f ea:h const. tu eticy : the MK .tme li to c ntu le- Lla i c, s ' i.;a:iy c : ti; ling d nisnd- t.l ar:f, r s tuuvli n-.turjl :1jo lince .11 U- rxliti- ted t b-ar t!.t ii.t v.tat:- siiare . f p iS.i : I u rat n. t!.V all th- ixt :' lrk .-.la: . i i..Ust ti I .-.in the ?m.i!'ir of al pwtr oi unity f actx n ti.nt t it. The l- m h ratio party should not fa 1 Hit ;i.o eir r c f cui inditu tt as.erted pt r ! n pr. :: t tiv c- in tut lieaeral A- -nit. u.tb th- d trine . f hnie tu t-. i t r i".s of .oca. f vcrt.ment. "I Lis list is eieici.-ed. uiues'rau d. in tlx- io i oti of r ptt sntattvt. !uly anil lu.'.j ac ieotfd t pi ent and ure u j n t ,ci.t ra t g.si : iv ower wt.it are ti.' n c.a. r Itmui ! of the p . p ': l-ut it ! , or rath.T n is in r- ti t m r.Kiit it corae ia coutitC. :ott rli . the other n prt'senta'ive cvUst t-ut-nci't wh.c'i Live cla.n s or tic minis .-f iic tatuie. I....ul scl: ovtraiLtn", cla:tiiil u . l r mt h C"nh'H'i.s, w- u ! be an ui" iithtj r. i w. ul 1 iLti luc t'.i ! rui. of a farcical na;c y. ht in re absnr mi ract k av;l: t y than the ivsit.on Ly cuirty-i:x - u;ili-s ti ri;hl of '; cal vvcifu'y s ;L' rui- :ii a t! '. N-r-a;ive toy, iar, each . I e - i t! ntcety s x ha tLviit cally txavtly tl.t lime thare tf rlht m l j-w?r '.' AnotLt-r . ous.utiatiou, whirli s one of J-arty ob.ia.ioc, ihtiuiJ waru th Demt.ratic Ja:ty in the tieneral As sembly of the aJmis-siui tt its ful. extent of the preJoruiuaul t'oit o lcoal dictation. 1 o 1 j su to surreuilt i larKe. intelligent, import tut, and tthtr w helpless rat no; it its tt the piwrr of uncoueu;al attl arbitrary miaor.ti-s absolutely teyottl the leach of apical or rrdreas. The laret it.trestt in the Ea.t; the re reseutt on of all i'- vat cooani rcial and otlr cnwrm of Wilramgt n, of Nebt rn. ut" Klonio:., of K tziln-'li City, of Taiboro, Jl man ... of th inot iwer:'ul ami wealth) couutits east cf the Wilin.n-tt n V Welti :i Ua.lrt-t-j ho are tluy repre g Iitetl Are ir.te-1 ts o( ucli ira'ii tu le are populations of such iiuii; geoce r'l with sv.cl lrc .nto csls ut take to be tr pt o: all dt ft-nce by th pract.ril a; plicatioi nf tii- il-.c'.iire of home rule "e tb nk i o'. O i tbt coutrary, th xL il the vt-ry ;urp-t of our f ni f Mute p-io-runifiit th;it raD,rltlfsllul!he 'n li i, to k f- r defen , f- r ie :ns, ! r prt- tection. I c n ir. i-n of the pitui ie m.ittd 11' the ici.e-:a! As t-:n-bly drop its shield un 1 abtnd-n tht .-e hap'e.s c mmuoit.rs to tUe t llish antl m rciL'ss principle of " local slf rnrrent. " Thtik' ni:nnt is lave no ucii thtn; and th-y live tn! by tl.f kindly iniui positio.i of 1 thcr more f ntuna'e maj rnu ac'.iu ' b .11 4I1 the Sa! IiUtu:e. We Lo thtrt will bo a halt i;i what threatens to be a very dangerous m.s Conttf ucti ii of the rights of c us'itu" eneteA ao-l the lulnt t f 1: (iennal Assembly. A nil.!, will iii;rolnc. 1 in the Li-; slatarr t eit"f I the n-im f tin pr9u. Il.rd if Alic.me-i ot V 1 i iiiioton tvo )iais ltn;cr. The city of A iimiDgtoa c. its ol rive wanN, ei titb-l t two ahlerman each titl tie 1 !tm n t"ejt th.- may or. Tbrie of the wi.tla hue a Dm -crat:c ru j tity. anl are tlurtby 111 ti;!cd to a rij n : y f ;he Hoard aid Mayor. The city election was to take place 27 March. The opposition, know- ingthe number of votes required to de feat the Democratic majority, in one of the ward, colonized to :such an ex- Unt a. to be able to carry three . - . , , , warus out oi me nre ana mereoy ou- tain control of the city and take it out of the bands of the Democratic party, According to a statement published a few weeks ag the present Democratic Mayor aod.Board of Aldermen, daring the past two years of their adininiatra- tion paid off 93,000 of the old debt and reduced taxes 40,000 being a saving to I ths tax-pavers of the city in two years oi - 1 mm Thpoityis about to issue w,fthAn funding h-r naU due i , r i boodd debt, and it woulJ bj a vory I sttl thinr mdeed. to know that the- I CT were to be handled by the Greenbacks er and Republicans, which they cer tainly will d if thj L iialature d J i ot t xt ml the term of Otlioe of tho pres- eut U.ard, asked for in mass meet- inh-by the l mu jcratic Prty and tax- payeis of U ilmingtoii. By the Legis- laturc passing this act, it will teach the jr..,.nl. k.-r an.) n-mhl Tin tht tliev 4r.cuba.k rs and , ..ubl.caus tht l.ey cannot commit Mich a fraud up n the tax pjeis of Wilmmgtou. We learn that the large tax payers of the Kr-pulMicm p.;rty are i;i favor of the pi est in lar.ls coiniuumg ia om.e, they hav:ug a fair representation m the 15 ard. Tlir .ulu Massarre. The rrit:sh public has beon startltd, as was some years ago the American public, by one of those n leutless butclieiies by a savage enemy which now and then are enacted as if to reni n i tb civilv.-! warrior that all his s.iperi-'i ity in arras and ipiipni-'ut cannot alv ays nsure Mis cpia!ity with itaibaiiau euiuy. Custer w.th his whole c uiuiund was cut elVto a man ly a boiy ol .cux, ri doubt he.il in sovereign contemn: hva force esteiiud the very rlowei of the A mericau army . The liir. ish trop. marching t'i rough the ilu couu'iv if S uth Africa, no ti :il.t with suidijne niditleienc o the danger of eve. i ".'I). .o. half naked ne gre-t s, aie set upoti, a-l they to mo 0 it oil to :h- la?t man, in my huml.etl in uu:n!i.r. losing a 'arge number of o.'hcers; an ! such a s'ere oi guns, am u:iit:r. cimp eq iipajt' :.n I the l;ke a will set all Africa crazy for nure s ich sp Is . Ir is .i h a: t v di f,T .1 hn Dull, !. las ia'e'.y ;r.wu into a mewhat "vervv ct :in idea of h s ir.v n:it)ility' an nlea la'gt ly strencthi r.t d by his I ng Mir.im.-r rj i ra'i:i into Abys sonri a. ni d ti e gal! tn. dah into Afghin stan. T.n two e mntries are uatio.is .f warrio.s, a id ;h Ilriti.-h arms lure them tl vvu wrli ;io; and a I a d of naked neg.ies tu.n a'l tliis tmastir:: into shame. There is a re tributive j istice in h s rnas i. re that t'.e pers cuted Du: u 15o r of South Afiica a-.tl the l;ui:ii' will not f ill to s- am! er.j y. ' K n a i o k I.aNvim s ht alth is very ni'ich inipiovetl. He is reprtsen'ed bv a c r; -p i -lent as looking and feeling ;i.ii L fti n . tJi.ui for several vears. ... ...... ilay his va.jable lie be i ng si aretl t!:e Ma e be ho'-ois ami 1 ves in the e m.ids of the nation. ' That noble man K : s. in" is the spontaneous trib- ti'e to fl.i'i -man h p paid by every N-Ktti i tiolinijti wh' v:s ls 'A'a liing- t"naril?ees h.s lvrnin; S. n-te t aaudn r. face in the Influence ol lti!ronl Corpora tion Iii I.ohy ing Tor Sul- - ore ;!. r. -e f t! N w. liol.PMi r.o, IV b. 1 1. The p oj I -are l-fkui vvah 1 nin evtsto tin Lfiri-lature t- rrtl i;--. t x- i ii-e.-t :i-il i-uM -tn. 1 he rate ! tax - lioi can tin! --ul.t tt W redo o l from I c uf t cents a el noth ntr lefrs ih r oe'it to le s I'lsf.icrory. Tw cut v -live ctt- i ow is as i:.uch. I il . buy in i -t and is harder t et t thau I rt-nts was :n 171. I. The lyei.s'a ure assenib'ed t reduce t xatiou as ilieir leadit g itlea. It strikes I t. v pcop'e with amazeu ent that after a I s x week M'-snm m letiencbment uita-'ure (except the print-n) has pasd, w hile at th reque-e. of a itdrond ctrporatiin. a b 11 to take $" i.t-ot i out of the Titatiiry pasdthe Holism in a gallop aurt is now being . x;- -lit ouIy prersed in the nate. I A it ti'ics' tf a friend for a clo-w of I (ofac.-o et Uia cot le m re urouilt V c- nij 1 eil vvith. I'll anyone ever ku iw a Knlroad 1 bby.st to a.k ltr a subn ly f. r his ra l on any other ground than ' it U 1 1 the mtt rest of the State." It is strait, e h-w much thej- lor the tte. The history t his Stat. h s tliat the success s of rilr atl 1 )Lbyi-ts have otvi i b.rn pr -t'u.tivo of motl t the p litical party in the ascendant when ubf d es are granted. "ot That I k n." A I:ncr uh I'receilenf . Corrt i ii Vnc-r id tt.e News. Ti :s S -O L O subs dy to the K ette vd.t r.tiir- a 1 nw neiul 11 111 lln Senate s a uaue.oin p.cce ieut. Ii sho s - that by lo-itllin atioiher raid can be oru i.-d 011 tbt State 'lye.isury. 1 1 show s th it our leis a;ors are al naly fo:elting thp lessons of taught by '!.. ra.iroad sch. m s pus., d by the a:n.- n: ::is in 01 t, , i j son a'ld Lllli II tl Ti.c 11 u e al ;.tt!y rc g; ots iis actio 1 i ti ii ;ut iik mhers i it have said t-.at it ti ey coui.l have ai.oi.jer oppor u.ii!y 1 he Mibsidy wa.ul.l I e struck out f t e b II aud the money sived. Hence ue P oui. ters 01 the bill ; r-j urgent that the Mtie make no amei .liiient. CilU KNsKOItO. II red a retlible M itucNK. New V.-rk Herald. We can discover no im; rob.ibility in thi Ust.rriony. It is cvlot-i.t that the bnbu was not pa d. since the Return' tug I'.ourd ecutcd iu favor ol the Haves electors. 1 ht me isnootht! pt iuptible reason for the failure of the neeoiiatitn tt an the uffil el Mr. Tddtn to fur nish tti money for cousutuniatiag it. L olcss Mr. 'A t-e 1 was de-teivod (aud aeti.tii.ot n tni to b a m r ui who r. u d luj e 2 in null an it'.ti)the lroiJou. vvs oll.rctl lor m.d by u It L'aio ina ropubli var.. .Mr. TiU dot.' refusal t buy it i . the moot prob able t i,' a tat oti ot the la uro of the visit to li-ltiLucrr. We ee no reason hy Mr. Weed , hoo.d not b, regarded ky at a credib e wi-ncss ou this he ul e-J- i ii 1 1 . 1 ' .-vin itc-oitr !iu care-worn and is r.c ally as he makes n al eaipt to evidently not lor g lor ths wo.ld It Id the d:hnorab e pa t W.i.oh lie I H,t k i ... v. i j ... f. wo',u- . -.1 , . 1. .r ..v acea m lue 11 r. I t WASHINGTON TOI'K S. The Census Hill. Feuruary 6th, 1879 The census bill reported by Mr. Mor- rilj was passed by .n l most anaaimoo. I TOltT IU IIIO UCHBIC J niriUOl . A3M.I. Cookling oppose ! it with aU his might anj favored the bill now iu existence, but his inllueuce counted for nothing. The bill tstab ishes iu the Interior de partment a census office, to be man aed by a superintendent, who shall be appointed by the I'resideut and con- tirmed by the Senate; the clerks for the census i flne to be appoiuted by the. Secretary of the Interior, as many as I mAJ bo neces8ary. Th0 superintend 6ut of ceusus suill nominate one or more supervisors in each state and ter ritory, not to exceed iu the aggregate one hundred and fifty, and the Secre tary of the Interior to appoint th em ir-jin aiiuug the nominations; supe r- visjrs Btiall appoint enumerators in I tlieir respective districts with tue con sent of the superintendent, tho super- visor9 to subdivide their districts and Huperintend the work of taking the census; the superintendent may, with the conseut of the Secretary of the In- romove eupervi80Mand 8Uper. vi80rg maV) wjtu consent ol the super- intendeut, remove enumerators The otliccrf, from superintendent down, are u ; ft fllithfu, ,ii(chl4,ge ol du. Mr. Cox's census bill, now pending before tho House, is about the eame as V'0,ouo passeti u, w.o "-f; I l .... l. . . . I . . ...Intn ..vnant meut of ,uumerator8; it gives that power to the governors of states, but theie is no danger that this difference w.il bad to any collision or contest be tween the two houses. ISuiiuiiig'M Army Hill. (iiii. Hanuing's triumph in getting his reorganization bill adopted as an amendment to the army appropriation. bill was the event of the House pro- cet'.lings yesterday. lhe Kepublicans, 1 d by Ciaroeld, called luto use ail the points and dodges allowed by pailia nit ntary law, ami atone time U 1 oked as if they would succeed in voting titwu the amendment, lien. Manning, h -vvever, got ten majority for his prop osiini, a margin which iusure its adopti iu bv the House when repoitod fiom the Committee of the Whole, l he Kepublicans eutertain hopes of de feating the measure in the House, but it friends are ou the al r and vvi.l very like'y get out a la-ger vote in it behalf thuii was rcconietl yester day. SealrfiSrureN Anotlier Victory. Ihe adoption in Commi.teo of the hole of au amendment to theaimy bill, directing the I rausler of the Indian buieau to the War tlepar. ment, was considereel by the Dcmm -rats another great trtump'i iu the way of reform and ecoi oniy. 1 ho K- publicai s resisted th s pri'pos tioii. too, with all thti inge nuity they hail, and their defeat ien- leitd them ill natured. As usual, they haipetl upon "Democratic economy" and the la ee theory tha'. prompts it. J'lK-aker Haudjll tiok the ll jor in de fense of his party, -md with his char actei i.vic eour tge and vigor made the liht too l ot for tho other side of the House. The amusing feaiure of the whole ntfair was th i-trugle of Con Hit to come to the front as the pub lican lead. r. He has hi ea very active sii.i j the bfirintiiuir of the session in opposing the Hannii g army bill, and h.td s .pposed that his side woiiid leave the tilit iu his hand-; but Uai Ii Id held t he ctniinautl, and Conger, as usual. UiU to occupv a rear seat. (ten. S;ales was ah e aiul coi spicu- o is iu tho debate. He talks well and learnes'l - . and always ciniimuls atten- tiou. Tli l ost alli hii1 Ktra Si-- If ativ of the Kepublican Rtatesmen tl itter theinselves that tho Democrats in I oni;;, ss aie uot thoroughly iu ear- ccst iu ii.eir purpose to force a repeal I of the tt &t oath at the pre&eut session, they are huiu a delusion. The saint ue i y, haiinouy and detei iniua- tion wi icii pervaded the IK niocracy who u they deniainlctl the removal of trops Ir un tlie South exist now iu the ranks, a nl they mtaii busii e-s. This I is a qui stion ou which theie is no di- I visnui between Northern und Southern l)e:nicrats. 1 ho object in calfin a joint caiii.in I r last nii-nt was to aijreo upon a proper aiueuduieut, and deter- mine hew it sboui.1 ue altacheJ to the appupnatiou bill, bat, in view of the protiab.lity t hat the Seuate may cou seut to epeal tins law as a matter of I justice, it was decided todtfer the eau- ctis un il Saturday uiht. The amend- ment, if this couiso shall become nec essary, will bo iuserteu in the legiola-J ttve, executiv aud judicmlaDpropii- atiou b 11, and uot in the sundry civil, a has boon slated. 1 1 was repoi ted at the Capitol yesterday that Mr. Hayes had thieateucd to conveue the extra session ia "the h Rlest days of July, ' should the U mocra s force it, but this th eat Iid not aouear to have anr ter ri hinif elKc.s uoou tlie J.ninrrj. cy. - I The Tobact o Tux, Thettbaeco men weie jubilant last niht over the ronvrsinn nf s, n,ir Hiyard. of the Finance Co in ink tee, to the II use bill, tixiuj; the tax on man ufactured to acc at sixteen cents per pmnd. beuator Hayardhas heretofore held out for twe:.ty t ents, and it was only v s' ci day tha he came down to t it- 11 use figure. This secures a ma jority repot t in favor of sixteen cent, a id also, it is thought, renders the pas sage of the bi 1 by the Senate a certain ty. The final vo:e on the ertir; ir-te - nil revenue bill will bo taken by tho cciumr.tee toiay IVliui h Tfeuiber of tlie Cipher Committee Nujm. C nespiidenceof the News. Wasiiisi.t.ix, I). C., Feb. 11. Congn ssuia 1 tcnger wears a click iu his neck. Some people mistake this for dignity and austerity. lie vn ars a na e. i)ii:irin ci ui.tiinnco F m a rennsyivania editor, he has got down bo an average cousressmau. Ho is a friend of Speaker Randall and is member of the Totter Committee. Ho was a member of the sub-commrtee that examiuel Mr. Tilden in IvTew York last week. Yesterday ou the not r 01 tne House he was a-ktd "Did Tildeo impress you?" "Yts, his testimony was very impres sive. Every woid was char cut and to , ' fn " T. r u " .rV V. :J . ,c,r c!c X woruhesaid, ucquestional lv he told the truth. Iltd, iRcpub ican member ot the Cf nimttUe ) who is uot suscepti ble of an honest impression, btlioved what he said. Oh, no, he had not the fain est idea or knowledge of the negotiations for the purcluso of the iieturni -g lioards. "Is Tilden really working for a re Domina i m in 10?" 'MrtBt fiaonprlln 1.a I.-. :. 1 1 he ma.int eV," ? i.,i. .. r : 1 G tO - v.n, uoi,,, uiCU m utmm floor .,., t , , , vi im TvcL.iy jesrM, 1 h ui iciiu, "Abut Woo!ey. and Pel ton and Marble? ' Oh, yes, I guess they t Id the truth as far as thev went. Their memories were a little faulty. Mr. Marble has been grossly misrepresented by the tribune. It was proved conclusively tnat the Tribune had garbled a uis patch in order to inculpate Mr. Mai b o. No, the vile sheet didu't have the manhood aud fairness to correct it. "Will th invpnri ration be continued by your Committee?" "It may be;I can't tell." H. Concerning the I.egl?lt'" Wllinli gton Star. It is thf eleventh dav of the raoi.tu and the thirty-fourth of the session of .i t i i i i . i, ,,i,, k. I., tho Legislatuie, aud what has that body done? Have they yet attended to one re.a v imnnrtunt. lntv or nasseU Oiie ; i...o- t,. ..:,nini.illlf. "T" . lucio " or more highly important matters t uit require attention, an i we beiu t o icar that the sessiou will end without some of these, if not all. being nropoily eon sideied. There are but twenty -six days left, and in that time they ought to en act all the laws thai, either the nec ssi- ties or the withes of the people demand As we have said all the required leg- islation culd have been wdl non.' in thirty days, and thus at least 63.). OO0 have been saved to the State. But it Vjoeuxb Whea the blood becomes life baa come to pass that about two-thuds less and stagnant, either from change of ofaseseiou is spent in mcorporatiug louges, altenug iiattle s itevisai, pass- ing bills about selling spirits near churches, and doing thst sort of legis lation that ought to he disposed ol in two houra under an omnibus bill. Hut why complain ? If the present body will do all that is lequired and do it well, the people must bo satisfied eveu though it cost them seventy-live thousand dollars. The papers are just- y complaining, however, that too much time is devoted to comparatively un imp;rtant matters whilst neglecting weightier thin that demand p.oapt couMuui iiu ui. as a epe-ciuieu ui huui is said we copy from the Salem iess, - :. I ...i... on old a-,. v iindn.-tPil iuixt. Tr " ' ..f : . l.,. ii... i. : . r i. ii is uuuoiuiiiK me lopie 01 itruutia in tins section mat tne L.egiaiure is ayingtoo much attention to trivial tnai.terH. instead tit nurfret ntr morfl important business which would beue- ht the people and the S'ate, thus ex tending the session unnecessarily long, at. the expeusL of by no mans an over llawing treasury. It is plain the members are afraid to net promptly, aud we have uo idea that they wiil get up their courage to pass tho neces-ary law for tne piotec- tiou of sheep husbandry. Aud a num ber of other imp rtant bills before the Leg slaturo will be left for another session to sit over. 'Something should als be done to adjust the State debt, as it has been i- tiiu tied thai immigrants may have uii ey e to the mat ter. re impression has gonealnoid that the L.e.islatuie will aain dode the resp uisibility of settling theStatj debt. 1 his thing seems to be ineurabln. The cret'it ol t e state is being very seri ously damaged. 1 YopM with capital are not going to move into North Caro lina or m ike investments her,- with twenty-seven tnillious of public debt hanging like a stone an mid the Ltcks of tho people, aud no disposition shown to lift an on me of the weight. What sort of conli lencooan be reposed in any State where :tj peopb are willing to k into practical n-pudi.-t'on, paying n pat t of t he pi ii:etp,il or inteiest oi debt they owe. The Salisbury Wat.; -man another discreet and tv. s i o j uni?l sy: "It is feare i that noth ng cm be Coiiilished a, this ses.s on t w . s compromising the S ate i t .i. v t. tliink this is much t.) be re 'I patient creditors ;f tlie - , t T:ght tt demand it Let. ano vv e . . ; understand how it can bo ho: . m . fused them.'' If the nrtjj'.f I .rii! 1 1 ii vi t m i!,.. n ; " 01.i ..o . , I. ..... . . . 1 II Wl 1 (.11,1 II ll I 11. 11 i , , l..l... - . . I. , . 1. I ne inn pnw.if ut-ui, men ii o l-jiii e shouKl n.ake it an issue in 1-1, and a (.teni ral A8oinbiv should ho elt-ct'.vl to either settle or repudiate the debt. We believe that an overwhelming majority of the people are in favor of an equit able, fair aud honest sett lenient , and they should choose rjueiu-ers who will rellx;t tlieir vi hes It is quite cer-nin that a very laree iini uitv ot the pe -p'o :ne in favor of rcquiriiiv; the paymrut of po 1 -tax be fote voting. We b' lieve, also, that a uiajoiity of thepe- jde possib y a laiaje majoiity favor the restoi at n of the w ni; pin post. i c tn se bills nave beeu vott d dowu in the present L-. yis- lature. 1 lie legislature would do well to reconsider The people ;ip:c:r. to favor ha ec- larking of the juisdctiou tf inagis tiales. Th-- press of the Staie, as tar as we have n diced it, appeaas to be united in its fav r. A great saving, it is believed, will acciue from the pass- agPoftheb.il The shep law, the S'ato deb, the bell-puncb. the fence law, the reveuue bill, the subject of common school: these and other impoit iut questions are t; be d Ptioscd of. If the members of the Legislature will do their duty faithfully and well thev will deseive trie irratltutle ot t.hft nnon o If tlmv fail in the most important legislation tlien the people UlUSt See to it that a mJ I Legislature is chosen upon distinct is There will be no other remedy left - In .that case the press will have a great and sacred du y to perform. Turrs pills. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in Uie Head, with a L)ull sensation in th hnr-w part, Pain under the shoulderblade, full ness after eatiner. with a disinclination tn exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with a feeling of hav ing ne(?lected some duty, Weariness; Diz ziness, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots be fore the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness with fitful cbreama, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WASHINGS ABE UNHEIDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED TUTT'S PILLS ure espr-dallr ndaptetl to such rntps, n. iiiiile tiH rfTiTtM hiicIhi rlmngf of I't-t-U lus iui to ustoiiisli the duilerer. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Dr. TUTT: Dear Sir: For ten years I hn been a murtjr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Pi lt SpruiK your Fills were recommended to me, I :fd them ( but with littie faith . I mn n.nv a well nmn have (rood appetite, digestion perfect, refrular sttKils, Piles itonu. and 1 havegained forty pounds solid tleb. Tliey are worth their weight in ito!d. Rev. It. L. SslilPSON, Louisville. Ky. The first effect of TUTT'S PILLS is to In creim the Appetite aud cause the body to Take 011 1 IchIi, thus the system in nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Digestive Organs, Regular Ktoola are producetl. Dr. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, SAYS:- " Few diseases exist that ci nnot be relieved by re storing the Ijver to iu ii mi;l functions, and for this purpose no retried v ii ,-.. i-been invented that baa as happy no, effect i (J IT'S PILLii." SOLD EVKRY iVilERk, i-RICE 25 CENTS. Office 35 aturrwy Street, New York. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Orat Haib oh Whibkebs chanired to a Glossy lack by a amKle application of this Dye- It im parts a Natural Color, acts Instantaneous ly. and is as Harmless as spring water. Sold by Druggists, or n'ty express on receipt of 8 L , Office, 35 Murray St., New York. leb il-tleodSwly 7 Applleatio:j will h mH u. - ral Assembly to establish a new county D tlKn from Vpt Wnlra onrl Vnot Chatham, includlug a small part of Harnett. jnu LA-uianiu Vegetine FOR CHIIJ. SUAKES, fi;vi;k and k.ik. Takhoko, N. V., 1H78. Da. U.K. stbve;s: Dar Sir, I feel very grateful for what your valuab.e medicine, Veseiine, has doneiu ujy family. 1 wish to exprtsmy thanks by iu foruilng you of the wouderiui cure of my son; also, to let you know that Vegetine is the best medicine i ever saw for Chills, Shakes, fever and Ague. My son was sick witti intasles in ls73, which left hiui with Hip-joint diseasj. iviy sou sutteieu a great deal of paiu, all of th time; the vain was so .at he did nothing but cry. Tin doctors iid uoihelphnna panicle, he could not lilt his loot from tiie lloor, he could not move crutches. L rea'd your advertisement tu tbe "L,ouisville couner-Jouruai," that Veireiine ws a great, uiooa runuer auu BluoJFood. I tried one bottle, which was a I rauthaiiaflf 1T lini. mi wir h thA rrprii clI e Kratiusliy gaining. He hastaaen igh teen bottles in a.ii, tiiU he is completely re stored to health, walks without crutches or eaue. nets twenty years of age. 1 have a younger son, lifieeu years of age, who is sub ject o cuius. Whenever he leels one coming on, lie comes iD, takes adose oi Vegetiae and th i is the 1 tst ol the Chill. Vegetlueleaves no bad eilect upon th-f system like ihe most of tiie iu.d;cui6s ri-coinmeuUed lor Chills, i cheeriuily lecomnitr d Vegetme for such cilie 1U lue Worn. Kespectfully, MRS. J. W. LLOYD. lrregular diet, or fiom any other cause, the v egettne win renew the Diooo, carry on ihe puiriu uuuiurs, cicause me si inauii, reguiaie the bow els, and impart a tone oi vigor to the whoie body. Vegetine JTOS DVSiEPsilA, NKKVOUSNES AMD (i tlNKUAL DKBIL1T Y . ReunakdoTon, Mass., 1378. 'Ve. the undersigned, having u-ed Vee- tine, lake pleasure in recommending it to f: W " . biiny, it nein the iireat bioou runner. Mm by K. i Crowehoi Sou?, who sell more of a uuhticui iucuiuucs uu""" MliS. L. f. fEKKlN- I .111 II l' .1 1 I . :. . ' JustrUua ShAl'a. Wgetiue is the great health restorer compo-eu exclusively of narks, riotj,and ueiu.s. u is ci jie.tsaji u "c, c.iiLi li .tsit. VEGETINE. FOR NERVOUS IIEAD.VUIIS And Klieumati.ai. Cic nxati.O., April y, 1S77. II. Ii. Stevens, Esi : L'arSir, 1 hav-i used your Vegetine for Nervous Henia he, and also for Rheuma tism, and have found eudre -lief from both and lake rea1 pleasure in ri-eouiiiiendlng it to all wno may Oe .iKewie afthcied. 1-Khl. .a. U.jwl, I' H .Mill St., Ouii. Ven'ti.)e h is restori'd thousands io health wtio had teen lon and paintui sufferers luf;;i?,1, Tfstiuiouj. Mr. II. R. Stevens: He ar Sir, VV havr b-en selling your renieiiv: the Vegetine fo.- about three years, and take j. leisure in reeoamending it to our eu-touiei s. a.i t in no instance where a blood 1'iin tier vvi 'Uld re.icli the Ciise, has it ever tailed to t-tic t a c ir.e, to our know ie it-'e. it crtainiy is the ne plus ulirao:" i en jvators. Kespectfully, 11. M. SHEl'ilEuli ii'0., ("ruggists, Mt. Vernon 111. Ts aoknowt-tl .e.i by all classes ol people to be th" best ,ii i .uosi reiia'dj b:o.)d puraier in t lie world. Prepared by II. U. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is so' l by all DrutfKist.a Jar 3 '-f ot.2w. SflVE!'ro 2jEarn now to do YOUR IT HEAD AND HEED HAIR! WHAT FOLLOWS SAVK Torn II.Vin.-The l.iws . f Health ei;d I- iiu' vi'y "ti:i;i;;vl i:, t '. tnisitditH tit suc'aI life frqn:ro i'. Tho nVir - .if yioaf jsi tauoe i tvery w.ir. BEAVTII'Y Y1 it 1IAIU. It is the &i'r pas&in tTuwn ,;' j lei y, i n,i ,r t!i - losjf it their WrnLTIVATK TH K IIAIU. Ft.r V7 M Hfitr re I ami lieuuifietL, inaivcrpil inir,y-nve vduh aw iy ira. iiuii, c fnlp, 4 the i;o. i-crf.-rt prepniation m the ftjr preserving-and lwautifrin? the liair. Besldca l?if tbe lie hair dressing Ter produced, Lyon' IV. Ilka iron will positively prevent graj uess, (Uitl will tor iinv liair to lald Heads, if the cote follicles nr ? not tlestroyetl. It nrtually jk r"orms these eeuing- miracle tf th- Ii fhe following ia A "FA III srECIMEN. T " n erilirt'iv 'or several rears, oaiv m;: jue. I ! a few bottle of .: 1 ( T.iv f n-iii niirrrit', I have a tieli ii. Ul 1 T .1 !-;.;r. lHiitlUXCE, 1". P. A r. sj f-c' Hit? Ivat)iairou is ba 11 uiif-iina'c l y iat'Oiu;);iraL).c. . T r-,;r.. r-alancss. 2. To Itoitoro Cray IT.iii-- ?.. j. lit inovo Damlrnfi". 1. To PresH nnT r.oantify M10 Tlnir. liJi:.i;i J. .dti. U10 iatba.ron la no irfJciiy pas. f L s;iip'i':r mil sugar-of-leaJ, to paint ttid daub ili j hair and yarulyzo the, brain. It it a pure and limpM vuetablo lotion, intended to ! tforo T.ie hair by natural gro-wf.i and reinvigoratioa. t:s splendidly perfumed, a;id 1I10 most delightful to.'tet dressing known. Xo lady's or gentleman'f fiii -ufilt i complete without T.ron's Eathiiroi 5urd) KVKRYAVnERK. PHESOHSFTiOII FREE ,w tne aptedy t'nre of Semlnnl Weakness, Lost Mnhood, Premature Debility, Seriousness, LYOJfS Society, Defective Memory, and all Disorders jsrongnt on by Secret Habits and Excesses. Any dngglrt has the ingredients. Address, DD iaoiicc a A K. JAQUES & CO., 130 Wert Sixth St., CIUCTHUATI, OHIO. GROCERIES. I). T. Joliiison, Wholesale Groeeraad Coraii siou Merchant. We have just received a full, fresh anl well sel jefel st')i?k ofGroserias, coiSis ing in part of 200 Bags Kichnaoud Bolted Meal, 203 " Fresh Ground Flour, 20 B oTdLs M jlases (new croji) 10) Bag Mars la's Salt, 15 Barrels Sugar's, 0 Bags Otfee, 20 Boxes C. R Sides, Stock Peas, Seed Oats, Corn, Pork. North Carolina Racon, Leather, &c. , &c, &c. We solicit onsiifam'j its of Cattoa, G Meal, Flour, Poultry, Eggs anl all kiads country praduce. W; will sell at highest prices aul remit promptly. Write for prices. We w.ll make special flurestj tlioie tuing in quanities. Feb. 4 tf. W, B, Mann. formerly with I). S. C. W. Young, ol ary, W ake i o Wait & Bro. W. B. MANJST & CO, Having formed a copartnership under the abave title, and tak-;u the stand tormerly oecup.e i by B. H. VVoodell. Mo. Hargett street, we lutend to carry a full line of Orocens and Provisions, as well as a complete stock of Baots aud Slioes, Dry Goojs. Motions, Hardware, Cutlery, 6ic , ic. Buying our goods ar bottom prices lor casn, we are aetepunned to otter induce ments to our customers, unsurpa.sed by any house in Raleigh. uivc: usa trial aud be convinced of what we say. .Very resnectiullv. W. B. MA.N a CO. Having sold out my entire stock of goods at tne above stand to Messis. W B iViaini i Co., 1 lake pie -sure in recom mend :ntf thin in the iubi c for a liberal snare m ihci!" oc'-injuace, oeiievuitr that their cuiifl- ue. ee, will not be mis, hi -ed. I shall in future devote my time to a Gen eral Commission business, ana can befojnd at my om.e in the Prairie Budding on Wil mington street. Thanking a kind public for so liberal a patronage lor Ave years past. I hope they will not foruet mt in f ature, and give my successor as much ot their patronage as they jjossifly can. V ery iiespectfuiiy. jan 12 dim B. ii. VVOODELL. SEED POTATOES vVc will re: Jive, ah ut the 1st of February, ourth'st Invjice oi Seed iVat es ofthii sea son. Early Rose, Peerless fend Jackson Whites. We W:ll g uraute : iliui to be t-miiue and arst-clas saed, aud will sell them as law a? they can possibly be handle J. HA' DIN .GRIMES & CO Coartiiirslii Aoiice. I have assoc at d witli me in bu-iness, ('apt. R. H. Brooks, at-- "onductor on ti. & (v. ii. ti. ar.d f rmei l.v of Wake Fo;est. '1 he business in tuiuie will i-e conducted under the name and style ot "Pri. chard Brooks." All parties inuehted to me will please come lorwar-' and st-ttle. as tiie lia'd iiiiK-s foices me to den i tad promir. sett i on 'ii t. J S. P. iJKl 1 i.'llAKD, Jr. JOS. P. rlUTCilAKI), R. II. BKOOKS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL GKOfERi. COKXEKlilLLSBORO & SALISBCR V S ISHleiIi, X. V. We keep always ou hard fresh Eges, But ter ah-l thickens, which we receive daily from our branch store at iew Hill. Also, a good liue of B ots and shoes, Coffees, Su,ars, Teas and iu fact everything in a Urst class Grocery, t ountry Merchants will find It to their advantage to call and see us hef are buying elsewhere. We handle iarge q aiuie's of country produce, our facilities mr sell ng are tue test in the . i y. jt7rART.vERsiii notice. f have this day associated with me in 1ms iness nay brother Mr. U. E1KJAR LEACH. The t-isiness iu future wdl be conducted under the name and style of M. T. LEACH & Ct). All parties indebted to me by note or open account past due, must come forward and make iunui-diate pavuient, as tlie stringency of the times forces me to demand prompt settlement of business done on close mar Ifius. M. T. LEACH. Kaleigh, N. C, Jan. 1, 1679. M, T. LEACii & CO., GROCERS Ai) tO.UH ISS IOX MEKl'HA.M'S, FOK pine isuno mu, (tor central JN. C) Liberal ananKemcnts will be made with reliable parties d M-iag to purchase in uantities. For testimonials, &c, Address, M. T. LEACH & CO. Lock Bi x 2-J3, , Raleigh, N. C. b;ar24-tf More Goods A' I) Umip fjood.s Arriving d oiy at the I'.usy Store of GHRISTQPHEHS & SORRELL II 1 IK; ETT STREET. are recei vini d lily all kinds of (iro ceries, which we intend to sell cb.aii for C 1611. Anotner ( ar Load just, arrived of the finest Sed Oats t.rougut to the City. Call and examine them ONION SETTS AND OTHER SEEDS on hand, wholesale and retail. FLOUli 1 FLOUR ! 1 Car Load of Flour and Meal iust received. ME A.T MABKET Always supplied with the finist Beeves aud J'ork Sauase a specialty. I11 fact everything Kept ia a nrsc class Orocery store. PLOUGH ! PLOUGH I ! C.illand see our New Patent Raleigh No 4 Plough, th3 best Ph ugh made w e are the -soie agents for tue cav. CHRISTOPHERS & SORRELL, tebl2i Harg-utsutet. TT. -4- JLI OtlCG. A PPLIGATION WTT T tP vjnv A. toth T fi.t IIAD.E toine Lifffislature novv in session, to mend tne act of incorporation for the "town af Warsaw- D'U,n ou lty i LOTTERY. KENTUCKY STATE LOTrEiV Gives everybo dy ;i chahoc t . . thinir mir ,f ,1, i ! ' "' "1 FEBRUARY 23. Then- are no h's f i.;M, ,,, ni tng'Mlier r ,., "" 1st i i.e, $14 inn ' " ' 2 1 V ize, r-.u 0 3 1. Prize. S4 nmj. Aud Wimle Tick t s t K l tii ii - JU't1 iUl u,-. ( II.. jiirilt: , WILLI MS(,XlU,. -9(J Broadway, j Y ir urn ..... .. .. . . i l Ii. . Siiil in 1 tat ravln; we w n n ii i. "i ti drawings publishf-d in iu. ant staat eiinriir lioMeisa e inaili? m ,,lf . ' 'i x" ,,;n of In , ,, . ' I as so .u asieci-ivt'd. ; , rain "'-"i of A Kl'l.l'iinit ...... Jlonyng11 'l'i Louisiana State Lottery Comy This Institution was regularly nfr? by the Legislature of the St: L ) . for theiermorTwentT-nvVTear "' contract the invl- lah.eh.iii, i ii,,.'M 1 pledged with'a capital of .l,it,i ir ,. . ' " it has since added a reserve fund ',r : 0 Its grand sintrie nuinii.r ,!i..r.i . uuud ni l r.(iarir'ihii to,..,, . . 4 tslkA llao mniitlilu .... ' . ' "" . .....WJ1J u 1 lie S'f,ntl j, ii ucici auaies or po-lpoiu .-. bm; tollowing distribution : CAPITAL Villi, :!.;) lOO.OOU TICKETS Ai TV(J J)(,,Aj( , v HALF- ICKE7 S, ().h IlMI.La j;" ' LIST OF i'i;iZ!.s. 1 Capital Prize ; 1 Canitai Prize : , 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $2,5-4) 1 5 Prizes of l.uon .' " 20 l'rizes of NO 10 rizesof jou ' ' 1 ' 2 " I'llzes of 5n ."- ' " ueO Piizes of 2i ": J iOi'u Prizes of io ;;;;;;;; :f-;-M A PPHOX 1 SI A TION I ' III z i'S. ' ' " '" 9 Airoxiination Prizes nfi:,n 9 Ai-pioxiiiintion rizes of ni"'"" 9 Approximation Pr zts ol )ii.. ' 1807 Prizes, atuoiintiinr to i Re.-.ponsi i'Ib convs'pwi ing-afi .' , at all prominent poi-rs, to Hii-e.i u : : C nipensatlon will le paid. Application for rates to elubs s!.,, , ,) ,,, b noide to i he Home Oilier m Nt.-. , .. Write, clearly staii-.g l addrr-s, f ,, , ;Ji r i i:ioi illation, or s-tid orut-r f'. m. A. DAUPHIN, P. O. H ii :-2, Ne.v -a:is. ,. ij.-... i All our Grand Evfa-r.M -arv lirm-.,,, .. uneer tne superv.-seju ;nm iiui'iiic-iu" i ' r UKX.'KALS it. T. b A f..h.. aim '.,-.. JUCAh A. EARLN . ft ! V IiiuresiiEg to HmlvU-imin. SIX THOUSAWD DOLLARS worth of Furniture. GRAND AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will .'ell h.'s entire Hcc. Of New Furnitute, consisting o( Fiii-j, A:, 1 ium and Common Walnut and PopUr t'liain- berSets, Wardiobes to Match, M.ui l- ui WoodTop Bureaus and Washstands, M.n l W and Wood Top Tables, Wnluut J'oplar ;i l Maple Bedsteads, Walnut, Oak and M.. -Cane Seat Rocking Chairs and Chair. -d Seat Iloclilug Chairs and Chai Loun, s, Waluut, Ac, 4c. Si ran, 1 The Sale will commence on the 'J ;ti . day . December! and be continued un;ii ml sold. Up to that dav eveiy art .! w ll t . -at cost. If pai ties bn ir.;; e,a not vmsIi t" it move their articles iniinedlat :y, t .. a; oe leit until b eb. 1st. dec!2 A. V. F. ;.r otice, Y VIIITUE OF A AJ &ne cuiiiaine i ia a niorr.ir.- Oc'i cuteu 011 tlie l.i.u tlay of r ebiu;ii v. i77, v- Junn r. Jordan. aiPt Alainarei .J . in -viadtr, linde & Co., as a p-ar ol r.-c.t.i on pane 3i2. book f.u; I'nblic lit-iiir.it-r -Hi ' for jNritiani ton c-uuty, we wul, a. ii. court j.oue door in the town of Ja-ksii. .1. sala county, on Mouoay. ti;e lot ii J .1 v ! I'et-ruaiy, A. D., 1S".9. .s. 1. at put Ik: nmMi.-n IO tue hiliest biutler fur rush, tlie t m l . I Llaud on w liicli s.iid John K. Jor ;aii. f..ru 1 nv. u, coiitaiiilu-one liundrcd aero, in. .' or less udouiiiig the ia. d f 15. i. mjh.' -B i' - Joruan, Alary K. JorXlau and ot nt-i - J )SEl'Ll i . MADDkY AM .. 1; I CUO KKli, sui viviLg pai tiiers of Ma-i in. Bridges Co- Jau.'-U For riont, A "arge trick I-'welling House, a H tnodi-'n Improvements. Situated 011 me' of the inol iadnoiiable tlio oiijihfart-s iu tln-citv, ,:iJ in one i.u oied and titty yards m t lie cij i io. . Terms rea.-ouable. Ai ply to . , , CM. RlIslJEK. i"0 l--4f Attorney at I m OFFICE OF THE SUPERINDKNT oh CoSTKUCTINO V. S. C. H. A' I. Raleigh, N' C, Feb. lo, 1-:.-There will lie sold at jiu1lic auction Mondavtht! 17ih day tf Fetniiaty i "" the p etnist s In rear of the U. S, C, 11 P. O. Raleigh N. (', the following prop-itj to wit: 1 frarrie buiHiiitr used as Superintendent'' office; 1 fiame building used as Master M,J chillies flice; 1 Rrick bulldini: lis. tl Blacksmith Shop tog' ther with a lot of Muck smith and stone masons tools; rope hoistm machinery etc. etc Tlie property can '"' seen t any time between this d 'v an I dyffaleby aprlv1tR,nt te . in "f,MI,' pof r r-nte ncent. The purchat r v-11 ir zo rtn ve the proien wiihin bs'- i-'-In u s;a1p nt. his i.wn exuense. Ter"1, snb ci.sh. Sale to comn ence at IZ i ck ou. JOHNKIMi- ActiDg Suierintendent. b 11 ecd3 Jtalef-h ' . T rT I !