I) A1LY NEWS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1879. 1 1 LSSKV A JOKDAX, l'ro'a. JOHN 11. HUWBY, Editor. It took twenty-nine thousand tele .rn.a tn. An tb ietoral business in A a i w w . , . r . i - rlorida, Louisiana ana wuw v.--. Sa Franciscx, has a lady lawyer. Her same is Clara S. Foil, and she says she Intends to succeed and make a living for her children. Mardi Uhas falls this year, ou Tueaday, Feb. 5, aod Vlobile, Ala., proposes to make the carnival a great success. JlemphU and New Orleans will cot observe it, and Mobile invite the icp'e oftLel"nun to alt?nJ its -Daj of Joy." The fourth Sunday of February is to be reserved by the different clergy of New Yerk lor presenting the evndt tsoa of the tenement houses to their parishioners, aud urging some kind of reform. A public moiling is oon to bs held in that city, to promote this much needed reform. Tue liXRe cIas of Northern patriot, who suffered, and bled, aod died for the country by proxy should trganszo an association and claim the bmtit of the pea ion arrears b.l!. It may net be altogether noble to did for one's country through the happy medium of a substitute, bat it was dixrdedly more convenient, at.d tLe northern patriots cuht by all tueaaa to put in tLeir claims. TuK looses by tiies in the bniicd State and Canada during 1S7, accorJ icg to the Insurance Chronicle, aire gate 70.26o,4iK), not counting a multi tude of sa:all tires of which no return have bxea made. Ol this lesa o'J. GT oX fell on insurance ccmranici. the re rcairder on the owueis of the property. Iu all there were 1"-(M tiies. cr oure lor ivory forty-three minutes time, and the da;Iy deslruct.on was 19-,-311. Ki'Moas in relation to the uexl Dem ocratio Trasidential nominations are rlyiog thickly and in great variety. For initirce it is rejvHted that Hon. Hora tij Jjrnour will be put forward in o.Icr lj divide New Vork State with TiitVn, aod thus to prvrt caliy k.ll the litter's candidacy; that Senator Bayard is Mr. Tu leu' secoad choice, that Vue President-elect UeLdricks wi!l not accept a reootuinatioa ; that Mr. Tiitlen and Tammaty Hail have rec.t ci'd their iiiiTi'rei.c., etc., clr. The fuoded iebt of New York city, ou the 3lt of January, 1;T'J, includuij; taxation bcnds, sii.ki.jg fa J bouds, aiscsment aud rvvonus bji.Js, (issued in aoticif a' ion of taxe. ) amounted to f H;,C31.2. From aregate, however, is to be deducted i JJ, Jt.:;9.. -9-1. on account of the L-king fut.d, leai-.g oet bi.n leil .l--b; 1 1 14 102.2 J1. 37. This a he ivy sum for eveu a metrop.'l r to crry, but Nfw . rk Las always lcfii p:ovtrb:a.ly fojd if bi thir g. Tui: amendment rtt. coded to the army appropriation LiU by the Hous, en mo.ion of lUast Ii itier. provides tLt teUrams my te tisnsraitted by railroad compauirs which nijy Lave tlgiapb lines. f)r tbe governrr.er.t and for the general public, at rttes to be fixed by tbe g- eraraect accord ing to the pro mens c f title 05 Ua.utd Sta:u:es. It is in ctTcct tui: lar to the telegraph bi!i ef Senator Joms, cf Florida, low pending in tbe Senate. Th intention of the Senate bil', as weii as the ameudtncLt cffeied by Ltutler, u toauihe rizd rai.'road com r an its to connect their liLes and traui act a geceral busire in transmit t'ng telegraphic dispatches at rates t le riled by the government. It is said the feeling in brth houses in favor t f this measure, particularly on the Democrat ic side, is veiy strong. A SfW Wmj to Iy Old Debt.. Th plan adipud by the c.ty of iletxiphis to avo.d the payment of Le-r dbt by aaking for aod obtaining a re peal of ber charter.so as to be rendered incapable of levying a city tx, st tbe ioataitce o: h r creditor, i ciea ;ng uui .eral com men t. Tho debt is for five million dollsts, the payment of which was being strenuously urged, and which tLe cilizts diclared them selves uaabl to pay, whereupon, at tLeir own request, the Legislature caine to their assistance iu the manner and with the otjct above mentioned. Bat the interesting question here arise. Can a municipal corporation get rid of a uve million do.iar debt in this summary macntr ? If it can, no doubt many cities iu the country who are. as they imagine, hoptlesly invol ved, will probably try tho same remedy. There is some doubt, how ever, as to the etScacy of tl e j Uu.iu&g. much ss it bus bn before this unuc ccssfully a Item peed 10 the followitg instances: Several years ago WasLmgton City w aj an iccoi pirated mnnic pality with a debt of 2"I,000,al. Things did not go well with it, and CougrtsF, with the scprcvol of the tax payers, took away iu cl a-ter, ani placed tbe govern ment of it in the hand of ibret eomrois-ion-tn; but this did uct lid the people of their dob;. It remains uutil this day, acd will, no doubt, contiLue to remain 1 at. I the laat debar of it hall Lave been paid. A few years ago the city cd" Cape Girardeau, Missouri, attempted to evade payment of its debt by forfeit ing its charter through non-user; but the United States Ccurt averted its power to levy and collect txes to pay its jodmenU tLrough i: own Mrbal, arvd it u p:e, armg t. do this wl eu the cituens ig. v i to v it wmI ibcm sIves tLe trouble by l-ving tn 1 col lecting the a ti rough tbe locJ mtchii e. '7- irrrtAri-iiiIoQi. TITrt A M R1a -a r inrlbt ed for the full text of the bill granting .r. f r,.mn. If rad ea.refallT , . - in connection with the uggetion tp- pendeda great deal of unnecessary cor- respondent will be saTed: rt enacted b, the Senate ii r ,.f: f ,- nnld HonM ol lunreMDUtlTM OI Uie UQliea I stus of America in Congress assem- I hW. That all tensions which hare . ' 'dtI the ffenerml Uw. been granted under ine general hwi regulating pensions, or may hereafter reguiauuK pueiuiie, ui mj i v . 1 . e h(mntML in conseoucnce of death from a cause which originated in the 0 ' ... United SUUl service during the oon- tinuanc. of the late ' war of the rebelU . 1 .,0 r inJ,,. iuu, wi wuvt-"v . J - tics, or disease received or contracted .i..r;nrp vimr ihd 7i, 7 m rebellion, shall commence from tbo , .l . j.-.i. c uaieoi too u-aiu ur u'u.. SAid service of the person on whoe ac . . , v. , , count the claim has been or shall here- . r .1.- . ; a.ier graua, Wr tion of the riht or the party having " rj"- '"":,,..,; nn f serving local interetts alone, lirst luush compiaiits i aik it is tne yieaieM meui . . .... : i ia.a SUtes courts. Theseare taking up, of J; nno.tinZ rh AVVst ciue m the wcr. . prior wuo 10 iucu uk'u.-i i..utu The rate of roo.ion for the intervening time for which arrears of pension are hereby granted shall be the same per month for which the peusion was orig iaally granted. Sir. 2. That the Commissioner of Ptiisious is hereby authorized and di rected to adopt such rules aud regula- tions for the payment of the arrears of pensions he.eby granted as w.ll be nec- ., . esary to cause to be paid to such i en, sioot rs, or, if the pensioners shall have died, to the person or persons eulilled to the same, all such airearsof oeuMon as the pvusiooer insybe, or would have been, entitled to under this Act. Sm . 3. That stctiou forty-seven huu Jred aud seventeen of the Revised Statutes of the United States, which provides that "no claim fur pension not prosecuted to a tuccf sful isue within live years from the date of tiling the same tdiall be admitted without rec. rd evidence from the War or Navy JJt partmeut of tLe injury or the dis ease wh:c.'i resulted in the disability or death of tha ptrsou on whose account tbe claim is mode: Provided, That in auy case in which the limitation pre criled by this sectiou bars the further prosecution of the claim, the claimant may present, through the Peusion Of I:re to tl. Ariiutiirit iirvil nf th Army or the burgeon General of the Navy, evidence that the disease or in- j-iry which resulted iu the disability or iealh ol tho perkon to whose account uie siaim ls maoe originated in the ser- vice and iu the hue of duty; and if such cvidct.ee is dietued .m,faoLoi v bv the , - . oiSccr to whom it nay be ubui.tted, ue ktiaii cause a record ui thcfiictw proexl to t e ma.le, auel a c py f de I same to be transmitted to ibo C m uiiheijDir ol l'ccsions, ami th. tai to the jTOsecutiou of the claim shall tLeieby be removcel," be, and the same is Leieby, icpealed. Ste . 4. No claim aent or otLer per son t-hall be triitt'ed to receive auy conijn.-ation fr seiv.ce-s in making u piictiou for arrears of pei-siou. Jsu . o. TLal all Acts or pai ts of Acts so Lir as they may cottl ct with the provis:ous of this Act bo, and ihe siu.e are hereby, repealed. Appioved, January o, IsTU. No cla:m f r at rears ut.dcr the 1 ro visions of the abuve Act, due to a pen- 1 ner a'heady um n the rolls, will b iilj'ited untii Coiirt-vs shall havo sp pr. priated the moaey for tLe payrnebt of tUi.h claim. App icktioi s for mch arreais may however be tiled but will receive no arewcr until the claim is aJju.-ted. lit above tubs are necessary to pre vsnt the woik of tho Otlice from be coming blockaded by unnecessary cor respndeuce. J. A. DtNTLkV, Cbtninissioner of Pens:o:.s Persons w ho are entit led to ai rai oT pinsiop. under the Act graHing Ar rcais, approved January 2o, lb?9, and whose pensions were granted jrevious to that date, mil Lot require the at sis tan c of a claim aent in obtaining the amount due them. All correspouiu-nce m rel-tion to anv claim for huch arrears ' '"j - v.v.. 1 " 1 . . . ii 1 will be with the person entithd, and no claim ageut will be recogi.ized iu ruob cUim A letter addressed to the Commiss- , . ... loner of I ensions, signed by the p rson who was in receipt of the pen ion at the date aforesaid, and two witoesi-es, ia the pteeuc .f ma.- tr I K r a mag.Mra e, wi.i ne t-e oLly af pbcation lequii ed aud upon rLich therightsof al! p .rt es- oncerned j ri'l K. ..;,, tv.i I wi.I be sdjuted. I The letter should be in ihe following or equivalent form: -To tuk CoMMrssioNKR ok Texsi ks: I I, a pensioner ui dr ten-I sion certificate No hereby apply I for the arrears due ia, under the Act Jrauuug -vrteam 01 i r 113 00, approved anuary 15, lSTtf. My p st-oQlce ad- dre-s f here ii.se rt the name of the poft-e flice, and if tbe claimant resides in a c.ty, the name and number of the s'rre' and iesi- ence must also be given. Name e f claimaut. Two witnesses. State or , Cocntt of , as: Signed in my piewnc, by who iitkuowo to me to be the person he dectibs biuis-ll to be, and st the tme time h exhibited to me his pen sioo certibrat, which ia uumbcred -.Magistrate s signature. f . I , ttt . - . 1 .f&.Aa rpcimen 01 progrcesive - , . . ., , statesmsohip m the wi.d notioi s Mr Ells proelaime about the extinction of Sta- Hghts and the absorption of such rights by tLe general Government e. e-,i uoernment. 3ir. hll4 wm more cencerned about the appropriation for the Mississippi river than the abetmct question of State ri?ht,. Mr. Eili, may be a fine , ,, , . . ' tenor aud all that; but he is not a safe exponent of Democratic doctrines. I 1 w jiunroQ cnuir( r . v e learn nai a j t r- it. t . . I nrgro was killed in Anson laat wr, k. w t"i , i t i. , JL n wl ? SFa . . t i r ii Q"?1'1- e. aid ot le.rn fu 1 particulars ; but htar 1 at 'he nurderer his ben, ccmmited. wemocniuo i uucj. a w - Washington Poat. Uth The caucus immediately proceeded to wuo,vct '.V"r""' . "7: were penning at me ias meeting, which was the subject of incorporating in the appropriation bills a clause re- pealing, the test oaths to jurors and the can be no d hid u.-."-? nr of H mwin tr lunim in the United i " o , -.7: btates courts, oeverai propositions i I u : i.:. -J were introduced on this subject, and PIA.inJJ!r.' .c":i 5?1C" narticioated in bv Senators Thur- I man Bayard, Kernan. Gordon, Hill, man. uayaru, rveruaii. unmuu, xnu, I Riflpthnrn whi nd Representatives lilacRburn, wno lun th rhuir for the imrnose. Herbert. of Alabama; Cox, of New York; At- vin. nfTnneiwee. Southard, of Ohio: Ileagsn, of Tex.s and other,. The rirnt rrouosition adopted was that I .iw.:r w.jj.n r v.a r.... Ztoi Teffect that there" added . ... t.:i. ... ?nr I,; h i n n, n cial appropriation b l , now pending in the House, a provision rppeliPjr sec tho U.viwd Stnt- . Thiswil rarrird nnanimi ihIv "; lhiswas carrifa uuan rnt usiy. Section 620 provides what sbal! bd the .i..i:HMtmn ami rmirtoof c-lial'enirM -"'V in ' . rnI". arms against the Lnitid States in the late rebellion, civinc it aid and comfort. : i o i iKiMu(i u..w.,. sisUnce in money, arms, nort.es ciotu- inr. or anvthiuc- whatever for the use nr l,Pn,tit .fanvmnonor persons who nart,c:nted in tbo rebellion. Thee :ind others cuuaiv itiincent are provi- . .' .. . led as caiihe challeng ' and di.-quali-ticattou of jurors in United Statts court-. Section 821 provides an addi 4 - ... , I ti Mial oath to bo tsktiu by the raud and petit jurors, to the euect tuai tuey will support the tonttlltlon of the Uui,et, states, aud that they have not taken up arms aaiust the United I States in the late rebellion, or given it or comfort, have not directly or in- directly given any assistance in snv money ?r in any ether thing to any oth er person whom they knew ha I joined or were ab-. ut to joiu in rebellion, or resisted or were about to resist the ex ecution of laws of the United States, and that they have not counseled or a.ivised any person to join insurrection or rebellion. It further p.ovides that any peisou declining to take that oath -ball bo uischared by the court Irom erving on the grand and petit jury, to which they have been summoned. The clause repealing these two teciions vvili be attiched to the legislative ap propriation bill, tLe I'lii cipal passage o which will dt-pend upon the accep rance of the repealing ol the section by tLe Republicans and Mr. Ilajes. It is believed by the Deniocratic members that the Reputlicaus will concede to the iejeal of these two obuoxious sec lions, us they virtually exclude the in u-lligent ptirtions of the Southern peo K.j uot J luro s but the caucus Setator Tlnn man moveJ that ;h-3 Demcratic members of the H. use on the' Judiciary comiuiteo be ius ructed to prepare a pioiin to mi mod.fv sectiou bt-0 of tbe Iwvi.ed s-atutes m relation to t he choosing of Krand and petit jarors in the United I .Mates cuut ts as to p ovnle that the a cleik of the court should select one- 1. .11 .(' ti , -I'liKa Via i.llt ii t . 1 K I ,,..1 ,1 .....L.-uif. ,:.i 1.,. ...1... 1 r a 1 utu tun 1 acui&ouvit i-f' . ey ii- 1 ted by a einmissio'ier to br app inteil by the court aud to belong to a d tb rent im lit c.il party fiom that t wl 1 h t!ie cleik bvlo ged. the nun b r of jurors to bii k!h t d bv two and lo be not ltj-s than U M, to bo placed i i a b.x, atnl frt in these are to bo diawn by law the nanu s of tho grand aud p'e it jjiors. liii. pioviM u was oppjs. il by N ta r Hill upiui lb-rnun i that it wouLl b. unava iin. as the court could i point such a lh u:oi rat as would co-operate w 1 1 ti aud le tbe tool of the lit uoiuaii ctlk'iuls of ihe cuur'. St'ineti itig nio'o direct i tul positive was 1 1 piiri d il it w :l in ended to remedy the evil now ex st n' iu tbe South of partisan nus. i bis called for a verv shaip and poiuted fpeech by euator Thurmau, iu winch he declared that it was the duty 'f the representatives of the people to refiife to appropi iate the people's money except upon su .'h conditions as would secure eipial riphrs to ail tbe people bo foie tbe law. Senator Th rman was loudly opv i ui led. Sena'c r Pa ai d op pas tl Ifgisla' i on on the nit ject, mi l li-Urred to the fart that the Republic uins haueiiactea these oon.xious me.s- tircsby revolutionary processrs, and that the democratic paity ought not to place itfelt in a like attitude beiore the country even to get mi ot them. Ibis sentiment was teceivtd with les3 f.ivor than that pronounced by Senator Thu; mar, whose provision was adoptiel by a laive mnjonty. Thtreupou Air. Souili ai ii, of Onio, moved th it there b" ad cie i t the; legislative bill a provUioo repealing all tho sections of tbe'Revsed Ststutes fiom secti' ns 2,01 1 to 2,031, iiicluv.ve of both, which are piovinions of L't ited States election laws, author ing tbe sppointment of supervisors find marsh l or elections, and dehuiug ti.eirdut es and powers. When this - -- . X b""'-h ntiite late. JVIr. Southard suniMHtinl it I , . : 1 iu a live minutes' spe. ch, arguing the necessity of its adoption. The nem- bens were growing impatieut, and tie iieo d a iare tnajcr'ty, aitt emgh tnt re were a number ot members who vou d "no." While pacing ut of the hall there was a general ax predion among v niemoers mat tne caucus baa done a g0(Hl mght, WOrk. Tlie LegjBiamre ami our Hail- I ' I roudrt. Correspondence .f the News, Siikkhilis Foauo, Feb. 11th. 1 am K'au to see a disposition in emr Legislature to develop the resources of our State by passing liberal charters for the building of railroads. I fear. however, too many look alone to local interests and, if built, will result as mucn 01 me wora aireaoy aoi e 011 railroads in North Carolina, inevitably will in the loss of the labor and money required to build them, because there can be no question, as the country nils up aud great rival lines ai e bui t, that the neewsity for direct lines will bt- oune imperative, aod it is fe lly to suppose that our present zigzag lines wid be retained alter a while, when the saving of even a 6ingle mile in dis- tance will be important. How, fcr instance, wi.I the present rnads comport with North Carolina in- teresta when the great Southern Pacific Railroad is buished? It reuuires but lane ioresigni 10 see mat tbe time for . . 1 f ... ..... . - I its completion is near at hand, most of tne line is Hlreanv mRi1 ami tha nur-. -.w , - t;"", r, wooiiT v kuo IIMU 10 IdUItlT OtSOOIU ! ULi more and more pressing, because of the untrampled increase in tbedevelop- meut of the resources of that region which are already simply immense in lheir pruportlon8 That great sectiou must have recess to the Atlantic State access too that safe and reliable at all staaons. Its PBent rcd, the only mean, of direct communicition, is blocked up with m. ri w ftio.he mKa i ei, year, and it is an admitted fact that I v 'a.uv VUtjUO ALA DUO I thn Nnrthorn Puoifln Itnlr ..1 I WT at tbe conseouences will be of K.lii.ii .,tSi ";",.:,: rr W,tD Climate, and along a line entirely fteo from obstruction, is a pleasing subject to contemplate, it is Qae , however, too exteii. to go into ' b af. thio tima lhara arA t.OO IHiHIV de- mauds npon your colunius to permit it- Rut f vnwr RaaiflA its lU3D0r Unce in furnu,hino; passenger and treu-bt transportation to sucn u men8e territory of our own, it pre- 8ents Europe with the shortest line to China and India, one too, that will be the and by far the m0it expe but the trade of Europe witn tue rst I , . , t j nnr i in ueetineu to D6 cariieu ou. ai-iuoo-K. nnHn-nf anA f h. eollthern Fa- ifl Rail' d. North Carolina system of railroad n most remikab:o lor tUH aosentu ui .. . i. 1 .. . u -.a a11 fcystem ; if she was ever thus clad, :.i. k , r-o 1 I"""' rou, ro K uuuouuiuuii, uuov : LeQJl,lated by bills now beiore tue ? patched that no one could saj what vne onsinal earmenc was muue ui, , "ve .-'"! W"! noeg not cuaio wiiam ima pctiu Utlc" ..f local interests? None, whose LtuUtim;mshi is efficiently broad to p.iait PUl V1'11' V " , J v, .... K"ape a State policy, aim prepare no in Carolina for coming eveuts lo thib instead of dividin" our Staro ci- ; : ' o.i victs into twenty or more squ idd Rn.i working them upon short lines, ub; - w? " - - .wu" the i?ea board, ana ouuu uie buorr xiues as iecueis aiierwiirua. nu tu.s 1: r. 1.. A?T;tt, iU. . .,Bmrtl ,h convict force on w . vn.ri, Carolina Railroad Uie. u tecn .No tu Carolina uaiiioaa, ana PU.8U tue w.orR.?!1 n. an,ca.r,y 0,-,raI',t'? ? aad wmie T 18 I i diia ntir. a itrnrnr iorce hl win K 10 : '.r . . " make the ihorlet possible connection between Wilmington and the Western North Carol'ua Ilailrowd. This con noctioii would bo at Newton, via Rock ingham : and I would respectfully call the attention of the members of the Lesit-lature, and particulaily those from X T I I.. .... ....... t ', Ixr.llS Vlf'iTlloj- v,- tawba, lreueil, ani otners aioug tne line, to the remarkable directness of the route. 1 know the country well. , , ,. x- . " ,r .. ' auvi 1 IMll II C ( b ll .1 C I 1 U til II II minct 11 will put the latter more tban twenty miles nearer to Asbeville than any liiu that cau be built. It is several miles shorter than the o d lino contem- plated by the Wi mingtort, Charlotte & ltutl.erf.ud Railroad Company. Then wbJ sI'eVl! ab.1- and money on connec- tions, which inexorable natural laws of necessity will make only temporary? .Ll.IsHA F. bllERRILL, A. Gabkikl, and others. As the organ of the Democratic party in the State, I h pa you will favor me with the pub'icatiou of the above com munication. If you a'e not now the official organ. you are tbe ppi g organ at least. Elisha F. Suerrii l. A. Gabriel, aud others. What Has Been Doue. Wllmiugton tar. It is the eleventh elav of the month and the thiitvfourth of the session of the L-islatu.-e and what has that body done? Have they yet attended to one really important duty or passed one nnuoit int ! iw? There are some eight or more highly important matters that lequiie attention, and we begin to fear hat tbe session will end without some of tbrs, it nut a l, beiug rroperly con- Kliljiei) TlltTi n Trt hilt tttpntt.H'l Llivil.it at,.l n that timft 'tlicv ninrhf x ' - v .u -. - - j to einct ail the law9 that either tbo nec s 1 es or the wi?he of the peoples ileiitaii.f. As we nave said, all the re- quiie.l 1- gislation coul l have beeu weli d'-ne in tliiitv ilays, and thus at least t'3- OL'O iiave been saved to the S ate. itut it h is come to pass that about two thirds oi a session is spent in incorpor atin v L xlges, altering liittle's Kevisal, passing Li Is iiont selling spirits near ohitrchi s. aiul doing that sort of legis 1 itioti that (ni.br to be disposed of in t.v t h-. urs under an omnibus bill. Systematic IIopsh keepin(j. Have a day T r each part of the heavv work, jinnuav, wasnmg. nave a drying room or balconv for drving in wet wea'her. Always dry the tubs and boileis nicely before putting them away. If possible, have a wire line in tbe yard for drying clothes. Use borax instead of soda, if the wa ter is hard. As much care should be givn to the rinsing as to the washing of clothes. Take gieat p;iins in fold ing down the clothes, as this facili tates the ironing. TuesJav, ironing s,ni baking. Wednesday, clean pan- tries a"d cupboards, drawers and the c.,.r. Tlm-sdav, sweep up-stairs ; do tJlis PO Wpll that each bed-room will sni).n fnsi, at;a ,u.w Don't be afraid of sun-hine and air to assist in cle-an- ing. Wear a dust-cap and mittens whose wri-tlets extend over the dress sleeve. With neatly combed hair, tidy dresed feet, and a working drss in repair, you need not be ashamed lecauso Count No-account gets a glimpse of you at your work. Friday sweep halls and 1 it . 1 . s:airs, anu ai 01 aovnstairs. Disarrange only one room at a time pjn a cotb to your broom and brush awiy cob-webs. Sweep your rooms twice, ani many carpets are improved 1 n rv A fill rtlTl 1 rf-k K avr.. , n it- ui tannic V"Ulu, ttihiliiijl; iu out frequently in a pail of water, and wiping the dust off the carpet. Sat- urdav, clean kitchen, bake and pre- VT I'S f Snd.y afternoon be a rest and recreation. Jlo us bttle extra cooking as possible on the Sabbath. Gentility counts for a greater value than sbow. By doing this only, you will have time to read ti,0 newspapers and magazines. Keep up with your inusic, or take up a c'our8t? of study or reading. Medicine anil bvyiene aiO fit Rtnrlioa fnr a ana nygieny aie nc studies lor a housek' eier. If you have a physi cian in sickness, you cau aid him by careful nursing; if you have none near, you may save the life of a dear one. Vou would study long years to acc:mp ish s much, The Housekeeper Six Men Killed. A Kansas Citv dispatch of the 11th inst., says : A terrible accident occurred this morn- ing at the foot of Grand Avenue, in a cut being made for the Chicago antl Alton Railroad. At that hour the cut, with iis almost perpendicular walls,' ninety feet high, caved in, and buriee'l thn workmen and their teams under 6.000 yards of falling earth. There were four teams in the cut at the time a)d teamen working at each team. Resides these there were the foreman, James McCarthey, his clerk and two men working with the pick. Mr. So- den, tbe contractor, was not in the cut. Six persons were killed out riirhr, ana several wounded. . . OJ Ravages of Hon L'hoi.vpa.-TM. ,. " " diseii is raging with epidemic fury ID that Portion of New Hanover county known as Porter's Ner-lr, about ten 18 ro clJ- ."' Rentlenian, Capt. A. A. Moselev. m.orma us that he ha9 recently 1 from two to five hoK3 per day from this source alone, and that its ravages on his place are e&SeSwme? tI"cien,; remeay ior tne aisease t we rfer the matter fo Col. Polk, of the . . . I tural department, at Raleigh. tur. The nenrle's rmodv fnr ft. a M,r f " r A ,.," ";uL , tI". r. T "l tVu.'b, Incipient Comumption and for the relief of patients in advanced stages of tbeJd ,ease,-is Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. P, ioe' 23 cenU g r v I 91ISSCET.L.AXEOUS. Vegetine FOB' CHILLS. SHAKES, FEVEU AND AGUE. Tabbobo, N. C, 1878. Db. h. R. htbvkns:- Der 8ir,-I leel very grateful for what your I L.ji.i.. t?,... u j ?.,., yamnuie iubuiuiuo, cisoviuc,um uuubiuiu, family, l wish to exprtso.my tnanss oy m- frirmintr vou of the wonderful cure of my ami; also, toiec you know that Vegetine is the best Wdiciue I ejer aaw for Ctulls, NhaKcK. rnvei auu akus. iiy nun na.3 Jrh m.atl,Ba in 173, which left him with "II j. 7 - Hip-joint disease, mjp ' buq sulfi LiImf nain.atiof the time: the sutf ered a great pain was so -rri,S7,irf n.u.hinir but orv. Tha doctors I did not Help mill a particie, ne coma noi uii hi siootfroui tne ; .ilDoiS v , w s great Blood Fanner and BlooJrood. itna one ooiiie, wucu wsa SS, fftuKg VSJSin 1 - , . , . rt h i (tnmniKtiv r- T0 heVunT walk? without cruTches or cant TT tie is twenty years of age. 1 nave a v.m.r .,r.n nfweu vrui ut . who issub- f "rtTo c Ti.s. Whoever he .ee OIJ he comes in, takes adose 01 Veetiue ai.d U1-1 is the 1 stot tne caul, vegeiiueleaves no badenect uponth ytu m liKeihinostof llts m u.cins r. coanuen Jed lor Chilis. cheeriull reoomme d V,K,tlne lor such Hesptctiully, nils, j.w.lluiu. vboeiins -Wheu t!,e blood becomes life less and scaguuut, either from cnaug; of weather or of climate, waul 01 exeicise, Irregular diet, or fioin any oinercause, the v t rcliew the bl0od cari v otf lllB puirtd humors, cleave the st mach, regulate auaiu1piru.eUi.,,UB I j Vegetine FOB DYSPlil'MlA, NERVOUSNESS AND GENERAL DEBILITY. BfiKNAKDlTON, AIAS8 , 1878. He. the undersigned, having u ed Vege tine, take pleasure m recommending it to .ill tuos tr..uoled wiin Humors of auy kind, lypepsia, Nervousness, or ueuerail De- I uiuty. H iemg lae ureal cioou no luer. aom by R. Li Croweh Sou, who sell more of t ih.. nil ..iM..riKLi.Piit m i ici nex on 1 1 oifct tier . thau all oiher patent medicines put toother I Mits. L. F. PEttKINS, msl:PHr sFai k ..... . tu . couu?0 ea exclusively of barks, not.aud he.bs It is very piean to taae; every cu.U Usic. VEGETINE. FOR, NERVOUS HEADACHE Aud KlieuuiatiNiu. ' CINC NNATI, O., April 9, 1877. H. R. Stevf ns, Esii. : UearSir, l hav used your vegetine ior Nervous Mev a lie. and also fr It'ieuma- tism. and have found e i ire .elieffiom tHili and take grea pleasure iu rf ommendtng t to all wbo may be .ikewise amio'ed. n 8 Mill .St., Cinn. Veetire hss restored thou-auds to health who had been lou and painful sufferers ' Oragglsls' Testimony. ate H. R. Stevens: Dear Sir. We hav b en selling yt.ur reuiedy;the Vegetine for about three years, audtnke pleasure in reeomemiiui giou reeonvueini mg 11 10 here a 1. .... i iuriner wouia reacn me c:ise, hm h. ever failed to fiie t a c re. to our Kuow- ledge. It certaiuiy .s tbe ne 1 lus' ultra 01 lenovaiors. Kespeet! u'ly, E. M.SUEPilh .1) &CO , 1 DUggists, Mi. Vernon. Hi. Is ncknowled ed by all classes of people to T'e the best an l most reiia'dd blood punfler in tbe worla. Prepared by H.R. STEVENS, Boston, Mas. Vegetine is so'd by all Drujftfists. Jar 2 ceoc 2w. SAVElT0 LEABN KOW TO DO YOUR HAIR IT READ AND HEED WHAT FOLLOWS, SAVJJ YOllt IIAIU. Tha lws tf Health ud IJon,reviy demmi l i', t'.tf cii3'oms 'f soc "1 lifa rsquiro if. T"'! mt'tr - f frrenr. imK)i taiiee 19 fTtrT way. BlVl'Til'T Y1 ?i IIAIU. Tt is the s, -im passiti'jcrowr. . f g'oiy, m l 1" t tho ls f :t tltr ifl no cotnr.enatior.. CTLTIVAT F. ; 0Utrr tin- ! i-t'i ' ' - L HAIIt. For W til i L-:mJl!!-l. iMa-vereil thirty-live run ago ty Prof- Lyon, Tal, tlit most pern-it prepai titicu ia th wor'i fcpreserTinu nrA heauT. ; inj : he Lair . Besides being the ftair dressing trrer protlurta, I mi'i Tk. tjuwlron -will positively prevent p-aytifss, and will re store sievr liar to lald hetul, if tha co jnd follicle! nro not destroyed. It nctunlly ptr"orui9 these Meetiinif mirsrl If whi' U tlte followinjj is A FAITw STECIMEN. . I 1 i l ln :i!ireiv 1 ! 1 it r t eveinl years, co Sueutkttu!, t o-.iTiiiosr. 1 n-cl a fef bottle- of ivathniwr 1. to H.y gT.-ut ;n rrise, I havo a thicil fTo.v:h't -''. t !.:iif, '.. .1' 'y. . lM)IttAXCE, "(.'.' S. A. Ia every j'Tiipcrluiit i- spLr- i'LM ICatliairt.n -tbafl. Jutaly iacotnparabie. i 1 ' MTiruuleil 1. To Cure raldncss. '2. To Restore Cray Kiur. S. To r.cruovcj Dandri;t:. i. To Dress and Beaulify i iw Hair. UliATt JrV IIXO. Tho Ivathalron I no BticRy rasto cf sulphur r.ii.l eugar-of-leaJ, to paint nd daub tho liair and paraly-o the brain. It I a pure and limpid vesotaLlo lotion, intended to r tore the hair ty natnral groTrtTx and rcinvigoratioi. I t is eplendidly perfucie l, aid i'.;o most delightful to.'lt dressing known. Zo lady'a cr gentleman rdUt'tftt i complete -wifhont T.yci."3 Kathiiroik SOI.I '-.VICKYVHEIIH. PnESCP.IPTIOn FREE Vl '97 Csre of Semlssl Weakaess. Lost gfflrty, Defective Memory, and all Disorders ?r(H,ht n bx 8" Habits and Excesses. Any ta tt Add. 1Mm iA9"S CO- 130 West Sixth St., OINOIlflfATI, OHIO. KAliASiQM, i). T. Joiiflson, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant. We have just received a full, fresh ani well selected stock of Groceries, consisting in part of 200 Bags Richmond Bolted Meal, 200 Fresh Ground Flour, 20 B trrels Mjlasses (new cr ji) JO') Bags Marshals Salt, 15 Barrels Sugar's, 20 Bags Coffee, 20 Boxes C. R Sides, Stock Peas, Seed Oats, Corn, Pork. North Carolina Rcon, Leather, &c. , &c, &c. We solicit cousigaine it s of Cotto , Grata Meal, Fiour, Poultry, Eggs and all Kinds of coun ry produce. Wj will sell tit highest lricei aud remit pro .p:ly. Write for prices. We w 11 make special figures t) tiioje buying iu quaaities. Feb. 4 tf. W, B, Mann. formerly with D. S. Wan 6i Bio. c. W. Young, ol . ary, v tike v o. W. B. MANN & CO, Hav lug formed a coiartnership under the abj ve Lille, aua tak-u tne stnd leiineily occup.e 1 by B. H. Wooneli. No. 4 nargeii siree:, we mienu to cany a lull hue 01 iiroc-iies atiii Provl.iou.-. as well as- a coaipie;e s-ock of Boots and ouoes, XJt Gooua, iNocions, Hard w.u e, Cuilerj, oc , io, Buying our goous an ootio.n piices Jor cash, we are ueieruiiued to ortcr mduee mcuts to our eustoiiieis, uusulpasea by any house iu Raieigia. uivo us a tiiai aud be convinced of wLat we say. Yery respectiuliy, V . B. MA.-.N ti, CO. Rav,:S S1J Ut mV lock ut goods. -LX at tue aoove 3uud to Measis. W. B jHuiiiiii Co., I lake Uie.ture n recomuieini- .uri in -in iu lUe i-ubi.e for a l;ueral snare ui thoir iairoiiage, believing' Ltiat tn.ir eouh- je c will nut be mis, ia- ed. I shad in future devote my time to a Gen eral Oonimijjsiou business, auu cau be lov iiu at my ottii-e in the i'laii ie Bu idiug uu Wn miugtou street. Tuaiikuig a kiud pub ic for so liberal a ! ationae lor uvc years pat. x hope Uiey will col foi lie I ujc iu future, and give u. successoro as niu'ju 01 tueir puonae as they possibi can. V cry iiespetlful y. jn I2 dim u. u.. WOOD ELL. tiKUD POTATOES vVewill ie jiivo, a'j ut ih'j Lst of Ft b: uary, ourlifst Invoi'ie of 6eed PoUt-e" cfthii ses son. Early Rose, Pe-r e-s . n.i Jacksou Whites. We W.ll: iaraate ' tii 'in to be genuine ai d hrst tlas'Seed, atid iil e I ih 111 as low a they caapossioly be hsu.l e 1. Oli Miis CO CopartErlsii him. 1 have asse ated with me in business e apt. It. it. m-K)ki, iate e'lOiduotui- on lv. 4 U. R. n. and V ruierly of Wake Put eat. 'lite business in mtuie will ie coii.-.utted under tbe name and sty le .t ' Priichard 4 .Brooks." All parties inuei.ted to me v i)I oit use :onie ioi wari mid settle, as ttie lia d tiuns fon es me to demand prui:pt etu iuc 1 t. J 'S. P. Pr.iI(.llAliD, Jk. JOS. P. PRITCUAHD, H. H. BliOOKS. riiirciiAK!) & mm, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GLXLKAL noCEU!f. CORNER HILLSBOR'.) &SALH3URY ST8 Ituleigli, 3T. 1 . We keep always on ha-d fresh E?es But ter and e hickens, which we -eceive daily from our bram ii store at is ew HtU. Also, a good line of Boots and Mioes, Coffees tar. Teas and in fact everything in a nrat class Grocery, t ountry Merchants will And it. to their adventure to call and see us before buying elsewhere. We hancle large quauiies of country, produce. Our facilities for seil are tne best in the i'y. 3JCoie Good A T Cheap Hood s Arriving daby at lie Pusy ,-ti.re of SMISI3PJ HAUGKTT STREET. We are receiving tlaily all kinds of Ciro eeries, which we intend to tell h ai lor (Jiali. S v K i OATS. Another Car Load just arrive of the finest ta-(l ats t.roujiut t the ity. call aud examine ttiem. ONION SETTS AM D OTHKIt JiKEUS on hand, vh lesale and retail. FJLUUK 1 KLOUK ! ! Car Load o; Fiour and -"?feal iust recu ve'. MEAT jlihKKr Always supplied with tha finest Bea?es and Pork iSauaare specialty. In fact everything kept i i a first lass Grocery .-Store. PLOUGH ! PI OUoH I ! C.ill and sea our New Parent RalKh No. 4 i'luuh, th b.-o Plough insde. We are uie Sdie At,entd for the city. CUIUS rOPJIK US & SOURELI , feb 12 tf Hargtt Strtet. JJOPARTNERsniP NOT1CK. I have this dav associated with me in lus iness my brother Mr. ti. EDUAR LKACH. The li'.isineaa in future wtll lie comlucted under the name and style of M. T. I. EACH & CO. All parties indebted to me by note or open account past due, must come forward and make immediate pavmen as the stringency of the times forces me to demand prompt settlement of business done on close mar-trins- M. T. LEACH. Kalsigh, N. C, Jan. 1, 1879. i fill, T. LEACH & CO., GROCERS AM) CO.'ITl ISSIOAJ IHEKClf ANTS, G-onoral Agents FOK PINE 1SLAN0 ma ti? or central c.j Liberal arrangements will be made with reliable parties J .sing to purchase In uantities. For testimonials, &c, Addreps, M. T. LEACH & CO. Lock Box 2J3, Rileigb, N. C. b an24-tf KTotico. AppUatioa will be made to the present General Assemble to et!iblib a new county to b t'k -n from West Wake and Kast Chatham, including a small part of Harnett. j&u cMj-aiawim lOITERY. KENTUCKY STATE L0TTE5T (Jives every holy a hah co tn thing out of nis lavestnicut in n... s" n"- of .11- FEBRUARY 28. There are no loss than Fi I, ., , n together o 567,o'J,". " ( let. rrize, S14 nt. 2d P ize. O.O. 3 i. Prize. S4 H.0. And Wnole Tickets 01:15 tl. A'iditssali ori.ers't.. tii. Agencv, y' n WILLIAMSON a, 599 Broadway, N. y Senl in otvitns without !eav as ', ' last f: rawing we we:e unabl; i,','Sm!! demand. Co-tesp -ndence i-1 v-it.. , -drawings puMih-d in tht- N,.w ,. ,' u' .! an-1 Starts Zeitnr.tr. All out ,.r ''' ' . liolders a--e niaile 1 a copy if the ui,, as so n as receive ' SIMMONS& DiCKI Q41W1 TO IN A KOmT.K,Ti i;iM,. w, TK1HUI1.-N. LV C, A 1 LKANS. Tl'Ksnw. MA)tf j-,., , .' U6.h Monthly Driiwin- 1 - Louisiana State Lottery r.o-r.pir. , This institution was rfguurl u,,.,,,,, by the lyetfislHture of the sture i,,r'i 'i r.ieriiil and charitable inii in.-e- i ' ' ' i'011 1 r :."! Iho i 1. v. I a In . 1 , it v, .1 .1. 1 'I pledged wth a capttxl of i..-:t imm .,, V'J" it ua since added a rsrve fund ('' " It grand single nmnlrr "listi ilmt" ' 'M ' , take piat'H rrionthly on 1 ie secontl ,,t..i .' 11 uever seaies or poiptues. Look following distribution: t CAPITAL I'ICIZi'. 8o,O0(. 100,000 TICKETS A l TV . I OLI.Ak.n , ('h HALF-TICKETS, ONE HOLLAR LIST OF PK1ZLS. 1 Capital Prize... 1 Cai-ital Prize... 1 Capital Pilze 2 Prizes of 82,5 0 o Pnzeof l.ouo 2o Prizes o! rm 1 0 1 l izes ol ,o' 2 0 Prizes of (A 0 Prizes 01 .1X 0 Prizes ui 1' j0. APPROXIMATION PUuhS. Approximation Pt izes .f 1 Approximation ' 1 izes of 'J.'.'. 9 Aiiproxiniation Fr zes ol ...'. lS-7 Prizes, amounti'i -i U Ret pOUsb.de ruriesp,, : j,,. -u f tl ' , at ail 1'iomiueiit poi'-ts, 1.1 wln;u a ;,: c nipensatiou will ie pa U. -fa. Appt'.catiii fr raiet 1 1 . i 1 1 1 s!ii,,.j ,, b' llis.ie t 1 be Il.lile Uilic : ,1 .NeW'tr,, Wr.t", cie-ii-iy stu big inn aildie , !r 'her lufoMiiaii'-n. or feud oi. t-r- t.. A. A. OAUPHIN , r. ') IViX tiVZ, .Ne- r a is. 1 M All our Orau-1 Ett'a rt'i ai v ir .w,iik, uniier tie soperv.slun a-td man.-ni , OEN---R.Lh r. 1 liv.AL' i...Ai.n. JUBAL A. bAHi . - FOtt It K T li KMC IntiTcstii!;' to I.'oi:L( ITS. SIX rHCUAND DOLLARS wcrth of Furniture. CRAftD .AUCTION SLT. IThe uudersigned will te.l hisi..:; Of New Furniture, eoiislstbiy o( 1 in lum aud I'uicmu.i ainut aud l' i berSe.s, Ward.obes to Mnt li. M a Wood Top Hureaus aud Waslis 'an.'.-, and Wood Top Tables, Waluut I'-; Maple Peds'eads, 1 Waluut, Cak ..mi Cane eat liockiug Chan ai'i! ' i a . Seat Rocking C hairs aud I 1 , Lounges, Walrut, dc, ic. The Sale wiil c mm-nee m : : Decemier, and be cud nu. . , . Bold L'p to that dav .-ve j il I at co.-t. Ifpa:tiesb in .1 m. move their arU les i m un-.i i n 1 e , . i Le lei t uuiil r eb. ;s;. dec -2 A. V. 1 !.. I 'otice, vinTi'E of a vow va: le eon:aine-' In a rtura,r- e ' iiteti n the l . o nay oi el), u." ' Jonll 1'. Jv.r...ll .li': .li' i J .)" ' M 11', Ul'ttl.'e- Co., H .1, ' m ..I ou pace &rz !j ik ."u; 1'u J itc t- r - ::. for N .rtham ion j uuty, ve w., .t cout'i ou etii'-j in the 'u is of .."a k"'i sal 1 couiiL-, on !'. ui, ti e pm.'i ...iv rei-ru.i' y, A.'l 18.9. : at m I . f." O l ! llilies- li:iter f,T i .t- ; t e laud ''U wllicSi S ild Joi.u r. .lei' nn I" ' j i Veil coutaiuiUK one i.un,: r.-o a- i .-. i.: orleis .;dl ii;iii tti- .a o-i i . H f. J'.:ati, Miirv h. Jord:'j an J"M-.l -i ' . MAOintY A I) I C.O'KEtt. VHJ Vi Vi,.,' I'ailners til ' bridges & o j.ni For A large brf- i -lin-r H u-e, a I r. iionrovemeiirs. SUneieu on ie e niti' ashi:nab;e t '.ii oi iif i ifH in tiieeji ,n one hu i "l a- rift.v J arils 1 1 1 1 . 'lerjiss reii'or'ali'p. A; -pl t c. t. m'-r.' feb l--4t AMeroeva fa e c- X .tl V. O 5- i fc I sS . a - t c t a i r Sit-"? 3 2 r ' III.' sfiwd ::,! p5rr w g - s Z c -7 m H Pn ct d. u o s-J - rs o Sif i - - 1

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