'.'.44--.- 1 i BY P. M. HALB skd W. L. 8AUNDKKS. , s BATES OF ADYERTiaOMa. Published Dally (except Monday) sad Weekly k it II II ; II Ml I (I II ' III I II r - II r - II t . R.TK8 Or S lB3CfcirTIOK IM ADVAKC. Oally, one year, mail postpaid,.. $ 8 V i months ' 't ........... three . j.- ,.. . Weekly, one year, inail postpaid six month a. " - 1 To city subscribers TTie Observer will be de- n.arB,i rtaiT at twenty cents per week; seven ty-fl.je cents per month; two dollars for three months. . i I. i BY TELEGRAPH. I EKF-OBTKD BT THft ASAoblATKD PEE88. J FC'ffl-FIFTH CONGEESSL Washington, Jan. Senate. In the Senate duriDg the riiorning hour Mr. Anthony submitteil a resolution providing, that at i nvirv lr Fridav 9th. the Senate will proceed to consider the bills on the calen- - dar not objected to, to ue j aiscusseu punier - flm minntft rule. Agreed to. " Mr. Butler, of S. C, submitted a reso lution directing the Secretary of . the In ierior to inquire and report to the Senate .what. Railroad company, individual or in dividuals are constructing or building a Railroad across the public? domain in tne territory of Arizona, and by what authority such road is being constructed. Agreed to. At the conclusion of th$ morning busi ness, Mr Davis, of West Ya,, called up a ' resolution ! submitted by him early in the session, to promote toe : agricultural inter ests of the: country, nnnn that subiecL and spoke at length House., -i-The House byj a vote of yeas 112, noes 105, determined (to postpone the Geneva award bill, aid is bow in commit tee on a bill for the paymjen of pensions to the Burvivors of the Mexican and other wars. . CongrreMlonal Coinmitleew. a I .. ; V . : - -. Washington, Jan 14. At a meeting of the House' Military Committee this morn ing the sub-Cpmmittee reported that the facts in the communications laid before them in regard to'the charges against the management of the Soldiers' Home at v Hampton were insufficient to warrant Von gressional inquiry. j ' L 1 On motion of Representative White, r the sub-Committee was instructed to ex amine the matter more f u, and submit their conclusions to the full Committee on Thursday. I ; :-. u ; The Potter Committee tqday examined 'j. H. Birch.oneof the Presidential Electors at large of Louisiana. His testimony was to 'the effect that he signed the! second set of certificates having been advised that there was informality n the first bet. He knew nothing of the forgery of the signatures except jffhat he had learned pers and! conversations. ! It editrom newspa: was quite true that he forged no signature. Witness Kelly" was r-cal ed . ffom Sat- uniay, ana ' atter much pressiire stated positively that the name of Jeffnon was forged; but was not quite sure as to that of . Levisse. The Committee took a re cess.,. ' h -V.. , 1 - . The Senate . Finance Committee heard II. W. H. Hunt. President of the Mer chants; Tobacco Company, jof New York and Boston, in opposition to the House bill which provides for reducing .the rate of taxation oh tobacco. The Committee adjourned without acting on the subject but wiJl hold a special meeting to dispose of it within the next few days. , The H jusg! in Committee jjof .the whole considered the Mexican pension brll. 1 The Appropriation Comn)ittee was in structed, to appropriate :Jto the widow of the latei? Representative IIarridge an .amount equal to the remainder of his salary as a member of the 45th Congress. The i House Committee on Commerce agreed to report Mr. Smallsf bill extend ing the collection district otj Beaufort, S. C. eastward to South Edisto River, so as to include' the waters of tlhe Combahee River and the sounds and j inlets on the . coast between the Edisto and Black River in Georgia, y . I : The House Committee on Postofflces &Dd Post Roads authorized its chairman (Mr Waddell) to' report the bi prepared by him forj the classification of mail matter as a substitute for the bill heretofore report -ed, and! which is now on the House calen dar. This bill has been Very generally publishedr but as agreed upon by 'the Committee, It is amended (so that, letters nailed I with insufficient postage will be forwarded and deficiency Collected from the addressed. It provides also for the issuance of the new stamps to be used 4ox that purpose as heretofore published. Foreign iVewiu London, Jan. 14. A Berlin, dispatch says: "The Parliamentary punishment bill continues to be the chief topic of con yersation in all political circles. The opin ion of the foreign press is largely quoted in comparison with! articles lathe jour nals here which seems to yitld the curious result that abroad there is more opposition to the Chancellor's scheme than in Germany itself. There is certainly great opposition here to the bill, tlough to the English" . mind U is somewhat surprising to find so' much unconcern .reigning in view of the fate which seems to threaten freedom of speech and, the liberty of the press. . .TThe Nord Deutehev AUegemeiney Zeitug and Post defend the Chancellor's scheme. , r, The Koenz Zeitung, though admitting the necessity of some restraint on the. Par liamentary speech, thinks with tbe Liberals,' that the bill in its present fofm is ioadmis sable, for the reason that it changes Several articles of the Constitution, Iwhich cannot begone without a special resolution by the ' Reichstag to that effect f In parliamentary circles the question is being discussed aatd whether j the bill, in view of certain articles of the Imperial Constitution, might not be rejected a lamina. That might doubtless be done if a majority of thej House would only resolve to do it," but fa&aj persons here believe that Biamarck, despite, the present Opposition, , will ultimately succeed . in carrying the measure - with: 3 bnt ; few , changes. - - - ' j Paeis, Jan.1 14. The apboiotment of Gen. Greslev as Minister of Wax is gazetted. Gen. Borel has been appointed commander j or tne Kauen army coips The drawing of the Pari s Exposition Lottery. Icommences on the, 2iith of Jan. uary.. Haves, Jan. 14. The American schoon er d win-'Harrison arrived! at : this port from Calveston, bringing the crew of the Britisb barque Chill from Baltimore De cember 23d, bound for Rbchefort, which was abandoned at sea. ' ? Milfokd. Wales, Jan. ll The new American ship, Thomas McReed from San Francisco, fcjeptember 5th, bound for Liverpool, went ashore on IFresb. Water Bay and is total . wreckv Three of the crew were drowned. The cargo is strewn over the Bands and much will be saved. Ice Gorire Broke. t-isuiNNATi,- Jan, 14. The heavy ice orge . which has been exDected from laysville arrived this afternoon and is now passing down by the city. As yet no ma- wnai dainage has been sustained. VOL. 5. . Affair on die Isthmus. Panama, Jan. 6. The revolution was ended in Panama by the peaceful retire of Correoso from the presidency of . the State. He had become personally, unpop ular ana many or his former friends and supporters deserted him. Honduras j is prepared for war A battery of 1 heavy Krupp seige guns, of heavy calibre and a number of Remington rifles have lately been received. ; A new line of steamers has been inaug urated to run between New "Orleans and BalfQfe La Ceibra, .Truiillo and Roatan ports on the northern coast of Honduras. Suvpenwiontt BOSTON. Jan.. 14.- Jenkin Lane Ar, Rnnsi boots and .f-hoes. are rprvirtpr! tn nwp fmm $200,000 to 225,000, mostly in New York. The firm have lost heavily from bad debti in the Sputhern trade; these losses aggref gating it is said. $220,000 in the nast fonir or five years. . . , London. Jan. 14. Criffhton Brothfirs merchants of New Castle on Tyne, hav6 luicu. juiauiiiLirn Ji.dl.ow. i. McKav &!Kirkwood.' extensive wholp sale stationers j fcrintere and rmblifthfira of uiasgow nave raiiea " Liabilities large. IV&hhingxon Item. Washington. Jan. 14. The Treasnrr to-day issued a call for twenty millions of 5:20's: twelve millions of registered; eight million coupon bonds. . The 4 per cent, subscriptions to-day aggregated nearlv fourteen millions. , The Cabinet to-day had financial affaire under discussion. Mr. Khermsn chnwpH that more- gold is coming into-the Trea sury than ' going ouL Letters from thp sub Treasurers show a popular preference iorreenoacKs. - ; One minute too. Iate, Mauoh Chttnk, Jan. 14, , 10:40 a- m. The drop has lust 1 alien and it is feared that thejiecks of Sharpe and McDowell have been broken.. The telegraphic ie- prieve has arrived, but one minute too late. : f memphi City Charter. Memphis. Jan. 14. At a meeting of the General Council last night a resolution fa voring the repeal of the city charter passed both Boards. r JNEYV AUVEK i'iSEMIS I'fe. DISSOLUTION. 7HE CO-PARTNERSHIP IN TH3 ORO J eery Business between the nnderkiimed la this day dissolved by mutual consent P. C. unnstopners will settle the lousiness of the late firm F. C CHKISTOPHKRS. )). P. MEAI HAM, W. L. HARRIS. P- Or OhristopherS- M. W. Sorrell. OhrUtophsrs SorrelL P. Cj-Christophers, of the'latA firm nf win Christophers A Co., an i M. W S rrell, snccessor to Sorrell A Jackson, having formed a co- uaiuuciauijj, win carry on xne GROCERY and COMMISSION BUSINESS at the old stand of i , . F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & COMPANY, '. Ilargctl Mreet, Will baJpleasd to have our tmtnewran friends and customer to cat'. Having tne experience of a number of years In the Grouery Business, we can compete wrtn any nouse in ine city. i We make a specialty of Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage and Butter. Also v. . TOBACCO. ; TOBACCO. ' A fnll stock of all grades on band, wholesale and retail, at . . Cliristopliers & ScrrelL : jan'.4-tf ty.ClA.B.Stroi(i Tan. 14th, lSjQi; JJY TO:D A1S riCEICJ I1T ; i Tubs Finest !!?ew York Roil' Batter. . 10 Bbls. Fresh Pearl Hominy and Grits. ": ; ' Peerless Irish potatoes and Silver Onions. 20 Boxes Real Kuahfurd Qream Cheese. ,. U 80 BBLS. I Choice Baltimore-Family Flour (Snowflake, Gienwobd and, Welcome.) -j 60 Bbls." Patapsco Family and t)rnge Grove r lour. J ' .--: r H HE6HLER ALL PORK SAD SAGE IVEBY DAT. 4 Tierces City-cured Pig Hams, 6 to 8 lbs. ' Selected Pieces Smoked Broiling Beef. ' Spiced Pig's Feet and Tripe. j ' Roasted and Grorind Coffees. As we have a paieni? parching and roasting machine, we are tnereby able to give oar ca- tomers BfiXi'KK, FRESH KR ANi CUJfiAPB RUA8TikJL AD GKObNO COFFJSK than if we had to bay in Northern markets. Coffee fresh roasted every day and ground to order. - . -: Koacited Prime Lagoayra; sso. . . . t w !,.. . Choice Rio, SWc j' T , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. V ' 40,006 Cigars, all grades and prices, Imported and domestic. , . . . ' . ft n Brands 6c Cigars.' ' - " r t A First-rate Free-smoking Cigar for 9fc. lo.uoo Celebrated DBlxD bHOX all Havana 6c Cigar. - - oconeechee, High Grab, Tar HeeL Dake's and Black welt' a bmokmg Tobaccos, 60c $1 per lb. , l- 0 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, all grades and prices. , . ... f . .. Small lot Chewing Tobacco, bought at Revenue saie going iow - - - - Cigars a Cose flgnres by the box . 1' ::W. C. & A. B. STRONACH, - WHOLESALE AND ' RETAIL GROCERS, i ' cottoa aaa unamissloa Xeichaats, - No. 1 FayetteviUe St. and No. 4 and 6 Market and jaarun stxeet, .. . . Man.ufactarers' and Importers' Agents for Lie- big 8 Cuoked Aieaia, ue jno uuop Tea, os r; wego Co.'s Starches, Bed C Safety . Oil, Horsford's Bread Prep- .. , rv--f aration, Ac XWTrad Supplied at northern Figure. JUDICIAL KALE. BY VIRTUE OF A judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county, rendered at Fall Term, 1S78, in the case of Isabella A. Rogers vs. H. L. Fendt, C a. Fendt, and others, I will proceed to sell at the Court House door la the city of Raleigh, on Mon day, the 3d day of February, 1879, for cash, the bmse and tot bounded as follows : Beginning at the northwest corner of J. Bell's lot on Person street, running thence with said street north 106 feet, thence et 210 feet, thence sent a 105 feet, thence west sio feet to the beginning, containing one-half acre, being part of liOt No-li'v in the cny oi tuueign. ujlOl'l, u. iJWiJi, Comr. Decixbkb 30, 1S7S. janl-lm. RALEIGH, N. C, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Printing! Binflinc! THAT'S ,IT! If yon want any thing of the kind, SDV7ARDS, BEOUGHTON & CO., : I RALEIGH, N. C, IS THE I1,A.CJE3. ' They have the largest and most complete PRINTING OFFICE AND BOOK BINDERY - . .-: ' . ! IN- THE STATE,. And' their work stands with -that done any- wuere in me cnueu &:atea. Anything from a i ' . Tiki tins: Card to the jLargest Poster. Call or send orders, EDWARDS, BKOIGIITON & CO., PRINTERS AND BIXDBRS, " '! RALEIGn, N. C. janlO-tf ; FOR SALE! Tne " Eorth Carolisa Dai eile, Published at Favetteville. N. c . in nftereA tnr sale. It has' a good supD'y of NEWSPAPER DISPLAY ANl ADVERTISING TYPK. Press la fine order, ample p inti g materialof all kinds and, in short, everything needed for the pub lication of a good seven-c lumn newspaper. . The fiaasette is the only paper published in Fiyetteville a cit' of 5.0UO inhabitants; it has long been the recognized organ of the Democratic party in the Upper Cape Far section; and it has a large subscription list and irod advertising Dat- ronage. Clrcnla'ion from 1,000 to 1,200. a or terms, Ac, address i PROPRIETOR GAZETTE, Janll-tf. ) FayetteviUe, N. C .878. 1879. THE ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Corner Salisbury and Hargett Streets, (Just back of A. CREECH'S Store), JiALEIGII, N. C. Location Delightful. Elegant rooms for ori- vate parties. , Rest Restaurant in tlie City. ; French-Coot Polite and attentive waiters. Finest teaJkB, Fish. Ovsters in everv stvle. and all kinds of. WI! D UAME. Bar and" Billiard Sa loon in the buUding. The choicest Wines and Liquors in stocK ; no other Kinda kept. CIGARS, all the favorite brands. PC1AL. Mil ICFI I take nleasure In announcing to the public that I have secured the services of good Caterer, who will have entire control of Bhe Restaurant.; Mr. G. W. HARRI SON, a 'general favorite, will attend the Bar; 'and "Mr. JAS. FREEMAN will serve his friends with the Oysters on the half shell and cirve the F wl. I gua' antee satisfac ion. and I earnestlv so licit" your patronage. JACOB HIGGS. aecsi-stm lPi Ii. HILL, FAMILY GROCER, toner "niliufngtOB and Hargett Streets, RAL.EIGH. 1 SHAMS, BREAKFAST STRIPS, BULK" C. R. SIDES AND 8HOULDERS. HAXALL HILLS PTEXT FAMILY A5D , I THaCIilSHAW FAMILY. A FULL LINE OF SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS UAr.fS'l AKi:H, CA&JKS, CRACKERS, AND CONFECTIONERIES, j A FRESH LINE OF JPaxicy Groceries . i .. IM eTOHE . rFA full stock of HOLIDAY GOODS arriving. Fair dealing and low prices. All goods sent Jan4-lm. 10 your residence. ; B. MEARES. Jr., cf Kortli Carolina, . ;'v. , WITH ' SDWlM'f BATSBi CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CL0THIF.1G at YHOLESALE ? 507 and 509 Broadway, ; NEW YORK, 5 or-Gkodsmnufaotured exclusively for the SOUTH KU.V 1 It A UK. janT-ly-pd. CAEOIM- CENTRAL EAILWAT 10 Ojiee Oeneral Superintendent, u f Weuohotok, N. C, May 17, 1878. 1 chAnce of schedule. OTS AND AFTER MONDAY, 20th IN8T.i the followinff Schedule will be operated on this Railway : .,,,- . , ... . J T A83KN0ER. Mi.IL ANB XXTKISS TSAIS : 1 (Leave Wilmington at.. ....... 6:30 p. m. No. l. Arrive at Hamlet at..... .li-AQ a. m. i r? Arrive at Charlotte at......... 66 a, ra. t , -- (Leave Charlotte at 70 p. m. Na . Arrive at Uamlet at...-......l:i5 a.m. !"- '-t (.Arrfve at Wilmington at.;.... 7:45a. m. TBI-WXKKX? F&KIQHT AKD ACCOMMO'TION TKAIH. Leave Wilmington 6:30 a. nu, and Charlotte 7:25 -j a. m., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Laurinburg 4:0ft a. m. going East, and 4.-00 ; i a. going West on Mondays, Wednesdays ' awl Fridays. SBZLBT DITiaiOS MAIL, FKKIGHT AKD FASSKKGEa . .- x j- AKD xxFBXSS, - - - - J - , Leave Charlotte at 6:35 a. ra. 'r ' 1 Arrive tat Shelby at.. ...10:50 a. ra. w a. J Leave Sueloy at 12:45 p, m. rio- 1 Arrive at Charlotte at. 6:00 p. m. Trains Nos. 1. S. 8 and 4 rah daily ezcent Snndav. Passengers for Raleigh make close connection at Damlet, arriving at Raleigh at 8:45 a. m.. i Passengers for Statesville and Western N. C. R. R. by No. 1 Train arrive at Statesville next morning at 9:15; arrive "Head of Western Road at 3:20 p. m and ABhevuie same evening. , " V, Q. JOHNSON, . 1v ft-tf .f ( General Suoerintendent. laleigh & Aurasla Alp-L,lne Railroad Company; i SUPERINTKNDEN T'S OFFICE,! ;'!f. " i - 4 Raleigh, N. C Nov. 1. 1878. . f On and after NOVEMBER 4, 1S7S, trains on the Raleigh A Angnsra Air-Line Railroad will ran daay Sundays excepted), as follows : Leave- i - ; v Leave Raleigh....... 7 00 a m Hamlet 430am Cary . 8 00 Hoffman .... .. 5 35 Apex....i..i. 8 30 -Keyser.v.... IS 180 , ' ew uiu.v.s . u$ Merr Oaks.., 9 30 Moncurc. '....10 0 Osgood. ...i i .10 30 Sanford i....ll 36 Manly Cameron...... 8 25 1 Sanford ...100 1 Osgood 10 30 ' Mencure....ll 00 Cameron. 12 35 p m Merry Oaks.. .11 30 ' Manly.. 140 jsewiiui 11 58 Keyoer. ...... 1 45 Apex. .... ..1335pm Arrive at r Arrive at Hamlet..... ... 4 30" " Kalelffh. " .... i 1 45 s WClose connection at Sanf ord-with tie West ern Rauroad to ana irom t avetteville. , JOHN C. WINDER, Superintendent. mm M SM .-. - ' . .-'-;;-, ' 4 . t. . , ., , .1-- , - . --. - - .' J '' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1879. NEW ADVERTISEJLENTS. apple mmm Wlilch took the Premium at the Great Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, and also in Paris in 1878; It is distilled from PURE CTDE, which Is made from SOUND, RIPE APPLES. IV is W&rmtsi Pure ni Frss frsa Drugs. THIS OLI BRANDY ; HAS NO EQUAL i For, Medicinal Purposes. GIVE IT A TRIAL AND TOUT WILL LIKE IT. Address It. A,' BYKUmC Farmvllle, N. C. Janll-tf. Membsrs of Lsgisla.iare &si Others CALL AT " ; BRAIISOH'S BOOKSTORE. Next Door to Heartt's Old Stand. - - i- North Carolina Almanacs At $3.00 per Hundred or 60c. per Dozen. ,- LAWBOOKS Of all Descriptions, at Lowest Cash Rates. LARGE AND SMALL. ! Bfew York Daily Heralds, And other Dailies, every day at 1 o'doek, P. M. Subscriptions taken for all PERIODICALS at the Publishers' rates. Call or address Rxv. L. BRANSON, 1 janli-3m. Raleigh, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A MORTGAGE DEED Ex ecuted to the " USe Association of Ameri ca," of Bt. Louis, by W Solomon King and wife, and recnrrferl In Tlrmtr n Tiki intfummjunitini Register of Deeds of Wake county, the under- mgucu wm cxpune to puouc saie ai ime. vonn uuuog uuui ux bue ciij oi xuuclgn, on Tuesday, January SSlh, 1S79, A tract of land In- Wake count t, lying near the line of the N. C. R. R., about seven miles west of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of E. A. Allen ana orners, Demg me land upon wh ch W. 8. King now resides, and containing oae hundred and sixty-two acres, more or less. rerms or saie vadu.. i LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Readb, Busbks & Busbeb, Attorneys. . janS-tds. HARDIN, GRIMES & CO., Holleman Building, Payetteville St. BEING now settled In our new store,. we are better-nrenared than ever tn fill thn nrdnra of our customers for first-class - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ' ' . ' ! ' WE offer also our nsnal choice variety of fine and reliable WINES, LIQUORS, &c, 8 ELECT KD EXPRESSLY FOR Family and medicinal Use. OUR STOCK Is complete-.ln "every depan ment, and we guarantee everything that leaves onr store. tahu rnrppntj,l in nimlitr and at lowest living price. IURDIX, GRIMES '& CO. Jan8-tf. . Groeem, A Happy New Year to All! J. A BRA GAS S A. thtr liberal patronage for the short space of time I have been among them, and hope I may continue to merit their patronage in the future. I will keep constantly on hand everythtng usual ly kept in a i FirsMHass .ConlecHonerj ' Store, Consislinir in part of ' ORANGES. LEMONS, .BANANAS, FIGS. RAISINM- xtttr , FIS FRENCH CANDIES, And other things too numerous to mention. la Fayettevnie Street, Raleigh, 3T. a oct31-3m. , fARPETS! 1 1 CARPETS! V , CARPETS! PtUGS! RUGS! FLOOR AND 610110 Bought from the- manufacturers. An NEW DESIGNS and CHOICE PATTERNS never be fore offered In this market. Just received at PETTY I JONES. DAILY ARRIVALS ..... c OF - ' I- NEW and SEASONABLE AN ADVANTAGE ' CAN BE HAD IN THE LINE BLACK' DRESS GOODS, Offered for sale by this f ill house including -. 1 . AND ONE GRADE , ' BJLA CK AFA CCA That cannot be baa of any one else in this 4 oct SO-tf mret 01 urPa8ad in any. III!)' GOODS mnvm WU m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1111 "Hi S HIT S ! 17EIEIEL, Its Faiosie Tailor, U0LLEMAN BUILDI56, Is prepared to meet the demands of Merchants, Business Men. and all others who want ' Having Just returned from the Nortn with a fall and complete line of all tbe New Styles of cloths; CASSIMERES, i i. - YEST1XGS, i DOESK.1KS, dcc4 Which have been selected from the Newest and Fullest stocks of Imported and Domeatio Goods to be found in the North and East. , ,. Now la the time to LEAVE YOUR MEASURE for a new , Spring and Sammer Salt. With the largest stock of FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and T GUABAJfTEEUiG ALL HIS W0EK; There Is no place In the oltr waere BETTER BARGAINS, FITS er SELECTIONS can be had. REMEMBER THE PEACE . Hollemain Building. FayetteTiUe Street, - - - EALEIQH. N. a A. W. FRAPS, WHOLESALE A5D RET1IL DX1LER Ef Fcrciga ad BcsesUc Um, WINES, CORDIALS, P0BTEE, ALE AKD LAGEB BEER. The following brands are kept on hand : ' Live Oak (Sole Agent), Gibson, Cooper. Cabinet. Pfeiffer. Bournen, Golden Wedding, Mono gram, XXX Crown Rye, and best Scotch Whis kies. Tom Cooper, North Carolina and Kentucky Corn Best Jamaica and New England Rums. woo vibuio, r rencn ann uauiornia cognac, and -Southampton Apple Brandy. EummelL Curacoa, AbsynUie, and Seed's Cock tail. Bitters (the best In the market) and Gilt Edge Tonic. London Dock, Holland and Domestic Glna and California Port, Sherry, N. C. Scnppernong, and iuiiku i-iiouiijiiijiie, rui t ana ouerrv wmes McKvans's and Bass's Ales, E. & J. Burke's Lager Beer in Kegs and Bottles. xuiponea Apouinaris and seltzer Waters. The Bar is supplied with THE BEST Wines and Liquors that can be kept. UeclS-tl. COAL Coal of Best Quality Always on Hani We can give low figures on all classes of pine lumber. Par tics wishing to purchase wil And It to their Interes to all and get our Prices. Western Te minus iiargett Street oct 6-domos. ' FOB BEST QUALITY APPLY TO R. J. HARRIS. Office at J. W. Watson's Groeerj Store, Fayetteville St., or Martin & Os torn's Feed Store, Jf. C. Depot. : SAll Orders Promptly RLtei.iS Jan4-3m. . DO YOU WANT FUBNITUBEl ilf so it Will Paj Toa to Reai llis. TUB -' Best & Cheapest Furniture in the city is now to be bad as the subscriber la determined not to be undersold, and la offerias a very handsome stock of F URN I T URE at SZDUCXD PRICES. ' For a GOOD BAB. , t GAIN CALL ON MS. - L WALN U T 3 U I T B A very .select assortment of waLnttt RltulKlVtltiiiiilUMkUsiig. VUiJj Jfi OUT POUT, Jg. C " W. J. CALAIS, - - Superintenaent. . MANTJ7ACTTJRERS OF WAJJ8T CHAMBEX SSITt BSSSIZl CASES . WASH-STAIDS, VAISKOSEC KAt ' t RACKS TASLES Ut AIL KIX3S . A1B STYLES. DESKS. AND K V JERTTHINQ C8TJALLY MASS IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURB FACTORT. This la a HOMK KnnrRPRiaip u.. inch, we respectfully ask an even ahare vita onr Northern competitors. We have the beat mf newest Improved ma chinery, and v . - Superior TSoi-lcxaen. And gnarant satisfaction, both In styles and prices. . j . , . s S3T- Orders promntlv tiled. m ' vyt-tt STOP AT THE Richmond"; Hotel, . (OPPOSITB LONG'S HOTEL), V - ROCKINGHAM, N. a ' , ; UBS.'' XT'A." lldDOSALDr Prbprietreau 4 Rooms large and comfortable. ' Terms moder ate, route and attentive waiters. setf-tt. Custom-Me Suits ! and LUBES olynollouTipaflU iti ve!y prTvenl fhis"! Z&ZtXal Z T' ' u Jv A&o a lot of NOT a nn-- "1.ve)y cure nine cases in ten. InformattoD fciat J. u--C. Mir V W - erywhere L 8. JOHNSON CO.r Ban- i V- "J 'L v-rp. f.i . no; 13. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CAMEROII, HAY , & CO,4, GENERAL- 1 Fir. M CSV ( Office, Citizens' Natl BankBuHdiiy, " ' .' . . '! ' y- t l Oi A Missels Eejimii,:$S5,llOD(llI. Among the Companies represented are the following, vis t - i'j.fe j 'j Aits. Vlrgliiia Fire And Marina Iasu Jea- -r, Liverpool and London and Olob. . . St. Paul Fire and Marine tns. CJo. ;" Home Insurance Co of New York. v. Beaboard Fire Insuranoe Go. i jci ; . London Assurance C3orporation. Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Co., of Germany. - - . a j - :- Boyal Fire Ina Co.,Qf UverpooL L, arSpeclal attention 'given to the insurance of Cotton, stored or in transit, and to Mills. Facto lies, Ac. n '-. ' v.-.'f. dotfi tL RALEIGn CLUB HOUSE r;-i'!taW2d8tfttilna"-' t Oomer MajlM and Salisturj Btreeta KtrcTNE DUBLIN XXX BROWN STOUT V on draught wltb Bass ale, the old English drink of Half tk Half,' can be procured in the future at Tint Lee's Club House., Also on band Id Robeson County whisky bought of Hardin & Primes. Baltimore Meats and alT delicacies of the season served tn Srst-class order. 1 Nine private sitting rooms, so tht parties can always be private. ; , .'. . , r f S3SFrencb Cook. roct.6-tf sr. imi: mm FOUNDED MAY, 1842. Bt. Ber. Tnos Atkinson, D. D.( VI Hi- Bt. Bey. Theo. B. Lyman, D.D.t tors. Eev. JBEETNETT SMEDES, A. 1L. . . , Eectorand Principal. Mrs. Kate DeBosset Means. LuLy Principal, Tbe 73d Term of this School begins SEPTEMBER 12th, 1878. FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS THM RECTOR. . leas-tf. . . -.. , ,.,, .. Canal St. from Sixth to Seventh. Richmond, Va. Engines, Portable and Stationarj, BAWidlLLS, GRIST MILLS, BOILERS. Castings of Brass and Iron Forging b, 4aacnmery ror ooia and Coal Mines, , Blast Furnaces, Stc. ? Wf) mil anM4ai .HanHAn fn mi TlfPTJAinm PORTABLE ENGINE for agrionltnral and other purpurea. Amu mi oar new styie small locomo tives for hanlinr liimhr iinri nt h Ar tramways and narrow gauge railways. . ; Shaainjr, PnlleI, &c For Gin ' Iloaset.' - - Eminent nlanters in North CaroUna land other wiu UUUUJ1M .n Threshing Engines the best sad chAapest In use, unuuwij mud uvm iptru, f , , . m Repair work solicited and promptly donei Send for Illustrated Catalogues, which axe furnished free. agSMaw-lv WM.E. TANNER CO. Wanted A GOOD, AGENT to can vasa RaleUr and the adlainin towns for the best seUlnflr household articles in the world. Tip top profits. Write at once to World Manufacturing Ccv, I Clinton Place, N. Y. 82HUU-4W. . : s r HOUSEffiEEEERSl ! A Postal Card sent us. with "your address will Insure free, in return, our lUustrated'Cireolars of nice Honsefurnlshlng Specialties. Palmx 8knT0K, Manufacturers, 381 Pearl Street, New I-- -:-' - 83a-janl-w. .. AGEHT8, ? BEAD THIS I ! We wttl pay Agents s saiarr oftiefl peinonth and eipensea, or allow a large commission to sell our new and wonderful inventions. W mean what toe say. Address, wtthevt delay;"'.' , - -i 'J-.. . i SHERMAN A CO- . ws-3ani-4w. - - - - - Marshall, Mich. T i ANEW JEXCITIMG BOOKi , Briauias; with , the WILD ADTmiTLRW of STMLEYAPRICAi The oklt muthtntia auu vwrighu& cheap edi tion. By the brilliant descriptive author. Bon. J. T. HeadUy - Gives a FULL history of his won dzrtci dtacoverloa to Africa and mabvcloits Journey down tk Congo. More fascinating than romaa e. Prvfvaelf lUustrsted, and hiohlt en darted by the elergy and pre. Over 1 9,000 sold. More AKITS WANTED I UTFO TictFLAKS about the book sacee of Agents and best terms, address " - HUBBARD imo8.. , aa8-Janl-w. . . PnbHahera, Philadelphia, PaT "3 f." ill'gf S Bj IBBIIBOII-'GAOAPBXITS - - j .CELEBRATED the WORLD 0TER. 1 2 the Uanufaeturen were awarded Vi4 igk etand only medal given rubber plaster, both the Cevttmmal and JurU gryarirtowa, I I eqUf Far Superior 'xTtl-:iit i 'common porous plasters, liniments, the so-i caUed electrical appliances, Ac, It is the best! tcnown remedy for Lame sad 'Weak Back,! Rheumatism, Female-Weakness,-Katies. Lumbago, Diseased ELidneya, .Kpinal Com plaints, and all Ills for which porous plaster' ire used.' ask your Drorgist for Benson't Ja peine Plaster and see tiuit you get nothing else. Sold by all Drue-cists, r Price 25 cents r Mailed on rce! it of price by b'AEmT mimm i u mm mm m mmm mm TS M MT B II "1 Bor,juune, ,.. sa& jani-w. ... . , .v ,.-,i;.,.fc-u. One Square (1 tnch) one day,......S. ...... $1 os -r r ' two " ..... 1 m ..-: three ...... . s OS n-'- u four 1 t St M v. - 'five " 1 99 ' Contracts for advertising for any space or tint V ttsj.bs made at tbe.offloe ol, The Observer,; Observer Building, Fayefcevllla Street, Ralelght 0urui varoiins. " . f r.' ygvV ADVEimSEMENTSJt 'T5"? OWTNO TO THE IN CLEMENCY- OF THE weather we had to postpone our sale of ' TOYS,, BASKETS AND FANCY GOODS at auction, bnt will have tne sale To-night at our old stand, opposite John G, wmiama Bank. 1 Sale to begin about 1)4 o'clock. ' j '- ' -'3 J.-R. H; CARMER, " I . Jfa"JW.9 OitV Orocery. " X7B would call the attention of our . patrons T and the public generally, to our fliuj slock ! Fancr toMions ani 'Groceries. ... ....... .. .......... . . . .,. ( , . WB keen as line stock, and more of it, than ' ever. We are located at ' ; A. H. BAKEiCS OLD 8TANL ( J r ON WILMINGTON tTREET,f - - - . And an offer lndueemeata in many- kinds of goods. 1 We have beauuful COPKKK at la cents per pound, and the prettiest In the city at 25 tents, j Kne Golden .Sugar at Ten ; Cents. KEROSENE OIL SS CENTS PES GALLON. -j '- KEROSENE OIL BY THE BAB- , . ; ' - BEL QUITE LOW, Wa Sell Wests' Keroseae Oil,' j .'-WHICH IS IH BKST.ON TBI MUtKKT. VUB STOCK OF FA5fCY AMD IIEAY1 . GROCERIES j i i-H. t ' IS QUITE COMFLSTE. .. . I We are Selling the very finest Raisins,' Nutsi and French Candy at about cost. Try us and see if It is not so. Several barrels of SHEEP NOSE, BALDWIN AND RHODE ' I i u , 4 ISLAND GREENING APPLES Just Received. A lot of FINE ORANGES Jus Received. Call and see, as we have the only j F A N ClT OR OCERt ' - -r ' ' on wnjfiKGTOM sranBT.' - ' i : R..H. CARMER, 1 , 4 , A:. Manager. Jan8-tf. .::'....-., THE SUBSCRTBfiR HAVING! 1 QUALIFIED as Administrator on the estate ef H. J;' Ry. 5 Sis, deceased, all persona Indebted to the estate Of said H.J. Ryala, deceased, are hereby 'notified J to make immediate payment ; and persons hav-: tag claims against said estate will exhibit them 7 a c.w- mm. vwvwuv Tt III CAU1U1I bllCAU to me on or before the let day of February, 1880. AMiH HIV B U IUIJ VJ WtLLlLery 9 loiw . n. L. WATSON, Administrator," jans-etpd; QNcourage; : i HOME INSTITUTIONS. , ,'. SECURITY AGAINST FIRE. K0BTH CaROLIIJA RALEIGH, N. C. rpmS COMPANY CONTINUES' TO WRITE ! FAIR IJRAfe en all classes . - . Insurable Pro pe rty. i ,t..- ami ujaam AKE r j.; PB0MFTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. THE HOME" 18 Rapiffly GrowiBi in PnMc Fa?orJ j APPEALS, WITH OOmDEJOE t Inatirers e Propertr in Kortxi Oarclina, : TjffetOa 'k' irttparti'of 'affijgl ' 1 This Company talcea risks on property of every character on the most reasonable rates, and not- withstanding the large number of losses It has ' sustained In the past four years, It has never ' failed to pay promptly, and on time. Its motto PROGRESSIVE ! v PROSPEROUS j I, uity.:: PROMPf l U . . - , r AMPLE RESERVE AND ' GOOD I I'b ,ii i s SURPLUS zt hilf-i- -i Premiums Cash 2 I POLICIES LIBERAL. ' tSF-GUAKD YOUR OWN INTERESTS BY IH ' W. H. CROW, Vice-President. W. 8. PRIMROSE. Sec. and Treaa. PULASKI OOWPER. Superviaotl 0B 1 TALBOT & SONi ; mcniioMD, Virginia. MAOTWATJTTEIBS.OJ.;, ,1" , ! Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shafttng , Hangrers and Pulleys, Turbine Water1 Wheels, Tobacco Factory r Machinery, Wrought -Lron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, (jfiaing arid ..Tlif esHng- Jlnginei u o n I n er j; of Eyery D,sq r p t i o n. . I Repatrinff promptly and carefully done. f tar-Send for Illustrated Catalogue. - J i Brmacb OZncj RALEI BV C.'- bTUUS ASJU CC ALLCO IT, i J AeXNTS.. i (, ) ; s Is rn the business centre of thesdry and dl-r rectly opposite where the trains stop. R'iroayl and telegraph offlcea in the building. " ' PROPRTETORa. F1 Home Insurance Co ml OC10-f ' 9 - 1; Jf-i V ' 1