n-.u n stMCKimOit JH ADVAMCB, Oally, one year, mall postpaid!,........... $ 8 00 -i olTmrvnl.hu ' ! ........... 4 0ft - thrcA ' 1 : . fhr " ' 00 w.Kly, on year, mail poepald,... ...... 8 00 .-, lx months, ff " 1 00 To city subscriber The Observer will be de- HiiOoutnetB for advertising for any space or xtm e m rered daily at tweaty cent per wee ; seven. VOL. 5. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17,; 1879. til. o. tJ iB rents ner month : twd dollars for three two" -V t .NO. 15 T - won ens. a nmmi KKPOHTKD KY TH8 ASPQjUIATjp PKBjSfl. 1r FORfl-FiFTH OON0BEES. Washington, Jan, IS. Sksatb. In -e Senate Mr. VVindoto, of Minnesota submitted the following: jj Resolved, That with a view to the peace - ful adjustment of all questions relating to suffrage and the, effectual enforcement of constitutional and national rights and to the promotion of the best Interests of the whole .country by the elimination of sec tionalism from politics a committee of Sen ators, to be appointed j 'Joy the cbaii, 'and charged wilb, the dity of inquiring as to the expediency and jpracticability of encouraging and promoting, by all just and proper methods,4 partial migration of colored persons from thiosa States and Congressional Districts where they are not allowed to freely and peacefully exercise and enjoy their " constitutional rights as American citizens, into such States as may . desire to' receive them ' and will protect them in said rights; or into- such territory or territories of the UnitedV States as may be proviueu lonneir use-anu occupation; '. Mid if said committee sbaljj deem such mi gration . expedient and practicable, that j i ht-y u pon by bill or otherwise what, in - J Uiijir judgment, is the most effective , jiiethod of accomplishing that object, and that said committee have lieave to sit dur- ing recess. Laid on the table for -the present at the request of Mr. Windom, andVe gave notice that be would call it up 8.'K)nVer the purpose of submitting some' rt marks in regard thereto, j ! '"jSlr BMne reported favorably on Mr. Thurman's rtiolution to asmit Uon. Geo. liriiDcroft to the privileges of the floor, add it was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Dorsey, of ArkaoBis,' submitted a resolution calling upon thie Secretary of tiie Treasury for a statement of all appro, priations and expenditures from the .Na-. tifTnal Treasury, for the purpose of paying Uie expenses of- Indian Department trom s J uly 1st, 179Q, to June 30, 1878. Agreed to. ' Mr. Thurman, from the ('Committee on the Judiciary, reported with amendment the; Senate bill to extend the- operation of the act of February 27th, 1)875, ,to provide tor setllemehts with certain railway com panies forone year. t was placed the cal- endar. - (It raters tq the ysjrious Southern roads.) ' f r The Sena'e during the rnjorning hour on motion of Mr. Xogaii's took up the House ' bill providing for the ' payment of arrears , . of pension. ; 4 "I ; ' The Senute passed the bifl granting ar rears on pensions to personi entitled there to datingjrqui the time of j death or dis- charge trj'mi Service. It wijjl require about 18,000,000 to pay such arrears. The bill was passed as it came from the House without arnenduQcnt. t I , - lloLsa. The Speaker 4nn0UBCed the regular order fo llhe? confeideration of a bid reported last night 'from the committee on Ways and Means. to- facilitate the" re- - funding of 'ibb national debt, and pending question to be the patsaie of the bill, Mr. Mills of Texas asked Mr.. Wood ot iSiew Yurk to yield to him (for an - amend , tnent, suljectiug all bonds lkreafter issued ' to taxatiuu. !VLr. Wood-declined to yield for. that purpose and; the bill was then visaed without division. j ; The House is in committee of the whole iq a bill fur the improvement of the Mi& - sissippi levees. j I V, The proposed Mississippi River Improve ment Commission, io pons'iist Of five per sons appointed by tne president, is tohave charge of the surveys f that river and to consider plans and estimates lor the im ' provement of its navigation and the pro tection of its alluvial, lands. Upon the preparation! and Congressibijial approval of such, plans the Secretary 1 of War shall cause the improvements to oe made. T he bill appropriates two hundred and fifty " "thousand dollars foi salaries and the committee which reported it has added an amendment appropriating three million' - eight hundred inousanq donars forstreDgth- yt ing tuts jussisaippi ijeyeca. j .. . : Mr. Gibson " gave noitice that he would 'offer as a 'substitute an! amendmeut appro- . priating two and a half millions dollars for the improvement of tfje lississippi from : the heafrt of the passes pf that river to the mouth of the Illinois riverll Mr, Reiagan gave nbtice of an amend- J ment directing the" Commission to consid er the practicability of improving the Mis t sissippi by opening- addiiiulnal outlets into the Gulf of Mexico. . f Mr. jius oriered an amendment as a substitute appropriating foijtr million, eight hundred thousand dbilari to ; repair the - vLevees and improve, the najvigatiou of the Mississippi under the dietction of the Chief linaineer of the armV'. 4 . Mr. Robertson, "of Lbuisiana. Chalmers. of Mississippi, and Robinson, of Massa- - chusetts, spoke m favor of the btlL Furth er debate was postponed ko Wednesday next ; the vote will be taken on, Thursday. 'Jhe F,kcaiH Indiauii, Fort Robinson, Jan'K 151 Gen. Crook : has ordered the pursuit of the (Jheyennes to be continued. Company Jv 3rd Cav alry, Capur Lawsuu commanding, has gone to the'trout. -Company U. Capt. Wtssers, will . j jin the forces to-morrow, and the pursuit; will be resumed with Wessei's i cpmrnanorng the entire force "of troops. tne soldiers will Lave six , day's rations. 1 here are 52 bucks and two squaws and children in the Fort prison. Of these there are 14 wounded. One old equawlis dying to-night from the effects o)f six gun shot I wounds. Five soldiers hate been killed or: died - from wounds, ana eight were wounded. Thirty-two: Indians, of rwhich are bucks, the remainder women and : children, have been killed. " Twenty-six were buried in one common grave. It is believed that about 50 Indians, including lull Knife, escaned. Wild Hoe, Via JJrow and one othej? savage lare in irons. .' Alabama JLeiriklatHre. Iontgomert, Jan. 17. In the Senate of Alabama the, folio wing resolutions were adopted yesterdav : i i - t Wiereas; Inter ferenoe by officers of the initea butes in popular elections is justly regarded by the people of this btate as un evil of great magnitude, and . Whereas, Such interference, in part at least, is to influence and control the action of-the State ia selecting Electorsfor Presi dent and Vice President of the United btate8. therefore Jiesolved, That the Oohimittete on Foreign Relations be instracted to inquire into the" expediency of providing by law for. the selection of Electors for .President atd Vice President by the General Assembly until the acts of Congress authorizing the interference by Federal authorities are re- -iJeaiea toreigm .UatierN. - LoNDOir, Jan. 16. McOmas & Co., merchants, have failed. Liabilities, 80,- ooor A Berlin - dispatch savs that it is re ported that Bavaria is the firmest oppo nent of the Reichuta? DlsciDline Bill in He Federal Council where a strenuous opposition to the measure is expected. ine poiuical sitnatlon horn France is the leading topic discussed by the morn ing papers. ; - A special from Paris to the Daily News says that the ministerial situation is full of difficulties, but I need not repeat the con Aiding rumors, which will lose their in terest after the declaration, which Du- fauf, the President of the Ministry, is ex pected to make in Parliament to-morrow,' (to day). fThtK extreme left " object to Gresley, the New Minister of War, "as Sattelites of the Duke DAumale, and think the compensation awarded to General Barel, an ' enemy of Republican lnstitu-1 ttons, of the command of the Rouen corps, too pregnant 'evidence that the Ministry has not shaken off the shackles of the unconstitutional -and irresponsible power. ' 1 ' I ha Daily Telegraph Pans despatch says that Gresley 's republicanism is not denied, and! do not think that English'.' men will approve the action of the liberals in opposing the appointment of a man whose only fault is that be is not a minis ter of their choice, j" There is even some talk' of upsetting the cabinetj but I can not .imagine Gambetta permitting par ty to tempt : him into such unreasonable conduct.. The Stand'ird's Paris corres pondent telegraphs the following' as the opinion of a French military contributor:; "The left have fully made up their minds to have a miaister; and are determined to remove all but republicans from office and to carry out the wishes of the electoral body, especially as regards the minisier of war. Gauibettas's speech at Roman'sleft no doubt as to the magnitude of reforms that would be insisted upon. Foremost among these is a change rn the Generals in com mand of the army corps, mos of "whoai are regarded as hostile to Republican In stitutions. ; These changes and reforms cannot be expected to take place if there shall be at the head of the War j Office a man so undecided in character as General! Gresley. His past, the company he keeps, and his general scepticism in all things, rank him among the members of that most unmeaning of parties, the ''Constitutional Orleani8t8." The Left would have liked to have had General Faidherbe, but his physical infirmities induced them to select General" Farre, and it was Farre whom Dufour proposed for the office, but Presi dent MacMahon refused to sanction the appointment, and threatened to resign if it was insisted upon. Dufour yielded,' arid assented to the appointment of Gresley. i iUaritte. ' I Washingion, Jan. 16. The Signal Corps Station at, Kitty Hawk reports the bark Success, Capt. Hobery, owned by George F. Jewel, from Wilmington,- N. C, loaded with paval stores, bound to Hamburg, sunk 17 miles south of Kitty Hawk, at b a. mM lota. The crew were saved. She was in a sinking condition, and was run ashore, and is now sunk in about three hundred yards ' from the beach. Congressional Cotnni(tiee Washisgton, Jan. 16. The Potter Committee met and discussed the ques tion whether Si. Martin should be CHlied, arid whether his affidavit be inserted in the minutes. It was 'finally agreed to insert the date of Sheliaberger's letter, and the offer of the affidavit. 1 The committee then adjourned. , t . . . Catholic iTl alters. - Ciucisati, January -18. The Catholic Telegraph, doubts the truthfulness of the report of Archbishop Purcell's resignation, because Home wouldn t cousider the ques tion of a successor until it sent official word of its acceptance of his resignation to Archbishop Purcell and consulted him ancT other Archbishops of , the country. ' ii Anotner IMollie nagnire Hnnr, PoTTSVitLK, Jan. 16. Martin Bergin was hung at 10:40 for the murder of Pat rick Burns at Tuscarora, Pennl. April 15th, 1870. He is the ninth Mollie Ma guire hung for murder in the State. Kailroad Blockaded. Buffalo Jan: 16. A heavy snow storm has again blockaded the Railroads. There, is nothine runnintr on the Buffalo. New York and Philadelphia Railroads. iSiyyV ADVEKi'iafcMfiJNTB. TALBOT & SONS, Shockoe Machine Works' RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. MANTJFACTUKKR8 OP En sines and Boilers. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Shafting, Hangers and Polleya, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinerr. Wrotuzht iruu n ur&, ora&s ana iron vasi;ings, Ginning and . Thresning Engines . . A SPECIALTY. M ao t inery of Every Description. i "Repairliig promptly and carefully done. t3end for Illustrated Catalogue. Branch Office, RALEIG II, IS. C. 1 STRONACII & AI.L.COTT, -'r ' -J Kastjtactum agbnts. . EMPIRE HOUSE, : i, WIL3HXGT0X, X. a I. L. DOLBY;.- - - Proprietor. BOARD $2 PER IAY.r OCtl 5-tf. : ' . : '' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' Printing! Bitti! THAT'S IT! . i If you wint any thing of ihe kind, SDWAEDS,' EPwOUC-HTOlT & CO., -H 18 THE PL,AC The j have the largest and moMt complete PRINTING OFFICE BOOK BINDER? i -1 . ; . I : - j IN TUB STATE, And their work fetands with that done anv- L where in the United btates. An j thing from a TiMitiiisr Card to the Largest Poster. Call or send orders, GOWAItDS, BKOVCiIlX(N & CO., -.i ' I " ". ' r-... - .. .. PftlATEKS AND B1ADBUS, ; KALEIGH, V. janlO-tfj FOR SALE I Published at avfe7ille.'v. cf Its' off wod for paie. it fta a good snpotynf NEWSPAPER, lilSPJ-AYAND AUVBKTIsING TYPff. Press -i line order, ainpie p inn g material of all Kinds --and, in short, everything needed for the pub lication of a good seven-c -lonm newspaper. 1 be f.azt-ite is the ooly paper published in Fnyetteviijie a citv of ,000 inhabitants; it has long been the recognized organ of the Democratic party in the Upper Cape Fear section; and it has a large subscription list and go'd advertising pat ronage. Cirenla ion from 1,000 to 1,20.' For ttrma, a c .address , Pii jPRIETOR G ZETTK, Janll-tf.i j ayeiteviUc, N. C. 1878. 4 879. v -I THE . 'ON TH2 EUROPEAN PLAN. " 'Corner iklisbury and Uargett Streets, (Juat back of A. CREECH'S Store), ! RALEIGH, X. C. Location' DediglitfuL Eicgant rooms for pri vate partiqs. , Best lit xSaiirant in the City. French Cook' Polite nnd attentive waiters. Finest teaks, Fish, Oysters in ererv st.yle, and all kinds of vv I i d -tiAM E. Bar and' Billiard Sa loon in the building. The choicest Wines and Liqaors inistock. ; no other kinds kept.' C1GAKS, all the favarite brands. . Mi:oiA.L su t let Jl take pleasure in announcing to the public that I nave secured the services oe a gcwii caturer, wiio will have entire control of Lthe Restaurant. Mr. G. W. HARRI SON, a general favorite, will attend the Bar; aurtMr. J4S. P JEisMAN will serve his friends with the Oysters on the half shell and cwve the wl. i I gua antee satisfac ion. and I earnestf? so- licii jour patronage. JACOB HltjfGb. OfCbl-3Ul. ' 1. 15. HILL, FAMILY GROCER, Corner Wilmington ad Hargett Streets, B i P.flV? HAMS, BRRAKPAST STRIPS, BULK AAV W A C. K SIDES AND SHOULDERS. flffl HiX ALL MILLS PATENT FAMILY ASD ! . i -1 Hk. CKtMSHA rV AM1LT. A FULL LINE OB1 fUGARS. CX)PJ?KES. TEAS bVAPSi STARCH, CAKES, CliACKKRS, AND CONFECTIONERIES. - r j A FRKSH LTNB OF - . JF'iaiicy Groceries , .. j-:).' ft.. . IN STORK. ; : tWA fall stock of HO1.LDAT GOODS arriving. Fair dealing and low prices. All goods sent tor our residence. jan4-lm. PAGE'S HOTEL. , 8ANFORD. N. C. Bigh.t Hand Side going South, ; ; , i Left Hand Bide going North, Passengers tafce Breakfast goinsr South : Snp- per going North. MEALS 50 CENTS. j ; - - - . W. C, PAGE, nOvls-tf ' ' Formerly of Cary, Proorietor. TIM LEE'S R.IIJIII m HOUSE . lis leiwico'of ibMi" I -r j-. Oerner Martin and Salisbury Streets. ENTJINE DUBLIN XXX BROWN gTOTJT vJ0n draoght with Baas ale, the old English drink of Half A Half, can be procured In the future at Tim Lee's Club House. Also on band old Robeson County whisky bought of Hardin A Grimes. Baltimore Meats and, all delicacies of the season served in first-class order. Nine private sitting rooms, so that parties can always be private. ; V far-French Cook. ; : oct.6-tf Canal st, from Sixth to Seventh. Richmond, Ya. Engines, Portable and Stationary, SAWMILLS, GRIST MILLS, BOILERS. Castings of Brass and Iron Forarlnsa; - Machinery for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast 1 urnaces, ecc. We call special attention, to our IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINE for agricultural and other purposes. Also to our new style small Locomo tives for battling lumber and other articles upon tnuuways ana narrow gauge ran ways. Shafting; Pulleys, dec, For Gin j Houses." Eminent planters lnliTbrtn Carolina and other Southern States consider onr Ginning and Tnresmng Engines the best and cheapest In absolutely safe from ioarka. - 1 Repair work solusited and promptly ione. Sead for Illustrated Catalogues, which are fnrnlslied tre. -.-.-- ' &g-daw-lT WM.B. TANNER 4kCO. H100S ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Which took the Premium at the Great Exposition In Philadelphia in 1876, and also in Paris in IS 7 S. It is distilled from PURB CTDK, which U made from SOTTSD, RIPE APPLES. It isW&rrdesEFw oziFxee 792 Drugs, This ' f" :; O H, T 13 R A N D Y liAS NOJ5QUAL . - For Medicinal Purposes.; GIVE IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL LIKE ITR Address i ! . Janll-tf. I Farmvilie, N. C. CALL AT :;r BRANSON'S BOOKSTORE, Next Door to Heartt's Old Stand. North Carolina Almanacs At f3.00 per Hundred or 60c. per.Dozen. Xj!A."W", books Of all Descriptions, xt Lowest Cash Rates. I BLANK BO OKS, LARGE AND. SMALL. 3icw York Daily Heralds, And other Dallies, eVery day at 1 o'clock, P. M. Subscriptions taken for all PERIODICALS at the Pub tellers' rates., Call or address ' Kkv. L. BRANSON, janll-3m. t Raleigh. N. C. MORTGAGE SALE. B Y VIRTUE OF A MORTG GE DEED EX ca," of St., Louis, by W Solomon King and wife, and recorded in Book 32, p. 7M, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county,- the under signed will expose to public aalie at the Court House door In the city of Raleign, on Tuesday, January 2tli, 179, A. tract of land in Wake count v. lying near the line of the N. C. R. R-, about seven miles west of Raleigh, adjoining the lands-of E. A Allen and others, being the land upon wh ch W. S. King now resides, and containing oae hundred anq sixty-two acres, more or less. . Terms of 8aieCAu. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Rkadk, Busbks Sc Bchbke, Attorneys, jano-tds. , HARDIN, GRIMES & CO., Holleman Building, Payetteville St. BEING now settled in our new store, we are better prepared than ever to fl 1 the orders of our customers for first-class : GROCERIES m PEOYISIOSS. . WE offer also our usual choice variety of fine and reliable , j WINES, LIQUORS, &c, .. - : ' .-1 SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR Family and Tfledieinaf Use. ' OUR STOCK is complete in every depa't ment. And. we guarantee every thins that leaves our store, to be as represented in quality, and at lowest living price. j HARDIN, GRIMES & CO. janS-tf. Urocers, A. Happy New Year to All ! J. A. BRAGASSA. ; - . j . . I return ray sincere thanks to the nubile for thir liberal patronare for the short apace of time l nave been among- them, and hope I may continue to merit their patronage in the future. i wm constantly ou nana everytutng usual ly kept in a . . t Rrst-Dlass Confectionery Store, Consisting in part of ORANGES. LEMONS, ! RAISINS. NUTS. . FIX FRENCH CANDIES, And other things too" numerous to mention. 15 Fayetterille Street, Ilaleigh, N. Cl WM1-4IU, - I - (: flARPETS! I, CARPETS! H CARPETS! RUGS! RUeSI FLOOR AMD Bought from the manufacturers. AD NEW DESIGNS and choice PATTERNS never be fore ottered in this market, 'just received at PETTY SJOHES. DAILY ARRIVALS NEW and SEASONABLE AN ADVANTAGE CAN BE HAD IN THE LINE BLACK DRESS GOODS, WE CUSHMERSS, " AND ONB GRADE BLACK AiLFA.CC A rnat cannot oe naa ot any one else la this 1 OctS0-tf market or surpasseain any. - 01 NEW AD VE RTISEMEN TS. SPRliVG SHITS! HOLLEMAN BUILDING, Is prepared to meet the demands of Merchants, Business Men. and all others who want Having Just returned from the North with a full and complete line of ail the New Styles of CLOTHS, CASS1SIERES, VEST1XGS, DOESKINS, &c Which have been selected from the Newest' and Fullest stocks of Imported and Domestic Goods to be found In the North and East. Now is the time to LEAVE TOUR MEASURE for a new Spring: and Slimmer Salt With the largest stock of FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and GUARANTEEING ALL HIS WORK, There is no place in the cltJ wnere BETTER BARGAINS, FITS er SELECTIONS can be had. HEM Ell BE It THE PEACE Holleman Building, layetteyiUe Street - - - RALEIGH, K. 0. apnt-tf. j v , A. W. FR APS, WHOLESALE AJiD RETAIL DEALER 15 r:;:l2 iti h lips, WISES, CORDIALS, PORTER, ALE A&D LAGER DEER. The following brands are kept on hand : Live Oak (Sole Agent, Gibson, Cooper, Cabinet, Pftiffer. Bourt.u, Golden Wedding, Mono gram, XXX Crown Rye, and best Scotch Whis kies. Tom Cooper, North Carolina and Kentucky Corn Whisky. . BeBt Jamaica and New England Rums. 16S Castillo, French ant California Cognac, and outhampton Apple Brandy. Kummell, Curacoa, Absynthe, and Reed's Cock . tail Bitters (the best in the market) and Gilt Edce . Tonic. - London Dock, Holland and Domestic Gins and Schiedam Schnapps. Calitornia Port, Sherry, N. C. Scnpperuong, and Imported Champagne, Poit and Sherry Wines Mcavans's aud Bass's Ales, K 4 J. Burke's Dublin Porter. Lager Beer in Kegs and Bottles. Imported Apollrnaris and Seltzer Waters. The Bar Is supplied with 'Ml 13 UEvr Wines and Liquors that can be kept. decl9-tf. COAL mi LUMBER. Coal of Best Qaality Always od Hani. ye can give low figure on all classes or pine lumber. Par ties wishing to purchase wil flu U It to their Intcres to vail aoUgel our Prices. Westwi-n Te minns Hprgett Street j oct 5-d6mos. , ' FOR BEST QUALITY APPLY TO R. J. HARRIS, Office at J. W. TV'atsoh' Grocery Store, Fayelteyille St., or Martin & Os born's Feed Store, JJ. C. Depot. All Orders Promptly FQIe4.rS T DO TOtJ WANT PUSNITtJEE! If so it Will Paj Yon to Read This. ., . :.. . TUB J . Best & Cheapest Furniture tn the city is now to be had as the subscriber la aetenmned not to be undersold, and ia offering very handsome stock of . FXT RN I T TJJRE j at REDUCED PRICES. For -GOOD BAH. . , UAXN GALL ON ILK, W A I. NUT S U IT Bk . A very select assortment of WALNTJT STJIT8 Just received and for sale very reasona bly. I hold out special inducements In this line. A1SO a lOl OI WAlft UT i5JlTEADS anda Taxied assortment of Common Furniture, which 4 am fuiug h cneap aa ever. . FfiriiliMjii5lirii Ctap'y, OLD FOIIT, N. C, "W. J CALAIS, - - Snperintenaent MANUFACTURERS OF i WALHOT CHAMSES SUITS. BBESSIIfi CASES WASH-STAEDS. WAEBROIES. HAt BACKS TABLES BF ALL SJBBS AID STYLES. BESKS. AJMt nvmiiman USUALLY MADE IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORT. rnis is s home ENTERPRISE, and being Duu, ww icBpcuuuuj asK au even anare with our vNorcnera competitors. we nave the beat newest Unproved ma- VUXUCl J, aiiU ... : ... ... ; ... ( , Superior Workmen, I And guaranty aaUafactlon. both -In styles and prices, -V Orders promptly filled n-f. -V STOP AT THE Richmond ' Hotel, - (OPPOSITE LONG'S HOTEL), ' . . RCKINGHAMfc N. C. .". 1IES. t J. A. HcDOSALD, .ftoprietress. Booms large and comfortable. Terms moder ate. Polite and attentive waiters. selfr-tf. nn.QtnTnJfanfl Suits ! V UUlUiU 1UUUU UIUIU NEW AJ)yERTKEENTa uamerdii, Hay g co; 4 GEXERAL ' -4 Office, Citizens' Natl BankBniiaini RALEIGDj N. C. Total ASelsIepimlei, .$96,000,0001 AmoBg the Companies represented are -the luuuwuig, ti: Irg-Inla Fire' and MaxinetDBicbr 4 Ldverpool and London and Globe. ' St. Paul Fire and Marine InJ Co. f Home Insurance Co. of New, York. Seaboard Fire Insurance Col " London Assurance- Corporation. ' 0 Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Co., of Germany. , Royal Fire Ins. Co., of Ldverpool. 1 rspeclal attention given to the insurance of Cotton, stored or in transit, and to Hills, Facto lies, Ac . r - J dec29-tf. DR. i RICHARD fl. MIS. (Late Professor of Diseases of the Ere andJJar la the Savannah Medical College.) 5 Practice limited to the f EYE IVr EAR, ) Kef ers to the State Medical Society, ari th GeorgU Medicalfloolety. . anr M-dAwtf , . - - - ; VANTFfl A COOD AGENT to can- II fill I tU vaas Raltiig ana the adjoining towns for the best selling household articles in the world. Tip top proots. Write at once to World Manufacturing Co., 8 Clinton Place, N. Y. ; ; 885-Jani-w. .... - v, HOUSEKEEPERS ! ! ' A Postal Card sent ns with your address will Insure free, in return, our illustrated Circulars of nice Housefurnishinir SDetiiaitifia. PAt.wBB A SkixtOn, Manufacturers, 3S1 Peart Street, New J v". j Kso-jani-sw. Agents, read this i t We will pay Agents a salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow a large commission to sell our new and wondeiful inventions. ' mean what toe say. Address, without delay, , SHERMAN A CU ; S25-JanI-4w. Marshall, Mich. : JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT will oos- itiveiy prevent this terrible disease and will pos itively cure nine cases In ten. Information that will save many livra sent free by mall. Dont delay a mo dent. Prevention is better than cure. Sold everywhere. L 8. JOHNSON A CO., Ban gor, Maine. S25 Janl-4w. A NEW EXCITING BOOK Bristling; with the WILD AD YES TUBES of STANLEYAFRICA. The dVLX authmitie huTcovvriahUd chean edi. tion. v By the brilliant descriptive author, Bon. J. T. Eeadley Gives a FU I L historv of h s won. DKRFul discoverie s in Africa and marvklous Journey down the Congo. More fatoinatirwj than roman e. JPrQfuei ulustrated, and highly em. darted by the clergy and press. Over 15,000 MltW More AOIl WA VI KOI far-FOBrAR-ticclaks about the book sacee-s of Ageats and best terms, address UUiiBAKD hjtob., a-jani-4w. publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. itfiiiSEBSi5BESBBS5B3LfeaAMBS) PLiLGTZF.! KCELEJIRATED the YOKLl OYJi liR.j " The iranufatturers were awarded ths Mali miu viny wikh given Tfiooer piasters, j i... i i - i i v . ; Far Superior to ' common porous piasters, liniments, the ao-l y called electrical appUances, Ac, It Is the best! fitcnown remeuy lor Uime and Weak Back Kneumatism, J?emaie weakness, bclatica, Lumbago, Diseased Kidneys, plnal Com plaints, and all ills for which norous olssters are used. Ask your Druggist for Benson's! vBPcuie riABter aua see inat vou fiTet notnim. else. Sold by all Drugirlsts. Price 25 cents Mailed on receipt of nrice bv Srabitrya UJOHNSQN. 81 FLATT tTBgKT, N YORK S&Hana-SwT CONDENSED TIME. North Carolina Bailroadj , ; TRAINS GOING EAST. ' ' No. 8. Daily ex. sun; Date, Dec. 1,1878. No., DaUy, No. 4. DaUy. Leave Charlotte' " Salisbury S.20am 6.S4 a ml ft. 59 pm .. ... .... .......... 4.lpm 8.67 p m lu.24am ' uoam, ' 9.1V d m High Point t.oo am 7.89 am SUM) am 10.16 am 10.59 am 12.15 pm S.30pm 6.55 pm 10.S9 p m 11.18 p m att. ureensooro 1 Lea'e Greensboro A rr. Hillsboro . Durham " Baleign . Lv. - , ; -.. Arr. Goldsborof r 5.49 am 9.56 a m No. 3 Connects 1 Raltahnrv -with f N f T T i i . i i ..r . . . . f vma. iui ui puuiis iu western xionn Dan r except Sunday. At Greensboro with the n. x u. k. k. tot au points Nortti, &8t and West. At Goldsboro With W. A W. R; It. for wu'nmgton ..; ... wo. 4 connects at Greensboro with the R, ft D. R. R. for aU points North, East, and West. a BBiisDury with w. N. C. R. R. dally except Sunday for all points in Western onh Caro lina. . h m h EJbJ n n b am bbi isb TRAINS GOING WEST. I"" '- j - No. I, ( Date, Dec. 1,1878. No.l. No. 8, Dally ' a.. ., Dally. ...Daily. . " ex. bun. Lv. Goldsboro 10.W a m 6.89pm .......... .i At. Raleigh 12.40 p m 10.80 pm i Lv. : 4.19pm 6.45am Ar. Durham - 6J3 p m ......... 06 a m " Hillsboro, 6.T pm ......... 11.00 am " Greensboro 85 pm ......... 8.30pm LT.'-.i . 8.3 pm .47 sm ...j Ar, High Point . .38 pm i.5 am . ... " Salisbury K 10.56 pm 9.01am ...; ...i Charlotte. " 1.00 am io.5oam rlo. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. lAt Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R daily, except Sunday for all points in Western North Carolina; at Atr-Une Junction with A. A C. A.L. Railroad for all points South and South' east. , -. - . . , ... ; No. 3 connects at Air-Line Junction with A. 4C.A.L for all points South and Southwest : at Charlotte with the C, C. k A. R. R. for all points South and Southwest. Leave Greeensboro daly except S'nd'y 9 10 p m Arrive Kernersvilie M 10.20 p m Arrive Salem i- - u t - u.iepm Leave Salem . . 6 00pm Arrive Kernersvilie " ' " 6.40 p m Arrive Greensboro . " 8.oopm Connecring at Greensboro with trains on R. A D. andN C. R. R. -t SLEEPI8G CAES WITHOUTrCHAHGE Run both ways on Trains Nos. l and 8, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greens boroand Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. S and 4 between New York a ad fcavannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. - nrThrough Tickets on sale. at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte and at all principal point ttonto,. Southwest, Weat, North and ast. - For emigrant rates to points in Arkansas and Texas, aduress J. R. MacMTJRDO, ' " . ' Gen. Passenger Agent i . Richmond, Va. , Ja7 be made at, the otace of Tliw Ooserrer, ObBeryer Boiidint, FayetteTlile StreeC Kalelat North Carolina. s r"'-. v if. advertisements; OWINf TC4 T;H INiQLEHKNCYf OF1THK weather we had to t postpone our sale of TOYS, BASKETS'AND FAIN CJY GOODS at auction, but will haVe the Bate i&.kttfBT, our old 8taaUrHHiif Julia tW-tfiiama' Bank. Sale to begin about lyz o'cIock. - .... t,jj . JH- H.;fcAr MEB, 5 I Manager Oak Vity Grocery. . E1 wrjaltfcafl lhe";attentlra or mi patrons ' and the iubc gener ay j, tq onr Aue stock imf ; CoBEcCiMai fir Seeries; ; '..-.-;?.' 5isi .:,:$.:. u i j r 3 .. .:. -f . WE keep as fine stock, and more of it, tnan ever.-4-We ar located at i; - -1 " - JmBAKBiCa OLD STAND, i ON WILM 1NQTON fetRJSETia --1 And ean offer inducements In many kinds of goods.' We have beautiful COFFEE at 18 cents per pound,- and: the prettiest - in tire city at 25 PinQ Golden Sugar at , Tea Cents. KEROSENE OIL 86 CENTS PES GALLON. -j'.f KEROSENE OIL BY THE BAR- , ft. BEL QUITE LOW; ' -We 5ell -Wests' Keros3.8 til, WHICH 18 TDK BEST OH TBS VAXEKT. O UR , STOCK OF : , FANCT AMD HEAVY , -. GllOCElllES l i IS QUITE COMPLETE. We are selling the very finest Ralsine, Nuts, and French Candy at about cost. . Try us and see if It Is not so. Several barrels of ; SHEEP NOSE, BALDWIN Ai?D RHODBU . ' ISLAND GREENING APPLES Just Received. A lot of FINE. ORANGSS Jus1 Received. Call anl see, as weliave the only FANCY GROCERY ' "on wrurrNGTON ptrk kt. - ' i- - , J. It. II. CARMEU, ,-!.' . ". y-uA,": Manager. , jans-tf. - ; , ' . , - ANTHONY PAPE. .... C, A. MAX W1EHLE. . WUEELEI PAPI3 & CO., , WHOLESALE ' . : 439 MARKET STREETj ? J v ocS-dSm ; PHTLADELPrrjA. l?NCOURAC!s ( ' HOME IHSTlTUTIONa. ; SECURITY MAIHST FIRE ; - NORTH CAROLINA ! t Hie Insurance Go THIS WXFANY .CONTINUES TO WRIT1 Policies at ; " " ' ' V' - ' i i. on all classeB Incurable Property. ALL LO.SSES.Alil-V rROMPrLY ADJUSTED AMI PAID. i THE "HOME" 18 EapitUy wibi: in Fo5l: XciTor . APPEALS, WITH COETIDEiOB , Insurers o Property in ITortxt Ciirolina. j - - . I,. T Agents in aU parte of the State, This ConfpaDy.takes ripks on property of every characterTin the most reasocable rates.! and not withstanding the large number pf losses it ha sustained in the pant four years, it haa never failed to pay promptly and on time. ' Us mot o PROGRESSIVE ! PROSPKP.OUS . ; 7 ' PROMPT 1 J ' I V ., AMPLE RE8RRVB AND QOOD . SURPLUS I . Premiums ; Cash r POLICIES LIBERAL. "GUARD TOUR OWN iNTERESTS BY IN :;.,;", 8URTNG IN THE , . ' '. JOHN G. "WILLIAMS, President; W. H. CROW, Vice-President;. i W. 8. PRIMROSE, Sec. and Treas. pulasju co whim. supenr.Hotj rt l i. . . . The Gregory House, Groldsboro, IN". O.,' Is in the business centre tof the city and di rectly opposite where the trains stop. Railroad and telegraph offices in the building. ElcliarJ Greiry'M -W;:W;?uii PROPRIETORS. .r t. Oct 10-t ST. MARY'S J . , FOUNDED MAY, 1842.. .' Rt. Rev.' Thoa Atkinson, D. D., ' Vial Rt. Rev. Tbeov B.Iiyman, D. D. tors. Rct. JESTETETT EMEDES, A;M-s Jti ; ; ' - Rector and Principal. Sirs, state DeBosset Mearea, Lady Principal. f , The T3d Term of this 8cnool begins . , . SEPTEMBER I2thf 1878. ' ' TOR CIRCTJLAR ADDRESS THX RECTOR ;1eS-. . - - !j3i;- rf?. N etv Schedule on ESaiclsn Sc 1 Gaston lCailroad. RALEIGH A GASTON RAlLROAD.V r -' - S DFBBIK TENDKNT'8 Ofhcb, ; V ; V , A Raleigh, N.C,Nv. 8, 1673.- . J On and after Monday, llth Instant, trains on the Raleigh ft Gaston Kailroad will run as- fol lows!. . ' . V--Ks'iflt-r. . .' ? MAIL TRAIN. : : ''.,. v Leave Raleivh at..l:I.rt.O0 A.M". . Arrive at Weldon at....:.,. IS.41JH. M. ; Leave WeJdon at............ 8 40 P.M. " .. 'ArnYeatlCHJeighet....,., 8 5 :M, - ,,!. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. ; s Leave Raleigh at.... '.. T.80P.M. . J Arrive at Weldon at.:.......- .41 A.M. ' , Leave Weldon at...,.?. 10 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh at. . . . .... 8i A. M. : J The nail train makes close connect 1 i at Wel don via Portsmouth and via 111 htuuud to and from all points North aud Northwest. : . ' The acccommodatlon train leaving here at 730 p. m. connects with the passenger train forth North via Richmond. , n9T-U '. dill. if t i v. I r 1- f m X I i if- 1', '.Mi at 4 3$ 1 . i