u 1 J" J I t tjp. . " BY P. M, nALS AND W. A PAunuaoo! . RATES OF ADVEHTIsrSG. tJPubiiahed. Dally (except Monday) and Weekly. I . c '.m-mn-a HimatmtrmHW AbVANCl. kOally, one year, mall postpaid;....:....... $ 8 o 1 aiz montha " j three " . I weekly, one year, mall postpaid,. six months, " .. ....... oo ....... s oo 1 00 I To city subscribers The Observer will be de- , llrered daily at twenty cents per wees; seven at twenty cents per wees.; seven- per month ; two dollars tor three. ty-five cents months. BY TELEGRAPH. ESPOBTED BT THE A8ROCTATBD SKS8. " FOEn-FirraCOSGfiES. Washington, Jan. 18. House. The House resumed as regular order of busi- ncsa the consideration of .the Geneva award bill." After considerable debate, at half past n o'nlock the bill was passed by a vote of vpaa 113. nays 93. The bill as passed re vivpfi and continues the Uourt of Com , n.iioners of Albania Claims, and fixes thp number of Judges at three, and limits thf existence to eighteen jnoniha. The first-class claims will be for damages dK ' Tvrtlv done by Confederate cruisers on high seaa, although within tour miles of the shore, in ue uuw w wuiuiuu ; ye seis, 10 per cent, additional will be al lowed in lieu of freight, and the same al lowance will be made with six per cent. interest on j udgments heretofore rendered in, favor of the whaling vessels. The second-class claims will be for additional interest on former judgments. On all i udgments hereafter rendered, the interest allowed win ue u pci ixuk iue iunu rlass claims will be for the payment of premiums for war risks. ; Deductions will be made of any sums paid back in dimin ution of such premiums, so that only the actuaj loss shall be allowed. The bee retarv of the Treasury is directed to nay without further adjudication by any court (the ten per'-.cent, upon whaling vessels and their outin, with six per cent, interest) and on awards heretofore made ; and also to pay two per cent, additional 1 interest on all judgments heretofore made. Judgments rendered in the first class will be paid first, then second class. If not money enough to pay off all the second class, they" will be paid pro rata, and a like rule will also be applied to the third class. No foreign born person to be excluded, if be be residing or doing busi hess in the United States, or was sailing under a United States flag. This act is not to be construed as renewing or 'con . tinuing any of the commissions of judges or omcers or any former court. Any balance remaining shall i be a fund from Which Congress may hereafter authorize the payment of other claims thereon. , . lianau Alfain. . Home, Jan.' 18. In the Italian Chamber Of Deputies' yesterday, Signor Deprotis, President of the Council, in reply to the interrogation by Signor Ercole, regarding the disappearance of Cfoionel Gala, and what steps the Government bad taken in the matter of the recapitulated facts. Col. Gala, the ,Iialian member of i the Servian Boundary Commission 1 went from Bel grade to Bucharest with Maj. Wilson, of . the same'- Commission. The latter left Bueharist on the 3rd December, and was to rejoin- Col. Gala at liiHstchuk, when ? they were to proceed together to Con- tstantiuople, but Major Wilson has never sseen Col. Gala since he left him in Bu charest, and do trace his been found of him, though official in uiries have been made inevery directions. Signor DePrets stated that notwithstand ng the most dili gent efforts of the Italian Government and its agents, nolhing had beenascertained throwing any light on tjhe mystery. He said he trusted the Roumanian Government would not fail iri the duty incumbent upon it of making searching inquiry in the case. Signor Ercole was dissatisfied with the reply. He insisted -thai the Roumanian Governments was responsible for - the dis appearance of Col. Gala,) and declared that if the Italian ; Government did not make itself respected in. matters, and lake such steps as appeared to him sufficient, he should move a vote of. want of confidence in the Government. ' , Cong;reMiuaai Commiiteem .- New Oelkans, Jan. .8. At a meeting of the Teller Committee,, on motion of Mr. Garland, it was ordered that D. S. Com missioaer Love tike thej testimony of wit- nesses subpoenaed but nbt examined ; that IS orris Marks represent the majority, and B. F. Jones the minority of the commit tee, and the testimony so taken be for warded to the cliMmiaaj of the committee. The committee leave this evening. 'The House ecfmmittl'e on coinage and weights and measures dicided to prepare a bill for the redemption jof the trade dollar at par, and to prohibit .lie further circula tion in the United States. It was not de cided wh tber coiaagq for ei port would be permitted in the future. . "Mr. Vance was authorized to report on the Cummings bill for ithe redemption, in legal tender, of subsidiary silver, and for the reissue "thereof. I The House committee on Foreign Affairs held an informal conversation on the Ja panese Indemnity Fund - bill heretofore re ported on. The committee will press the passage of the mil. f ' Pedektrlanikiu ' i' .' ' , ,, London, Jan. 18. Weston started from the Koyal Exchange, London, five minutes after midnight on a two thousand mile walk over the country roads of "England, ''having undertaken to walk this distance and deliver fifty lectures in ons thousand hours. His first day's journey is to Folke stone, a distance ofj eighty-one miles.: The judges travel in a.conveyance. A bicyclist . is also of the party.: . Weston passed through Chatham at 8:30 o'clock a. m., vrhen it was snowing heavily. .Early this morning rain fell which, as the atmosphere became colder, turned to a half frozen sleet, and about 9 o'clock this gave place to snow, which continued fall ing heavily throughout the morning. Traf fic in the streets is greatjly impeded. Indian 'fatter. Fort Robinson, Jain. 18 A courier arrived reports the savages as having as sumed the most ? inaccessible position -of any of the many, from which they recently held the troops atn bay. Five soldiers in trying to ascertain the Indians' position got within short range of the Indians and one soldier was1 killed, j Capt. Wessels be lieving: the Indians cannot be dislodged without great loss, sent! to the Red Cloud Agency For a dozen Sioux scouts. Washington, Jan. 18. Red Cloud ar rived at Fort Robinson last night. " The Ogailalrequest that all the women and childreniiow widows iand orphans, held as prisonera.be turned over to them to take them to their homes and care for them. The request is to be granted. " ; Jamea Kiver Open. Richmosd, Vi... Jan. ' 18. The.ice gorge was broken this morning by 'the eamer. vryanofce. i - . ( y VJ J-i 0 Nomination, MiiWAiTKEB, Jan. 18 The Democrats yesterday nominated, Chief Justice Ryan as weir candidate for U. S-. Senator. ; . ) Vurict f Corouer'M Jury. London,, Jan. ilk'. The- coroner's' iurv find that the late Edward Matthew Ward Painter cut his throat while temporarily inoona frsm ill tAnl.tl piTidend Declared. i MoNTGOMKKY. Jan. 1 8. The Mbbile & Montgomery railroad company have ; de clared a semt-annual dividend of twp and one-half per cent. Couaierfeiterk Arretd. WksTOfGTOK. D. J., Jan.. 18: The se cret service police! arrested at -Fan wood. N. J., Charlea Ulrica and Henry Cole, who issued counterfeits on I amao.ua and Han over, Pa., banks. . ; i To be Huus. Louisville. Ky.. Jan. 18. Robert An derson, on trial for the murder of his wife, was found guilty and sentenced to be hung. tie was convicted oa the evidence of his little son wpo was present at the killing. Foreign Failures. London, Jan. 18. The Middlesboro. Rosedale and Ferry Hill Iron Companv has failed. I Liabilities. 280.000 pounds? assets, 350,000 pounds. Stockholm, Jan. 18 The branch office of ' the Gattenberger Commercial Company has suspended payment. Order of Arret lued. Sabatog'j, N. TT., i Jan. 18. Order of arrest hasLeen issued for J. H. Farring- ton, Durectoir and business partner of J H. Leake, Cashier of the First National Bank. on complaint of a woman of whom .he ob tained a large sum of . money a few days before the bank stopped, claiming he was worth forty thousand dollars. . -.Foreign Iteuiw. St. Petersburg, Jan. 18. The Aaenee Hum says that the proposal to extend the functions Of the commission for the or ganlzation off ; Eastern Roumelia has re ceived the assent of all the powers, and that such prolongation does not constitute a violation of the treaty of Berlin. The Russian administration of the cover n- ment of Eastern Roumelia is thus pro longed until the labors and organization of the commission is concluded. i marine. k-. London, Jan. 18 The U. S. ship Con stitution is apparently uninjured with i no damage to cargo. She will sail in a few days for New! York. v Latek. The. United States steamship Constitution ia makiDg three inches ! of water per hoar. Divers will examine her hull Mondavi A considerable quantity of chain cable had been jettisoned before she floated.' . Judge of Election Sentenced. Baltimobb". Jan, 18. In the United States-Circuit Court, J udge Bond presid ing, Wm. A. ForewOod and Thes. Cook. judges of election, in the election held for t . ! Jt r ' a memoer oi congress in riovemoer last. we're found guilty of obstructing, hinder ing and interfering with the United States Supervisor and United States Deputy Mar shal in the performance of their duty, were sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars cash and costs amounting to ode hundred and fifty dollars. The Cuaiter JHauuacre Kevived. Chicago, Jan. 18. The scout, Girard, in the Reno inquiry, gave a long account of the movements of "troops on the day of the Custer massacre find the situation of the battle field, and mentioned; various orders given; 1 believed the fighting force of the Indians o hive been 2,600 to 8,000: heard several volleys of from fifty to one hundred shots each on the other side of the village about the time the order wag given every man to his horse; Reno's force at that word left the wood where they were stationed, and in ten or fifteen minutes saw Custer's command Or what he believed to be that command; he thought the force of one hundred and fifty men ought to have held the Indians in check for some time. . SEW ADVKKlitEMH..N its. DISSOLUTION. , THB CO-PARTNKRSHIP IN. THR GKO cery Business between the nnffe'rslgned W this day dissolved by muipal consent F. G. Christophers will settle the business of the late Ilrm P.C CHHI8TOwIIKJiS, W. L. JfcLAKKl. t. 0. Christophers- " . . 11 W.Sorrell. . - - -.- - ; .'n, t ' ' ' F. d. ChrlstopherB, of the late firm of F. C. Christophers A Co., and M. W S'rrell, successor to Sorrell Jackson, having formed a co partnership wul carry on the ........ ' s GROCERY ! and COMMISSION !' at the old stand -of . -F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & C0MJMXY, Harsctt Street, , Will be pleased to hare our numerous friends and customer' to cal.'. Having the experience of a number of years in the Grocery Business, we can compete with any house in the city. MET 3XJR KET. We make a specialty of Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, and Batter. Also ' . TOBACCO. TOBACCO. - A fall stock or all grades on hand, wholesale and retail, at . Janl4-tf ; IMPOBTANT'8A.LK. BY VIRTUfi OF THB powers contained in a mortgage from J. P. H. Kuss and wife to J. T. Leach, registered in Book 45, p. 440r Register's office, of Wake conn tf, I shall oa Monday, February 17th. 1&;, at the Court House door, in Raleigh, proceed to expose to public sal th interest of said Russ and wife in no acres of land, lying on Walnut Creek, is Wake county, and bounded by the lands f Wil liam Scott and Thea. 1. Jenkins, Toes. Howie, J C. Biake and others. This tract is sublect to prior mortgages, which will be announced on day of sale. - - - J. T. UslACH. - liSADK, BUSSU A BC8EKX, . ? I janl5-30t Attorneys for Mortgagee. RALEIGH, N. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' DR. J. B.'DUNN, Office Ko. 6 Mahler . Building, fayettetille street. : lXessagres Jeft at the Drag Store of T. H. iiwirm iwm receive prompt attention. I ' janl6iia . -; ?, . - i MWpe. Sale. fjLttoliAWT tf the p-were contained ; Inl a x mongageaeed, executed July 1, S76, and recorded in the Beg'ster offlc-, for the county of Wake, book 44, page 604, we will sell at pub- u usuuu, ttk me Kioan noose aoor, in tae city of Raleigh, on ' m Thnrsday, 20th February Next, -A YAlCABLK HOUSE AND LOT, Now occupied bv Phil. Thiem. Eaa .1 on the oouiawesi corner oi uaDarrus and uioodwortn streets, in said city. i ) ' : TERMS CASH, j GRAY & STAMPS, janledtds Attorneys for Mortgagee. THAT'S IT! I I ' " . . .. : i " I .' II you want anything of the kind, BE0UGHT02T & CO., ! RALEIGH, N. C, i -,-.(,. . . .- J- 13 THE PLACE. They have the largest and most complete PRINTING OFFICE BOOK BINDERY 1 r ; TN TBK STATE, And thej-r work stands' with that done any- where in the United btates. Anytniiig irom a V imping Card to the L.argrekt Poster. Call or send orders, EDU AUDs, llKOUCHTOM Ac CO., ----- AAm- MBiaJUWiJi RALEIGH, N. C. JanlO-tf FOR mLE ! Published at Favette7llle. N. c . Is offered for sale, it :hai a good supbly of NEWSPAPER, DISPLAY AND ADVERTISING TYPE". ! Prss in fine order, ample p inti l it material of all kinds and, in short, everything needed for the pub- jiuatiuu i a. gouu Beveu-c uinn newspaper. 'J he f .affile is the only paper uublianed In Fayetteviile a cittr Uf 5,000 inhabitants; it has long been the recognized organ of the Democratic party in the LrDoer Cane Fear section: and it has a large 6ucrlptiou list and go d advtrtising pat ronage. Circnlarion from 1,000 to 1.200. hot terms, Ac, ttddrdps l ! PROPRIETOR O Z BTTB, Jaull-tt. : Fayetteviile, N. C. 1878. 1879. THE imm .house. ON THE PLAN. Corner Salisbury and ilargett Streets, (Just back of A. CREECH'S Store), i I ! RALEIGH, N. C. Location DeUghtful. Elegant rooms for1 nrU vat parties. - . . . i . . j Best Restaurant In Hie City. French. Cook. PoI:te and attentive waiters. Finest Mieaks, Fish. Oysters! in every "style, and all kinds of WltBoAMK. Bar and Billiard Sa loon in the building. The choicest Winea and liquors in stocK ; no orner kinds kept. CIGARS, all the favorite brands. i r, .SPECIAL, IMOTICKU-Ttake pleasure In announcing to the public that I tiave secured the services of a good Caterer, who will lave entire control of the Restaurant. Mr. G. W. HARRI SON, a pen era) favorite, will attend the'Bar; and Mr. JA8. FKiMAN will serve his friends witn tne oysters on the half shell and csrve the F wL r i i I guarantee satisfac ion, and 1 earnestly so licit your patronage. I JACOB H1GGS. dec3l-8m. , 1 T I Rl LEE'S RillillOII OJIB HOUSE . ' 'The Delsenico cf tie Sstl'f . Oomer Martiii and Salisbury Streets. .KNriNE DUBLIN XXX BROWIt' STOUT VX0Q draught with Bass ale, the old English drink of Half & Half, can be procured In the future at Tim Lee's Clnb House. Also on hand old Robeson County whisky bought of Hardin & Grimes, i Baltimore Meats and all delicacies Of the season served in first-class order.), , . , Nine private sitting rooms, so that parties can always be private. j . . r French Cook. ' oct6-tf BY VIRTUE of power In me vested by deed of trust, executed to me ion the 22nd day of October, 1ST I, by It. H. Smith, recordI In Book 58, pages and 4ST, ,in the office jf the Register o Deeds for Halifax rounty. I shall sell for CASH, to the Uiphest bidder, in the town of Scotl&nd Neck, on the j , , . lltli Day of February, i79, ! -. - . t - , . : th following valuab'e lands, lying on the Roanoke River, five miles distant from the town of Scotland Neck : One tract, known as the "CYPRESS SWAMP PLANTATION" containing Two Thousand 1 Four Hundred and Ninety -tight acres. A second tract, known as the . . , - , ( . - . , ! ISAAC SMITH PLACE,". contaiElng Seven Hundred acres. Also ; " 30O Acres of VVoed Land.! . . These Jands are among the finest and most productive in Eastern Carolina.- They are in a high Btateor cultivation, are well adapted to stock rasing, to the production of cotton, corn, and to ail other agricultural products usually raised in the South. " - - t 7Tr This, Tth day of January,' J 879. 1 . W. A. lrsN, Trustee. Printing ! Binfling ! , I I ' ; PUBLIC LAKH SALE. C, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1879. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T Q3DH-43XD , ' Which took thePreiatnBi at the Great Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, and also in Paris in IS 78. It is distilled from PLTRS CIDB., which fa made ftom SOUD, BIPE APPLES. It is Warranted Pnw aslfrie to Drugs, THIS OLD 13 RA NDY HAS NO EQUAL For Medicinal Purposes. GIYB IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL LIKE IT. Address II. A. BYiUM, janll-tf. ' : Farmville, N. C. CALL AT BRANSON'S BOOKSTORE, Next Door to Heartts Od Stand. North Carolina Almanacs At $3.00 per Hundred or 60c per Dozen. ; LAW BOOKS Of all Descriptions, at Lowest Cash Bates. BLiAPfK BOOKS, , LAEGE AND SMALL,,: New York. Daily? Heralds, And other Dailies, every 4ay at 1 o'clock, P. SubscrtDtions taken for all PTCRTOTiTf! a t.s 't the Publishers' rates. Call or address - F Rbv. L. BRANSON, janll-3m. , Raleigh, N. C. . MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE OP A MOBTG Gfi DEED Ex ecuted to tne ' Life Association of Amrf ca," of tit. Louis, by w Solomon King and wife, and recorded in Book 32, p. 7W, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county, the under signed will expose to public sale at the Court House door In the city of Raleigh, on Tuesday, J, an ti;ir y 28tli, 1S79, A tract of land in Wake county, lying near the line of the N. C. R. li., about seven miles west of Raleigh, adjoining tue Hands of K. A. Allen and others, being the land upon wheh W. S. King now resides, and containing one hundred and sixty-two acres, more or less. xerms or sale ua-h. i LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Beadb, Bcsbke A Bcsbke, Attorneys, jans-tda. i . ' . . A Happy HewiYear to All ! J. A. BRAGASSA. . . - - . u - - . I return my sincere thatiks to the public for thir liberal patronage tor the short space of time I have been among them, and hope I may continue to merit their patronage in t lie future. I will keep constantly on hand everything usual ly kept in a ' J 1 First-ciass Confectionery Store, Consisting in part of ORANGES. LEMONS, ! BANANAS. FIGSi RAIfelNS, NUTS, FI S iFRiiNCH CANDIES, And other things too numerous to mention. 15 Fayetteviile Street, Raleigh, C. octifl-m. i HARPETS! I, CARPETS! U CARPETS! BUOS! HOOS! I-LOOR &KD wiuiywo Bought, from the manufacturers. All NEW DESIGNS and CHOICE PATTERNS never.be fore offered in this market. Just received at PETTY ?. JONES. DAILY ARRIVALS NEW and SEASONABLE llgl GOOD AN ADVANTAGE CAN' BE HAD IN THE LINE . BLACK DRESS GOODS, AND ONE GRADE BLACK ALFACCA That cannot be had of any one else in this . j mar ket or surpassed in any. OC t WMf . i , , ' JP. 13. HILL, FAMILY GROCER, Corset Wilnilagtoa aad Hargett Streets, ' RAJLC1GII. J B 1 fjftlj HAMS, BREAKFAST STRIPS, BULK SSkVUA C. B. SIDES AND SHOULDERS. PTnn? HAXALL MILLS P4TE5T FiXiLT 1S0 A FULL LINE OF SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS SOAPS. 8TAP.CH, CAKES, CRACKERS. AND CONFECTIONERIES. , . A TKSSB JJSS OF ' Fancy, Groceries -1 V.' ' tMSTOBB. " -e, , i "A full stock of HOiJDAY GOODS arriving. Fair dealing and low prices. All goods sent to your residence. , jan-lm. PAGE'S HOTEL. Eight Hand Side going South, 1 - Left Hand Side going kerth, Passengers take Breakfast gom? South : Sun-1 r guum Java Um IW Mfl IB)W VJit XT3. i - W. C PAGS,' " novl8-tf " Formerly of Cary, Proprietor. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . SPRii0 SUITS! 17 E i It E L , THEFASHIONVBLE TAILOR II0LLE3IAN BCIJ.DrN-Q, I, prepared to meet tb demsnda o Herctuots, ! Having Just returned from the North with a wsuaiv:w iuic uj sUl bllO 1VCW OSjIfwJ QT CLOTH S, CALUERES, . VESTING S, DOESKINS, &c Which have been selected from the Newest and Fullest stocks of Imported and Domestic Goods to be found In the North and East Now Is the time to LEAVE YOUR MEASURE for anew . $pringr and Summer Suit, With the. lArswot stnotr nt tmanr rrr . oa :goods. and" 6UAEANTEEOG ALL HIS WORK, There is no place in the citJ wnere BETTER BARGAINS, FITS or SELECTIONS can be had. REME3IJJER THE j' PEACE Holleman Bulldins. ; Payetteville Street, - - - EALEIQH, ST: 0. a nu A, W. FRAPS , WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALER US WINES, CORDIALS, PORTER, ALE Jill M4JLJ(XiB liiitlS. The following brands are kept on hand : Live Oak (Sole Agent). Gibson, Cooper, Cabinet xrumuou, utiiuen weaaing, Mono gram, XXX Crown Rye, and best Scotch Whis kies. . . Tom Cooper, North Carolina and Kentucky Corn uiastj. Best Jamaica and New England Rums. to vooimu, r 1 euun aui uaiirorma uoirnac and OnthlmnMn Annla Rnrnd. a i 1 -. " f .UJfr. V K UUUJ a is.1, Kummell, Curacoa, Abtsyntne, and Reed's Cock- Bitters (the best in the market)-Land Gilt Edge London Dock, Holland and Domestic Gins and Dcmeuam sennapps. California Port, Sherry, N. C. Scrippernong, and JmDOrted Chamnaorno Pnrtn,ivhv.n US,, ... Mchvans's and Bass's Ales, Ki Jk J. Burke's Lasrer Beer in Kad-b ant -Rnftiaa -i - Imported Apollinaris and Seltzer Waters. xu ow is suppnea wita'A'ttK BtiST Wines and Liquors that can be kept. decl-tf. COM, and LUMBER. Coal of Best Quality Always on Hani Ve can give low figures on all classes of pine lumber. Iar tle wishing to purchase nil and it to their intere to ftall and get our Prices. Western Te minns.Ilargtt Street oct6-d6mos. FOR BEST QUALITY APPLY TO R. J. HARRIS. Office at J. W. Watson's Grocerr Store, FajetteriUe St., or Martin & Os born's Feed Store, N. 0. Depot. ,SA11 Oriers Promptly FiM.- -at DO YOU. WANT ,FUSNITTJSS ? If so it Will Pay Yon to Read This. THE Best A Cheapest Furniture In the city is now to be had as the subscriber is determined not. tn hA nniisranM snri la wmuw.wu.u.. UM 10 VHClUi, a very handsome stock of PURNlT TJ JBME at REDUCED PRICE8. For a GOOD BAR- UAlfl t Alili Uil MLB. . ' WALNUT SUIT Bi STTITS Inst received Rnd fnrtu1 .on ruo bly. I hold out special Inducements in this line. Also a lot of WALNUT BEDSTEADS iand a varied assortment of Common Furniture, which I am selling as cheap as ever. mmf mt . ... itr , mmtM W.1 J. CALAIS, - - SuperintsnaeAt: MANUFACTURERS OF WALNUT CHAMBER SCITS. BRESSIIB CASES WASH-STAK3S, WAESRSBES. HA1 SACKS, TABLES OF ALL KIXDS ASD STYLES. DESKS. AND EVERYTHING USUALLY MADS IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY. This is a RnMR itnTPmwKi .i-i ... M.i.u.iatjk;juk WH1 uriMH SUCh. WH wimn.tfnn acV on T.E oor northern competitors. We have tne lut. o.nil -nama 1.. - - - uvnva, mijfur o uw cmnery, and - . , Suoerlop Wni-lrm -n And guarau.t" satisfaction, both in styles snd Orrters promptly flfiPrt. mr7tf STOP AT THE j. Richmond Hotel, (OPPOSITE LONG'S HOTEL), t ' ROCKINGHAM, N. C; T MfiS. J. As McIX)NAID, Proprietress. ' Boons large and c mfcrtable.' Tarm mof eir ate. Polite and atte itive waiters. sei6-u. -' Cnstoi-Me Suits NO. 17. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CAHEROH, HAY G CO., GCXEBAL Office,' Citizens' -Natl BankBnildiiy, EALEIOO, BT. C. Total Assets EepresenteflT $96,000,000 Among the Companies represented are following, via:, v. ... ,,, . the Virginia Fire and Marine Ina. Co. LiTerpool and London and Globe. ' St; Paul Fire and Marine Ins; Co. Home Insurance Co. of New York. -Seaboard Fire Insurance Co. - London Assurance Corporation. ' Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Co., of Germany. Boyal Fire Ins. Co.. of Livernool. iy Special attention given to the Insurance of "u"uf' "wicuw ut unuuMt, ana to juiis, racto iles,&o. , decS9-tf. DR,. RICfliRD H. LEWIS. JKAXJEIGH, W..O. Practice Limited to the EYE 3VI3iER, defers to the State Medical Society, and th leorgia Medical uocletv. apr 84-dAwtf VflNTFIl COOD AGENT to can nii ItU vasaRaleig anuthe adjoining towns lor the nest selling household articles to wLT-? V top roAta. Write at once ,o VValda:Manllfacturm Co-. s Clinton Place, N Y. HOUSEKEEPERS!! ' A FuaUl Card HU Oft With . ninr atar. ,m insure free, in return, our illustrated Circulars of nice Housefurnishlng Specialties. Palmse & &K1LTOM, Manufacturers, 281 Pearl Street, ew - ua-juu-tw. AGENTS, READ, THK! c ww pay Agents a salary of $ 100 per month and expenses, or allow a large commission to seU our new and wonderful Inventions. We mean what ue say. Address, without delay, 22ftanl-4w. MarshaU,Mich. mm li s iiaj invAlv nrAiTc.nt thin ) . . m f 4"- vuu KUis Wll Llt3 UlSCpUK3f IUIU Will DOB- lUvejv cure nine c&hah in tn infArmariAn thot hrin save many Ures sent free bv mail.- Don't zialov n wrr .1 Th t 1 . . -. uvi.j new. i icvcuuuu is ueuer man cure. Sold ever?where. I. S. Jt jhnaov a on vtan. gor, Maine. aaa jani-4w. A NEW EXClTINtt ltOfilX IlriNtlins- with the WILD ADTEMTFRKs Of STaNLEYAPRICA. 1 he only authentic and copyrighted cheap edi tion. By ttie brilliaiU defK'rirtiv mithnr t4rm J, -Ti Headley ; Gives a FULL history of h 8 won dkrfcju aiscoveri-s in, Africa ana marvelous journey down the Ctmgd. More fascinating taan Jt-r4jutiy lunscrateu, and hiuhjly en dorsed by the ctergy and press. Over lo.OOO Kold. More AUKI i!i WA VI KDI IWFOB PAji TICCLAK8 about tne boofc uc-e-g of Agents and ji-jaai-4w. Publishers, Phlladelnla, Pa. 1 POF.OUS CELEB itAl'ED the HOKLD OVEllJ Tht Man.ufar.t.u,rara tnra mtnarAmA I. estad only medal given rubber piasters, aVL Far suDerlor to ICOmmon noroaa TilastArrl linirfianta f ho n Ucalled n&uuwu reuieay iot, luame ana weak Back, luicuiuuiiaiu, reiiiaje iWettiBess, fcCUtlo. LUmbaim. LIUIKiLSAd KMmlU Unlnal i I " " - J 'Lraaaca vViit", piamts, ana an ills for which porous piasters! itue ah juur . Aruggis. ior eenson't ivaMviiic riasiicx tuiu see Liiai Ton cpi nnr nin. else. Sold by all Dnurirtsts. Price 26 cents Mailed on receipt of price by Skabury A Johnson, 81 Piatt tkkkt. New Yokk. i mt. COHDEHSED TIME. JTorth Carolina Eailroad. TRAINS GOING EAST. No. 8. DaUy ex. Sun. Date, Dec. 1,1878. NaS, Dally, No. 4. DaUy. Leave Charlotte " Salisburv 3.20 6.?4 T.00 79 8.00 10.14 10.69 12.16 8.80 65 am 6.65 pm .10pm am " High Point am am am am am pin pm pmi iu.sv p m 11.18 pm ait. ureensooro Lea'e Greensboro Arr. Hillsboro " Durham " Raleign Lv. Arr. Goldsboro 4.15 8.67 10.24 LIO p m p m ;tm a m 5.45 am 9.69 a m No. St Connects at Salisbury with W. N.c, R. R. for all points In Western North Carolina Daily except Sunday. At Greensboro with the JL D. R. R.. for all points North, East and West. At Goldsboro with W. k W. R. R for Wilmington. - . , No, 4 Connects at Greensboro with the R.' D. R. R. for all points North, East, and West. At Salisbury , with W. N. C. R7 R. daily except Sunday for all points in Western North Caro llna.. . . . . - TRAINS GOING WEST. . . satra an . f No. 7, No. 8, Dalfy Dally, ex. bun. 10.20 pm ..L i. -6.45 a m 9t)6 a ib ......... lLouam ......... 3.30 p m 6.47 am T.25 am .v.i ...... 9.olam io.50am ...t Date, Dec. 1,1878. No. 1. Daily. Lv. Goldsboro ' Ar. Raleish Lv. " t at. Durham ' " Hillsboro, , u Greensboro Lv. Ar. High Point Salisbury , , ' Charlotte ' loue s mi 12.44 p m 4.19 pm 6. a? pm pm 8.f3 pm 10.66 p m Loo a il No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Salisbury with .-W.1 N. C. R. R., dauy, except Sunday ior all points in Western North Carolina; at Air-Line Junction with A. A C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South east. ,'. ,i . i No. 3 Connects at Air-Line Junction with A, A C. A. L. for all points South and Southwest ; at Charlotte with ths C, C. A A. K. K, for all points South and Southwest. , j " . SALE1I B2ACH. I I Leave Greeensboro daly except S'nd'y 10 p m arrive Kernersvilie . " . " - M 10.20 p m Arrive Salem. " n.ioba, Leave Salem " ' " oopm Arrive Kernersvilie " M 6 40 p m Arrive Greensboro ' -.., . g oo p m Connecting at Greensboro with trains on it. SLEEPING: GABS WITHOUT CHAKGL Run lx)th ways on Trains Nos. 1 and , between ?ew York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greens boro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trams os. 3 and 4 letween New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. -ThroughTieXets on sale at Greensboro. Raleigh, Goldsboro, Sallabury.and Charlotto anu all principal points South, Southwest, West, North and East. For emigrant rates to points in Arkanfras and Texas, sduress . : . J. K. MacMCRDo. ! .S r; Gen. Passenger Agent. "-- '' Riclunond, Va. One Square I inchj one day $1 OS . ' two " v 4 - i BO " " three i o loar " s N : . i nve ,r . o . , III . Contracts tor advertising for any spinit or time may be made ax the rofficc oi Th uuerrer. Observer Building, Fayetteviile street, Ilalelgli, North Carolina,' ' " " - ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OWING TO THK INCLEWKNCY F THE weather we hart t- p-fetpone 'our sale of TOYS, BASKETS AND FANCY GOODS at auction, but will have'tl.e salw'fo-M ,HT at our ola btana, opposite John a, Wiliianui' Bant, bale to begin abuut o'clock. ' J- .- J. It H. ru crt ; Manager Oak City Grocery. w E woiild call the attention of our natrons Fancy Wections am Groceries. WE keep as fine stocK, and jnore of if, than ever . We are located at . A.H. BAKEtfd OLD STAND, . . ON WILMINGTON aTREET, ' And ean nffer inducements in many kinds of goods. We have beautiful COFFEE at is cents per pound, and the prettiest in the city at 85 cents. - - i . : ,-. Pns' Golden! Sugar at Tea Cents. KEROSENE OIL 36 CEjTTS PES GALLON. 1 KEROSENE OIL BY THE BAR- i' " ! . BJEL QUITE LOW. Wj SU;Wssts' baeu Oil, WHICH IS THB BEST ON THB MABXBT. QTJR STOCK , OF . ' FAXCY. ASD HEAVY GKOCEKIES IS QUITE COMPLETE. We are selling the very finest Ralslns,uts, and French Candy at about cost. Try Us and see if it is not so.j Several barrels of j SHEEP NOSE, BALDWIN AND RHODE i .ISLAND GREENING APPLES Jutt Received A lot of FINE ORANGES Jus ; Received. Call and see, as ws have the only jF 'A N C Y G HOC E R.Y ON WILMINGTON STSBKT. ' J. Um II. CARMER, jans-tf. 1 - M""jgcr ANTHONY PAPS. , C. A. MAX WIEHLB, " WHEEMR, PAPE & CO., WHOLESALE . ! Druggists & Ohentist?, , 439 MARKET STREET, .003-d6m PlIlIaADKLP.:L. TFrCOU?ACfc i HOME ENSTlTimONS. SECURITY AOAHT h IE. NORTH CAflf'tiNA-' e InsurMcB Co RAJjEIGH, K. C. r THIS COy PAJfY rCONTiNDES - TO-.'-VxiTJ, PoUciesat j. , .it--, . ' '-"ALIjr iiOS'BEB AliJ:.- ' PR03D7TLY ;jiI)ilJHTE"ll AHli v. Wt ! . :" THE .''HOME -Is' '. Rapliy Srowii in fnie :mm '. AND APPEALS, WITH OOHTIDLTKCS TO Lurorers' & Pfojprtv in Nortn Carolina. , T Agent in ll parts of the State, je . This Ofiir.nfilV tat Mi rlsta nn nmf. i4 aM character on the most reasonable rates, and not- wiiuDwuiuiuK me large oamDer OI KiflHftH It nas sustained in the past four years, it has neveT taUed to pay promptly and on time, Its motto -'' s: - j- - . .:- , PROGRESSIVE ! PROSPEEO UB . PROMPT I i AMPLE RESERVE Al?&- GOOD SURPLUS f I Premiums Cash I POLICIESJLIBEJSAL. rsr-QUARD YOUR OWN INTERESTS BY IN STJRLNG IN THE North Carolina Home JOHN G. WILLIAMS, President I , W, H. CROW, Vice-President. . W. 8. PRIMROSE. Sec. and Tre iS. 1 PULASKI COWPitH. Supervise' ! oh i . , r J The Gregory House, Goldsboro, IV. C, ' Is in. the business centrc of the city "and di rectly opposite where the trains stop. Iiullroad and telegraph offices in the building. Mari Gregory and W. W Mm " . PROPRIETORS. .Good Fare a&d Accommodate kmite, .. OCtlO- ! , 'th WY!i SCHOOL, FOUXDEO JSIAY, 11542. Et. Rev. Thoai Atfelnson , D; D . , V Vis!- I Bt. Rev. Theo. B. Lyman, D. D. f tora. Eev. BEN2JETT SMEDES, A. JL j ' r Eector and PrincipaL Mrs. Kat DeEosset Mearpg, Princi.iial. The 73d. Term of this Scnool btgins SEPTEMBER I2th, I87C. FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS THE SECTOR. N Tew Schedule on Ralegh Sc. . uasion liatiroau.. RALEIGH A GASTON RAlLRuAD,". StrPBKINTENOKNT'S OFFICK. ' V . Raleigh, N. ls,sv. , 1S78. j -On and after Monday: nth instant, trains on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad will run as fol lows: : , MAIL TRAIN. , f : , Leave Raleltih at .. . . V. i? .oo A. At. . - Arrive at Weioon at. .... .t . it ,4r V. M. Leare Wetdon at.......!,. a i;iP, M." - Arrive at Raleigh at ,...8 23 :" . -: ACCOM MOD ATION TRAIN. f Leave Ralelg at 1.30 p. At. Arrive at Weidou at... 8.41A.M. - Lave 'elion at............ io co P. M. Arrive at Raleigh at.... e so a. M. " The mail t -ain makes close-concpc: Is, at Wel don via Portsmouth and via Hi now a ta and from all poi .its North and nrtiv.' st, - The (tcocouunodatioa train levlnjr tirte at too p. m. connects with the passenger train for tha North via Richmond. . . 3jV 9. Horn

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