aaaabea: IIA.LKIOH, 3V. C. SUNDAY...... .FEBRUARY 16. X880 8?: GOLIMERGIAL HEWS, bi? tkleokaph; tit Reported br tie Associated Press. HABKET BJKPOBT NOON. .-NiwYobk, February 14. Money strong i at 5. Exchange long 483; abwrt 485. State bonds, dulL Governments strong. - Cotton quiet ; sales 1,660 bales; mia ' ?-dling uplands 13g; middling Orleans 13. 3 Futures steady; February delivery 13.10; liarca 13.25; April 13.50; May 13.71; ! June 13.90; July 14.00. f, Flour quiet. Wheat moderately active, CoradtilL Pork steady at $11.75. Lard t. firm at $7.57j. tipirits turpentine 41. Kosin $1.45. Fretehta steady. " Baltdcoek, February 14. Flour lower ana rainy active; Howard street and west ern super $4.75(5.35; extra $5.506.25; family $8.50(7.25; city mills super $4.75 -5:S5? extra 5.506.25;family $7.(K) v.a; kio Dranos i.aoY,a; raiapaco ' family v $8.00. ' tiouthera- wheat f nrm; ,westera:Hrm and higher; southern red) fl.Pl.45;. amber $1.41.53; . Ito. 1 Maryland $ 1.48; No. ' 8V western winter; i red, spot and February $1.47; March ' $1.47f1.47f ; April -and May 1.47i , . 1.43 ... , dautiiern corn - quiet; western '.higher ; southern . white. 68(&60; yelloW nominally 58. 1 ' 1 I; ": i 'lovaapooL, February 14 Nooh. Ootf . .ton in moderate inquiry : and freely supi plied ; uplands 7J; Orleans 7f; r receipts 12,500; American 6,650; salea8,000; 'spec! ulation and export 1,000;' additional sales pf Egyptian yesterday after' the -. regular closing '4,000; uplands, low miauling clause, -February delivery77-16; Feb .iITuai7aad:March.7J3 33; March aud April 7 13 82; April. and. May 7 15-327 7-1$ May and June 7f7 15 32; June and July 7 17-327; July and August 7 9-16(& " 7 1773 August and September , 7f; bep tember and October 7g; October and ' N o vember 7 7-32; December - and January 7 7-32. "Futures dull. Lard 88s. 6d. Long clear middles 343. bd. ' MARKET KEFOKT-JlIID NIGHT. . , Hew Yobk, February 1L Money 45, Exchange firm. Governments five per cents" (1881) $103; four-and-a-half per cwvi;08a:$lQ8U:four per cents (1907; $106, Bute bondadull. ) Cotton net receipts 704 bales; gross 2,110. Futures closed' steady; sales 92j 000 bales; February 13. 1913. 20; March 13.2413.25; April 13.48; May 13.68 189; ' June 13.8813.89; July I3.9y; August 14.07I4.08; September 13.55 13.58; October 12. 7212. 74. j Cotton quiet; sales 1,660 bales; udands 13$; Orleans 18i; consolidated net re ceipts 20,969; exports to Great Britain 4,615; to the continent 759. I Southern flour quiet and steady;, com mon to fair extra $5.856.40; good (to choice do. $6.503.00. Wheat irregular , and unaettled, closing l2c. higher and fairly active; ungraded red $1.401.45. Corn a shade easier and fairly active with active export demand; ungraded 57-59. Oats a shade stronger and rather quibt; No. 8 4b47. . Hops quiet and nominal yearlings 718. Coffee quiet and steady Kio cargoes quoted at 13J15; job lots 1417. Sugar quite firm; mo lasses sugar 7; Java 1 "lair to good ire fining 7f7j; prime 7f; refined flCm; standard "A" 99. Molasses in mbd- ' - erate demand ana steady. Rice in fair request and unchanged. Rosin dull at $l.451.50. Turpentine quiet at 41. Wool active and very strong;- domestic fleece 4358; pulled 3053; unwashed 1840; Texas 2140. l'ork without de cided change and dull. Lard higher and fairly active at $7.607.70. the latter choice. Whisky dull $1.10. Freights quiet and steady. Wilmington, February 14. Spirits tur pentine firm at 39. Kosin firm at ,$1 17 for strained; $1.20 for good strained Tar steady at $1.10. Qrude turpentine quiet hard $1.55; yellow dip $2 155. Corn unchanged. Chioaqo, February 14. Flour dull and . nominal. Wheat active, firm and higher; No. 2 Chicago spring $1.23; No. 3 ido. spring $1.081.1Q. Corn active, firm and higher at 86: Oats steady and in fair demand at 31 y. Pork strong! at $11.5511.60. Lard strong at $7.15. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders $4.05; short rib $6 45; clear $0.50. Whisky ; steady4at$i.07.. . ; Lotnsvnxx, February 14. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat steady at $1.25 1.23. Corn dull at 44. Oats quiet at 40. Pork quiet at $12.50. Lard steady at 8 8f . Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 44; rib 6J6f; sides 6J6J. Bacon quiet; shoulders 5; rib 7&7; sides 77 J.! Sugar-cured hams 1010k Whisky steady at $1.06. . Cincinnati, February 14. Flour quiet; family $5.756 00; fancy $6.256;75. Wheat scarce and firm at $1.281!29 Corn heavy at 39. Oats dull at 38. Pork; firmer at $12.00. Lard in good demand at-$7.157.20. Bulk meats Steady; shoulders 4; ribs 6; sides 6. Bacon in fair demand ; shoulder 5; ribs 7; sides 7, Whisky steady and firm at $1.06. Sugar easy and unchanged. Hogs steady; com mon $3.254 10; light $4 104 45; pack! ing $4;254.45; butchers $4.454 50. ' Baltimobs, February 14. Oats firmer and a shade better; 80uthern4748; west ern white 4748; Pennsylvania 4748. " Provisions quiet and unchanged. Coffee ' quiet and firm ; Rloi cargoes 1315f Sugar quiet j "A" soft 9 J. Whisky j un ' changed. - Freights unchanged. ' ' ' St. Louis, February 14 Flour active; large sales' of fancy at $6.10; family $5. 75. Wheat dull; No. 2 red fall $1.26; No. 3 red fall $1.21. Corn dull at 3333. Oats dull at 32. Whisky steady at $1 07,' l. Pork firmer; jobbing$11.90. Lard firm; $7.10 asked. Bulk meats stronger; but slor for car lots; shoulders $3 853 95; ribs! ; $6 406.45; sides $6 556 60. Bacon prime shoulders $4.754 80; ribs $7.20; sides $7.40. Fsbbuabt 14 Cotton Middling, low middling,- good ordinary Galveston,' : firm at 12, 12J and 12 cents net re4 ceipts869 bales; Norfolk, quiet at 13 cents net receipts 2,571 -bales; Baltimore, firm at 13, 12 and 12f cents net receipts 23 hales: Boston; q-iiet and 1 firm at 13, 13 and 12$ cents net receipts 647 bales; Wilmington, quiet at 12, 12 and 11 1316 cents net receipts 164 bales; Philadelphia, firm at 13 j, 13 and 12J cents net receipts 40 bales; , Savannah, quiet at 12J. 12 and 12 cents net re ceipts 1,998 bales ; New Orleans, quiet at 13, 12 and 12 cents net receipts 10,653 bales; Mobile, quiet at 12 J, 12 Jnd 12 cents net receipts 1,620 bales; Aaa phis, steady at 12 cents net receipts 2.288 bales ; Augusta, easier at ' 12. 12 and 11 J cents net receipts 854 bales : Charleston, quiet at 13, 121 and 12i cents net receipts 1,688 bales (From the Wilmington Star, February; 14.) ', -' 8PIRIT8 TURPKNTINK The market opened firm at 88 vents par gallon for regular, pack, ages, with sales reported of 100 casks at 3 cents and 600 ea.ks at 40 cents, ctosing quiet at the latter nrtoe. . t KOSO" he market was steady at $1.1 Jtf for strained aud $'.80 for good atramed, with Bales reported of- 1,1C0 ttarrels strained and 600 ditto good strained at quotations. t . . TAK Tne market was Bteady at per ber- i rel of S0 peands, with sales of receipts at that price. -- . . ... CRUDB TTTRPBNTIHB Tne market waa quiet at $1.65 for hard and $$.66 for yellow dip, with sales as offered. " t 4 COTTON The market was quiet, with sales reported of 185 bales on a basis of 1S cents per pound for middling. The following were tha official quotations : Ordinary.. 11 ct. V l Oood Ordinary . ll 1S-H Strict Good Ordinary ....... Low Middling..... . , .MS Good Middling..... .....18 Quotations conform to the clasaincations of the American Cotton Kxohange. CORN We quote the market quiet at 68 cents for white and 66 ceuta per bushel .for mixed. PKANTJT8 Wt hear of sales tovday of 800 bnsuels at $1.0031.10 for ordinary, 1.90 for prime, $1.25 for extra prime, $U3 for fancy, aud $U40 for extra fancy. Market firm. - UOKXFTa Ootton . . J S3T D&iea. Spirit turpentine. M oaak. Kosin 1 8,813 bbls. Tars. V x " Qrnde ttimontm ... .1,876 " . orriciAL KcroKT . or THB :' COTTON M A It K ET, Karoann t th . : COTTON EXCHANGE. Raleigh. February 14, 1880. ' The market closed as follow : HUaoiUuf -...12jf Strict Low Middling ..lt5-lS U Middling ..IS Strict Gooa Ordinary , ' Middling stains ...18 Low Middling Stains 11 ; Good.Ordinary Stains Tone of mar set quiet. Receipts bales. tITT MARKET WHOLESALE PUBIS. ' T Biroaran vailt it COOKE &. WAIJIWKItrHT. KAJLXiOH, February 14. 1880. Flour. North Caroiinii ,-. ft 6 7 60 Ohickena 1& 9 SO 76 70 U 8 oorn Corn Meal Bacon, N. O. flog, roond.....M hams. ...... Balk Meats, dear rib aldea " " shoulders North Carolina Fork...... Coffee, prime Rio................ . 10 18 1 1 & is' a A' & 8 IS IS , common to gooa.......... Syrup, S. H .............. .. .... jColassea, Cuba....... .......... Sail, Liverpool fine.... Sugar, white.... - " yellow.. ......... Cheese. lnaa potatoes, 87 40 8 U g II 76 1 00 66 o 75 66 6J 16 per ft 8 1 001 60 8 1 76 08 00 NX "X 80 I 00 80 3 SO i 18X0 St . 17J - 1X A. ,...W..$6.00 76 80 86 10 . 8 U T w. a. mmwm .... ............. Oats,sheUed ... Peaches, peeled ..i..... V " unpeeiea Apples, per onsheL. dried Ootton Ties, new, per bundle, spucea, Bagging,. Peas, per bushel, white.. . , stock.. SggSi per dosen.. Butter, N. C...... dees wax ... Kags mixed..... " cotton FuhB" Otter...... -.Minx Fox ' Coon - Moafcrat.... ............ . Rabbits... As these are wholesale cash prices for first class goods, there will oe an advance on small orders. (JUAHLOTfU CO-fTOA nAUKCT From the Obaerrer, February 14 J . The market yeswrday closed quiet; some sales of fancy cotton at 18c. Ojod Middling : Mldaung 1K318X Strict LOw Middling Ljw Middling.... 18 6-16 TiH28 Lower grades..... Receipts 118 bales. DUKUAiU TOBACCO KUUKCT. RBPORTED BY H. A. BUMS, PKOPBIITOK Or BSAXS' WARBH0U86. . DtJKHAJt, N. C, Feb. 10, 1880.- 1 ; LUOS. Jark ..$2 O9$3 0O Rod. , 8 009 00 : BB1SHT LUOS. Common....... 5 009 T 00 8 OOglO 00 18 00(415 00 16 OO42O 00 8 000 8 00 4 009 6 00 ooe 7 00 medium..... .a. Uood j, ,...... Funcy.. : . a SB LJEAP. Common Dark. Good.; Flue Kxtra Fine....... BBIOBT WBAPFBBS. Common ,... Medium....... . , 18 OO9I4 00 so 00930 00 40 00&60 00 60 OOftSO 0U Fine, Sxtra , There Is a special demand for bright smokers at good prices, and the farmers are generally satisfied with prices. I trim they will do well to sell their smokers now. - HENDERSON i'OilACCMI MARKET. RKPORTKDfBT CITRRIN, W ATKINS A CO. - f t Hxmdsrson, N. C, Feb, 6, 1880, . j , .DARK.. Working Lugs, Common... . . . " " Utrad...... Leaf Fillers, Common. " " rOOod....i Wrappars. Common ........ - Qood and Fine...... j BBIOHT. Smokers, Common....... ('. Good. ...... " Fine, Fancy Fillers, Common.. ........ " "Good Wrappers, Common.. I 1 759 8 00 , S K) 00 5 009 4 60 6 009 8 60 8 00(10 00 18 OO9I8 00 $ 6 00a 8 00 8 OOalS 00 18 00a85 00 4 00a 7 00 8 00al4 00 lo ooais 00 16 00a6 00 40 Ovfa&O 00 , " Good. - Fine.. ' Fancy 60 O0a76 00 Market active at the above quotations. Re celpts larger past week than ever befnrs at thla season of the year, aud prices closed firm.' ! Fayctteville Navsvt ftor and Cotton i market. For the week beginning Thursday, Jan. M, and ending Wednesday, Jan. 8SV prices navt ruled as follows: ,. - t(..( m i liOSJN-C and D, $0.80: R, flJO: F.$1J0;Q $1.60; H, $1.76; I, $8.60; K, UJOO; M, $3.86; Ki $3.60. : t h. i i i . ' SPIRITS TU RPBNTINB Opened at 38 cents anl closed at 37X938 cenu. - CRUUi TUKP kN TINiS Virgin $1 00; yellow dip $1.76; scrape $1.86. Crude turpeitiQe $1,109 $1.00; spirits $8 cents : rosin, strained to pale, OodM.OO. i - t ; COTTaN Middling HOottan yarns 96ca $4.00. - . - - . - "I .1 11 1 ' : . WINSTON TOBACCO niRKETi " , i- ' .- " ' I CORRECTED WXSEXtT i Wmaxoit; N, C, Jannazy si, isso. Lugs, green. Lurfa, common... Lugs, good red... $8 00 66 s Boa e ao 8604400 400a oo 60a 8$ It 00al 66 1$ eoaK 08 s eoa 7 60 4Oa 60S ooa see 7 60all 00 Lura. bright common Lugs, good bright..... Lugs, bright One ..... Lugs, fancy bright..... Sun-cured fillers. ..... . Leaf, common ......... ....... Liear, red ....... Rich, waxy fillers,. cngttt uun tear 1$ ooaiS.o Wrappers, good red and oom.mahor. is.ooais oe Wrappers, coouaoa bright,.t.r.v. tl O0aa000 Wrappers, good and eolory. ...... i as 00a36 08 Wnppers, flue and waxy........ aoooaMjOS Wrstpera, fancy ...... .......... 6O'0OaSO1O8 Wravpe.-s, mahogany.-... 86 00a 06 Meeting of Stockholders of the N. C. State Life Ins, Co. -, rpHE An- ual Meeting of the Stockhoid era of M. tas norta jarouaa state ure iusmraoce Company will be helu at the Company's office. Raleurh, N. C, on WEDNESDAY, the lth Inst! S 11 o'clock a. m. , W.H. HICKS, .ebl-d-tf - avritir North Carolina Presbyter 1 an ; THIS organ of the North Carolina Presby terians has ben Improred by the addl. Hon of departments of Church-and General Religious Intelligence. Its Family and Mis cellaneous readtnn is both attractive and in structive An epitome of Secular News, is furnished every week- The ablest writers write for it, among whom are the following; Rev Drs. Drury Lacy, J. Henry Smith, J. B. AdgT, and A. Wt Miner ; Rer. Measr . Jos. M. Atkinson, ' B. H. Hireling, D." E. -Jordan, J, Rumple, E. F. - Rockwell, P.- H. ' Dal ton. i. c vsd, H. G. HU1, W. 8. Lacy, W. W. Pharr, F. H. Johnston, P. T. Penick,R. Z. Johnston, 8, H. Chester. J. W. Primrose. SM- Smith, J. M. Wharey: Prof. J. R. B ate ; Mrs. Cornelia PvUl'ps Spencer, Mrs. H. M. Irwin, and many others. : - Price $3.65 a year Send for Premium List. Address, JOHN McLAURIN, Editor and Proprietor, - Wnmington, N. C. j Jan l-4t - - ' Rubber" Bands F great variety at ' " 1 " . BRANSON'S BOOK&TOREj ' NEW ADVEimBEMENT8. ' " ,.i . i. ,1 ,- !- it 1 1' ' 'it ' " J.BBOOKFTKXD. A. W. IUDOL? CHINA PALACE -OF JOHN BROOKFIELD &CO;., CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE take pleasure to Inform our friends and the public generally that we always have in stock a complete assortment of - ! CHINA AND CROCKERY, 'j . GLASS-WARE AND LAMP GOODS, , . 4 ; CUTLERY AND SILVER PLATED WAKE, f : - i . . 1 : WOOD, WILLOW AND TINWARE, . AND HOUSE FURNISH INQ GOODS J - - GENERALLY - - i all of which we offer at the lowest New Xork prices. . I We are enabled to glTe t SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS; SPECIAL. INDUCSMST WHOLESALE BUYERS la TINWARE, CROCKERY, G A DLAMP-GOODa. GLASSWARE We ask the TBADE to give us a trial, as wa sell goo-s as low as Northern Houses. ORIG INAL CRATES always on hand. ' i Orders by mall promptly executed , and any information desired will be cheerfully given. . Very respectfully. - ' i J. BROOKFIELD A CO. Jan 86 d-tf ' 3 BASS & CO.'S GREEK FRONT Dining Rooms.! Opposite Depot.) .WEISDlJ.f. Dinner so centa. , Meals at all hours. dec 14 d-tf J. D. WHITAEEB, DliUX III Lumber, Coal and Wootd WEST HARGETT STREET, RALEIGH. Ordersleft at Telegraph Office will be forwarded by Telephone. OCt 8-d-lTT Tlie Best In tne World. T3REM1UM Plymouth Rock HEN EGGS, from x . wood and Farm, near Rale ga. Thirteen jggs ior s. eena oraers earn to WILLIAMSON A UPCHURCH. febTdAw-lmo - - - - . For Sale. WOvery eligible TOWN LOTS in a pleas. u. anc poruon ex tne cuy. Terms easy. GEORGE V. STRONG. Janl8 B-Stlnt Wsj. "I hare analyzel the Whiskey known under the brand or B-Pelect controlled - by Messrs. Walter D. Blair A Cow. Richmond. .Va and find it free from fusil oil and other imsnrltiea, and recommend its use for medicinal and family purposes. . B. McCAW, M. J , late Professor oz unenusTy, mmicsi uouege oz Virginia. "January is, 1878." . For sale by ; ,F. B. niLi, Sole Agent for Ualelgo, N. C. Jan86d-1y ' - --. Dissolution. rpHE copartnersnip heretofore existing be- A. tween u weu riumaaore. isims.aay dissolTed by mutual consent. All claims for or avainst tne firm will be settled by N. Plum adore.- . ' . JOHN CNEIL, I N. PLUMADORE. February 11, 1880. N. Plnmadore will carry on the business at the old stand on Martin street, opposite post office, and will keep on hand select brands of nue mgara, emeiiDi ana unewuiivoKw. Factory No. 1, Jroartn District, Raleigh, N. CL ieo is d-iwx ... , -; . , Sale or Valuable City Property. .... t - : i' ril " I TTTE'shaU aeU at the Court House. In Ra- t leigh, on MUriUAX, the 1st day 01 Marcs prox , at public bidding, for cash, the three LOTS .on Martin street, bounded on the north by the lot whereon the j late J. p. H. Rass uvea. GILLIAM A BATCHELOR. . . CommiBsloners. January 96. 1880. i Jaa$7d-4wxa "1 .- : Zio rth Cmrolin Alma nacs. A SMALL lot canyet be had atL. BRAN- xa. sows BOOB.STUKJE, ai $t.00 perjiun Keystone. let Black. Ink. GUARANTEED to give satisfaction " feU6tf : - " - L. BRANSON. , ForSale. A DEM OCRATTC" COUNTRY PAPER AND JOB OFFICE that Is now making money, ana witn Better attention wouia mace more. Address,. . . JOHN DOE,. - Care of Th Obskbth, OIL! (OIL! A full stock of COAL of every grade now oa i ! i nana and other cargoes to arrive. Best Splint, equal to Cannel Coal, can be fur1 Dished in small quantities. Orders Immediately filled left In Order .Box at Peecud, Lee A Ca Drug Store, opposite Post- office. .1. B. J. flARBIS. dee 5-F-Tu-Th Diaries for 180, "CWBsaleat1'' JD - L. BRANSON'S BOOKSTORE. - Key Stone Ink, . WARRANTED, at fete M BRANSON'S BOOKSTORE. Garden, Seeds, - - RKSH and Good, at Xeol4 L BRANSON'S, RAILROAD . SCHEDULES. t aieigh' A; Oast on Railroad. CHAKGE Of SCHEDULE. BunBUfmrDKMr's Omci, .. Ralelxh. N. C. June 6. 187$. , On and after . Friday, June 8, 1878, toall trains on the Raleigh A Gaston Railroad; will run dally tSundays exoepted as follows : p -Nrv 1 tj&vv i h f No. 8 Leaye 1 Raleigh...;.. 8 40a m Weldon... 8 sop Nense u 8 06 Gaston....... 8 si ForestTilleV . . f 81 Wake.....;.. 8 86 YoungSTille.. 8 87 Frankllnton. 8 66 Klttrells. 10 80 Henderson... 10 48 Middleburg.,10 68 Junction.... .11 10 Ridgeway...,ll 18 Warrenton ..41 33 Maorm......ll 46 Littleton.... - 4 14 Macon, .j... 4 40 . Warrenton... 4 68 Ridgeway.... 6 06 Junction.... 618 Mlddleburg.. 6 84 Henderson... 6 40 KlttreUs....- 6 01 Frank ttnton.. 6 38 Younssvllle.. 6 66 wake........ tw Littleton.. ,.18 13 p m Forestville ... 7 10 " Gaston..... 18 38 Neuse Mj." - Arrive at ' 1 Arrive at - - Weldon...... 110 - Raleigh...... T60; u MaU train connects at Weloon with the i man trains of the Seaboard and Roanoke and Peters. burg Railroads for all points North. Tram No. 3 leaves Raleigh at 8 p. m. rives at Weldon 8:60 a. m. , . . Train No. 4 leaves Weldon at 10. a. m. rives at Raleigh 6:46 p. m. - Train No 8 connects at Weldon with At- r" ' Ar- the Petersburg Railroad for all points North, snd with the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays passengers by this train connect at Franklin 'with steam. boata on the Blaokwater tor points in Eastern North Carolina , - , - 1 Train No. 3 will not run on Saturdays, but will leave Raleigh on Sundays at sundown. H - JNOC. WINDER. Superintendent. , . : . CONDENSED. T1ICB. : North Carolina ; Railroad. TRAINS GOING EAST. No. 6. Daily ex. Sun. Date, Dec 86, T8, INO. 47. Daily. No. 46. DaUy. Leave Charlotte Salisburv 8.60 am 4.10 pm 6.64 p m JJflpm 7.37pm ,...J. 6.03 am p.lOam s.soam High Polntf ait. oreensboro J 6x0 Lea'e Greensboro . pm pm am am Arr, HUlsboro "Durham LV. ' i Arr. Goldsboro 10.83 am 11.08 am 18.80 pm 8.30 pm 6.00 pm lojs 167 8j00 6.'6dam 10.00 a m If 4T Connects at Salisbury with W. N. Cv R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina. Dally except Sundays. At Greensboro with the R. A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. At Goldsboro with W. A W. R. R. for Wumlngtoa. fi;-? : ; ; i ..") I ' '- No, 45 Connects at Greensboro with the R A D.R.R, for aU points North. East, and Wesl . TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 6, Dally Date, Dec 86, 78. No. 48. Dally. No. 48. Daily. ex. Sun. Lv. Goldsboro Ar: Raleigh - LV. -p.-..- Ar. Durham HUlsboro, Greensboro 1 LV.' :-.; Ar. High Point Salisbury, Charlotte 10.10 am! 18.86 pm 6.84 p m 10.46 pm .... 1 . ... . . s.4opm 48 p m 6 JO pm 7.00ai 8iiai 11.07 a 1 Lay (' I ' 7.60 pm e j 1 8 80 pml AAS am 7.30 am 8.60 p m 10.16 p m 8.16 am 18.87 a m 11.17 am No. 48 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. AtAtr-une junction with A. AC. A. L. Railroad fo- all points South and Southwest. At unanotte with, tne c a a. k. a. tot an nrklnta fimtih anil Aint.hAiuat . No. 49 Connects at Air-Line Junction with A. A C. A. L. for all points South and i South west; at Charlotte with C, C. A A. R. R, for all points south anOj souteast. a ' SALEM BEAFCE Leave Greeensboro daly except S'nd'y 6 60 p m Arrive Kernersvllle ..; " 10.00 pm Arrive Salem 10.60 pm Leave Salem " " 6.00 pm Arrive nernersvme 0.40 p m Arrive Greensboro " " 7.00 pm Connecting at Greensboro with trains on R. A u. and h u. K.K - SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE V 'if Run both ways with Trains Nob. 48 and 47, be tween New York and Atlanta via i Richmond. Greensboro and Charlotte, and between Greens boro ana Augusta; ana on Trains Wos. 48 and 46 between Boston and Savannah. I Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at an principal points ctoutn, soutnwest, west, North and East. For emigrant rates to points In Araanaas ana Texas, aaoreas 1 j J. R. MAOMURDO, Gen. Pass. Agent, 1-7-80-100 - Richmond. Va. CAROIM CENTRAL EAILWIT 10 Office Omeral Superintendent, ; WrumreTox, N. CM May 18, 1878. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER MONDAY. 30 Uk INST, J the following Schedule will be operated on tmsitauway: , ; ' . . ! TlBBmQX&.Ukn.AKDtXTKXBSTJUXK: (Leave Wilmington at km p m. jno. 1. Arrive at namiet at. . .. .... , . . a m. ! (.Arrive at Charlotte at. 8:80am. (Leave Charlotte at............ ; 8:S5 p m. no. a. Arrive at uamiet at.......... i;s)i a m. . 1 Arrive at Wilmington at...... 8:60 am. . Close connection made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh and Augusta Air-line Railroad. . . BULKY DIVTSIOJI MAIL, nxiOHT AXJt rASBAllSn .' i .:. and axnuns. : - ! ' ' ! Wa . Leave Charlotte at..... ao;: Arrive at Shelby at.... . 8:40 a m. Ko.1A lT" oammw. m. ...... . 1:16 nm. 7"T, t amn h uoiruKe h......... (swepm. 1v4f Oeneral 8uDertntindet)t. Italclcb da Ausasta Alr-Llne It Railroad Company, j .1 CBAfieE OF SCHEDULE. ; . SurxttnTrsNDawrt Optics,! r RALnes, N. C, June 6, 1878. On and after Friday, June 6, 1878, trains oa tne tiaieign ana Augusta Air Line Kauroad will run dauy (Sundays exoepted) as follow: r No. I Leave No. 3 Leave Raleigh... 8 00 p m Hamlet 8 80am uary 8 31 " Hoffman 814 Apex......;.. 863 Keyaer....... 8 87 1 new Hill.. ..i 814 M err t Oaks... 8 86 Moncure. .... 8.66 Osgood, i.... .10 IT Sanford......i0 44 Manly... ..... 418 . Cameron...... 4 66 8anford... 6 41 1 "i Osgood........ 6 08 Cameron.. ...11 87 Mencure...;.. ; M Manly. ..18 09 a m Merry Oaks... 6 48 tJiue-s. .,......! new uui., . 7 00 7 88 768 - Hoffman.. 1 14 Cary.... , Arrive at Arrive at Hamlet...'..;. 100 " Raleigh.. ,...t Train No. 1 connects at Hamlet with the C. C. Hallway for WVzungton, Charlotte and all PUUJHI SODWl. f j ,1 TraU No. 8 connects' at Ralelrh with the Sa. leigh and Gaston Railroad for all points North. jvhim v. wiaiuta, superintendent; G ape Fear mn& Yadkin Talle j Fattitsvillb, Xaay 18, 1878. On and after Monday, May 19,1879, trains 1 go tag up the read will leave Fayettevlllfi at.. ...... . ..." - Little River at............. Spent Spring et.... ,.., 4 00 p. m. 4.4 " j 6.164-" ' ! A06- . 6.40 7.10 - ' ' t.4 . a : Bwann's staaon at... ....... Jonesboro at. ............... Sanford at.... .... .......... Egypt at. Arrive at Gulf Return trains will leave Gulf at. ........'....., Egypt at ... 6.00 a. .. A26 . . 7.80 .. T.46 - ais ... 9.W " .. 8.40 Baniora at... Jonesboro at..... Swann's StaUon at. upouispringat Little River at Arrveat Fayettevllle.... ..icao L. G. JONeh. 8niniiwt. ad bow' to obtain them. ' Paanphle free, trpon receipt of Stamp for poat- ACiareea . - ' ' - r QTT.MORH, SMITH & CO. niAtnfinnn invested mwaasv O 1 U 1U OXUUU stocks makes fortunes every month. Book sent free emiainma eerv thing. Address BAXTER A CO- Sahus,! JTsiJ street, New or, f f HELMBOLLrS COLUMN. It 1 H. TV ,! ' HELIVIBOLD'S COMPOUND FMIXW &Mcm rHAUn ACEUTICAL, A SPECIFIC BEHEST FOB ALL DISEASES OF TUB For Debility. Loss of Memory, Indisposition to Exertion or Business, Shortness of Breathy Troubled with Thoagnu 01 uisease, inmne of Vision, Pain in the i Back, ( hast and Hea Rush of Blood te the .Head, Pale Countenan and Dnr Skin, i . - - If these kvmbtoms are allowed to ro-on. very frequently Epileptic Fits and Consumption fol low. When the Constitution; becomes affected it requires the aid of an invigorating medlclnfe to strengthen and tone upthe system whlch Stlgii'iJiiit" DOES IN EVERY CASE IS UNEQUALED. By any remedy known. It is prescribed by the most eminent physicians all over the fworld, in RHEUMATISM, . BPERMATORRHCE, NEURALGIA, I NERVOU8NE88, ! ! D5T8PEP8IA, IN DIG IS8TION; CONSTIPATION, ! ' ' - ACHES AMD TUNS, GENERAL DEBILITY, ! . KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLMNT, NERVOUS DEBDLITT. EPILEPSY. BEAD TROUBLES, PARALY8I8. GENR'L LLL HEALTH. HPTKAT. TiaTCASTW i f SCIATICA, DEAFNESS, DECLINE, . LUMBAGO, 4 CATARRH. NERVOUS COMPLT8 FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Headache, Fain In the Shoulders, Cough, Dls slness. Sour Stomach." Eruptions. Bad Taste in hthe Mouth, Paipttatian-etthe Heart. Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand otrmr painful symptoma, are the offspring , of Dya Deos'A. .,.." '!A I HeliMd's .Bici Invigorates tne Stomacli, . Kidneys to healthy action. In cleaalnr the blood 01 ail impurities, and Imparting new lif eoand A Single trial will be unite aafflcient to Aon. vmce tne most Besitatuur or its Tamable rem. Jll.l n 14.1 Price ler Bottle,: ' 0B SH E0TTLE3 FOE $5 Delivered to any address tree from observa tion. - . . . i. .,. v , . j "Patients" .may consoU my letter, reeetvlnc the same attention as by eal.lng. ... i CoBlDetent Physicians attend to 'corresnon- aenm, aji leuera anouia oe aaareesea to it H. T. nELUBOLD, imSHSUlSX AND : V rkllstdeljpbJsa, Ps. x , CAUTION! See tEat ike Private Proprietarv Stamp is on EachJBottle. ; SOLD EVEIlYmiEQEJl i u. f 4 ! J Bluierineysl lIlMBOIfS BUCIll KJT81J4-1I, -: I DOUBLE COLUMN AND lOSCEIiLANEOUS ADVERTISEBLEHTB. ml :s; 'mi r.i AworttehomaePerous'PlBeri It la BrttnPtsAab Benaon'e Gapdae Paroua Plasters are Superior to aH Others. 'The great deir and for them has caused a number of unscrupulous parties to snake and sell worthless lml'atlons under similar sounding names. As the market is flocked with Inferior plas- ciB, emu a uj pnuc, it u i in port ni ior tne consumer to know, which is tne beat, it is wen known that some o the cheap plasters have been examined and foun 1 to contain injurious m gedients which make, thw dangerous te use, causing i ralysls and other diseases. CAUTION K that lha wamI sf A W'llU IF anK j aw luo ifuatA Vfia viivas vu raou rd CAPCiNB on ach plaster iaeorrecUy spelled. 8EABTJBY A JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemtsi With Us through Our SAMPJLES AND 5IAIL ORDER PEPARTandN'T i simple, easy1, and advantageous. lAtiyone writing uYus for Samples, mentioning the kind of goods needed, will receive, by return mall, the desired samples and Information. Goods sent ' BY TiTATTi: OR EXPRESS. . Through, this means' ladies everywhere throughout the United States avail them selves of a very convenient plan bf roceijring Dress Gdo&A, Tfininitngs, "and a General Outfit from the headroentres of trade, where they can at all times obtain the best goods, newest and latest styles to be had for the least money. ' " ' HOMER, COLL AD AY & CO. XaimfUcture,&etmiUr,mnd Imp$rtero of Choi VovtWee 2reas GmmU, I ' "I' SUJcs, TrOtimimfft, eteuf . r . w ( - . , CTITrLTT,AJ3QVE BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.. j i I : CSSTABI4SIIED 18420 And 13 Rue RlonerfParls. France. -Have fhe'cblldres send fbr a AH Samples anl ZnfbrtoAtloa tent -rr TUB CABBOI.LTON, BALTIMOBX, LIGHT AND QKBXAH 8TUXTS. BALTIMORE. The largest and only modern built Hotel la the city. $4.00, $8.00, and $4.60 per day, ocordf lng to slae and ieeatiomol rooms, i i i t Special arransremenU at, all,4mea maae oj letter or teievram. i Elevator rune oontinnouslv to all the floors. Permanent board by the month at from $m per month upward. - All lines Old t city passenge b- cars pass the dooraL Very extensive improvements ut ths amount of ever fifteen -ahooeand i dollars are now being piaoed on the hotel, and every arrangement for requirement oi Dosmeas wui oe at oano. I T. W. COLEMAN, Manager. O0t6-6m-pd. ' j .- . ; ,!- ' STOP AT TUB ." " ' .( - : :'f-. H Richmond Hotel. (OPPOSITE LONG'S HOTEL), .. ROCKINGHAM. N. C. 1IBS. J. A. I MoDOIfiLLD, ProDri. Booms larre and oomfo'table. Terms mode ate. Polite and attentive waiters - , el6-tt OLD FORT, N. CM W. J. CALAIS, - - Superintanaent. MANUPACTHRBR8 OF i -i- - i-'-' i WALNUT CHAMIH SOITt. DIESSIrB CASE I WASH-STANDS. WARDROBES, NAT BACKS TABLES OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES. DESKS.' I i . 1 i . AND EVEBTTHINQ OSUALLT MADE IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY. This is a HOME ENTERPRISE, and beln such, we respectfully ssk an even share with our Northern, com pe til Itors. We have the best v4 newest ohlnery, and I unproved Superior W o rlcjm en. And guaranty saUsfaoUon, both in styles and priojea. . Bar Otders promptly filled. myt-W. THE BOYDEN HOTEL, THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS MOTXX IN SALISBURY, N. C. Mprters for ; Commercial Tra?ellersL LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS j BATI8FA.UTION ?UARANTEKD. ' C. S. BBOWIi, ProprtetoF. O. S. BnowH, Ja., Jno. F. Wilsou, Clerk. octS6-tf. Clerk. I THE GREGORY HOUSEj ' ': i . . ... I' i Goldsboro, IV. C, ( i; I t - . r - ' : ' I i . 1 ' Is in the business centre of the city and di rectly opposite where the trains stop. Railroad and telegraph offices in the bunding. '. l T. H. Bain. Proprietor U fire' nl immfafhifoiv3b IL J. BaJKSET, Hrta CaxollnA, WIEULC. P APIS A CO.L WHOLUm DtStSISTS A CklBilTP , 1439 "Market St., Philadelphia. V.I , , ' 7 J atttl6-A4mOS 1 Gray'f Specific Medicine. fRAOK tflARIC TbaOromtTRAOC MAU Engl I a Is ' tewssiesip. c r. cure ior senu-i , nalWeakneaa." Hnermator. rhea, . Impo- ; S oJ tency.and all Z Nj diseases that. follow, aa a "T. aT IEF0IE TAJUXaV-auenoe of AFTEI TAtHfl. belt-Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Universal Lae sttude. Pain In the Back. Dimness of vision. Premature Old Age and many other Diseases ina ieae to insanity pr jonaumpuoo, ana a rre mature Grave. Full particulars In our namohlet. which we desire to send free by mail to every on A tvi he Specific Medicine la sold braUdrug- gtstast$l pr package, or six packages for $4, or win be sent free by mail on receiptor tne money by addressing. ,n '; ! THE UKAl MEDICINB COMFAPTT, No. 10 Mechanics' Block. Det ott. Mich.? Sold In KalAtirlL and everywhere pyau druggists. ; i octn-aaw-ir, 1 GILMORE &CO.,; Pek.filonst Increase of Pensions and. all other classes of Claims for, Soldiers and WWOiewMeuproeacw - , ' . - - - auiniiAB sjs i r T WMiua&'wOft.D.c. r ntreaa 4 'le t iSk A-j- fur IS. Chemhtta, New Torx. Price 5 Cta. 3 J Sat of our Fancy Advertising Cards."Ca fret to all parts of tlia Halted States. XT A XT f Q Stool, cover and Book only llilii KJ k5 $iato$966. otto An 8 it Stops, 8 sets Reeds, t Knee Swells, Stool, Book, only $88. 8 Holiday Newspapers free. Ad. dress Daniel F. Beatty, Waahlngton, V.J. AQENTB WANTED For the Best and Fast est selling Pictorial Books -and Bibles. Prices reduced as per cent. Nanoiuj. PxTSUBHixe Co PhUada, Pa. . 1 . . aul6-w A UOVSCHOLD NEE IV A book Ott Malarial Diseases and Liver Complaints, sent PRKS. Address Dr. Sauford.' 168 Broad way; .ew iorx.cuy. i AGENTS READ THIS I We want an Agent in this County te whom we wfll pay arssUary of $100 per month and expenses to sell our wonderful invention. Sample tree. Address at once SHERMAN A CO.. Manhai, stunuaast. -iw. i Compound Oxygen lSo a reooro of remarkable vurs in Oonsumptloa, Catarrh, Neuralgia, and other Cbronio Diseaasa by the new Oxjgen Treatment, now ready and sent free, bri, 8TAHK8T a PAIJtN, l,lv8 anOt.lljQlrard St, Philadelphia, Pa. , K" ON 30 DAYS TRIAL We will send our Elxctbo-Voltaio Baxrs and othar Electric Appliances upon trial for so days to those suffering from. Nan vous Dssiutv, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any disesse of the Liver or Kidneys, and nairr OTBBn aissAsna. A r Cr Gairont$i or pay. Address voltaic belta co, Marshall, MlChigS nov. a-sw. jfj ' consur.iPTiorj J:UTIED. A simple vegetable remedy or the ipmtv aud tmiaual cur. of ConmunD- ,tlonJironchitin,CuUrrh, AnthmaMl all Tkroaii Mud buna AJtttumi. Ktota a,POSlllve IDO iradlraJ far for Norvoas Debility and all pervoua Complaints, vAicA Aim arm tttd to til iiii.ii mit tf rn ... t?.wHrUk w4l K full rflMoHmi 'fin Herman, French, or KntrHdh) for prapar (n and unlnir. sent by mail frea af eiiarae ' m renHvt of stamp, pita mu iAU mxt. IW.W.BHIXAa.liiPow'Bloek.Koeli.r.H.T. $10,000 W LIFE & PROPERTT. 610,000 "l" paid n ny pr Vko c.n IciPLUDK 4 LAMP flltwl wfli oar ItrETV ATIAtSnt.Vf, MiiladfrMrorMeU. rowfwrll. Aetata W..U4, Pam.lfc - A a. KiWTOif -a SAPrrr lamp oo., Bin.a.KTox. H. TL is tui iHttfit, a, ;iv . Cheapest Bookstore world! 176,678 t- AW AND OLD STANDARD WORKS IN KVERY DEPARTMENTOF LITERATURE. A imost gi ve n a- ay . Catalogue of General Lit. eratute and fiction free, immense Induce ments to Book Clubs and Libraries. LEOOAT UI108., 8 Beekman St., Opp. Prstoffice, New York. tflfA MTm AGENTS for lour VVMltf Sal. BIBLAH oontallng Crnaen's .ooordauce and ever S88S) Iiinstra tions, with all the NEW FSATUitKb, also for UTEKATUKK. ART AND SONG, with Over 400 ENGRAVINGS. These are the books to seU for the HOU DAYS BIBLES for Parents, and UTEKATUKE, ART AND SONG, fori the Young People. Circulars and terms sent on ap pitoauon to i nov88daw ' . . 1 . A Card to the AO let est, OB. BOBSBTSON, 10 8ontb Kujtaw j 8trwta Btlxnoiw, Md., .. Srom long experience la hospital sad private racuce, guarantees a permanent enre m au fiseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Ner vous ktyetem, vts.; Organic and Seminal Weak neaa, jbd potency (loss of sexual power), Nervona Debulty and Trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of bight or Gtddlaesa Pains in the Back, etc., alt resulting from abuses in youth or ex cesses in roanhood. Diseases recently contract, ed cured in live to fn days, and the poison en tirely eradicated from the system. .Also, ail skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr Kobert son, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers to any of the leading physicians of Helll more. Special attention given to all female com plaints and " All eonsultaiKas strictly oonfldentlaL1 a medicines sent j any address. Call or writ enrteaing stame roe reply. ooU.Awly PAGE'S HOTEIia 8ANFORU. W. CJ. Rirht Hand Side eviag 80111b. . j Left. Hand Side godpg JUnik fssseagCTs take Breakfast go tgf f4outh Sop Wf- .VVorpla4 : . On the European Plan, .: 1 Noa. 663 and 668 Broadway, next door to Graid - central tiotei, NEW YOBK. CJsMwfi Single Bmdii T3c ft pr Jr FAMILY BOOMS $IM TO $849 PER DAT, V First Class. Restaurant. Reduced Prices. MIX t. CAPDIOAIf, eao. Jan n-d-Smo HASBBOUCS. ., S 6 TO 50H .PER DAY at 1 s.U pies worth $6 as Smsojt A CO., Portland, Mail home. free. Ad. dress Maine: ,y fftwiAwivr ";7 A WEEK. 818 a day at home easily made, cosuy ooiat rree. Aadrsaa Costly Taps A (50.. Augusts. Maine. nov SS-dAw-lyr C R A a WEEK in your own town. Terms. VOU audi outfit free. Address B. HAixjrr A .Co ,' Portland, Maine. nov S6dAw-lyr OLD BOOKS EEEOUND IN A Neat - aiii SiWaM 'ia Address r ' if. . j " . 1 I f J

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