WATCHES! "It’JEWELS--FINE GRADE. Jewelry I Silverware. ■ * Spectacles. Repairing of Watches. all work warranted ** . T. W. BLAKE 109 Fayetteville Street. East side, near the Capitol. NASAL CATARRH Can ba Cm rad by Ualna SIMPSON’S Eczema Ointment. FOR ALL STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLES, USE Simpson’s Liver Pills THE BEST IN THE WORLB. Eitha sent by mail for 25 eanta. Simpson’s Pharmacy WM. SIMPSON * MANABCR The Champion Harvesting . . ■ » MOWING : MACHINE. are the strongest and require less repairing than any others now on the market. Work easy and satisfactory. They are endorsed by some of the roost practicable farmers In the state. See Allen & Cram MACHINE COMPANY and examine the machines before you buy. They will take pleasure In explaining their merits. Also, manufacturers and Importers are por table and stationary engines and bolters, nw mills, cotton gins, presses, Ac. Correspondence solicited ROSES, CARNATIONS AND OTHER — Choice Cut Flowers FLORAL DESIGNS, Etc. PALMS, FERNS AND VARIOUS OTHER POT PLANTS FOR HOUSE CULTURE. Choice and rare Uhrysantbemams, Sera alums. Coleus and all kinds of out door bed ding plants. Moon, Clematis and other rises •r the reran dp. Barly Cabbage, Tomato, Kgg and Pepper plants. Celery plants In their season Mail orders promptly attended to. H.STEINMETZ, FLORIST. PHOMH IIS. RALEIGH. N. 0. E. B. Cuthbert & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 80 Broad Street - - - - New York. BRANCH OFFICES; 30& Wilmington Street Raleigh, N, C. 123 Parrish Street - - - Durham, N. CJ 312 Tarboro Street. - - Wilson. N. C. it Hay Street, - • - Fayetteville, N. C 37 Wade Street, - • • Wadesboro. N. C. 10 East Trade Street. - - Charlotte, N. C. Ootton, Stocks, Grain and Provisions boight and sold for ossh or on margin. PUT UP A PEG Oil IWO Floods and Foreign Advices Together Sustain Cotton, BETTER SPINNERS DEMAND TRADING ON STOGIv EXCHANGE ALMOST ST AON A NT. WHEAT HAD A GROGGY TUMBLE It Let Go 3 6-8 Gents- Cables Were Weak and Heavy ncreaso in “Visi ble'’--At Times There Was Al mast a Stampede. \ New York, April 7. —Tlie cotton mar ket advanced 2 (ijl\ points at the opening, early cables being quite as good ns look ed for, and the advices from the flooded districts being still bad. Speculation, however, failed to show up and local sell ing carried the market back to yester day’s closing before noon. For the rest of the session the market was narrow and featureless. Selling was checked by increased reports of indifferent holders of spot cotton and a good demand from ex porters and American spinners. During the early trading Liverpool parties bought considerable. The close was steady at 2(ears were dis inclined to force the issue, otherwise the decline would have been much greater. Futures in Liverpool market opened firm and advanced 1% points, but closed quiet and unchanged to % point advance. Spot cotton here and at the South was unchanged with light sales. The weath er was generally favorable. STOCKS. . The stock market showed no new tea tures of special impoi Lance to-day. The trading was entirely of a local profes sional character, and the fluctuations were on the wlnole narrow, with the mar ket showing no decided tendency in eith er direction. A bob-tail pool was organ ized to put up sugar, Jersey Central and Delaware & Hudson to 1 per cent. But aside from these changes, the fluc tuations on the whole were confined to narrow limits. It was a small, narrow, professional traders* market, and their operations were in the main devoted to 'efforts to scalp each other of the fluctua tions. Wheat developed continued extreme weakness to-day, and the trade became demoralized by the general selling. The break has been plainly foreshadowed in all our market letters, which have indi cated the continued absence of cash or export demand. The feature of heavy selling to-day was the continued liquida tion of the long interest in May con tracts. The Chicago market opened weak and % lower ihan Monday’s clos ing, but after hesitating, made a running break of 1 cent. At this range there was heavy covering of shorts and buying by Ikoldera puts, but this demand was soon supplied and prices soon afterwards made another break of 2 cents, with May selling down to 05% cents, on gener al heavy liquidation, execution of a top order and large lines long wheat coming on the market. Traders who bought heavily around 67*4 for a rally were forced to sell out, and their offerings led to a panicky market. A number of large concerns were caught heavily long of the market and they also had to let go. The market continued weak and demoralized up to the close. E. B. CUTHBERT & CO. j NEW YORK. Nbw York, April 7.—Futures opened steady; sales 4,100 hales. Futures closed steady: sales 80,000 hales. Opening. Closing. April 6 98 May 7 07 7 (X Jane 7 IS 7 08 July 7 17 7 12 August 7 19 7 14 September 8 96 a 91 October 6 84 a 79 November 6 85 a 79 December 8 88 8 82 January ...6 91 0 88 Februarv 6 94 8 89 Bpot cotton closed steady; middling upland! 78, middling gulf 7k: sales 1,110 bales. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, April 7.—4:00 P. M.—Spot cot ton, fair demand; prices hardening; Amer ican middling 4 l-32d. Sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which GOO were for speculation and export, and in cluded 9.3 N American; receipts 1,000 bales, including American. Futures opened and closed quiet with mod erate demand American middling. April 8 88 April and May 3 62(41 63 May and June 7*. 3 624®3 63 June and July . .3 62&363 July and August 3 82©3 68 August and Seotember 8 8003 61 September and October 3 65 October and November 3 49®8 GO November aed December 8 47(2)8 46 Deoember and January 3 47 Janaarv and February >47 OTHER MARKETS. Norfolk, Arm, 78, 1.290 bales. Baltimore, dull, 7k, bales. Boston, quiet, 7k, 174 bales. Wilmington, firm. 7, 76 bales. Philadelphia, quiet, 7k, 126 bales. Savannah, quiet, steady, 7, 567 bales. New Orleans, steady, 7 1-16, 2,219 bales. Augusta,steady, 7x,90 hales. Charleston, tlrru, 7, 482 bales. New York, 7k,— hales. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. Raleigh, N. C., April 7 Ootton selling to-day at6Bt?G» Receipts 33 bales. Market Arm. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. New York, April 7.-Money on call easy at 18 @lB percent; last loan i 8 per* cent, closed at Ikalß per cent. Prime mer cantile paper 3k a4 per cent.Sterlingexchango steady, with actual business in bankers’bills at 487 for demand and 4 85k for sixty days. Posted rates 4.86 k and 4 *8a4.888. Commercial bills, 4.84 k Mexican dollars 41k Silver cer tificates flikaflik. Bar silver 61 k Govern ment bonds strong. State bonds dull. Rail road bonds firm. NBW YORK STOCK MARKET. New York, April 7.—There were time* to-day when the trading on the stock ex ctange was absolutely stagnant'. Tfee THJfi NJCWfS AND OMHJKttVKIf, APRIL 8 1897. Irnnsneliions wore ulinosi wholly lacking in intercut, the volume being small and the fluctuations narrow. The total sales for the day numlierrd only 11 few thou sand shares over 100,(MMI and nearly half of these were of sugift’. Sales of all the granger stocks aggregated only about 10,(MM) shares and the coalers only about as many more, of which 10,000 were of New Jersey Central. Speculation in rail road shares has practically come to a standstill after the recent flurry due to the Tran*-Missouri decision and the fear of its effect. Those fears seem to have abated in large part, but prices have not recovered their former level and there is no demand manifest to carry values up ward. (Prices held fairly firm to-day, however, in spite of the dullness. The a |>- plieation for a rehearing of the Trans- Missouri ease had n strengthening effect though it was not taken very seriously (nto account. The new government fours rose % to 124% on light sales with out eliciting any large offers. Railway bonds participated in the semi stagnation that was evident in other de partments. The aggregate sales were on ly $787,000. Changes were trivial and firmness prevailed. BOND FLOTATIONS. C S Vs new leg... 1218 IT s f*’s ne reg.. .124 k IT S reg 11l U S s’s coup 114 U S 4’s reg 11l U S4’B 112 k U S 2’s reg 96 k Pacific tt*s of ’vr>. 104 Ala., class A V 5k Ala., class 11 104 Ala., class C luO Ala. currency... HO La. now con. -i’s.. 94,8 Missouri 6’s 100 N CD'S 124 N C 4’s ..:•• • • 102 8 C non-fund— 8 j Tenn new set 6 s 77 Tenn new set 106 Tenn new set Ts. Tenn old 6’s 60 Va centuries 63k Va deferred 6 Atchison 4's 80k Atchison 2d A... 44k Can So 2da 108 L & Nunfded Vs. 79 Southern s*s 89 C P Ists of ’95 m.’k Den 4RG7’« —ll2 Den & R G 4's •... 88 Erie 2ds 84 G H 4 8 A 9k 103 k GH&SAT’s 101 H &!Tcent. 5’e...1098 H& T cent. 8’ ” 99k J M T K ist Vs— 82k M T K 50k I M tT 68 112 : N J C gen .V 5.... 110 k ! Northern Ists—ll6k i N P 2nds 54 \ I Nortliwo:-* n... 143 N’west 8 5*81128 ! ROWes? -i5.... 72 j St Paul coti ,’8 ...134 1 StP, C & P W 5’5.115k StL & L M gen s’s 70 1 St L & S F gen 6’s 118 | Tex Pac Ists 88k l Tex Pac 2nds 19 . C P ists of ’98... 101 k i West Shore 4’s ... 107 k I Pacific 6’s ’9O j Pacific6’g’»7.... - i Pacific B’s ’9B .... 101 Pacific B’s *99 JOT District 3’s ’95... 109 k VaZ'z 105 SC4k’B 72 C&O 11l Northern Pac S’s. M & O 4’s 6>B n&o sw con 4k’sioo B&O SW in so A.. 45 B4()!W in se 8.. 11 | KTT6’s - tt T T 6’B - H & Do’s 95 ' R & l>6’s 122 k j S & W Ist mort... 65 ! N Pac....'. - STICKS. Atchison Adams Rx press D 8 Alton, T H 68 Alton, TII pfd. ■; Am Express 11l B&O HX Can Pac 49 Can 80 4714 Cen Pac 8 C&O 18*8 Chicago Alton... ■ 182 C. B & V Chicago Gas 78 \ Con Gas 15S C, C. C & St I, 29 » Col Coal & Iron • • A CO Cert 1014 Del Hudson 193?» Del. L & W 149 k neu&KGpri- 38\ Dis & C F Co Brie R) * Erie ist pfil. 29V Erie 2nd pfd 17 Fort Wayne 162 G N pfd ID C & E 1 pfd 95 Hock Valley . . 3* 111 Central 92 St P & Duiutb.. 18 K & T pfd 27 L E & W I3X L E & W pfd 62 Lake Shore 164 Lead Trust 23 L&N 45X L&N A * Man Cou 83A M & C 15 M C »4 M P 15b V & 0 18 Nash Chat 66 Nat Cord Nat Cord pfd... . N J Central. 77;V N & W pfd 24 N A Oil Co 4 Northern Pac. 1214 N Pac pfd 36 U P&GUIf . .. IK > Northwestern . ki4B N W pfd 154 NYU. 100 ( N Y ii N E 37 ; Ont & Western... 138 ; Ore Improvem’t. Ore Nav 10 OSL&U N 16 Pacific Mail 27 IPD & E 8 j Pittsburg 162 j i'ulitmin Vaiace. .158 heading 208 Rich Ter Rich Ter ptd KG Western 12 R G West pfd .... 30 Rock island 628 st L & 8 F ist ptd .. St Paul 728 St P ml pfd 1318 St P & O 588 St P & O pfd 138 So Pacific 148 Sugar Refinery. 1118 Tenn C & I 25 Texas Pacific.... 88 T & O C pfd 60 Union Pacific— 58 U S Express. 39 W, St I, & P ..... • 5 W, St L & P ptd.. 128 W F Express 100 Western Union.. 808 W&L K 1 W & L E pfd 38 Minn & St I. 17 Den & RG 10 Gen Electric 318 Nat Linseed 12 Col F li 1 17 Col F & 1 pfd. 87 HsTC TAA&NM T St L & K C ■ . 58 TBtL*K Cpf .1 188 Southern 8 Southern pfd.— 288 Amcr Tob 73 AmerTobpfd ..108 1 .ocal Fran:markbt Rid A fiked North Carolina 6 s ... 127 129 North Carolina 4’s 10234 103 WNCKR 6’s 110 113 N C R R stock 114 116 Raleigh & Gaston B’s 102 103 Raleigh & Gaston R R Seaboard Air Line RH City of Raleigh 6’s 1907 l-’O iUtijf City of Raleigh 6’s 1897 iC6 107 N C Ag Society 6’s * 40 Citizens National Bank 118 122 Commercial and Farmers Bank. 118 122 National Bank of Raleigh H 5 118 Raleigh Savings Bank 130 136 Raleigh Cotton Mills 90 93 Caraleigh Cotton Mills. 70 73 Caraleigh Phosphate Works 100 105 N C Car Co 90 9a The Mills Mfg Co The Mills Mfg Co pfd GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Chicago. April 7.—Wheat to-day had the moot disastrous break it has suffered in many months, the May option declin ing from 69% to 65%, a clean drop of 3% cents, while July was an almost equal sufferer. Liquidation started by weak cables a/nd the world’s visible increase was very Iseavy all day and at times al rnoat took eu the nature of a stampede. Oom and oats were naturally weaker, eorn declining lf}l% and oats Pro visions closed a* decline ranging front 5 to 13%. CHICAGO, April 7. Opening. Closing. WHEAT. April 478 46 May MV 46fc July «7* *h CORN, April 23X May 348 338 July 358 348 OATS. May 17 M 8 July 18 178 September 188 M 8 MESH PORK, Per Bbt. May $8 20 8 078 July $8 30 816 LARD. Per 100 Lbs. May $4 078 407 8 July $4 16 4 16 SHORT RIBS, Per 100 Lbs. May $4 478 4 438 July $4 60 4 45 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour weaker. Vvheat, No. 2 spring 69@ 698; No. tt spring ; No. 2 red 818&848. Corn, No. 2, 238a23g. Oats, No. 2, 17; No. 2 white 218 a2lB fob: No. 3 white 18a208- Rye, No. 2,508. Barley, No. 2 nomiual; No. 3f o b 28a30; No. 4, 238. Flax seed. No. 1, 718@75. Prime Timothy seed $2.60. Moss pork per bbl, $8.65a310. Lard, per 100 lbs, 84 05a4 078. Snort ribosides (loose) $440a4 55; dry salted shoulders (boxed) 58a58; short clear sides Whiskey distill ers’ finished goods’ per gallon sl.lß. NEW YORK. New York, April 7.—Flour lower: oily mill patents s4.7iiai.9f>: do. clear $1.70a4.85; Minnesota patents s3.9oai 10; Minnesota ba kers $3.40a3 65: winter patents $t 45a4.65; do. straights $4.00al ’A); do. winter extras $3.15© 3.5(>; winter low grades $2 60a2.75 Bye hour quiet; superfine $2 25a2 55; fancy $2.55a?.«5. Corn meal easy; yellow western 60; sity 62; Brandywine SI./0. Rye weak: No. 2 western 338a34; car lots, 39&40 Barley dull; western feeding 258; malting 87ai2; barley malt dull; western 46a54. Wheat, spot, waak; No. 1 Northern New York 788 f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 hard winter T 2; f. a. b aflaat; No. 2 rad f. e. b. 77; apMaaa, April alasad ;Na. 9 rad May 71 1T18r748, closed 72: June closed 71k: July 71 r 16a 798, closed 7ik; August —; September (»ka7lk. closed 09k. Gofn, spot, Aveak: No 2, 29 In ele\ator: 30 afloat: steamer mixed —; <>,...ions, pril closed 28k ; May 28kn29 7 18, closed 28k, June closed : July 30ka8', closed 30k; Septem ber HI 8a328, closed 31k. Oats, spot, weak; . o. 2, 22: No. 3, 21; No. 2 delivered 24: No. 2 white 21; No. 3 white 23; track mixed western 2Ja23; track white 23a29: options, May 2U»a£lß, closed 21 M : July closed 21k. Hay quiet; shipping 65a578; good to eboiee 72ka?r. Mops dull: choice to common 1895 crop 2ka 1898 crop 5(o)l0k, Pacific coast, 1896 crop 3a li; 1896 crop, 7a12. Hides firm; Galveston. 20h25 lbs, 14: Buenos Ayres dry, 20a24 lbs, lH.kalii; Te*” dry, 24a 30 lbs, 11; < alifornia, 21a2f> lbs. 16 , Leather steady; Hemlock sole Hue « Ayres ight to heavy weights, 20a2i; acid, > 3 Wool firm; domestic fieece, 18? 1- tiled IBs 20. beef quiet; family *9sfalooo: tvi .. - ■-* $7.60a8.U0; beef bams $19a19.50; pack. - -.V a 9.50; city extra India mess SUiM'u 4.5 u Cut meats weak; pickled bellies 6,h : do. pickled shoulders sk: do. hams vao^ Lard easy: western steam 84 3* ; May st.:s, nominal; refined weak: continent |4.60, Boutn American *4 9>; compound 4k Fora easier; old mess |3as9 25; short clear $9.?5a 10.76: family $9.75a 10 6u. Butter quiet; western creamery 15020; do. factory 8al3; Eights 2C; imitation crea mery Ual7; biate dairy 14a19; do, creamery 15a . Choose quiet; large State small fancy part skims S lennsy Vania 9?, a 10; western tresn ; southern j allow weak, city is 2 per psekage) Sk aa3k, country ipacaagea free) 3k@3k, as to quality. Petroleum quiet; Uni tod closed at 88k bid: refined New Voik *6.20; -Philadelphia and Baltimore $6 15; do. in bulk $3.65. Kosm steady; strained, common to good $1.8&ai.67*. Turpentine st ady at 29a 9V Rice steady; domestic, fftir to ext; a43 6k. Japan 4k@t)4k. Molasses steady: New Orleans, open kettle good to choice, 23a39. Pig iron quiet; southern $lt).00all.00; north ern 110.50a12.5ti; exchange —. Copper easy; brokers’ 811.70; exchange $11.5ua11.75. Spelter, quiet; domestic 5410a4.20 Tin firm; straights J13.30a13 45; piau s duo. Lead quiet; brokers *3.4 a3.t2k; exohauge 13.3a3.45 Cotton seed oil steady; prime crude 20, fob mills Jskal6; otl crude —, prime summer yellow 2lka22k, oil summer yellow 2 a22k, butter grades 25a25k ;prime white 25k (a 28 Coffee-Options. April $7.25; May $7 3"a7.35; June «7 35; July 87.45; August $7 5.5, Septem her 87 55a7,66; October 47.8.»; Deoember 87.85a 7 70; March ?7.76 Boot, Rio steady; No. 7. in voice 7k; jobbing 8k; mild quiet; Cordova 13#@15¥. Sugar, raw, quiet; fair reJning 3; centrifugal, 98-test, 3k: rottnsd qu et; No. 6, 4 5 16: No. 7,4 316, No. 8, 3 15-16; O. 9. 313 IC; No. 10, 3k, No. 11, 3k. No. 12, 3 7-16: No. 13,3 k; No. 14, 3k; Mould A. 5, standard A, 4k: confectioners' A. 4k, cut loaf sk, orushed sk, powdered 5; granulated 4k, cubes 5. f BALTIMORE. Baltimokk, April 7.—Four dull; western superfine >2.6d0. extra $3.10a3.75; do. family $4.Gb(a)4.80: winter wheat patents $4.40a 4.75; spring do. >4.iU®4.26; spring wheat straights $3.95^4.10. Wheat dull and lower; spot and a pril 74k a74X; May ?3ka73k: July 71 asked; August 70k; Southeru wheat by sample 7ia7B; do. on grade —. Corn easy: spot and April 27k@27k; May 27ka27k; July 29a29k ; steamer mixed 23ka 23k; Southern white corn 29ka30; do. yellow 27k a2B. Oats firm; No. 2 white western 25a26; No. 2 mixed 23a a24. Rye weaker and lower; No. 2, near by, 38; western 38-* a39. Has'firm; choice Timothy >13.50 bid. NAVAL BTORES. Cuaklfston S. C., April 7.—Rosin firm at $1.45. Turpentine firm at 26k. Wilmington, N. C„ April 7.—Rosin steady; strained $1.40 good sl.4s;spiritß steady at‘26ka27k. Tar firm at 95. Turpentine quiet: hard $1.30; soft $1.80; virgin $ Savannah, Ga , April 7.—Spirits firm at 27. Sales 89 Rosin steady:wator white!ndow glass $2.50: N, »2 2o; , *2.'J(i K.«;.Bd: I, $1.75 ,H, si.7u, G. $J.67; K *l.Ol. fc.. >x.55. D, O. tt and A $1..8. Sales 879. RALEIGH TOBACCO MARKET. Smokers, Common 3$ ** Good “ Fine 10@16 Cutters. Common lOoUS Good 18«30 “ Fine 20@a8 Kiliers, Common Green. 3 “ Good 4€S 6 •* Fi"« «©lO Wrapper mmon S “ Good adraJ*. “ Fine 3H050 Market strong with good demand for all grades. Notice of Sale. Collector's Okpick, Fourth District of North Carolina. By virtue of authority vested in me in Sec tion 3480, R. 8., of the United States, L will offer for sale to the highest bidder in the city of Raleigh, N. C., on Tuesday, the 30th of March, 1897, at the office of Internal Revenue, at 12 o’clock m., the following personal prop ertyjfoifeited to the United States for viola tion of the Internal Revenue laws: 1 cask corn whiskey, seized from W. 8. Davis; 2 casks corn whiskey, seized from Faison & Faison, at Clinton, N. C.; 2 casks seized from W. H. Russell, at Clinton, N. C ; 6 casks seized from A, Leham, at Goldsboro, N. C.; 1 cask seized from J. L. Fanner, Elm City: 2 casks seized from Batts & Williams, at Elm City: 1 cask seized from D. G. Siles; l cask seized from J. F. Braswell & Co., Roc- y Mount, N. C.: 1 cask seized from N. C. Cra mer k Bro„ at Montague, N, O. F. M. SIMMONS, Collector. March 20. 1897. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of John F. Beck, deceased, I hereby notify all per sons holding claimt against the estate of said John P. Beck, to present them to mo for pay ment on or before March 18, 1898, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owiug said estate are notified to make invnMiate payment to the undersigned. J. M. BECK, Administrator. Mar ah 17, IM7. Notice by Executor. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Thomas M. Holt, de ceased, late of Alamance county, N. C., I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Thomas M. Holt, to Slesent the same to me on or before the 27th ay of February, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Is also to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to me. A. W. HAYWOOD, Ececutor of the last will and testament of Thomas M. Holt, deceased. Haw River, N. C , Feb. 29. 1897. Nctsce of Administration Having qualified administrator oi the esia’e <>t Parthenia 1 A. Freeman, deceased late t'f W ke county, N. C. t this is lr> notify ail ru-son* having claims agaiust the said estate t. piesent Uiem lo the undersigned on or bes re the 71b day of pri . 1898, or this notice v ili be pitad in bar ol their recovery. And »* i persons indebted lo the said estate win please make immediate payment to the undersigned. J. MARCOM, Administrator. A pi 11 6, 1897. Executor's Notice. Having qua'Hied » executor of the last wid and testament of Mrs. Martha K. Lewis, late of Wake county, 1 hereby give notice to the creditors of her i slate to present their claims to me, in Raleigh, N. C, by the 6th day of April, 1899. RICHARD H. LEWIS, Exeaator, Fa. Ratals*. N. €., April !, 1897. ! Genuine 2 i Seed Potatoes j i , Ordered for seed direct from Michigan, Ithe b»si notatoe eomitrv. Mesuretnget Hie best and at low prieisof Jones & Powell. i COAL! COAL! COAL; ' • • •;» Black Spdnt is very hard and dur* a‘>;e ico Kpliut very free, burning. An* ■ tnraciic, uCStove and Egg. j Pocahontas Steam Coal cornes fro*r the Pocahontas Flat , Tup ‘ F eld” where there are about forty ope ra!' ns or set arate mining companies. We , have •■pent some lime in this ‘‘Field” and tin n v isifed the genetu! agents lor the Poca hontas coal ;r Philadelphia, and arranged i I hat only the best coal L. this "Field” be shipped to us. Allweaie now receiving, or shall receive. Is of this kind. This means the best steam coal in America. Those ho want the best and want lo save money in Hiei an.; boiler* should burn this. Those who "have money to bum” can do so more rapidly oy burning ether coals, ■ Weight and quality guaranteed by author i lty of it.e gen*ml agent. JONES & POWELL Miner’s Agents. PALEIGH. N. C Pb'Hit-s 4' and 7! Mules ; Horses i Sale i ; I ! 7 Shwi retqjjvetl a lot of extra good ! mami hiirsea; will make prices tc ! ";j the iiui. c *R. Alsf' buggies and wagon* j '• » * t l ** l J. M. PACE i j ' L Mwrtiv 88., Kslelgh, N. C. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WAKR COUNTY.—A. B. Young et al.. Directors of the North t arolina State Penitentiary, against The North Carolina Phosphate Com pany et al.—Notice to creditors. To the creditors of the North Carolina hosphate Company: In pursuance of an order duly entered in the above entitled action at February term, 1897, of the Superior t ourt of Wake county, notice is hereby given to all creditors of the North Carolina Phosphate Company to come in and make themselves parties to the above entitled action at or before the April term, 1897, ot said court, beiug April 19,1897. D. H. YOUNG, Clerk Wake Superior Court.* I March 12, 1897. Sale of Land. { Under and by virtue of a decree rendered ! on the 12ih day of March, 1897, in a Special i Proceeding in Wake Com t, beiore i the clerk lu a ease entitled James A. Adams, administrator of Reuben Young, deceased, I against Warren Young and others, 1 will sell j on the 19th day of April, 1897, at 12 o’clock m, ON THE PREMISES '.n Panther Pranch Township, Wake county, ! the following described tracts of land: | First Tract—A certain tract or parcel oi laud lying in the Slate of North Caiolina, in , Wake county, upon the north s de of the j south prong of Black creek, lyiDg upon Page’s ! Branch, beginning at a pine in the county / line, thence with the said line 15° w, 158 poles ! to a stake, thence north 35° E, 80 poles to a red i oak. Bank’s corner, ibence west 12 poles to a black jack, thence to tLe beginning,.contain , Ing forty acres. Second Tract—Begins at a maple in Page’s i Branch, at the mouth of a small drain, My- I att's corner, thence up the various courses of i said branch to a white oak in said Myatt’s line, thence with said Myatt’s line to a black oak, thence In a direct course to the first sta tion, containing by estimation 24 acres, and being the tw r o tracts of land conveyed by Noah Mes«er to Reuben Young by deed dated July 20, 1852, and recorded in the office of the Register »>t De*ds for Wake county in book 89, page 307. Terms of sale: one-balf cash, bal ance In six month* with Interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum JAMES A. ADAMS, Com. March 11, 1897. iN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP WAKE COUNTY. —C. H. Belvin, Cashier of the ational Bank of Raleigh, for himself and al other creditors of the Raleigh Paper Com pany, who shall come in aud make themselves parties to this action, against The Raleigh Paper Company, J. N. Holding, lessee, and w. W. Vass, trustee.—Notice to creditors. To the creditors of the Raleigh Paper Company: In pursuance of an order duly entered in the above entitled action at February term, 1897. of the Superior Court of Was e county, notice Is hereby given to all creditors of the Raleigh Paper Company to come in and make themselves parties to the above entitled ao tion an or before the first day of April, 1897. D. H. YOUNG, Clerk Wake Superior Coart, March 12,1897. ELEGANT SBURBAN RESIDENCE FOR SALE Desiring to move to the city I offer foi sale my place near Kalelgn. It con taint about one hundred and sixty acres, on which is a small one-story dwelling house oi six rooms, carriage house, barns, stables, etc., and an elegant new iwo-story dwolllug house of ten rooms, with water-closets and other modern improvements. This is the prettiest place in Wako county Delightful In summer, comfortable in winter and with in three miles of the Capitol over .a maca amized road. Terms easy. Title perfect. SPIER WHITAKER. “HOTEL HANOVER, 12th and Arch St., Phlla. important reduction in rates. 206 rooms at $2.00 per day; 50 extra bath rooms at slight advance; ail rooms have hot and cold waier, electric -lights aud steam heat; American plan; "fine cuisine. HOTEL HANOVER COM PAN 5 WANTED! EVERYMAN AND WOMAN to write to the Capital City Marble Works for prices and cuts. Monuments at your own price and freigut prepaid to your nearest station. E. T. MARKS, Manager, RALEIGH, N. iM Hargett Uk*w). C. F. & Y. V. B, JOHN GILL, Roeeire., j CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect February 7tb, 181)7. NORTH BOUND. No. 2, Dally*. Lv. Wilmington 7.50 am Ar. Fayetteville 11.00 am Lv. Fayetteville 11.21 am- Lv. Fayetteville Junction .... 11.27 a ns ♦Lv. Sanford 1.00 p-au Lv. Climax 2T*5 Ar. Greensboro , Lv. Greensboro pi* |Lv. Stokesdale 4.23 p i Lv. Walnut Cove 4.55 p-m a. Rural Hall 5.26 j * Ar. Mt. Airy 6.50 r SOUTIIE BOUND. No. 1, Daf'r. Lv. ML Airy 8.40 a:* Lv. Rural Hall 10.04 am Lv. Walnut Cove 10.32 am Lv. Stokesdale 11.07 am Ar. Greensboro 11.55 am Lv. Greensboro 12.15 pm Lv. Climax 12.43 pm ♦Lv. Sanford 2.55 pm Ar. Fayetteville Junction .... 4.12 pm Ar. Fayetteville 4.18 pm Lv. Fayetteville 4.35 pm Ar. Wilmington 7.45 pm NORTH BOUND. No. 4. Dally. Lv. Bennettesville ».20am Ar. Maxton 0.25 am Lv. Maxton 0.33 am Lv. Red Springs 10.02 am Lv. Hope Mills 1G.47 am Ar. Fayetteville 11.08 am SOUTn BOUND. No. 3, Dally. Lv. Fayetteville 4.28 pm Lv. Hope Mills 4.49 pm Lv. Red Springs 5.36 pm Ar. Maxton 6.09 pm Lv. Maxton 6.17 pm Ar. Bennettesville 7.20 pm No. 16, mixed i'ORTH BOUND. Daily, ex. Sunday Lv. Ramseur ff. 45 tm Lv. Climax 8.35 am. Ar. Greensboro :>.2oam Lv. Greensboro 7.38 MB Lv. Stokesdale 11.07 am Ar. Madison 11.55 am No. 15, BltxedT SOUTH BOUND. Daily, ex. Hnnday Lv. Madison 12.39 pm. Lv. Stokesdale ?;28pe*> Ar.. Greensboro 2.49 pu . Lv. Greensboro .j.2spr* Lv. Climax \29pm Ar. Ramseur 6.05 pm ♦Meals. * NORTH BOUND CONNECTiONST at Fayetteville and Atlantic Cbairt l.hwr or all points North and East, at SanfortZ with f!:c Seaboard Air Line, at Gretna boro with the Southern Railway Cawt pany, ar Walnut Cove with the Nor/olb & Western Railroad for Winston-Salesr, SOUTH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Walunt Cove with the Norfoli & Western i lilroad for Roanoke and point*- North and West, at Greensboro with fbw Southern Railway Company for Raleigh* Richmond and all points North and Goat, at Fayetteville with the Atlantic Go*ok Line for all points South, at Maxton with he Seaboard Air-Line for Charlotte, At lanta and all points South and Sooth ed. J W. FRY, W. E. KYLE -J Gen’l Manager. Gen’l Pass. Agent, NORFOLK AND BAU-BOM- Condensed Schedule.' Dated November 15tb, 1896. no*i no. Norrinr tlo3 *49 *4B if MB STATIONS. P. M. A. M.j P. M..A.X. 225 8 46|Lv. Norfolk Ar 6 <», 1* » 240 9 OOj Pinners Point, »4sl* 1* bO3 9 24; Drivers, SIS t fit 3 2 94 ' Suffolk, 506 92» 4 0 10 17i Gates, 433 8 U 428 10 35; Tunis, 4 IS 8 » 446 :0 f 6 Aboskey, 368 8 M 500 11 13 Aulander, 344 74* 540 11 50 Hobgood, 3 (44 7 W 605 12 12, Ar. Tarboro, Lv. 2 fifr 6 4ft 640 12 42 A r Lv ~1 26 6 Ift P. SI P. M. Rocky Mount. ;P. 54 A-M. *Daily. jDaily except Sunday. Trains Nos. 49 and 48 solid tialns bei weas Pinner’s Point and Wilmington. Yratn N©. 49 connects at Rocky Mount with v»4» St for all points South ami No. 73 for ! potato- Nortn. G. M Sbkpbll, J. R Kkklv, Gen’l Manager. Snp’t Traam. T. M Embkbon,God’l Push. hgoaA. Wanted i One good Life Insurance Solicitor for Charlotte, ancf one or two special men te work in Piedmont and Cen* tral North Carolina. First class contracts to good men» Address J. D.'j BOUSHALL* GENERAL AGENT, Raleigh, N. C. fILODD POISON Ha specialty Ea BBtiary BLOOD I’OISON permanently KM BB® cured in 16 t 035 days. You can be treated ois price under same guaran ty. If you prefer to come hero we willcou* mMBSmKF tract to pay railroad f areand hote l bills, and noebaree. if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains. Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat* Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it la this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. Wo solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has al way* bullied the skill of the most eminent physi cians. @500,000 capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed oat application. Address COOK REMEDY CO*. SO? Uasouto Temple, CHICAGO, UX. _ 7