Chatham ccori THURSDAY, October ;i, 11 H. RADICAL DISSATISFACTION. Deniocrjitic Executive Coinili it- enterprises sncli as would ive era- 'the Person county committee and! I The imlnr 7Z f T f C,Ult!la111 j ployment to limiumjs llow Jaie and Wil8" CTV manamV I lhe liidoiiuent of ilr. Turner R H Cowan chairman ! t 10 Ihomas, (Ithmk) from Caswell,! 1.1 t . it. t. . ii ii. v.uwau, tuainnan. . eaevr for work? i V .i . i ui:.. : . I) UIO KeDllDlli-.Ill K iiMitiv-t l oin. V l.r .r ,f 'l'....,.!,:.. i tt a i meuiueia ui iuc . iwiiuuuciiu uuxxxix'Ji,- I .... . , Ai.uii:iii H. A. LONDON, Jr., Editor. t:lsU.ful to some of thu Ilieillbew of KOU COXUUKSS rl...,.l.: iunuaui u f. 11. VI- ; mi. x ; 4 f , . .1 - . , inittee of this District was so dis-i" Edwards J. W. Perry. ; xuts in,F in wnieu tuey. saia t ley would ! Baldwiu IWnsbip L. IS. Byuuni piompi ana vigorous action must De : nii uomiuaie h uamuuaie ior me tj0;i 'Senate, but would support whomso- , rn - . - - -U . UWCUI1 X 111 I Will. . C'- XI44U W Mil. iUC "C.1K1U JLll-; . - "V" ... that party, that on luesday (the 1st ; Hadloy Town.hmS. H. dutch- ! rnnnmanvimWidl in ir.RnmvPr i.1 ,e ()r!u,c lpnbhcansk . . - . J 1 J r " I "-" l .n, 1 nut in t m tiaM l I . I ,ni Mumw ! . . ... - I iri.V 444 V44ls UJHtl. lUUt 414.4. will lay Xurner ubout it as we were going to s running ' Caswell, and told him that we had nw im- 1 wehcted him as our mau, and he re- .i:.i ..11 4. t .....i i.! riven to ihe road which i lmw ' " " 11ut" x "w HON. JOSEPH J. DAVIS, mst.,) they held a meeting ot the held, Jesse Henley, Mail ison Perry. I to make progress- 15 000 rirrrr:-rr--r.rr..rrr.-rr-rrr, ' "disaffected" at Ralebdl. Jllld re-I Bear Creek Township-J. W. Cal-i 1 ?i " ' 4 TO Ti'UNKH DKMOCHATS. I . , . v . , V,' l " 1 C der, 13. Burroughs, J w Brewer. i te track and have the trams M he l t. te tor Judge Keade, Cjpe FtMr vnship-W. C Fan-; to the Gulf; that achieved, a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. C. HcMACKIN, : GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT East end Citizens National Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. In another column we publish as " 'uier no acrepreu or reinseU tlie : ivtt, J. H. Minims, J. AV. Scott. petus will he s of histo:-v nmmvted with .nomination, mis gentleman had , ul' j-cmnsmp u. Jt. tfrimtu, W1n Inate its canvass in the Twentieth Sen-1" ivpeatedly solicited by ,7271!; y ; Cross Roads ial District in 1S7(?. the eertih- finiN ioi m?oi.u eeus past, to . jj. Mclver, T. J. Goldston. ; point tlie loc Consignments of all kinds of Mer- J; P. GULEEY, Retail Dealer and Jobber of , : Foreiffn aiifl Domestic Dry Goofls, JNotione, bit- ioodR, llRts, Bool 3, " Sboea, Fine Hand Made Sboes, Clothing Jrc t" Agent for Frank Lewie's Cut Paper Pattern. matter the ator cate of Lewis Jenkins, and other paicrs connected therewith, to which t 1. m 1 uru nf tiir ii:trt.v via i'li-) dim I rdtaiitlicu ami Ti.t1nra cnliintu1 tiTfmivmn t Al rlTTIiftwe u . , , . become a candidate for Congress in ! Hickoij Mt. Township J. A. Als this District, but had positively de- t:,1, J- A A lln' J' iN- .1 1 i t 1 mi i iUatluew.s lownshii) eJ. . as our candidate, and supported him j isfactorv sales srnaranteed and prompt certain from which ! us such. I returns invariably made, for moder-! ation is jet to be decid-; Mr. lurncr, Wilson Cary and I j ate commissions. ed. Then let us aU work and strive ; llsul ,l c.mciis m a siioe siiop m Mil-. . A , . . I , :on, an I Uary then told Mr. Tinner vn-"" mccpmwi uimi ; 'tnuL. . 1 1 .. .1 I cu,....w... ir,wi........ r-w,' : unit in; ri Lfnrouu 111m jis our canui- kiiuiiuc ai miMicinit' luui. m seplJMJm .1. T. MOOKK, (Johnston ('.) A. A. THOMPSON (Clmtiiain Co. together Kavcttcville, Chatham t T wc would respectfully ask the care- " ai; ne w, cLaI w y Webgt j c Kirkman. . . date, u.u Mr. Turner replied, "it is j ful consideration of all Democrats " the nomination now ten- j New Hope Township J. D. Bra- j CIin 0 neu)lu ,he losc of the )reseut all right. amUlie kJeS who mav still think, that Mr. Josial, him. The meeting was aN -ngton, Aiin Wilson, Alf Johnson, year, when the Legist are ,onv,ues. I w and sealed thxs 29th day of XJl .... 1 i 1! Oakland rowushio A. (1. Ilohar- : - ,.vimu 10 jo. j . , , 1 Turner is the proper person tor J - h,-m,s, anu K. L. Tysor, J. P. Badders. F,o, xewW.-. ! H? T r " "llXT National Bank whom thev sh.mld vote. In 1875, XV:,S V.V ilwiilerly. Quit, a con-; Williams To nshu-C. It. i rril fr Lewis X Jknkins, seal. , s, to. Sleigh JNation at l ank ; j ami ine ousiuess paonc 01 me citv. 1 1 1 MOORE & THOMPSON, i ui ivy iseIjLEKS, AND- Mr. TmiiPi- ti, ,t liflvSn.r r.....;n.l th. n'o cisN arose as ro the Power ot J. W. Atwit ;r nomination in that Senatorial Dis- l,,e Lxccutive Committee to bind trict for a seat in the State Senate, tlle party to support Mr. Turner.; Wamean "Independent" candidate Mslj- s,ll5t, of Johnston, was there, i A. J. Riirirsbee -e From the Fa't-ttevil!e (laxette. The Western llailroad. 1 againt the regular nominee, Maj. aUl uuulii 11 bitter speech against John W. Graham. That District Turner, saying, -if he had a halter is composed of the counties of ()r, ;arund his neck and a vote for Tur ange. Cawell and Person. Lewis mn' was t,K' e(Uisi(hration of a-par-Jeiikius. a colored man, late chair- tlo,b lie would vote it, but under ipanofthe Kepublican Executive l,n,u'." Col. Young 'made a mark v:)..t riM. ir tr'....i ai. in the emmtv election in Omngf. 1 . ... , P ', . , 1 ! , , . , . . , , n , Pickson. h worn and subscribed be- a kind of epidonnc fever broke out : foro mo : mongthe Denmerats to vote for Joe ! ' n t : m w .1... 1 ... , 4 .-4 4 11 ; George Laws. , i'uiit-i. e Miiinni woniici ;n 11 at tnp ' ON HAND: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ItALEfGH, N. C. SELLING COT I ON A SPECIALTY". Consignments Solicited. septlO-i'.m We, must, if possible, complete ! time. Weh ive felt the f vcr ourselves. ' . 1DP, '( J ircular. before the next Legislature convenen. ! ('Xm'e ot a w dtired every- ' xv.r RmVTTVri Kso . 41. I 1 -J" . J. 1 ' 7 U. umini iriciius, who liien'.uv Took ; A large invoice of MTLBURN ! I WAGONS for s:de at $75 each; sub- j stautial work and wnrranted. j ! OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES ati I $80 to $100 each; workmanship and W. U DODD, Raleigh, N. C, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent for the Sale of Committee, of Orange, and at pres- "Iech defending the action of the v oninnttee. And s the regular Kilkenny eat-fight. ent a member of the Executive Committee for this Congressional District, canvassed Caswell county with Mr. Turner, as stated in his certificate. Think of it, ve Demo- crats who still cling to Mr. Turner! This certificate is sworn to before George Luvs, Ksp, the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange. The signers of the"eiivulai'Vere all lead ing Republicans, who were support ing Mr. Turner, and doing all they could to aid him in defeating the Democratic nominee, just as lke; Young. Dick Badger ami others are now doing. Tt certainly looks very peculiar to see a good Democrat in such company. It is a trite but: true saying, that birds of a feather will flock together. If Mr. Turner were not representing their views, they would hardly support him. If they did not expect to gain some thing by supporting him, think you they would support him? Well then, if they gain anything, the Democrats must lose something. ' How then can Democrats join in with them t Will you aid your op-: the Western Railroad to the Gull ! We have before our mi?d's eve- the : picture of a man, who dtired cverv If it can be made plain before the ; "' ' 1 UK. . mf ? Z V ' My Deau Sir: Wo write to assure i material guaranteed. EGERTON'S SCOTCH SNUFF IN General Asse.Mhlv wh;YU meets next ; J -fpin 1 ,Y, iowl i 1 1 wV i 'y,m ,i,ul tbo P"1! that neitLor of iih ! Flour, Corn.. Oats, Fodder, Hay,; NORTH CAROLINA, winter that ei-Mt'imW of road hw , S 11,0 will be a candidate for the Senate, -i Meal, Chops, Brown Stuff, North i . umkr that ug,t irn of load h.e foes of h s vdio State, and is -mw . no. allow onr names to be used in Carolina Hams, Sides and Shoulders, : . J"1""1 been erraded since March 1st, 1878 poor and lmnmvnnd The wry .1 ! ; t..n ..11 r.;,.i. i..i , FLOUR. SALT. AND RfiT.Ti?r II :l(riitll OT Till' j - - , . . . - . . tu-lU u.lllllri"linil. iu,u v4i 4vi4i4o ui 1 iuuiivc mmiio ' "W4i4iju icaLuoii i mi. , , , mtv of the thini? ;s enonrh to iimV. T L- ..m o.J i vriMlfXTA atpat. ...... ... ta.i uiivi al . t . . . . .. l iLu iiiivuir' 111 1 1 r 11 v r km s. nnn . r -. . t ii'A . unilflvv lot IXTI t hara ia lif i . . . . Hi'Viiv rV Kwnwv j 1 "" out of a false friendsh p for Tumor. ' r"" 'lamWrnn Uiof 1 f lO 1 r.O .l.-i; . 1 . tx- n , 1 . . . : .. WM. THOMPSON. Our Republican friends will now 1 77'ZZ - T : V'iU , INM,ncalV (r;l lct H. B. Guthrie, . itional convicts will be assigm d to greater damage upon his people thnn t i . be.nputeadlemnia.asthowthey;th?wcrk of this road wuh this , Turner ever did th.n, good in hi, I. L brLAiHoitN. shall vote. Their Executive Qmi-m,ls;,iP,,1i1i0 nnn,m,t,,t;n t briirhk st and nobh st dayp. But now ir Ar.. w..i.i w- a v iUwUllUl(llIUU VMll .... " - I I 1W lll,TTII a! I I . ;illLllC.l it iiinLi;ui( 1th vtrlni line Mini will fvrliifl lii lvinin uiittee. which is the othYi.-il iiw.iith.'. e., i m W the Democrat voters of tho . .. , ; ""v ,Y''"g luiui , nit? iraaiu can easi v n;ii; pinii linvi- nt th.i lvirtv ov f ,.,f fl,n,. . K i .1 .?.- ? , . . District Stop I l ue uiiHueu uu i illiliflllfl iroui wmu x". .. -r.. 'n i ! 4 j o WILLIAMS. President. and think before thov 4l 41.;.. - l.'ill . i m cu v ims ii 1 1 ti si. mi o tim t.iv if,!r.M:.ll.,,ri)omu.-n.t: Thisis" vital import- J;"'''- ik i .-!. i ii 1 1. 1 1 in-in.iii, i oi jii'nv- being used as a candidate for the Seuate. JoiAii Tckxeu." D. T. JOHNSON, WHOLESALE CROCZ2R, COMMISSION HERCHANT, Consiffiimnts of Country Produce solicited W. S. PIUMK08E, Secretary. W. W. ALI.SONS CEKTIFIC VTE. ; I, William W. Allison, do certify i th it a fenv days after the election in I 18 ui company with Mr. Frank AND 1 '1 I. ... 1 . iV 1 .1 . ! ...4 1 4.. 41. 1 1 it'. weep iMHM, uami on, aim give their "" w luts n sake let. them no! givo Iiim po'iti iiiuiiviiioii sniiiKirr tn . ncnn i -I mimmmiir.v imt. t. n -i 1 ii ..u. .. -i ' . v l).,vU 1 m 4i i t a i i i ' r V1 Warren of Caswell count v, I met; Chatham and Randolph counties as hmnng, like Hhlen, m, the m -ie j, Tnr.,r n.n f mn, ! Politics hit he Wul li lv!,f vve11- Tho W0lk 0,1 tLe bri,1ore ovtl lm V fVv,llfs1 ?vl hfll,?lv,11 :nJ;i;1 boro, and Mr. Turner asked Warren ; 1 1 OlllH.S 111 me nei'OlUl lllSlriCt. m . . . . . him find fvm' ina iiitlnoio ; i . leep lviver is being carried on as A ,T, n V-n , now ttie euctsou nad gone in Uas-i INSURE YOUR PROPERTY ! IS THE ! NORTH CAROLINA ; HOMK INSURAXCK COMPANY, J OF This Company will insure your .1 ........ ifu iicf iin.a.'-n K.v :. 1.. 1. ;.44l e .1 -ii i. - . ... "" tneecoml Uistnct held a Conven- "0 11 iU ue , lnioine arms oi ine .li-micais lor p:J:t- 0,.uuty. Turner then replied he had tion at Goldsl,oro and nominated ;ind bfcfre mnny wwks have promofmn, is proof eom-hiivo r.i.t.r it Lttll betn tbut way tlllll a their candidate for Cm.,, l,assetl the frieiuls of the road wili ".at. ! has ui up every principal otherwise. W.v. W. Allison. a Tutu camiiua.e Toi l ongieN , , . lt .of honor, and is rendv for "treason. w; c tt av,,... tir ir i... , .. .... ucive i.iuifiLKc eiuence oi me com- , - n nwena. i. x. ti tun. v apr. u. ii. ivirclien, ot Halifax. , , .. , . , straiag--m and spoil: i Dwelling, Mill, Giu, Store, or other Two Doors North Market, Wilmington St.,' building on the most reasonable terms. Raleigh, TI. C ! All losses paid promptly. En courage Home Institution. Insure We ara now in receipt ot our fall stock m & first class Home Company. A ivim't! uonwiut ii.I.l 1 n..1...4 4" .1 . ". , 1 - - countv. This isairood nomination " . ... """e"'""1'" y T , no uemo-rats di-tnet, and there is a strong probability of electing him. July -JfJth, 1878. Correspondence. determination to utilize the grading that if they vote for that man, Oiny which has already been completed, are "svinir the wind, an 1 thev will and give those an opportunity to rV t' Y1!11-'! Lot W 1 wava nihot 1 . s-r. .l.-v 1... rx ; 4 "'v "iwii iuu uu, I if it in-! 1 1- 18 TOO late to repair an error which may last forever in its disastrous and ter rible results. From th .Journal of Commerce. How Nails Got Their Name. if Groceries, cousihtin in part of .Sugar, Coffee, ' Bacon, Lard, ; Cheese, Salt, Molasses, Nails, Leather, Fish, Apply to H. A. LONDON, JR., septlD-Hm Agent. KOU THK UK( OUl). Beacmoxt, Chatham Cockty, September 20th, 1878. ponents in breaking up your party, . Mu.H. A! London, Jr : just as everv department of the, I hnve just received the first C4..4.. n . i..i i n : number of The (.'tutitam I?veonn. a iuiie iui ei nuieii i iiar ueeii wieMeo . , ,. , , . . , 1 11 i .1 , . """" "ll ' - .1 1 4 , , newspaper pisr pub mhed in the town ilU(1 we sullU have the pleasure of of Oramv count v Ironi their clutched Do you wish nf Pittsboro; I have just riven it a once more greeting hundreds of our following fact. to give 1 kick to ine ucpuiuicans caienu elimination, and am verv friends of Chatham the control of vour State and Xa- lsed with it, and take the nn ftnr Qf," L, tional (iovernments i j trade here again who used to swell the business of F.;yetteville so ereat ly in former days. Onlj let us complete thU bridge across Deep River, and lay the track as soon as the iron which we have every reason to believe can be pro curedshall have been obtained; F.inroK Journal of Commerce: 5 SV.fRfTrfSi A iWT5fl! AI-?.,. Will you please tell me why the dif-1 "" feivut sizes of miils are called 2d, ; ; !.. , ' ., , , 0 ' ! Ii'cli wo offer at prices a low as the low- Oil, .vc.i ;8t- Strict attention iven to tlie pale of A Ol'BSCRlBER S LLKRK. Reply. The d or penny is sup- J. J. TH03IAS, Commission merchant and Cotton Seller, NO. 8 MARTIN STREET, ltnloi$?n, jV. CJ. Rf-ceiving, Sale and Storage of Cotton a I all consignments. A m pit- room for si orsie , Specialty, f of cotion ; for thoHR who wisli to hold I will t Will make liberal Cash advancea, with 1..... .. 1 i. 1. 1.., ...... : . 1 i posed to oe A Corruption of pound. ; advancHin-nU on cotton lelt with nit.. ! upon such coiisijrnmiits.. $3g"li fera to Citizens National Bank (ieplU-tlm Turner's Canvass in ls;(. (rKiMiricATK r r.Kwrs .ikxkj.ns. I, Lewis Jenkins. Lito Chairman of U,e torm WnS US' ll t0 murk tne Sl7'' ! "poul--nce K.licit-d. the Republican Fv,.,f vo Cnnif or hovv. man-v Pnds a thousand ------ , 11 1 , r?o certify that the r our-penny weignea lour . ore tnv: Onfhclth l"nilul?s lu lutJ ouami; um-penny ;.-;i if....:4: '..1.. -.1 on our scree is . ., iumi ui WHIIUL' VOI1 111 V. fl -reyou wil- silor4 ietfPr. nsnr;' fKoi. t seen for a Ion ' 7 i.ltil M 'hatham and Randolph Octob-r, 187C, the dav that Vince U V l,oun,11s tw tbe .thousand only as whom we have not ,l,Jl le spoke in Hills' oro'.T war, mmlml wa ssx are (120) a . horn e hae not 'thousand" was literally 1.200 nails. Hotel, with other members of onr A our-i.nnler was a four punner, time men. too. hug to again endure the ruinous heartily commend the hazardous en- whose trade will bo of great, value to party, when Settle told me he had sllul tmuce tu four penny was uneasy misrule of corrupt carpet-baggers ! Jwpnseyou have so nobly encaged us, and who, full o appreciation of received information that Mr. Josi di trilUsitioii- and ignorant negroes But' you ii?' Ifc4" to. 1e ea"netly hoped that .tbo ben Turner was an independent' candi- oaie ior the euate and !hat he ex- tuo eiiternvisft mav h uTi.naofnl .l . . J 11 Ml e i - X J ...hi. i, iiiivi ii .-l 41. . i . , , ti nsir Mull' iii i iiin wiritw Tjmi'ii 4 1 . - m m i i-Hrritii" nnciiwiuo iiL!Auriwhvi i.i ..w ..... w..4 ..,? .vM .,,,aiyou may ne at an early day, . nicted to rnrrv off Pnmi.rl, T,i Mr. Turner bring about all this ?; sustained by the good and intelligent th rc'8:ret. nd will return to us ,.om tlie D,Muor'ratic pirtv to ,S The answer is simple. iNo party ! T ., y111"" eiiem. " " giuuubNii. tne jiomocmtic le miiires. ,'ml r.nn. We uonl.t not that the people hv- cially to defeat Vance in the county (Jure for Diphtheria. D. T. JOHNSON, 2 P ors North Markit, Wilminirtoii St. COST ! COSTM In view of the expiration of our partnership and a new business ar rangement, we now oiler our LAKGEaiul FKES1I STOCK , that will at once enable von to suc- can ncoiiiri! or retain its unreinacv .n n - .. ...t4i 1 :..4 S:"L line of the nro nosed d that Turner and his friend wiiiiuul wii2h;i i nil niiiici iMM"iiiu- erui luieresi OI OU1 noom olu time , , , . . . . i i . . ,ation.oparty;npre,ervei;oivirrd county. I tl L'anization,ifasnianniinoritvaided -.Pa(lablen wlU be a great adNantages which will accrue for Tilrtf,r. tmt it ,lvon(, HtHe honey. by their opponents can dictate to ? , i - 7 ipiently as a gargle. J I. t r ".Pe"Ple' !TVrt" He then remarked that, The above apVea Talce a handful of alder root, and i a handful of dog-wood root; and ai handful of the bark persimmon root; K-il with a pint of vinegar down to; then add a very little sma 1 lump of alum and a .Let the patient use fre- -or- 21. MAUI JR, Opposite Markt-t Place, Kaleigh. Man facturer and dealer in all kinds of Gold & Silver Ware, Watches, Clocks. Masonic and Hair Jewelry Watch Repairing and En graving Promptly Executed. SEALS &c. MAPI' TO ORPER FALL OPENING . - 1 4l. Tl'l 1 . 1 -4 T 4 ; . i . i . . , . ii.iv 444 KllHl.: 11UU1 4XlHlLf L "wv... 4 v 1 IX . t X to l iiinr, flQ X-IIV: IIUIMC tllJI 'i.ill till ill mc 1 UJJi ' the niaiontv. In every tree coun-.fessions. aud industries, and most-. . , . , . f.. t i. 1... , . ... J- L...i m,.,' ; . - . 'liai-.ft.Joiiv 41, r 1 maixvet at meir very doors for every- V i -t-niun umin i sp Ke to t he oiuu uuik hu. uu w.iskmiu ui ime try the majority rule, and so in ev-' V"J to .the farmers o (onrconn-; , "cussed devil" for two vears imr to been furnishl bv an old gentleman! cry political party the majority nfJ 'le otoi'that he can produce, supe- help the lbTnblican pnrtv he " u d of Charlottesille,Va, who stated that ! iwniivui jauj ximj in correspondents of this ehma wh eh nor educational nrmMvtninfw.c. nnA i . . 'n 1 , . ' iiit t , , ' '.. . . , . . must rule. If the Republicans can 'Mnnn f;i i; " V " " Z iZ Z ! 4, - V ,T ' . " 4 l'.,u ,ST m Vig, "and that we must nad oxten Known it to De used in ; . - O (-,.. .uu. aws use Democrats as voting for seeds 01 dissension in H .ofs 11.1 ll-J? v in 10 le in the refininor cnr-i-il i'iftnAino tt-1.w.i. . i,..i,i l.i'm fr.i,.,w.'?. ...x " 1 r .' ... 1 m , tlie interest of ea?h others views; of !, : 4,. Mr .t.,,.,..u t i...xi " . ju;,,,,., . t?;i,w..,i vi,;. I "v uuiuiiu 1UXxUUIxllliUll.B UI xllll- ,'1,l vmm . 4iu nri II'MI) Came 111- cl,cv,u "jj ' tulu' 4muuivFu " , road development. ; to thG ronm wlnIe 1 ws there. Jnd?e votino- for Mr. Turner, and sow i mf ir successes and failures on the - .. farm and its nroducts that, wo ni n.v tlio I lniin ... 1 ... 1141. J ' JJ I IW ' i grow wise through the experience of are strivm crat be Extend the Western Railroad to , V i" Ilu:.t" .to CaR- They tell a queer story about the ner to neip mm out among the were all away last summer to attend a popular cratic ranks, they take a long step j others who have had long experience i the terminus of the present location TnPer tn , h ebV hi ! f actors in a cetaxin TeSnS W,i -or.l Wil-;., ion the farm. andwhoSfiWi-A7.minSt,l!o, 4i, ; 4. . nimr 10 ncip mm out among the . were all away last summer to attend a .... .. 1 ! 1' " ".'Ithe most of a iY :r.1 ruu 'oprevent Mr,, iiepuo.icans aim t.iat 1 should lose inedical convention. They were ah- and it is just mi, Tor they . f . "A " 1 vernon trom becoming a popular re- "otnmp; i,y tlie tr, I - 4 1 w A UU1. 1. l pnrsua DRY GOODS ! At C ost, to (lose Out. w H. & ll. S. TUCKER Now is the time for all in need of 1 Lave the pleasure of again pre- seiiting their entire fall imimuta ' tiox and purchases in the xoutiikkx maukkts. New Silks, Dress Goods, I French (Costumes, Carpets, I THE LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. DBl GOODS come must be sold. iviiHf And will siiiv T)enwu ! l,;ixl l,.. 41 t : SOrt a waterinc-nlne nf i i 1 i 1 . ' mi -1 . 1 ..l . 4.4:.. 1 . 1 ... oei.Tle, 1 Saw .Ml'. 11. IN. ' ami -.-,,1 tho. Avncr cfrtroa ho1 lrool i so mind, so looiisn, as to iou. xnere is a wide neld tor ,m-, .uy u lajgo manner ot visitors u xvfte amim,(u,v u, t o ii." - a ! v .... orr 4 u ' For ftrnW . ; ""r-- -x- ik. otr:iv- tne nurses naa openeu uancinari AUU vc .j pci uem. uy ; - - ------ cnl-innla tlio lAtnotorir Vn.l lien nf ! otfomlln,, rlm'lir onlin I I- rOHienr RARE AND CURIOUS. IN'OVEI.TIKS 1 4i. .1 .1 i .1 : 1 1 iti... orovement und ihe ertiHwv flio 1 f,.nm op c.t , ..t? . 1.: 1 . i? . . . '"" . 'A.A'A, .. . ' ' ! i"g i. made, the lto. PoTth. i 7 ! . ' . " ' , " ' '" 7 !??. ' -P I n,r daU, sale, join KHiiuii iiiciiiiA iuciii!5eie& win pe0pe 0f Chatham P-pmrallv Mftlr- ' "w . -uh, x mw i go wun and divided into Diuiding iots, the I laugh at you. Even they would j ing are farmers, and any move made i me teSt OI careful aalysw, and their j r" neip mm our Uu the night undertakers had gone to making fid- i NEW FALL STOCK NOW BEING : J 1 . I.WlCl OlDW JU I if. I T Vi 1 . n 11 ii T l 11 lO VPO H O 1 -1T"I io i . 4. . I I RECEIVED ! PETTY l JOBJES, not respect you, but would look tnat W1U promote their general inter-! "uuieuc meaiciii properties are 1 nm1 ti " I Vnl ,V T wl r n t 7' j Tuoouau uccu i"lluieu 4 ' ... . -i ii , . . .. , ... . it i - . .... . anil lllieO O ClOClv. L Weilt, tn lr IIV. oH onll oo o nirnno ivn n'nn OVWl l.l.r,l. C:4 . ' lUU V3V.V U III 4. 140 1UPUII, but would upon you as their dupes, and have no further use for you after their pur loses are served. AVe appreciate as much as any one the valuable services rendered our party and State by Mi in 1S( 4I...4 l- a- ! ! neWS thromrhnnt ho nmintv liu linv rcHMiu linn ne now speaiv oi n m , j ... i rinfmnnrro , ; the edire 0 .J uig good, and intelligent correspond- jPatronage which our people everij"" more in sorrow than in anger. It ;ents for The Recokd in the various!, to that hich merits liberal 1 is indeed mortitymg to see the man, j localities. It cannot fail with vour i support. 41C?f 4-ll.. 11 11 i4 1.. 1. 1 .-41. nrill ... .1 ..X.1-1 V 1 .... , , r J y' i 7 7 "umanea. bitu-; oerH house and woke him 'up, and and 1 know nothing of itmrn : nfcfl in n finfl i,k.,.i i 4i ' . , -. , , , ' impressed with the importance of a I Poin also, for a fine academy than! ?? ThflNnrt.1,. i trood home Dauer. t.hnf. wo mav he- Mt. Vernon Si.riinrs an ;..x;,.4:.. -. " . . ..r ... rjorilino TAanff PonTranh'.in oi ......4.. .....1 i .. ir 'i . T 4 r j 4 .uouuutiuu i inn fimi we. went nn T.nfrpthtiv iv 4Kiir vwinvuwwu, auu paity and Mate liy Mr. lurncr .come acquainted with each other, J which miSht command the best. tw I SlIZ iwSf I North Carolina Methodist Gon- .sh.s- Oil- 4U. And it is tor that ; and weekly advised of the general ftf 4hA o,,, (irwl nlo. . , ; ft.p,n.v ,ui 1 ,nt t' 7et : ference, both meetin Gharlotte in No- ! ' npnrc t ii-nn .M.i tt. .4.. K.. 1 I wniui LUU tftJUerOUS " J"" i vemoer. ivho once so nobly withstood our ! ahle management, being of great in- cenerous UII,t5 ''oiv, uu x ui un. jmsij " ii 1 . . il . i. ... in- m . : me eoge oi ine town, ana air. xumer ; ! then went, on to the hotel or linmvl- merits liberal n hrmc nurl imf. nn liio imvoQ i iilaj. John W. draharn reached Leas- septlO 3m Raleigh, N. 0. ALFRED WILLIAMS. E. G. nAKRELL. , onienade. Dinner and Evening .Wear. AVe are repared to show our pa trons and the public a stock of Novelty and Staple Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, ifcc, &c, i unequalled in variety, maomtuhk In proof of what We hftVfi llVfrerl ' Immr anrtn nft.ov wo ovriffi1 T?..-. loract tn 1.. T4 4' 4K..4 . 'uu,fi """" "v. c.4.4,i. wlXX eoininon enemies, now associating! .f l , K ' . . "" tuat where is there a more flourishing : Leasbnrg we went to Milton, and with them and receiving their siq, be tfn.t " on in North Carolina than that orklVhi" lZnt port. But history is full of such in- j matters hard, and a general pressure comprised in a radius of ten miles ! rio phiws ii ! Caswell cmty We stances. JSven Benedict Arnold i1" "ll "&" we anxiousiy iooK:.rouuauonesooro agriculturillj,in-;met again near the bridce on the : was The Carthaginian has suspended. Bro. Brewer promises to let the pub lic hear from him again soon. At the residence of the bride's i..-.tlioi. K,r li T?., ITT TT T 1 came ""i ",i xncv. . xx. -xj(t v uuii, ti. ..v. w JWIIWIU . - v - o Jt XXXUl) OIIXXX XXCcli LXIO UIIULfti C .as onr-n .1 millant . -iMlrint in tl,lforward .for. better Jlme!' h.0Pln8 ! tellectually and morally: an imcrove- Counhy Line creek, and then liner, annv. an.Uhcd his bloo.1 ! er ZJZTrTlrZ. ! tgroWtb of -PHill on, Sunday and ."j, .5 xxuxii ixixiue ijunie. itie aoreeinenr. uu,uu4u, nuv. uxino uaxiuba, uauuu- American army, and shed his bloodier rewarded and trencral nrosner-! for the cause which lie afterwards i ity once more gladden the hearts 0fjrai,road facilities? The lands of betrayed. Because Mr Turner sees 'our people. Though hard as times ! Chatham and Randolph are even tit to leave his friends, is his fault jare and the scarcity of money, it j more valuable than those of Moore, and not theirs. He cannot blame seems like to keep posted ; and the material to be developed is them for not doing that, which lo i LS iKT?!!:1 "P ! -fill more varied and extensive. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., Wholesale and Retail BOOK SELLERS and STATIONERS, RALEIGH, N. C. Evervtoir.jr in our line f nrnialxed PROMPT- and rilKAIWKS x . ,; 4 --i " , nuc u. Liio mau, uu ii5L us me ioco- lltlflx. if flliof ll.nvi nnl 1 4 1 love him, yet they love their party . Tle toi ns on IS ' " tbe line f tbe- and their country still more, and if welcome weekly visits to many a ! counties abounding as they do, in he will forsake them and join their , happy home. j great agricultural and mineral wealth, enemies, they can only bid nun a! Truly Yours, long farewell ! I JOHN A. PTJGH. NEW ADE VRTISE ME N TS. between Mr. Turner and myself was ; ter of Mrs- MaiT Jones, of Moore j ly an-1 aiLowest Pric8. mat he was to co-operate with the ; KOliniy, Republican party, and do all he '. could for us, and I was to make the ! colored people vote for him against i Maj. John W. Graham, and we each , worked to the best of our ability, j Maj. Graham charged Mr. Turner at ' T.!! wJh C0-0Pel"at: TEACHER of XCTSXC ! '"6 11 j i44 uiikj AiiciJiiiLfxxtiiixx p;ii iy, JlLltl I special terms to Teach er Merchants 1 and Sunday School. ! Com nil fc- (?ILttilfKr of Ssr-lr.l liirfco free on application. sepll).3m .A. W. E. ANDEES0X, PrtfHident. P. A. WILEY, Cashier. : Itemeniber our motto: "Tin-: Bkst Goods at tii k Lowkst CASH IPIUCES." i W.H.&B. 8. TUCKER. ! sepiy-nol-ihii i i m. t. jozmis &. co., j GROCERS AND I Commission Merchants, i No. 3 Exchange and. No. 5 Market Street, ! JLY LEIGH, X. C. In store and to arrive 4V Targe and Well Selected Stock of i AXIl I GROCERIES, ! Which we offer as Low as Any One ! Consign in ei 1 ts S 1 ici ted Li 1 era 1 not, deny it. T flivtll.l. nr-l f.r 4l4 41, T) l.l? j . , 41.44u.1t4 i,cxuiy Lixtiii me JlitilJlllJll & rv,.4 OU444- can committee ot Uransre countv re ana mivi .. ; vuii.Mriiu he could not and would not, nor did Terms :--$20 per Session of Ul 1 l"HO IIH I lUllAL DHlllV9 : Cash Advances made on Cotton Icientfor the grandest manufacturing ceived letters from the chairman of! oct3-noS-tf Twenty (20) Weeks. Produce taken in part payment. of RALEIGH, N. C. septlD-tf Stored. i Correspondence Solicited by j M. T. IXorriM & C i sepl0-3m Raleigh, IT. C.

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