(1 djhatf(a!n Jutted. ttmrk H. A. LONDON, Jr., KIMTOK AMI VIliWRlKTOK. BATES OF ADVERTISING, One square, one Insertion, .... One square, two insertions, - - . One square, one month, - ' - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 1.00 1.&0 I.W i m iy , mu j iflr, -OlIO Cl .six mom lis -0"' ropy, tlnw mouths. 12.00 1.00 .5(1 VOL. I. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, OCTOBER 10, 1878. NO. 4. For larger advertisements liberal contracts will be made. Of l 1 LARGEST STOBE LARGEST STOCK Cheapest Goods Best Variety l AN l'.K 1'iilM) AT LONDON'S CHEAP STORE. Sew Goois Received every Weet You can always find what you wish at Lon don's, lie keeps everything. Dry Goods, Clothinjr, Carpeting, Hardware, Tin Ware, Drugs, Crockery, Confectionery Blioes, Boots, Caps, Hats, Carriage Materials. Sewing Machine9,Oils, Putty, (J lass, Paints, Nails, iron, Plows and Plow Castings, Sole, Upper and Harness Leathers, Saddles, Trunks, Satchels, Shawls, Blankets, Um brellas, Corsets, Belts, La dies' Neck-Ties and Rail's, Ham burg Edgings, Laces, Furniture, ic. Best Shirts in the Country Tor $1. Bet .Wont Cigar, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuir, Salt and Molasses. My tock is always complete in every line, and goods always sold at the lowest prices. Special inducements to C'usli Buyers. My motto, "A nimble Sixpence is better than a slow Shilling." "A11 kinds of produce taken. W. L. LONDON, Pittsboro', N. Carolina. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Attorney at Law, PITTSKOICO', X. C. JSfeSSpecial Attention Paid to Collecting. DR. A. J. Y EAGER, DENTIST, I'F.KM A X KNTLV I.OCATKI AT HTTSBOBO', N. C. All Work Warranted. Satisfaction Guaranteed. R. H. COWAN, DEALER IN Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Hals, Boots, Shoes, No tions, Hardware, CltOCKGHYaiul UROOKHIKH. PITTSBORO', N. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF RALEIGH, . I Alt. F. II. CAMERON, Pretklent. W. . ANDEKSON, Vire Pres. W. H. HICKS, firr'y. The only Home Life Insurance Co. in tho Stato. All its funds loaned out AT HOME, and among our own people. We do not send North Carolina money abroad to build up other States. It is one of the most successful com panies of its age in the United States. Its as sets are amplyj sufficient. All losses paid promptly. Eight thousand dollars paid in the last two years to families in Chatham. It will cost a man aged thirty years only five cents a day to insure- for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H. A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITTSBORO', N. C. Dr. A. D. MOORE, PITTSBORO', N. CM ottom liia professional nervicea to tbe citizens of Cliatbam. With an experience or tnirtj year, ne liopoM to trite entire gatifactlon. JOHN MANNING, Attorney at Law, PITTSBOBO', N. C, Practice, in tbe Court, of Chatham, Harnett, Moore and Orange, and in tbe Supreme and Federal Court.. O. S. POE, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries k General Merchandise, All kinds of Plows and Castings, Buggy Materials, Furniture, etc. PITTNBORO', X. CAR. TWENTY YEARS MARRIED. Yes, twenty years have winged their flight SI lire that mysterious word I spoke. When on a lieauteous summer night, i first assumed the flowery yoke. I long had craved the blissful! chain. And cheerfully subscribed the vow ; IV rhaps I'd do the same, again. Perhaps though 1 am older now. Ah. well do I recall the time When she, now onslve by my side, Stood, in her blushing morning pride, A tender, sweet and bashful bride. And I, so pnud of that dear hand. Could scarce contain myself for bliss ; I'd iMtught a tract of fairy land. And sealed my purchase with a kiss. For happiness we trimmed our sail. My darling little bride and I ; Hoie"s breezes blew a pleasant gale. And gently smiled the summer sky. The orld seemed made for her and me, All bright wherever we might turn, Our life to le a tranquil sea Sweet innocence! we'd much to learn. i For soon did care's disturbing breath lis baleful Influence impart. Anil bitter sorrow, boru of death, Oercast the sunshine of our heart; Hut still, as trouble round us rose, Kadi closer, fonder, clung to each, Itlessed with the strength of love's repose, Kuduriiig all that grief could teach. We'd much of joy, though small our sphere. And era veil no more extended fame, Kor children made our dwelling dear-r 'Twas wonderful how fast they came ! 'The more the merrier," we said, And iu them every wish was blest ; A part in our embrace have staid, A mound of woodlawn tells the rest. Those twenty years have left their trace I'poii her brow, then smooth and fair, And stolen, some say, the witching grace That once her features used to wear ; P.ut still I see the same kind eyes Heam on me with a light as true ' As when, in love's ouug paradise, 1 first that inspiration knew. And 1 well, well -we'll let that pass None more than I time's changes see. Kadi day I shave myself -alas ! My mirror does not tlatter me ; lint if I'm changed for worst or liest 1 cannot answer, on my life. And leave the solving of this test 'lo such :ik cliiHisetw ask my wife. This lesson we have fully learned : I'ui'c happiness that men have deemed. Is but a Iiojk' soon overturned. A vision but iu fancy dreamed -That all of happiness below, l'ui'siiiug w hich the life is sieut. In mingled scenes of bliss and woe. Is measured by the word content. Though fortune may withhold lis smile. As it has done in time liefore, i.iiti ul shall still our way beguile. And rest the future laudscaieo'er. The future who its tale may tell I'.ui lr it we've tiodoubt nor fears, And like our life that's past so well, We'll try another twenty years. THE WIFE'S TRIAL. BY MARGARET VERNE. "My friend Madaline Carter is coming to visit us, Alice." Mrs. Lund looked wonderingly into ber husband's luce, as he spoke. The name of his friend was a strange one to her. She had never heard him mention it be fore. "Madaline Carter ! pray who may she be':" she asked. "And when is she com ing?" she added, glancing quickly around the little breakfast -room. Mr. Lund smiled and tossed a gay, dashing-looking letter into his wife's lap. "Kead lor yoursell, if you please,' he said, "and then tell me how you like it." ltli a puzzled expression upon Iter pleasant face, Mrs. Lund read, what per haps pleased her, and what j.erhaps did not, for she had a strong control over her features, and did not allow them to be tray her secrets. At any rate, when she finished reading, she drew her white fore finger laughingly across the commence ment of the letter, which was, "JVIy dear Arthur Lund," and said : "Ought I to like that, dear 1 A strange woman using that 'possessive my,' as we used to say at school, in connection with your name?" Mr. Lund shook his head. "Do you like the penmanship?" he queried. "It is very beautiful," she answered, evasively. "But that is not it do you like it?" he jiersisted in saying. "Yes, well enough. But yon know I am seldom drawn very strongly towards gay, handsome people." "But how do you know that she is gay and handsome?" "The penmanship indicates as much." "You are right, Alice, and Arthur knows it. If J were in your place, I wouldn't have her come here at all." The voice came from a low window-seat near by. "What ! is Hester here as early as this in the morning?" said Mr. Lund, evi dently somewhat annoj-ed. "So much conies from settling down within a stone's throw of one's old home. Now, chatter box, what have you to say of Miss Car ter?" "That if I were in Alice's place, I wouldn't care to have her here nothing more or less." "And why not?" queried her brother. Hester looked annoyed She did not know whether it would do for her to speak her mind or not. Shaking her head, she said, archly : "You wouldn't like to have me tell why, Arthur Lund !" "Nonsense ! How thankful I am that I didn't choose such a little goosey as you for a wife. Alice will have a pleasant visit with Miss Carter, I am sure, in spite of your mischievous croaking. Don't mind her, Allie." Alice stood looking alternately at her husband and young sister-in-law, striving to comprehend the meaning of their words. There was a perplexed expression about her well-formed mouth, and in her clear brown eyes. Whatever her thoughts were, she kept them to herself, for she re marked, after a moment's pause, in an in different, careless manner : "She will be here Wednesday to-morrow. I will have everything in readiness for her. Never fear, Arthur." Her husband bent down and kissed her, as she spoke. She returned the caress mechanically, and let her eyes wander searchingly over his face. "Nevermind Hester, Alice. Miss Car ter is a very agreeable young lady," Mr. Lund said, as he turned away. This was all of the morning's conversa tion, and yet, upon theyoung wife's heart a shadow had fallen. Going to the win dow, she watched her husband as he walked down the garden-path to the street. The June sunshine glimmered through the trees upon him. The birds were singing from every bush and shrub. On either hand the sweet-mouthed flowers leaned towards him as if for caresses. This was what Alice's eyes took in ; to her heart there was no deeper meaning, per haps. She was restless and uneasy. Af ter a while she glanced back towards the breakfast-table, still untouched. Near it, in a heavily cushioned chair, her sister-in-law Hester sat reading. For a moment, as she looked ujon her, an unworthy question framed itself upon her lips. But sIk did not ask it. She had little need to, in fact, for Hester anticipating her, closed her book and joined her at the window. 'Don't feel badly about it. Alice," she began. "I'm sure Arthur never cared at all for Madaline at least, not half as much as he does for you. But at one time they were very intimate, and mother and I were afraid he would marry her. But that was a long time ago 1" Alice smiled. "Is she beautiful fascinating did you say?" she asked. "Yes, after a fashion. She has splendid eyes ; such as will draw one this way and that. She sings well, too, and has a queenly way of doing everything. But she isn't half as sweet as you are, dear." In this assurance there was something inexpressibly touching to the young wife ; at Jleast, her peculiar mood made it so. There was a little fluttering in her throat for a moment, and then her eyes were sud denly dimmed. But she did not speak, only rested her fair hands on the head of her sister, and tried to look down the shaded way that led from the wide, deep window. What a pleasant, happy home this was (so bhe thought) ! How blessed had she been above all other women ! In the perfect arms of memory she was carried back into the past. All the strug gles, trials and temptations of her life aroe up before her. They were not few, for with her own hands she had made herself a place in the busy world. Not few, I say, but at the early age of twenty three she had conquered life. By this I mean that she knew it as woman twice her years seldom do. No matter how. Perhaps it was through her own heart. Love is a great purifier sometimes, and comes like a rapid fire to clear away the rubbish from our eyes. Blessed is he who can read and interpret what he sees ! So Alice loved and learned. Standing there, she thought of it. The birth of her love had given her great pain. When she looked at it steadily and well, her heart was brimmed wi h joy. We ought to thank God every day. we who love, for the sweet privilege of loving. Its return is the gift of another itself power. Why, with all her experience, the thought of Madaline Carter should jar so strongly she did not know. As her hus band's friend, she was prepared to wel come her as her own, she was afraid from her present feelings she never could. That was the dark side of it. Having naturally a sunny heart she soon found the brighter one ; and in an hour's time to have looked upon her as she went around her pleasant home, one would have said that the evil spirit was wholly exercised away. It was one of the pleasantest of June evenings that Madaline Carter came. With her husband Alice was waiting ujnm the portico to receive her, when the car riage drove to the door. She had expected to meet a handsome woman, but for so much beauty she was not prepared. For a moment she started back as one will when a sudden light breaks upon them. "I am happy to welcome you, Mada line !" Mr. Lund said, shaking her hand cordially. And then turning to his wife, he presented her. Madaline's proud eyes flashed widely open upon her At a glance she seemed to take in her whole character. How much a single look will express. The one that passed bet ween the two women was fraught with meaning. It said, "I shall hate you !" From Madaline's eyes it was like a swift, strong blaze ; froni Alice's like the piercing gleam of a star sharp and lancelike. This was their meeting, although the while they clasped their white hands together and smiled. While Alice went to the kitchen, Madaline con gratulated Mr. Lund upon his happiness, his home, his wife. She did this with a touch of tenderness in her clear, skillfully managed voice. "I alwa3s knew, Arthur," she said, in her old, familiar way, "that sometime you would be nested down in just this way for life. Isn't it delightful ?" "Very," Mr. Lund answered, smiling, "used to prophesy, too, if I remember rightly," he added, a little archly. "But you were a false prophet. I knew you were then." ' 'Yes no ! Circumstances entirely j us tified my conclusions. You'll admit that, I'm sure," "Not even that." Mr. Lund smiled again. He was used to her evasive answers. They seemed to please him. From her manner he was led to watch her closely. How beautiful she was ! As he thought this, a little tender breeze swept up from the fragrant paths of the past. It was so pleasant that he deemed it harmless. So he turned his face towards it. It grew stronger then, and swept through his heart even. Ah, Mr. Lund, what a dangerously delicious pleasure was that ! Madaline Carter came for a visit of a few days, but they lengthened out into weeks, and still she did not speak of go ing. At dinner, one day, she said, turn ing her face towards Mr. Lund, while she fixed her eyes upon Alice : "I have a friend in the city, or rather an acquaintance, who wishes much to call here. He once knew Mrs. Lund he tells me." "Ah, and who may your friend be?" was the answer. "Mr. Ralph Morrison. He is here from Penn on business. Some people call him very attractive. What is your opinion, Mrs. Lund?" At that moment Arthur raised his eyes to Alice's face. It was so white that it startled him. "Are you ill?" he asked, rising quicklv from his chair. "No, no pray be seated," she an swered, glancing deprecatingly into his face. "I was a little dizzy it has quite gone now." Madaline had watched her closely meanwhile. There was a satisfied, know ing look about her mouth and in her eyes. A poor reader of human faces would have known that there was a certain triumph at her heart. "I hope the thought of seeing Ralph Morrison does not affect you so, Mrs. Lund," she said, gaily. "I shall feel obliged to warn Arthur of him." Alire's face crimsoned, and for a mo ment she did not answer. Even Arthur seemed a little disturbed at her strange ap pearance, for he raised his eyes to her face, as though anxiously awaiting her reply. "I would advise you to do so, Miss Car ter. Perhaps he will appoint you to watch me closely when the gentleman calls," Alice said, at last, laughingly. "Perhaps so," Madaline answered, opening her eyes to their full width. "I hate you ! ' was tbe look that passed between them then, fierce, deep and strong. Mr. Lund felt it. The swift cur rent touched and thrilled him, but he was like one standing in the dark. In the evening following, Ralph Morri son called. He was a dark, handsome man, with a smooth tongue and a soft voice. Mr. Lund did not like him, and so gathered his dignity about him like an icy garment. Alice was very quiet, and a little paler than usual ; but Madaline was all grace and beauty. Her eyes shone like Btars. They were se bright that what was lying in their depths could not be seen. Before he left, Mr. Morrison spoke a few low words to Alice, and as he did so, Madaline scanned the face of Mr. Lund closely. "They were friends once," she said, seeing how indifferent ke was. 113 glanced towards them quickly at this, and then looked inquiringly into her lace. Her words were simple enough, but they were weighed down with meaning. As it annoyed, she drooried her eyes, and r laying with her bracelet, remarked, in a confused, half-troubled way : "Excuse me I I supposed you knew all about their acquaintance, and yet I might have known never mind. See ! Mr. Morrison is bidding Mrs. Lund good night." He was, indeed ! But why should Alice stand blushingly before him ? Arthur Lund was startled out of his composure for a moment. He turned to Madaline. She had risen from het chair, and stood with her beautiful head bent thoughtfully forward. "I am quite puzzled, ' he said, in a low tone. "I must hear more of this," he added, quite forgetting himself. This was but the beginning of disquiet. With Arthur Lund it increased daily. Be tween Alice and himself a strange cold ness sprang up, but Mtdaline was every thing to him. I do no', say that be was conscious of this, but doubting his wife, he made her his friend It was so like old tubes to be with her, he would say to himself. So like the pleasant days of his youth it seemed t listen to her sweet, musical voice. Sme times he used to wish that she could not read him quite so easily ; that she did not know quite so well of t ie little trouble be tween Alice and himseif. But after awhile he ceased to think of this even, and Alice went further from him. How would it end ? As the beautiful enchantress willed perhaps. But the good angels of earth are many. They watch as well as the bad. Madaline told Arthur that Mr. Morrison and Alice had been lovers once. She said this in an artless, innocent way, as though she did not half comprehend what she was saying. But she drank in every word eagerly. "Why did they not marry ?" "There had been a misunderstanding between them they had not quite com prehended each other," was the answer. "And now?" "O they could see how it was now, of course. People could always see when it was to late to remedy an evil." "Yes, yes but had they loved deeply ?" "Yes." The word came with a sigh. At that moment it fell welcomely upon his ears. Madaline had loved him deeply, perhaps, he thought. Involuntarily he raised her hand to his lips. Ah, Arthur Arthur Lund ! could you have seen the white face bent towards you at that moment could you have seen the terrible loook of agony that passed over it, you might have stayed your feet from the path which they were treading. The beautiful hand would have scorched your lips like fire ! Softly, noiselessly, Alice stole up the wide stairway to her chamber. In the darkness she fell upon her knees, clasping her hands across her forehead. Her prayer was : "Be merciful merciful, dear God !" "It is so cruel, so .miserably cruel !" So Hester Lund kept saying to herself, as she sat by Alice's bedside during the illness that followed that night. But Alice did not speak at all, only mutely with her large brown eyes. She kept her white face hidden in the pillow, and muffled the heavy sobs that broke so con stantly upon her lips. At first Arthur came to see her, but Hester suggested to him one day, as she saw him nearing his wife's chamber, with a troubled expres sion upon his face, his mouth stern and his brows knit, that it would be better for him to allow Alice a few days of uninterrupted quiet. He looked at her keenly as she spoke, and his fine lips curled into a smile. "Then I am a trouble to Alice ?" he said, in a low tone, scarcely above a whisper. "I did not say that you were. But some thing troubles her. I am sure of that," was the quick answer. "I do not doubt there is. I have ample proof." "And so have 1 1" retorted Hester, un der her breath, turning away. This conversation was in the upper hall. At the door of her chamber, which was slightly ajar, Madaline Carter listened to it! Her beautiful face gleamed in its triumphant joy. "We will see we will see, Alice Lund, who conquers 1" she said, clasping her hands together, and bending her regal head upon them. "To fail is to die, and that you begin to feel 1 But for this little quick-eyed Hester I must keep a sharp lookout." When Madaline went down to dinner that day she wore her sweetest smiles. "How was Mrs. Lund?" she asked of Hester. "Very well," was the cool reply, given with a corresponding glance. "Would she be down stairs soon ?" "That had not been thought of much yet." "She (Madaline) would have visited her, but she feared that she might disturb her." "She most certainly would," was the prompt, decisive answer. Arthur Lund raised his eyes in surprise. Hester look him firmly in the face. Mada line watched them smilingly. "I must see to that Hester,' she thought to her self. Ah 1 that would have been well, Miss Madaline. At the expiration of a week, Alice in sisted upon going down stairs. Hester protested that she was too weak, and even Arthur expressed a fear that she might endanger her health by so doing. But she was firm in her resolution, and so at tea-time that day she took her place at the table again. She was looking "poorly. None felt this more keenly than did Hes ter, and in consequence she hated Mada line Carter most deeply. How the little play would end she did not know, but she thought to herself that in it she would not be an idle character that she would help the plot to a speedy denouement, if possible. How strange it was that Ralph Morri Eon, who had absented himself from the house during Alice's illness, should make his appearance on the fist evening which she spent down stairs. To Arthur Lund it was inexplicable. To all appearances, it was the same to Madaline. But Hester was content to watch without wondering. Alice was lying upon the sofa when Mr. Morrison was announced. Her hus band was near enough to her to see the faint color arise in her checks at the men tion of his name. With a quick, hurried glance about him, Mr. Morrison bent over Alice and whispered a few words. When he turned away, Hester went at once to her. "Tell me what he said, Alice dear," she began, taking her hand. "That lie was happy to see me in the parlor again, " she answered, raising her eyes wonderingly to Hester's face. "And was that all?" "All?" (still wonderingly.) "That is well. Sometime you shall know why I asked you." Madaline clenched her white hands together, and under her breath cursed Hester Lund. For what, she knew not. The girl's face was unreadable as a sealed book. There was nothing to be gathered from that. Perhaps her step was a little firmer, her head, always finely carried, took a more confident poise, as she turned from Alice to her seat again. There was something, at any rate, that jarred with Madaline 8 thoughts. All around, it was an unpleasant evening. But Mr. Morri son was never more witty or entertaining. To Hester it seemed dull, and she knew that it was the same to her brother, that aside from Alice he cared little for the coinjMuiy. His eyes constantly sought her face. 1 lis head was bent towards her as V , Once in a while, as though conscious of lietraying too deep u-st, lie would turn his face to- v. . us .MaUulme, but it would be tor a t-v moments only, and then to Alice again. When he turned to leave the room that night, he drew his kerchief from his coat jKx ket, and as he did so, a delicate little note dropped o the carpet, close at Ar thur's feet. Mr. Lund stooped to pick it up. Of a sudden his eye caught the su perscription. It was in the fine, delicate enmanship of Alice! He put his foot on the note and bowed Mr. Morrison from the room. For a moment he stood as white as marble. The perspiration gath ered in large drops upon his forehead. His lips were tremulous, but not with speech. He knew then, when she seemed to go forever from him, how deeply and well he had loved Alice; that his passion for Madaline was no more to that, than is the first breath of spring to the rich glow of midsummer. He gathered the note in his hand and crushed it there. "What is it, Arthur?" whispered Hes ter, softly. He waved her away with his hand. His eye sought Alice. "Not now," she said. He turned around. Madaline had stolen quietly from the room. "Yes, norn!" he said, almost fiercely. Alice looked up and he went to her. "You are no longer my wife!" he said, looking into her white face, as he spoke. She started up wildly. As if to crush her down again, he held the note before her eyes. She read: "Dear Ralph! I shall be down stairs this evening. If you love me come! Alice." "I never wrote it. Arthur Arthur! believe me," she cried, sinking back upon the sofa in a deep swoon. "You have killed her!" said Hester, as he turned away. He rushed out of the house, down the gravelled pathway into the street. He did not know or care where or which way he went. So he wandered about till nearly midnight. He was drinking from the same cup that he had pressed to Al ice's lips. "Morrison's heart-blood should pay for the wrongl" he said to himself in the heat of his mad passion. Then he thought of Madaline. Instinctively he cursed her, and then himself in turn. At last, he turned towards home. He gained it by a roundabout way that led him to a back gate situated in the remotest part ot his grounds. He entered it noiselessly. Walk ing slowly up the smooth path, densely shaded upon either side, he caught the sound of voices. His hrst thought was, that Alice might be there keeping tryst with Ralph Morrison. He listened snud deringly. Behind the thick screens of rustling trees and shrubbery, Morrison and Madaline were talking, now long they had been there he had no idea. But they were talkiug of him, lie thought. Hearing his name mentioned, he moved more closely towards them. "The plot deepens," Madaline said. "I had no idea that it would work so well. You have acted your part nobly, Ralph!" "Why should I not? Alice Thurlow did not turn from my heart's best love for nothing. I swore to her then, if time was spared to me, I would strike at the tenderest part of her life. The blow is deep, she thinks now, but she has not felt it yet! Do you remember how white she grew when I first spoke to her? She had not forgotten my woros. iney win go to her grave w ith her. ' "I pray they may," said Madaline, in a tone of deep passion, "and as ior me, i care not how soon. She took my heart away from me, when she wedded Arthur Lund, l have been a nend ever since, i stood at the parlor door to-night when he held the note before her eyes. How happy I was when I saw that agonized look break over her white face. She little thought who had mixed the fiery draught that was raised to ner nps. adu Ar thur " "You are a strange woman, Madaline," said Morrison. "I like your strength and bravery. But you are shivering with the V . i j .1. I. l cold. Lei me ieau you w mc uuuoc. "No. I am not cold." she answered "Life in too deep for that to-night. This revenge is maddening, intoxicating! My brain is on nrei sniy nean seems uurning outl . . "I must insist upon your going in, He said something more, but Arthur could not quite distinguish what it was, Something about living until the victory wu entirely won, was the burden of his words as they moved away. wnen Artnur reached the house, he found Alice asleep. He bent over her couch. He could see then how sadly she was cnangeo now pale and thin she had grown. She turned upon her pillow, and whispered his name brokenly. Tears gathered in his eyes. His heart was full. "Forgive me!" he cried, as she opened her eyes upon him. "O, Arthur, you wronsred me! I did not write that note. I do not love any one but you. You are all that I have in the great, wide world!" He took her hands tenderly in his. and in broken sentences told her what he had learned. And more, he told her of this strange infatuation, now gone forever; and he promised, with the help of God, to be all in the years to come that he had been in the past, tender, true and loving. The next morning he carried Alice down to the breakfast-room in his arms, and placed her close beside him at the table. Madal ine looked wonderingly upon him. She was so taken by surprise, that she for got the part she was playing. i did not think to see you down, Mrs. Lund." Arthur bit his lips. "Are vou uuite well this morning?" he asked, raising his eyes to her fact;. "O yes, quite well!" 'Then you did not takoc,old hist even ing?" "Take COld?" she repeated, chanaina color. "Yes, Mr. Morrison was apprehensive that you would. And it was extremely careless of you standing out in the night air so long. Did you go out immediately after leaving the parlor?" "No that is" "You stopped to glance through the parlor door while Alice read your note, perhaps?" he queried, in the same cool, collected tone. She flashed her eyes upon him. Thev shone like balte of fire in her great anger. She arose from the table. Trying to speak, her rage nearly choked her. "1 hate you, Arthur Lund!" she said. "Indeed!" he answered. "Your feel ings are emblematic of change. My re gards to Mr. Morrison when you meet him again. Alice and I would be pleased to have him call at his leisure." She swept out of the room without an swering. An hour later she was on her way to the depot. She did not stop to thank her kind host and hostess for their protracted hospitality, or even to bid them a good morning. For a long time they sat at the breakfast-table, Arthur and Alice, while Hester read by the window. The breezes came in deftly, laden with summer's dying perfume, the canary whistled and trilled in its cage, the sun shine threw its golden lines farther and farther across the snowy linen of the table. The young wife smiled the shadow had risen. A MARVELOUS SUNSET. A PHANTOM MOUNTAIN AND FOUR RAINBOWS. "The heavens declared the glory of God, and the firmament showed His handiwork" in the sunset glories of Saturday evening last. Such a sight is rarely had here, and never elsewhere. Those who have been here season after season, for pleasure and sicht-seeing, admit that they never saw anything to equal it before, and Mr. Aiken, of the Mount Washington railroad, who has been here at all seasons of the year for ten or twelve years, and Mr. Murphy, of the signal station, who has been here in the summer's calm and the winter's storm, conceded the scene on Saturday evening to be the finest and most wonderfully magnificent that they had ever seen. Just before the hour for its setting, the sun was entirely obscured by a heavy cloud, which deluged the moun tain top with a driving shower of rain, but the cloud lifted instantly, just at the moment of setting, and the sun bathed the mountain top in a golden glow, softened and shaded by the renec tion of the dark clouds which hung about the horizon over against the summit of the mountains : So sharply and clearly were the rays of the sun thrown upon the mountain, through a rift in the clouds, that the blades of glass in what is known as "liigelow's Lawn," at the head of Tuckerman's ravine, could be almost counted trom the mountain top, more than a thou sand feet above them. Instantly, and as if by magic, the most brilliant rain bow ever seen commenced forming, one end of its golden and crimson showers resting in Tuckerman's ravine and the other directly over the trlen House. A complete arch soon formed, high in the heavens, so soft and sharp as to lepresent two-thirds or three fourths of a circle, instead of the flat arch usually seen in rainbows, and the colors at the lower extremities were so brilliant that a second, third or even fourth reflection could be seen against the mountain sides where they rested A striking feature of the occasion was a huge bank of white clouds hanging low beneath the very centre of the arch, the upper edge of which took a golden hue trorn the setting sun, and gave to the fortunate spectators a cloud with a golden instead of silver lining. Another remarkable sight was the shadow of the mountain top thrown against the sky and mountain ranges to the eastward, directly beneath the centre of the arch, and so distinctly that the shape and formation of Mount Washington was as clearly defined as is the mountain itself, while the form of the Summit House could be dis tinctly seen on the crest of the shadow. The glow of the setting sun was so brilliant and so clear that the Green Mountains against the Western sky were clearly marked, and Camel's Hump, Mount Mansfield and Jay Peak could be distinctly recognized from the top of Mount Washington, as well as all the other mountains to the north and south. It was a gloriously gor geuus and magnificent sight, and one that will hang about the halls of memory forever. Among Vie VUuds, Mount Washington, August lvth. The Kinsr and Queen of the Bel gians attended the ceremonies at the unveiling oi the statue oi tne ceie brated Flemish painter, Van Eyck, at Bruges, recently. The fall fashions announce a great change in the shape of ladies' hats. Broader brims will lie worn, with much larger crowns. Mr. Moody's Sunday evening Bible readings at bis home in Northfield are very successful. His large house is usually filled to overflowing. A whole family, consisting of a man, his wife and two children, were lately found murdered in their rooms at Ribiere-au-Gay, France. Miss Clara Louise Kellogg is on her way home from Europe. She has l)ought a costly operatic wardrobe of Worth, the famous Paris milliner. The engraving and printing bureau at Washington now employs 17.r plate printers and nearly 300 girls, m'sules numerous clerks, watchmen, messen gers, etc. The canning factories in South New Jersey are in full blast, working up the abundant supplies of tomatoes. corn, fruits, etc. They are running full time and full handed. Mr. Joseph Nimmo, Jr., has been ippointed Chief of the Bureau of Stat istics at Washington, the duties of which position h has performed a acting chief during the past two months. Vermont's fat woman, Mrs. Al bert Smith, of Rochester, died recently, her weight being over 400 pounds, ana the coffin in which she was buried at Saxton river was as wide as a common express wagon. If a man works for a week and gets nothing for his labor he takes it for bad luck and says nothing; but when he siiends five minutes m sharpening a lead pencil and the point breaks off he acts like a madman. Eiditv vountr men .appeared for examination for admission to the Ag ricultural College, at Amherst, Mass., last Thursday, and more are to follow, so that as large a class as can be ac commodated is assured. Mr. E. T. Thorpe, of the Royal Society of Great Britain, and Pro fessor Arthur W. Wright, of Yale College, are at Salt Lake City, taking magnetic observations, which are to be extended from ocean to ocean. The "trout" which sportsmen in the White Mountain region have been catching in such quantities are said to be, without a doubt, the young salmon with which the New England Fish Commissioners, at great expense, stocked the streams. With a view to the promotion of soundness in trade, it is projtosed by Montreal manufacturers to form an association including, beside them selves, those to whom they sell. Books of reference, with the standing of each member, are to be kept. Xfiar Bromlev. Ont.. stands a log house erected more than two years ago of poplar and uaim oi gneau logs, which can now be seen crowing, sprouts having been thrown out from the logs both inside ana out, maKing the structure a mass of foliage. Snmo rtpoitle have singular ideas about situations of safety and danger. slicrht thunder storm n Mon day afternoon a Portsmouth, N. II., r a t i 1.1 1 lady took reiuge on a ieainer ueu piawu on the floor, and stuck there till all "danger" ot being strucK uy iigiiuimg was over; then she arose, and finding that. thp. lire was verv low. proceeded to enliven it by pouring kerosene out of a gallon can into ine stove. The dam of Weslev Lake at Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, in New Jersey, gave way while some repairs were w ina tniulft nt the sluice way. and in a short time it was emptied of water. A lad who was on the beach was swept by the water into the surt, but bemg agoou e-iiched shore with the aid of a boat. This is the second time the dam has been carried away. Fruit culture is making rapid pro gress in the United States. According to recent olliciai statements uie imu appropriated to this branch of industry is .4,500,000 acres. Uion this there flourish 112,000,000 apple trees, 2rt,000, 000 iear trees, 112,270,000 ieach trees, and 141,200,000 grape vines. The to tal value of the fruit crop throughout the United States is set down at Sl.'W, 210,700, an amount equal to half the value of the average wheat crop of the country. Toward that large sum ap ples are held to contribute &.j0,400,000, pears 814,130,000. peaches 840,135, 000, grapes $2,li,000, strawlerrie3 $5,000,00!, and other fruit $10,4.i2, 000. The British flag was consecrated in Cyprus on August 18. The cere mony, as described in the despatches to Tlie London Standard, took place at 0 A.M., in-the Greek Convent of the Virgin, about a mile outside the walls of Nikosia. In the distance the moun tains hemmed in the landscape. Close at hand were the clustered tents of the British camp, while nearer still was an ancient church. The peasant girls of the island, wearing brightly-colored petticoats and stockings, and having their heads adorned with flowers, had assembled to witness the spectacle. The eye also took in, here and there, com panions of the Bombay Lancers on their mules, and the English Royal Engineers, military orderlies, swarthy looking mountaineers, and the leading inhabitants of Nikosia. In the Con vent Church a solemn mass was chant-, ed by a choir of ecclesiastics and monks, who wore long black robes. In a pro cession which was formed at the end of the mass a golden crucifix and sev eral other sacred emblems were borne aloft. On a carpeted space in front of the building stood Sir Garnet Wolsely, and close to him was a gilt throne. Some prayers having been offered and psalms sung, the flag was incensed and blessed. After the blessing the flag was hoisted aloft between the tower of the church by the young priest.

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