ft on 3 Ubitatnam Record THURSDAY, October 10, 1878 ,u.llri.1 ,.vrv u-l.u.h will :nlaiinU! 1 1 . tor its allairs the most ei-ononu-.al liianner, ami at the least ex pense. We propose, in this article. to compare the appropriation of liur. s. t ie Appropii :th.i ior the r : J .I t hcal vear ending June .th, lb-t, forcoxgkess: vi...m...,. -m, .Muuimj . . , . with deen in-' u i- n i aiM ten wonsaun iunfwni w u , motions, vMrnnKioods, Hats. Boots, HON. JOSEPH J- DAVIS. the M of (fcufen Then, f,3 S.SriS. VZfi&L V.?"8 taXic I.SUo... Fiue H.nJ 1Mo Sb, c,oth.g.4(!. : -iH m. dolt be a la. m, : to benefit the Kol old coiin. Tbere j ILy "iKee mo, Xl i "ftd RALEIGH, N. C. j DEJIQUtATIO ECOXOMV. j to hear so able a inkvr m Jti.lae are .o sccum of my cliiMhood anditioil d Thw.e ie notLi to be,VRi" ,?L wrot away in aweek ! tar Agent fop Frank li-8 et P.per . , blcn-imo... Tl .mm m.lo fcV,he o- rf gained, bot mA , fa. I4 ly iSyttTrf t& B-aej of Consignments of all kinds of Mer-i P,U""A m It is in the intents of all the ,. .. , . ' . .;. . man-hooj-all forming a RoHen yotirg for Turner or any other mal- l,SavtnRat their posts, of priests, chaudise and Prodnce solicited. Sat- -ffiABlIHIKBIHIj (So ttvinvcrs whether they bo Demo-. ' 1 ' , ' V s-''1 ;;u to bind me to it. There are uonU3ut TUe Lope of coautry is , 3.JSgJ ,RXeood sisters fol- isfactory sales guaranteed and prompt P19-3ni tx;uui wlii t id tl.i) ui i u , m luvc )Cci ,Iiu ; the ,,TeS0fmy ancestors and there in the Rucce33 o the Dl!luol.riltic ,a"';X thev s ucored so fast as returns inyariabiy made, for moder- . T MOO,.F 7 A A emtsor UT bhea,,,. to give m.h uvel. ,,c,ivcrw, hl will J,e ,he Bravfsof my hvmg km- part I ftm much pleased that our IriKlStlt Id ate commissions tZZ.) " (CuX cvHiiroj or me noveriuiu'iu 10 ui.n , ,, i r T . . "wu uv.roin.. oeome nave waseu uu on tneenrren- . .0Qvoi i onirress ior inree mmis iihuu iw- ... ..i. ...mi ... ... i so creairaoie a paper puonsnea j y ir a. i . . . . . I publican rule, to the ensuing three , , , Ar T . . their midst. , l, n.. ..-..rl,. ',nd 1..I- a,Kl B,,ow 31r 1aV,S hoWl The mineral and affricnltiiralrpaour ve:iis uiKk'i .Democratic, anu lei i ,1 . . 1, ,, . . , . , much the good people oi C hatham ; ces of the countv need developing j the iv;ile then ueculo which they , . , . , . f . . . f , : and tlierft is vtothirg so well calcula- Pie er. .ccoiomg to rue tmiciai . i . Al Y! ? .1 "-rrs -1 -T'l i lO UlVIUt: lllllt Willi 111111. tlilllrU' were slSLoST.o.Vl.r.l; for l.,' " " ' ""t ITTJ'.TiMTo.TT; ami for lS7i, w I ".) .)cl. -. .....V-Iii.v .i .f.ll ..' i -. y n '.... i, iiiiiixiiii i n'uii ji .... . s.uJi.MHi.io.J.'.M. i liese were tnc UlCll l'lt1'l tl ;ar j;jpr4priatiins made while the Jh'iisc of Ueresentatives was con-fi-olleil by the Kepublicans, for since that time the Ociuocrats have been in the majority, and as the re tiilt of their labors, seo the differ ence. The appropriations for liscal year ending . I une Illitji. lfS77, were sl4.V..7.i."n.72: for 1ST 1 :;s4.iiM5.ij:: and for 1 7t, si:7., 2l:V.::::.77. making a total of s443, .V.m;,4!7.4 4, which subtracted frpnr .the total under three Years of Ke publiean rule, leaves a balance in favor of Democratic economy, of t ie immen.-c sum of .sss,27,2-h.47. Think of that ta-ayers! Hear in mind also, that this treme.clous savh was effected, notvithtand- 1 ' mgtheoppoMtion ot a Kcpuhhcan Sciuvte, All appropriation bills must originate in the House, but the Senate also niu-t eonciir before thev can pass. These bills as thev 1 ' origimdly parsed the )emocratie House appropriated Ml T.nTT !,):; -, !MV vhih M-..11I.I 1, .1 ...... .. .... , V Hl.llH .1 ingof lU,7d8in.lL. but when they reached the Republican Senate they were increased t the Mim of $li.SJi:02:,L'? and iinally a com pn.mise was made between the Ilor.se and Senate. In ihe next Senate, however, the Democrats wii have a i.i:.;..n;v m: .... ?f .1 . ' ten dollars ! In these hard tin.es, when money is so scarce, ten dollars saved to each voter is no small item. It would buy two barrels of hour. Hi' more th:m one hundred pounds of bacon, ihe sum ot SS -TO- . , . - is mi immense mat its mag- mtude is not read v jumre.-i ih-d ,nd thov f ,. ,t 1 1 itiiatn.1, anutncietoie .e i.aye made a cal- culation .vhich will enable our j mtude is not readilv readers more easily to know what a iiousc is again J'emocratie. thev acted, but our limited space will only the good people of inv good old! - will .-Mrv,.,. ....Ir.. r. .,.-.. '. o ,....a: i. a : a..a countv. Nowshall I sav nnvthinnr ' ., . . uou is repeated, .1 " : . . 1 " lu rAai j w?u th- KmiW JieaU. ens at the reports u,.o.,i, u ti.MM,uu:a it is u-.iHiiuw. much, Joe Turner has made no uu A con-espondent of the Raleigh eary over the lllll.lted th::r tlnVi -lu,nf C J.ic;iitinti. Ti. r. "Ti-liniio nononi. 1 u: . .. i ;s n Ohservwv frum Ss..f loii.l . thprfi is no ruli . .v ...... I,, .J..F....,- ' , iiiuNMitJii ueie. Bijeeeues, p tiiey l'U( voters in the United States o etl a ca" from Graham church, which can bo ao called, have fI!ou still-born . 1... i a ... 1 ' 1 wQO ,.ia.i i v,;a i,.iu k.' p.. in this community so far as is known. :nGud wus found dead in the woods grown, until r u.e.unoum.neuio eaci, one r r"?' i About now he must be realizing the i "ear town 011 Saturday. He had climax, and m tlie appropriations by a Demo- .a "u M T Hl mueunfc uncomfortable feeling of the man ' "dden in on Thursday, and, as his men who 1 .ratic House would be a littln v..r 01 1 rebD.vtfcl'.v was called to meet at vuo f..ied to sit two stoola. Th ! hoie was seen walking about the re blanched vast amount has been saved in three Knoxville, Tenn., last Spring. Vari-, years by the Democrats. If thisius other interesting reports were j sum of money was in silver dollars, made which qur space will not allow j fiid four thousand pQiindo of it ! us to notce- One of the most inter-j placed in each wagon, and a Ion"-! estin& subjects before the body, and procession of four-horse wagoiis :ono wLicb elicited most discussion! , A....A...1 . i , 1 .-, iwasa proposition to .-I isftonf inna 1 j. ..c ai 1 . 7 ' , j 1 is. ; . . f ai , i 1 1 . 1 1 .a 1U. U noises in eacn , Avagon touching the end of the wagon in front, it would reach to llav-1 wo;d a distance of t little over ton I w ood a distance ot .1 little o ei ten j miles. Is it noi then to the Lest ! S:,tt7aT"Cr, hc.a I Democrat or Republican, to be in iavor 01 iiemocratic rule? 1 011 have tried both Democratic and Republican rule, and now judge ye ,n.in i...., iui men- iruiis ye shall know them." This great A. Al... 1 .. . 1 1 "1 l.. ........ 1,.... tiA"..,. 1 ... .I.. a... 'a- saving to the people was made while I the lion. Joseph J. Davis was the Uepresentative from this District, and was aided by his vote and voice Indeed he was especially active, and the peoplearegreatlvindebtcd to him I metUD 01 rWJ- preacli for his successful efforts in their beJ.S th& f WM"0 the half. Ot course it is to their inter-1 hl d hoP muf . Al , , v. , i good will result from it, particularly ests, whether they be Democrats or from lhe ,abors of Rev. L. c. Vass, Hepublicans to vote for bun, and;who has beeQ holdiug a protracfced again elect him, so that he mayjmeeting Bince the adjournment pf continue in his good work; and aid ! Presbytery, in reducing still more the cxpendN ; a . , e tl... ii ,...1 I !............... ' ' T " " lilies 01 ine iiriivuu i iiiiieni. i So let our K'ople discard their po- and vote for the I mi i i'A i ai jv.. v0.u. j.a. aa-xva. 7 , " " vci"cu .b rtspeipts ieu on aoou1, S500- demic AlemnhisliAq miffoml man, who will heneht them the matter came m tLeil. aiscussioil , part payment of The Record for one 0Q0, The expenditures for the part I up-S to ha aih .. a -....i r l.: v... . t , year. I propose to makfi nn . AlnMttir. v. .... .1 K: PiUP ,IUOU w ner size ner Fium,anu..u..u ".;mV" ; ouwDurg, and 3Ir. xumnot o t en cf mv nei hh 1. ZrZlAffl P0"119! amounting to 2,428. ience in the past can most ettic.e.it-; wishes to hear no more about that. I very much ks ,1 tl, ihn VYX an mcrease leans, where the number of 1.. tli. .m .11 tin til til re. ; konw :vnn aont m T fl a: ' .. .. ' . . 7 Kiwwau una ivs Z. i UU SO ..... I . ... i ... v t uuuiuvi i o.uuu UUU. mil llflPMl With thfl .-nr. irno , . 1 l..A i nnn. r. v mv.... ... ...v. .. .v.. jawwa a uccli vwuecru responding period of last year. ! CONGRESSIONAL CANVASS. Wc are pleased to announce to tmr rea(er6 U't tle Hon. A. S, Merrinion and other distinguished . j. , . . nv. intii. .1. .i ;.iv s vi alo speak in ltiathani as to lows. ' :ri,.,fl,, of ir.; l i. unatnara it is pertecuy natural .T,. TnmArntml mil t.hm V, j iUumMuiuaiuaaui, 7. ..... ' ' viz: at Kirijsbee store on Thur-"thonsfh late, to congratulate you np i, i oili . u . - on the neat appearance and general day, the 24th; at Mount A ernon, eA.np f n!e Recoup; but uiore ea- Friday the 25th; and at Egypt, Sat- pocially are the people of the count) urdav the 20th. AVe hope our to canvas wniiouthi.oplMvHont, as ; AT rp , ... , , Mr- I"" l,:ls positively refused . i. . 5 t. ...i i T. i - 1111111. 11IM 11 1 (II I I I I'll 111!-' epteu tliL hy the . T . i i i . i 111 illllll:ini Hi TiMH liM'i.i I li e i . lit iarce oi a v onveurion. nem in eltl in Kal-' i'icf .nwl ;f .v. ; eigli on the 1st. msr., ami it is ,1 .... ..... m i . ,,,, n ... thought he will not. ihe Repuhli- cans of Johnston met on the oth, and resolved to vote or Judge Keade, win the labium. ot (tengc have resolved to vole for Mr. Tur- ner, that jfr. I ):,vis will no doubt Orange Presbytery. The two hundred and sevi venteentn session of this body, was held in the Dearly eighteen years, this is the first ' meeting of any Presbvterian vcolcsias- tied body within its bounds- bo of cmse it excited a grentdeal of in- f teiest in the simoundmg country. Presbytery was opened with a very impressive sermon by the last Mod- erator, Rev. F. H. Johnson, of Win- ' which the roll was called . . a ai a a, :md 11 WHS artained that there were Prpsnt sixteen regularly or- dained Miuisters, two Licentiates, and . .. . . . thirteen Ruling Eiders-a rather larg. attendance for a Fall Session. ' . r . ... . nev. jonn x'rimrose was tueri 1. aV.;. " Hi.wfic i"uui- ui uuoiuees was iraus- Graham, in the month of November, at which time Mr. Mebane will be or- of Rev. John S. Watkins, formerly x n 1 , , . of Lynchburg, who signified his wil- limrliess to accept. Rulh-Elder Jos- i a tt a , . eph A. Houston, made a very inter- estmg and satisfactory report of his duty as Commissioner to th a last ' . w , General Assembly, which met in a a- t-- 1 mm it .. ... . c uu iueetinrs 01 tne I'resbvterv. ii - irii'iuis nu iiuii ihil 111 i.iryt; iiinii- ... . . - Presbvterian church at Havwood. in the countv. But I did not propose ft warrant was issueu last c nday for 1 ata. .v.- a., v. .a i 'uu i tnn'to n J.Oindnn nrim.t.v i the arrest oi Re)eccaLvon for the the street, while oth uiis coiuiiv, last AeeK. Aituomm w i' . . rM. r)1 , " . , . , . , , J ' . Mr. jjije with ten Orphans was 1 murder of Miltoa Black well one of fflected, only to be d j " o f7 ,inva HitiPo nn.l r va na o tue ciuuiren ot tiie woman w o was oeaiiiTSiweaaincr . . - . ni.nn iu .no iiuiu,iu-,it;unr iiu ,gii oti viiiuy it THroroiial V to il I'owii i - . . . all conbiiruineiits. Aiin W riMun for RtnrirM Mn-cialtV. ! electee, aioaerator, ana Itev. Jj. CJ. "Carthago delenda est so I would his utte ranee Bledsoe thereui.on "UB1Iie " , ".. 18 mo succr of j ot c.-tton ; for thoe who wish to hold I will I Will make liberal Vasn and Rulint? Elder. W. S. Prim- daily in the Legislature end with, Wrdino-. Tii.r' vMr...n . , , 8KK' . Punal of toe dead and charge low ratea ot storage and make cash ; l-w rate of interest a .cuijruuicB xuis was- 1 - " TVi , ,v"17,iW' ,um "u lT 1 hist words of those who are well "poniitnce Holictted. i "It, fers to Citizens a very interesting session, sitting un- W1 , intelule1 to mr i the ,bflfefit, of a mabl - are at night farewells to the dead! I D- T- JOHNSON, i 8eP19 3m .1 1 , r. . . . . . , . . . . : iui i oun inienoeo 10 expiess my struinenijil ami vnnnl Hmt msfpn , . . . "oa' ; o xt .1. i-si.: hi nuc uamiuuy iiil'ui. imaii'' wuicu .ahr .ni.'Mi th.f , ..i - , , .. . niiu tuu utsi m me iuomiiior "wn : - - - , w t .' 1 1 ' 1 ii t . . TllO ''Iinlvcn7i"nir1' tliot in nniu rrnin : tiuiiieu unu liiKtanau ah inisrir ni -" ...... v ... . . . , , , . . r . . . on is quite interesting to "white ' UeiU yesterday it was decided that he "read on every heart. We work, Graham church. A call from Raleigh , folk(J -generallv Joe Davis' de- ! died by his own' hands. While not in the shadow, but in the very first church was placed in the hands scriotion of the "lo-rollincr" is rich iu ttmu he had purchased a few.fce of death. Wo meet him on Fall meetings of the Presbvterv. It!mai1 The G hatham Reoohd. I- wftfi - . ,jvery much pleased with it, in fact ,77 "7 Wi V""" j proud of it Many thanks to you 1 " & CQm1 tting pp such an enterprise and 0 V 18 t0 rep0rt at the next in such bautiful It is calcula. regular meeting to be held j ted to, and will do more to bring our church, in the county of Orange on !00( couny into notice than Wednesday, before the fourth Sab- bath, in Anrii r,, a A proposition 1 ; was made to organize a colored church in Newbern, but after an exT 'cited debite it was postponed to an ad- .juxiieu meeting to oeneid in uoids- j horo', during the session pf S.ynpd. j I T'Usv K T A 1 .1 i j a i.t- ' The members of Presbytery and the many visiting friends all seemed very grateful to the citizens of Haywood and vicinity for the very cordial hosPitality accorded them during the Mb. Ti knek hits deciiued to divide time with Mu. Davis, and has refus -.1.11 i:..A .1: .. mi. t- rri I UTo "1?... . T 1 .t jf?. -i a - Correspondence. FOK THK IJKOdJJTl. ; 1878 ! 1 iv d 1 u.are; , Clayton, N. G., Oct 5t1i, in it j a .i x: my, mesa a era ana my wyouuu humble thon&rh it is. Allow me, to be congratulated that they have in nnfirR11 oh ftfl vmi . nill)li8ilin fP' Nov, , r . k r- Now let the peoplo rally to your sup- I'" v (Hill liius luuiunny yu ihcvt bnild up each others interest. Tis a vt and thus mutually you may ;consnramaioudeTO.aiivtol)ew5slie ! it jnst. such an enterprise as John- :cotls " ston countv needs. Her Agricultural. Educational nnd other interests need - - ''"r A' v ""7"; I'Jninf mnii nn.l hav intarnuto nuaii lit, inneea i nave nnen luouernttuai j fl.. om. lpHfl lrnown ftMfl Rnn dated than any county in the 'state accmditig to its real worm. mi !i a- i 1 here used to oe an n wTnS t nofatoes. and had little else but chills and mosquitoes ! . . ouSe d ftWeZ Jonnsion Tounii hist year made its own corn and 12000 bags of-cotton, aud in this part of . the countv at least, we have no mos. !onitops and I never knew a chill berfl tfat Wftg not importei i imported. I have neVer known a case of Diphtheria in v,,ry intereBt.ing cimeert He repre- sents one of the noblest charities in the State. The training and educating of the helpless and fatherless, picked e ai. 1 . 1 l. j st.ltelift p th'elll at Onoe into a pnre iaoval and intellectual atmos- pher" is a noble work, that com- up jrora uif iuuvhyh sun neuges ot meuds itself to a humane, not to say thlif m mmnnifcj. Hard indeed, must be the heart that will not re- spon,i to an apical for their support. If 1 were a member of the North. Carolina. Legislature, I would never "fn4 1111 luw k-5aie uaa maae a "oerai ... il'll.l f...A- 1 j i i-i. .1 PPJ'opwation to .the Orphan Asvluni at Oxford. A old Cat o closed every (5i'nn,nuui , luoijim nan pttmcu nu enterprise mat pcomises so mucn ior fire brand which the enemy pre-; pared has fallen in their own stubble. ! and racy Windy Billy, Mnj. Gen. Jones ,a'".. Ki!e loiter," : ....... .v... v. v. . I nreAJTJ' ?J 1. A . Al. - T C ... ..A m,. "The Ornhan Asvhim miiHt bn kiis- .T.i :. 7.1 ...j .1 , tne care 01 tue needy livincr. The ! advancement onc..tton left with me. i upon eucii cousmmeuis, rtouire Macrnm. "no exhausted Wlj;,t a power the greed for ollice llas 1 rieiise 1Ulm?fig,10r- , - m- t'oa the kkcord. Chatham Cousjrv, N. O., October lth, JS78. Mb. H. A. London, Jk., Dear Silt: T received l"v tlio lo, J :i m n t -r j - vhaaha.i hm.vuu. x am HndTo hffi l'? do hf thaV I am proud of everv man who has any county pride will take it. .H'verj man who pays taxes should Ar on Vin Till l.i ...1 ! AAA OAAWTT U11U WllClB his money ?oes. The old TWr ! Creek Township will give Capt. Joe Da- Vi8 a two thirds majority. Jioldhim up as a man who is worthy of tl)e flM - 1ia' stsvn GAfWi .1 i peoples confidence and support. Don't let the "Nationals" steal from us our best and noblest principles. They are simply for anything fa de feat us. We want rejief, but expect it through the Democratic party. We can look to no other political source at thid time. Give us a majority in the House of Representatives as we already )iaye it in the United States Senate, find then if they do not give us relief, we will complain, and not before; Yours Truly, Ji R. LANE.- n ..... FOR THE RECORD. Psdlau's Hill, N. C, October 3rd, 1878. squire Magnm, "110 exhausted. ' " iie imu iePoo with a , tw "c nepitt mess - Judiciary," Rotating Dick," "Col. smile 'Oh, I'll be very careful." He& iipon the generous who have Ike," and "Joe Turner," eating ontiwa??nly eighteen, was handsome helped us in all States; we pray for the same spoon!!. Oh! my! ! '"nd intelligent, and the only son of tue safety of those who have come ; for its success; and will work for it j with a will. Oar people ought toj ! subscribe for it promptly. Every i ; family should nave it. family should nave it. ! Capt J J DaviV is mors PPular ! ! th? lTS l.haU ev?' .H10, J i have heard of but one bundle tail j ey question, we iw groouunKa enougn in place ot tlje JNationoi j Banks; a majority in both houses of Congress; and Thurman or 11 ou d ricks for President and we will soon be a prosperous and happy peo ple again. With strong hopes of success, I subscribe myself Yours truly, JAMES. E. RIVES. S2?ATE HEWS. notheh CJakdidate. Wo learn that , . ! W. P. Canady E;q. of this city has nominated by the Republican i Executive Committee of he 3rd Dis- ; 1U1' t,B ,llulll,jUil j m i mi : t raciory eimi, . f. .L . T ,T xr;i j el TwiltautvV lias ben 1 seized 1 iv Coi. 1. J. Yonn.o-. roilftp.tnr . ... . - . ' ?T?J2U.. u biuwH-uumie, hiui uiis is lot TET.eta Mr. 'jHeh" Vc wnF pvo a vWy trouble- J "onie one to him-Durhm Tobaoco "Kant ioba j ' Arrest for Minder. u 1111111 ! On iuformatioi from the Solicitor, murdered in 1877 near this place, .Upon a preliminary hearing Beck Lyon was committed to jail to await , trial. This was ote of the most liend- Dili nnta .ivtv unmiiiitrn.l m km ilvu,l jm y ' " 'ytlT ftud evev tljort hh.mld made to punish tlie offender. Dt ham Tobacco Plant. Kl oe -Duiv Ihe Cow -Bell Argument. That was a rare sight at Clifton's Mill, in Fiauklii, ,y. as .Wribed bv rurner with evident: nnda 111 l.w bv Turn,,.- wit.!, evident i-ride in his achievement. BSelsoe went there to meet him uu:wuuumt want 10 oe T....:..i. 1: .. a . t. 11 a. T1 1 1 i 1 "met. Bledsoe commenced to speak, wheieupon Josiah produced a cow- ot a (leoate on Mi ft gre the dav ! Raleih N iews. A young man named John White- strtset the next day, fears for his safe- were entertained, and search was maae. v tue innuest whuh was j grains of strychnine, saying that he . ' wished to kill u dog. The dru'rist I. . .1 1 . . . . " . . . , OO' S?1 hm beJe7 c nau repuea witn a his mother, and kIih n. wilnur I -. ! Bound to he a Thief ' i One ot the best known criminals in thi part of the State is the now no- torious cattle thief, J. C. Parrish, of ; J ohnson countv. Ha has Iipph 1-a 1 fore the criminal court no less than ' five times, for this same crime, and 1 has been thripe convicted, bu always , sneaked under some point of law aud obtained : nf ,.n,.f i " rzr :i 7:r: ; jo, Mucaiiou 01 wij. m tlt oil l (A D iillUlS aHJ. 11U l nfllOf I .Vlr .v'c J. 1..4. TV..,.- was found guilty, but, as usual, took : of 2(, in e Odd Fellows Societies at) appeal to the supreme court. He ! f Memphis have died since the plague gave bond for $500 for his appear- j began. More eloquent than vol ance, his father being one of the nmes of words is that one fact. From bondsmen. He went back to his ! ihe true devotion of the living Odd home in Johnston, bat had hardly ! Fellows to their sick, deftitute and been there a week when he stole a ! dying brethren it is evident that the -VB""'V Wll, WU& 11C1 IU AOJCHC'j" " ville, and there nld her. He was ; not a phrase but a reality, and when ioon identified as the thief, and was piuueu iu jaii at oruitnneid, wnere ne j aawy iict. xxis oonusmePj p is siaiea, i lawyers declared that they will not prosecute the appeal upon the case in wnicn ne was recently convicted He seems to an incorriVibl i rogue, and nothing stands between ! him and a convict's life save a short space of time. -Raleigh News. The total government receipts of I Al.il . .. U lurieinreemontus ending Senfpmtipr AO wV4nl ir.,t,.A i. i r AAAAAcc uc nscai quarter, were $74,845,856, which is an increase of about SI 500 000 compared with the corresponding quarter of last; year. The Customs recipts show au increase of about $2,000,000 over the first quarter of last year, and the receipts from internal reveinifi ahiinf 4innnno Tu,vy. aaaci AiiiB- ; From tbe Memphis Appeal. The Suffering at Memphis. , To be $10,000 for twelve nd fwtv doctors, n WTWq 1nnn fnr mnT To be expending oyerj hundred nurses i and for medicines net iici vtniioa vv reck ftna ruin No pen can do theM ftud gi htg jastice; no tonanie exrtffgerates them. Lisping childhood, hoary and venerable old age, the vagrant and the merchant, the man of God, the unbeliever, all are taken, all are claimed by this aw ful pestilence. It thins all ranks, and brings sorrow to the mansion, the cottage and the cabin. The cry of the fatherless is heard every hour, claiming the pity, the sympathy, and the tearn of the most hardened vet- 1 eran. In this office, as we write, i there are but two left of all who a 1 i Al a month ago were employed in the ed ! A.,;I,1 nliiir and nnmitntinrr UUlllll, LUIIUUU (lull vuvuq rooms, and our pressman is down with the fever. Strangers to the of- fi'nn ac i tna liiioinoca aiv fi.f.f.ATldinrir I ill-li, o mv i.-iui,..o ... u . fft or nftnirs while the onlv editor I ' V 7 i. .r left on duty alternates, through six- i ? .h? & fe.!. ?2LS xt. - j nipnsiir nr in ureunui euiuemiu. ! 1 ly it . sad one. . It has moved ns to teatt, many a time the ,OQf jn niannn WA ftr nnf atd7hZn i ne We uev"' ' an? ifc ! a c?mmon , Thi !df. epidemic : we have passed through, this surpass- ! hem all in the horror it has un- ! oovere.i. I'arents uave ciesenea cun inren, cnnoren parents, nusoauus ; , t.,T 1 t Tl I their wives, but not one wife a bus-: men nave oroppeo ueuu uu ; ers nave died ne- iscovered by the ; bodies, Little children clamoring. for the food she could no longer ttiiovn aawau i"i" rt-rt n . . T 1 1 I 111P I give, have appealed to ihe dead mother, who ve up l;er spirit as she invt Itlrth in hur Inof iii ot. onnv nf " ' 8 J ineiever. ministers ot ttio gospti carryiug messages of peace, hurrying from House to house, have hud their . " -wearv feet an-fi8ted and their work ftaar'Vollee'T , i septll)-3m Agent. ! flayed by the pestilence, that walks ; Uc"i.dc.,u T T m.n m the noondav as at night. The nrii-Ht adminiltr.rinrr ui -rd the So o Christ Tp I : . .1 , ., . wivymiswii).. . ri?.?? : !" i -?i'"1 .?mp fr.om, tue .re" ',J"" Ml, ,,. f, . , . , 1 v. v.wkf ii ui'oc IA lUlltltS H11U Kin- ; ijio.b aua ui.l, illV illlllOSL llJllill- eJ :u 4, V TJL1 S h0forA Wfl know tlir c;,i, lives and who has died ?" All dav. i and every hour of the day, this epies- ' and tlie heart svk- , and the soul grows ! repetition. And 5 et I T Trn 07IV noon Worse and worse the epidemic has to-day it has capped the ' the heart3 of the brave ! lave stood in the breach 1 wit h fear, with a dread ; that annihilation awaits us, aud that j we are destined to be blotted from ; tneeartn. j? ear sits on everv face nnd every hand and at every moment in : mimes of his victims and in the i 1 1 . . . . ! ... - I S t? d abl,J US' i -"0!10 "cuuvenujie. n e pray mess-: among? US to nurse the Hick and min- 1 i ister to the dviug, and we ask thatj .the names of the women and the f ! men wlio have laid down their lm s; ; for ns slin.ll ha handed down foruvwr I as among the brightest and the best of earth Mortality Among the Odd Fel- lows of Memphis. . : The Memphis Avalanche of the 24th inst.. savs : "o.,e hundred a v mtm t ""v w.vyiw vwikiyiiv ; brothf-rllOod Of Odd T,.llrtws.ll its! jtlie nour of calamity overwhelms c uuiuiiiou ruin mey suck u'n1 n m un . An expert penman can write sever-! al hundred words on a postal and j send it to California for one cent. Yet, if he pastes one word of print j e& matter on it, the postage is in-1 creased to pix cents. He can print the same word or a thousand words j (if he can) like trpqn the card itself, ! T". "Ill n ' I ana it win De carried tor one cent. jT,mi . -i n. i -ma. a :a aaaa Fuo b m aU , TOFWJU,MVUig0ior one ; cent, The card nd the envelope j will go for five cents less than the pQa. ' tage on the card alone. Wilmington ! Review. : - !m-m- aivjau mim i,uuu persons nave al-: eady died from the yellow fever epi-! rettuy aiea Il'Om tile vellow fevr An . New Or- I deaths! Raleigh Observer. ' ' ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W, C. HcMACKIN, GENERAL b- uotroti ueceivea aino oil Storage at Moderate Rates. -a: Raleigh Daily Cotton Market Re - ports and the latest changes in New! York aud Liverpool Markets forward ed every day to patrons. Refers to Raleigh National Bank! ana the business public of the city. ON XX ARID: A large invoice of MILBURN WAGONS for sale & $75 each; sub stantial work and warranted. OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES at $80 to $100 each: workmanship and I material guaranteed. ! Flour, Corn, Oats, Fodder, Hay.j Meal, Chops, Brown Stuff, North! Carolina Hams, Sides and Shoulders, I in fact all kinds of Produce always in store. seP19.3ui D. T. JOHNSON, WHOLESALE GROCER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND : l Ioors North Market, Wilmington St., . Raleigh, HI. C ... . . ... . e ara now ,n B'Mn "r n stock uf Uroceiiw, couhtiuf in partof i , ot, ! Molasses, Nails, Leather Fish ' : T (BHSJTC Si "iFTSa i& TS.f ! Which we offer at price, as low as the low- ept- Strict atiention iven to the sale of COST! COST!! In view of the expiration of our ; partnership nnd t new business ar- ' ! lanSement, wo now offer our LARGE and FKESH STOCK -OK- DRY GOODS 1 At Cost, to Close Out, , j Now is the time for all in need of j .&M1Y KOO.D ' Come one, eome all. These good j must be sold. 25 per cent. b aW You can save attending our daily sales. new fall stock now being . RECEIVED PETTY 6L JONES, Raleigh, N. C. septl9-3m ' ALFRED WILLIAMS i K. U. HAKUKLL. j it TJTJTjiT WTT T T A MCJ JP pri : iiuriliJU I! iJJUlilinu KK UU.. Wholesale and Retail BOOK SELLERS and STATIONERS, KALEIGH, N. C. Everything in our line furnished PROMPT- . u lj"wesi vnces. S;PC,al lf,rms t0 Teacher!t) Merchant- ana ounaay achooia. Complete Catalogue of School Books sent free on applicdtiuu. seP1J-3lli - a",Miiu', - niiiix, rwident Caahier. 1 HN 'PI IT II QTin linmonrtn I hm Mnnrfii than 3.000 sick nMunwrTCscsTrfc-RT wp-Dmr a ivrm mAt!niTiiriiA .Tiniiai i CITIZENS NATIONAL, BANK,! of . fipnflfl.if NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, J. P. GULLEY, Retail Dealer and Jobber of MOORE & THOMPSON. COTTON SELLERS, 1 Al COMMISSION Mr Rf.14 ANT.Q - . t.....wln,ry RALEIGH, N. C. SELLING COTTON A SPECIALTY. Consignments Solicited. septl9-i!m OT. H DODD, Raleigh, N. C, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sole Agent for tbe Sule ot EGERTON'S SCOTCH SNUFF LNT NORTH CAROLINA. T mDealer in FL0LR'rg ALT, AND BOLTED VIRGINIA MEAL. Consignments of Country Produce solicited j sepl 9-3in j JOHN O. WILLIAMS, W. S. PUIM1MSE, Secretary. .President. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY i i IS THE-- ! NORTH CAROLINA j HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, j OF This Company will insure your I Dwelling, Mill, Gia, Store, or other , ... ; ounamg on tue most reasonable i terms. All losses paid promptly. En- ! courage Home Institutions. Insure i: . ai..a i tt - 1U Ulii ciaas xiome company. j Apply to tt txtxt m , inujiAB, ' . .... vomraission iercnanx ana ' Cotton SeUer. NO. 8 MARTIN STREET, luloirli, TV. O. R-ceiviog, Sale and Storage of Cotton a Cash advances, with nd tstotage charged National Bank 3 Oppohite Market Place, Raleigh., j Manufacturer and dealer in all kind's of : Gold & Silver Ware, j Watcuef, Clocks, Masonic and Hair Jewelry Watch Repairing and En- graving Promptly Executed. ! SEALS &c. MADE TO ORDER ! FALL OPENING. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER Have the pleasure of again pre- i senting their entire fall imi-outa- j TION im purchase in the xoutiikkx I tion and purchase in the xoutiikkx j ma uk in s. j New Silks, Dress Goods, French Costumes, I Carpets,. I THK LATKST l'AKIS FASHION'S. i I'AKK AM) rL'KlOl'S KOVKLT1KS. For Carriage, rroinenado, Dinner and Evening Wear. AVe are prepared to show Our pa- A . 1 Al 11' 1 irons aim i,ne puone a srocK Ot . Xovelty and Staple Dress Goods, I Silks, Satins, ! Velvets, tfcc, fc, iminpiaHed in vakiktv, jiaumvupk j and ciiKAiKss. 1'emember our motto: "Thf, 1KST (ioOPS AT THK I,0VKST ( 'ASH ! PRICKS," i W. H. & R. S. TCCKEH. seplO-nol-oiu ! BX. T. ItfOXUlIS 6L CO., ; GROCERS AND Commission merchants, No. 3 Exchange and No. 5 Market Street, HALEIGH, X. C. In store and to arrive A Large and Well Selected Stock of j ; AN1) GROCERIES ' Whieli we offer as Low as Am i Hiii ? i . "" , v.jnsigiiiuents noiicireii i.ioercn Cash Advances made on Cotton oromi- Correspondence Solicited by isioo,' Ttoloicrl, TIT r?