(fljjhc Qjjhafham Record Ootober 17, 1S78 THE MTV (IF l)EM0(i?ATS. OnK few days intervene before the election. when the voters of This Ditrict will be called upon to . . . , r THURSDAY, i.: - rrr lie DOSltlVelv deelilies the imnumL tt a T.rrtfDOrl Tr "Editor ' , , . , ' rp A i plan, and hae lost but few cases. KODON,Jr.,ditOU flon :.it0lllt0d to he forced u pun ; prise- The Chatham Record, and I do j mafee the following description, fo77o;7fs77 V tlio sordini c(mvcntionJh.T -Peri - -I 6 UIlty W,-r varied according to agetc.: t.H, ium... . ,.,,. r , ' aid on in making it a success. If i nr. jnnA f . af .'i , i, HON. JOSEPH J. DAVIS. i which Tim Lee controlled at Hal-i pr0prrlv conducted, there is no est!- si? ? T! 'ulJhnn; c:,m u.e.r oa.io ior -onu- one u.;i ' ! repns-ut them in the next House j regularly lu-niinated by the Kejub-; Ivcpivsentati es in the rortv itu ( onj-H'ss. otmg lias be u-:,v tint ot:Y people do not mppi-c- j'iopii. o.o nor ' 1 1 ciateits value and importance as rliev should. And vet it is a pie- cioiis privih-e obtained after years !.!. ..i.Si 1 1 ' ... ol bloiHlshed, and even now not en- joyed by all mankind. In our Ilepub !!,. fi..'i...ii..f-i : . i i.: Ul IK M. Mil' -IH. IO llll" .III-llCI Hi our destinies, and the bulwark of unit t;i;t! s,fi'fy. Its tUvisions are tjui-. tly juiesred in by all. even when coV.' felled" by :1 eol'J'Upt !iC- tr.ruinj: lKird. ' only the igiKM'ant and vii-i.tis use this privilege, and tliey alone wield the mighty power ivou to the ballot, and the intelli gent and virtuous citizens refrain fro!!1 it v-eivi-e ::nd quietly remain idle, then we would mxiu see our Coii;iiu!ii!i ti.-.iiipled under foot, our liberties g.ue. and a wild tate f aii.-nvln and e:nnu:nisin tai.- the il;iff aw and good govern- jia'Mt. It ii therefore not simply a juivihge giwn. but an iinerati"e and s-ok nm d-iiy eiijoiin-d upon, ev ery p'i.d eitieii. to deposit his bal- 1. cerv e!e tiu:i, and all con witlnu hi- power to pluv the trol of the Government in the hands of those who will be.-t advance the interests of all, regardless of party. So that in the enj-uing election ev ery good and true man should, deem it Ids dutv, to lay aside for a short time his business, and go to the halkt-bu and there give expression to his wUhes vrith the ballot. 'That c.-uies down aa soft as euow-flnkes upon tli truzen sod, But rxri'iit'-s n frftmm 's will as lightning dues the will vi liud." No man should deem Lis one vote a of no irr.j'ortant-e. bur let him act as if it would decide the election. The' importance of this election can not be overestimated. It mav rhanire the direction of politics for year- to conic, the policy of th It mav entirely alter lie .National tiovern- X 1 . meiit. Itnuivbe the dawn of a i i . i' . new ano. nrigmer era in our Colin- again have a majority in the House ,. . , . oi itepieseuraine, aim astiieirina- joi iry in the Senate is already se- cured, we will once more have en-1 U, we win once more have en- .nr.l ..f tl,, r.,,:j..t; ,1. tit pnrtmcnt ot the Government, and ado g-iins, and there U everything , encourage and Emulate us to do ' ir dntv b. tin - lilt,.; v u dutv m this District. All wo asi, is tnat the Jcmocrats shall simply do their duty, and that duty is, to cast their vote's for their gak tr s hi.Mory. It may restore to us As von already know I feel n .tpit.Wiv : lK Ull'm-T iOU t in veix"i hdace. Do the colored ueoole see no Natives at . . . r ' IT.. 1 " the prosperity and blent v of the interest in thr-material development : lme wn. words ctin describe, the ' sigu.ifieance in these tWu ?Ruleigh i "'"" there may .r 1 m:;lv ' , ' -and welfare of good old 6'haUiam 3?? t w.hlch we ,tahl , News. : lay in assigning homes, good old ti ne. AeeonhdentlyiT3e.fore leftvi -tll0 conntVt ele; : 1 other journals to first peruse the i i Person, wishing to believe, and every indication be- i years a-o, T made up my mind that : , RD" . e lovf(1 Ch:ltnflln Murder in Pitt. , Baptist State Oonvention tokens, that the Democrat will it would, at some time, become' almost to insanity for years, and will ; a lmrrib,n.,i..w ,.nr .1,, ut ' venes in Charlotte on ' - ' l,..f..llr f.....I 1 .,M,,,t,rll 1. " m. w v.iax. 'J" -T . .. - of every true man. 3ut Voting1 is 1 ... 1101 me omi uury. r.very man lias ... " some iniluence over some other pel con, and it is bis duty to use .1 . . ,1 j. 1 tv that iniluenco for good. Do not rest ftitfcticd Avitli sinily voting il I )Vi .1 Ir lilif fi it- l...l. ttMii.ii.ii, I'm nix i JU iiicil VII nei hiiois vote also. If anv one of them i.i s unable through infirmity to 1.1 n -i .i"7 ,nt tM fl. ,.il 1.:... -it 1 Jlccnnicvt, be zealous, be active, ,,,! ,. , ,,,.,... :n ,1 1 T e, V , t ell-doing. lieiojsa eoniinittec 01 three in- be active well-doiii-'- . : 1 01 three 111 1 . . . 1 , " every town J P in his county, and vet what are thev dome I Are von L'. MUM examining he registrar s books, geiw tlemen of the committee Are you ; urging those to register, who have nc t heretofore registered Are you ; urging upon your neighbors the ini portance of coming out to the eleo tion; Are you making arrange- j n.ents to convey those to the polls, who cannot otherwise ret there f If ., : 1. , vourdutiex and von omdit to mve oUi win its. aim ou ou0iu 10 voiir places to others who will. Xo iM.in-o 011 an iiiiiinniiue, who uol's ;i..t intend to disvburge his duties.1 icim s.anoanioearer, ,io.sein J. Da- Egypt, to Greensboro will give a pow- ,u , . 118 KmS- vis. re can elect him, and wo will ! ; erful impulse to business all alon Lt nbtless, be a rare occasion, Let that be the fixed deiermiiiMtion the line- Think of the coal mines aS l, said .;i1e Informs magnifi uli.ic lucu ( Ciunmutio.i , ccntly on the '-blow your horn Billy" ;omsiu:ssioxal CANVASS. ' Wi publish in another column :i nun :i "'Her irom mige Ue:..lVn which i i , . . ... : I'lO'll Ssi 1 ltl. if 11. iff ...,fl..... ' wi() luixt; wm inMvn alul 23 j . . . i h-lvtiirn to the canvass, and re- new tl,cir As matter!? now ml, Mr. Turner is the only lie- tnb!i,.n :,d;d.,t,. r.W4i: v . , . , : Iii-nii hxivi.tivo Committee winch is, of course, the oiiuial action 0f ;,ml vi,!iti can not Uv . it. A ill they not rather vote, weeu the two, lor Mr. Davis, who will in the future, as he has ;n the nist. le,nlate for th, W. int,r- lllt VAU u-isiare ior rue hest inter- TIIK STATE FA1IJ. The Kighteenth Annual Kxhild- iion vi rue .Min i v am ma Agncu - ; tural r-oeiety was begun on .Monday. the 11th mst., and will dose next Saturday. Thus far it has been H'ore l"'vly -ittendeil th-in -mv ol - nore l"el -ittendo,l th-n, -mv ,lf :.tu aruiHKU nun an . its predecessors, am to-day there w ih.il.lv h.i ........- 1. . 1 in ii v'iMi'i t "L i r ill lilt" . "I soldierly a pj tea ram md attracted much attention rrr. THE DAY OF KLECTIOX. r. , , .et every voter remember tnat the election will be held on 'Files- , , dav, the ..th day ot jNoveniner Every man on that dav shoul 11 ,lu , i his duty. Let there be no at home ! trying I : 5 , Corre W0T1 dPTl A 1 w. ! FOH THE RECOKD. "Winston, X. C, Oct. 12th, 1STS. r XT 1 T T Mil. II. A. LONDON, -lit , Dear Sin: It is with pleasure that I commend your enterprise in establisning ami publishing a news 1J1 1 If A panor, at tue county seat ot one ol es connues in tne state the hist three numbers of which you wa llM,i. T J"1" Macturing cc me orare; wun its naw itiver run- nillLr tlfi rorrh tn th i jiaw jiviver run- north to the south ad of the county-. ; nimii. fvr.i v.J across the east end with DceP River miming from the wu" tfcP Ainer runmngr irom the -oss the south : ;er running fiom the north-west cor- the water-power the immense depos- of J We 860 afc once, that Chatham possesses natural adviiut Bllperior to any othw county in the State. All that she needs is capital and enterprise to '?r?v el hef Jast 1iatJural reces. wiuiuiiuu yji hut) xmiu irom I anA thn Owi xt;ii en li.a fv ,av WiO J.111& Jil ILlll UlAt, VVlliU 1 fiiv lllU J1 t3 J 1111 III illll IflrLKl. W1I.I1 : a full force of several hundred hands 1 . - - . o nii t.wn.. .,f . i 1 1... .1 i 1- ! a woric all the time! Would thi3!J S ??tJ e 'Jle not bring prosperity to the whole!5 .vwiiutj i uiiimo weaim lies tuuiien 1 beneath tho surface of a large portion ot your county, awaiting well direct- Oil OTI (iiminoa t-n n.nlm ii- r. -..ni I . . Kl v vu'v-iuuoo iu AAia.a.Ki lb uftnauie. It has been my pleasure to travel 1 - , . . , . - . . over n'teen states of this Union, and over Canada tiT.rl T Iidta x-ot over Canada, and I have vet to see T" ? , y P8sessLn ftS mauy natural advantages as does yours. T hail tLe ChjJ R 1 ..t " a sm"le county possessing as ma Ija:ura vantages as does yours. I hail the Chatham Record as wiucu in ci, ucw eJi Ol lUO"lfcSS aU(l ! .J... . 11 ! "lueu 01 a new era ci progress and prosperity in your count v,and hope tW if .;n u,. i;k...h c," t. jour people. Our county (Forsythe), i though not much mi re than half as large as yonrs, sustains handsomely, three papers. I have many friends n Chatham, and many who formerly nJed there, but now living in other tates Irtm whom I would like to throh , the columns of the "d- ur house takes two dailv and eleven weeklviismerR vfit Tthiri 1.-1 and eleven weekly papers, yet I think I i T w"lCiCSl aim 01 ; benefit m another, therefore I en- ciose subscrintion uric fnv L ! iours veiy truly, GKORK W. HINSJTAW ... crowd i-vi-v . .Mrl.L.il m th, - f.. 'aeUs tiian tare ; I asK a gooii many ! his platform and is streuuouslv on . .. '' ' iniestions in reuard to tins (-roi. :is a iiiosi-1 lv t.iv ii,deniidMt Wttii 1 twenty days had secured the 6,000 on any sunnar occasion, ihe weath-: fnU abciissiou of the wbj. cr V:mld as by Maj. Yeates. ' lizard hides. The family marched! er so far has been delightful. The embrace all these ht ads. . ; into town yesterday and offered the j d?s'lav in aN the dep irtineilN i i Most farmtrs condemn early sow- Slll'Vevillg. reptile skins to Ingraham, who in-j very 'ood and rchVcN much credit ' hl- of wheat 1n T'onnt of h Iies" The snrveiug corps for the Win-! fmi' thei"tl,ai bis Vffer wli9 aiest-! H U hK!i(U llTiaunv-which they say will depos- i ston, Salem and Mooresvi lie Narrow!11? ad-huuter however, dmsj on the exhibitors. On TucmImv it .its eggs on the young plant-hatch .Gauge Railroad is busily at work ! f and it and to-day m-j Governor ance delivered a short -i out in tlie Spring and injure the crop runniu"- differeut ro-ites "alon" the sU,uted smt uPon Ingrahnm s note, i ami welUti.ned adddvss. The milN ! they lfer a white frost that all iu- proposed line preparatory to a" iinal ' "tm th bef,t counsf 1 u lbe firv commnies ,vcM.tl rd , Scts m:iy be t111 h ' loeiion of the road. The party was U,U'' . or8t '!?nUdly ob- lai i oi 1 1 o.i 1 1 us oieseured ouwo a t i:.... t.. i ...... . . j fmn o uuiiniiijiit T?.iiQ,rii v,..ci i FOR T1IK RECORD. IMr. Editor : It affords me pleas- mi. i ti are to eoner.iuiiaTe von aim mo ff00ll reopf0 of Chiflm (,onnt , , , i ' I OTI vfill V row nmlt i on I . Kl a OTitiiv. lofil1( ifa vnlilA - j-ti-i. rt - 1 -.-..iw tirulnSy the space yon offer for the discus.- ion of agricultural matters. An(j for ti.is KWditv . T fknl- von: 1 7 ; and beg the farmers of the county to i colnmn filled vvi pertaining to the farrr. seep tho column filled with matter The great draw-back to the agri- cultural interest of the county is the . ; . j, v ; lack of co-operation. Can not the -farmers of Chatham county come to- : rrf'TlMf thvniKrh Ilia orkliin.no r. f I ,u "' ! ,u V"1 T 8 ,et niP"' croupous, ulcerative, and hear from him as to his manner of m-durnaet jprepanrg his lands, etc., f-r seeding ? I I wil pleased to communicut- ; 1 think it a good subject to begin ! uuy items of ueviH thilt fail in th, as the time for sowing is nowjmy pslthway. -I am in my saddle and hen is the proper time uearly 5l)i the time. t sow oats? l.if nvtout. th-lf if iir.nlil li-i K, f f . 1 r tit iti 1,1 K to reit r seeaiug oats uu September t lor October? When is the proper; i.: 1.., 1 i. .1. . a a t . what st-ige of growth ought veueta-1 1 , n . ; . in., ft.Y fMlfllimcr f l,,,wt -i V... tion be,o it' ot most advantage to turn is best for seediug "wheat, fallow or stalk land? When is the proper tini for wading wheat? Is earlv own wheat more subjfet io disease sowinvuuut more sunjfci ,o disease Umi !aU-r sown ? Can auv one tell ns ixh out the Hessian lly? Is early C.... .l,..f lii.ir oiil-.i. ,.f u., ..4 nun !i n iirui' m-iu .-mvii..u iv iin iii,- i- ; cnlhiralbts at the North, where this idea of Hessian fly also prevails, de - nv ndi ii.-!?n.-ur, to Harlv sdwii vvlw-.it . but to the contrary where their, ! hinds are well prepared and early f..:. .i .,vi aua i... liHim iu.vi ititr nui, niuvu linn, uc . 1 e .i;. ...f .1 to bv s orm, that he did not try to ....., ii- j i . . wutc inivi .1 uviu vi "ii-.iiu ut.-uuM-ll . . 1 xl .A 1. - T. 1 . A i... . hai vest it, but tiumd his sb,ck on it, I . iiiio in .jiiv i.uiutu il me m m ori' l . T..1-. s n :i . to re-se-dimr in wheat, bat. ui,e tl-.l : time came it looked too pretty to l-low an furnin and ihe result was a line crop of wheat. Has'nt the sea-! r ages of the Hcssiau lly ? Can some ' success snecpssfu hr)r ,;, nr t.e 1 iw lii iv.,.. hog raiser tell us his man- i raiding and fattt nmg iiegsV I 11 ii( I Cllltin "ll'li I111K.K ......... 11. ..i.i. .('., I 1 1 - i . a Uiilti.! others. Tell us the cheapest plan to ... , ...i. riM. . . iiii!5t! uur mtiu. jluh cueapest raiseu raise our meat. Cl'op la tho olio tLo uiot:t iiiotioy io in Then let us exchange our views , ., , " , and I sua satisfied that wo will ali be benefitted. FARMER. FOR THE RECORD. Osgood, N. C, Oct 5th, 1878. . v. 1 u . , . -l5!li ',!J1 home huances, social 1 erefit, &c, there is a great deal u eri m onv wnnty which it is hop, IU- i nil- 1 hoped ; llh vecew ? was S- i Ami why should any one be we read o atef S7udt lead ot a 1 eter, a Juda., a ia"d an Arnold, and thousf others wno yere more faithf loved more devotedly than all others j of their day. And by the way, it is j reported that Joe will ffive a c.oneerf. i . ,, , y ., " and the "cow-bell." Also. that. n- . v xoun; TT 1 - ' I v "1,4klA1s. am'-iigemems 10 i 1111111 tllti I )-.1tt-.t-ltln rii.i'f.. f. ... 1... 1 : o ....i , iv 1 uo uus ; . aayeriiso ior bale ; I two inrge iron saies 1 Diphtheria has been quite preva-j lent in this section. Anions the : . 1 i. ?i i 11 13 . ... muuuer 01 cunaren mat have died, wei!e a Bon . . .Aiender Godfrey, I i.um ouu Ui AlUBU XlllieSlV. Ollil o cii if II 1 . 1 I I ; . . I 1 iin.l n o,n. .if A If 1 XT: 1 L .r J: 11 Bul1 Lai Mr. J. R Bull lias ri rr!i nivcwl o ur piace. We all intend to have your paper, even the hidiea .r ,.-ii. T-n , . , ""'n iwi IU VViT.Ii hf-Kt. WIkIiw vn-nva r .. .u-i,u, JVlllO, IX C, PAUL WADE. FOR THE RECORD. Ore Hill, Chatham Co., N. C, October 10th, 1878. H. A. London, Jr.: My Dear Sir: I have received two copies of The Chatham Record, and am well pleased with its weekly vists can't do without it. T on. near irom me again. "MV TYtwoWl pi,;ii,w -i d".rp8 family are j the dark river day-before-yesterday, nno wno ltniMo1 lnt . : mi.. wivvt mat cvcuuig. xiie ; . ... " V "'i'"Vtown on .Saturday and were retained l dev:JI'-: in town until dark. As thev were other four sick are convalescent There are a few cases of diphtheria but not of a malignant character. I !uui nuioi u miumuaut cnaraeier. l J " Ai? i a . .1 i i VA vuumexi unci iuc JUllUWJU&f I . x - , ... . 0 forty yrraius potash finely pulverized, fifty grains hyposulphite of sodium and tour drams sweet spirits of lavender. Mix t aspoonmi every two or three hours; albo use as a gargle every hour or two: To two ounces water add thir- ; ty grains sulphate of ciuchorniiia. j Sixteen drops sulphuric acid, and . !.. 1 AT.. . J. si.iy urops uncture iron teaspoon- f.u to be taken between the above mixt.u,e. Brandy should be dven ... . ureeiv irom tlie commeiiegiijfmt. it .. .1: ..e 1 1 . J. C. KIRKMAN, AI. D. STATE NSWS. h l VXt. II 1ST 1MCT. i A correspondent of the Raleidi Observer says that the Republicans of the first H strict are very ; disaffected and demoralized. That itisatlected and demoralized. That if things eontinne as thev nrent.iirrs. ent, Yeates' election is" sure Tli i it: i: i. a., l i j, i . t 1 1 1 1 1 i 11 ivi i 1 1 ii ; ,b iijix MWpniwi t tti,u,. f:...K .....i ti.;...i n i. Station, Rowan county. Hickory j u. ' ! JJow to (i('t 31om4y. "lvi a Deimieratic Coi i cress- , , , : troiii enougti to overcome a Radical : 1"1a . i -ii. A ICMUnil l, ncy tnewor, ev,r saw, oniii o iJioih- if ii V ii ill .1.. i-1"" " "o owiiiwie; . , . . 11 tux tu" ''nd-h ! .-rsand make m.uiey uaooos ot tne ;itim pay l t,ix ,m "IU ) 1 'uvrrnul"lJt 'lKe r !t V work- ; xugman pay a tax on his whisky and . tobacco. Milton -Jhromcle. nMI . . U llara "P'iiml. ' j i ilv tin. -i.l, ' .... - - - - ....... ...... brother has a hard time of it, in get- ,.C i. il... 1 l.. i l 1 - man and at iiih nanus oi ms wuue TMiilu.oM lUuc x.rt!i CJrti-olIn:! OTI.ua, it will be remembered bv 1 our readers, was nominattd by the Republicans 'is Elector for the 2nd District iu 1ST', but before the elee- hon ho was fumd oil the ticket. This year he securetl the llOMlJliaili ;I1 I"l' . j- . ! Congress in the same District strict but ipped up have the again has bad his heels ti and a white man is to l.-l..... .u ,i x 1,1.,,.,, 1....1 ., 1...!.. ,.aa. a. jiio unnun niiusc ii it lilt; iiii:ei ii) fown ou .Saturday and were r etained very far over thi bridge before they Death of Oeneral Martin. The Raleigh Observer chronicles the death at Asheville, on the 4th j inst., of General James G. Martin, a wen-Kuown and prominent JNorth 1 H. .! . TT . .... Caroliuian. Ho was a native of this j Slate, a graduate of West Point and ! a distinguished soldier in the wmv ! . . . . ! wun ixexico, ana in tne late war be- - '1 1. IT tween the States, He lost an arm at Cherubusco but still remained in the service. When North Caiolina seceded he resigned his commission i" me c euerai Army ana lenuered liu n.....l . KI l. t)tl iu the Federal Army and tendered uativo serving ner nrsc as Adjutant-Ueueral and at- terwards m command of a brigade m the Confederate Army. Peace to his honored ashes. News from the Fifth District. A gentleman from Greensboro' brings the intelligence that Col. John Winston of Caswell, the Greenback Labor candidate for Congress in the fifth district, withdrew from the race, a few days ago, leaving the field clear to Gen. Scales and ex Judge Tourgee. The same gentle man brings the further information that Gen. Scales' election is a matter of no doubt whatever. The Republi cans are apathetic and some of the leading members of the party about Greensboro are hostile or at least very cool toward Tourgee.. The withdrawal of Winston renders the assurance of Gen. Scales' election doubly sure. While Winston never had a ghost of a chance of election his continued candidature would have drawn some votes from the Democratic candidate. As it is the I race is practically at an end. Char !in.. -vi lone wuisciyer. 1 1 in. i ii rt 1 . 1 1 1 rs .iiiiiii 111 ihv iiimi j Shocking Infanticide. On last Sundky afternoon .the sol emn stillness of pur town a was sud denly disturbed by the Announce ment that a dead negro.child had been found in the garden of Mr. Thomas Jordan. Aft r examining several witnesses and all the circum st.stnetis of the case the jury brought it) a verdict thai the child came to its death from foul means employed 1 y one Delia Bake, colored, its mother, who, at that lime lived on Mr. J01 dan's lot. Wilson Advance. Governor Vance. The Governor reached this city yesterday evening. We regret ex ceedingly to learn from him that Mrs. Vance's condition grows worse, and that she is in desperate health. He is in receipt of a large number of invitations to speak at Agricultural Fairs and political meetings and to deliver addresses on various subjects before different bodies, all of -which ha has been compelled to docline. He will remain at the capital as long as he can. .Raleigh Observer, 13th. A Costly Practical Joke. j A remarkable sivt was commenced j in the Superior Court of Cabarrus f county on Wednesday. A few months auro John M. Imsrraham. a prominent and wealthy citizen, was applied to for work by John Forst. tt. i.n i nil ii .i ap inea io ior wni-K by donn Jb orst. ! He told him that he had nothing for him to do, but that he would give 'i.;vionrMW. i.:.V t n 1 1,ini to (lo l,nt tllat i . 000 for the. j hzzanls, ami gave hi ' Jmount:1 . Forswl hides of 6,000 his note for that i A wtD'V ";V i I nve dren, at once left for the ' monntains- There they established t 'themselves in ennm. and p.nTnmPii oef : 1 , i it w:ii upou tue repuies, ana wunm The Slllltlav School Convention. This bdy will convene in the .city of Raleigh on Frida, Saturday and o i ... u .i i i i i . i Sunday, the ist, 2nd and Jrd days of November next. It will be com- .... , nosed of rMrpsMit.tiv from all 1 ' A - denominations in t he State. These representatives are : t. . i i . i , i .i oi ee ouiy appointed nv cueir respe(- ,tive Sund.-u Schools-each School of ; . whatever denomination being enti - to one representative, and only one. 1 hese delegates are to be en- tenained by the different Sunday ! Schools of the city free of charge. ' r..a-!s of the State will be obtained if ae'iiidui raifs on me (imerent Kail- ,i i . 1' . . - , . . 1 - Ihe object of the Convention will li. til urirtilivr. tliti yn.1.iT7 VnliN.-1 work in the State, and devise means' ' - ,nu""v kj,-iJu' Un" u advauceiuenfc and prosperity' 'dthe cause, and toci - operate with the International SunJay School Con ventioii. j ir ls greatly desired that every v . 1 . 1 -i - v.ii.ii ,ii ( in v:t-.,.. i. '-"'. jihw uc icu- resented, so us to have 'honmgh organization. S r' Mu stel to appoint their resented, so us to have a full and Schools are rep resen- : once and forward their I ' be no de- - attend the j , which con- j the Gth of! rectly on with-' From the Raleigh Observer.J j l Judge Keade's Declination, j ! Washington, N. O, j October 7th, 1878. j i Hon. R. G. Badger : ' My Dear Sir: I always intended 1 ; that my public life should end with i j my late term of office. Indeed I ; would have ended it Jong ago if 1 1 could have done so with propriety. ! A. A. " and I "have so often declared it that it is well known. Understanding however, that there was a disposition to nominate me for Congress in the Fourth District, 1 took the precaution to write you to ... -r 1 . " prevent it, as I could nc You read that letter before insitimr hndv .tw1 fhrt fnet. could not accent. the iiom was an- A i-.i ii- r . . . nouneed in the public press, l was informed that there was a like dispo sition in the Fifth District and I took the like precaution there. I then left the State and did not r -turn until the 4th instaut. Whi e absent I saw no paper and received no letter and had no intimation that auother Convention would be held. Upon my return I wa3 informed that one had been held and that I had been nominated to run whether I would accept or not. I have re ceived no official notice of my nomi nation, and I do not know whether it is contemplated to give me such notice, else I would wait and give it a respectful answer. I cannot com plain at what the Convention evi dently meant as a high compliment. Such I esteem it, and I fully appre 7 UU44VklUj MUD I' must firmly adhere to my previous ciate tne conndence manifested, but announcement that I cannot ' accent the nomination. I am unwilling to give the assent which might be implied from my si lence and, therefore, unless it is the purpose to have an official corres pondence, I must ask the favor of x nn again to give this notice to the public. Highly appreciating the public confidence, and being truly grateful ! for it, and much obliged to you for j your kindness, I am, very respectfully, E.G.READE. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. :,mr-, W. C. McHIAGKIN, : ;j General ; ,3 COMmsSION MERCHANT, East end Citizens National 'Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. Consignments of all kinds of Mer chandise and Prodnce solicited. Sat isfactory sales guaranteed and prompt returns invariably -made, for moder ate commissions. ; b Cotton Received also on Storage at Moderate Rates. Raleigh Daily Cotton Market Re ports and the latest changes in New York and Liverpool Markets forward ed every day to patrons. Refers to Raleigh National Bank ana the business public of the city. OCT HAND: A large invoice of MILBURN WAGONS for sale at $75 each; sub stantial work and warranted. OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES at $80 to $100 each; workmanship and material guaranteed. ,r , Av ' c ?r V 1 j ?,Iea1?. ChT?Ps' 5wn &tuff' North ' i Caroll n;i Hums. Skips nun Stim-ittara 1 Flour, Com, Oats, Fodder, Hay, 7, 7,:, , """ V" j rolma Hams, Sides and Shoulders, !n ff a11 kluds of Produce always m store. seol9-3ui D. T. JOHNSON. ; wuviUiAOiui wuvvmA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND Two Doors Nortb Market, Wilmington St., Raleigh, TJ. C v ars now in receipt ot onr; tn . .... '. f GroCelle8' consisting in part of We are now in receipt ot onr fall stock ! !buSar Coflee, iiacon, Lard, Cheese, Salt, Molasses, Nails, j i m Leather, Fish, Which we offer at prices as low as the low- j HIl conen?,fn- Ample room for storajre : "iiiun Kivu w me emeoi : coocMi ; ior mow wio wjbu to hold l win 1 charire low rales ot storacre and make cash . . . x ..... inM,o ui 011inc AU advancements on cotton left : t'orreStlOJldi'IlCH solicited 1 1 in me. i r D. T. JOHNSON. 2 l) ors North Market, Wilminiitou St. COST! COST!! In view of the expiration of our 1 . . . P"""smp ana a new ousmess ar rangement, we now offer our LARGE and FRESH STOCK OF- DRY GOODS At Cost, to Close Out. Now is the time for all in need of BUY GOODS ! Come one. come all. TIip.ra rrnnA must be sold. You can save 25 per cent, by attending our daily sales. NEW FALL STOCK NOW BEING RECEIVED ! PUTT'S" & JOltf ES, Raleigh, N. C. sept!9-3m ALFRED WILLIAMS. . E. G. UARRELL. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO, Wholesale and Retail BOOK SELLERS and STATIONERS, RAIEIGH, N. C. I J ! Everything in our line f uroished PROMPT- j LY and at Lowest Prices Special terms to Teacher, Merchants and Sunday Schools. Complete Catalogue of School Books sent free on application. seplD.3m f Wkr vaumer. CITIZENS NATIONAL RAN If IIH 1 UAIIK, op RAIiEIGH, N. C. Septl9-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. P. GULLET, Retail Dealer and Jobber of Mm M Domestic Dry Ms, Notions, White Goods, Hat?, Boots, Shoes, Fine Hand Made Shoep, Clotbing.&c. Bf Agent for Frank Leslie's Cut Paper Pattern. IBAiMBIKBSIa ST- sep!9-3m J. T. MOOItE, (Johnston Co.) A. A. THOMPSON (Chatham Co. & THOMPSON. COTTON SELLERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, RALEIGH, N. C. SELLING COTTON A SPECIALTY. Consignments Solicited. sept!9-?m W. S BODD, Raleigh, N. C, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent for the Sale of EGERTON'S SCOTCH SNUFF IiH NORTH CAROLINA. ; And n.,ior in FLQUR q TT A v n pot nvr. j FI0TJIVTSV A ?0LTEI VlliUlNIA MLAL. j Consignments of Country Produce solicited JOHN G. WILLIAMS, President. w. s. PimrnosE, Secretary. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF This Company will insure yonr Dwelling, Mill, Gin, Store, or other building on the most reasonable terms. All losses paid promptly. En courage Home Institutions. Insure in a .first class Home Company. Apply to I H. A. LONDON, JR., j septl9-3m Agent. J. J. THOMAS. I . ; commission iTicrcnant and cotton Seller, NO. 8 MARTIN STREET, Rulcigli, IV. C. : Scialty. i vv in maKe nDerai Uasii advances, with ! low rate of interest and storage hr(M I upon sucii cousicnments.. j SR-fer8 to Citizens Xational Bank F3 eep!9 3in II. niAHLSR, Opposite Market Place, Raleigh. Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of ! Gold & Silver Ware, j Watches, Clocks, Masonic and Hair Jewelry i Watch Repairing and 23n I graving Promptly Executed. SEALS &c. MADE TO ORDER. FALL OPENING TV. H. & R. S. TUCKER I -Have the pleasure of again pre senting their entire fall importa tion and purchases in the xoktiiekn MAKKICI'S. New Silks, Dress Goods, French Costumes, Carpets, TIIK LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. RARE AND CURIOUS NOVELTIES For Carriage, f Promenade, Dinner and Evening Wear. We are prepared to show, our pa trons and the public a stock of Novelty and Staple Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, . Velvets, tfce., &c.9 unequalled in variety, magnitude and cheapness. 1 Remember our motto: "The Debt Goons at the Lowest CASH PRICES." W. If. 4 R. S, TUCKEIL sepl0-nol-3ni XK. T. BTOZIZLES i CO., GROCERS AND ! ; wuiiuuissiyn AMerciianxs, No. 3 Exchange and No. 5 Market Street, . JLVLEIGII, N. C. K v In store and to arrive A Large and Well Selected Stock oi ' ); '-. .and-- fc GHOCE3XIES, Which we offer as Low as Any .; One! , : . ; . , Consignments Solicited Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton Stored. , s i Correspondence Solicited by m;: t. Tvoii-iH & co., sepl9-8m ' Raleigh, H. O.

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