-L THL'USDAY, October 17, 1878. In ordt-r to induce our friends to form clubs in every neighborhood, we will send six copies of The Record one year for ten dollars, or ten copies for lifteen dollars. Cash in advance. To Corvi'spoiuloiit!. Wh Hiram ak our friends in all parts ot the county to write letters toTnE Rkcokd, and give publicity to any items that may he of interest. Our iarmer friends will please, not forget that we will always find ppaee for any communications that they may be pleased to send us. !No Apotojr.v. We limke uo apology for the exclusion of local matter by the exhibit ol the county commissioners, for we know of nothing of more interest to our tax-pa yM. CST Capt. W. L. London is now absent at tli North, purchasing his Fall and Win ter Ftoi-k of general merchandise, which will urrive In a tew tiays. lS" Seethe advertisement of the Xew York Herald, in another column. This is undoubtedly the most enterprising newspa per in America. woot" lOl SI t OOX. J. P. Brasington, Esq., brought a load of sweet potatoes here yesterday, remark able for their size, one of theui left at the Record otlice measuring 22 inches in cir cumference. Who cau beat this? Oiaisrt Court. Tbe Fm.11 Term ot Orange Superior Court began on the 14th inst., Judge Kerr pre siding. Theie are seven persona to be tried for capital felonies, an unusual event in that good old cunty. What is the matter there? Dr. HappoJdt. of Morgantoi , who volun teered his sen ices to nurse the yellow fever GutTerer? at Viiksberg, died on the 12ih inst. How inadtquate are words in at tempting to praise a man who lays down his life in ministering to the Bufferings vi others ! CliuTa lor Salo. Let every iHrtierread the advertisement of Mi. H. C. OJire, offering chufas for sale. It is said tbat one acre in chufas will fatten 10iM) pounds of poik. Mr. Olive will give you full directions how to plant them. Try, and see how you like theui. -rVlliltlll01t. Hou. Joseph J. Davis will address the people of Chatham county at, Kijrgsbee's Store, Thursday, Oct. 24th, Mt. Vernon Springs, Friday, " 25th, Evpt. Saturday, 2Cth. lion. A S. Merrimon and F. H. Busbee, H., will Speak at, ilyojd, Saturday, October 26th. TImiiiIl!" We return cur thanks to our many friends, who are m kindly unng their influence in behalf of the RECOItD. Subscriptions are coming in from tvery direction, and w? are greaOy encouraged, but siill we bare not quit taking in," so form your clubs ard send up more names and the caidi. Every man ouht to r-ad his own county paper, and pay for it! Dont you th'iLk so, k'.ud reader? llstiiiit liiteit:tiiiiiiiit. On the evening of the 12th icst., the yi ung ladies and gentlemen of this place jrMve an entertainment, in part a repetition ot that given for the here fit of the yellow lever sufferer?. But this time it was free, being given because of the liberal tatron a?e iestowed u on the former. Being free, therefore, there was. of course, a very large attendance, and we were pleaded to see present many of ou friends, who usually cannot go out at night, but who were kind enough to venture out upon this occasion Every body was delighted, and indeed it was generally said to have been the pleas anteet entertainment ever given here, and tbe entire community is greatly indebted for a most enjoyable occasion. One of the most charming features were the Calisthen ic exercises of a class of nine little children from the school of Miss Alice Ha ugh ton, which reflected much credit npon their ac complished instuctress, as well as upon the kill of the little ones. Thoi-e who witnessed the acting of that laughable play "Tbat Rascal Pat" at the former entertainment, can well understand how very much it was enjoyed by all at this. One of the most amutlng scenes ot the evening was "Magic Music," a pauto uiine in which the characters, the Irish w asher-woman, shoemaker, two old ladies quarrelling over their knitting, seamstress, housekeeper, young lady fanning, and an other churning, all k- pt time in their vari ous occupation? to the music of yankee Doodle; getting fast or slow in their work as the music changed from slow to fast. The young ladies and gentlemen sustained their usual reputation in singing, while tL-; Brass Band ever and anon discoursed their sweetest strains. A lecture to the girls by an "old -lady' upon matrimony whs so good, and witball so true, that we thought she must have interviewed some of the married ladies present and thus learced the short comings of the "Lords of creation.' Chatham Kliioatioiial Aw Koiatiou. Some years hince there existed in Chat ham cou nty ,an Association bearing the above name, whose object was the promotion ot the educational interests of this county. This body, while it was in successful oper ation, did much good, in brining together the teachere and friends of education in the county, in discussing various interesting topics, aud in other ways, having at one time successfully operated a County Nor ma School; but from a multiplicity of rea- sons the body did not continue long in ex" istence. This Association was Te-organized here last Saturday, and we Bincereiy hope it may be ultimately successful in attaining the ol.je.ct a it has in view. The netting on SSaturday was not as large as we would have wished it to have been, owing priuci pally to the absence of Prof. Lidd, who was advertised to speak here that day, but thoe present showed much interest and a determination that the reorganization should be a success. The re-organ lzntiou was effected by the election of Rev. R. B. Sutton, D. D., President; R. S. Andrews. Esq., 1st Vice President, A. II. Merritt, 2nd Vice President; "W. A. "Wilborn, M. D., Sec retary; T. B. TVomack, Esq., Treasurer; and Capt. C. B. Denson, T. B. Womack and Capt. C. P. Silrr as an Executive Commit tee. A Constitution and By-Laws were adopted, after which the meeting adjourned tr meet in the town of Pittsboro' on the 1st Saturday after Christmas, at 11 o'clok, a. m., at which time it is hoped there will be a large attendance of all the friends of Edu cation throughout the county. The Exec utive Committee will provide speakers and will do all in their power to make the meeting one of pleasure and profit combined. About a year ago a white man in tuis couujy, named Marion Hurley, attempted to commit a rape upon a daughter of Wil liam Lasater, Esq , and ran away. Notli iug was heard of him until a few weeks ago, when our sheriff received a letter from tbe sheriff of Spittsyh'ania county, Virginia, asking if a man, named Joseph Thoiras, bad committed any crime here, and escapee!? From the description given, sheriff Taylor at once knew it was Hurley, and wrote the former sheriff to watch him. An indict ment was sent before the grand jury last month, and a true bill found. The ueces sary requisition papers were obtained at Raleigh for his arrest, and last week, D. W. Riddle, one of sheriff Taylor's efficient dep uties, at once went to. Virginia, found hia man, and brought him here on tha 15th inst., and lodged him in jail. Mr. Riddle says that every as?i:-tance was rendered him by theauthorities in Virginia, to whom be is under many obligations for their kiudly aid. Tbe dv before Mr. Riddle's arrival in Virginia, a letter was received at the post effise addressed to Joseph Thomas, which the sheriff took and opened, and veTy fortunately, for it was written from Lockville, in this county, dated October the 10th, and stated that Mr. Riddle had started after him, &c. Hurley is a married man, and yet was on the eve of marrying again, when he was arrested. Ooiutt' Commission is. The Board of County Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on the 7th inst. Present John. W Hatch, chairman, and L. B By num. Thomas Cross, C. R. Scott, and TV". P. Wren. The following accounts were presented and allowed, vfz: Jasper Foushee, for service as Crier of the Court at Fall Term 1878. $20. W. D. Andrews, for three wjol hats for paupers, f 4.20. W S. Petty, J. P.. ft-es in case of State vs. Abe Hackney, $2.15. A. J. Lane, J. P , for registering voters in Mathews' Township, $4.:G O. S Poe, on account of Dr. H. C. Jackson as Physician at Poor-house, $8 33. V. L London, on account of George Tay lor, fees as sj-cial officer in case of State vs. Cad Leach, $ 2. T. J. Mann, services as special officer, in cluding guard", &c, $7.80. W. L lonuon, for merchandise for Poor houee, $88.23. Dr. J. S. McCleuaham, for medical ejan inatirn of 14 lunatics at Fall Term 1878, $70. Headen, Bynnm, & Co., merchandise for Court-house. $3.40. D. VV. Riddle, deputy sheriff, as officer of (iraud Jury 6 days at Fall Term, 1878, and conveying Ambrose Crump to jai'. $15. Mrs. A. E. Burke, for board of Miss Fox, a lunatic. $1.50. J. D. Brasington, deficiency in account for support ot J.imes and Wm. Brasington, lunatics, $18.20. 0. W. Foushee, deputy sheriff, for three days services at Inferior Court 1878, and ten days at Superior Court, $27. "W. L. London, for merchandise for jail and Court-bouse, $5.10. John M. Moring, Attorney, for fees in cases of lunatics at Fall Term. 1878, $25. Retainer, as Attorney to the Board frcn. September 1878 to September 1879, $50. W. A. Lineberry J. P., for listing proper ty in Albright's township 1878 and one day w ith County Board, $17. A. J. Bynum, for 4 barrels of cement, $14. F. N. Strud wick, Solicitor, for fees in cases at Fall Term 1878, $22. Dr. L. A. Hanks, for examination of 14 lunatics at Fall Term 1878, $70. Spense Taylor, jail fees for two months, $118 70. 1. A. Wilson, as member of Board of Couuty Assessors, $3. Ordered, That the Sheriff collect from Joseph Eubanks $20, as hire of Oliver Far rar, a prisoner. J. T. Clark granted license to retail liquor until January 1879. Ordered, That $9.16 be deducted from the next order given to J. D. Brasington for tnpport of lunatics, on account of mis ts ke. S II. Wiley granted remission of double tax on the Ore Hill property. A. H. Gunter exempted from duty on Public Road on account of infirmity. W. F. Barber appointed Constable in Gulf Township, and gave his official bond. C. E. Houston gave his official bond as Constable of Matthew's Township. Ordered, That the sheriff furnish coarse and heavy carpeting for the cells in the jaiL Messrs. J. J. Hackney, Jack Johnson, aad J. T. Mann were appointed Overseers of the Roads in their localities. Tbe petition of certain citizens of Cape Fear Township was granted, to open a Public oad, leading from the road cross ing the Cape Fear River and running to wards Carthage to the road crossing Lick Creek at Brown's Bridge. From the Raleigh Observer. The Western Elections. Tuesday's elections in the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa have resul ted more favorably to the Democratic candidates for Congress than was at first reported. In Ohio the "Republi cans elect 9 members of the House of Representatives, and the Demo crats 11. The Congressional delega tion from Indiana will consist of 5 Republicans, 7 Democrats, and 1 Greenbacker. Iowa has sent 2 Greenbackers, of Republican ante cedents and 7 Republicans to the lower house of the NationaJ Con gress. The Republican State ticket in Ohio is successful by from 5,000 to 10,000 majority; the Democratic State ticket in Indiana is reported to have 10.000 to 12,000 majority, ihe same party controlling the State Legislature, thus insuring the elect ion of Dan Voorhees to the United States Senate; and the Republicans have chosen their State officers in Iowa by from 3,000 to G 000 majori ty. The Republicans have lost nine members of the House of Represen tatives in the three Western States which held elections on Tuesday. The new party came to an end on Tuesday. Its supposed strength was in the West and Northwest, and its leaders have said, with boldness and iteration which perhaps deceived themselves, that their doctrines were sweeping tbe newer States and wc-re bound to sweep the older States too. These boastful predictions were not without, their eflect upon the discon- j tented voters,, thoughtless voters, , . , t i j. 1 voters who are inclined to any; uuuue jiu uiiiitei vub ii uiny u, voters who go with the successful party, or what promises to be the successful party, voters w io are eas - lly earned awav with the current; however shallow it may be. Ohio! aud Iuuiana and Iowa and West Virginia have dispelled the delusion. ! The new patty's strength was only enough to be of a slight service to the Radicals, whose policy it was lighting. Those among our friends in North Carolina disposed to stray from the lold will now see veryi plainly that the only vital greenback 1 issue is the oue represented by the; Democratic party, and that is honast, couservative, politic and important. ' The Democratic party meets the real' difficulties growing out of the hard times and the continued business , tlMYrftfision wit.li rriT.if.a.l-il nrwl tim..l w.lu,i;- o-1 ir,,.;- "" ; ; JN J ' citizen who is dissatisfied with the1 present Republican rule and the evils ; it has brought on the country to unite with it in enforcing a sounder i tration. -RaleLrh Observer. PLATFORM AKD RESOL1TIOXS ADOPTED AT THE DEMOCRATIC-CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION, HELD AT KALEKill ON THE 22D OF AIT GUST. 1S78. We re affirm onr adherence to the time- , honored principles ot the Democratic party, 1 and in the iuterestof ourselves and of our posterity, denounce all monopolies, high taxes, and all extravagance and was.e in the expenditure of the people money. We denounce the contraction of thecurren - cv, the heartless and unpatriotic policy of the Republican administration making the r rich richer and the poor poorer, which hap cansed a stagnation ot business, destroved the prosperity of the country, thrown thous - ; ands out of employment, aud reduced mil- hone to penury and want. We denounce the demonetization of silver by the RpubMcan party in the interest of the capitalists and the bond-holders; and we congratulate the country on the sue- cess-ful efforts of the Democratic party to restore silver to its legitimate uses even over the veto of a Republican President. W demand the retirement of the circu- lation of the National Banks, the substiiu - tion therefor of greenbacks, whose volume should be regulated by the requirements of trade and business ; and the reje.il of the tax on State Banks, leaving their organiza tion to the people of the different States, and we explicitly demand the repeal of the Resumption Act. We demaud a repeal or modification of the Revenue system, so that it shall not die criminate against Southern industries ; a reduction of the tax on tobacco and a mod ification of the onerous tax on the distilla tion of fruit : a tariff for reuenue only and not for the purpose of building up northern manufacturers at the expense of the South ; aud we favor a tax ou incomes of two thousand dollars and over, thereby light - emng the buidens ol labor and making capital pay its just proportion ot public due3. We, denounce corruption in office whero everit exists the higher the place the greater the crime ; and we call upon the ! people at the polls to punish the infamous electoral fraud by which the people of the United States were deprived ot their right to elect their President. Finally, we congratulate the people of the Union on the overthrow of the party of hate with its corruptions and oppressions, I and upon the triumph of that policy of conciliation and fraternal kirdness which the Democratic party has so long and so persistently advocated. Revenue Cases. Washington, October 14. Tbe suits brought by the State of North Carolina against the Revenue agent, Wagner, and some twenty other Federal revenue officers on charges of excess of authority in making ar rests of illicit distillers and others, which were tried yesterday at Greens boro, resulted in the acqnital of the entire party with one exception. MARRIED. By J. E. Perry, Efq., on the 16th of Octo ber, 1878, Mr. T. B. Perry, ot Alamance, to Miss Emma, daughter of F. D, Lindley, ot Chatham county, N. C. OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AUDITED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, 'FROM SEPTEMBER 1T, 1877 fO SEPTEMBER 1ST 1878. (Continued from last week.) SUPPORT OF PAUPERS. September 3rd, 1$57. Moffit & Russell, shingles and molas ses for ioor house, 20 36 Alfred Ramsay, agent, relief Dilsy Long. 1 mouth, 2 00 T W IVomble, agent, reMieT of M Bell and Jake Lasater, 1 month, 4 00 Nancy Liiddleagent, relief of Mar- gar-t Riddle, luuatic, 1 month, 7 00 Artema Hatch, bacon for poor house, 29 70 Manuel Lutterloh, guarding at poor house, 9 days, 6 75 J B Burns, mason work at poor bouse, 11 00 Jasper Fout-hee, for oac, &c., for poor house, 10 91 S Founhee, her relief, 1 month, 5 00 W B Wilkie, agent, relief of Alice Hinesly 2 moistbs, 3 00 Mary Drake, agent, relief of J B Drake, 1 month, 3 00 "W L London, merchandise tor poor house, and juil, 28 54 J J Knight, agent, Rent Wotnble's relief 2 months, 4 00 September 6th, 1877. J S McClenabau, physician for poor house, to September 1st, 1 month, 10 00 September 17ih, 1877. Baxter Oil more, relief of Sallie Gil- more, lunatic, 14 00 Hawkits E'ggsbee, relief of his mother, 4 months, 8 00 September 18th, 1878. w s Webster, agent, relief oi Delia ffi monllls' r 'bridge Cueek. agent, relief of Mar- garet Cheek. 1 month, 4 50 4 00 j 0"tober 1st 187 ! j jy Brasington, agent, relief "of Jas ; and William Brasington, 1 month, 16 66 ! E M Neal, agent, relief of Mrs Olive's daughter, 1 month. 1 50 October 3rd, 1877. Nancy Brown, sgent, relief of Mark Fowler, for September 1877, 1 month, October 1st, 1877 Sarah Foushee, her relief 1 month, Richard Hunter, relief of his sister 6 00 5 00 4 00 74 99 3 00 1 50 12 25 6 60 1 month. j W L London, merchandise for poor no use, iHSf. Vls relief' 1 orth 1n,S: "" ' D H Maish, for lime, salt and shiu- rs. fr ioor house, 11 li Cowan, shoes tor poor house, October 2nd, 1877. Rebecca El kins, relief of her mother, months. 15 00 0SPoe, merchandise for poor house, 18 16 L London, forcbnrn, L Williams account poor house, Wm Andrews, three wool hats for i1" ,:o"s", H"7 & Pe0!f' coru for Pr 1 50 ; A. G. Headen, agent, Sarah Bynnm, I 1 month, j J D BrRsinjrton, agent, William and James Bras-ington, 1 month, ! November 1st, 1877. Richard (Junter. agent, relief of his sistei 1 month. November 5th, 1877. : J II Ward, aeut, relief ol Mahala Garner, three inunths Sarah Foushee. iter sunnort 1 month. x Y ' B.ixter (tilmore. SalM months ' T W Womble, agent, relief of John j Lasater and M Bell 2 months, ; November 6th, 1S77. , w Snipes, corn for pMir house J S McUen"n M D., examination j ot fourteen latiatics, L A Hanks, M L, examination of uu i 8 00; 0 00 j fourteen lunatics. 0 00 ; London, merchandise 4or poor j w Cole. corn for poor house, j J M Moring, attorney, cot in matter i 'f 1 unatica. F Foushee, clerk, cost in ! mater of lunatics, j November 7tb, 1877. j Mary Drake, agent, relief of J 15 Drake one month j November Sth,' 1877. ' vr-- 1 W rTJl0f11S8" V 3 00 -i " ay. 6 00 November 9th, 1877. J S MeClenahan, physician, at poor house to November the 1st, two months, E M Neal, agent, for the relief of Mrs Olives daughter, one month, Nancy Riddle, agent, for the relief of Margaret Riddle, lunatic, two months, Alfred Ramsey, agent, for the relief of Dilcy Long two months, November 12th, 1877. 20 00 150 1 J. 10 1-4 OU a ft ; Rebecca Elkins, agent, for the relief of her mother, one month, November 14th, 1877. J J Knight, agent, for the relief of Renty Womble, two months, .November 16th, 1877. Elbridge Cheek, agent for the relief of Margaret Cheek, two months, December 3rd, 1877. Richard Gunter, agent for the relief Sila Gunter, one month, Tancy Mobley, her relief four months, Elbridge Cheek, agent for the support of Margaret Cheek, one month, J S MeClenahan, physician, at poor house, one month, Lewis Bridges, support of A S xVewman, insane, three months, W B Wilkie, support of Alice Hinesly, two months, Rebecca Elkins, support of her mother, one month, J D Brasington, support of James and William Brasing ton, insane one month, H W Peoples, lumber for poor house 3 00 I j A firt I 0 j j j j 8 00! 4 00 8 00 410 10 00 20 25 3 00 3 00 12 50 o ol To be continued next week. THE MARKETS. OFFICIAL KEl'UKT OF THE CoTToN MARKET, Compiled expressly for The Record by ra. t. STonnis & co., Raleigh, October 16, 1878. Cotton-Middling 9a9 3-8,strict low mid ling '9a9 1-8; low middling, 9 middling stains, low middling stains, 8; good ordinary etains, 7 12. Tone of market dull. CITY MARKET WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. . Ties New 4 1-2, pieced 3 1-4; bagging llKt3tf; Patapsco family flour $7.50; corn 65, meal 70. Baconhog round 10, bams 13al4. Bulk clear rib sides 7. shoulders 6. N. C( pork 6a7. Lard N. 0. 9al0, western 9. Coffee prime Rio 19a20, good 18. Molasses S H syrup 27, Cuba molasses 35. Salt $1.65, Sugar white 10, yellow, 8a9. Red sole leather 20a25. Tallow 7. Potatoes sweet 50, Irish 75. Sheiled oats 40 Eggs 17. Butter 20. Chickens 12Jal7j. The above prices are for large lots, when small quantities are wanted higher prices will be charged. NEW ADEVRTISEMENTS. FOll CHUFAS, APPLY TO H. C. OLIVE, APEX, N. C. octlO-nol (mi Mrs. A. M. Zimmerman, TEACXZSR of BTUSIC ! Terms :-$20 per Session of Twenty (20) Weeks. Produce taken in part payment. oct3-no3-tf BY VIRTU RE OF A MORTGAGE Ex ecuted to me by S. T. Petty, on the 1st day of April, 1875, 1 will sell at Public Auction, at the Court-House door, in tbe town of Pittsboro', N. C , on Saturday the 11th day of January, 1879, a tract of land, situated in the county of Chatham, on the waters of Roberson's creek, adjoining the lands of J. M. Griffin, W. S. Farrell and others, and containing about 247 acres. lEfT Terms of sale cash. Wm. MOORE Sr. octlO nol 3m NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The circulation of this popular newspa per has more than trebled during the past year. It contains ail the leading news : contained in the Daiiy HeuaLD, and is ar 4 30 i ranged in handy departments. The ! FOREIGN NEWS j embraces special despatches from all quar ters of the globe. Under the head of i AMERICAN NEWS O AO I ' j are given the Telegraphic Despatches of . I the week fiom all parts of the Union, j This teature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD .j ' the most, valuable chronicle in the world, 4 as it is the cheapest. Every week is given j a laiihf ul report of i POLITICAL NEWS, ! embracing complete jnd comprehensive ; I despatches from Washington, including full enjia..1iaa - f sni t iticians on f'e questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT ! of the Wekklt Herald gives the latest! ...n'aa well as the uiw practical suggestions I for raising Cattle. Poultry, Grains, Trees, j Vl'Wm A'l X'f With cnirli.ina 4w keeping buildings aud farmiwgVtensils in - V " " vm j j theheadof j THE nOME, 40 00 ' giving receipts for practical dishes, hints J lor making clothing and for keeping up 10 00 ' aiest' las'ons at the lowest price, j Every item of cooking orecomomy snggest I ed in this department is practically tested i by experts before publication. Letters from our 1 aris and London correspondents on the very latest Fashions. The Home De partment of the Wkeki.y Herald will save the house-wife more than one hundred times the price of the paper. The interests of SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and evervthing relating to mechanics and labor sa rir iv4il ving is carefully There is a re devoted to all th i.t.t phases of the lu.siness markets, crops, mer chundise, & , .vr, A valuable feature 13 found in the specially reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET t Sporting iews at home and abroad, to-! ' e,lier w'tn a torv pvery week, a sermon i j j,- gome eminent divine, Liteiarv, Musical.! and Dramatic, fersonal, and Sea Hotes. m .. . I i j "i i nere is uo paper iu. me wonu wuicn con-1 ' tains so miif.li news matter everr toaV uc tu! vt kkki-y nkiiALD, wuicu is sent, post- age free, for One Dollar. You t au subscribe at any time THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly forn ONE DOLLAR A Ytl CSNotice TO Scbscrikkrs. Remit iu drafts on New York or Pott Office money orders, aud where neither of these cri be procured 6end the money in a registered letter. Address, NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway & Ann St., N. Y. octlG no5-tf ; TXBXE tabu: To Take Effect Sept. 1G, 1878. Daily Szcept Sunday. GKXKNOi TJr Leave Favetteville at 3 o'clock, p. m. A prion ot. T.ittlft Rlvop Sirtnm- loavA 3 AX Arrive at Spout Spring 4.10,p m; leave 4 15 ArrivAAt: Swann's Station 5 n in? 1mvi Arave at Jonesboro 5.30 p m ; leave 5.40 Arrive at Sanlord 5.45 p m ; leave 0.10 Arrive at Egypt 6.30. GOING DOWN. Leave Egypt at 8 o'clock, am. Arrive -at Sanford 8.30 a m ; leave 9.10 Arrive at Jonesboro 9.15 am; leave 9.30 Arrive at Swanu'sStation,9.55 am; leave 10 Arrive at Spout Spring 10 40 am; leave 10.50 Arrive at Little Rivr 11.15 a m; leave 11.20 Arrive at Fayetteville, 12 m. fln.iiiuit fiaifrPi1 witli troina rf 1a ; iejgu and Augusta A. L. North and South. L. C. JONES, Superinteudant. NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS Bpm Mannfactirinfi; Company, L. B. BYNUM, Agent. MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST YARNS AND SHEETINGS, AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! LOOK FOR THE SHEETINGS AND YARNS, BRANDED CHATHAM COTTON MILLS, IF YOU WANT THE BEST ! FIRST, AND ONLY COTTON MILL IN THE COUNTY. oct3-no3-tf C. WALKER HANKS, OF CHATHAM COUNTY, -WITII- JULIUS LEWIS & CO, Raleigh, ST. C, Dealers in HARDWARE OF ETERY DESCRIPTION. Sash, Doors, ami Blinds. f apn and Bum Material, Leather and Rubber Belting, Paints, Oils, &c. Largest Stoct in Norfli Carolina !J oci3-m3-tf J. J. JACKSON ATTOHWEY-AT-IAW, PITTSBORO', N. C. J All business entrusted to him will j receive prompt attentiou. 8ep26-no2-tf JOHN M. MORING, Attorney-at-Law, i Moringsville, Chatham County, N. C Jonx M. Mortxo, Alfred M. Moring (Of Chatham.) (Ol Orange. Attorneys-at-Law, DURHAM. X. C. I3f All business entrusted to them will i receive prompt attention. sepl9-tf j T. B. WOMACK, ATTOIINKY AT LAW . And SQicitor of the Infericr 'comt, ot Chatham county, PITTSBORO', N. C. ! j Prompt attention given to all business j entrusted to his care, and special attention given io seiinrg me estates oi ueceasea persons, taking accounts, &c sep2-tf Kaleigh & Augusta Air Line. " " . -;;' . Raleigh, N. C, Sep. 18. 1878. f On and after WEDNESDAY, Sep. 18th, j lSi, trams on this toad will run as follows ; (Sundays excepted): MAIL TRAIN OINi SOUTH. Leave -llaleisrh . . . .6 00 an caiy.' eat " Apex 6."5 " New Hill... 7 19 " Merry Oaks. 7 40 u Moncure....800 " Osgood 8 24 " San ford ....00o " Cameron 9 51 " MAIL TRAIN GOIKU XOKT1I. j Leave J Hamlet 2 15 p m j Kej8er 3 35 ' i Manly 4 15 Cameron. .. 5X)0 rt i SanforJ.....6 05 " ! Osgood 6 28 " Moncure 6 52 " Merry Oaks. 7 12 " N-w Hill.... 7 33 " I Manly 10 47 " Apex 7 57 " Ke.vser llJiO " Arrive at Cary 8 21 " j Arrive at j Raleigh 8 40 p m i Hamlet.... 12 45 pm! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN i Runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday?. : j Leave- Leave Cameron. . . 4 00 a m ! Raleigh 5 30 p m Cai'V . 6 li) Sanford. .5 22 " t j Apex. . . . . , 6 55 Osgood.... 6 08 i 2CV 1x1 11 ..7 33 Moncure... 'G o4 Merry Oaks ..8 13 Moncure . . . .8 53 Osgood 9 33 Sanlord.... 10 18 Arrive at Cameron.. ..11 30 Merry Oaks.7 40 New Hill ... 8 15 Apex... ..8 55 Cary 9 35 Arrive at Raleigh... 10 00 The passenger train makes close connec tions at llatnlet with the Carolina Central , Raihoad to and Irom Wilmington, Char- ; lotte, anc all points South and Southwest and ac Raleigh with the Raleigh & Gaston ; Railroad to and from all points North and ! Northwest. JOHN C. WINDER. sep26no2-tf Superintendent. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Largest EsiaMistaitiatie State! Book and Job Printing AND Done in the very best style and at prices tbat defy competition Merchants, -Manufacftrers, and 'others, Supplied With Letter Heads, Bill Heads, !Envel opes, Statements of Account. In- voices of Sales, Price Lists, Circular and Oards, Hand Bills, &c, &c, &c, at short notice, and prices guaran teed to be as low as any first class house, North or South. BOOK BXXJDXXTCt AND Blank Book Manufacturing Of every kind done neatly quickly and cheaply. Legal Blanks our Specialty. EDWARDS k BROUGHTON, oct3-no3-3m 0. I NEW -GOODS, FOR FALL & WINTER TR ADE. 3000 Yards of Holts Plaids at Factory Prices Wholesale and Retail. Home-Made Wool Hats for Men and BoysU A splendid assortment of sill HK)2?S Asm- sfflKMBa A GOOD PAIR OF MEN'S BOOTS FOR ONLY TWO DOLLARS A LARGE LOT OF OLD SALEM JEANS! THE BEST GOODS MADE FOR THE MONEY! A beautiful line of Calicoes and other DRY GOODS. Largest Stock and Assortment of PLOW CAST- : -JUV w sa, ING, A3MD FARMING IMPLEMENTS IK THE COUNTY! A No. 1 Bedstead for only 4.00 I Best Cream Cheese-! Blue Stone Cheap! If yon wish to save your money, give me a call. I will not be undersold by ANY ONE IN THE STATE 1 . L. LONDON. Pittsboro, N. C, Sept. 1&

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