the votes of the beaten minority are ; of no more account, than if they ha ! never been cast. It is a flagrant ab- ; surdity to reason as if, when votes (nirvnoTuv i i a io-c 1 prove to be inefficient, th e voters are TIII.RSD.Y1, December 10, 18, S. : ;,eprived of their rigilU In ihe 1:lst ---:--zr--r: --i-. : ! Presidential election, Mr. Tilden had Correspondence. FOR THE BECOItD. ! a maxim, yon know, among tin ! thre are but. few rirht thinking men Oh iuse, that, if one person i hlh- that would n-i. If it ritfbt to tax i during the year, thn one person I must peri b ir mi huuflfer. And x- j are told that if even , pebble b- drop- Mu. Editor As the elections are j pod into the i-eeun, its ripple S1 over, and the time for Oonffression-j spread over its whoh hu rf.u-o. Ami pr ) e'ty limier th ad valorem sys tem, it. i-'right, to 'vork roads tbe smie way; tee fou: tiu-as should vest here they i!op;ilv belong, I do th'jik v.i. a ; tuas'i wbo has NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. King of Shifts $r a T.ONDON Jr Editor ', a majority of the popular vote; but ! ;il action ha? come; the time serins j if these be not literal farts, et i will Mr. B?uiue carrv out his reason-: favorable to discuss needed mens- serve to ill nature the n- iforru her ;iil) ron SKCTIOX-IL AGITATIOX. ap- l'Ui t maiiKliM, that all i,U:-, lurtsi d will have their legitimate ert'c J iimpaiffus do not un- i mnue aare ami rem .ie i on r n-l. to the eln- outline of mv views, with as mueu vis h ing to its logical result and maintnin j ures. T'-ie party and personal that a majority of the citizens of the ; peals so common in our country in j an United States were disfranchised be-1 the midst of campaigns do not un-! ii i i- . iM.ii .i,rt i, of cause a miuority elected Mr. Hayes ? ; fortunately tend are; iXl a uu.c j. mnrfy f.7fxva i hot tliA Xrmi hevn eiA .ttMi rf flio rool Mi.iv.mUi- nf nuv. I hvevitv iift f r:vn t mnl-A them 11 ; d iv i thin fjir .vt u i n I ir Th alt kinds i so dull, hcn nioney is so ' disfranchised because sunns ivirtfra or measio-p KnA T stood: and if it. be areeab:e to von i i. v n r man who his nothing to i miners Ins to mill, and public roads. bound with arce, ana our people aie srin-j they arc outvoted than that mmon- must say, that according to my np-land your readers, I may hereafter j vaiv v to m ukoi. but si f ii. - ... -.. v.-. Mf,i ! i.linnn -rrnt-ao rrt tiw rt rt- inrv OVA i n.M.? , , T 1.... ...... 4- i- ,.,,,1. fl"i' f- iluniitlltttli.ifu .1 i TV1. i f . .f !..... llin 1 ....... 4-1 . d ii tlie 'vost suicidal rolicv franht i disfranchised in the Northern S'tates. j essay or editorial which fairlv brings 1 1 em by facts, ny;iires, ami niu iH i i: ivuvIv ever u th-: . i j . 4 Mr. Blaine s sophistry is so transpa-; to view either briefly or in extenso reason, beginning with ihe .National ; shoni uor beheld eipiaUv wit.i norle?tous evil, t atteiunt to : ... . 1 1 .. . . . t - .. . 1 1 crif. i,i hi. n. k mh ill imni i.i .l iiiMJi : nip tiiiiii i.frifiiTM tirvn 11 tier ni iv f nLrm. i i ii- vv :i. WITH PatBHt SleeTB AOjusler ; t rsivel over I i esr ana uiieapcsi m tau .nhl Iv- held! WUKLD ! IllV THEM AX1) BE CONVINCED! .M:iiiiif.icturetl -xirt.-l v for nl for sale by Kalenfh, N. O. A'so Agent fnr th al of D&. Waiiners HEALTH CORSET, unequalled for Beauty, Style and Comfort. dec9-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. or li -;. vs. HU ! v.-ii-h a .vf-:t!tiy man, .is .! avd t. a.Hi oft; n t.: market, fieighted liice from his fine 1 1 1 i iirisno T.nfiT. :i, iltilJl : t hp ni'im c oiv.MiiTa nr.d hnnrinff . I 1 i- .. 1 I" ------- . , .V ... ...... ........ i hr up me uvmg cnmc.s oz sccuomu :of ilis astuteness should have ven- what is called tljo iinancial ciuesti-.n .... prejudices and passions, and array jtured to put it forth one portion of our common country j ::grtiii':t anoiht-r. The man who at-j tempts it should lvccive the censure j of all who desir? the prosperity of -..ur coimtrv. It is with the greatest Christmas, BY I'nAKLr.S niCHENS. diiViCulty that our f Miitiohvi o c t o T 'rhor lvinn mil c!. V, III lV-lilt,. MlllV- . Ul(.ll lMlJW . - t . . o I people can now . be a misanthrop indeed, in whose j cu iu'""eo um aiisina- znamiy ironi , 5tll -mate both ends meet" with the aid breast something like a jovial feel- j "? f1" '1 Pm T S ,,a of e4, other; M to ! h not whose min. Ca"' 1 i .... . .. , i : ... l...i:i 1 ...,,..! : PiUllilT oicritaaiili nnouuniiuua ti c .vi. i ..... fi:iv linn ai't iiuii iiusLiie nuii ;tirut:ii' . reciii i c! re 'i ii i-i it ; ana especially in regara to tne ! Southern or former Confederate States. In nearly every financial a ; pect. their condition before the war : was not only different, but in sharp ! con.rast to what it has beon since. Then they had a large supply of eir- Tuyon. FOIi THE KIJCOUl). Beaumont, N. C, Dec. 10 h, 1878. Mr Editor: I noticed your lend er in Tin-: Chatham Kkcokd of the tucts A.nd this credit KiveonasvHtuMiliostileana arrayect; ; i , lwm,.P!1(,fi of iupou personal obligation and per against another must of coarse make; Qhtrnas. There are people who i SOI1Kl surety-ship directly, but our Jiitteulties so much the greater. , wi 11 toll you that Christmas is not to 'moldy npon the assured iroi' r r-iinh-P nil thrtivilpmlfitinii them it used to be: that eauh 1 of land and slaves. And this c that Cmurm in give, to afford ant ; (. hnstmas has fonmt ' - - 7 '" mon of co ,. , pect of the vcar before, dimmed or i !5UU il tulul UJI IUU1M 11 01 ,ls . tinue to eleet, stu-h an important !. lvcd forward to tne assembling ot passeil av.ay. ti1:lt tht. 1rt)sent only j surety. It was a net work that lntv au t(ftt is to c.mtinnJ fo nprT. 1-oiigress wiih anxious solicitude, serves to remind them of reduced ; '"i ci.insty, o.u espeti-u j cut n,.ct )e-,r ri)ads, as overe-vs. if that the members thereof circumstances and straightened in-!"'1,1 1 ' uo unu tut neutu. a ne . torfune overtake' them r innjjr nuoiic wuo are almost constantly on the rua 1, splitting it p. ;i wit h their iiavy la ieii wheels. It 1- n.ij is! i givf- weahny men iho i'- -tit v.;e "id j.ves g .)ti cause cm;i!.-aniiig. I wiii eiose ihis article by saying t 'a re are many good reasons that tax a'i. r is Mi-1 righf ami ju-t mode of k piiiu '; Mi 5.1 ;hiic roads. You ;; fun-i !ie aawi on ihi3 JCaJOU M.VK1YK13. iut., in regiird to the pnbije roads, in our. county. Yon vtiv that at the last term of the Superior Court js:'"J held tor our county, near v d! of tli overseers of the pnblie. roads wpn. ' iin- Si.nngii -l-i Ltepablican. presented by the Grand jin-v. I am! The Southern States Were very sorry that wilful igiiff.nee j lever Out of the Union. en uses so many persons -to snftei v ! full U -ping would meet together earnestlv de- '. comes of the feast they onco be-; syem may not have been a very ju-1 not u, .pUin. It w friends, and of the ;hcious one, but as things then wen? j fat,r that fhH ro.4,ls, mi t''ev oujrht is a amentarj'e ; t'..;ntia oiwi r fi (iicious one. out as tnimrs tnen were 4.1' u -1.. 1 v .1 iv 1 "U iiu:juii n'umc, vi mv ,. ' Jill.', lllllt llir J I ;inr U.tVL liePll IlP."- - icold looics that meet ttiem now, in ; i ll,,. f lu 111 lected so lomr, thev ro alm-t i:iiv, without regard to par.y-or sec- ademty and misfortune. Never :fa -tum But after the war, all impassable with loaded veliieies. I i:on. Jiat on me very 111st a.iy ot lice t sicu msniai reminiscences. ;wl,i u,, l"a,1"r; "'-" - uio not think 1 have evr se- n tl :he session, 3Ir. Elaine, a Senator There are few men who have lived j u c.-pi nie specie, a 1 sioeus -vr-di.P ft cn,.:w f long enough in the world, who can : wero ruined, aud shivery abolished; .lomMoiuo.iitioduea ft seiies of ; suoh tbo bts' d,y iu ; and scare ly anything left but our resolutions, calculated and intended fv V(1!M. T,.pn . f "ilu, ; lands, and the ureat net woik of in to array the North against the South, I merriest of the three hundred ami i dcbtedue.s resulting from the credit , i, ev"r e-n the public highways in such a wretch d condition. Now, winter is upon 11-. ,;n i..x i . -i null ji v.111 nt: .iuii-.ii un insjoseii- 1 hj jiii 111V..111 111 iiun ('(lilt Ut U U JO I The deei ,i i; of the Unite. Sa.e' i Snpreim? 1o;a't reqniriug Tennesst e to r 'iieive tie Me)reeiale(i notes ii- St te hank in paymeii' of taxe ail loa h be uot-s were issued "u- j j rinu th- war while th.- State Gov-j j jr ineii. was in rebel hand-, is "fjjj! I cons'd-rab e, as showing; ' lie eonr' s p siti ai redirecting the j : ivatiis ot ttie seee iin'jf states, lne OH M for Mi, A nice assortment of Nuts, French Candies, Best Layer Raisins, and a 9' ' Line of Groceries, For sale by IK T. NORRX5 & CO., We are daily receiving consign- ments, and get the Highest Market Prices, and look close after the in terest of our customers. 3I.T. IVorris fc Co., sep!9-decl2-3m Raleigh, KT C, ALL WOOL CASHMERES ! De Alma A New French Fabric of Black Dress Goodg. THE LARGEST AND MOST SELECT STOCK OF LADIES' CLOAKS ever exhibited in this market. LFeli and Flannel Skirts for Ladlss, All qualities, trimmed aid embroidered. A LARGE STOCK AX1) VARIETY OF corsets, at prices to please. Carpets, Rugs, wis in mo hunts, .. tl - in .1 ! v is seuHou oi i in year, nuin'jf up tne eou't l,o!ds ihat. it is a fanciful idea; 'h:t ti.ere could be two diffeivnt; r s, oi;o lv il and one re eliioiis, : m md piMCti- al y vays th t secession never took 1 1 lit S. ntluviM States for C. WALKER WANKS, OF CHATHAM COUNTY, -VITH 1 in, t .i fiiii. ia-a 1 liiiivTcittov tta mo, a uivtn.t ru tern vimr i it ufn i:a; .out- n uuiii. in IIHCI I rirn .-! n LlllUtStt .1 .1 .... 1. i l . l fi or..ofully propyl speeeb, on tw ; 5nr 1ir Bearer the ; Cm-reas lmncluiR buk-1 mnj, Ki.h ,ow ,,lsIl. ,,, ,..,v. ' 't'' l"1'"' ',u"f j r,u,ls outrage, committed at e gUf aud Sed : rnp - h hu e n.a. e , .,, it iu nt 1,.t,mf',,1 , ., ; 1-. und a 1 ( J c tl . 41 ., , round tlie sou and if your room nonicste.iil laws ihe necessa'N ami , h.(1.a hef(m, next summer. The r..ul . u , , ' , -V iS the Soiuh at the late election. e . be smallftr than it was a 4.,zen vears ; immediate of which whs, alWiU s ou-ht t . be repaired durin.r ! '. T ;;e, . nd Mie.r aeu while in are )leaseJ U Lnow that many aj;o, or if your glass be tilled 'with : :in,t st' inent eash s stem '"i'l ! the Sorin" and F-Jl m-.nths of fi,2 : MJ"H1 " "aidmo now. A ue j prominent men of his own party did : reeking punch instead of : parUing "" PJ" H-'yship to j Vl,:l so tJftt f(.OM1 tr j . y win h .Ceari. tm New. :tnd Courier hoWs;ft x . i n-ino nnr -i Pftivl firn nn Tn-itt.-n- :i v'i'v rreat extent, ji'it as the! a ii i , 1 r -at i 'ii - i r.ici ic tl I v o.H(a.les tiisit tne;I not approve his course, and among : v,nle' PlU tlS00 ,uce ,on m,e n , y ? . , , come firm, smooth and h:u d for win- , it. , , '.. f tlt aa i . i ii- f and empty it off hand, and till an-, bankrupt law req.urt d a surrender ;t t j y , , v. uim-iu of C unless iu pre- I thOCP IV n rnn OH111C.I Ilia cuoonh . ' r i t . i -i i . . i 11 4 lll'vrl' ' ' ItlUt iO.J'l ... i .. . i; .. ..I a. if I r r other, and troll off the old ditty you ; miH laousami- am; tens ;i tnon,-1 rOHlU aro of tbe mitrst . "X - una 01 . g was Gen. Garneld, a leading repub- ised to sing, and thank God its oias ot laud owners i solved to i . f, f n.ovi,,,,, Li i 1 ' tes'i.jt,i thLmon wasun-:jl iv.nn nuin ( l!!n r-lv-. coil. ' w. T.l- lrt A, .-.r kfi linwoiitid (ttorts To tiile over:t- ; , , ! 1 110 'eeoUStrilCtlou acts till-i v's ciivi. ; wwiac. i.wuik mc iHCiij i.iura vi , .,, , . . ; lie travel; ftuci uii uimwinr this to b- i ..; . t , . , I The man vcho attempts to get up your children (if yon have any) as! surge, either by paying thir; sostill tbe lawk vi(lllltwfliv lieMocU MiUnr,, ivvmutiouary and; a political excitement in this country , tbey sit round the fire. One little j.t by working the land.s or by , thc roa(1 nlin t . - voi -i :m i the constitutions formed : tin i did xt'E-i.iiiTiTii i uvimu ii nnr oco. u xaaci uw .ixj win uuc oiii: uu iui ixi - -r i- t rim MtnTiinn i rhn n.i.,i 1 1 m. i JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Raleigh, 23T C, Dealers in T A DViWT K I 1 ALtJJ VV n lilli -OF- ' 1. ' .- . " . ... . . : IV' VV'Ii:iiIW lit himself without a party and without : giaaaeneu tne lather's heart, ; u L:ieiV thev work their ocii a? .v.ipport. The man vho wants to j 'ased tbe mothers pride to look ; without a circulating medium. J-ittib that is "done j.t b-fore eo.ivr serve his country must put himself j "Pon, may not be there: Dwell not the hrst, hist ad givare.a. n ed. Tjey liave ;m f -s t, ( in the lines of its leading thou"-ht upon tne past ; mint not that Qiiei'wuuwMwimp, ,t ana that is the restoration of business, I f"0 trade, commerce, industry, sonud ; ing it political economy, honest money and j tne bloom of health mmest payment oi uii cbligr.tionsi 1 ine Sayei? iijul the man who can add anvthin" ; in the direction of the accomplish- i blessings j,ablic benefactor" 4 'MUoh all men fay son,,, lUlv Why a prohilt-nr Zl Id) Wjl; it; v, 3 nave no doubt hat tnat fovvcr . o-'01 o". ""' . : , i,nost;dl i rands and outmrrns WPrfi rt. . , T. . J4,w . -J.. ... V- - . Ietl 0. w-wv. V( tea in the South than m the North ut the recent election. In our own fSfcvte there was never a more quiet j pourings of good feeling, and thei"1 ,w H competing borrow..' wi-h -lection, indeed too little interest nonest interchange of affectionate : untax 1 bonds, and with pressing was manifested. It is a calumnv i attcIent h this seR- " nnd .Jetuiled eauvas-ing to absorb if - son oi me vear : a. unristmns lam- is.oie me on ee:o ii me nine in' to Vi)l-l- uoonmur ii. f t. ....... ! ear ag, tne lorm now ros-nv- ' T ' 1 ' i V i : hat their condition mav be i.nt.weeP i. dust, sat before you, with . Bankruptcy or homesteao but thitlu,ft 1n, intprvfluwltlT ,w on its cheek, and j land owners only required un ..rd1; ; TliarWlimil (;lu han u , OI lUiaUCy 111 ItS JoyOUS:"" ui .,.iuuiiy oi nuam.j . . t f, , Kellect upon your present I system, to enable them to pay out j n,,nnvn .i,,..,, !,.,.'.,,, of which every man has i jmd start afresh. And in div k ,r tW t!l; (; ,.,nil jnrv : , Il'71iml W'h-if .. tlii.m . li d Well-tiiifh ?ift- I ihMi.iirlj !,. but your Christmas shall bo merry, : ' eiicn atiou at est;iO per cent : ty ?i s1lor. tim-:ift r .nr.Q,,n 1 , and your new-year a happy one. , ot wh it mtle money w in th- houm. y-( .f j a d thft Vho can be insensible to the oui-:1 the Pvernm-. nt entering th. : i)(t w.liMlMtil (.,Ml,.r , J? h u.itn-ip.-i'vi ' ooiitu ( rip .u:s t'.i ie i. -;o e n:s! ibiii if - ti.iit :hi uo lu uia at empt' ; ..t'-iV iiichi - tui; uegro, on tne! ground i mhi ihe constitutiouai ; iw k .hm.ik wt r.- laiilital by tSCittcl j i..u':i.i; iitfs :.--' nut under j EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sash, Doors, and IS n sM rt, ilit tho govern tueuts of rlic S.i iii.'Hi S:!Lt--s. l:H.-ii niion iIim! - -r - ' m ree!'Sti C'l -U .ot.-, :ierive- their i 2 s:ii-i.i ii , hi' iii. ti.iMiit onn. ! senf ' r people i.f tho o, ! g .. ,1 .... i'.. .i. I.... i : ! 3 ' " v V,: " ,; ' J -rZZ' ,V Rubber Belting,! Blinds. Wap it Bine Material, Paints, Oils, &c. p ip. r, uowever. a uo uspi'im in the i it vviuuu tua nrou iCiy-n3-tt FLOOR 1N1 TABLE 2 Sj 0 Sa.dD 9P XSI-9 - Bought from the Maufacturers All new Styles and Choice D-signs uever before shown in this market JUST RECEIVED AT PETTY & JOKES'. DAILY" ARRIVALS OF Hw ant SeasonaMe Dry Goofls. ine JutJiiiiNW uiii'AUTMiiT is niled vith the moet desirable fjooda, all ot which were bought by the Case at Agents Cash prices. Merchants will f ave money by buying of We bn to remin i the public that a large portion ot our goods is being sold at COST. septl9 3m W. C. McMACKIW, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, East end Citizens National Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. Consignments of all kinds of Mer chandise and Produce solicited. Sat- isfactory sales guaranteed and prompt re'urns invriably made, for moder ; ate commissions. ; Cotton Received also on Storage at Moderate Rates. Raleigh Daily Cotton Market Re ports and tho latest changes in New ! York and Liverpool Markets f orward ! ed every day to patrons, j Refers to Raleigh National Bank ! and the business public of the city. ON HANS: A large invoice of MILBURN WAGONS for sale at $75 each; sub stantia work and warranted. OPEN AND TOP JBUGGIES i.t $S0 to $100 each; workmanship and material guaranteed. Flour, Corn, Oats, Foder, Hay, Meal, Chops, Brown Stuff, North Carolina Hams, Sides and Shoulders, in fact all kinds of Produce always in store. sept 19 3ui fore, they made the dirt tlv u' .ni l continued until a'l th liitjhwavN wen tvit in -i ..: .) ' . . .i iu noei upon our people for Mr. iv p:Utv! We know nothing in na- money in the somh which had not. Jjl.uue to make these charges, and -tut e more delight hie condition: bu: with aP. t! ii ii-: 1 ; , 'All! ii-iv un it r riihtary onb.-is - ;.u u J vtusUliHlwll il . .J . in;li C-:-Sr "he ; ;ht ; t ; ! h ,t l lie fr cd oj.ji jiti'i ;.rewtit ii." J. P. GULLEY, D.T. JOHNSON. Ktnil Dealer and Jobber of s ; Foreip ai Domestic Dry Gooib, i l.i. i ; l. l.i.. : j Lful! There ssemsH "already been wlmt up bv the nution:tl t , , .. , . , .. i .t i i i . . i , i.ouii. ftumi com. j tin eir n'ii VMnM.i,n. f.1.. I . manm in tlr. vi't? ir.Mvl ...,..... .,. : ll.!!lkllJT mwtpni Anil tfi.t -ic . . m.u .uuuwu iueuus usre Will cor- v. uimiua. . --0.v. .... o ' w. lpniH11t silld liv tlw ini".m ,f iuii.ii ,-4? uMiiii; ill ;i i il la and discord ' as pdssiole in not R9viviiij the Whipping: Post. much irnod wns ?ioeo - move cav, VII iriiiS B KC 11 C nnlTr rS.iint i iiCUJ ICiilUUSitM BUI! UlSCOril - .lliivllllia Mlit-,... y V"T wwivi- 11 iu - . - . -in,. 1 l i-i, a t : Hill ! Ill V. IlltlCU tr't ,,. i 1( . . , tare forgotten; social fee iul's are ,t"s9 tn:t!1 t-"-K it is mw proposed to v , . , . , , make himself prominent, so as to se- i a 1 -c.iub ttiu , t t ph bed, ana trnvel made j .. uj - - : o tt-o l.-nrifiil in ...1....U Till ilit'Vll !1 liiw iw Sill v iu t. ' ' - cure the republican nomination for they have long been stran- -absorb even the little charge that is !(',Ttvh!,1m i Pre5ideut,andthus,to advance his ers? father and Son, or brother . j. l.tor yoi sUte that.f tl, re i , :.,n i. . i : ,r , . . .a lawful road m the county, von own iicibouui amuiiion. nfi is wi incr oiouci, uu umv uact auu msstn :i.i;r nnott m rcorii'7.T t u. n,n,fviwt . i :. t ,i i .1 . . "n i'-- to stir di with averted gaze, or a look of cold; in the tfua neial clmdition in the! .:rV ? I 1 years and preserved, A- " "-.vj vm l-"-V . . i . . , . jurill rijiiiti . iiuuiM. XniioiKi, Whit- Good, Hats, Boots, Suo. s, Fine Hand Made Shoes, Clothing ,&'c. WHOUSSALE GROCrZl, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ageni lor Frank Leelie's Cut Paper PHtterne. Thre is an evident disposition in I IBHdlSIIC&ISa Sfg (So manv parts of the country to re-adopt j seplO 3ui tiio whip us a method of punishment; f r crime. While Delaware, clinir- i JOUN - h-uams, w. s. primrose. AND in.' nerit i.llv to the uncient. nhin. I President. Secretary. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY iT'-.fx . ! , . , . ----- , mt-m ciim-ui, ..uiuii. vcr-. mild!! ! i,v t,, Rh4.r 4f iwra wti.nw .,t t 4i.-i t.. .-.... rnt. 'wgwwuj mwiiiiis uctore, uroi- aonili Delore and the vr. hn .i ,. a . i ' ' . r ,w .wj, ju iuc w"uage Ul .liwae laar- , fPr nml Ktnrn tlia ...1.1 x . i iwMriii.-i.uni.isu.cmnm m I' ' ; lln. oft OI tllH SVstHm. w lich firm- ... . ; &VvU.u vuv vwi uuu o'Huiacc. i mev seem to over jook iui? nnarr..'ii i . .i ii. .i. i . ; : -' hot n ' 1 1 1. -a- I - . . 7. HM'I 1 Q SHHLinalSIBa I Two Dootb North Market, Wilmington St., j j Raleigh, ?. C. j We are now in receipt ot our fall stock j of Groceries, consisting in part of that a pur-'and bury their nast animoaittVa i, ! .H1ef i 1. " "7., ".V v !roaM m. ine ronr. iwr , w(.oro else hai T)eriliecl. several! V i " v ------ ."LH (JfcO U Unrnr-rii lit: I ,1 III I ("I ll'Z l I JLIIII . A. . t A m- r . x v . II... I . man v.c can truly say, . . . : a. i y u.TluUu muiC uujum, i'"" "Bo. jivwuiy :io?u ouus since tne war. Ami liTHiinlc our present 1 iws ire wr- 1 ii. xuul wiiu iuiuio iuiscouni-;-;"-4. - j- .7, rirr" ullJ """"iw'". a use inefficient, and badly cot ten un IN THE NORTH CAROLINA .i .... - it . ;i..v..i i., i t'i . . 1 . : oiner .vtrcs nav io:nea ner, or at. :i -tru tnilL-.a .JU, tIJB IIIU ll Hi,l.- Mlir nvpqPlit. hillTQ nvn van ! -i . -i -r ! HATin TVLtlTll 1 V(7.1 I vv present seem inceiy to uo so. xn Jivf juj-i x i o u iv a ii vri i ijix Aii jl xv never' entered the brain. olItM"... .-l' i . Cfleation of Sun. ov for KTHhaw ! V ,! South Corolina it has extent introduced, and, tne itiscussons in man. From ti Ner Vork Herald. Blaine'q Speech. --"v. "ui ucdin in i ,.o Il,1 :iA il. . j -, , . . " . . IU 1IIC UOUUl.V, lUi' in ill IUH nutw most transparent and easily refuted ! and labor to oversea ! mes sophistry. The substance of all his! they shoald evei be dangers! ; their private and public Pecunt.ie8, and hands on such places, to milce! I uu.? m01"l OI "VJir lier Property, i them lawful roads; in cases of this ! . . 14 , , f. Vv Y,11 wm"''1.)' luy inivc nau an ; character, the hiw, a it n -iw sfaunK U,UIWUVJ V1 the time a perenmal abundance of j makea uo exceptions, and has lit'le i Carolina. .iiuucj, v.uuo mere ums ooen, ana i mtrm wilpn nnfi n fR Amilf-i The Electoral Count. leasoniag is that the republican rep mentation m Congress from the Southern States is not in proportion lo iae cinoreu population, tin Klin- n ui(ia.i...i n..... . , I "'r w,ii,;.,,;i ,Tr i v" si, me senate passed ! sti 1 is a minmw lp:inli if ir, il.i,, ri.wl(iyu i;!! urate eiaqs- by a vote of Hfi to 9fi in ;...i 1 1...4.. V" , . " 4 " "V i -tliroi- l tliVlfA lviicnfnr rill i,. .1: . " " iJUUi.ll. Vt'.L Wtt 1TC HOT. ft nWIM ! I. a - -.1: .1.. xl.i. teem a cnnt of the electoral vote: State Bank, for tho local relief, a, i .7.'. " II . ' V S ITi. " ! . l"r,,g the ..velve m,Uth, prdfag x , .7 ' . Xne Ulll as nasseri nrnv rlr, !u.. i . i ""'"K "J ",I.T!l.m:ir k 17 mni rtna.l lir (nice in irs eniora. f l noticH Tiiat you ais i v. i ii,. r..,. 1 ill wnu,: tii, .lutiii or This Company will insure your Constitutional Con-' Dwelling, Mill, Gin, Store, or other teemed likely that j building on the most reasonable incorporate it in a ffirms 6ystem.-Philadelphia A1 , nrninn., - - x--- r " courage Homo Institutions!. Insure in a first class Home Company. Apply to H. A. LONDON, JR., septl9-ilm Agent. Carolina, tempt to substitute reasonin0" or i electors iae bill as passed provides that j the same stringent banhiug system . J UnmLU U 21,111 Vlfl-I I hk. me usual oioocty sinrt declamation dn i i .1 , 7,: . Ihourii coininendfihl in if .s : J i 7 c"i" u nwiutea m eapn state : furcetl an utter failure in W H i T. ! "A ,m ober i;a..;41.i: ;. r ; vp.y uurm your, ana on tne iiituio luitnuniiuucu as tne outn- Ann ; is applied to both sections, We are Same ' hn.-.iiQ tnunlr nfTni-f 4- y-v . 1 r ; " "iuiw, .iii'.i cat iicii uijt ru republicans haYe not a nwesen- snai peals. And still they wonder that lation in Congress proportioned to fcirfT ,l t tL , there 8hoaU be a llllited Honth-and the comparative whitene ice-PresiJent The attribute it to the animosity between population the Southern whites hSve votes foi Vrti W V6 " ! US and sectionalism, or. the more political power than the same t S t l?-p- ff'-te issues, names of Democracy and number of Northern white , dt! H .?P?'! Jft?" I oblmnism. And waat is stronger whereas every citizen should Lave ! S SStt thTy' 7 ! f they ref ase to see how terribly precisely the same representation in 2jp .tfi S JS! Lef1Siature,of 8Ucb 1 manufacturing aud commercial Congress. This specious absurdity I ' 1" "ir:.""1 . interests, and through tuem all their or PfiRilv Via rr.fntoi t t-.i!L lu oulce oi rresident :. V - --v.v. ci. ua a ppiy onri V iPft.lrocirl0t 1 -ww a Aoiuciib ii7f :n 111 inr innrn .1 7 t.ion ; that the present laws ar unjust, ! lt ,.. .fa jt a ...riHnn rf 'iiiTif iii- sinil n fuitnv jvlmnvf. iifif i . . . -. . . . to lie noon thoir nrocrustiau ! i t'V" " ' k .... ' i V" .. ' 1 0U311(-1S- aoauig exaouj one uusuel at the sacrifice of 'readable! t" il5 J 3 n, w .1 Ihe y..U of the v..v, ....... state, ana ou,uuu acres to tne wnear. oppressive, but I must oonfcss, I can :JCl.efte of tho stttte The inclt)asca hardly say wnat is the best under ; vahlB l1f for the was the present circumstances. I fear ; $80Q 000 Oat,s W off 5,000 acres in the Legislature can not shape a law j area aQ(1 8 ftve rf mi u .77 t i' T ; y y by increasing the yield 2 busheis per XL V141 ur. jxuu I-icti 1.1 .ir;i:ci Illliir; just how good, roads shall be kept by Mr. Blaine's method of reasoning to Pennsylvania, his native State. In isirr; i. ,.ui:-.- a. -i-. TC the republican vote in Pennsvl vania was 384,122, and the democratic vote 3GG,15S. In that year Penn sylvania ejected eighteen republican and only nine democratic represent atives to Congress. J5y a strict ap plication of Mr. Blaine's political arithmetic it will be found that it re quired uu.y 1:1,3 tO republican citi zens of Pennsylvania to elect one member of Congress, but 40,084 democratic citizens to elect one member. That is, according to Mr. Blaine's reasoning, political equality is subverted in Pennsylvania, because one republican citizen had as much ' representation in Congress as two democrats. Thjs Jinp of reasoning1 i3 preposterous. It overlooks or 7ipxestbfrct that in alj .elections House of Bepresentativea than two months next preceding the first Tuesday in Qctober the Secre tary of State shall cause notification thereof to bo made to the Executive of every State. It further provides that each State may provide by law (enacted prior to the day named for the appointment of electors) for the other inr.nrftHtc! HI".' I.i.n mii eliinrr their loosing tbe trade which' by the oppression ot" the south is keeping hack. But it is said that other na tions have hard times, toq, "Well, all people simply compose national families, and it is hard to estimate the effects upon the business of the world, when a large and rich section, greatly addioted to outside trade, is acre, adding 45i,000 bushels to the product for the State, the total i. j. J i l. l- ! 1 couirauu-us, uuu insi now muru woi. , value was increased about 95.000 shall be done by them, lhere is a!rjorn fHn oft.)()(i northns!,!. iior.with. ! wide and dangerous gap, here, th t gri.lK,:mr a iri flf! will be attended with manv diffi ul tie ige i -iijOOO acrs, aud lost iu value $5o0,- TJi K,. i . 1 .. ) xoi hubu i ue people aie Laxeu i M(h, Ul. iaaA yia - , M- iulfl to keep in repair the punhc road,, ; bu,Ufcis;but , fell off 25 cent, in price, should they be tound out ot order, losillg m yalae there will be some grumbling ta- LreiisSd 10,000 tons, but haying de payer that will visit vengeance ,on the creased m pnoe more thau $ T.1S1lt7?ony- Ithink ton, fell off m total value $54,0U0. if th6 difficulties eould be overcome, which eeenis to exist just here, an Amendment to the Eoad-Laws, wonld be a blessing to the people, EZS '..C.tOTS; te ! Ply Wook!ed for four years, ui..4uiioMou oi any ana inter bem.r mi)0i,fl,i ... . . . . . - controversy concerning their appoint-1 crhmld n i, i?iii hiTi' T. . i tntnougu X toe- aushe-i, that, a great j xnent before the lima fird f- tiioi.. L.u. rL : , " "mi m?iny tax-payers wui crumble h . ' " " ... . . . . J. I 1.1 I.r- LVH. IK. 1 . i I- . t iillll irrilllli DmilTllllV o i ana Irish potatoes increased 3,000 bush' els, and 14 cents in price, gaining $121,000 in total value. North Carolina also fell off 25,000 acreage j ;u cotton; .ht-ieas Mississippi in- ?--aed hers 70,1)00 News. 't-i0i "wuu jxuuu iu tian- wimp. ir. ih wino u-h 4c,.h !.. 07 . v " j I nary. The electoral vote shall be !a ,dloHr folks. I io g , counted bv the two Hon HB f 1 1 :..J .?.. ?r smce have been from exempt I trvALo nn i, j t , ! fecial, rtesuitiug from the frm w.r n u;;.. 1 r!ol,mo i.ivso uu lus actuau xoiinfiv in 11 4i- b-.inpmm j;, .. ..v.w .... tju.uu iuuu. x r- rnmimJn- '.'7T . T V oniuuiiijj uiuiies oi recent 111Vfi finn mv nwv, it wa sio in s,ov;iv.... (,f - J uuvvtvumi; BVaiV I HRHIltr rn eni ni.ioi.f ji ; '-J l-."-w, " ii . . the electors. Euprvhitim r-iiaii I .r,;' JL-.: ! :' . . . aAIUiv i have an improvement that will satis-I is nil Tunis', a man i t . . ' urouiiwiiie wars in Which ;iiev havft ! t 4.1 ' 1 ' 1 1 sons and in 1a ,11 1... ' ng..ged m the last amendment to tht w l. ,v .- J wilt hav- o act nuoii. iJ. o AC,B- P1 years, with their proper- U.. .. ,i" .I7. 7 7 ''7 ' .3 . 71 -r. , JUC 1. j rllHIllr Dlirl nno nini.ihA. f i . . . MCI VI IUO Larpst Estaiiliskeiiiiiitte State! Book and Job Printing AND Done in the very best style and at prices that defy competition Merchants, Manufacturers, and others, Supplied with Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envel opes, Statements of Account, In voices of Sales, Price Lists, Circular and Cards, Hand Bills, &c, &c, &c, at short notice, and prices guaran teed to be as low as any first class house, North or South. HOOK BITJDINa AND Blank Book Manufacturing Of every kind done neatly quickly and cheaply. Legal Blanks our Specialty, - EDWAUDS & BROUGHTON, oct3-no3-3m . Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Lard, Cheese, Salt, Molasses, Nails, Leather, Fish, Which we offer at prices as low as the low est. "Strict attention uiveo to the sale of j all consignments. Ample room for sionijre ; ot cotton ; for those who wish to hold 1 will j charge low rates ot storage and make cash advancements on ctlou left wiih me, i Correspondence solicited. ! D. T. JOHNSON, j 2 Doors North Market, Wilmington St. I : . j ALVRKD WIIXIAMS. K. G. nARHEI.I.. I ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., j WlioU-Kale and Kctail ! BOOK SELLERS ! and STATIONERS, RALEIGH, X. C. ; Everything in our line furnished PROMPT- LY and at Lowest Prices, j Special terms 1o Teacher?, Merchants I and Sunday Schools. j CompU te Catalogue of School Book.asmt ! ree on application. sepl!).3m W. E. ANDEliSON, President. P. A. WILKT, Cashier. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, -OF- X'Uere is a ueiierul ieeiin thai the : ure9g ff"oas, wsck ana 1 oioren jsiiks, " I uniiila Mam I ill l' t V I n H taking their seats is now elected! Cashmeres, etc , iu endless variety at itions sweiied out dt hundreos of ' 1 Wit5VJU "f". xu,,u, . uoi 1 itbousandsofoomion ciens. t i 1 W Maft" I snottid ipousibaiy reinums a 1 . - vH"HUH viiLatJUH it in 1 ne cKanc.o Wlh iov: anri T think I after his defuat. W. II. & R. S TUCKER'S. .vf1;!11 t6 i Dalies Linen Collars and Cuffj, Hamhnra patlieaade-!v.,i..i1), 'na .,,11, v.i not feel auy inga, llarps, Scarfs, N.'cktief Eosierv session Rashingx, Ribbons, a fine line at . W. H. & K. S, TICKER S, RALEIGH, N. C. septl9-tf I Boots, Shoes and Gaiters for Gents? I Youths and Bovs. at all tiriceH. and nnali. . ' j x ! ties to suit every one. I W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. j SANFOlil), X. C. iltiglit Hand Side Going South, I Left Hand Side Going Noillu Passfrujrers take Breakfast K'nP South ' Supper going North. MEALS &( CT."i. j W. O. PAGE, ; ' Formerly of Cary, Proprietor, : ,; oct 4-no C-tf l: :