$Ih$ djhatham Record. H. A. LONDON, Jr., EATES OF Kinroii axi ruoruiKTou. ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion, One square, two insertions, -One square , one month, - 11.00 1.60 180 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One cTy, no year, p.oo One copy ,six iiu.utlis - - - 1.00 Ouo copy, three months, - .... .SO VOL. I. PITTSBOBO CHATHAM CO., K. C, JANUARY 9, 1879. NO. 17. Tor larger adYertlaements liberal contracts wiU feo JdvqrUscmtnts. LARGEST STORE LARGEST STOCK Cheapest Goods & Best Variety CAN BE FOUXD AT LONDON'S CHEAP STORE, Kew Goods Eeceirei eTer? Weet. You can always find what you wish at Lon don's. ITe keeps everything. Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpeting, ITardware, Tin Ware, Drag", Crockery, Confectionery Bhoes, Boots, Caps, Hats, Carriage Materials, Sewing Machines,Oils, Putty, Glass, Paints, Nails, Iron, Plows and Plow Castings, Sole, Upptr and Harness Leathers, Saddles, Trunks, Satchels, Shawls, Blankets, Um brellas, Corsets, Belts, La dles Neck-Ties and Ruffs, Ham burg Edgings, Laces, Furniture, Ac Best Shirts In the Country for $1. Best S-cent Cigar, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Salt and Molasses. My stock is a'ways complete in every line, and goods always sold at the lowest prices. Special inducements to Cash Buyers. My motto, "A nimble Sixpence la betut than a slow Shilling." HP All kinds of prodnce taken. W. L. LONDON, Pittsboro', N. Carolina. H. A. LONDON, Jr., Attorney at Law, PITTSBORO, N. . fSTSpecial Attention Paid to Collecting. J. J. JACKSON, AT TOR NE Y-AT-L AW, ttTTSBOIiO', X. c. A11 business entrusted to him will re- C'ivvj prompt attention. R. H. COWAN. DEALER IN Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, No tions, Hardware, CnoCKERY and GROCERIES. PITTSBORO'. N. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE C0.f OIF RALEIGH, N. CAR. P. n. CAMERON. JYeafcZmf . W. E. ANDER80N, Vice Pre. W. H. HICKS, Sec'y. The only Home Life Insurance Co. in the State. All its fund loaned out AT HOME, and among our own people. We do not snd North Carolina money abroad to build up other States. It is one of the most successful com panies of Its age in the United States. Its as sets are amply sufficient. All losses paid promptly. Eight thousand dollars paid in the last two years to families in Chatham. It will cost a man aged thirty years only five cents a day to insure for one thousand dollars. Apply for further information to H.A. LONDON, Jr., Gen. Agt. PITTSBOKO', N. C. Dr. A. D. MOORE, PITTSBOKO', N. a, Offer hit profaflRional nerrlces to tbe cltliens of Cbathtm. with an experience of thirty yean ho tiupe to giro eutira satisfaction. JOHN MANNING, Attorney at Law, PITTSBORO', XT. C, Practice, la the Courts ot Chatham, Harnett, Moore and Orange, and la the Supreme and Fedsnu Courta. O. S. POE, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries & General Uerchandlse, All kinds of Plows and Castings, Buggy Materials, Furniture, tto. PITTMBORO', N. CAB. THE FARMER AND HIS WIFE. The farmer came in from the field one day; His languid step and his weary way, His liemled brow, his sinewy haud, All showed his work for the good of the land: For he sows, And he hoes, And he mows, All for the good of the land. By the kitchen fire stood his patient wife Light of his home, and joy of his life; With face all aglow, and busy hand. Preparing the meal for her husband's band. She must loil, She must broil. She must toil, All for the good of the home. The bright sun shines as the farmer goes out; The bit ds sing sweet songs, lambs frisk about; The brook bubbles softly in tike glen. While he works so bravely for the good of men; For he sows. And he mows, And lie hoes, All for the good of the land. How lightly the wife steps about from within. The dishes to wash, and the milk to skim ! The fire goes not out; the Hies buzz about; For the dear ones at home her heart is stout. There are pies to make. And bread to bake. And steps to take, All for the sake of home. When the day is o'er, and the evening is come. The creatures are fed, the milking done, He takes his rest "neath the old shade tree. From the labor of the land his thoughts are free. Though he sows, And he hoes. And he mows. He rests from the work of the land. But his faithful wife, from sun to sua. Takes her burden up that never is done; There is no rest, there is no play, For the good of the house she must work away: For to mend the frock. And knit the sock, And the cradle to rock, All for the good of the home. When autumn is here with its chilling blast. The farmer gathers his crop at last; His barns are full, his fields are bare. For the good of the land he ne'er hath care; While it blows. And it snows, The winter goes. Tie rests from the work of the land. Rut the willing wife, till life's closing day, Is the children's guide, the husband's stay; From day to day she has done her lest. Until death alone can give her rest. For after the test Comes the rest With the blest. By the farmer's heavenly home. HQW OUR BANK WAS ROBBED. One bright morning, a few years ago. great excitement prevailed in the London ftice ot the City and Provincial bank (limited.) Yet the bank had just de clared a tat dividend of fifteen per cent. for the halt year, shareholders were con tented, and god Mammon seemed to cast a favorable eye on the welfare of the old and thriving corporation. However, a mutinous feeling of discontent was plainly visible upon the facts of the thirty odd employees. who swarmed like bees into the hive every week day morning for the pur pose of manufacturing the golden produce that delighteth the souls of distributing directors and radiant proprietors. The shoe pinched somewhere. Where was it? The following notice, circulated for the perusal of each clerk, contained the secret of the unwonted gloom: "Every gentleman will be required to remain at the banking house two Sundays in the year, to assist in guarding the premises. "By order, J. SroFFoitTii, Secretary. Here was a revolution a coup d'etat indeed! Six days we should labor, but the seventh certainly did not belong to the City and Provincial bank. The gild ing of a little extra pay might have made the pill easier to swallow, but on this point the notice was discreetly reticent. In the end, after a few days of conjecture and excitement, every one quietly re signed himself to his fate, as black and white slaves are bound to do all the world over. I had been ten years in the bank, and received a salary which, though not magnificent, was sufficient to support in comfort a young wife; and very happy we were in our snug retreat at Wood Green. Of course, we both thought it extremely hard to be separated even for two Sun days in a year; still we soon saw there was nothing for it but submission. Now, though I, in common with others, rebelled against the forcible seizure of Sunday s rest, yet it must be owneu mere was some reason lor the extraordinary in novation. The strong rooms of two neighboring establishments had been at tempted within a fortnight, and a boy carrying bonds in Broad street had been decoyed away and the securities stolen. But, worst of all, some pilfering had been going on for months in our own bank. Stamps had disappeared to an alarming extent. Clerks had missed money from their coats, and now and then the gar ments themselves were spirited away. TraDs had been caretuiiy laid, ana a detective spoken with; but as yet the rogue was not discovered, and an uneasy feeling was nie among us an. The tank boasted ot tour porters or messengers, one of whom the chief lived rent free in premises that nearly ad joined the building. He was a long, lean man named Bennett, with a parchment face and a goatee beard. Some people said lie was civil, others servile; at all events he was quiet, well up to his work, and high in favor with the authorities. Of the remaining three, one had been a grocer s boy, and the other was a country lout put into a green coat and orass out- tons, both honest creatures, out or no lm nortance in this narrative. The fourth was an ex-policeman named Lance, a blunt, pleasant man, much given to re lating queer stories ot his tormer lite, and not averse to a pot ot Deer tor ins trouble, After eight weeks had passed since the official notification, it came round to my turn to keep guard. During the week preceding the mystery had become still more intensified by the unaccountable disappearance of a 20 note, and matters began to assume a very grave aspect,. On arriving at the bank, the door was opened by the night watchman, an old pensioned soldier, who, for one pound a week, remained in the building all night, and vanished with the early morning on the arrival of the porters to open the doors. A few minutes afterward Bennett walked in, accompanied, to my joy, by honest old Lance, whose wonderful stories fondlv hoped would help to relieve the tedium of a long, dull day; then, without more ado, I proceeded to make my first round. Preceded by Bennett, with a lighted taper, I marched up stairs, through every room and office, across perilous planks and up dangerous ladders, till we gained the trap-door which opened on the root; then down again to the lowest abysses of the coal cellar and st rong room, looking in vain for some concealed Guy Faw7kes, who, however, was conspicuous for his absence. Very minutely did I examine and try the drawer, which had already been tam pered with, as I knew it contained, beside stamps, a large sum in gold and notes. No it seemed firm and safe, and would take "a deal o' work," as Bennett re marked, holding his taper close to the lock. Lance too, had a good look at it and expressed the same sagacious opinion as his colleague. Our hrst visit ended and 1 was ex pected to patrol at least three times in the day the two porters went down to break- last, and 1 adjourned to tbe manager's room, leaving the door partly open, so as to be able to see all round the bank. I lit a cigar, and ensconcing myself comfor tably in the managerial arm chair, pre pared to stay the two hours which inter vened between the cessation ot the cnurcn bells and luncheon time. Suddenly old Lance appeared again at the half-opened door, and spoke in this wise: "Scuse me, sir, but I ve been a pleace- man, and 1 don t think that iock s an right." "Which lock, Lance? said i. "That there drawer with the stamps, sir. "Well, let us look again." So saying, we both went to the counter which contained the drawer, and Lance pointed out some small scratches on the lock, and a slight indentation in the wood work surrounding it. " l hat s a chisel it 1 die tor it! said the ex-policeman. "By Jove! loti don t mean it ? ' "Sure of it, sir." "Wi ll, let's have Bennett up stairs and hear what be thinks of it." Angry at being disturbed at his break fast, the head porter came grumbling to the place where I stood, and bending down to the lock, impatiently inquired if it was not a deal more likely the cashier had scratched it in the course of business. ;Vfter a few minutes' further inspection, he looked up with a knowing smile. "1 believe Lance is right now; it looks so fresh, I shouldn't wonder if the w atch man knew something about this." "Perhaps so," said 1; "What do you think, Lance?" "Well, he looks honest enough but looks ain't always a guide," said the man quielly. " 1 hen 1 11 stop in the bank to-night, and see if I can trap my gentleman," ex claimed Bennet, "if you'll leave me the key." "1 can t do that, 1 replied, "but i shall report the fact to the manager the first thing in the morning." "As you like, sir," he assented reluc tantly, and they both returned to their long neglected meal. Again I retreated into my den, t time with the proud consciousness of hav ing something imiH)rtant to relate when Monday morning should see the stream of busy workers once more settling with books and papers and filthy lucre gen erally. One nay, two cigars did I con sume down to the last half inch, read Byles on Bills nearly through, in default ot more cheerful literature, and I am afraid a tiny doze must have ensued, as I was awakened by Bennett's voice close to me asking what I would take for Wncheon. Mechanically I fixed upon the larkneyed chop, and with it a pint of stout, to be fetched from the only eating house that deigned to be opened for a couple ot hours on Sunday. While he was gone I took the opportunity of making my second round, and found nothing but iieaee everywhere, with the slight exception of being startled by the sudden appearance of the bank cat from the cavernous depths of the enormous coal cellar. Eventually I returned to my room and found a suc culent chop smoking upon the table, flanked by a pewter pot of foaming stout, which, on tasting, I found nnusually soft and creamy indeed I fancied I could detect a peculiar aroma in the grateful beverage which seemed to make it more than ordinarily palatable; anyhow I thoroughly enjoyed the repast, and when an intensely slumberous sensation crept through all my veins, my strongest effort of will proved insufficient to keep me awake. While I was still struggling against the impulse, Lance came to in form me that he was going out to dine at his home close by, while Bennett was left on guard below. As he closed the door behind him, my eyes shut, and I fell asleep, but only in a few moments to be re-awakened by his voice again addressing me. "I don't think I'll go out to dinner, sir," said he, gazing at me with a strange expression. "Why not?" quoth I drowsily. "Well, sir, I don't feel very bright to day, and I'd rather stop indoors; and if you d be so kind as not to mention to Bennett as I've come back. But you don't look very well yourself, sir. just nowY" "Lance, that stout has made me most confoundedly sleepy 1" ' Well, have a bit of a nap, sir. I'll see the place is all right only I don't want Bennett to know I'm here." "All right, all right," I replied, rather shortly, for I wanted to be left to myself; yet I was somewhat surprised at his wish for concealment in so trivial a matter. Again I saw the man pass out and partly close the door, and once more 1 drifted into a heavy but pleasant slumber, Soon I was a denizen of dreamland, and a sharer in its grotesque and fantastic imaginings. I thought I was clinging to the telegraph wires that stretch like webs over London, and performing thereon athletic feats in impossible positions; then I flew through the air toward my home at Wood Green, spinning, as I went, a thread of wire by which to return a useless precaution, as 1 was at once transported to the Desert of Sahara, where 1 found myself on a camel s back career ing across the burning plain. But in my dreams the face of the camel was the face of the ex policeman Lance, and ever and anon strange grating noises seemed to be borne past us on the wind. The pace began to slacken; and as 1 spurred on my steed to fresh exertions, 1 seemed to feel the prick of the rowel in my own flesh. It became sharper and more painful; and gradually camel, desert, chase, faded from my vision, and the bank once again dawned on my awakening senses. But though my aerial steed and his surround ings had all disappeared, the spur unac countably enough remained, as my nether limbs were painfully reminding me. It was no dream this time I was wide awake. Quickly glancing around. I dis- covered Lance crouching down beside my chair, and vigorously applying a pin to the calf of my leg. To this proceeding I was about to enter an indignant protest, when a significant gesture warned me to remain mute, tlis tace was white with unwonted excitement, as he rose to his feet, and beckoning me to a small aper ture in the wall used for the transmission of books and papers between managers and clerks, bade me look upon a spectacle that made each individual hair upon my head to stand erect. The drawer contain ing the stamps and gold was being tam pered with betore my very eyes in broad daylight. Stooping down with his back towards us was a man softly but swiftly torcing the lock with a chisel. But the man the thief who was he? I knew at a glance that long, lean form. It was Bennett We both shrank back. "Take off your boots, sir," he whis pered in a low voice. 1 noticed that his own feet were shoeless. "Creep round outside the counter, and wait till I give the word then over and help me." I nodded assent; and then I saw Lance crawl out upon his hands and knees into the office, behind the shelter of a long high desk, at the end of which he would be within a few feet of Bennett. I crept away to the other entrance of the mana ger s room, which led into a large space appropriated to the public, and gliding noiselessly along, I arrived where 1 knew 1 must be opposite the thief at his wTork. Click, click, went the chisel against the brass lock. It was apparently a work of time and difficulty, though the sound of crushing wood-work betokened the near accomplishment of the deed. How long the time seemed! Had Lance been able to get close to him undiscovered ? I judged so, as the chisel still continued its grating work. Sometimes it stopped for a moment, and then I knew that the man was watching the door of the mana ger's room, to see that I was safe under the influence of the narcotic administered in my pint of stout. Click, click, crunch! and the whole lock appeared to come away, the drawer being at the same time drawn softly open. ".wow, thought I, "here goes. ' Not yet! 1 could hear the mellow chink of the small bags of gold as they were hurriedly transferred to the man's pockets; then the stiff rustle of many sheets of stamps told of a like destination. I listened breathlessly. Suddenly there was a yell of mingled fright and rage, and, vault ing at one bound across the counter, I saw Bennett falling backward, his throat clutched by the practiced hands of the ex policeman, who held on with a will, having sprung upon him silently from behind. The half-strangled man struggled like a hend, dealing me several ugly kicks wtth his long legs as I attacked him from the front. But the odds were too many, and furthermore he had been taken by sur prise, in a tew moments he was over powered, and his hands and feet were securely fastened. Not a word had been uttered since the commencement of the conflict, but now Lance looked up and said in a stern voice: "Got the scoundrel at last next thing's a pleaceman. Will you go, sir, or shall I?" Here there was a fierce attempt to free himself by the prostrate thief. "Perhaps Id better stop with him, ' continued Lance; "you'll get a constable in a minute at the station in Old Jury. Seizing my hat, I was oft in a twink ling, and returned in double-quick time to the bank, accompanied by a stalwart member of the city police. A few mo ments saw the policeman, myself and our chopfallen prisonei marching quietly to the station, where 1 made the charge and left him to the solitude of a cell till Mon day morning. On my return to the bank, the night watchman had arrived, ana I prepared to go home. "Why, Isaac, you must have suspected the beggar before this," I exclaimed. "I've thought it sometimes, sir," he laughed. "Knew I should cop him some day." Then, with a frown: "Mean, sneaking skunk!' I believe he meant to try to put it on to me or the other watch man here." 4Well, all's well that ends well. Lance, and it was a clever catch of yours. We have a nice story for Mr. Spofl'orth to morrow. Good night." "Good night, sir." When I walked into the bank next morning, I found the story was already known. Little kn ts of men were eagerly discussing the event, and I as well as Lance soon became the center of an ani mated crowd. At eleven o'clock I was summoned to the board room, to the com mittee of directors, who complimented me upon the capture, as if I, and not Lance, had been the hero 'of the day. In the morning newspapers there was a graphic account of the "Great Bank Robbery," concocted by some ubiquitous penny-a- liner, which my wife read and re-read with mingled pleasure and alarm. Ben nett was eventually sentenced to eighteen months' imprisoment, which we all con sidered far too lenient a judgment. The ex-policeman came in for the head mes senger's berth, with a house rent free and a present of fifty pounds. In addition to very much unmerited praise, I received a bonus of a hundred pounds, which con tributedin no small degree th the satisfac tion of the household at Wood Green. A writer in the Art Journal be lieves that American woman are de generating. The women who lives next door furnished a sad example of this fact yesterday. She got up at four o'clock, and built two fares, lugged four hods of coal from the cellar, did the week's washing for a family of six, before seven o'clock, prepared the morning meal, impartially licked three small children and got them ready for school; potted several choice plants, set a black patch into the cupola of her husband's gray pants, read lour chap ters of a New York Ledger continued story, visited a neighbor and learned how to cut her new cloak in the latest style, cooked a boiled dinner, and chased a book-agent out of the yard with a broom, all betore twelve o'clock. The American woman is indeed de generating. Rockland Courier. There lives in Franklin County, N. C, a man 49 years old, who never heard a sermon preached, never read a chanter m the Bible, never fired a gun and never saw a white man married. New York Herald. There is a man in Hillsdale County, Mich., who never saw a horse, never heard a comic song, never read a newspaper paragraph, never saw a boat and never spoke to a woman. He is deaf, dumb and blind, poor man. Free, rress. A MINING CITY TWO MILES UP IN THE AIR Leadville, Lake county, Col., is the highest, newest, and, for its size, the noisiest city on the continent. It is what the miners call a rattling camp. It is close up to the snowy range, over looking California Gulch, the scene of the gold-hunting furore of 1859. At an altitude of 9,000 feet, or to put it more forcibly, nearly two' miles higher than New York, it may be considered as well up in the world. There is no place like it in the whole Rocky Moun tains. It is a larger city than Dead wood on the north or Silverton or Lake City on the south. The twenty- year-old towns of Black Hawk, Cen tral, and Georgetown, are nothing to it in population, trade, last money- making, fast everything. Where Lead ville now stands was a year ago almost a howling wilderness. There were a few prospectors busying themselves with turning up rocks here and there, but there was hardly what could be called a camp. No town had been staked out. It was not until last spring that the place was organized and named. r roni that tune until now people have poured in from all the surrounding country, from the far East and from the Pacific States and Territories, until there Is a bustling city of 8,000 inhabi tants. It has a Mayor, Councils, po lice and fire departments, churches, schools, a telegraph line, daily mails, money-order post-office, two news papers, three banks, and hundreds of stores, shops, saloons and other features of a fast new city. The streets have a' sort of straggling regularity. The principal thoroughfares are named Chestnut, Pine, State and Harrison avenues. Almost everything is cheaply built, the stores which carry the largest stocks being mere cabins. There are few story-and-a-half and two story buildings. Lumber is in great demand, and the three or four saw mills in the vicinity are not adequate to supply the need. Lately business men have begun to plan larger and bet ter structures, brick-yards have been started, and some tine blocks are under way. The prevailing spirit is that of rampant speculation. People stake out claims, tear up the rocks a little, sometimes "salt" them, get some plausible do-nothing to talk up the dis covery, and it is but a few days before an avaricious 'tenderfoot" catches tbe bait at a high figure. Lotrbrokers, who have the refusal of most sill the desir able property in town, lot-jumpers and city addition platters drive a big busi ness. Lverything partakes of the na ture of a grand debauch. Men seem to be carried away with excitement, and, no longer satisfied with the plodding and sure-looted business ways, seem lost in a mad, furious chase for for tunes. Of course, saloons, dance houses, theatres and keno-dens flourish in such a place as this. NAPOLEON'S W0NDEFUL MEMORY. The Eniperor Napoleon was at Erfut. A legion of kings and princes had come to humble their crowns before his re gent royalty. At one of the soirees which he gave at this brilliant court. the conversation turned on an ancient pontifical bull, about the date of which there was some doubt. An Austrian prelate indicated a period which the Emperor contested. "I am better in formed than your Majesty, on such subjects," said the prelate, "and I think 1 am certain ot what I state." "And for my part," replied the Em peror, "l do not say l believe; 1 say 1 am certain you are deceived. Besides, the truth may be easily ascertained: let such a work be brought, and if I am wrong I will hasten to acknowledge it." The book was brought. The Emperor was right. The whole assembly were astonished at such an excellent memory oh the part of one whose head was constantly occupied by a crowd ot other subjects. "When I was a lieutenant," said the Emperor. These simple words, "When 1 was a lieutenant," produced a singu lar effect upon all present; all the re presentatives of the old monarchies looked at each other, smiling. "When I had the honor to be a lieutenant of artillery," continued the Emperor, in a louder tone, "I remained two years in garrison in a city of Dauphin, which had but a single circulating library. I read three times the whole collection, and not a word ot what I read at that period ever escaped me. The title of the book which has just been brought figured on the list. I read it with the rest, and, as you have seen, I have not forgotten its contents." EXAGGERATION. The habit ot exaggeration is one which rapidly grows into untruth, if encouraged. Never "color" a story for the sake of a foolish jest, or to excite the laughter of a few companions at the expense ot a friend. Be anxious when you relate anything to tell it just as it occurred. Never vary in the least de gree. The reason why our ears are so often saluted by false reports is because people in telling real things add a little to them, and as they pass through a dozen mouths the original stories are turned into something entirely dif ferent. So when you attempt to tell anything that you have seen with your own eyes relate it correctly in every particular, and as you grow older you will reap the advantages ot this course, "I hope there are no cannibals around here," said a traveler to frontier girl, as she was mixing a batch ot dough. "There are plenty ot 'em," returned she, pouring some corn-meal into the pan. "We always eat a little Indian with our bread." Last winter Dr. Sackett, of Ches ter, Connecticut, made a violin of two thousand and fifty pieces of wood. We always thought there should be about two thousand and fifty pieces in most of the fiddles we ever listened io.-Hawk eye. SPONGES. Among the dark-brown leaves and green filaments which are borne upon the edge ot the incoming tide, one fre quently observes a substance hardly distinguishable from the surrounding plants, except for its light-brown color and porosity. This is sometimes den dritic (branching, like a tree), with lank branches springing from broad, thick-spreading bases; but generally it is broken into fragments, and only the palm-like parts, with their finger-shaped ends, are left grasping among the froth-covered sea-weeds. A slight pressure will expel the water, and the aspect of the half-dried specimen will at once arrest attention. only in the details of its structure and its general form from the sponges of commerce. The latter, whose irregu lar swelling outlines are so familiar to us, are ot foreign origin, the better kinds coming from the more eastern shores of the Mediterranean, the coarser and larger kinds from the Ba hamas. The commercial value of these is based upon the horny nature and closely interwoven texture of their internal skeleton. A sponge is, typically, a gelatinous mass, in which is imbedded numerous little spikes and plates, of a horny, calcareous, or siliceous substance; or hair-like threads of various forms. which are so thickly disposed and knit together by animal matter, that they form a sort of open-work frame sup porting the looser tissues. In the common sponge this frame work is wholly composed of horny hairs, which are so densely packed and elastic that they Immediately resume ineir original snape auer oeing com pressed. The gelatinous matter is in all cases cleaned out after the sponge is torn up from its rocky bed, and those which we utilize are only the horny skeletons of the living animals. So loosely constructed and fragile. however, are the large branching species ot our own coast, that a dried specimen may be crushed to powder in the hand. The exterior of our beach specimens have a furry look, due to the project ing points of the spiculae, which pro trude through the outer skin. Scat tered holes of considerable size reveal portions of the interior, and between them are innumerable smaller pores. These larger apertures connect with distinct channels which ramify through the mass in all directions, and, when surrounded by their native element, expel continuous jets of water. In fact the whole is only an apparatus lor absorbing and ejecting sea-water, well deserving its old name of sea-lungs. The surrounding liquid is taken in through tne smaller pores oi tne outer side, and, passing through the lung-like interstices of the structure, is finally collected in the main channels and thrown out again, together with quantities of feculent matter through the larger openings. The meshes of the sieve and the channels are thickly lined with myriads of microscopical animalcula;, to which the perpetual current bears their minute food, sifted of all the coarse, unsuitable particles, and maintains an invigorating supply of fresh sea-water throughout the whole colony. The animals themselves create this current by the motion of cilise, or little hairs, which grow out from the region of the mouth. The form .ot their bodies has been ascer tained in only one species, called Leu- cosolenia botryoides. In this, which is quite small, though common on the shore, it was found that they were mmute sac-shaped beings, with a col lar projecting from the free end, in the middle of which was the mouth, situ ated at the base of a long filament which was hardly ever at rest. It seemed to be employed principally in casting morsels of food down into the mouth, and this action, in itseii so slight, is yet, when carried on by the thousands of neighboring filaments, sufficient to keep the fluids in rapid motion through the meshes. Until of late years the animal nature of the sponge was disputed. Then it was referred to the AmaJba forms, creatures which are mere sprawling drops of jelly, without mouths or stomachs, but which, however, manage to move about, and even in some spe cies build up most elaborate internal structures resembling minute shells. Now, through the investigations of Professor Clark, we know that they are colonies of such comparatively highly organized beings as those I have described, and we are also able to state, unon the same authority, that their voung are free, roving globules, resembling an isolated individual of the parent stock. The mode of growth has not been studied in tbe sponge itseit, out in a closely allied animal where a number of little bells grow upon a stem (Codo- siga pulcherrima). The young of this is free at first, but finally attaches it self, and becomes elevated on a pedicle. Then the vase grows more oval, the opposite sides at the narrowest diame ter approach each other, coalesce and split, dividing all the internal organs, and the mouth and calyx, or collar, into two parts. Two other filaments grow up from these halves, and a fis sure begins in the d?sc, which . gradu allvsDreads both upward and down ward, until two transparent vases complete in structure, swing upon the trunk which bore only one an hour be fore. This prt cess in some species is continued until quite a cloud ot des cendants cluster around the parent branch, but in others, again, only separate and distinct individuals are produced, the division totally sepa rating the stem as well as the body. The sponge, probably, grows in the same way; but the vases, having no stems, remain attached side by side and secrete the gelatine and spiculae or horny hairs, from the lower surfaces of their bodies. These support the membrane and enable it to maintain a definite outline, and continue its growth without the danger of col lapsing. xnere are several species on our coast, but the most noticeable is the great Halichondria, whose favorite re sort is an old wharf-pile. This may not seem an attractive object, but Na ture has clothed the whole coast with her living tapestries, and even here, her taste is as faultless, and her hand as lavish in decoration, as in more favored and sunnier spots. Get into your boat, and when the tide is iowest float down under the wharves through which the current has a clean sweep. The waves lift the dank bladder-weeds and long green sea-hair which cover their stained sides, while below these, brown clus ters of muscle-shells open their fringed mouths, and huge anemones, as thick as your arm, spread their laced crowns of white, brown, crimson, or varie gated colors on the water-worn logs; and in the midst our great sea-lungs hangs out its mass of branches, and spreads its weird fingers up towards the observer. Even the sponge is beautiful in such places and with such associations. mittitn. A loaded revolver was found in a cotton bale on the Charleston market. A Rochester (N. Y.) clergyman is in trouble because he married a boy of 18 and a girl of 11 years. Some new goods are made of shark skin. Porte-monnaies, cigarette cases, parasol and whip handles of it are hand somely lacquered. Within twenty-four hours after Pas savanti's attempt on King Humbert's life, the King had received 4000 des patches of congratulation on his escape and Signor Cairoli 2500. Two street preachers were lately prosecuted in Edinburgh for behaving in a "riotous, outrageous and disorderly manner," shoutirg, howling and mak ing a great noise. The total number of immigrants who arrived at Castle Garden, N. Y., during the eleven months of the pre sent year was 76,546, an increase of 15,716 over the same period in 1877. J. C. McCabe, Commissary of the Citizens' Relief Committee, of Mem phis, Tenn., in making a final state ment, reports that 745,000 rations were issued to 68,022 persons during the prevalence of yellow fever in this city. The Boston Transcript says there is money enough spent in charity m Boston every year to carry the whole excess of population of the city to points where they could at least earn a living by working on tne iana. Three young ladies in Pike county, Pa., returning from a dance early one morning, had to row across rorier s lake. A wTounded buck w as discovered in the water, when the girls killed him with the oars and towed him ashore. He weighed two hundred and forty- four pounds. -It is said that the Missouri river, above the great iron bridge at Leaven worth, Kan., is rapidly cutting a new channel through the country eastward of the bridge, and that, unless arrested, in a short time the bridge, wnicn cose nearly a million dollars, will be com pletely isolated and rendered useless. A good looking young English wo- man recently sold her child, a very pretty boy, thiee weeks old, to a gentle man and lady whom sne mei m a rail way car, for a five-pound note. The gentleman at first jokingly asked the price of the child, and being told that a little would buy it, offered 5 ($25), which was at once accepted, and tne child transferred to its new owners, who were greatly delighted with their bargain. Two gentlemen who were passing the Ethan Allen estate, in Worcester, Mass., recently, were attracted by a large Newfoundland dog, which was inside the tence, and Kept running to wards them and then returning in the direction of the pond in the grove, where something was evidently wrong. The curiosity of the gentlemen was ex cited, and they followed the dog to the pond, where they found another dog of the same breed in the water, and un able to get out. His front paws were on the curbstone, but he could not get sufficient hold to draw himself out. He was nearly exhausted, and would pro bably have drowned had not the gen tlemen assisted him. The dogs showed their gratitude in unmistakable sign?. It is of good omen that some of the members of the courses in political economy of Harvard College have es tablished a club for the discussion of financial matters. Students have here tofore confined their researches in this direction to the question of pocket monev. The president, willing to en courage this effort to obtain knowledge absolutely necessary to every one who would vote intelligently, nas piacea a room at the disposal of the club lor its meetings; and several professors have expressed their warm approval of the new organization. The late Mr. George O. Hovey, of Boston, was in the habit of furnishing a Thanksgiving dinner for the Chil dren's Friend Society, his injunction being that the little ones should have as much turkey as they could eat. His family since his death have kept up the custom, and to make it permanent they have presented to the society a United States thirty-year coupon bond, to be held as a fund, the income to be ex pended in filling children with roast turkey on Thanksgiving Day forever. The intended marriage of the aged King of Holland with the youthful Princess Emma, of Waldeck-Pyrmont, is so unpopular with the people, that the marriage will not take place within the King's dominions, but at Arolsen, and after the wedding, which will be about the middle of January, the royal couple will not, as customary, make their entry into Amsterdam, but will spend the honeymoon in solitude, at the Loo. The Prince of Orange de clines to witness his father's marriage, and Prince Alexander, of the Nether lands, will not interrupt his travels to attend.

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