Hjhc Chatham THURSDAY, January -tr a t nurnn-Kr t tvi : H. A. LONDON Jr., Editor. r,- - - THE NO FENCE LAW. i'iicu and figures concerning this: queitioii for the consideration of . our readers. In the discussion of j iill questions which afFccrt the ma-j terial interests of the people so, greatly, we deem it the dnty of the! Press to give the public all the in-j formation within their knowledge, - so that a correct and intelligent conclusion mav be reached. Acting The question now under discus-! , w 3 w w men. .tu t'l'ii-1 according to niv view of them, tliey ! sends for our stock in winti.r. All k" cu3" im w iuw-1 - w-.- - ... ...BrKpi Tlcre is no subject much tnnitv of deeiding upon it. There j tend to show au unwise, naaecessarv ! this would be lo,t as well m the and then he will have to pay JJal-U;h, N. O. a tl I U f i n 5 tated just now, or of to great im will ue 1JO othcr election next Au-! -d oppressive curtailment and re-1 grain, scattered in reaping, while tl VTZ UUrlJ ZTX 1 M 1 toour1W.plc,a8t!icWeuce"law. ,,U3t , that this question will be!sAinf!JU ,off circ, 1 poor inipmoned stock, would fM ' r nirMt fo decl-tf7' All qnalitfo., trimm .ad embroidered. 4lf .( ,. . , . ! And now let ns see if iignres wll con- starve, and pine awav, especially '" Z " -lorJiuy cent. ana wmi W c therefore propose to pve a few , frt.e from 1)0btlc and ,10t je 1M. . t t, . coucias We will "Rnf w : dv, w, will cause a man to run through ana . , A .sk;y. stwk axi VAfxiwr or 1.:., M., .T,.,a ,.f tl... ... i ...i : I ro nva.wuu.u a, o aog .uernmon, . ""I"."""' ' " , i Um .vjrsw,, ocn liwj wncii u 1""" jjn the Sonate of the United States, ! which pays best, to fatten cattle : promises, ana never par. j I tin oki are open to communications; l.ated is taxed twenty live cents, j anj reports of the Commissioner! twelve months in the year, or three? j S. Ij. Tikbsdos. j on loth sides of every jue?t ion, so; aiid everv mortgage deed in addi-l of the Currency, show that tlv have And then what a scarcity of water j j that all nuv U ho,ri J the rtl, J , to tb!s tax, i, Uo tuxed e ! -t -lerial.y cbJ siuce 1873. h - J I X. L'" X- C arrived at. dollar, 11 the property mortgaged 'stock. And what about those who! Jan'y 20?h, iion is, whether it will best pro-; this tax is both unjust sisd uncon-: 1otclm,orc,Uofo:,r totUu.i,,,,.!. It U jf, l-an j fc mo ulnn frir nffor fill tt i ;i mor; rt'ir-i- i i ' - - - i t on of dollars and cents, it people are in this State 101,071,01)8 panels j of fencing, ermivalcnt to 143,;W ,na rM l l l v., ! miles ! One hundred and five dol lars a mile is simply to keep 100 worth of stock ?" Would it not be cheaper and more fiensihic to fence in your tock ? In all countries where the "no fcuce" law has been in operation it has proven beneficial, and is ap- r v.v.. Mv...a., uu proved even by those who at first j opposed it. 1 his bare statement, of itself, should convince those who doubt its benefits. Experience is the best teacher, and if anything has been thoroughly tested and found to work well, it Is all right. Again, on the ground of good morals and common fairness, we think there should be a "iio-fenco1' law. Is it right to make one man build a fence around big field in or der to keep out another man's stock ? "Would it not be fairer to make ev ery man keep up his stock, and thus let the expense of the fencing fall on him, whose stock would trespass on another's land ? If one neigh bor chooses to raise only grain and no stock, and another wishes to fence up the stock, or to lence up' u is 00 unequal in us operation, jor r,rcftHHioTial he mnt tl oonhly ; oiatr ra?inf; cows snau nor eus, njy,uucuis u cruwuuix ru -COloi, the cultivated land? The latter as for instance, a deed for five understand his business, and bo poilsp- I find a fable among the au-land cedar thickets bteui sun-set j PC7TV, .1 1 i 11 i r 1 1 1 IcshI of eui-r:rV nm..iVi,f In rirrv it cwut It .man s of a do ' that lay on a and dark. A or is are vain, xanguige I;hulKbc.entr,cd ever nnce the ; Jullsw worth of laJ u t:.xcd j Sl-Ho of hiiy, a,nl wo5.i .,ot eut it ! i.m.Wto iiv0 vo a correct tto. . first settlement of this country, and j the same amount as a deed iwl crown his ffiort3 A farner himself, nor let the ox eat it. ;of tlw counth-ss number of these; JJfl.lriipr.g? fchould therefore continue, unless 1 iifty thousand dollars. And so, a j thoronghir understand the theorv of! Vxv WaIjE' i,,'ri1s' We have fine sportiu killing j Uwiii2uiw, ood reasons to the contrary are' mortgage for f 3W pays as much ; farmii: the preparation of h:s j anti captunng t hem by going to rne , :,:J WU tM , !i.xaoiefor ..-n . This is ,Jlad3 for, totingithe kinds of crops I'T t r, w . , , e 1 -btst suiting to different soils, the ex-! spam;! itiuiz. j. icir geni .icts u lirst settled, it wasnndoubedilylietlerj unfair z:d so contrary to io" jact quantitr to plant, in fuct everv I i they are caught. They are so nu-j to fence up the few at'rcs in culti- i justice, that a bare statement tf it i mimiiiiu pertaining to the farm. Yet ; To T"E Chatham Krcoim: Having werons that iu trying to escape, thy j ..,.,... !?,.;,. tr. ,,,,vm,,. fnrJifhe hick the ener-v necessarv to advertised Spanish Chufas for sale frequently extinguish our lights with j TZZZZm .weww , -"v"" I pnthMthrv into practice it will' through your paper some time ago, their wing. Several o ,v hare been ! at will through the boundless for-j mmued man that such a tax sdiomd !Viil him iJUt HUl CIK pc'r contra, aRil 1-ciu in constant communication two nights, (we boys) Friday and; (jjrreEpondence solicited, est withont danger of molesting the : be abolished. It is true that this ' tvhut more will it 'avail him if l,e I with your readers, relative to them. Saturday, about tivo hours each; 3 n 3 9 neighUrs; but is this the case nowr is a small matter, still in very ! possess the energy and iack the hope you will allow me to state, jjihf. Vie killed and caught three, ? v r ? 1 1 1 iit' 1 1 1 1 4. 1 ' knowledge to direct it ? Tim fnt-vr" what I know and Lave learned about i hundred and lift v of thesa btrds. Is VT. -r vr VT Let us eee which is the cheaper small thmgs our laws should not be VlM,?ct 10 (lirLC5 .u r -thei.uu.r i.,.....,.a "uu ,11 t - " can save money bv having the "no-: tional, and would sug-est that the ll,austt (i " ninst Wlho t,f n11 ,mceu ,bItY , , Ta ?a ftom'? i l a ltt,,!lon? uVi , , " ' rTTZT 7T ! v r rT, , m uaf At7 . . 4 , 't r- r- ri ir i the meaus of knowled within Hs y go, through the Agricultural are superior to the common cpiai!. r?1, fl J TtfrtV Ctf of 1 oraadLiverpoolMarket8foiwia-d- fencc ' law they are going to have. Judiciary Committee of the House ; r(.,ch pruning to hisu at Washington. As ; They seem to bo in pursuit of dog- ; 0 UIU. i.'S Oi di OtE t6 ( t-d every day to patrons, it. The actual cost of our fences look into the matter. We refer kuow that fro.ifthe material drawn llsa:'-l. paekiiges of seed were distriii-; wood beiries which 1 think they will j COOK STOVE F0HKVE1? ' 'e'er8 to Kalfcigb National Bank is not fully appreciated. Accord-1 them to section of Article V, of ioia air, earth and water' all i" leJ throughout the country. Very soon devour, and then perhaps emi- ' J J '9 1 ana the business public of the city. . i " t i e r 'planta "row and of iho Ikt of .b. ' who received thew, to .k ouv grate to some otnor climate. j'hp HP?t 01? NlWP THP tP nlPP ing to the recent Report of our. the state Constitution. fi to. auu oi mo its, oi eie- (f u ' p iliu iut uJvi OlJlu rjl LiG iliUU . . e i u imeuts suppled bt the soil, some are, "V noJ of taem. However,. ! TT , . 7 , . Commissioner of Agriculture tnere; idemieiit. N,w the secret in form- 1'ortums of Jlis.issippi, Tennessee. 1 'i fi ftlR 101 ! -3: estimate for an ordinary fence. So ! , JB- I''Toe: the Agncn'tnral ! nature up t a rertain nieasnre, hr Jfca'"J-; rmers have been trying to that the fences in this State mh0 lrd is cit.in. The Wer who a remedy or this evil; and in rtl , i t i 'I?-? x, 1TIh thrir llbentl'wisheHtolm succef'.il must s-l. -ct waking experiments, with d:fl.?rent Mort,ilo,0,4,... is general- j State Banking System, not only n-;,he pWtic;ibr branch of in lusttv -crops, to see how we might raise our ly estimated that the repairing ne-; n.t-d in their having a small amount , adapted to his locality. Now, to the "wu oacon at less cost than w- were cessarr to keen our fences in irood Vf 8pec.i.0, bnt iu t.ls4ir kny'mz 'farmers of mi Idle an Vwestern Ghat-: '"uying it, the Spanidi Chnfa ha.i i::,.,, t..- Z.:,.i. , :., ! ohi.t Becixons nearly an articles ! ham county. I call attention to the oeeu wouglit in. lhe success at- t,!rtv,u t.,u f,,r stV. Tt. rmr'.. . . . . ' . M C J FfAll IT 1 1 .9 - . 1 I ...11 1 I Tr . . t wm Wn;hoWd; unsurpassed natural advantages of '""d .',r eds their most san-. c , I, , ,Se paoer of tlieir ! BR f. PfJ5 feM T olent to building anew; so that every . kitchen furniture, forming nnpk--! our soil and ciimnte as suited to the ' Ptatmu. We find by ac- ,,.4.. tpis srifo the Station-i "AwSafeB fciiS fei&l Mmitii . lidlu ' "Jcv eight years our farmers incur tlnsj cabbages, ; 1)ro,jacl5 ,n 0f gruin, grss, fruit and tu;d expentnei.t, that it costs much hey 'will be tested" for them, and t0. makt.x & kavettevh.le sxlLrs, j cnonnousewliichisannu.! th, .5, w r,,oi ve a certiilcute report-i 0,,,, Pt I INSURE YOUB PROPERTY auygreater than all the tax they under the pressure of tne war, wc j m; fttijS I--1 the vdl is ,bmm"n! Slg KATIOXI, . O. ; pay! And yet they complain ofjuldi ourjof imiyroJWtllt. PS!lU; havc al. from 100 to 200 bushels pJr a, C waH m T T) Tl IT fi- R I 1S liiLdi taxes, and of the Croat dimcul-irrPf? 1(0 busheU corn. 3.1 ud estimated to be worth as much Iti VlV.'Lll 4f. . U ,V , . i ..... i. m wow m mat mrectiou. At the ? hnuhoU wi,-ttf r.n l,,l,.l. for hoirs. cbiclT.. tn,i ... '."' 1';"-" "7 " r1,"! ACW More I ACW liooas I iy 111 pawng mem. wuimcr our; end o t .H war f,, .f t.. 1 . - r, , ; : . -j--. stami). a-.ua sammc.s 01 gtruen F.,r t!ie brtirr if-eimiinoitasioji of our fun farmers find it so hard to pay taxes,! channels of tds were re opened 1 tf M 7l tV9 ' all oil u.r Wlth eeds, grass ,eed clover seed, c. ! ..,, - have o,l ai.er Dr! ,K. .l : most of our mnn,v JL LTl ! ?' ftCre . li4U1' .ra. lS ' . 1 o'1 aUtll' ?! t i one, ! Also let we a,;lill C;lll attention to "W. Cor,:er Martin and Favin. ? KO llANCl DiH,u n.vt muuiit dhu mu ,u"'iM,i , 1 r f JVi nuugenous 10 our son. lhe cutn- i" no crop van nourish :U1 f..4 lt ,s;., or- t-bemica's at the irePl. ana are i"iareu i 1 irnisu frm. lions of dollars in keeping up their! Tll l T -f ! rated grassess. clover, orchard grass 'tter than thh, ou poor land. We s ou Send f r etc ami diT' 1 aj ! -or- o 1 : had lCi;n SO Ion" dpnnvfd Tf ia - i i . ,. ., . .n .1 - ouiimu. oeiiu ior uaa.jt au.i ui ti,e pubnc r-ii-rall v with a c!ioce and; fences! Let thorn duly consider true that the bonAfK ur t V .l1.. a XiU,5: l crri?sib: i rections f,r sampling. !FhStockgof DI'XGS. Chemical-, Dye . thi. i of a wrtion of the v'hrTr: , riife aVa Vanoa,as C:i" 17.5 I "";?. Ve .A!jal,U:l 10 Yours sincerely, Stuff-, Fancy (i-d,, ard.n ra 2S22SI, t . . t j jue louua anyviuere; ana wnn "i1" 1 nun; ami tms one n not U Lf'ux ij-. io!.acco,.'arH,;viiGrai-a!!r,etc. ' According to the last report of ' 1! 7,a,n?n "3 aflcr peace,! these crops we can raise as fine: 1111 exception, yvt it will pa v, even on ' ! Hive m a'l-we can please y.u ju ! Tj - Comnnnv will .t. J.. ' " 'a , 1" oli?xtathehighpr;co of cotton for a horses, cattle. ,heeo nt.d bo. as ff lauds. It should1 bo .O hkL, and Prices deciu-m . A; Z ine otc ivuuuor me norses are. lew years, gave us a .temporary influx W countrv. This localitv. in Cvna- 'from the loth of Aoril to , iiith f NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. x.enng, 1111, urn, s aiueu ui ?u,ii4,ii4: mines ai t,-1 w oiiaiuiaiea uigu tnre. better adnnted to th-s n..ln. iV one Deck will nUnf. ot.n rnM S Ij Z3 2. - , yuumwg wu 1 T 11". . . i I f rrrc..lll.nr.L'a . . . I . 1 1 T 1 . V . J r . " 1 . . 1 . I 1 ; 1il ?.?;. .otfU of 41 10-. ooo. prices and extravagant habits. But at487C64- Ikvh at A174 0'7- and' J duration and the ing of improved stock, I urgently di-' niiddle of Septemher, vou may turn I !!lV'i a- i -'i to : f0"18! tLe mPrta manufnc-; ret the attention of our former. the hog Jtiss-tfeto J, that! goats at $10.49; a total of lo,U3r tured goods, soon equalled the ! Seed ail yonr avablc lauds tog; one thound pounds of pork enn be ! 074. So that our fences are worth : ount of greenbacks received. Con-! keep all the sto.-;k vou can ; feed well ; fattened to each aer planted Be-1 vn. oo that our tenccM are worth : k".s lecciroa. un-1 keep all the sto.-;k vou can; feed well; fattened to each acr planted Be-! nearly as much as all the honca, ! -T IZV rc???ed ! fccd your entir! i - sK,cs way gather at least 1000 MMM WJiffl WWi kW hi .1 i.,.':uTlcon poundsof choice Lav. to th ! UUMiSJiUfl .15:511:1 . , , . ,uu g ats ; , anun not macy any, in oi-1 the coBSUi.p!: ,,; these products before turning on the hog3. Any ..v u.u a. mucu nbj- :r"" -miiing j on your land, and the result will be ! one can see that a great saving will 1 social attention paid to xne cauie, sneep ami hogs Let'T.A IL ? on-; an increase! production of crops, fat ' o made by not havin to rather v i -r.r'-t our farmers ask themselves the I ednp beeves, mutJi, pork, and edge I this crop, asost farmers say ifcosts ! " ' fl11Mt.n . ;f ann . jislorcedupon ns, and government butter." A pound of butter can be quite as much to gather and store ELalcib. IJ. C. - r l m T t0nr?rt0rgeiltIjr 4f accessfully ; raised to more advantage to the farm aVay their crops, as it does to cult?-! Kn, spend $100 in fencing my land, Pff 'd P us- If these bonds and as cheap as a pound of cotton-! vato them. But some reader hasi raise stocK aim no & w uiu ( , manapinfr thoi " ffRiril tllwm r j rr - - -4 ""J j ana can meetings of tockraiser expect to raise hia stock their agents aCd servants: lm r "eumiuion Pass resolutions on ihn finld of his neighbor? If thiamatter.it is sou-ht to be invest-1 rnl,X r w" . I V , rttww rr... n.r,il.cf edwUha sort of Personation. dis.ill VT . sf"", tth ogetner, and the da IieiUici " - ' i fiti.f frM o,wl .... i il..!,, 4. -x-- -"-"fc "oiua meimoine LG! . . . 4 1. m if ii ii'iii m. ill ill Liiij nLin.ik i x x i vux i iou uin isi iiiik .iiinir i i i r i n 4-... a i. . -w- i xrlm benefitted 1 "oWAil0L10 , "'y seem anxious; and, m fact, read v destroy the giainUioiobcnclittcdj , le Iue credit of the Govern- j to go into a chill of deapondino l nnJ who thcroforc should par for .mcnt, and its financial scheme?, are the subject. There is, also, a fever, HJ icwAwjz I It h a common principle talked of and legislated for, as if it ; raging anionjrus, that I think should j itiCCCra ;of t!elaw, tint no man sdiall mc? were a .Instinct estate .to be scared and have meaM trentmeDt, at ooea. Ij , . . . . . . : legislated for, regardless of, and even Know not two technical name of this ; hi own a to injure anoJier d, ; t lb Kucrilb roof the irreat nriratel disease, bnt it ha rrwivod the local- 0 , and mi no man should allow his interests of the people. So at least ism of the "No Fence" fever. I ,Q, lbt J. t i, t in mil. LI nr-uAAmra rmw. ! it seems to me, bat yon. Mr. Editor, think this plasrue "his coins hither . . . i a , ,m alIwwinf this ,lucfttion to be submitted to the people at the polio, ion the fiwt Thursday in August fineneer ,v Htical prejudices .and there will I ample time for a full ami free discussion of iU merits. - , AN UNJUST TAX. We are pleased to see that a bill been iutrod need into the ' Leg Mature to repeal the tax on deeds Ril( inortrair?.'S. As the law now!1"8 are rvh-, as tney are is worth ?3K? or more We think i IlllfOlial ailtl II MM;?'. i j Ve tltinR such a tax unwristitil-' fjArr arsfyni VUl-Cdj;UAli4Viww. vmuufuw m various other wavl. ; mere is one. t)erhars mnr rrnniuw, ; iiitjf iiuv uavu iiiougn the war, a large Wflft in f fiA Viin1a and trustees of different characters in our State, which, according law and enstom, was, almost entirely loaned out among us, at G per cent., uuu on long time. 1 his class of funds is not so large now, but it is suffi cient in a time of stringency, to have a material effect, if kept in our midst and used as formerly. But it is now mostly invested in GovernmentBond3 and goes to Washington to bo dis tributed in the civil, miiitarv, and naval services; a very small part of which is located in the South, and especially in our State. Heretofore some dignity has attached to this borrowing by Government, by confin ing it to sums not less than $500; but now it is proposed to descend into the borrowing scramble as low down'as$10. This is to bo done. i , . . however, under the specious c:Ulse 0f eavipgs banks, post-office deposits, or ri nn I'll dAviiD u-l.n t : to see tho cloven foot of a monster. sucking up our financial life blood ? liuci uccu purcnasea only ior Uankmg ! while the butter will 1 wrTUUr Clfculafli.' wediun, !to 50 cents in market, and 9 cents for sale." This is true, but I am not ' Planet Jr. would Lave been curtailed 35 tr itl.o lij.-ho.t !n.,M4i.A :t..f .... i x. , , . , . , v "-o"0" "to' t,inui;o o cuiluu, i bnu uuci'smi v oiexaggeraung.as ; en cem: uui tuey sought and framed in- ! !'. vnrv tan r. t a i . . ! i ,1 ji- : :t. my reflections from the facts stated. Vor in rwrd to the latter, yon will see that I have generally referred by wa? .1 reminder, to events and cir- ! cnmsiauces, Known oi an men. Ana take the dates of 18C0 and 1873 and : njto the lUuking caxutal at each ; peiiod: 18C0. No. Ca., 5,218,S78. So. Ga.,'C,0SU,(W0. (a, 8,:-Hlf7'J8. Ala., 5,055,222. 1873. 1 819 300 ! Z imiZOO. 1 2,3(55,(105. 1 541.133. f ' ' ! And jo on ia HV' raio with tho Souther: Sf t . These fi"-! other a gr. 'taken Fitit tii k Mv.vnnn. Ma. Ei'iTon.'r-The great esa "fc Mb. ELixonrr-The great easenlialai 1 il i : n .... i-uHinuy wkii, ior no man can think: when his ti'ivsical en-roj.-s are ex-. i in " to nrp'.v this ih-fu-iencv, and jour plants Honrish. What tlw se d-; i ficiencies are we mut le?irn. for if we iKnsmlv thft wr.mrr tni(.ri:il wn nn. with Ijring from 20 breeds with nrmir nmnwrmAi.f ;n i. i : r. A. -. while the cotton planter roe3 to! marhec out once a year. The dairy man is enriching his lmds all the while by homo made manure from his stock, while the cotton plant' d is exhausting his lands and his purse i. . i i - . '.. in tne purchase, very olten, of worth rdiAtiii ' ess commercial fertilizers. There is j in your paper article? on.our county less labor and anno vanco and morfiirric, nrh; t .... annoyance and more clear money to be made on a fruit and dairy farm than any other busi ness in this particular locality. Bee res in the locality of our clovor fields wilJ pay a handsome profit on ine investment. i5at to bo success- III! W must have intelligence and en- I orgy, Farmer. FOR TUB RECORD. Osgood, Jan. 21st, 1879. TVTr Pr.Tnn . Tr. 1 "wiuu. o um mure ana morft riipn.rl with - ...n..i. paper. It is full Jf nstruc t on ! i , . , much Of which, we onM t fr nA nr.nor cnnrin Mii 1 .1.1, . 1. D jli 1 ..... - . rublishmff tho "Itoad Wwui in good timers haS been to torment us, before the time. . TO, have vast uncultivated pla: ford ample food for our summer, and, in many hills and diles are cover fruit of the wild fores', i many cattle; only keep a few, aadf-tndof hw propertv. And then! b ! raise clover for thm. Is no; this nkt comes next? He must hire large mistake? Should onr catilli children out for Honiething to not rather be multiplied, ten or twen- ty fold, and in tlr's war. make onr own fertilizers, instead of mortgaging cotton for guano One says it mi- proves the stock so much, xes, oc- ' casiocauy, a man oi great iuuhjih, ; ; 1 1 I and rich soil will raise a very fine buI1 or boj4r- T5"t most of our lands I bull or boar, jjnt most of our ianajw wuv ru m-u"H. 'are poor, 'and wiii-not bear constant f;iGd buy thing on a credit without TJimi . a Kiorfoa'rc and tell lies and make- i have no lands ? Some of tliera are! ' i . . i f t . -n vcr lx,or sna tiiwr cuiwren win - sillier, ii you uo auow mem keen their fctock. iiut one savs. an- TJi f".iif. i . . iu;n iruna in me grouna. il was mtro- imd thought enough of thii : ; seed; ami during the p.ist few years, wjile luere has been such i heavy drain upon our Southern rullf's l' r -Jrtu-iiesiern oa:on, our ;ud before this, that "he has them T Mn fri i, i i r. i . . . J , prore, has nromnted this writing niry - - : a- H. C. Olive, Apex, N. C. I'OH THIS KEcOUD. Merry Oaks, Jan. 27th, 1879. Mr. Editor : Occasionally I notice roads, which I am free to admit are bad, yet as much as we need crood road3 we need a "no-fenco" or stock I law worse. Your article in thej Record of the lGth under the head j of "The Fence Law' I consider a stitch in time, and hope you will con- i timie to 'lav nn" ,1 r.M T I M -. spare hope your South Carolina corres poDdent, Betcp," will soon come to tho front again in behalf of us Chat- hamites, as we gladly welcome all: such; and to "Economy," in Williams j Township I extend mv hand and! fSftV fhil.t. WA lira tttiNJ . -rtnm rmUlr. i TrJr ! i X' . m. II 1 U LO LUiro IMUUUUV I tii RfiTirl r tl t . ' i . . . . . i for -TbTa? i the people and the subject. A pull and a pull ,y is ours. Let I'islature so sfcromr Vith our resolutions and petitions that we livill take it by storm. lXTZRrKISE. 1 1 I Jl IT ' . - ft. 1 - i T il '..'.. X'.. r .1 I .1.. . FOB TIIE B2C0BD. King Homestead. v;uauim i,o., dan. z;ui. "fl xf r . T n.ii Mafcniro:-U Bat will kinffhome- mead no ior a poor many it win eat and to wear, lhen tiie man j "t lures li.m will get tignt on mm, j l o ehild will run a'.vay and go for he is bound to have provisioua. W ho does the Homestead ueui lit t j No one, but those who have a plenty j to k11 and those who arc dishorn t 1870. Ma KuiToa: The last few davs ! 1 1.- .1 1.. 1 - I.... 1.. I our ro-ms hi. u.. r.n,-a ii..i-u.i-.i.-. i"- f iionsintis 01 imnnauua may oe seen ; Jf;il 1 ti-'il l..nuni.1 in t'nr iri -v... . . . , T nnc:ei. i aey are icry mi, auu tu ; Fr o:p if Othrrver Seeds and t-hemlccls. el Hill Jan. 13. Ch MrsHUs Eni7);e: Permit me to urge vfnii- f ir. ri :i w.r ti iivfiil tf(ni- ; Helves of the advantages i-lfered at - the Experiment Station for the free! t-htingof htcd- of nil kinds. Oar' State papers ;ire bi-ginning to con tain n timbers of adverticmen;s f ; 23. UOHUSS 6L CO., GIJOCKItS asid 3 Consignments. Street, SOLE AGENTS FOR . Horse Hoc Cultivator, konewall Cotton Plow AND Atlas Plow. decl2-3m OYSTERS ! T. B. MACOIf, Wholesale and Hctail Dealer, IlAI.EIGir. N. C. I Parlie, applied at low pries and i .i..,J( n,...,. oa shortest notice with Fresh Oysters. decl9-2m $50 Eeward: We will pay the nam of fifty dollars for the arrest ot Tuoma Wright, livery to the jailer of Cliathai and Ins de- am county. - - ..... -11- Wm, Wright, John Wright, Nicholas Wkigiit, jan24 2t Columbus Johnson. inTBIO !C !JB STC r?T WTf? WW jTV rKS 'SN A TTSN W ISlSil i551iLUJl . . . Take Eff!Ct 21.1878- Daily Except Sunday. Leaves Fayotteville at 700 a in, Arrives at Ejrypt at I0::ji0 a w. Leaves E;rpt at 10:5.1 in. Arrives at Fayetteville at 2:45 p m. L. C, JOXES, Sajeriatcadast. nS, HI- " I,'' . ' . " ' 1 AMU JCI ilHU iirilUUSt Jil HiV I...J.. , xvrivvr 4vi, w, . cattle in ennaren. now win uuo iw necrose, WOULD1 " edwUb l corner " few pounds of m,at A ?ht T A TJTlfQ' HT H IrCl which God makoaerop with, then the home- Mctrf JUilUilliO OLUAJiO r All i C'r Will eaUSO liizn to irtRKe a TMOrt- iTw Vi'jU-J iiQ ever exhibited in tliia market. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 9 BM0 an trnTf pW AWf! Iflfoofpn-j If 11 JUL l uuiil UiUuiu nujuuiui 'S t 8 e 3 Utigga Building, lltAeigh, N. 0. -y ta y ttt 1 T J J-l U 1 y A K j I il II -V -L !l IX A.V J JASU, Dooi:3, AND L 2 IS dc4 Cm I The Fint VTfv.Aniii at t!i S.nt' Fair of lt'T j a 1'esi Vi'uod Cok SSiurc; j For pale liy " Q -j ; - . ... . . M . . L, T. , T, ... ... , d"1" JEWELER an.I mmWJs; AXD DEALKIt IX ft first cjBSg jj C,jmpanj Silver and Plated Vtrarc. Keeps a full line of all articles found in a fi'-st-claPH Jewelry store. ! KiAUT and TAITOY P.::7an MauM to order on the fhortest Notice. (Snd tor Patent Ring Size.) j , ' . Hair Jewelry, College Badges,! v0 aco&STiatxcg 5Icdals and Seals, jDooe m the very best style ami at Order from a distance Bfdicited. Goods ! 4i,0f Uf v.,.,:: . 8ent on approval to any part of the State j !niC6S thafc d COmpeUtlon on eatislactory reference?. j 3Ierchants, SS. 2AI2SSS, J Manufacturers, declO-tf Raleigh, X. CI j d others, Bpa Elanniaotnriaa: Coapasy, L. B. BYNUS, Agent. M ANUF AG T DHERS op the BEST YAMS SHEETINGS, AND DEALEHS IN 6EHEBAL IERCHMDISE ! LOOK FOR THE SHEETINGS AND YARNS, BilANDEI) CHATHAM COTTON - MILLS,! IF YOU WANT TIIE BEST ! FIRST, AND ONLY COTTON MILL IN THE COUNTY. Eimrap Home Enterprise. cct3-no3-tf NEW ADVEISTISEMEXTS. iALL toTcAShShiS ! De Alma .Ajf ew YreucU Fabric of Black DremfMa cujkt, at pi-u ts to jdease. W, fits, FLOOIt XO TABLE EE 0 Ej a 9J 2H Bought from the ilaufadnn r. AH nw S:yl- an'l Chile VvMgun aerer tto7o oiiOMD in th'ti inzttrt JUST KEOEIVKO AT DAILY ARRIVALS New and teils Br? GqqIs. fh JOBlN(i DKI'AUTMKXT in fillH McrcL&nts will t Ave men? j Lj haying ot V l-;r to rotin ? tljc p-nl!;c that k Inrzo rttoii oi ir -dtf U ht iuz vAd at COST ponton oi ir septlU-3m W. 0. McMAOEIM, ! GENERAL i j COMMISSIG1T MESCKAIJT. East cn! Cit!zec National Bank, RALEIGH, 21. C. j Consignments of all kins of Mt r ichandise and Produce solicited. Sat j isfactorj tales guaranteed and prompt j re urn s invariably made, for xuoder ate commissions. ' - Cotton : .Storage at Kcceircd also ... .,..t i: A larcre invoice of 3IILBURN ; WAGONS for sab at 75 each-. nh- 'staidi d work and warranted. OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES nt ! to $'100 each; woikmauihip and material guaranteed. Flour, Com, Oats, Eodr, Hay, .Tde;d, Chops, Browu Stuff, Nortii Carolina Hams, Sides and Shoulders, in fact all kinds of Produce always ! in stoie. sci.tl!) 3m NOHTII CAROLINA : COMPANY, insure your core, or other tne most reasonable i terms. LONDON, JR., septl9-3m Agent. LSTOt fetamfelfinftfiSMft Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envel jopes, Statements of Account, In i voices of Sales, Price Lists, Circular and Cards, Hand Bills, &c, &c, Ac, at short notice, and prices guaran teed to be as low as any first class house, North or South. BOOK i WT AXD Blank Book Stanufacturiiig Of every kind done neatly quickly and cheaply. Legal Blanks our Specialty. EDWARDS & BROUGIITON, oct.3-no3-3m 3 Me&SWJfc Right Hand Side Going South, Left Hand Side Going North. Paflaenjrers tak? Breakfast goine South Supper going Mortb. MEALS CO CIS. W. C. PAGE, Formerly of Cary, Proprietor, oet 24-no 6-tf FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. A. OVERBAUGH, Proprietor, Still maintains ita well ectablishH repu tation, and haa no superior ia tfce State, ect 21-no6 2ra Kalesgh Daily Cotton Market lie. oa

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