THURSDAY, . . .M.ty .... ioYD ptf All advertisements Must u handed In by Tuesday ol every week, In order to be inserted in the issue of tliat week. This complaint, or an It. U nmotimes called rose-raBli and somctimca known as French ineatdes. lias been ipiita pteva'ent in our community fur the past two works. It is not at all serious in I'.e character, but at the same time it in decidedly uncomfor table to those atT.'cted with it. To ltd ltentorcd. The Jail at HillHbnro' id sn insecure that it ha been determined to repiiii and enlarge it, nud while It is undergoing repairs, tin prisoners are to be Kent to our Juil for safe keeiiinir. Aumuir these prisoners are one under senteuce ot de.ith fir murder, and ...,ntl.Uro wnmnnl n,,.it!i,tr lr trisl for the murder of her husband. The authorities ol Oranjre may feel assured of their safe coiifiuement wlien rommilted to our new ... .. . .. ... !U splenot t Juil, woicu is freneraiiy con- ceded to be one ol t'.ie very best iu the State. Change of Schedule. We publish elfewhere the new Schedule of the Halet'li and Augusta Head, from , which it will l- toeu that quite a tlmnjre ' Jibs been made. It is nearly the frame j achedtre that was run a'l last summer, j The train will now leave Huleich at ti o'- ; clock iu the afternoon, and arrive at 0.30 , o clock iu the morning. This is a preat ; convenience to persons living along the hue of the road, who may wish to visit Kah::j h as it enables theui to go nud rituru the eiimet'ay. The Cre Ft,Rr an'l Yadkin Valh y Hail I Hoad Company have also changed theii chedu!o so as to leave Fayette ville at I o'. clock In the afternoon, and ariivo it the U o return tlianns lor an iiivnstnm attend the closinp ex. r.ists of the Oraliam ' Hi.h School on the '.'9111 and SOih lest. , The address will bo delivered by the Hon. j Kemp IMlat lie, the iKcon:plihed I'",''-i dent ol our Uuivers-ity, and the annua: ser j liton will ho preached l.y the K- v. I - - I'ritclmid, ol Kahili, so that those who ! attend this pleasant occasion will be liieh-. ly entertained. We are pleased ti nothe i that f.neol our clever (Ihathnm l.oys,y. U. , IVtty. hs been chosen chiel marshal. The ,-l.a.lnK exercises of Mr. MiirshburnV Hch-ol. Sylvan Aca.ietnv, will bo 1.-1.1 en , the .1(1, day of June, an ! not the ,V1. as we E. S. ! liad beeu tuisiiitormed. ncr irien.i l'nrker Esq. will deliver the literary n dd i ess. We are phased to learn that P.. H. Stfiui s E q. ol Haleinh, Los accepted the Invitation to deliver the address to the nourishing school ut Osf od uu the ord of June. "" IVorlMri r:miri-Ulioii. Our people have in idea of the srrnnjr desire ,oi many persons residing nt the P.iirth to remove to the Li.m:!i. 1 hem are hundreds and thousands of such persons j win) could easily tie induced to come among us, and who would be valuable ' acquisitions, and help greatly in building! v pour section. Mr. U .orife H. Chapln. ol j Boston. hRS a larce teal estate Aaenry,. throueli which southern homes are pur- ,, , chased f-r northern settlers. He has is- tablished several branch ollices of this Aireiicy. and iinioug others one at Ithleif h, ' which is In charge of Dr. A. B. Chapiu. j ol this county, and a kinsman ol the above u.iued g-iitleuian. A farmer in thin, county, being desirous of selling his farm j ,.f about 300 '". l'Uc-J the se)li,,c of it ' in the hands ol Dr. Chapin. who published a abort notice ol it only one time iu tlie ew lork Tnbune, and iu two weeks time Hull at 7:.V o'clock, and leaving tl,e Ntter', ' ' " ,vi or jkwiu uywy , " taiji. a. i . at i ii::,: r r you, y ,.,.y Jan(S(mi! i .,, i.-v.,iimv,:1m :il"""rH- f" thnrouwh!y in earnest are our aetmj, n3 fcm.j to lilo It cortifiod 1 C'. groceries, dress :..od, patutH, oils, want : ALK.U.S at y ni will lin.l tlieiu at ' , place at I. at l di1 , ,rit;nJ., auJ anximl8 ftre tll,.v ! tntl11(1M. t,,.,,,;.,, nj nf,,,..,.; i ; ; tumiture. wutroti and buiror material. &c. - UEK:; ITrf. Niv.-r lorar-t to call on ' '-all and see his Cottonades, at lft.0o clock. to have tliis road near them, that th. y say . the ollico vt tho. Clerk of 'the Sm.c i which will be sold cheap lor cash or batter. 7''" ' calicn r..i .n ! .mens, A;c. iiii , ! ' " ' ' i . ," , . L'livns, jrood stjles and last colors at (irent, Ilnrtrn'ns in Fringes, Laces tt,.l.l fVl,.lin,l,iiK ' "! " f'"i ioeU 110r ooiur, nn.i u. nn:i,i ou too cllfy,". I per yard, yard .vide Lawn, mil liund-: kerchiolh. U nvs, S.:arfs, K.iches, he received over fl'ty letters from persons consideration of their congregations. A I ' all over ths Xorth desiring to purchase, j movement tvns inaugurated for establish-! , Wo have read several ot those letters, and j ,;, H temp, ranee s.K-iety similar to that ex- Tlie SlOfk Law. the writers express nn earnest tlesire to iHtiK in the CViurch ol Enghiud. "Ve lcam that tho Iredell fence move South, and lor various reasons, the! The proposoJ aiuendnient to the Ooniti-' has been litlilt, and the law will main one being on account of our climate. ttiim, giving the laity a concurrent vote j shortly 0 into effect. This nioas Ourciiizeus should do all they can to , wp., t,e clergy iu tlis eleciion of a Bishop, ' urc will. i:o donltt, create Considora cncournire i 111 migration Into our midst, i'- , ilr..iit,.,l I.. tl.o ni ..f l..nUr Kl.. .i;OJol ...f,,, f., l, 1 1. ,. , jieciallyof such a class of immigrants as aro the writers of tho letters above mentioned, all of whom appeared lo be persons of in telpgeuce, and projierty. Let us warmly welcome such among us, who will aid us In restoring tlie ancient pro-tierity ol our country, and re-building our waste places. We were pleased, in reading these let- ters, to learn that so many persona iu the great Western States werC anxious to move S-.uth, for a latge nu:uber of these writers were living in tlio West and North VI est j and desired to remove 1.) our inwro favored clime. M'11 have always insisted thaj , Kurth Caroliiia offers ruore natural ailvan- ; tages to an emigrant thuti any other Slate i in the Union, and we are gratified to known . , , 1 I ! We wrote the firtgoing lines several ,lay. ago, and aiuce then a party Irom the Nmth has visited the far... (above alluded lo) aud has entered into contract ; tor its purchase. The purchaser is a Mr. AJu.y, who is a Dr. irs.or of Agriculture ia a t eilege at oalill lon IU Cenusy:-, vauia, and yo here that our farmers will lv. , l.u.i..!t,.d bv the atinlicathin of his kunwl- i-dgelo his newly purchased tarn. 1 he la i in sold is about lour miles (rout here 1 ami is the residence ol Mr. Halter. t-'iauhan. An ounce ot prevention N better tltnn found of cura. A dose of Dr. Hull's llaby Hyrup will assist your Hiby In t.'thlg. and prevent It fiom being a!tick'd liy i:i..h ra Infantum, Colic or oilier diseases I lijtb wVult 1,' iiilis uiiU' r. Gii)c I'Nir iiud "ViulUiu Vnlloy ICall ISoutl. Atull lueetiiiL' of tho direct.. of the above named company was he'd at F.iyeti... ville on tlie lVh inst., nnd sumo important businets transacted, which, tli rouli the courtesy ol lVcsident (liay, we are enabled to publish for tho information ol our rcvi - In aocnrdi.r.ce with Ihe authority nlvcn I by an Act of tlie lato legislututu it was re- J Rolvod to issue at onco mortgage bonds to tho amount of one hundred and elulity : eight thousand dollars, being four thou- nand dollars per mil id tho forty seven milea of completed road. Tho nmrtpijjo was written and executed, and Mr. dray will Ko to isew 1 oik next week and have the bonds executed, and place them on the mark.. Tl.wi)l lili,.,U.i,l,.nniiiln. V, . . , , , ''luslices of the 7 eace to keep an item-i "uu a jear, or -u.j coin imj. -i"1': tiiess Kacine, and fiah is that earnest turns ol fifty, five hundred, and one t,10-; iZOtl statcmont of all f,r0S received ! 'l length of fitrentH ill Loudon Wj and aolid stull' that will buy ponda cheap, and dollars, hod will bear interest at the . fhem and to luopellv account about 7,000, milesthere are built evorv i 'l t'H iu tl.e lirains ol tho sinariost mer rateofstTrn percent, per annum, payable,' jj ' ' 11 J ',yetlv about '.1,0(10 new hou.'B, by clmnw l,l"r" ll" k" H l-'W''" to wlien send-annually In the city of New York. The Gone'ral Assembly of North ' e l'-" of Mreets ia iu. 1 R'l" "ill B. t to hard oau or bottom pri- There is unreason why these bonds should , C!arolina do enact : j creased by twenty-eight nnle3. Illj l!;it I think every merchant of experience not sell lor their par value, its thy ate; ft0l. j It nhall bo the dntv of flip j llO jails thero is Mil UVeiMgO of 7o,-' will coine'de Willi me in sayins that Ko.ids amply secured, and pay a so mueh higher j Clerks of the several courts of this prisoners. Tho foreign-born j lv s-''' within the Inst twenty- rate of interest thnn bo many other Invest-' state and of tho si'verc 1 .Timtiens of residents of London number about ,' J-1'8" "'hey are this S;nnr. . . ' Mini., uiiuui uiu N.inn iiiiMK'UH oi . i and I (eel couli.b'tit to gsvuiR (l.iods, Var. a mentado. Wil t the proceeds of the sale : n10 IVnee. to jmiW in n Imnl.- to bo 1 1"0,0()0: but tllirty-seveil per cent. ; ..n,i m-,,.!,,,..,!,. i, .., ,:.,.i.h t.i ol these l-onds the work on the road will ' he i.nidied nn moro vl.rorouslr tlian ever, and our people may leel assured that tl.ejtivo amounts received by them in! ' conipletloii of the rond to Greensboro will the way of Hues, penalties and for-j be an ascnnitltiihed fact at n-distant day. feituros, and Bid book shall at all! ...,., .. i ..... ' ai ioih iinin mere are two iniimrru cuu- : vlcts at work between t)re Hill and the titilf (nshns be. n recently mentioned by us) and in a few days put to work on the line ' Jiwtiro "of the IVatv, Bhnlt within !ljn.tthi.Mdeo,a1e,,,.iBixydays after b, ing so receive,!, hJa force of three hun.l be paid over to county Treas. convicts will be now being located j boro', ho that with dred at work it cannot be very long before the road will be built. The Kr.utlolpli people are very anxioui to have the road extended by way of Frauk linsville, thus going near all the cotton factories ou lWp ll.ver, and a Hording nn outlet F.ra larire and productive section of the country. While this is wry ileaiiahle, yet me extra con o, u,ai ro.t.e m so Krea (efrtimat.-d at f 1UU.0-J0J thai it is feared it annothndone. Tho dir.cto.s, however, Tho dir.ctots, howevtr. have resolved to adopt this route (notwitli, standing; the extra expense incurred), pro . vided the people ot Randolph will rontrili- ,,an,i airB i,y founiy Sulmcription, and twt.nty thouau'nd bv the factory ('.,mp., ll(,s But this Mad is not to stop at (ir is- boru1. for as ita name indicates. It is :o be vwli.A on tlT,nigt ,)ia rich ladliin V.dley Mt. Airy and theuce to Ore Knob. It lM , , decided to Bo by wav of Win. H;on (.vhich is o'l the direct Mii:e) or pro. (Vt(. i.,, t() Mt Aily At ,,,,, lm.(.titf ,)f ,).,.,.,., ,m tm Vt(l ,.,.; p rolIl , lir, tt ,,,.,.,,.. ..IWiustou were ires- HU( (Wh l!mt tlj( Uy , , v", .... ,,owev.,r Wn. faken i ti. " ,M B W u, matter, but negotmuoiia w.!l ilouhtlefs be I ai leiu i in u ;o cousoiiiiiiie or iuiikm s.inie ar- ! 1 ., , . , . , raiigeineiit with tlie present lliiili-oa l from ' . (reenahoro to u.ston. sn cen-ly . rut that such neg,.tia-ion:, will be i and succeed, and that In the near future i we will have one continuous lint; of railway ! under one niiiuaKiueut from (lie Knob to I Wilmington, pa.s:uy on its route the to .vn jof Mt A'ry, W inst-u, ( r, en -b iro', nn i ; l.'arel leville. Such n road will do more ; tlB11 ny (,t)ier towards building up the ,.rrai ' Xorth Carolina Svsimii-'' aud will iv,:l,ip the och products nud inexhaustible ntineH ol the best section el our good old state, C'luirch Convention. 'f. sinv.Tliir.l Anniu.1 , i,,.nti,ui uf the. I'rottHiit KmIs..o..I flmn-h of the , , D.ocese ol N.irth Carolina was hld in the . .... i l.'KVettevill. last week, heeinnini ' n ,i.,, j 1,1. .,.,1 ndi mrnin'r on the 17th. I There was quite a lurge attendance both ol j d,., j,al and lay delegates, and great bar- ; mon- nroVailed iu their d.-lib -rations. I MtKh interest was manifested in the tern. 1r ,.,., and resolutions were nnai.l. : mously aJoptod condemning the gr.iwiug ev - f intemperance, and calling upon the IclergT to bring this matter to the eeiioii" : Itbough receiving a majority vote of !:! former. The usual routine business was transacted, ' and the Convention a.ljiurnod to meet ; n,.xt y, ar at Winston, where a new church ! ,as recently been coiecrated. The deie- !Katcs wliere very kindly rutertaiued by ! j tb0 citizens of that good old town, whose j ! bospitality Is proverbial. Tho writer beirs '. ijivive to publicly expresa his appreciation ' j tbe kindness and pellte hospitality ol j bis host, Thomai II. Sutton, Esq., and timable wile. 'OfOiinl. The Kov, Messrs. N. C. HurIis, V. B. Sutton, Israel Harding. T. U. Haughton, I . 1V..1..1 1 ir . i: . .. , 1. 4 ( , 1 . nnv in nur villsee on a hh'irt visit to rela. I lives and l.-lends here, while on their way ; home from the Episcopa Convention at ; Kiye.teville 2 hey etilciated at the ser-1 vices in the Episcopal church both in the morning and at night, aud ut the colored : mission in the afternoon. mr. uiuremi mr mxiiiriii mis l'lr' ish mere than twenty ycara ago, and bis old li lends were please I to welcome lniu . 'i j t ii -i I lim-li .u Oieir n.i.I.H. 1 tended to him by both black and white, is 011 ,.vilI,.llcv , their t.tee.u or bim. , . , V 1,1 connection with this visit ol the above named gentleman we urv lnfertuej by . I amount. 1 hey propose to raise nicy lliou of tUO Mini Cit'l'lC ID record hUCil - - rrr-r sr.imi t'ooils at 10 and 121 '..!; yard wide: O'ufTa. Stockiilirs. Corseis. 1 Mr. hiilt'in lia 1 so recently removed Irom eut chtssios of liilMHeie'er.s and to its- 1 Hon of i li. u;i an i iiiediuiii urade u.i.nls i we have nlwavs on hand. HEM KMBEK. P. this place, hfto a psstorato of eighteen fii -n each class to ils oll'llters As which will be s ! I racap tor easli. Hureaus we are the men who first hroneht t!:! I years, ih,t it seemed unite natural f '"e ,) ndgo Wood J of tho Circuit Coutt, f ". ? ?,;c- U! price of POINTS down to tig;-. I, , , , , . , , r . , , . , , ,. ' ci.tinn toil !f.S..i0and fl.lnland all uoue can complain, -fjliw familiar fnco anU hear ai fun, l ar has ihiCldi d ill a Bchool ipieh.t ion (hat Uinds ot K-o,ls in proportion. UepAoun-. Sj-We are alo buying B. ' ! ' i r . a , voice once aain. The warm welcome e- eriualily dies not mean identity, and L"-s. d ."Jo. 7 .V). an 1 :i.0O. cariitt L iiinires nrniir them a'nar w'heu vol ! him that sinco his departum from our I Villngo I January lust he has not tasted H single drop of v.ntor. This seems ul- ! Incredible, and yet it is strictly true, thirsty would drink tea or milk, J u' "hvb hrnrd before of persona who ac- 'customed themselves to live without drink - ' oig water, contending Unit it. was all a hub- lit. Important to Magistrates. For tho informal ion of tho Jitsti- ! (!(!S f,f ' 1,0 1e!"' of tlio county, wc , puMmh tlie following Act passed by j tho lato Legislature, which we would cM ,(1 tl)l,j(. on;i attention i . , . , . r'l ro(1niro Clorta nn' Peace tol;pq an item - . ' . ' ' 1 . ' . sniiolied bv Ihe count v nn itemized m.l lnfnil,'.,1 t,ti,n,.n.t rJ H, .i. : i:., ,.r uim.-u i'u ti-n iy uiu iu:.Jui;iioii ui ! the public SCC. J. Ail lilies penalties nild for- , i .....i!,,nn,.;vi..1l.v,.., fin-l, urer, sin every satne, per; i. nt.,. ;.. .. i,.,v- i.. i,.., t the ..vnof. ,,, ofn'nv , no. .,,..l or persons leiriiiy acting aa,,. , , , ...... .7 t. .. i nl.n Ll. ,11 .. .. t 'lllllUUlllliy U1MI lUUtl'WU UBYHnBU-i""'" I ......; ........ ... .1, who rh.ill ,lvo a receipt to : . Ti .nv;.lo..,i vYiM.'o... U .,.1.o,.,. ! m' "lore within the next io.-tv-eight hours Ktieh Lleik, or Justice for the , . ... ". . , , '", ,' itocometo .i-ndHaidconntyTm nmntx,a in U nnn,n sons le-allv aclin-' as Hneh, shall 7, "f ,lu". V ' '-"S UiliD'iIiA U UUV lUJll UUUU.). tvorfot f.itnres, so over to bin, ! I"01100 of Le 1'11(h-tm -ut3 irivinjr the .Into of rnvment. lh,',tho vU-entlemeu. ..-,, f'h.rl.- e .TH . j. j , f ...i.,...." ..., ..if'' ,. f , , ,Hm.,n' ',. forfeit tiro V.'US Collected, niul in'what (.!lft(,i ,Stc. 3 li .1 II I .11 i i . ., it. snail oc mo uur.v oi i in i : stittcliunt iu A bu k t) bj kept illj : liis ofiiji) f r that purpose, Mii.l ecl-' jfj,;, htuteiacnt sh til bs3 flhid, bv said Tro:isuivr, or pui soil s. nc'.isi.j i'l s.iid cl.-ik's olhw, oil the iirM i ' 'l'1' f JiliiUiiry, April, J illy, and : 1 October, b c;t:ll litltl every J'car. I Sv. 4. Ml finef, pcJi.-ilf ics and ! kiUllYH, li.Ti-lnf: re Cillccted !iy !wv snch c'.eiko, or justices, and, , M hiivo n..t beoil itec.Ul.ted fir, : ,H' l' l"1 ov"1' tf' "'V''1 Tl'(''l;,'- or perwj'i aotili IW Hiltili, Oil or Le- I foro tbc lost ilny of pteinbor A. 1. ,S5'. ''' S M'1 tk J". pooaltios lln,l f , , :,..';,, i .n t , ' ... n i . , .. jitppropn iti;d nnd paid out by Mi3 ' ' ... , ' ,. , t coi'ii'v j iciisufLi' an uiiircsaiii, Ir yf ,,n;o CuilI!Klu b(:bo(J,s 0f ih coUhiv, in vbh.U ftii.l fim s, 1 n , ,,,'i r,. , ,, ,,i',..,i,i r'( ii. Ji riiiy t-ierr, ju-t;cu or t'lc IVmci, County Treustirer, or porson ac'.ii:j us hitch, sLnll f.iil of: iiei'lcel to j'erfor.u any nf tho dulii'S, i if lv.juii'e'ncnt.s of Ibis net, ho whtili . Ik decniei.l uiltv of :i niisdoiiieanur, mid unoti conviction slinll bo lined , or imprisoned ill thti discretion of .tho Cotirl. Sec, 't. Tlmt section otic, of chap-! j tcr Olio huiidicd and sixteen, of tho ! ; fjiuvs of olio tliulis:iud ciyht hundred ; and sevt nt v f r.iV. be amended bv ill- serlui-' after tho word Superior ill n it n . hue oNi:, tho Word Ixrutioit, or ClilSl-; 00- 8- That Section three, of the'. H!Ul' Clliiptcr, of tllO same laws, be n'ntnoe.l by tnsertinff after tlie words Sl'P"'H inline 01)0, tbo words Is- ! I or , :1MIN'' V. u'f.f r'" , lll";r.l". oici.ui.ot iu lines four and fivO of Paid section: tho , word "Superior or Criminal" uud by Nleihimr not Sniioid.ii in lino uovnn f , i"...i: .. because tho lieople hiivo not made the necessary preparations for JolMg into client ; but when the stock live put tip, pastlires aro llinde, and' tlie peoplo Hue tho .'lent comfort and j labol rjltvitlg of tho new svst.fiil, thnj' would rrctlto a revolution before j tu'y WOtlld fettlin to tho old RystfUl. ! '"-'l1 is l'1H C.l)Cl'ieilCC of thoso who j "ilv0 r' Southern Homo. I L I Civil Rights. j ATLANTA, JIny 12. 1S7S). ' Ai 1 1 r 1 dispatch from Savannah an-, ! ' , , " " -i 1 L lilted StatOH Court, has decided an 1111 1 ittri .1 .if .nun rnv..rin(T Din fho innit .... .,.......,.., r;., ,,f ;0..ii.. .. l,n . , . ' ., . oft th(j ..j.. of ft RtoalIM!r The captnin ordered her J,iOW) wlicro accommodations wore provided for her class She decliliod t( ut oy (,)(J fc , tllO tlOXt Dtllilill Miod f-r damages. .T...1,.,. l.'..ul.-i.w, .1..,.;.1.,.1 4!... ......... .ni-t-i,rM linv th ri.rht tn nv.ivi.l., ,. . -n- i i difloltut liccomniodiitions for d'lfer- that fccparnto accoilll lo provided and irisH i.i n -i i . settles the civil 1 lyhls accommodations may led no'Mi, this picstiou tin far as L torj ia is concerned. Notable Nl'l&ll'HH'llOOtl. j TI,aMllOD " i1J(. i.jn ,lf ,; f . j . r.,,,,,,1 ,,,,m;t. .ifi..., .,.. l,nn j lme bc(jn R nm)(.tHi nr-'l I j w:lu aL ()f-unso n0miust tlo State, iu n0;jy township, render county, uineo ! ti,0 Wiu. Thoro may 1)0 other town- ships in the Stale which can ns Clean nun pum but we have si l ions ootihtts ot Mien anotiior i 'instance, to be fuiind uuywheie ( Kevkw. London. T rtn.lAM c.o.i.l i,nf i 'i Vi . ' !)(K1)S. from Coarse to Fine Fabrics, ;(ll) square miles, lliero ia oue, ,.matt i,y uivselt in p.-rB..n from the Im- death tlinro every SIX minutes, and ; porters and Manufacturers by the package, one birth every four. Tho growth I And here allow me to say that inlejiity ' nnn' l,0lu!lonoj1s.,lt l.e rito !!'' 1 000 rt J'oar, or -0.) each day. The ' i k.i . 1 OUT 1 1... ml : ol lue Wnole poiiUlatlOQ Were Dora Out of tho city. MiSCOgCnatiOll Ia Indiana, it. ....... m,. i .- iuto xl,i..ui-vM.MUioI,., Eight persons were arrested here 'it. . J. .1 . . ... ...... . i . ? euauon, Doing marneo contrary to, j ft0 laws of of Iaditm o arS "fof" tho tjjt. &T aDa. I- one The! ' ft,n ni" th? c' ,,or("a IT15 in co,,se New Store cw (ioods Messrs. Hynum and Ilea len have ja' ,luis'"'11 repairing and enlar;insr their new ! store, into wi tch tliet' h.oi :iov brotitrul a: ... ... Iu,,,. ol,.,.).- nl M.rA.nJ ' " r NEW " AD VE 1 JTISEM ENTS. Mm Sib. Vy authority ct u iiiortgHKe deed, execut ed on tho Uli dsv of .1 .-in ii ry l'-'TS to E. N. M'.r.itt and W.S I?ussell, )y A. .1. Loid and liis wife Fanny Loyd, which is recorded .nt! Iliee of the IJ-pi-ter of f ir the con niy ol ( ., ll.wil: A. V. a ;es illliind li I, 1 will n-!l at t' e (ionrt !! i!i.-e ilonr in I'mshoro to the hierliest bidder, on I In- I'it It. day of J u'e' next, a! I that tract ol hind conveyed by said deed, on the waters nl (ieihtr Creel;, adjoining the hinds ol Sam uel T. W'omble Joseph Wi!liams and others utnd wh.Teon the nud Loyd resides, con- u'.uinir ,J acres. Terms tmsli. J. A. WOMACtC, Ageu' for Murtg.ig. ed rittshoro', X i.'., May I I 4t. lb."!). Mule Lost ! Strayed, my I.iro Mule, of a reddish col r with white hairs on the hack nnd rump, a slur in the lace, blind in ri'ht eye, and about '.) years old. It u u la.-t F.-en .'oiiij; towards I'iOshoro'. l:l.-rul lewaid will be paid for its ictnrn t.i me. W. W. !!i n;iiS. ll.iliiiaii's .M;lls, Vlaninuc" t' i.inty, X. 0. Mav 10th, l-O. tl HllAl v I HAVH A WOOt. CAIintNd MACHINE IN operation ht my Mill on D'.v cie. k, where i ' "," J,ri:i'.M .'l"l'"ll"', " l'"i'c ; .wiin nrsi-ciass worli, ami at tlie lowest I)ri(.e .;,,. Vl,llr .VOl,i .... i wiii price. ! guarautee saiisluctiou. V. T. DORSE TT. inavll lST!)-tt. TIallev's Mills, 1M). Attention Briiie BaOflers! Oidered by the H air.l ol County Com- j uissione.s in me matter ot i.uiMing a new j lnic l Jri.ltr at Hynuni'a Factory, that j sealed proposals lor building said bridge ' will bo received until l'i o'clock on the j lirst .Monday 111 June next. I The Conimissioii TS reserve the right to I accept any one bid or reject all. Plan, Bpeciheations. and c nulitionson lile I , in Ihe Hejjiso-r's ollico at Pittsbor.i'. May otii 1S7!). C. li. SCO IT. 4i. c. ii c. 0. ! Trustee's Sale. c ' ' i,L"""1 s"'ni'itr-i.r7.' i 1 M..y 27. l7!l. the f Mowing articles ot Per-! soiial Pt..perty. 'no-Horse Bockaway. 1 lliiiruy. 1 old two-horse Carrinire. Kacon. supposed to be 1000 pontids. Lot of L'tiuber, sup(iosed to be 4000 leet. And 2 two-horse wagons. May Ctli. lST'J. JtMiX MaNNIXC. Trustee ot O. S. Poe. Important Sale. 1 Un Mond iy the 3nd day ol June next, at the ('ourt-lbiiise door in the town of Pitts. boro', X. C.. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the one third i;rest ol .lames A. Mny , N 3H , Knu ;i0 ol the t(mn' .0 1 itisboro;kiowu as the Iiamsay Hotel, t sitistv an execution iu my hands for collection SLMinst said Jsnies A. Mav, and ! in ol iwar is at .Miircluson, lor tlie bum ol uill.i l and costs. JOIIX W. TAYLOIJ Sheritl'. Mav fid, lSTtl. 4l mTixriTiu; i L1 .ioiix t Mourns, Formerly of V. 11. Morris A Co., S iccessors to A. V. Fisiis, Dealers in all Kinds ol Furniture. Maitrssses, Spring-lleds and ' i.ooKinjr.i.ia-ses. r nip s i.e.i .-Maou. i.orner - . . . 7 .. . ' l"'luw , i aroorouii ii.nei. iiaiei'o, 1 have in store and to arrive, a nice coN S.'ill. and $10. ' M and see me oi write f .r pries ol any kind of goods, as I am detenu- ined lo si ll as cle ap as the chtapeM. Uu- luemher the place aud name, iinytjll JOHN T. MOUKW. i l ., i 1 VOiiniu'.'iiiuiij exeueiiiom. prevails . , ., , , i EV Al YE IM'ISEM EX TS. GOOD IMfflG! "M" X? Tff " GOODS A. CREECH'S. OTSTO.MKIN. THIS ADV KHTIS la ment is : '.r y. ..: in lores' , ho read carelully, 1 have received my stock of -JlMilXd OOODS lor 1ST1I, and it affords me p)n:is u re to say to you that every PICI'AHT- ! MKXT is full and complete, with XKVV i"riiiiia,Vtlio bi' co; ivhee" t'i!at runs "he , tir,,ie)1(1 Ka,,,., a;K;H.h ia that earnest ; OTHI US, 1 00 Ul COl? Wheel ttillt rUUS torn prices. Aa many ol thein advanced and are still ! mon.iTtij flniucW JiiU '!f wy moiyl!? j huyiiiL' io !s be!ore th.y fur. her advunce. And in connection with this, let me sav that von Sh. nil kinds of Ritvrtistl'Mritrf : some eeliimr at cost and below, and some an. ll.u ...... ..... n.,.l . I, . 1 i ' lutn nriee ami var oiih oilier kinds In t ei me leu von. Tliut I Mi'lli,,oa nl lunal A,1 ...!- I sons at this writing will know that CREECH'S found, a:nl liuveis with mnnev to snare, so w hen you come to town, dowu tcwu or up town, come to CREECH'S. FACTS DEVELOP NTKAXOR THINUS. READ: ..r,,il .1 Ifl.. ..n,l 1 : l,u,. U r.,1 Null. ' scolt at 10..-. A Inriro and splended assortment of UitlaV at prices to Ull custoniers, come to cr.r.R si's. Wholesale Dcparlnieiif. To country meichau.s; I lm special pains to make this " cmph te. and my stock in this I is ii.iitMiallv lare and attrae.-.. and see me, I have special h yon, and claim to do von j;oud .a von nionev. nniylu' tf A. CTIKBCH. r.aloijjh X. 0. j W. C. A A. H. StrOIISK'Il, (JrOCCrS, 1 No. 1, Fa vol leville. No. 4 Iiii tt:i and No. (J Market j Nijuare, Halcfcrli, N.C., ' tliFer to the trade to.Jay, at inside prices, . the lolh'win:', viz : VA.ivv) lbs Titie.'hv and Clover Ilav, ; 10.11'Hl lbs Hulk C. 1! S'des, TOO bus White Mid Veil i'.v C.irn, IH1 bus White lid ed Meal. ! Sili I bbl t Ktr:i an 1 Family Flour, ; 2.IHI0 ' :' -cp and Molasses, ! 100 bids Herring. V. icker- 1 and .Mullets, j 2 000 His Canv.-isied Ilains, ' 10,1100 lb Siiip Suit and llran, ! lOOli't lbs White and Ycl'ow Sugars, i ','Od do-. Il-ikintr Powders. i Choice Messina Oranires, i Extra Palermo and Messina Lemons, Ked and lellow bananas, 5Hril(.n., f "nroanuts, Xw Turkish Prunes Choic" l'atnm Currants, Mixed and l'lain Piekb s. Eiiir'ish and Ani.'i'iran Chnw-Chow, I Potted Tongue. Turkey and Duck, , Imported and D uiiestic Cstsups anil Sauces. i Smoked, HroMing and Chopping Beef, raham v lour. Imported and Domestic Oatmeal, Sago, Tapioca ami farina. Cracked and Crushed Wheat llice, Flour and Corn Slarch, Nelson k Cox's Celalin, Imperial Ursnum & Mill Food, Canned Pie Fruits, Preserves and Jellies, Chocolate and Cocoa, Fiesh and Desicated Cornsnut, j Imported and American Mustards, I Fine lino of Imported and American ; Cigaia, ranging in price from 1 " to ! 1 7 50 per 100. Navy and 1'lnin 0 lie wing Tobacco, Irom 2wc o"7.c ir ID., i in Binall packages put u .?... Ii.... : 11. v Grocery Line, neud to us for Catalogue and Price List J?; fiainplea by mail or otherwiss when requested. inay8-tf Lol,Iv AT T"'S ! PAGE & ATrATEl,!COT"1,'yMTo"xN-ixr, Huccessors oi TMiaannnt. o .Timrrn inuifiroun khihhilii, Are now receiving Now Spring Goods in every line. A EEAUTII tL line of Spring Calicoes. Als , to U J in greater q.ianiitita than usual of all qualities, ranging iu prices Irom SOIt.Ms i to $t 00- . i Farming Zmplcments ; in great quautilies, tlicreby enabling us to ; sell at low ligures to suit the times. Our i & is asisns aro apecially luducitig to the buyer. St-'OAR fmm w I CKNTs. GoKKKli from 1 1 i VS I' EN 1 S. Ploughs aud Points, Farmers of tihatham and aoi . ties, I! F.M EM hKli that you will Lot only j save time, but MONEY, by stopping to see ; u8i in t ie itlI(K HlULDiX'i, luarSMI C'A1!,X. C. i N E A L V EHT1SEM EN TS. I' M A I I ! 1 1 f L LONDON would inform HIS Friends and Customers, that UK HAS JUST returned from the N'orth with the ! 'i!irSt!st a 11 1 Most (Mni,,lete, ami t!lC C-IZA2t3T Stork of (ioods He Has Ever Had ! HE KliKI'S KVKKYTIIIMi ! From FIiE SILKS, to a Bottle ol Castor (111. Although I) E Ik not Hcllinr V'F OO'i'', will not lie umikkshi.o by anyone. You can Bave money aud time by I cotuius to Bee him g: If ISS Ladies', Misses', and f'hildreu'a Hats and Bouuets urn Sl'I.KNDIU! H 1 s-- assortment ol 1I!ESS GOUDS, c insisting of Ulack and Colored Sitka, Cashmeres, Hunt ings, Linens, Muslins, Lawns, J'oplius, lie's (iinghams, fit, , is KXTKA KINK. Lawns Irom H cents up. ling a Matninoih stock of Clothing : Coats from 90 cents, up to the 25f2Sls8 Has M i O md M for evorylndy, from 20 cents a pair, up t.) the Finest UatiJ Made, lie iitaket) BUOKS a specialty. His of is JEirseEiffSigs. and j (iassimereg. Hand- tiollars, 'arasold. Fans, Fan (Jhains, and Fancy articles of all kinds. ! Just Ask to see his CI LOVES! I IJcbt Stork of eS'JSL'S,, White j and Colored, in tho Market! I All kinds of HATS, for Men and Boys, I Itom the t'hei'.pest Strir-, to tho I Finest Fur. : stork ol IIAHDWAUE is Very Full. .'- Nice F'.ook of FUdiXlTTliE : (lonsisting of lied ro.e.u bets, t'hliirs, &, , liis tihissware i I'.KAfTtl't't.. Call and see bis Ni:w' i vi.t; Lamp ChiiHnes. j Has Tinware, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Leather, Iron, and a Very Large aud Cheap Stock uf Groceries. j ry Ei,.icinl)i.r, that the place to Buy Cheap, and to get. tho WOIITU Ol' i monkv. is at 1 1'itts'uoio'. X, C. tf May 1st, 1--70 Great Bargains ! A Trustee of O. S. l'OK, I am iseiiiii-' AT and HEI.OW COST, I the entire Stock of 1 0. S. Poo, consistiiii (ioods : of of. said ) r.ADiKs Axn ok.nts shawls kk.vpy MADK CI.OTIIIXO, SIIKKTI.NHS, IiKlI.I. .N'.;.-, lll.AXKKTS, IIOKSK COI.r.AK-i, H.M.TKKS, lIAKXKS.s, liUIDI.Ks, SADDI.IOS, Itnl'KS, 1UTKKTS, W I'.I.I. -WIIKKI.S, II A It I) -W A It K OK Al.I. KINDS, ci;h ki:uy or am. i ofis, o 1. a s , Hil'o-i, M I" I' I I IXKS, K X h j TKACTS, ( UOOTri, PIlOKs 1 OU MUX AX1I Cltll.PRKX, K.NIVKS, KOKKs, SPOONS. BKISI11CS, SOAP, TINWAniC, CAXXKD KKI ITS, ! AIMM.K-PKKl.KUS, SAWS, SCYTHES c.vKi'i:xn:i:s tools, hats, I'MP.Kl-I.I.AS, ( O T T X YAKXS, FI.AN.M LS, TA BI.K CLOTHS, I'Llt CALK, t'SDEK-VESTH FOIt LAPP S AXU OKSTS, B11IKTS, JJKD TICK 1X0, VALISES, , SPICES, 11O0K9, IMSE FOU LAIOKS 4 OEXT8, j OLOVlS, ltlUIlOXS. NOTIOXS, ' ' Hll,i EVKHYTIIIXG usually kept iu . a first-class store. rgtSpcciiil inducements offered to i,-, ap!21-tf Trustee. 1'OR SALE! I OFFElt FUR SALE TilOltOnHl- HliED MEKiiSMlKE PltiS. ALSO a nice lot of halt-lired and three- fourths COTS WOLD L.vMUS. Will shear trom li to IU pounds oi wool ai n jem uiu. C1U11U lur eanip.o w ........ KYHCP MAKIXO. 1 am Auent fort'legg'a Improved PAT ENT EVAPOHATOli. Send for price list. 1. II. CLF.OO, apl.l tf St. Lawrence, '. O. IH'COIES, ROCKAWAYS, and SPRING WAOON'S. at prices to suit the times, Made of the best materials, and warranted to give entire satisfation. Consult your own interest, by giving us a call belore huving. Also, a full lot ot HAND MADE HARNESS. A. A. McKETHAN & SONS, rayettovillc, N. C. oct 21-noU -oin NEW AD VE UTISEME ATS. Bynniii Mannfactnrina: Company, L. B. IIVSUM, ARcnt. MANUFAOTUOERS OF Til IC BEST YARNS AND SHEETING S, AMI DEALERS IN I GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! LOOK FOR TI1K SHEETINGS AND YARNS, llUANDKI) CHATHAM COTTON MILLS! JK YOU WANT TUB B2STI FIRST, AND ONLY COTTON MILL IN THE COUNTY. Eflconrap Home Enterprise. oct3-uoU-tf Kiii? of Jr.: 12; WITH Patent Sleeve Afeter: The Best and Cheapest in the WOK LI) ! TRY THEM AND BK CONVINCED! Manufactured expressly lor and for sale by Kaleljfh, N. U. A'so A cent lor the sale of Dll. Warxriim' HEALTH CORSET, unequalled for Beauty, Style and Comlort. decl'.l-tf T. E. Brigga Building, Raleigh, N. 0. HARDWARE! Hi BASH, UMMIA, I'AIJTH, COLO ItS, I'CTTY, WIXIuiVVHiLASS, Steam-Ensines, Beltlni, I.I.MK, CEMENT, I'LASTKE AND MILL SUPPLISS. Uorrespondeuce solicitod. & h k k k b dec4 dm Blsbcksmiih Wsi HAVE OPENED, NEAK MOUNT 8. Pleasant Cliurch, a FlltsT cl.ASs Blacksmith Shop, where 1 will uo the very best work. Repairing Wagons and Bag gics a Specialty. apUO-lhii J. A. HORNADY. The boats of the Express Steamboat Company will run as follows Irom 10th f April until further notice : Steamer D. MCUCHISOX, Capl. Alonza Garrison, will leave Fayetteville evary Tuesday and Friday at 7 o'clock A. M , ana! Wilmington every Wednesday aud Katnr day at 2 o'clock p. m. Steamer WAVE, ifsiit. W. A. H.ohesm, will leave Fayetteville ou Mondays and Thursdays at 7 o'clock a M.,ani Wilming ton on Tuesdays aud Fridays at 1 o'clock P. M., connecting with the Western Kallr road at Fayetteville on Wednesdays and Saturdays. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO .dgeuts at Fayetteville, N. C janSOlf Raleigh and Augusta Air-Lino Jtailroiul ('oinpaii)'. CHANGE OF SCUEDULE. gCPF.RtXTUXDEXTS OFFICH. t K vi.kioii, N. C, Mnv 19th, 171. f On and after MONDAY, May DJ.b, 1S7D, trains ou this road will run as follows (Sun. lays excepted) : MIL THIX GOING SOUTH. MAIL TKAIN COINO NORTH. Leave L-;ave Hamlet 3 30 a m Hoffman.... 3 23 " KeyBer 3 53 " lilue'a 4 13 " Manly 4 6 " Came ron .... 5 2 " Halcigh ... .fi 00 p ui Cary 0 m Apex. 7 17 New Hill... 7 44 Merry Oaks 8 07 Moncure... 8 30 , . " ' " . 8 57 Sauford.... 0 83 " ,,".. J,;,;;; . 9 25 .10 10 .11 07 . It 31 .11 M Osgood .... 6 5S " Moucure ... 7 23 " Merry Oaka. 7 44 " ttty Blue's. . Keyser. New Hill... 8 OU ' Apex 8 80 " Hoffman. ...11 22 a m Cary 8 55 " Arrive at Hamlet 1 15 1 Arrive at Haleigh 8 80 " JOHN fi. WINDER, Superintendent. Caps Tear & W Valley Rpy. To Take Effect May 19tli, 1S79. Daily Except Sunday. Leaves Fayetteville at 4.00 p in, Arrives at (lull at 7:55 p tu. Leaves (iulf at C OO a ra. Arrives at Fayetteville at 10;20 a in. L. C. JONES, Hupariuteudant. I TT"

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