JJffiq djjmihain Record T1IUKSDAY, Juno ", . . . lsT'd !L O Jl jp All advertisements must he hnn-li-l ' In tiy Tuesday ot every week, in order to be inserted in the issue nf that wrtk. ) TlinsONM.. "We were pleased tn meet in our town, a day or two nro, Mr. W. '. I MrMarkin. formerly 'f this ennnly, but . now one of the I 'hdins lms.in.-ss men of, HiiK'IjjIi. ; i CoxvicTs EsCM'nm We learn Hint, one day last wwk, three. convlctH inade their escaps, while, at '"rk on the, railroad near Or Hill.' in thin c mnty ; Two of tlie.ii were- n.'ro. k, find on white, man trom Moor canity. K r'it ahnta were fired nt them n tln-y run off llllt Without rfleCt. T () OlhlTH bill UTiip- only a week or two previous, mo that ii (a "lcpoinins of too frequent m-enrrenc. nn.l Indiont-R lei (front t-"'iu' "' j-art of th guards, which demands inves tigation. TUB MW Ihtliint: At th" me.titiir ft tht: B"ar.l of rouniy coinaih'-.hiii' ii liei.i , lat.t Monday tl.r.'e hidn were pre-, i.t-l Jor hui'dinir the n hri l'e at l'. i.iimi'h fiutnry The coin ra.'t wa aard..l to Theniaa J. l'oe, Win. I'luiid ur. l A. J. Hynum nt th.'Kiiniof . ! 1 1 1 . M-'f-rs nyiinm nnd l'.ie were the ei-ul iai l rs for hnildiiiR mr new jail, and it tiny rj Vf the roii'ity a g.io.l a joh in the Jiri.lire a they did in the j ii', there can no fault lie fiuiid with the wori'.nmiia'ilp. TllK fit iio.it. ItVW. The I'n.iMent of' the Senate and Speaker "f I! Kf" tei lOiiRilltatioii, have de.lilii'd l hin th" new fehoid law. whieh hy aeniH overfiht lnih'd to rereive thidr i'im'ines heVr" the niljournment ft the hh'.Hture- T'l-y liavo ihrlined not nly Ii. ikiiso ..f the tiiiili!f..il lepality ol tlit ir new fiirv.!.. it. hut also heiiiiie ol the iil. nhiriiy ol its , jnatre. ' In order to tent the .pestion l 'lo ir riiiht to aiirn it after the n.ij .111111111 nt. th- S11 .erinteiidHiit ni 1'ul.lic InnTuition lm iiiHtitnt.d hval J.T..r !in to o.iiip'l them to affix tli-ir fitfiiaturei. The niai-' ter wi'l he hrouj'ht l.efore the Sir r-nie t'l.urt now ill B' Mhioii, no that an rally i.e 'iH ni may he had. Xkw Maji. 1:oi t::h We h r.rn (r. ta the 1'.. st "t!ii' l..Rruo 1.? nt Wn-lnn? ! ton that the f.dl i Moir new mail rout. -have heen eftaldiaher in tie comity, vi.. No. i:; .:!:t. from H.-llinan'.- Milln. hy .1. . lerr V, 1 lid S'. I. iwrnnre loll.v Hill miee a week, leavinir the fiit named !".. at li . ill. en l'ri. lay nnd ve'iirninir nt 7 p. tn, on Fame day: No j:;."i.M. Ii-'to M n inville l.y Mor'naavide. WillMim-' Mid. tJn.i'o. Orovc, l'lai tlrove, nnd t:eeu 1,-vel to Morri-vi'le, onee a week, lenvlitff !.r:i villi' . very Si.ti'i'dny " " r"" tarn'-mr at ! p. 111: and No. KlV.'J, fio.n l'ilt'-h .ronh, hy r.yniiin'n !' ii'tory I" 11 'I voir and h.ii'k.oliee a we-k. Ii nviii'.' It. re on Sntiiidaysiit 9 a. m. and retai id 1 at 1 p m. The lat named r .u'e will he a jr:. ;.' diaapM.iiitiiient t" mii'iy I'itmoih in thin rounty. who had Iiopeil lo linve n Hi wet li ly ma'.! Mine .-oihi;h.d hetiveui thi j lnee and (J'.api 1 Hill hy ' "f ' !" termediiite i.lK.'e, a.id it was j;. n.-ially thoiii-ht thai Hiieli a rout-' had I . eu en tahlifhed. While, of mum', the route j;iven H8 will he a nue a"C"ttni.'i lati in, ye! it ia an annUl in coiiipuriaitii with t'ti.t ae'-.. d lor. that our people will ,:r. nly I' .inpliuii Servii'O on these new roiite.-t will not he gin until the 1st day iifOetol er next. Tnr. Anmri i.Tt KAi. Mroi'M.-h will t-ver he the pleiinure and earnest wi.dt ol the 1:i:i iu:U to cnntrihme all within its power towards t tie inipr.ivrtoetit. of the BUru'ult iral intens's of our coun-y, d el injr nsure I that whatever t"iids to improve the coi.di'iin of our farmer', must re. dound to the l.ei.ellt ol all Hit 1's mid pro. fissions. It is wlili inuih n'eaMne. then', fore, that we publish d-ewl ..';e the h'M. r of It. Jiimen I'owell to wli c't v.-.- w mli c ill the special title. iti .n olaK our fiirni'TS, and siueerely triift that t!t -y will act upon the aiiL'-sliolis therein I'oli'Kiie'd Theestahlishin.nl "f a Iho.artment of Aprieultiiiein Noil hi .'.irolii.a wis .inin. i.t ly wise and proper, an I win a lining n cegnition ol the ela'mis and itiipoiUnce ' the largest ami nioa. ireful elass ol our citizens. Ad now the e.fiiMif liiu.-itt in filitifi'lhn therewith, of all ".i;rieiil:itral M is. iiiii." if properly apprei'lnl-d hy our farmers, cannot fail ( aei'.niipiishiiih' inui h (rood. This permanent t-xhihition at one phico of the h-st upeci'iteiisi.f all otirpro l nels cannot fail to do jj.iod, and will inl. r rst and Iiislrnr" nil who li'.av isit it. fit:ni. pTS front abroad, as well ai our own pe -pie, can then see 11 collection ol tho trrt at variety of pro lucia ruised in X rili Cnro. tin a. A the product of each couniy are to he '3thihited separately, of course each couniy will have a pride in liiakuijf the best ex liihit possilile. And now, what will the fannera of ChalltKin do 1 We leel assured that uo county in the KU' can make a bett -r or more varied exhibit of her pro. ducts than our own. We, theie'ore, ap peal to our county men to tuka an intereM in thU matter, and let our county make audi a display of her products, of which we may feel proud. So that, when a strau per ahull visit the "Mm-eiitu" nnd his eyes he attracted by au exhibit more vailed and better than all th others, nnd ehall ak "wlinfe prod net a a" tin-aft" tlm prou J an swer may be, "Chatham county's!" Our farmers can have no t xc istt on the ground of expense lor faiiintr to send apec imeiig of their products, hecituse the I) jartment will pay for their transportation after they are delivered at rntshnro As the jrrain croH will soon b-' harvested, it is ncr.css.iry at once lo fleet the specimens of tLoht cro;a imiuded to bo forwarded. A Xr.MU'.ii I M f;: r.il.NT .Ml will ad tnit that tli.' improvements mn.l upon the public w. !l m'j iuin;r t'-f nut II -us" were very mu.-h in e,l-d. Tuis wi ll hud. hi'i'ii tor ii.ini' tiiin'R iri n.Tiil repository lor nil r. !no mutter, iui-ladinir dead rats nn.l ilojr-1. hut ncriuly it lira been ili' i' ouirhly cleaned out, walled up. nn.l one .f Farrar's improved well-curb place I over' it, so that now when our friend f : tii tin-: country coin" ti the (i'niirt-II.i'J-i' J ! ran ; get n ilrink ol tfood, pure water, ni .1 we ' hope that they will nut .leii'ianee the I h-m-inissioneis for tln-.r '-waste o! the i copies 1 money" in making Ibis tniproveiueiit. A ri.n.sNr t)t( sio:;. T!i c'ti'.ens of Ml. ri.-rt.-ant iieit'lih.irhoi.il. in t!;is coun iy, will Innjr renieinher l.i-t 1'ridsy with mu.'h ph nsure, and n-.t only they hut nl-" the lift;,, number of visitors who eejoy. d Ihe day with thetn. !' ir on that day were held the ch'simr exercises ol ll.iw Stiver l!lh school, of 11 hi. li our es-e -med friend. Ur. V. . Wilh.rn, Is the ni-cuaplim .1 I'lincipal. Having h en honor, d with 1111 invitation to att -t..t. ami hiivinj.' a few hoiiia to spare, w rode out t" the ". x!ii biii -n." 111 d in c.iiiini.n v-itli nil in--s. nl jr.'lltly ellj 'Jed Ihe ih-rht'ul orra-i.'ll. The .let lama: ions by the stu h uts were unu.iiiiiliy o,i;t ib-e. i- .Sly nh.nv l!.e nv.-r ae, nnd the c .inpo. i'ious w -re will Wtit tennn.' 'i nn:.:!y ten.!. Where all dhl so Wei". It w ed 1 h- 1:1 j i-H to I'i.-eri-i.ii :i:e and we will let lhe:i !.;re m. nti ai m y i.iun."'. The (Treat I rea of the day " the .i'.. .Iress by I 'apt. i:. 15. IVrs ai, which wa listin-d to with rapt afer.ti.jii by old nad yi'imtr alike, niul was as inter. sii. and el ..pent, in it was learned nnd iiwruc'.ivo. 'I'll" t u' i ft of t'o- a hirers was the Needs of the I'..-: -nt, a:i Ta v'.it by ihe l. -ons ,.: the lu-t. After in'roiSii"try re'ioii preja-r t the etpe.;.ri eca-'-..:i, the np-alw r tr!"i upon k r- i"w ol the ied i-'iial h!-;-.ry "I Norih f..r.di:.a i!a:-i"; t'.e 1 ;. -in:e ol the woil.'r.;r s.-rvh I 'h" 1 .--a -ration. I'he it .itistic of I :i r p-.-lu-ts ia every tie- ',.tiiie :' I.;', r v.-.e pr-seiit.'-l. as they np;.,nn d in l"i I. cmt 'ft-t. d with the same r.c r.'sl.r l'-'M. nn.l r.tj.iia ia WO r.t.d 1ST. The iiot-ial ami .-."!'. -aaea! r.-as-ms f.,r ihe eivaiii. -us d. . 'i nt in the vi lne "! hti-.l. iis i-r-'dii. 'ic ca; aei-y, the wotkire: eiip'iii'.l invested p.-r cere, i.i.d o;. r t-h-mi'iiis of i.ttr pre- at e..ieiit'o:i, were pre s ntcd in a varie'y t to; 'e'.-tioi s "'o" in,: ..-it of tli-.; ch'i.,t ii.;i-! ';! t- '!. w.;r. do-tlislurl ni-.c ot li e hil.m i-y.-.t t mi- i:i in, the I'. ii'Ut.i i'.i.i of th cmr. ncy. etc. Oar l.i.'d s of hominir v. ei- r-l" r .1 to an ! .aiii.nred wl'.a I'iom- i f tlf ir.o.'t mic '. ss'id aj.-tiea'urul pe ; h- f-hr.at-!. The n ils of l'cplldel re llp-e.l fere! ':i seppli. s i.n.I of riskim; every! hint; upon t'e l. ilunt s ..f the coit'.u cr.oi -te di.-rit:e,l mi l sou'hein 1-1 1 very t 1 Wall Mo-i t. A pie 1 wi made for the r.r.tivatien r'f ir.a -es, and 'he 1 tf-r care ! s'oi-li. att-i the j:.;.'ii;i ri.it 'inures an 1 fi.c's we.-t u-e ! ir the illas'iiiH "1 i-! the-e p 'ii''s Ti.e ret -iv ! to theo'd w .y- o! lo m' i:amii. lai'tr.f'S. an 1 ihe ir.-! - I-" ' ' n "I ihe yirtu in the in. eh'li'e arts wis .-. '.eeal. il ! ii-h b'l in tiitn. ' the s!it. an. -nt of oar 1 1 ' -hi ! - I Ubor. l'i..:.'!v, the t-p ak.'i ih-el r-.l that the e..i.diiH.iii ren h-'d was iha' ih- a ivaacin II o; leu!' !-f II- the h '';s ol I'll lite IIIHt'-lhli prosperity mil-! b" ohlaii'.-d of i.ni se by wise i:i tho.U of (ii!ii-a'i-e-., and thereby lb-' pt-oper .'i.e. t'.e. of i..'iu- i.nd p-ah-r.t en.! netneiii ol eu dial, wlt'b there n -fa in in-.i.t be s t. in a br :t.l and .:. p". her., ."'i-e edue.iri.in ho our r!.iid; a, as the r.-o. ..f tin whole mall -I Thei '. al 1d1icati.11 w!i s r-s dt was t"f.'i't ehiirne'. r, was ill -n b'tnr.-il. mi I what North l.'.ir lilt 1 iu:-j"it b-M ii-1 wi'h l.er proa 1 natural reseuivs. :t I It" bi.ldi'ijr of a new ;'eneratiou of o:hers I'liin.'.iti'd lor the task before them. Ti e n llress e nsu! 1 ah .nt om l.nst, and elosed with fie f.dl 'Wil.jr eloiiaen' pan:;rsi'.s : 'T'ne ep.- iti'h.'.m of v.-at' St'iie b r-.rs tl e f' .-il-es .f Pleittv Mltinir I v her wit'l ol ' leiic iia-l t lari'io I -it i i'i - rb.'het ol her e.t! i t '.e-i-e -.vs'l- whi'" winded ro-i.i:.-ri-e deihs the- as. T.. I -il H h:: ' iha' !i J lireliee'l a s-.d "ill "re Up. II t .;'. 1 ol I n ! oeil:h. I: has . n'y b'.-n lyp'enl ol t' e w ft" .1 "a-:n II elal ce. lis we Hat by tie rub s ol a one.' i-r..i l .r . peril;.-. Av i". ii'v ei'i'tyu e i. to i;:vt. l a.!, he t i 'the i-M h'.'.u our bit he's I..V-.I, t! nt 1' -n'y on y bi.-'U ii.'o if a i moles, a 'i ! j v U hi- cive of h--r a'e.i'd nice lo in in. l-.ii.d'. an I ihe -ail' "f c "ilia -r -e i: .v ith the li-.'iit .' hop-. ! i f i-.e.iiri.i..;: h :p;ii- nt-H s nml iivb'ii.-ii.leia' '. Y.hi have lae n ible-t a lies ill t'e w.el I. Vim I nve the wo oeii . I :ln- In. I lor y eo hebieis- In all ihe iinna's ol bi.t oy. y .u w li not find their superiors, nod I 'enriess. Iv as.erl that in nil H e t-'eineiit. of l iv li. in s and .".a."', mid i.reeni nently in purity of life and .li;.l-y of ciia'ari-r, y.m wili W"ll-.'!l th" W.i-I l"in va'n for the peers ol t!ie vweiien ..t lli" S 'ii: ! Wi tt have il l l-r;t m you' da k and trrievoiis -. liviilious with n .li-.-in" tt i-i who have preserved the i-arc! .th S ol il'l and i-h-.l a t ir ! -si-of li.-.-neii ..vr you. .! ai" s.ie li. i:i' .1. 1 i ih" dearcoiiutryweiuen o( mi" S mi-hei n land '.' lira rely bidine I, it t arrows i n 1st own br-ii.-t -lie t.U"tiiie i you ill tour st i ugi le. b .nil I up y..i;r wniiii Is. buti.-d at lust the r..iipiere.r Ihinner out "I your sk-'it. un d.-r Ihe sweet II overs o! Memorial l..y,niid now holds out her loied nnd cries, ' I'on.e tn v laiher. come r.iv l.-o'l.. r, my children, let us linnd in hand, pi lorlh to build ajraiii and lo triumph." Thus, at the risk i f dninjr ii-jasiire to an address which should be lieatd in full to be duly appreciated, we have a'tempt'-d the ab ve syuopsi, no its to jfivt' our reatl eas Home idea of ils in -l it. We learn that at liiht the yoiiny; folks : had a very deasant 's. cinhle," which how ever w.j did not remain lo nttetid. De-li-jhtlu! music, was ki.nilj fiirnisheJ by i Prof, linker, ol Xewherni', wliit is now here 'on professional business. j The liospil ihleciii.ens of th ' neighbor hood b miitilally provid-al for the "creitt- ' ure romfortn" of nil the nanieious visitors, s i that the wants of the" innei man "wvre well supplied. V'e received many invita tions from kind friends 1 1 dine with them, but by previous eiiraieeihcr-.t wo el j ayed the generous lioapitidity of our f riend, L. 15. Myuuiii Esq, and hii i y.iu.ubie lady. tf.Thy now allrneSivo r.-lvc-r- t.scii.w.t, w'.iiflt M.H-n, W. if. fi. IL S. Turin r pivsei.t to our n .aoVrs in this ioMto, t-houH 16 onivfully rciul. This is l!m ohlc:-t ivml w-cnllh- it'.-t niercantii.) House in i:ii)i'iU. ntiil well nun-its the very largo traile ihi ih.'t.. n' - -- ' Tm: F.i. i.i'itw.-Tlio voters in tLin (( 'i.i.trc'HuWtiiirti will (o-d.iv (Tlnitv;- layi (Uci.li! win tint- t--pii itiious liquors; flnill otmlimin in our midst. I'liitsu-.l iutortt, ntul itnlff.1 some . tSfiU-mont, is ni'itiilVstcl in tlio lc-: tion, mnl we tnay expect, iptitc a full ' vol... Tiio Tn-tors of tlm (VlVcnnt cliuiv'.it's in tlio town-hip, I10U1 Mack ami wLito, an 1 of all (Ifiiotiiinnlii)iis nro t .-ikii-f a most netivciutoiTtd.mul an. ( xcitii.;: thi'!ii( 1 vos to the ut mo-it , .. . ,. , , .. ( l.l I iu ri'iii'i ii 1 .'i .-a tit inn. 11 1 . 10 1 i V . , ... I;. ni trom nnioivj their llochs. v am lli.:l, v.i li only 0110 or two r- e( td j. p., vi ry in"! aht-r oftli'; il-fn- oi'.N'. ('hiiri ii i'i l'.ia township v.illtt ilav t-ast iiia v. t for J'tohiliitioii. A Vii.i aiim: I". (:;.--AV.' Lave lv ecivi'il fi-.:ii I. seis. Alfr. .1 Willi uih .: (Vi, of K i!i-i;;h, a c py ol' a most valu t!.l; w-itk n ceiilly iiMi-l.i l Ly llit'iii, ln'in ; tli" ".'I 'll ml Jlistory o' N'orih iroli'ia" !y .M -j. .Jolin V.'. M.ti'i'i', wliicii wo lia'-.' ri-1. 1 v.i!i iiiwi, d, asiu-i' m..l pio:';t, fur it i li.d'a indtiic: ivi- au.l ci leil -im':-.;. Dy an Art f tin- la d 1. -ie!.d!ii-i-1 lils Itooli ia to i f usi'il in tl.r r.ni'. iii'iii tela) ihs i f tl.r Slate, wl.i 'ii i- t.'aiim mly pro.irr. Tin' L a li:.-.' pi i- V.it n!io!s in tLu liiaie, Ii.illl lna!.' an-1 f ti'.ah', are it i.ijit if,r ii as a It'.'-t-W.k-. ami it !:aa rrn iv.al the i-o:il!iieti.lal ioll of Old' lUo t i'.ilKi- at nt t. ai-ii. r.s. In a Lis! ry rxlrn li'i.,' ov. r a ;t-' riuil -f Lc-a-ly Hi;- 'r fiiitui its, f-.-oiii 1 ";'' '.. l.'T.', Illi. il wit!i so many. il.itt-.-4 an.1, farts, it was i'np is-iid,. l ia!.t! Kiajti i timi's. .ml on'y v,!ki. r is that ther" a:-; We M' iro t'vo in ri.:i:i'.tt! t.;u' own county. On p v.r !'' '''j' 7il t. s! .i. rt l.-.e'.'('i fiat I!i v. in.. mi 1 in; fr-in New .-r.t to Jii:!.!...:-.,. -have ::lv:iy a Li il'.l tiiat tais di-lii:-;;ni ilir.l ti-a.-'ii-r liail a f.'.'lioo! in tuir .,wu for s -vi r 1 . ear i, an I r; m-v. il iVoni Lei i' to ! j: an-l tmnjii.r lii ; i.rliol irs L. r! W". re t.v.i of ti.. I'u!. ir." ( iovi ruoia ol' N jrt't Ciroli n i-J..lii! twe:i anil Cii :i!v-i i! ly. Anil on p ;"!' !:'d he ia;--i i!i ;! I)u i 1 i'' illl:ili;. 111.' fill. o:;s j'.'-y, l:-a.!r a r.ii.l iolo lh!; 1. .ro on l In- 1 h ': tLiy ( July 17-.5. I.i tl.i tit.-.tetiiotit i-.tv' tv.o t.ii-st . lt . ami lie is n t tl:e -nly L;st.'!-:.'il w!.o l.iis !:i.l-l-' tla- s-:nio ini;.ilo , ;i i v.o 1'io -v from i:;f.irni ':ioii olt'iii!! si v.ln-n, lSTti, mc wr.de llie lt-'Vul.i.ii.'iiary Lislory of C-iat'e :!.!. Tu;' .late uf llie r.thi wat, '.he l';;li .lay of July, ii,-(. a.l ( ;' tin- l'vli, i: ml nt thai, time lie :v wa-. no .sur'i p'iu c as l'ill l ivo.' Tiiii town was inii loitatfil or i: tv -l t;:i til sevi ral years uflt rv.-atsls, for on the -J:);!i of );-iei:t!ei IT.-'o the la'd Art of the le;-i.-latU"e was passeil au t'lmr'.'.ii 0' its 1 .isitiou. At tiiii time I of i-';niiiiip;'rt rail tin.' t'ourt-IIou o was f-iluaU' l aeross tlio c:-v k iiliaut li.iif :i tnilc S mth AV."t t.f the pres ent liuil lin,, anil tiiat pi le-, wa i i-1 ' Cl-a-laim C.r.ut-Il..ui'." Ai; ;si- ( V Li ': ti.i.i n::. n - O.i'v a lew yriu-i a:.'o the nanie of iWiifou S. ji!t!!e!i.M was well Uanvn t all our pi oplo, at: 1 was ti -1 r t - -"l in tuir liiimls with lu-i!) ry, frau 1 iv.nl ecu cral c irruption. JI.it tlio laps... i f t'l.ir; Linl tlotiMl.S'i o'.i;ii-,-.i!.-il Lis pr rio-iis i'V) l ieinory fisaii lraay iaiu-.l' lie will Lo rememlxe-rT us tla: '-l'i i:i"o of L ildo i-ts," who c!i.ie li-oni I'hila.ieliilii.i in K'lS nml Ly tins of Lis Money a". 1 wlr-hey r m- mi tr i!lu.lthat ii.f.mi its K t liriil L la'nre whieli was th. n in n -si in. When tin- ui-nioriiits t-amn in p wi r liiitlrlirl.i was o:i() f the tirst, to j. ;) v.- the State, for If well kne.v thai fhf viohit il in 'j sty f our law. wmil.l Le vimlie it. tl ami he wouM li" punis'iinl for his crimes. laiir'. iiirnts were foitml Ly more ll.ati one r.aiol iaiv iiL'aiu-t Lim. nnl Mivmi- ous tflort's m ule t. arrest Lit,., lie ; ha.l, howevi r, ll si to Flori.Lt an.i i i ,,. j ,i,. i,i:.i t l . bail c.ipi iire'l tlio Knlio.il Ji""T.-d.i- 1 . t i , i V ture there (j t :t as Lo lnnl iLuia lu re ) ami not only thai, Lut the (J.ivrrnor iilso, for win n ti n (juisition for his 'iinvfit nml return to.this State was ,, t i i itt .1, ,t sent I'V (iiiv. I in! II. I. ibiwcil to the ;(iovi-rnor of 1 loiala, the litter re- fusi.l to tlelivcr up I,i! tiidli'Ll. Oar li'oi.Litiire then antli.irie.l a rewai il i of is.",0(M to Le oll'ei-eil or Lis return here, Lut all in vain; anl so for more than live years no fur! her iTuu'ts for Lis nriest hi'l been mi'lo. Sevi-r;.' iLivh ngu, Lowcver, (!ov ernor Jarvis sent a special oinet r 1 Floi'i.ln, wh") nterfe.L!.l iu iiiTc.sfimr r.itt'.elii 1 1 ami confmint' Lim in jail. I lo at uuce :;ir..1 out a writ o' HaLcas tot-pus f.r hi rcl"at" ? ml 1! Vu.i- .lity ofhii arrest isno ln im-ar'Pal in the Courts of Flori.Li. i.ii l will not ho i'.t ei.leil until in st wed;, Mint won-klful emmets lime inaki's! It.tlio't'uisl.tt'ti-.Mtf'riS.wliii'li was so c impli-tely n -11-1 Ly Lit Ih lli'lil. (lien in tlic.. hiihnf liisnow-' ... j of ntnl ;;l'ry, wa n y m 1 1; i-t-i j plo.l t-x- (:0nf..,( rato Koliiif who with Lis l'..ll.v.,h.i.i,ii.i'as w:w in n lionoh ns minnfit v; nnJ now tliis samo Litllo- it-I.l, as a fitritiv.- ffotn .TusCrv, LaH hf.(Sl nrrcslcil l-y orUr of (l.at wry ,.,.;,,,.,( sr.ii..r Tliot.iat.T. laivis-- I )low Oownior of Norilt Cm-oliii'i ! New Sfitd' HdshN. Tin' Tioann r Las 1 eeoi .-cl tlio proof of tins lion In issto,l hiiiLt the l-'''1 i-. to b.i o-ivca in xe:i m-ro for ihi'ohl hoti-Is. Jim ( raviii..' is ( x : of ilir Alner aiiy, of N'rw s ia 1 i!s f ire tat i-.of Ani'-r-li. 1 tint !!;. t jas'lj- ov. r- .''Ma.. Tli.aii ;. w of Ih. 1. "'.I.'r i f li:e 1 ;l V of U il- . .. 1 11 ihimIi', an.i is II fill ISank Note C'ea; Y01 !;. Tiio 1) m l - i U- so w.-.r.ls: "X -li!:-. ii-1. I: i i iii-n-'.v - r- S' aii ol Xor'h ' '! ' -tt -01 li. ai-rr tl." :-a. 1 .1 l).,liara, lawi 1! " : 1 it ! S ;iK' al '! I'al. lie Tf a.-un-r ia !.':, o". flit- ill--t .!!.'.' -I' .!.i!y, A. I , i '."!.. wild i:.t 1 ;t' tin leo-i i t I 1m tat': of I'. i'.i' p.-r r -'it p. f jii: mt'-i, T 1 v-.-ili'r s i : i i i - a 1 1 : ; 1 1 1 1 y at tiif saiil ol'.i -r, i!i I in- li,'-t il 1 1 s .(..liii in aii.l .1 il ill I'ar'i y.' tl- I'l' i'il ill" thl'e -of ihi" I.o.i-i, an.i until il.f j-rii.i-ip 1! l ..-ti.l o'.i f-'.iri'i.-inli rii the pi t.p--r iMiipo :s ! l re-o :il:ln .i-1. Ill wit llevs wll!'l-i'- id' f in (i.1.1 -r:'..ir of I'lo sail .S'atc. in virtu.- of I'owt-v r.iiifi't-nil by law i-.alii i-i-'-it-d tl.it l'.'i:-! ami t'-MUnl llie L.-l-.'::t. n-.il of th" St.itL'tiibe I'.n'l- f , ,, ainl lie;- Ihil.!';.' Tr. .i-urer iiat !i e iin.t.l .-i.i::-.! tilt! s a'lie 11' the at in the J'ovi 1 i:aieit. ol in;, said S a! . J t i ' . I in p'U'stvtiii'o f an art en'i-!r.l ":i'.i ;n:l t.i fiaaiii-oMit-o, e.iUuiie.ie ami set!' ; t!l S'ato il id, i.tlili .1 'li" i l: ii.-v id' ?.J ir.-li, A. D . I. ";l." t'po'i the !.'.(!; ..f tit" l,.:i,t i, il H.er i.i i-T the w n-.ls oil i' i faee, o'c'. Wr ropy th" i,:,.-.Vo fr.-vn (ho Oli sri vi-r. Vv a:e ph a i' i to l -arn lieni or.r c xc--il -si Safe" Tivar.'i'.-i:-(iril. the ohl Lornls r-re eu:.u'i- in jui.lly for xrli ::i,;-e. Alreaily nr.:'!' C.n:n fi, -ai1'), (I. i:i t-,vi. 1. :i n e -ivt-.l. C tilN. (i'-.-c!!M--.i-o is th .ir;!' f.sr nvir hi t. i:i Vr.--i. rn N .r.li (.'aiuliii i. 'I'in-r.ili'iot say-Ih it M-'s-'rs jl i'i.: 'nli iV I'.l-o., li ni-'Iit t!:i- season lod --.-.iiS l iilibit t'kins, 'd.717 o'p as-uio ', .!.:;:l') l,ii!..;.-;i!s, minks, l.'itil .'. tir-, "i l i s':, "i7 olo-i-s, .oS .sliiiulcs, l: 1: i'a e ci's, i; wil I o.ts, for. ,V'i l!:--v -;i 1 ali.i-.ii i- 4,(10.1. Savin'. i.e.! ...;l!i!.' less ( a re rrn pr I d I-,- in am. iisv in If l.'ni.-.i. i Y. are l"" i ..vorn-il- i III if. I'li.tlM . .f rin a ii:;.; in tirs rer.p. i -,- S;.'.iii. in io'ls ! : ii. if. over ! in;' t-i UlilllO". sit re, n .w.vir, but tin-, i li'i'- ill one rll.il'e to ihe ' lii.-:', Mi: il '.Lit ' -utii." ih-:;litlrss, : r!, is a shine)' aLovi! otii Tito mast leal h lit llll'l : iis'irs h!-...w tn it tit-re is , , , - , at:-l:"ltli th" ittl! itll.t. ot ii-pinr i-oiisim;,.,l i". tills Si 'dr. iliil all- ,i,.. ;,,.,,i:t , ila-i,'' J).,,,!, ,' p. , h i. y i'a".l I'u:' illli thiliin!, that '.ii' l'e Wiis D.n.i !, v. I.o e t.;.. ; . n'e li .knewn, nr. !'.:'r c venrs its-1. mil mi', o.'i 'i'-iiili le-n-i' -id.-ms of tai.s St.it . it it ordered as inui'L n.s m o'her .Si ;trs. In tu fdiesof Maine iheleis s imi ,tin;; iiiiporti il i'.'e:ii mvr t i;i ihe hitafe at laiva pi o; ii ': sea, Lilt e Lai illy know what stititi'-iiij'piii means. : Su!i!!'-.l:ipiii"; is an oli..a.ihte hal'i .: Tim liumli.-r of ot iitnt-i it'i rs in i Maine is k-ss than in t;i...st jvirls of j the eo'.intry. In IS.".:!, in this Slate,' oihl t.iVrrn ran open bar-, . anil .1'iuor wan sohl itt aim:.-; t wry f'roi't-ry 'or,. It was prpal ir !) i i-i . k New !lu . ;!::n. 1 nt ai. To-lay .:i'i"hiu LaL iis are uiuler the Laa of pu'sir opin ion, an 1 tl;.- rums. !!i-r is j j-,Mv rc i.'al' le.l as th ' !';; of : o i ly. Moral sils.. i ui Las Lei li fiilp; .'i-:ii( tlte.l Ly h ai MUsion, mil iiie law is now .vrll i'i i f. .. I, et.i'.-pt in u i'"W of the 1 n;.'i'i' eilies, nn l ia tlnsa i'.'W eitii s is to Le f.iitn.l a lai-"'1 snt. of what int. -tup rani' ' tin re ia i'i tin Mtate. Pl'iilidiilion !' -d.ilii's ami wippV- nieiits, ju-t as tlir l.iiv r.ioii d aiit'rny ni-ithi'iiis and i ittastii" law simple- meills lll'il'll folia'-'. Xi-l'iher MJ iuc-ss flfo.-timr, Lut lmih ri:,tia:n. s. Leu istou 11 .Join .'.at. .a in ui A Mass i"ii'; lis in in is woikiiio the Jin nudum mine in M irioi enmity Ma'iv -ctns have Inn l.nnal flii re i, :,',!,'. hst w,,!.- v.oith S'.l,(hi(. Ol' ('iirun.Iilia f7'i.')ill) voilh liavt I., i n tal.rll on;, sit all i Nlicl'.s of SI l! ti.it). M. toon's mie t mini s, li -porlrr savs ai" .ioiiiv.' wa 11 too the Futuro of the Army Bill. AVahmm. r. n. May "1 At a joint mettiiiL; of the ritan.it ie.s of the . Sfuate ami lb ir.se i) -moriMtii" cait- ,.n.(,s it w;w a.-ci.le.l to re.-.imii.en.l (hat the iirmy appii priation hill he pas'tnl in the u mal form, u.akin:4 np- prnpriut ion t f,.r the ci.tne jenr, l.i.t with a proviso th at no iioievs s i ap- ' , , ,, , . , , 1 propri.alt'.l idiall Le u-ial for t-mtthiv j.,,, ,,,,, unij. f(1. j .J i.-.. purpt.srs lit (he jiolis; liiso ti.O llie l.-oisl.itive I'i.l Le l a-.-.-.l in like manner, Lut .1 . ,- i- ,11., o 1 iyi ,-m-i isiirs of c.ecttoas ami ib pllty marsh- als; aleo that, llie cl ilisrs in relation to the repeal of t he test oath law llli-l tlio .oo.li.i.e.ti.,,, .,f th... iitre , , i ii " lie passe.l as a separate I. ill. i'eis.inaol ted. ntiiiv t iiisuiis are pie- disposed in (Ions';; ati -n: ni. h s i.-uld nl ttiiysiise r. ItullV I'Mliimore IhiUwhira insure s.ibsy lu.s-.in. a Cmisiipaii ,a and all 'l itii diMistriolW tOLs 'j I- IiCcH. A. Ci.ii'.iwii.v. Tin' A' l'li : ilii.tl Ivnl" L:f riiiir.niii' Cotii; itttJ::ss or.'t, i!lH of $J,i).U lip id t!;y i ill! .M ;j. J.H. A r.neltiar.l, Si cit.tiry f .-.t :it, win is. ih-iith ow.'iirrt'.l in l'll rnaiy l.'tli. 'l'lii cuia; miv U t'.io i'.i.-t lo m '.th- iLo !os-, mi 1 n lit'1' tf 't- r, co.'iiis up to 1 its iiiis n.ii of o !, a hi::.;; lm'. tun.t' cr to u- lt ; : t (.(' piiyim-nis in tiiis Siato. It i.- tl s I' ' I r I'M hi . IV. II I'lt'Ult I'J it". orcdit to it k, , 1 . 1,t-..-u i..iv it I.ikkcs' proiapily uti'1 saiislaeioiily. Oli " New Slorc And lJoW VCO&&. Messrs. Hy 11 inn and Ih a ' filiNlit-.t repa'n in ; and -1 1 : t : . store, iitio wl it-h they h..v.- i: r ii" w t 11 vi ry l ire;.' and varied aa 11 ilisfof ail kin Is. c n:-';- in'.' ia par', t.t dry lioods, "-.irerb s, dre-'S Hood, in!s. nils, lurniiure, ivti'tou an I humify material, e., whic.i ill he ho! I i-li-ii;. lor ensh or barter, if. nkw ai r.:;nsi:.Mi:NTS. FUSGH A?.niVL3 ! HEW G03B3 Second Piirchaso SlMUNa," 1879 The l.-i I and Xewes' S'vh I'l'.-n: Ii and Aan-r'. aa Novell .eS SJ'.iiithi-s, s; I'ipc Satii!-., I'dlkii It.i'i i'ttiilanls, c. Tor !. l'.-otii'-nnde and l-ivenintr Wear In I'AHIiK S, 'iisiii'iK'.-sStsI for (5 t.iliiy, S'.vle a.i ! 'Jiraii:it'fi. A " j 'in I !- : We iavi! aa I lull li:: I.Mil.S 1'. a to h-,t .f the f.i.,:....e. 5u:i Unibrcl!.,', Jap i''aiT.sol.3, Seae-lhi, !: rrelv New. LiJjiLii ii-J.)i.ftl..di.! o'l cii-i La.l'fS l.i-'e -l .Ve.. in I," I 1... -II -lei I-'. .!. Ii;:'-!lll We 1. 1 ' .s Kid lilov- - ll'i.. la h! ..! I from -' !.. I. Is.t:.. . St k Mi'.s. r I t i v. iiiii;r: . b s and - -i 1 1 I - . i-.-ii,i-.- i:,b. L o- Ta-y, l!;e,d lb. ton l.a -e-; a V.Jel.c. tia.es l.e.a-: Madia Ti.-:. !!.. t a I.. e.;i. f . mi 1 1'e-hll e- : i'l:r. .-.d I...- -.-: laaao; l.-e. s " -r 't tVirivj l!ai;iari' T osanaHr, Tar. met I riair r.ad !ns.rr"(tn. y S.yh. asd I'.''..'". M":,"'.rs l.a.ii.' tiVe ' .'de -ti !' lidi V-s. pp-i-s iy lii-.-'v S' i lihiidren's y,'-. .. V -.y .V'tiin ti v. .ov II A I.I. IY I aa I p:.i-rs . il. 11. H Tl'v'Killl, lh.! u's N. ih STATK III- NtC.'Tl! i'.i;ii,ISA. I'll Til AM I'ul N'i V, Martha Timi.-i, 1 Vi - l'rihsl" I'.iurt. I-isih P.i .i 1. ) Pre .ly Wiiinih.-r and wile 1'. uily, Wis i 'i'Tepbe'l n:al ife Sarah. " liisisni uu:;a jiiinei.il e a, tiatsn s ui.- I, III. '.Vl. lb-, r-1. 1 I'iiiis-.iii y lUiibd. tl- c'd. nauiet nr. 1 "" ': l''er. Il inn ".rinr I" the I'.oi.'l iha' the ih-- , ...,. i- , v. that tli" Mud ia t'.l.ove mimed .I.. ; itppi"::' a' the O I .1 Ihe r "k "I die ,Sa- "lll'V, N-'lth '-l:h ol Ja'y nar, as tl.ev j Cariilit.ii, in P!;i: ls;.i, to 1 1.-,,:, ,., s iall s -e 11;. W lines., y hi Piu.-boi.i'. this .' I n a-! ti 1 t.f oi'ik'C, V.ih. I -7!i. V. K. I'oi'SHiT:. i'i.-rli Sapeiior t'oiirt, Bl I Sab of Land ! .1 A W... .blhl.S.ill ii.'li, Adiniui.-trat. id Tliomat dn-eiised, A.i UNT Pr nc s .b.hns in a a', t ihers, lu the Superior ti'.e.itt of Ciiatham County 11 oh' tii.-i'ii-e fc. an order of ihe C unt in this rae. I '.till tu-'.l to the hi'hei-l bidder nl t'a- i-'ei'i'' Ibe: doer iii I'itfb .ro". on M in-lay, Ihe 7'h iiv i.t .lu'y neM, nil thill I ra -t of land ol the i-s'a'e ol Tims .bih'iion, d eras . il. whereon he i . i . I . 1 a! th ' ; hue o' liis ih-.tih. n 'j iniiii; the hoi Is of ,1 .hn W. I'i rry an I oiiiers, r.ii.naiiiiijr about .'II' '''' su'-l i low's ri";ht o! dower. ' :ia I i be i ii I in ilar ol mi... hub hiii'.' ell li creittt ot sis nio'itlia, mtli inter- ; n'u,, t,,i ".S1.,V, ., ;,,r ,i;l. tuitltn- nid 'r loflhcCurt, I'htfbo:,,', Mny " II. 1- Adai'r. Ilotics ! pv v:i: iif. two si:vi:::ai. i) Moii and as s i v t il -.1 by S. I . H.if-'hl Mary Ann to sn'ia" ll e pay "II in d- I I i 'le rein nam.-. I. I will. ill M.il'.hil the I'll day i f July l"?:l. t -ll ' in' ihe To . n i t Ihns- pose lo pll'.lli' boio". t.'.ei" tv ol (. but n mi. !..- i A l, the I lliowii l' liesri ili.'d real esl.,'e to wit : One hiindr. d aa I liny urns it laud mi 11. ar Creek, in ('!.a:httm t- 'iiii'y, he:tiLr the same II pon wh it'll tin' raid S. 1'. Illicit now le- Siib-S. Mat- s h, !;.;;). A. W. 1M LMI-'.K. j-.tll .M.i.-.-a-.r. notica ! nx MiiNmv, t:u: ; i n i.w of .1 fly. V A. 1), lsTa. 1 will (...! i.t the Cunt 11 use do r in the town of PLtsi-oro', to llie highest bidder ! ,r I i ASH. one tract ol ei-ul HI ' l.H' i.a 11 i-lllliy . I'.-H'lillllir,- lioou I 4:;, ncres. and bii.iiided as follo-vH : tin thi. north by the lands of Hack ey .'; M. Muth, mi the ea-t hv the inn. Is m ,m i statu el H"ihniin Harris, de-ia-e.l, on the south '.'!'! I' liulhlic, an 1 on the west by Mrs. I "'il .1 i-ton, to S'H is'v an e -in ion in mc bands for co'l -ction i'i-tiii-t Mrs. MarcmM L-i'"riii Isv.-r of W. S. l.-.le .V llro, lor 'oil and iiit.-r. st. and which has been lev- i.-. on siii I I in 1 us property of Mis. L"ii";. A,.ril '.);!., is!'.'. .1. W. TAYLOll. 1 j " It S'.lCliU". NKW AI'VKS.'TISKMKNTS. M Li 1 lira ' M0im r I, LONDON 6 ft; ' v..'iilil inform !!JS rrii'ii'l-i and ('ii-.loim-rs, j that Hi'. MAS .11 'ST returned from the Vonh with the North w.ili tn. Ji'li'fri'Nl il II el.'l'Nl -I Ollll" " ' ,.,i j i.,, t Ti' Slllfli ' , W"""J.T" tt' "11 11 ol" ilao'U lie I! its Kvcr Hail ! 111: i:::i:i'.s i: i.nviiiiM: ! I-Vom FI Wj HILI, ton il ,:tle oM.'aMor oil. Al'h.ei.di llf". ii not seliiuo; ArI" .. ! . "ill li"' I M'l.::-"M "y inyo.ie. 1 oa can save hiouey and time b; 1:011111:4,' to w-c 'dm. HI ' Ladies'. Mi . li illltet.-i ale -.1' r-'.d 1 'i ihln u's ll iMnn l .S.M.K.'Nlil'.i: -Ii 1 S-- j issrtttni.'n' 1 I !;i;SS fill' !', c HiHislinirol ll'ael, ir I I I'oh.r.-.l "; il'.s l.'.isiitneres, liuril in;'.t, I.hi'-iis. Mu.lins, I.i'wns, I'oplins, ; l'a'ie'.s 1 1 inrhaais, ,V A;, ;s liXTI! .'. IT Ml. Lawns loin Sceulsup. II is a M uiiai-'ih stork of Clothing : Coats f.'or.i C9 cents, up to thz """ 2"- . lias r rs U i W .i M ' fer fvrryh .-'v. Ii-e.it -.'U reals a pair, up t-. ilie l-'an'.i' liiiiid Made, li imikes sllol a sperinlly. ' Zlis ZZ'Z cf 3-r-L:3C20 is Hl'-A'Sj and W ry I!:itbl-i:i:t' ! 1 ' l.'.dl and see his ( 'ut tie aih-s, (laasiaii-rea, ' Lae i.s ,ve. 'Ureal Ihi-r.-.'iis in l-h iuj.-s. Lares. Hand k 'rehb'ls. !i iv, S.-a: Is, !! iiaies. i.iilars, O'.iil'.S iherkiils l.'oyels. I.i fil'l. ll S, I Tans. 1" ni t i .ii'.ins. j and t'are-.- nitieles of all kindt. ' Just Ask to kco his JiS.OVKS ! !h;st Si t'k of 'J-J2'Ji'JSj Vl'ili'C i'.'iii (Viicn'il, in the :,Ia!l;et ! !i kinds if HATS, f,r Men rail II -vs. I.eiu the ( 'lo a. - si S'.iinv. to the r.in-s! l-'ur. IPss'-.ik if HAKii'.VAhi: is Very Full. A Nice S:..'-l. of I'I liSI'i I'liK: ..ns-.f.inj: o! He l io.iai Se'.s, t liuii -, .V". His (i! a us ware is r.K r r: I'll.. ('..'1 and see I. is kw sivi.l. Li.np ( hi.uii "s. ibis Tinware, ltviifs, 1. tin's, oils. Leather, -l..a', and a Very Lai";" mil Ci.eap i S-ovk III lii-ofrrieS. ;-,- I,' -raeiiiher, that the itlnre t i liny , rh iip. a -.d to get the wollTIl OF Vol ii Mn.MIY. I- II' i i N. 0. . Piil.-he 1,. 1 tf Great Bargains ! A.- 'iVti.'ee nf O. S. I'OK. I am .-i'ii:i": A'i iiti-l I'.Ki.OW COST. i!ie fiiii.'f Stuek iif ;. :!s of o. s. r r.'i: i-t'!i: o! .- ANIi i.liNTS Mi.WVI.S, IIPAi'V i: i i.o: liiNo. siii:i-:-i'i!;s. nun.!.- .s. il.NU-.TS. iliiiisKl'i.l.I.AIJS, K i.i i:i:s, iiakm'. -s, i:i;iiu.I i-, SAiHUIs. IJiU'liS, lilVSIih, wn.i.-u'iir.Ki.s. ii a i: ii -v, ai::: ok ai.i. kishs, c.:.i. Kt i:y or ai l SoKT-i, (; 1, A S. Sj i.;:i i.s, m r. n i ixiis j: x Th'Ai-'i.-, i:.i..t... silo!:- l'.".; mi:n xp i iiii."!:KN', kxivr.s. i oi:u-. .'.'HONS. n::t .-ui:-, rU!'. TISWAiii:. I'ASXbli l ltl ll's, a li'i.i: i-i : i i.t a:-, wsn v i in:s I'Alli'l'X I Id:-' 1'ii.I.S. 11 ATS. I M::t:i.I.I..s. c u t t o n .',!.".-;, I ! ANN! I.s. I A- i:i.:: i i.n'i us. ri i:- iM.i:, 1N1U ii-vi:- is im;; i.i ii s axii l.l ATS, SlIIUTs, niai Ti.-Kixr., V.'.I.lsi-is, :-i a i.s, looks, ii .sr. ran i.ahi:s i.r.N": s, iiI.oi:s, ;ii'.!5-Ns, no:i.'.-s, .! EVJ:i!Yf IINl! usually kept in a hist-ehi.ss s.oi'?. S9.S;iei'ia! iii.lueemriits otlereJ to Country M. reLants.- a .U)11N MANNINCi, ,.,1-M.ff Trnstec. I Iti- a'lthothv ol ii iiiorlejajie d. r d i-V'-nt. ed ell die I h'.l ,V of .1:11.-1 -TV 1-7- I I'".- trace a rv II. I' i.wh M..I'.:: raid W.S Ihis.s II. by A. .1. lend and las .! Faimv I. -yd, w hich is n rmii.-d in tie i i'.ier ot I'm- li -ea-t Ihe ci. a: tv ol i h.nl !:.lai..i 1! I. wi !- ll al t n'liourt lion? door ii: l'lOshero 1. 1 ihe hih.-st hi bier on !he 1 iih. day i f .Line lu XI, n'l thai trie t ol laud ceav- i'ei! by said d- ed. on the waters ,.l ile.ii. r I're. k. a-li -ini'io ihe lands i.l S.ilil in I T. on. hie J is- ph i liams a id oiheis, and hereon the mi ,1 I,. .yd n-sidea, ccn l.iii.ine acies. T. i ins t-asli. .1. A. Wo.M.U'iC, A'jeut tor Moittratrei-s., PittMi-.n.'. N C. May 1 I I:. Is;-.). ()!) til 1 ,1 , I .,sit Kl a . .s, anil M lii.Ml W A il NS. at price, to suit t!ie liaies, Made ol ihe b-nt nia'eiials, and v.airanted to jrivw entire n.ti-falion. Consult your o n interest, bv ivinj; una call bclore l.vi.,-. Ai. e, a full lot ot 1IAXI) MA HI, ir.UlXF.KS. A. A. McKllTHAX A SONS, FaycttLville, N. C. ott 2 1-noG ilai :v a i) i:i;Tisi:.Mi'.Ts iSliockoeHacliiiieYorts, i:k ii.viom), va., Mantilacliiri rs of Ihtriahh- aiid S'ntionnrr ; laiirines and J!.ii!-rs. S ov Mills, t'orn iand Wheat MMIs, O.altiiie-. Han'rem and i Pulleys, TurbtiiH Water Uh.'.-ls, Tultacco 1 l-'aclory Machinery, Wioiijjhl Iron Work, I I'.rass "and Iron 'Castings, Machinery of j ,.;v(.ry i-rip i m. j (Hwiiiiii; cV TiinvsLiiio: Jlacltiiies. ! A SPleilAhTV. I K,,I,:lir5l! rriuiily k Carefully llOMf. rji TalWs Patent Spark Arrester, ; The Invent ion of llie Ai?c. It does not destroy the dialt. Il do-a no' Intel fere w ith ch aiiin the tabes. It will rot i-l;. k.- up. and rnpiirea no cleanine-. I It reipiires no direct ihtinpers to btt opened when raisintr sleain (damiierH heiuei ohjec tiorn'.le, as tin y may he lelt op"ii and nK low hp.nks t-t i-Fi'iipe.) It r-apiires no wa i. r to . xiiue,ui.-di s,iiii l;s, whii li, by conden W'ti .11. iteMloVH ibe t'.raft. Heshles, when water is used, it ueolectnl, the rllieienry ia lesi roved by evaporation of the water, and 'the holier is kept in a fl It hy condition. It h simple an I durable and ran be relied ; upon. It can he laiaehetl tn any boiler. N i p unier shouid bo without one of iheni Insurance i-ompanies will iiisnrH L'ins ai d bin i.s whi te the Talhott Engines and Spark Ariet-ters are u.td at same rata as rhaiu'"d t"r w .ter or hoii-e power. i Send for illustrated circulara and price li-t. inayti'J litti L. 15. ItVMMI, -Uciil. MANri'AGTUltEK.S m- -mi: BEST YARNS --AMI S II E E T J N G S, AMI GENSRAL "tilcHANDISE ! l.oui; lull Tiii: KIIKIlTiXCS AND YA11NS, CHATEAU lira MILLS ii-' vof v wr 'i ll!: rill ST, AND ON IA' COTTON MILL IN Till; COl'NTY. n LTn M'J'j; tj.tp'iitifrfl JdUjitlLiLIJ ofi:!-noi!-tf II AVE OI'KNKD, NKAU MOUNT I'li-iiMint. Chui-eli, a kiiist CI.ASi Uiai-k-iniih Shop.nhi icl will do the very In i-t work, Ilupairing Wagons and Bug gies a Specialty. apllO-dai J. A. llOHNAPY. The bnts of the Krresg Stoamboat lioini.any will ran as billows lioui 10th of April until further ii"t';rr : ) Sienm.-r IV M I' lii'il ISDN, ("apt. Alonza (ianison, will have Kayettcville every ; I'liesdiiy and Friday nt i o'clock A M., and I Wilm'u.oNin every Wi-duemlay and iSatur j day nt 2 oYh.c!; i- M ' Siemiier WAVli, tiapt. W. A. KobeS in, will leave l-'iiyetteville on Mondays and TaursdiiVii at ", o clock A M., an J Wilininr ton on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 o'clock l'. M., conneciiii"; with the Weatern Hail , load at Fuyctttville ou Wcdueedaya and ' Siiturihiva. ! ' J. P. WILLIAMS & CO Agt nts at Faictteville, N. C. jillloO tf ' LK Ai T1LIS ! IPAGE & ATWATER, i FurrcRaorsof ; TESOPSO & ATWATER, Are now rt-ceivlnu; Ne.v ypring Uoodu ia evel v line. i ' A BSAUTirUL i line id Spibiji inlicoes. Also, iu "-renter inmniities than nsunl rif all i.pia'-ti.-s, rai. ".in"; in prices froaiOU I'liNTS Emplcmcnts .n rt.lit (j,,,,,,, j,;, tuendiy euablino; us to M.n ttt .,. t;u,-,. tl) pu times. Our C5-13 0 Iii iS il iS S n specially iudii.-iu to tin-buyer. St-'"H : fiom W t MKCKNT3. (.'ol'KIiK from I t li.'.'OidiN'I'S. Ploughs and Points, we have always on hand. KF.M FMBF.R. we are the men wh.. lirst brought the price ul 1'OIN l'S down to figures at which n.eie can comphiin. i U e are ni. ii liny uiej iteel and wattle; them almijr wlieu you conic; anil .! r nl li eils f..r iu.-i.si of Cliathain ni'.d adjoining coun 1S...UA. V. t a.-.s l:i:lF.MHl"li that you will not only save time, but .MUNF.V. by stopping to gee us, in t .e ltlill. tv UL Il.UI.NW. ina'Crtl CAIiV, X. C. I'Olt SALE! f OFFF.lt Foil SAI.K TllOHOfan- m;i-.i) liKUKsmuE rms. also a nice lot, of ball-bred and three- f-urlhsCOTSWOLD I. AM liS. Will Bhear Irom li to 1(J pounds ol wool at a year old. Send for t-umplo ul wool. SY HI'l MAKIXfJ. I am A .'en I for (.'l.'iiej'H Improved l'AT FNT i: APOit.VTOU. Send for price lint. 1. II. C'LF.iO, aph! if Si. Lawrence. N. (I. I lltWKAWOOl, (AlitllNU MACHINE IN 'operation i.t my Mill ou Dry cieek, whero I am prepared to nrcomnilatc the public with lit-chiss work, and at thu lowest . price. 11. inn me vour wool, Mid 1 will iruuriintee haiistaction. ! W. T. POItSF.TT, i uuiylo lt'Tt'-tt. Hudley'aMills.r.O. , Li

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