lioeoiu illation. Only a bntleronp ! Tins tho botvinot Von promised to prlusj uio but yo.UtrJ ? I declare yon're I'rovultit'tT, ami now H'm too late; Tho cairiago wis ordered, yoa know, at -i.-,ht. The honso will to crowded, but thauks to friend F.ox, I've been asked to a roil in tho Oilvu's bc.j. My gl,vei, Charlie : lutton tlioia quick, that'll a dear, And hind mo my cloak, tbcro 'tis, on tho chiiir. Hark ! There's the boll I ha'.o to bo nn!.'o'. And my face how it burne Do I really lool.o 1 fluvlitid ': What's th.t ? 'Ttircto yca.-9 ago 1 wouldn't have hnrried away from yon sa. When wo rambled tog t her sway from the din. And tho glare, and ru.-h. and whiil, and tin. And our lova wad fre.iii and intra vt mow, Or tho velvety dotvu i f the but:eren:'s Llu'.v ?' Why, I'.iarlk -of eo'Trsc but yon know What's thiit on Veiir haiii '; As I live, it'." t tear ! Yon dearold goose ! Ii! tnirt!.iy this ..rt, It pres.-"? st) heavy npou ray hear!. Tear c IT these tr.vppin.;", 'tool f.Ls!.irsi'.i I:.-1. C rao ! I've opened my arc-", u'.ol I hate ve.ii fapt- A knoc'.t at tho tioer.' 'Ah, Mr. l'i i, I .hank ots ; that seat iu tho Oivi-'j i., I must divliue. I'm iiulNpo-oi! t . g i--l'ray tell n.y frionj, Mis. 0'i!viy. :-o. FOR THE FAIOIEK'S IIOI'SK'IOI.T). Mrutt b.-i-rv Ci. I: it til ion. Caltivato tiro fstniwli-vry in .r.?ot:s for family rise, in b.'els four fo.l v !!, with asi a'.lev iw l't-i-t i.i.i-j I'lUioii. Those beds will ttccorjuio.le.rir three! rows of plants, w!i!cu airy -ta-..l tir'U-titi ', inches apart oaeli way and the tout ii in.. inrli.w fr.n,i .V-i ..1!, - ' can be kept cle:xJ, .".:: the mot can be) gaihcreel frot'i thou!..?:t s. t ting the feet npoa them. W't11 tie.! I'lvic experietiea that no more o.-uveiiii't nioile can bo a.l-.yto ,1 tb.m thi-. Tie ronn.l sheaM be well ptvp- tvl by trenching or pIoHnr? at lo ist s,'it.on to twenty inehos iletp, a''-! be '' o;orl enrt'ehoil, as foe nay par...": crop. The teaon forpla- M:t C're'unjslauee.i. I: r.i.i--safety from the t:ruc tho .v.'U'IS V". '''11 e ih-i-fl T,ii.h aids biyiv. hi prow iu tho tpviit"; :r:tit i'.i y in blossom; nnd agaoi in the ii", fre.e.i tiie time the y'ung pl.'.ut', r:e sat'leiutly rooted ULtil the freeziu.T .f il'.e groaail. i It is well, howc or, io plant at a t wue-n tiio p.atits wi:i a- ot:.' eoruvartice growing. If ph :;U I iu war, eirv weather, aa Aur.tst or fv:rt.tmb(r, it is necessary to wa'tr the i-rotpi.l tliccntgit ly before planting, an. I th u io shade tho plants nuti! th y have 1 e-ystn to,l-'': '.: ry tt.r; a.: root. I enp:t:' :". . ! nu:'--, t-ee tei-pon'i: Tl.o mtiiiNi c.i'.e-.-.-ii'. i-t . T,ii,tin tl:iet etio'i-.'j t!.i!r. two tea-;' consists in ! : I-:? Ib.e rrcutd au:o!-g ' the phiLts clear (f we:'d- ct-d iivrpn y ' stirred with u hoc or fork; to ke- p ih-.-: runners eloely pineh-' I .mli! p.ft: r th" frnit is g it'H iv d, aid to t.uih.h t:;t ground anioK ; the plants, befu'e" the frnit begins to ripen, with, fco iL( e deep of out straw 5h;t gras.-, nsowiug, from th.e lawn, or anything cf that s nt, to keep tho frn't oleati an 1 t'l i gre-.n.d from drying. T i exposed siiua'io::?, or where tho wititets are cttvere, with liilic snow for rrotoetion, a ?liglit cove ring of leaves or litter will bo of grais. r- : vieo. This cm be laked ( IT p.u-l the beds df-o-l a. '.hi- openirg of the ,o ot- ing eeneon, A be.l uinr.agc.1 in thi will .'ivo two f ii il cr i;.is. and Fl:oul i be spadu.i J-.wu, a a?nr one haviuv ! v. i in tlirt o'"t-- ; ..-iii-.i I in t -t, ' - , place. 'v Mn-j-p. Skec", nn 1 cspcs'al'y yonvg l.ttb-t, ; arc sr.bject to being troubled itls foe-, s : thul brank out ntout the note, rye - n;v! cars, whkheorer th'ta with ':.:.i::.' e.'.! : spah, an.l it'-rtit'i-.e i to ie. r .ise- ; e.'.t or sprea 1 rut: xv la-tb d:c of th.e. .Iti- j eao. Thef...!btvi,Jg from th: r-1rr... ers' Veterinary Aelvi:,er' ;a r e. te u n ! ! e-.l to meet the eaee : 'T.'C.Vit.eti' ;e !' j cal, thonph neurit-hing f..o-.l, e ol ( !( ar air, clean, dry bu;iil.'L'gt, an-i thf -troi I , aaceof crowding or ferti -n are !::;;:. rt-! ant aoxi-itinod. I'y ncaj sa.!. pivct-.icd if ; noecshary by oil, breil: r.p ; u.l rieaove tho scabs and crttr-ts; t'lvu f.:'- !j h- r- j cnghly v.-'th a bft-h oil ,l i.r, : oii!:ci;; whate oil, twc'T .-jnn.-et, t-r half ; pont.d ..;. h of tar atui f'-e.'pivie, .iu i trie j pound each cf boap an ! aloc'i.J. Y.t ' Btecp with heavy ll-.ote-3 are very ', cttbient. T ie f"l;.flii;g vo-uedy v.'i neither eiaia the "XuA t'or a.ttori.illy en- ! danger tho cheep: Tolxtceo slxteca poun Is, oil of tar three pint", hoop, ash j twenty pounds, saft sc-ap fo'tr pi-utila, ' water Jj'ty gallons. Jl-41 tho tobtseo anddisBolvs tho other iteuti in a t'-.-T j gallons of boiling water, then add water j to make no to fifty ga'loni, retaining ai tempera. tire cf nbr-nt fcottty elegrcfn I Fahrenheit. This wit! ?r. !:! ft.r ti.'ty sheep. Kneli sheen iq I;,-; t in t! c 1 a'lj ... v.1! three minutes, t.vo cat r.ieanwliile ; '(.! breaking no thj re-a'is r-i.i v.t.rk'ttg tL t cmr liquid into rll part , of the '-kin. When ; ( ; taken out he is "u a pispir.g drainer ' r-v, t and the liquid squeezed out e.f t'.o w-n' and allow to flow back into the belli. A second and a thir l bath t.tay be ee'v- a ry in iuvetcra'o caes. I." ,r ni'wly shorn theep oily apj dictions are be Her, bi.-inr?; less liable to be witrhud oil' by rains. One part of oil of bir to f.irty pnrta cas tor od or lard will r'tlVi", bnt Bt.lpir'r may bo added if .iesirod. The conim n nseof mineral p ison, r.n I PHpeeialy'iir compctsuds of mercury, for .'-beep ::p, must be strongly deprecated.' t-'.il'ii! Millie. To keep li.dls ir m rtsting heal a quantity of then on a shovel, and throw them, while quito hot, int i p. ve-c-cd of coarec oil or Ec'.tod gionpe. The eiaih should not be so hot that the grease ttii! bo made to smoke freely. C it nails pre pared iu this manner aro iuipvovcd it: every reareef. They are rendered tougher, and they will outlast any kind of wood, even though bnriod iu tho gronnd; while unprepared nails are com- pletely doftroyed by rust iu a very short (ipeniug np ti e Amaz-in valhy ai d in time. Probably melted paralliue would ' croa dug the t.-ade of this country with be still better than ordinary grease, as i'.razil, may bo jadged from the fact it forma a very cflkctual coating, ptme- that the Asia u valley is larger to an trnt.'ng tho pores and preventiig tin? ac-1 the whole United States. Herndi n, in cess -f air or moisture. ! I sod. asserted that it would Mtpport a John W. Milt ray, of Cat roll conr.ty, population us great as all theu existed Maryland, carries tho prize medal for ' ou eaith. corn growing. He u.iya that he tool; 15'.? i bushels of she lied com from one aaro. The. from which this euer mots proJu-'o ea?u9 hint been fifteen years in grass previously, nuel had lib err.l washing from nbavn yaiel and roa.l. His ntnnnres were ; TO l pound.s bono eluft, po'.nnla siipcrphi'spbuto, an 1 a little pliftri iu each hiil. The coin wai drilled, and one or two ItrtTela plaute.l t: n it.ches apart. De-n't sow .-mall sued too deep. Lam a lestfm from uat ire. Sl.e eUies'i't have anybody t.) dig furrows for tier wild a trowel or sharp stvls, and cover her lit tie gfe-oiii an i'l.'li or t.vo dtep; but f'u' m-iaagej t J get Lor crop iu, neverthe less as your weeds oau testify. Hundreds of Millions of dollars have boensi e'it in buthiiu railroads, and the bulk (t litis imuio'is oxpen.Ufuro eotnes d'n etly or ie.diieclly fiov.-. the tillers of tho soil. Of v hat avail is thin eot-th provision for carryiug fiviij'it to eli-tat:t markets vrithout p'liul.h4 eoitiay rends? H id levy a heavy on agrieul turc eve-ry year. A fprin'-Tng of lime, plirter, or puI plntr, over th 1 ieaes of the str.iwhorry at the tU- 't appe sv.tnee of tho lIi,?'..t, in aitr'i'es'.o d as a itvif :y fr this diens. n-l;Hi in mado sneh sad ivi-rit with the i ili-i;;. of thi-i del:ei:'ti bony. lHile-..ii- N,n (lIU't-'N MoVNT 'N CaKI' Three eggs, ow aml '' i',1' ' ,:'r'r t!l;0 :' 11 tT;' r'''-'1"' ''' ''"11 RUivr, otie-h.tlf I'teani, two eup jioc v.'nl.-- b.i'.iug r; bake 'y. I I rMON ami A; tm'. Tin. -t ie iie three j apphf : t'd two leiii-Tns, p. i'ed r'a.l atv.l ; juiee, two beaten cps, threa eups mi ! gar, a little v.-.ttci, butter and salt, Thi-. i ejaltcs three i.s; b.ik-j bitween two ernsK I Tu'.-w. ft;:. - Tv.i enps ru-ne-h prm r- steeped iu w..;-.t ovr n:ht, ciii' cup js'tj'ir, i"'.0 I Mvpiviuful ei'.r-et k 'f.o", j tableripeir.:' : vi:'.err, ono-tliird caj-fal v,-..t;r; -:::. the edge.) i-i the pa--to with ini'k; bake twenty-five f'i:i;i:-' ; it! rath i -r h';t oven. t C'i i oav:tCav-v (i- de th-- w.Mt r-f 1 a ,jof.i.!ii!.t, .u2'l L:.v:ug rca. !y two pound: cft'iiti-lr -ift d stijar (w'.tl-) :uid Uin '.laten whiles of tiro ('(":-. jI'O the i'. 'lk , ! i! the cut, mix it'doo thor Make tuto btc.e cauc:. laahor tiu.:' t'so will b 1 dry oi.ortfh to cat. Jm.i.V, 'iVo ct, s n-r .g-; '"Iter Die -:2-,M'jt.i e ;. I ee.-toy : three e.r ail 1 0"L '")dM, .--..'lis it-read recipe r n-d ccaia-ta t; r. Il.'tt-- it! .1 ver b'-.'vi-i-u toy ttnti p liy, lLc:' T0 ;"r'-'". :'' , p.nil Tl:e lhit.iv,; rt'i-i i;tt b? f.UVe .1 !..-t It! vr, o-io t-','-'-Vi--n'ii.vof th .!', . tl.iv r'-'g etvrtet. !.-.'. !' -;v.';:ful of oooj.f.'i of ba'ti' !l :nv at: 1 ftrav we ttid t'un p.d-'t ti'O b de-'.-rt Oe..- e' li it ? p.- IK.lWl 01 cno-hidf defS"it- :;!k g powder, M.s the .1 together iu a b -v-'l, ikies' pott dor. Ureak the thrco e,":r m a so -fif IvV.'.? with a ;-t-; ' ""' 'r,a? x' t- ba Add ;ui-i r.i'. r.o to thi i.ion 11.1. .ptiekly ! fugo.r n .ii-- w- rk .'.j a pan with the ;: '--0 " f:-:-5 i" ' wh'.i 'l '....:i 1 -'e e r.vll W.i'.i'il , f-.rte: snuar :j ee e btttter intiU :. I .ii:' a qtsiok oven icn baki-.i ctit into ; . hi.ii! I be split a piYH.'rves. Th" 1 P'dd fer t; a. ca he fcv. Ih -tins en it;;h 1. v-i-hw' t;.e javtie Sue Thin.. n w..'!: d into it i Vtrgiwia u Mid v-1- t !o wear HV. IIo:tor h the ran , w.'ii a coii t b it pr-ifjue-eUue.!Vi .nit t.e b- a r a ye-.' ob:::-!y put !.:: ni'.'it.L.'t, a;d the feo-Ju r.tee.b!e of v. iy c-r-re.-i.-d ret. .. til-.- .''.'iirt room. i'.vt h ' don 1 k-ep it ::u ! o'tr one n the ;:rh ttii.g Iav.-ywa. lk I he s'icks to it a wee'.:, u'.'-o'.'vc i th-' eotirt w'..h ceil Ua 'X nsvu-io:' die ! everybody. 'Wii.v'l: y -u bet V ask vl tl.j j". 'T.vtu'yto ton,' c:;el.diae.l an oager attorney, pr- irn i'-K t::o n.oei y. ceie-d b ; honor, an th. istakts w. i a turned i-ver to a C .'. I'-ep'irtet. 'Co:i:.i.:.,'.:' i-f.ll ti e o'irf-, .pli-tty, a:t .oil a;:-! f.-i.-U t'ii'. ta.i'1 bae'.;.' I i a b'T rii.e.ttes the reformed one i d' , and the j;id an" d :'..r t "d a' 'I 1 I io ,!-. Irs rad with '.eii-g d.i!"i,' 1 f-ai I t'ie G.i sa IV. fii:i,'a.t'.ottol ii or, '.en' Is i.:t idtnt'c smil '. T. r. d.iya iu (he cnu'y jail, bio. 1'Ok up Mr. lie- p-- rt'.r, head t'.,:'i cm.-t C "irl's a lj.mrv.ed. 1!-. t.O'l'l our lower levels,' it v i ah i'. ii-l'- go an-.! The spr"a iias had tho if skoptici m ia i iriauy V-tet of e'iminih'i.g the number cf aspiiants to ska IVotestant e erica! prof iou in that empire. In for ir.tttnce, out cf 1 ' t t-pp-r n r s fe r f rotor-tact ilrricai aspirant , are vae-.u.t ; in lihcnifh Hesse, out of S-! prices 12 were v.v'.o.f, an 1 in the provia'o of Sta-henbe-rg, out of TSi r T.eot . 1 2 w-jro va-anf. There are :ltl out of '' enraei ;P v'a'.ud, end it impos sible to find oius'ues vacant, and it is imftr-a'de !o Gcd can lidates for them. Iu ti e I'diversitv of Glesaen thero nv at present only seven i-ivioitystudents, i-i that he futr-re looks r o hrghlor than thn jirosetit. Tho importance of th. projects fur INDIAN' TRADIMi. Iluiv II..' Ilii.t-.un llsi ( iiiii.uii liimiBe ilie sninm-i t iiliin il l.ui i. in - A .li..i'-f ill il-r .tlimtii-r ill iii'utiiii:. Toward the latter end of March the lr.diau tii.ppoM have their l.ti'ttiug grounds, and make a journey to the forts with the produce of their winter's toil. Hero the'y come, moving tlrongit tho ferest, a molley throng. The braves mateh in front, too proud and lazy to carry anything but their ;;ii!M, and r.ot always doing even that. After them come tho squaws, bend i;'g under loads, driving digs, or hauling haud-sleds la den with meat, furs, tanned deer skins, and infants. The puppy dog nod inevi table baby never fail i;i Indian lodge or proecfsioij. The e'heerful poetae'le of i ho two packed together upon the back of a woman ia not of infrequent oee;:r renre. I Viy after dry tit" mongrel par ty j'liinn ys on, tintd the fott is reached Then corner5 the trad.e. The trader ep arutes the ftus i::to l"ts, i 'eeirg the standard valuation ut'C'i each. Then he a.'ds the an-oui'ts ttectbrr, and informs the trapper t'.ia ho has got stx'y or sev enty ' -kins.' At the fame time he lv.iid his cu.-tenier s sty or Poverty little bits of v.-1 el, so that the ktter iney know, by r.'ttiitiluiT tliee hi piiymo-r.t for the t?onds for which he really lusters his furs, just h:w fa:.t hi' fund de;'rease. The first act of the Indian is to e:ncel tho debt e 'id. -acted for .idr.rices p.t the beginning of the season; th.n he lo.iks l'tnm.l sipiu tha bub's of cloth, blankets, e tc., pud after a lor.T while concludes to Imvo a small white capote for his tod e'hr rb..v. 't he price h fold him, and h" hands back ten of It's little pieces of wood, then looks about him for some thing else. Every tldtig is carefully examined, and with each pu rebuff! there is a e.mtost over the npparcut inequality between i': amount revived .rid that gir-. n. Iu tie Itsd'ae's op-'cien, one kin should p.ay for one p.vUcla ( I mer chandise, no r.t it'er vht.t tho value of !he latt. r may ' e, A.I h- t"'t:r,f -, t m, upon seh eth'g t! a t-l.:! . Ti:c ' tcolytird and. wcihivg b.d.snee pre his creeia' oiijcts i f dishke. H' t ot know what usedieiiie that i.-. T'.a! his tea and sugar sho-uld bo !.:ii; :..:e.'. ppair.-t a bit of iron, envoys no ; --ea of the sola- tive ..f peltms and merchandise t-t hipj. lie insists upeu mo.kiug tlie bahissee swng o'.si bo'tveen the tra.le-r's e ods at;. I his mi,, is'-.til n new b'ght is thrown upon tho question cf stoelyii- ls ni l s.Mles 1 y the nee; pn':o. of his proposit'ot). T''i"t, when lie t'r.sdo . i tVae f;:r -t bi'-ifeed again'.t heavy bl'.'iket-, l.o CtWlu-b. to s ?-..'.' by the o:.t "aettio ..i t: e wnite de'.":d-J the vi:i,-ht in his 'vn way; fr it is clear that the' stei lvar.1 is r. very grout meitieioe, whieh v. bta-ve e:oi uti ier- S' SL I. When tho tr.tppcr ' sp. t.t e.l' his little pi-vos of wood, t.s.d asks for fur ther nevanecs, he is niii-wcd to draw any isonedde; f- r, cmtrefj to the rule iu civilized life, a debt in nldoru !o" ".sve by the iloat'i .! th" J .dis'i. If-' m-iy change p!a-t- of e.'.-o "e l.i.n- dri'h; of mi'es, but I 11 i.n.s only r. i t-J tv a le. Ti.e 's a p ol frirad ,0 pay tphen be :i l.f iitpiii'atoa vi.v..'a pee t P.t w1 c-ii.ipa'iy n is a!t-..-;.s to him and, ai d 1. cr-'j. II ' knows tint wh he- . hi ih bt, he e.".i Ct l jiiat f.s big. N e.'iemi't to cheat hiai, rn.'. there : YhfT. he is ill he cte-i h t a new e no -. cut ma le r bo. -the '..eases; fort, and ;s ca-"d f"r r.s: itte! at.! ho recovers. Whin he d-es his iiv.y wed lie g. (s a pr scut, re.d bo uev.r porfoix.s v.y lahov v.irlu.iit rePi iving i? -ra , eu. . i-ni, t'aeh buns-use treat-us-'ut strongly biudit i:e In tiau an-l h.ilf- breed to ;i, .- ir, 'I'd rnuacte Health. o. if.d to s 'duce the ehilhiug its si-i'ittg it it ciar.'if t that the fuel f oe! sLoul.T b.e ttu-d n-.'.-;.tiiy, and that the art idea cf diol ia v. l.icb the sweets, i'ats, r"d s'.en l.y pr-'dneta are efej.'.e.yc 1 may with great proprivy be .il.-plee e-.i by ti.e ve-i'eiab'tott, frnit the c.'.tuu.i first, :,'t I then the f.n-t g'owu-as liie .trawborr,, cuere.ti!, an.'t the like, tiie sab aei-.hi of the lest of v.'oseh oeesn dc s' foe the express j urpo-e o stiia nlating the liv.-r, iiud, iu genera', aiding tut: organ a of e'ig'.a.tiosi. And sinei p. large ier ci'-ut. of our food in the winter is n"'if nl for ni'iit-Ja-ui-jg onunul heat, i: is e?ideut ti.e di.riie f r acids in the pring, a::d fir h si than the tnua' rjnaiit'ty e.f food, iit.b'eat d by a -timisi-i htd i.ppGile, n'O lead the promptirga of s.a'iirt . ae.-l sl.onM be he..' '. .'.a liiu-iiti.ii in WaHiiU'. ()liv) I. gae in o:.e of h -r le '. :' write': 'I l" of r.i!!ir r.ninsir.g rep!" piviii Ihe other rv..!ting at a bad by p.t', A veriea'i girl in r;.-n Iain p..eiety, who had strayed nwey from tie ball room. Her mother taibeeque'i!:;.- dis covrrel I. or in a r. mote nook wih a g'-u'loman, wiei mil aera tiro-.nil her tvaitt, while she rested tho ti"s of hrr pretty little fingers i I.i-t manly .l!ionl J.r. 'Danehbr, wl ill's all tbisi -s-elatmcl irate namma. Tim daughter 1 ' iked up ea'irily. ptal replied : 'Mamma, allow me to iu'rodape Captain X loyou. I had prom;s"d bins a tlance, but I was so tir.-d that I couldn't keep my word, and I'm j;vt giving hi-c a sitting i tili w.!!z T. e ?f ddk!own 'V. Y.) .r-ii- re cords that a lady and a gentleman in that village 'philopr'taed' fifteen years ago, and althongh they have mot fre quently since, t'lry have been both i-o wary, that neither of ihciu was ever 'enot-'lit' uutil n few days rince, wh( n tho gcn- lemau hnuded tho lady a loiter frr ta Ler lniBbrtnl.aud she nnwittingly took it. The result of the surgeon's investign fion of the United S ates steamslop Piy moufi. is that she is undoubtedly infect ed with iho yellow f. vrr germ rml will routinno so until rebuilt. The New Orleans ' ,"-. snjs : 'P- r ppiistion is Iho cheapest luxury of ihe !"" rr.' FACTS AM) FAX IKS. Tho oldest verse in exutoncc tho uni verse. A citizen of Jliclogtu spoi ls a beard sown and a half fcit long. A litmau ill i.) ro-o bush bears red and whito blovotue. on tho 6ame st em. At a horse race ihe placo where the people sit isi for sun i re tr.on on'.lod the stund. Jivory man has h;i f.rii f. If tho Lord docs cot give it to hi.e. be makes ono for himself, 'oKorgo Eiiot" is iu sueli pnr hi alt-b that the is una- !o to o.tinuo her liter ary work. L.)!s of 15 istou girls who can't tell an apple tiro from a pu . 'y willow are trained in haughty- a.l.nre. J!iw doth t'ie l':U ' -;a inLl:m; e'.- i t luprove tli.i uOr y .-tr.-i-iii. And fe-atte-r lit;!, .trips of ti.i every em.- :t i:k-.1h. 'J'iie other day a te. in died so suddenly that the b-Kty was almast ci l.l before the detracted and grh .-'-t .-token relatives foiled the will. A fioose ebel las -..ei k o;. l!ic f irm e.f (::,' 15. S.uith, Hear !h,', Td '., t!.i was certainly t! ' 'y-on , ae. I p. r Imp thirty-throe y. :i -i ol 1. Leave yonr grieve'. eos, as Napob'on did l is 'otters, u nop. tied for three weeks, and i' :t!aatoui: hi::g how ;.f of lhe:u 1 y ihat lime will mod .uteweiiag. A M inland lien lahl an f?g ntue inele's in oire:msreri uce, which., on be ieg broken, was fouu 1 t eantaia au-.-t her perfect eg;; of iegv.1 ition ) iza. A man inn! young lady repairtd to n church, iu St. Paul, Minn., to be mar ri d, when the gills mini gave way un der the excitement, and oha became a raving maiv'ae. .V Frenchman has invented a preeei3 whereby ti e finer pertV-ns e f f-'aturos iv.ay bosue-.' -s fiUly woven int.) f .brie, and the re-alt is a dcl:;;h!f;;,.ly so't tna teri '1 for wear. A New York eltrgym.")-. wliotoi.-k his daughter to Germany to be educated, deelaro.s (he institutions of learnu'g iu t'ea' counlry are far out.Uiiko 1 by tho. e iu the I'uiled Slates. A lady, ingafedto be miriied nud colti'ig sick of Itor bargt.ii', applied to a friend io help Iter untie the knot be fore it was 1 v lite 'Oh, certainly,' t-h.c replh d ; 'Ii ia very e.i.-y t untie it now wh;!e i' is on'y kne).' A y.aieg 1 idy bein : t.ikoit to ta-!s for light la-M'g, f.'.ti-; that sha res... led t.. iite pra-tic on putely economical gre.ussds. '11 -w is that .' ' a-red her re prover. Why,' k :o lephol, 'I lace tigb.lly t amply io prevent wai-i.'uHucja ! ' Apicl paket ial rn with his hand iu someone ebv's pocke 1 cu.uv.vorod !o in ves.t all of ia-posible eii' tt..'t:.iof the phenomenon. 'What's lite ute cf yen trying to lio about it ro e'.nusavly?' rai l the snagilrate, benevo lently : 'liava't you a 1 r.vyer ? ' A novel basa ball rtateh took place in New York.t he contest ;uts being f. males On? cb.i'i was s'yitt I 'i'lia Ttl -itidc.';' r.m'i t!io ot'.ier 'i'ae lir in :-'.!t"i.' S.mie i tea ,.f the chartittli". of the playing can be formed fr m t!:e t.?.r., v.-hieh f:f'd ltioudes Hand Ibaiti tt. ' .'!!. Tim king o'i 8'im l.a : de!ei r:!t'.e.l to i e-odnea p ipti! ar in wtl-.n generally his ir.e-; i mi, a a. I give-all Lis t objects the bei. tit ..f r. 'se jlinp. An Ati'.f-rican mitsim ary b.ia pni ia churgo of 11:3 on' for purposes of organ'"..!'. ion, ' e. 1. 1! try -i im) a ri ar. I T .e acute t ; e-f i'.i.i 1 f-ve one of S .1 as A pr'ip 'sn.;si O: 3 or t-te fc.'cren i e.i-s,-, ;..s.d Ih.u if d the ii u.l .Ui iai ae a: 1 pietes; Is t j e.n .y l.i-i-a g;-:i- ; their nnmbei- d '. close r.t hand wh.'. j dices perpetrat-v ' tti? culprit i.i -le'.e. I 'uta iu au nt pi ar, ! amrt him, l-nrwi titnii i. fli tor airive-i. ! The ei'-eisiea en' a Lnide.r p. he: mag ; i -tre.te in the m cth r of ie-ei vr ! seats in ! omsiibuses would hardly dial favor in 1 Ann rica. Hi decodes 'hit the ou.du : ; or lii-ay reserve s.-at a iu the omnibus for r. gular pa-iteugor- wh have reqii".sto.i Lira to do so, and i:: on la lies ."'.aailiiig ; who are only 'ch .::-. e pa-.-eii,.;t.ra.' Mr. Moody, the- -e-,.i!,ge iist, pay : 'T km w a man who had nn impeuimtl't in his speech, and who did m.t know hovr j t.j re-.d, who was Icl to lie "erne u Ch'da j t-an in nsideile bio by his little girl, a ; mere chsld. That is.-ist has established ; 1,H0 -hm.lay seho ii- through tho u..eth ! w.a t, out of whi -1. have griwsi fl usri.di , iug ehurethi'J, I h.iee pvt.o ihroiij'h thorn I all and i ccn tho w..ik. II;-: son is mi i odd of our nioit it t! i- liSia! mii.i. ters." I A'l eatable, drii 1 able, c-mli!il-k; or . it-tit. ling luitorat1 , i-ideriti-j l'ara-i are : ".d je-eied t i a t..-, von Miev ao-n of larnii is be i nt h-v i 1 upon, v.n I thus a : ). .-i.u. .f r. t!.;i. itvc snii'i.'u .''Ibi'. i !i.'eniei lo tho city. As a o ..lse juonc", jtht e ist ol liv'ng i.-i gi'.T.tly CLh.ineid j in the city. II n I fore ti e I'Opro. etda 1 tire ' of foreign g. voriinrent-; have bti n ! exempt from Ton impop!, but now the ! mtuiieh-ul council declares tiiey must j p iy tax s oa theirbnttor, rrcs, i'tt'.,same ;asothe-p..-pt-. j A joiirg niau and woman in liueku jport, Mi., ctit.eiudcd to try marri.-d life i and t. ik tliem .elves to a j-.isii.'c of the j peace ret ! woi'v united. A'ter li , iug to j g.-th-'r f..,- t AO weeks, it was dVe ver".l tiie term of oft! -c tf the fnucfinniry who ! pert -rtist'-l the ce .'oniony had expired a I day or Ito pr.-.ioiis to the wedding, so that the parties were not legally mcrried. I The mau p.ropotnd to ir.f Usitly go before j a proper authority ami have the tio iu ! elisfol-.bly pr-riormed, bnt tho girl Raid ; she gnessed ; , had ha 1 enough of niar j lie I life as..! we nt homo. I 7tt". (i.'nr.s. i (.:.; l.tufH tUo Ki-'.-". Wl.o ( ROlelcH cxv:l Men l iti.1! o ir ovonitii; il.oaui2: ii, y Iiannt our livee, I.i...' HJlilit wWch, e)r N it uls Laiint the ..trc-ams. Tiiey -oothe our p.iiti. i i y li.l our l-raii Wati 'li.sio ef ..Hi 'Pier hen-.-. . (I. it I.-I6MI the prl.-. i.; I HeKi the eitrlH, j bit Ji our Liimau llowvlu ! The Fish Guano Industry. On the Eastern Sore of Maryland and V'rgiuia aiowivea, when caught in the spviug, used formerly to bo simply fork ed into tho open furrow behind tho r low ami coiered willi tivo or six inches of p.'il at tho next round. Tho Buiell was se-metiiacs oiVeusive, but tho crop re-tu-ns were very prolitable. Of late years, since (ho supplies of guano hnvo biMi limited aud ihe prices high, there has ; 1 been an or.t;re remodeling of tho fish ! le.iinru-..' indns'ry, and it has attained lr.U'ortioi s. 'Pis'a nuauti' lias . gr..wu to be a'l important article of com meveo, and is m u'iifao'nre.l in consider a'l'e quantities at many jir.ints, aud par ticularly iu (' iiineetieut, New Yolk and N.-w .Teisev. In tho latter Hialo tho , , , i - i i meiih 'ilen nud idewives are trimme I, . ., l ,,.i n.. .... 0 ;n,;i.,.-., .... ... u . ... u , dines. !.,! rcfuto beiutr ftround no. elesie eat M im-1 s.el.1 for frh guano. ' In Can- Z?" eo " -.: - tt,.,. - m neetu'tit the fioli arc pressed i:i order to ' "'''1 t-. extreet the o l trom them, and the elrv . , - pie. a are nud sold for guano, T.ielatierpi'oeoasLiuow being largely , linitati t in me i. v;cr imesapoako, wuero ti e a'ev. ives eati be ean;;ht in enormous ips.tntitiv'B. Several fi.h fncteuios have li. . n s'.u tcd down tho bay, principally i:i Virginia, aud tho produela of tho in-. d.tstry increasing very rapidly. Tne ' tli.,t ti"h factory .vas started about 1 !;, ! in which year there were four vessels j and twoi'.ty-ouo men cmpleiycd in tho j industry, the products boiag 'Jiht barrels ; of i i I a Lid ."nil I tuns of guano. In l.".s . thero w to returns of nearly 500 men' cmpieiyed in tho catch an I in Iho faeti- i ri -s. Th ' eateh '.iwre-rated 1 18.0, I).CimI i" !. ...l.l.... lh. I ..! I ufii, mm liie jni-iae:ia lint .'ii.iuo "' : Intw ..f .il.-iil 111 B.'t- t.tnaitf onnnn. Tlic ! , . . ' '., . ..?. nsti guano is worm irom mo io t-i" per ten in bulk, and, wheu properly cjm pested, makei a very valuable fertilizer, especially for truck patches aud market gardens. This industry, so far as M iry hmd is concerned, is yet iu its infancy, and slu'u'iei be s.ucoureged. 'Ilicories About Comets. liy far the g.-eu'eT number of canicts have external orbits, that is, their apl.a liou lieaf ir beyond thelimitsof ourpys tern. Kepler's famous remark that there are as many comet? in the heavens r.s tlsh in tho pi a, is pi"-haps hardly au exaggera tiv'in. A few y -ars ago seven hundred wi-re known an I numbered, and every year a Ida largely to the list of our com i taty uao'ia'nf.rjcps. Wo n.) longer ex-P'-c! tho io va't and nwfnl phemraeua which throw our rein do ancestors intj svf'i a.-vi'ps uf terror, yet we cannot but fe'el a thrill ..'tho awe which t'ie iu- Herut .ble snwr fe.ils t ) i'l' piro vrio'li aj e 'met of extraordinary ma.iitti le, with a tail t !..( (tm-ppi a thi;' I of thi hetnis ple re, mtbesa Hying visit ro corner of the iii.ive .-te frotu tho awful sogioua of inti iit- spa?e Even w:,;o modern aflro'i"! aer.-t are by no moans agreed as to the physical constitution of a comet. Th? lad.- t evperiaienl-j of ihe spo.'trtitn aualyris go to roro that the uneleus le.a-t likely tl iuei by iti own light, wi,:! -that of iho tiil is r.rteetel, oven Ihe nuclms?, the .".ensost p '.) t, i ; fo larilb.-l th't a v. ry fce'uo p'er cm be en shining t'oeotigh iti mass. V.'hesi we retleet lhat a obght mist or fog on c Mt'i .ptile oblocraliM the atav.-, wo can re-.'iZ how ahis-iat st:ritii-t the texture i f e. corned tuu'd be. X -w'eu Fay-, io doe 1, that a i' ;a .l with a nuclotii tn hngi as the t par-pfro.a the earth lo i.a'.ttim could !;e onta'ued iu a thimble if c m lotro-i 1 1 a degree of the air whi !: ro breathe. Sir '.Vi.liamU .'rieln l aili -ms that tho t hole tad, pe-rlmpR f.n ty mil I ami e-f lea;:. i a in 'erg' h. wuiill only vo;Ji f. t: oisu-'ps. MiTiy behmtilla raon ihmh that th ?, elliptical glow i-t tho Lveuingeky, Isaown a"5 light, i p. c liieesSia of wtnuto particles of ois;:; tie iv.ptter traveling ronn-l the suit in vvy eec'-ntti" orbits---?;u'.i!'t duet, in fa t. hi --. Ou r (he Falls at .Niagara. These was a t. rrible si'one ut Niagara a day or two ago. It was reported that a re!ir; n.e.iue.e was ahe.e.t to 11 .a' down the river in a towt'Oat lo the edge of tho fall, expecting to bo miraculous! saved rrenr death. A multitude of peo ple f i.there 1 npoa (ioat Island and alor.g the (.:r,':adi.i!i shore, n:-.d pre -ently they were ttorior-strieken to ee a lieu dtii't irg d tv.n witli the strong cnmul di rect iy in t!io m'ddlj f tho live-r. In the ' tern was t'.ie figure of a man. lie sat p hiei.l mi l motionless, s. emiugly perf evly confllent that some miracle wml.l pavo him from bis impending doom. Nearer and nearer to the awful bri'sk rssshed the boat, ntid, finally, with a real plunge tho frail bark dashed bra !!ong down into tho m thing caul droa I.oliov. Women fainte d, and ptrcn- p. "ii f. l! to the gr..unl woepinR and prnytii;' ,s mio hurried to the foot of ti e ft'!!-', p.nd dually sucecded in re coveri'ig tho body, lfc win et lifted with straw. L t the d'.;,'s bark, but c ii.fouud t hem, says the) Boston IVanxe.-i'tt, they shan't do all the prowling not if the forty old millions of per-plo in tho United Htatci know t'teiaseUe-s, Ail O ego girl dropped c ue of her falso r ycl rowr, in a church pew, mi l it so badly s v.rcd thn young man a! her side that he faiutcd, ITo thoislit it was his miista 'lie-. I'ruf. ViMism i'.u:.-. Jl. I. -".i N. Ninth S'te t. rii:liilf;,.;,in. JV, hi Inn n in tnee'l to l.ffrr l.H r. ll.lO-'e l-re-s.-liptinilrt 'n :C nl. up, m tiu'.t if rtyoro l.'iia'-ii--eil lurmfir il ill U- ti-ir own f tr!t. Iti COn-rli Wipor ir .1 ci-v. r-fili!:. erne f.,r c. i; lr I.tver l!-r.o .iter 1'ii.s, f. r coii. ti; aa t liver elii-I'i-i". Ian CiuiirM Svtop -'tcid a iteiieh, unit liif Ii oit. stosiiat'h tf.d I.ivcr Tiieie, niakro ti.e Voml lieh i nr"S .iv-"e j .; l ii. Ncrvu lien S"- r.ip ruii -t every f. r.u e f utrvono cits rssp uri! i.roilr.i'fi. nieen. I ho I. Illlo I'IoHo.', "Kiic n.- I .i .': 1.1-7. Hi'. IL. For t tmllv. Oilier or Nnir. 1 , -i -.-.! r.-ifMrt. .'ii.l (.T cilii.lilfc eiueauo s.u.t Co., ennAf j, no. ' a i i ll! s AMI 4HI.U;l .-it . . -v : eit--,l. H- n I .iit.i.i. f.,-. i.i i JMI JS .11 O I I 111 i II.. -l'i. ii. i. I nil. YOUNG' MFNl'Mi;;.. ry tT,t In i'( rLir ttitrii it ya in .i u; A.I tlrt' il. Y.v! hltiif, Man.V'i r, .Utii-Rvillr, Wii. VIi vnr 1 rjci rr tiirkr i-t for O.inMii'ii iikuiii:.v iu:.m;irv. nutucb-it. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. NEW EDITION. r-mOiiiiii f 1 tl I'I'l.l' HIAT el I'v.-r 4600 NFAV VIOIMtS nml Moiuiiim's. i ....... .,..--11.1.. mik-Ii h:iv. i-utm- illlo u-.- uut- llllt On iMftt llll. , li .-... Ili.iliv Blil. ll ti:o-' L.'V- r haaia ii i i.n e in uiij i ....ii m. 1MI A m:v Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 N AM lis .f;i: li ''!;', as.-t. ini; ln:my li.iw !' 'i.;!, -to .l.'i ti. n, v.t.i.niiiitj. r.iii. :.-i C-'ln in." lire nil. i- ' i" o Hi I ii'l.t I-, in niiii-l, "M. ..l.-iil in 1 I'li.Mltl, 1.1- 1 :o. '!' :..'!. ii-;, In -.v In ,ii.'iilly I,.-? Wl. iv :i it. :" TMs i- S.-V :is li. f an 1 h. n ' I'.i.ii-riiiilii.'iil Iln oiiiuil in W U r jil-1 :.ii-.rt. i -. On .pntlo. .li l-l-i'-I, . V TW M -'l' i;i l l'il-ri:ii-- o lie- e .-o-'M-y .n mr ,,,,,, r ,,.. i-.-,,;t ni- o.t ..-. i n. i - e i ..v st:.t.- i it.-:. ii i..i.- miw '"'' s- l'.'-'i in,. ii ti s, l.-t. r. ,h,t, m tin- lae-iv s.-, ...: ..i i:- fa :. a si a. I i.ia-..i mia.- i-.ii I S..II IN..-, lit 1'isaiM.O. - UJ ,,,, .,. . j,,,v ,.r,. i -o i . . 1 in. s i s. ii- .:- .n :r rui: mtiiimi. .''mii: .. ,i i-; o. i . -i' . a. v .. -.- i l'.-tiilei l,e.l Ov-rjw no-too vire. Tin: i.irrT!'-T lt..--'l'tlN. ai . ; n sa to.N th VT ia i:i; s. : LOVERING-'S GRAND GIFT-BOOK SALE, It 1 Mill.. I.OOO.CCO EScpfant Dooks! Ill i M l-y i!.-.-: l h.-'i. I. -r One I i" ll. 1,000,000 Elegant Ci.'ts! m; w ri'i i i i i v. r.o.iii. Iril-i.i. ll in I a -ill i'l .it l...l: ..,l. r. .'. it;l-l I -. lil.n. r . u ry .. I. ,l,l, I'l i- i .l ...11 1) ,v -in i. it I W U' lll 1 I 111 i: I -.. li-e -.. Ir- . l.ljl.UV. s. ml i-,.M:w e'-.r.l ..i- ii (irtat Cntatfiitr lh!nr J'nchi V lli. li ilt-o t'iv.M. (itil lii-l ! 1 1 'I s- s. :.t l .. Pi..,l,. llay rr a--t : t-.m-tr. l-'i'i i-:n.---.a i .!'. i liu. i- r. .-. o.a i. UK lit.. I..' . i .o- .In. if. en- "-I Ii -.. li. mil; -'. 1 .l.lll III . ItlltV W I'l If "' f- III' ef till-. '-AIM! On in I...:.! i-t'-i Mif Wal-'i'-' i. . - -1 . 1 1 a ' " :i..-lill-.ili -l- i I' U 'I-or.l. r, a. I'.-. ,1.0. ! tn'l llil..ini;ill.. .ll-.- A. . I.O'l i:niM" a::.i Slitt-I. K.i.ti.ii. Ilii .. O 0- i- i . in--.) Hi I. r in- --. ;.ii i . i. :..,!-:iii n .-it liiuil.-. 1 " '" V OHCAM CO, ; -, -' : . ',' ." in i: ti town tii -i l l. u .u:'i in.i:. ni MoNt v .!.i..n:.;:'Li i,a . i,a..!i-. I --ti.l at; i v:'e, v.-.'ii j. -i "..!-1 n. : tv-i !....', l.y i. -..::, i f i:'-' l. X'.o U a t'-.-.l cm i-rttinity f-.r ..-:,!.. lo ;-!! -):i. e...'; U I.' - iti .. it taut W. ti. COMSTCCK, Mirrl-lo ll. I. I -i" l i-lii e '.. ' Vi l. DENT! r-iT. Will i:irae lii-i-ri i : l itl Ti i Hi .: 1 : ia w.t'i tn--.i tn-ii.-i-'iiil-- i i 1 - lint l et'-". f; - . :t I.i 11 I vi I IS It.iit l-i. l. w :i . 1 no ii., ..I. Ult. 1 ffi WAKE fOWRl" FOR SALE. '.'(I 'e.fl K v . r. It. l'. il. ll . f ." "1 II..11 f. .Milt l . '.. M ,-ti-:.: -. :- si-r.iii i.i:-. iro.. i 1...1. i. ;i)-.v.:. .v m -.. II .,-,. :-. ..-'' .1. V. I I.I.I A '5-1. ll'i'i'ff "iisicr. f.i i.wi' if'. I 'i. 11 N I '.'I WANTKD. A I. w r. ::. It'i.t in. :i nn-l v.u-i . n 1 n Vj- - in Hi. II- on i. O.-l.ii V l.-v -l . M.iiil,. i:ll lni il, WUHAN .Millie AUI'.IIK N I'liOSTI OK. S, '.-i ill i v, i ,- c. !.!'.. 'Hi. :in. t. ia r. ; i ; si-air- I.....1: ,n: a.'.. .1: : i.:.t t- i-v -ii :- tit-, in -1 h. no .-. tf. t.t-.r. s. : f..r $.1. :.. I . li, -1 lit ,..! i. i f .t, r. .1. l' i' I el . " i - :. :.l-.- . . - I." INTOX .V I !.. Il:nal.:-.l. I X. Il.-lin. i .:':. : :il 1:1.1:1 f.o I ... 1.0. :: S' u.' fr:e!! An f.ti.1 iiiiot-'. tv. r i i. ly f-.r l iu. I'lilei-v nl I'nlli.m Nii'l.iu---. tt r- i .i'.i.i u : :i: a ri-iiii:il.i-i:l Ourr. . I ler i i.f hi-- i M-.l U. i.l O-M.r, l.Ool, i-.l O.-.iri .itr, ui 'I Cr A DAY. AGKNTS it IS H AN OI l I 1 I l( I t 111 111 , & '. ii.1. . l-ii .'.'. S- .in. ii it t N . l::i-!-li '!.! v v ., -i.t. T.n ki-li It itu I'Mi.-. ii -a" 'l .t ..I. I'-.u i.ii. ,ii . A-.- i..:-.i-l !;.:'-.' ...-!.. lt.r e'.ri nl.ii-, : --, -.ti.'i l:..: ', I:. . . (ii-.T ,v ro.. iti.i.t. r..iit. tiiiinp. K BURN HAM'S -yj" so. , 'i ni .iiiu- aWATER-WHEEL MILLING SUPPLIES VI FJCV: g:l .Smith J:mrtf St., 1 ,t k, J a (XSI 'ft vi .1 an 1 riir. il, -ai.o'it tt.f iieiti y tt'i-."-!. li",.:, l.y I'r. J. A. sun.UAN-.s y-i.-m. ).', S.-.I lir.-a lt. iv, S-w Y -It. Hi- l-. i.k v. ).'f t.j-jr-ilni-'0.1. if-- 't l-l.t ri-.s I- !""' :.!! rtir, uuilivl I... in e.iit!. 1J ..r" ef i.-aMliil. ;.f ll.-t!ill..l. CAR :PENTEh" SAWS, Or mi- ollirr liMi.I, yo'i .an Vr-ll al' out N- lm liiiie o. t a' it -hi l: ll. r I'.'n i;.-r. 'I in-o i-th t. ill a'l r.-ni.i..: 't n -. I ii - J'fi -.uvf. t Tit "r-.-i.ii o:-.'..t,.f i.. if iy I art "f o,,. ra-.l S'i'. . I an trio I .-.'::'.'' li-. i ..--1 i,.'i.i wan:.. I i:i i tm .-..nniy in. 1 nly. Ail.ln-t I . HOTIt 1. iUM., N.-w I'st'.r I, I'.l. t :" l.av. il- ,.f !. li-rs f.-nm li .-ll n- n. l nn,- M-irhin... w"in h.iv t'i. y Tt ..lit 1 l.-I l-i'' f.1 r il. SSStaJSOflOi'tri.:;;;,' Iti -t.-.l if IV.. I f.-ir .iil.-i till.. Ht,fV "A. t k ml. I t'-ifMi-.n in.l.f-ii.- - t ...nt- l.t'tll. N. tt Oil! iMlirniftiSy-: I -).-: .1. en.; iu s:n. l.a. rn'.l iti-ni "ti a - .0 .1. f . A-l ......Itrnvn kf-:. It I' Ol','-1" V" If". I - . N.Y. 7 f r r f a" n "j H "( H t f1 1 U H ' i ri'.l.T 4 lll'l TIMis vn i.. a". . -. i- n l. I I I. I' I I II.INi; f..r r.ii'-ii 'ii I-:...- I-o-f-r. hi I.T IIOl IMi i.tfl MDINi;. I- .i ,il!iir u.l Sin i.:.- i..i.n- i'.l. 1 . V . I'm J-isN.J- o.-y. i o.oobr.i,:. .-.Ti.'".:'.'.- ViVY.:; Trm:ni 'M-rOi.-At-.-. tallNI .-r M.,i."i tin-. 0 . i- i-i -. . in oi i li-i-,.. l..oi-'l i ... .t. I ' i1'-. If . f777VK .. ! -i - "" '' "'' ' -'''it ' Ol I I A.l.lrraa I. II. . KH.V. All-fl-! .. M UN . ill I PAINTERS , el ..raiiiii.ii r-r Hi. i.i j.I tiii li Tri-o I, J, . ai.e w, ee Vi lan-l.e. rar B IPk B71a B R S&iA 9 lt.l:. DR. CLARK INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP bl.l.rataryJ7V,3.!Sl.,:vwY'tliCily, LATE OPJKHMtk ell If. pir.Mii: jrini; J Tho E::t Rcrz-:?.y EnotTn to Han ! lir. '--'; .T..!;i--'ti ll ivlotr n- liiin-'flf v en 'Ir. I'-'.. in I . i -1 nt:i .1, u . i:i.-,i,--..tivi'. h" l? ,. fi V... ...I-" ! 1. 1 i t i- .In i . III ei nl t'.n . '.-,.... i-i ;. 1 ! . 1 -ml I:;-, mil in tl-.u ; .'. ; ' ll.. v " .:-. I r- ' ! V. :.t o-ilf. , . , .. ,,, n, ,-. a' l' i on a I-i a- umll.-irw I' i yli . i;: '. .'--ii, -'i.i'-l - a, of tt'a liin'.t n i . i t H-l '-f v ' )til-'r:n-H ev r.i , - . ' . .. , ir,. ,. j-. i: . .Y. r ..V M-M'J.if l- r. i , .. i,-. i .. i . r e :. :i c io f.) ;.! : I ' ....... . a t. ia e I. nl litt'o ii.-:;- : . ..: ':.: I - . . . '. -e- ti V..II I... t:.'n i -. 'i . . ,. .- i -. i ae, ii- . i i n in a e.-l- , .',.,!; .. a, ,.' -:-,-v.:i-.f. Ne-o V..-.ri .- .. i..,- . . ;,. '.. '.. .. i.: .1 .;.... ''- '." i f win- il ', ".. v a 0. :.. .. !i . it- r. !- ia:-" e t..p:.v, , . : - , ., -a . i.. .M . . I' ..-iu, a. -i .. . v. . ' !. -I I., i t f.-f r-i- '', H'ttt.S i ,. -. a, i f .!. li .a .en. !...:i , .: . .. v . I 1- ill te, .,. ,1 Mi -., i : i -a. f.-r fi" -.-.. I uitr.- i . ., : i . :; .:. .: : :.. on- .. i. I u-ar- .f5 U-X'M "1 .1 . Wakametkla, llio Metlicine Haa ! 'ia'..V;r-.....-.- - 'l-U"-!-'- It .-(-i l.nt'ii Ilie I.iver. i Ir ;..-t-. iiii.ii ti.e Ivi '.. . i II I l-v.l.lii.i - '.' 15' . el. II j-ti. ill.-- Ill' il.".. fi tiii.-if Hi i .ii sy-lei'i. II!li t-l..'ii. ii N.)iii l:ie-, ir. ii,-,li.en. ami Iiivi.i j "l iViiirl.". i:i'l lie fid Moot! iiu.l m:ik." II .ipei:. ttf piv.- l Ilie ktiiti, nil.t I initio . ll.-.iiiliy l'. r!iii-;i!to:i. ll r. ;e.r i'l On- IiiTC-a.. ,ry i.i.:a. r inii-vi in l'i- I i ilii li;::tll. ft in- V! ;,'';:V h I. r i i a - --. - i. 'V?it,-li.-.:iw v. ". 5- V' ''I '-'i,tV".t-': I : j J I . I l il . I.-:- n inn.. f.l i.i-;.,; il,.- ii. .a- 1 -.-.-.,...-.!. 1 i- ,-'.' IT .luiil '. ii;..l 1.. ie:.ui. a Or. C!ar! Jchtison's ','l't :. 'f.'.'?cKMtUs - - Ct.Oe) : h-MfPis-ai: B.-.tti.-i i! .1 it. ''antfy ' " ; '" ' e- r-"t -t -- '. ... ... : ... ..' I)r t. .it . .1 ..-.'.: 1- . . s r !,-. i-i '. ar .'-:i i :-'ii.ii j a It -'.'.lah ci" Cures. Ac.-.'; iru':::-r Tt ft fi.'ioiiofd. I! tut. -t "s is to nl'. W.l. , !'. . r, i ..a ,-i ,T-.i). 2.1, 1S71'. rt-n S-i :-I li-o si., it t.'-a latitiii Jtloe 1 ; .-.;:i wh: -ii I i Ttf. i ;a i:r Ageut, Vf. ji. . hi. it: . .': :t t i-(-.-i-:eaMo niisli- fine.; it" iC-.-jt --a tnt i -.- ut i.i.t, iitii otlir-r v. -v. t livo '.. i '. '.-. .. t-i rr.'iy ui, '.)'.!'' . 't-ii-i ' : .' ; ' 1 1 ; hitil cliPt r f.j'iv ree aae.-e, .i it '.-' '. ' - 1 o'o ot this Viet:.::;-. I.i. .-nl, :-IaBijtru'.e. I J .a. 1. lc-79. :. -, . . '. ,t. dr illi Wh. ii .: I ; i . t -r t .ro y. r.. I -. t - I.;.'., a iil-ioel Htrui - -. is.a .0 c ;:. ;. iiiwii'its. 0 ' . ,u t. .., N. ft., ( i.i.:.r;.is7s. f 1 f" - t "d ". : li lii.eiiii.nlie i .t I .rn.iiu.-a'Vl.-iiiftiii", i. J -...-a-';.i..-uu:it.lIl.".r- r ' a.,;. 'ml'i from . .: ,- t.h'.a it -siMs" f. 1 Ol.ti.-'e i i t.i.' -. ".. d -..i-i .i i a I : .....'let! ','il:. '.: I -t '--1, n t . :..'.- : i.u.t. to i of '.'.I- a . s:..i lii' f an t:,.,-l. Vi-oSi'"i rt.-ea-eiit-a t. .a.-i.. t : ) no-, ;l a t'i . :...ui .'.j'.vlar.d. Caroi cl' :r j: "o. ."im c'.-.ileil. Mi'-i. ':.!. !.' sua Co , K. C. Der.r Kir:-I vt.s t.uiiv ,.ilti. -.,.I, at tl I am ?!:. I i -i I at.fv li. t 'ear It u.l u iln nJ I -i.i .r,-.! ree i-.ii-1: e.'er .- a- li'f tuot'riiM' i. i co?!': Urit V :..'.'. it ! -. Jl .le'iie.-at). J. .l. 'Arn.ur. :"ietn.'-r cs maOni (.nreJ. it i! -rt.)ii, jt.ibfson -hot 'I . f fr.., N. C, tt.i.e.. t0..t t.f I. i l.u oineel if lilli li'.lil'l "11 '.' .'.a 1" ' ' ' " :'- lilOeiel t-'-vi-up t.-.-A would l- ce -..: ..... ! u:t 10 fcivo It 1. ,i. lv f. ,.' 1 .... .-J., 1 it-iir: - 1 t.-a m.. tin. lSarhuvhc. o.. 1 1 :. -I;,i.e-th,.a,.. a..!:.. . . i.i.. 2.), 1S73. t :y .n-ii.-'li with -. of' our lndtau j. JJarLer. Dysjiepi nr.d In lirsf t iosi a?:d Livor Com t'luat. BoiiKvilb-., Diir-liu (-' '.. N. 0., Fib. CO. 1879. Itenr H r:-l hvvo l-"a tronWod ith l)yi pepii.ii, J.iver CuuijiUiat, b-jJ ticlt IleiulMbe, for IniiR time. :' 1 1 trice! ee'uit e,f your t1 nal.lo India-i iiloerl ino i-ani fenuel ciynolf greatly benelite.l. I 1 a.inv.i it to bn Rood w. dieinu. ,.-.ucy J. Uirliir. For re-.i'.-a'C i.o IlVioJ. nlvii:, i'.ir 1 1 (' . ('.. Feb. 22. 1S79. l'rur Kir: 1 li.-.o. I . ai u nif: your lndien Jt'oe.J l-yrnp uti.l i nj i i. t itiv VMiinl.-ln muli-m-j for Var f, a ,; x. !,!. i-'. siaey L. Pickett. t -' .r !! . it. '.i..iT:'.( ti- i'i Jn-r "ir: - I'll--.-.. . S'.ie.:. f. r lova l J , peM value 1 in.-. n!i lou.ui!.--1 Ci t d. tt I.'.. , N. l ' K 22. l"7n. : l fiioi l'-luoij ae.l it tins been of t i i . ( .aii'r.on.l it to I'.uW.ra WilUusatj. s . i i-i d si mm t 8I. mm. li' -, . I Aii I!, .j -. v ttj. - , .:. - i- -t .' .' r.-i : it ':' V';y - I; l oi - -?. r