- CTTt it it Sf) j (glmij (Malta Qtml W " . THURSDAY,..,!, 3, II. A. LOUD OH", Jr., Editor CLOSING OF XKW ISLKT. The recent EUiws.ful r!-:-i:u; of' the New Inlet, near tlio month of the Care l'oar Niver, (heretofore announced in the KixomO deserves iio.-;sin'i- hnti;:0. It the results nnticil'ate, arc reali.'.ed. in improving the I -:tf at the ;uo::;!i of i...t ,;.ee then tlin su.w.-'sfi.'l eoni- i ...... -? . - - - pJelion of this most important lrf of that great work, is a milter ::f- foetiii'T not onlv the local interest f Wilmington but a largo portion of Xorth Carolina. "We thinli. therefore, that the suggov-i i..n of tlio Daily lleview most timely, that eo important an event should ! e. In ly celebrated. In order that our readers m : know sometliing ahont ibe impr. v ments in progress near the mon'.h of the (.'ape IVar. an.l the be:n-ii tolo derived therefrom, i will briefly allude to them. On account of the shallow iio.-s of tho water over tiie bar at the river's mouth the pott of Wilming ton is closed to ver-sels of 1 irge ton nage anil much le!ii of dratt.-jbf. Anil so long as that con'.iii'.ii s. so Jong will t!ie growth of that city bo r.-tarded. To remedy tl:N l:::sheiii the endeavor of the ekiens of that city fur many long years. l-i::a:ly ahont ten years ago.thoGeiiera! t'o.v crnmetit hegan to lend a helping hand, and time an.l again has made liheral appropriations for the prose cution of thU great work. In or der to ol.tain a greater depth of wa ter at the I Kir it was thought neces sary tirst to elo-e the New inlet. This i's an inlet, a few miles uhovo the mouth of the liver, made m. rc than a century ago hy a very vio lent storm which lashed the ocean into such fnrv as to break through th narrow san.l ha;i! separating it t ,i. :,... ,.,.!- ...1 by and other .-iorms cam-, ti.i-ln-cach was widened and formed eueh an inlet as to very :.: i:"i ia!!y dimini?li the volume of w.tM'in the river below. Previous to thl. ptorm and breach, the dejith of wa ter II t tlio mouth if ttc ,-! i v.,. scvpral feet greater tiian it h::. been since, so that it was natural tu think that the rlo-ing of t!ds breach (called the New Inlet i would force the water of the river to tie on to its niontli, ainl thus ly im:i- rentr.it ing it in a smaller Hiainaa woulil increase its vi'lutiie. atnl re frtoro its aiieietit iliptii at the mouth. The cli-iii f t!ii- inlet lias been the work of several vear nml has eo.-t several hur.ilroil I'.ams and dollars, and its su.-ee-.-'i'nl '-,,!!;-plot ion bhoiild he duly eelehi-ati-1. If the proper depth of wate r is nii taincd, and vessels o.'' lieavy tonnage he ennliled to cross the Imr, and the port of Vilniinj;tou l.e open to th.- fjliippinfr of the world, there is lio reason to doiiht but that this fit will attain an euual rank with tin leadinir cities ot tiie Atiiintie coa. r. Aiiiltniiid in nei'iiimiii.-hine- this. tliould be the pride an I p'.i-a of all true North Carolinians is a shame that the jn- 'iiiii-ts an:t iv- In IS, I, as I sanl, thu n t oolinary sources of our State should be n. d ' M'dnun s of the (Jo.-mm.-nl . i i .i o . , .t i. wi re $i:il.ii0U,(M(), m l7- $17i,(a-ii,-to build up other Stales to the d-.t- j() lf,7(. s.(1 iu ,:7 ritnent of our own. If "NV i 1 : 1 1 ! : . ir- $1 1 i (Hi0,('(nl, in IsTS f III LO-'i'Mi:;!) ton ran offer thu proper shipjiinir iiowiu a ,!ee-e.!'-e in tlie -xprn.li- facilities for our products, it is M f timm. i,t, e.du- J ii , sive (f the p:o-ii.euts n aeeount of our interests (layin.i,' a-me all tivl-,l!u. ,..!,;;,. lti l)"t, of .mnt ..; ie(H).!ihii illgs of State ride) to build up in the four years f d. in. 'craMe mii that city. It is the neare.-t ea-coa.-t "seouipim.'l with what th.y f.-rnu-ily . , , . . "Vi re. Ihe savill'' Las heell nlio-lt otj to all the great middle section mr i;ii,rh rs k e.m ls(. , ( r,u( ih(. cf North Carolina, much nearer C,ov-rn.ut In lSflt) th-.M-xtK-ism of than Norfolk or Charleston. The the oovennnont were i:h .at tiii i;,)!),- Imildin- of the Cane I Vir and Vad- l;,n-'', 'f1'111 8iivi" ," in . , .r ., , .,, . the last tuiir yen; s uml. r !eiao"iMt- km Valley Kaih-oad wid mala il- iu niU) in , JlollS(. T,;c H.ui,r mingtoii the outlet of the products pt r antiuin has hieeii id o it ynU.noo,. of the richest section of the State. l,!)(h er f.jaal to tlio whole -xt.cu. , T, , .i . . of the GuVerniuent in lJiii't." This lioad will tn a rreat measure ; accomplish the object, for which s' n,,,,li tiwinnr lKelt.C.lv fiviteil. liniwi i.ni.. -.j ded on Deep lliver, and that is, the n, rp :s a))( tbis fl,r (,,ir Nrt, opening an avenue of eonimunica- Cn-nlina fanners to think ulnut: tion between tliw section and the '.In the fo.mty of Angnsta, V.i., they i . .i .., e ,i hiivo nsM'si-ed and U-vie.l a lax on sea-coast. As the streams ot tins, , . , . . . , . . ilo.s, ot of which t:ix when coi- soction seek and hud an outlet j ecte.l, the county reiiiiiiierutes pur throngh the Cape Fear at Wilming- Uies who havo lost sheej) throuheiit 'ton, so naturally should our pro-jtbe connty Jiiriiis Iho joar f.rwh:di ' the tax is enll. cted. J nere were uct8 t- 230 ebcep killed by do;' in the- The butiness men of Wilmington county during the yenr ei:dii;r the have ever evinced a public liberality j 1st of May, for which the bum of nnd enterprise that entitles them , SW" P'- to the patronage of our pc-ojile. I - - "" rr,, , , , r . ParentK Cimnit he too nip-till in euard- Tbcy have always been foremost in ; irr tH htllUh , t!lH ,;,lM Ulilv; kim1 our works of internal iniprovtment, i hh.i relinitie ine.in ine Khouid i. given to . ., .... jiiiein. lr. Buli'a It.tt.v Srr'ip ii Inoivn contributing moet IiU'r tlly to every j uot t0 coa-.aju anythius h junutn. ; ; movement Kile-dated t I't'oniole ;iu--f .nrt-,.m:t...Jsttl.. is a well known fai-1. l!i:lt I lio Wilmington it WoMoti 1 1 a i! road, at ,h, iW iN was the lotip'si: r.HTuad m Amei ica, ji:i1 that the amount u! .'i-i-Il'.l for its huil.Htit; !y the ti:i:eiis of Wtl- ium::ti:i wa s tain the a- sos-ed va :i-.ai t-it v. of tluir 1 An.! a iu..ri lv i:i I : i : i ; Jl : t With tin-ill i, ' VIU i' i ''.!!' people i ! tiiri!' la;;' i!ea big an 1 bi.-era! cbara.-; Lot. our Wilmington frc.-i'.d ih.-n v;; t up a grand ci-h io.m! inn in honor el' an event' w Mi h we .-i'lenvlv !i"p" i viv in nk a new era ill l!:.' pro-- . 'iiv f ,..;; t.;tv. mid invite !o it t;t coin, try w: i a-u- ami tlinity 1 and we-. tern Car icn see and know larmers of re::! oliii l. w li ni:l what ada!ita:ei a:-.' oilVrel by. .l!ld what i levi r ineti and fair V o le"!) re.-id in, "our g od'y city by !he sea." Farypl i::i V.wx (' We 'U::'ol In !p fxling kmc .1. i,'ri e of svnip'ilhy for the unt'ortv.n.ili tvliedive ..f KvrM'1 u!") ,1:;s 11 lw' ci !::!y dep -isc 1. 1 Vnie;.' h' j ra! a id iod of si-Je: ;i vt'-.rs, '. ,'ypt hi' made gvea'ev pro t'.i m .buin,' ho t-n'iro centin-v rrexding. N- e.ve: eiyn ha i t vi r d no hull s i raiii h i n- th..t c .e.iiti v Le d:d. He -on-f-Tincil Li-n-ali in K.i:-op.--m d .-. ulid CUiems, ai d in! ;-o. !').: .1 Wi C i ru ci i ix.it i !i inf ) tiiit i". ts'irn .-I'll!, try. Jb- greatly improve I ti e agrieukni-.d inleies's f 1". .;pf, i intro b-ccd new and impi-wxi I levlii ods ef c.i't-vath'g the soil. Tiuit enivtry, which pro nn -oil d.o'.Kl bales of cotton some tldr'y years; :;,, now f--,i!iisl,es l'.m-op '.si'ii -t' i:;t -i:; h :n d el tho-ivi-id bahs. lio inv.ted Ihirep'-an and American niii-er to enter his scrvie an ' j-i ! t . ini'a'n i of x (' !. fedo'.ate oi'.l '-r were in his army. lie iritro.lae.-1 r be!" n tol- ration, s that I'ln-i-.t: in i liarcin s are now mr... mh in :! 1 ;n I "i 'he Mahometan. H "p -T.e liaiH railroad win r. ver c ma's and l':'C ii-ll H ahoaei.l s, v. i and suei-ei-ded in p:i.,:-!i::i. uts, ;.! si. ; tia slaVij trade. Am -v; md thron .h his ctnj b ti n of tlio was !icco::'pi'sli. a great n f.a-,a r, etl.m 111 :t ;.!-. t Su..: t Ifo was ia i lt til f 'l tie- he was t,..t a gn d thiaf. i r. in or der to cany out hi - t.:.-.; s i f r -form bo b- Trow, I bi.'o s i an tT money from i'r. :.e!i and I - -: i capitalists, whit-'i h" had not be;:: able to r. pay. 'i'i.i y i;.; v t i.refo'' induced their l l.ivei -mii !.; t de 'liillnl hia .'.('po oi 1 i:eri'f.!i-ii;'ty. :ai f.ir.-.l to ah- fs-.uai! I'inli i I; dieate, which i!l be iv.-orde.! in li s torv as or.e of tie m ! .haei-1' i! acts of uioiUrn .Fun ;i" in ja a'i s. Democratic Ecouoiuy. Ii-. m ;i !a'c sp. ,h ia (lie I is :-.! Slates Si'imt" :na.!f by Sm-itef lav is, of W-. st Vi:-e;'nia, we c yy the fol lowiiifr eslr-i' t: "Ir is well kaev.-n that iii l'-7" lie ITo'iise I a came ib :n- cr.it fn' ilie first time in rcr :if years. At tie. I Pino tlio n t ( V Ii'i U'V i s o the fl.ver:inieiit, -;e'.n-iv" i f th- piytiatlt of iu'el'i-;. on lh, p:,Uae .lfi.t -.vi in Sl'.H CIM Ii (! il.. la.vi vear tin v wt re SI , t( o . I nsi: Scliiiters just to not ce what etice it makes whether the Housi - ire deiiioor.ilie or repnhln' an. Si -- the ditleretice in tl rxpen titar iii, D03T3 and Sheep. GorresTJondoncD. -r- " r - wi; wii i. i:k ri.i:se- to ni:eri i: coVmcn:" atiuns lis any svivikctV -i -hat m Y im oi- ixn:i:i sT. vt r k mi st insist on v nx-coxsiiu.i: Ni's a. comcanvi.vi i:vi:i:y u:ticu:. and also r ir Wi:lTTI".N I'I. MM V AMI OS V on on e. m m: in.- rni.: I'iitii. Tin: r.iiei'ei: 1 Nor I! !.! NST til K !'HH TIIK YIKV.-l AMI OlMS- IONS ! eo,:l;r..-':v.vlir.V- rty.i T"i'. Ki-.c Uain 1'.: rre:;: --Yn-i ! Xov,-v:ii!. will ploa-o iio-orl ion in Me this w';, it mece -m t!i Ib r Soti.etb.in f important for all farnmrs tu know N an n'most certain remedy f. r bn.l worm in corn. Th" sMiip'onii are si appar ent that t'ey nee.l scare -ly b- i'cj-ii-:t.'1. Tim stalk of corn in the lce.il heoims to le. k a if it wa-? on the decline i tcddi'd rppearancc rtil'i ini'iw. rons sni"T To'irnl liolej bi Ibo blades ab ;,' the st;;. of s.juirn 1 .!,t . in tI-c l,i.t tt),. Iin.l full of the-e small lmb s as well n -llie blades. The remedy is to e' tlio ba-ii's, ns th. y are boeie and ll ii nimj the corn, take a small tpien titv of dry oVt, s-v :.! nf a ta'.h- I !e it in the bud w,.i m t w 'tk. i'1-ie ii Vi it i pr.-ve ete-c'nal. X for years lo hi re tl i y nn 1 in e.ln. ,1 ;:: i; tie 1 h-i.o bee n,i, Ivii t; :lU fo! with m 'U'U 1 1 id I tee tvenelit i I !! t ol iual mm; isgtm- k: J '.."! .i u: f ( h-'-m-i- ities i am to d the'r IT le' flilS l'l! : fi d f: th. V l.-t 1 Id. t pi la.h .ii a o: hi 1" : e-.-ri " Ce .!"! Two yt sirs ag isa.e t i aitond the ; 11:.. tir.-t s---i; n thi.-. nlac and hi-tt 1, w n i .il'th-'.".-tlie ea: -tiidi. s. ni in l.tVerei-.t ih" ac F.irni. man la- We taell tiiat hir. Mi-i g wll the e-.m; lid. d liyli vv.is 1 li n .'or ;';i:m i I 'catio'i. l V.MI 1! n n i It is , hat " i" into thu! o i ing t O.i : the . x! i i: to b Mb '.eg;.r' yt op A i W M b ar. i g It. i r.eg'.md f l he ii i 1 ' V. a ; n a- thi, ol g .ri vi. 1 w will -!.t. r: ii di-i!og".s an nuj'i s. A ; . i r mi l I ii' ve c ;!i'i t m i i -i. A I CV .1 b d :t a I p r - id .iis.ar w i v i-. a' N i'li'-ti-iii. . V;.:.:, w ii'-;. md il . V J. I'I Ci . "da I -a a-e Wo 1 Oia.fs then ii i i1 -.haii .-I i f I' .Ii e,. M' :.i r-:!v i,l :s x' I ni.'-li 'ul ite th r tu a'e - r ar :i !....i ; u ii r r tl' ill::' -,' of tl iir . Ul t U licet i hi-r. I'll ! V f.-.m... a r:s id u.; OI!.l ill ClP'llliP). thi't V V. i! I'eillei-. was visitit!g il.e mines in this e .:;:i?y, Freni th" Chapil Ilia I,' .1 j( r we copy his i'le ciipti' ii ' f the I'n!;e Co', 1 Mfei : 'On I.ti'e Cr.ie '.'lnl; i-i tl..-e.-11-thwi strrii pot ol Chith i'ii oonn y !.!!iill liii'i.s reu-,li,ve-t from P.t'sli n-o, r. u'"l 1 heiiiiio on! crop of .pia:!.-; mi'; was tli.'.ivei.' d 1". li o. F. i rrett. i;i IsCT. ' ;. l in'l i--s ..n the S iu',',1 i-iae i.f the cr. i k. a'.i 'i! a half -i tui'i; South of .l.-s-e S. 1 1. n!e 'm I'liice, an.l rat hi r inoro lli.ui ;i : -ft, r if a irale from t'n erei k. It is hilly, uiiil ti'iniei-iai . oi-.tciMjn of I'.ilkv r.nd ferruginous il'laii are t a he :ai t with. Cidd i'i found in a stat" of inosl iiiini'.'e ili-vi-ion, i si vi-il ! to the naked ( ye and evi ii titeli i a 'ooil !u-i 'i :' i?ij ;-less. Ih" rock i:li whi--h it is thus iiitini Me'y l.iiX" 1 is q'lar:., eii.'a'aein the si vi le! V. li. li'-s, ),. p. ,u.,l th.-re the timvo tr.i!i-p.,-ei,i, i.i .e I lar'elv wilh f.-rrn-jltio'tH s!a!." and i-h.l'.-s e-peeiiilly mi a ih t'.l ol forty til t'lfl V feet. Tilf S!lp 'i ll' s of '- pi i- and iron nre pheit,fii:h d!str.li:i ledt :r t:'h the ta assof the riM-k's, atii'. .it a no v mi i!c wh. re ti.e eh f.-ieti r of tin.- "ia: :i p;nteins that, found at 1 (lul l Hill, 11 .wan coin ty, crvstals of th"-e Mihihi.V.s are tuinieroiis. I iiel-e are tw., p-ita ipal veinp--per- , haps three, tao' one may bo more of a fia-iler than fitn thieg e!-e. Vein No. 1 rtuis S. V. :lil decrees So-pli, and is in -uly ji'j.-'pi ndii n'.ar. II is hcen ti'iice I f,.r tin-eu mil s N. I., and one iiii'.e S. V.'., and i-ld pained in good quantity in hoth di rt ctiotis. Thiee shafts have In i-n sunk en tins vein 1(10 feet or so apart, all three connected hv a tunnel ut a depth of .- feet. At a depth of (lo feet, ill a Bh-il'r. N'n 1 tin. uli ift w l,. nl.-. on by a mud slide. At top tho vein isnhout 2 inches wi lo. nt bottom about 30 h.ehrs. The v.-:u walls nr.- shoe, tdooae, fnmigii.ous. Ahai-.t It. i .... ,.f ... e. i .1., jv ions wi ' wt-io iueii ;ii mor.th when the present mill began V 1 bhuh -no. - is an inclined suaft 0 j fc;t de J) Vein Mime si.'. 1 i" in 'hi former. Abonf ,'2 t-! .s of ore here. Sttaft No. tl is .")() fee del p - ubout ; " ,on;' ' ('r0 tlirown out here. , i I" v in No. '2, which crosses No. V ftt)..m one mile South of these shafts, l.tn,. slntn !iinen.a 4 ) fn. t. ileoth. two iiiav Kliafrs are liet: g sni.s oi it uow aliout ID ,'eit. deep, (iener.ii ch'O'.'ietor at all (la-irt s, micil . largely wi'.h iron slides ami slates, i mid in all, the oulil is held in tnes' , intimate union invisible to eye and "lass. The lai-jjest piece of gold yet tomid (this spsiu,') wai the si.M of ail -or-rnge grani ot whea. Al h m!t irobl w ei keo.vn to be , lino no wo.k was .! uce r.t t)A loc ii : ity for sever d c.ns. l'; t Ajuil ; '7li s 'me shafts h i.) be -n sank mi I s ere g. .i,i t xtr.u i i. i'i ' ceianer , I 7 ", a few gtutlemen of ! 'i' tsboro' 'an I vi ini'y Civete 1 i-i orditiMv I thil - ; lian mill near the cr- ek, ni:d begin to crush the fro and x'r.u-t ho gol i'his mid was of n was run by wafer v. ry rud - 8 rt, 1 e.vtT, mid cm- ,:-tedofami!lson. ivxoKii.g ver- in-1 ly! in a win d:i tub. lno ore pn VI em-ly crilshe l W mi'i and there still With very linle w 'ik c! 'l !c pi- i-t'ss u-id, ! e ! ob-aine.l u :s p-it itilo this ibicr lebi-c). oi I ita the ' SI tlll.tU have' a s'io:t tine. b'-7t no m irie I'l'o'ii April 1 STo to Wo I U W.l lei ii v. i h i-s mi'-; iloi e. I w: i t.ler gen'h now bee.mie irt crested i; an 1 thi ; -ring havo eree. t. d a I'. lii't-s po ei- i I'oim- tamp m:.l an-1 nave he nin wei k on tim mh ore which was lying ubout lee le.i.-aih of ti.e slu.fis sav abotil 70 totw. The s S;a ! ; env-c ate ii, ill i of the M 'trey A n eli I has a em hii.g 1 pat 1 '.! i toiu a ilav w ii .i oi ; oi o,liu '.ry lie . --. II. e ole etll rg! s from the boxc ; in t'.i" con lit i"ii of thi" saiiii is pa-s d threigh. i.ve-', and tr .i l y ilie usual pr - i'.y :: -.v by, b .;:. lie m 'lse in I'ahf a ni i. go! I can 1 th.d -1 proSi ablv i t r.ieli d when itiv.-ts to t'le ! the am mm of 7 ceti's per cube yard. Ttjis is n iusti illy gon 1 woik the ordinary minium p iMmg being tr mi -J."i t 'J.' c IPs per cr.bie yard. At this mine th" hydraulic process caii'd 'mt be ii p. plied for want of wa ter. Ti" t'ehilbau null d. s v."'. ex tr.ct all the go;d. and ther.f r- the I'l.ath nn gold milling is not paueg as it woal I if belt, r methods weie in p. ra" i on." Nartli Cardi:i,i Farming I'r '-i: :'a- V,l.ni!ivo,,,n Stur J We 1 avi' l.mg ln l I that f irming in Vi'itli t'noh:ia can bi- ma le ns pro :it I' ie as in my section of our rr-'at eoan' i y. There a"e f r.-ne. rs in North f ii' iiiaa who b;.v" n-.er igad more :'i in a b ;1" of ii. ton per acre to over arv Ii n !; it :i ; i. l here arc tr.i.'l; a:. I'J i.fi.i" rs w i f'Mihs. : hi llave h i I iistnti . iii- i'.'-.v vi us ie'.i i-.a'oa f i' ti',1 i liy thi; nanii' e II, ill I . X h'. Oil.' l;,r-.r nil" I'lIl'S i f (Milua, I'l'sj.li-S T Minis ,.f pit. lilff r.' I'allv in t!i t see: !'!. V. Ii.iv.- i A I lit V t ill- "i i ,r !! t a t:i'i::v s.f-i' it tt-s ui e It.-n plaiit i::;;iu th': iMii'-N. I-', eei -., '.,., Wi!- :: an 1 I'i't i-ti-nw, lint nt h ,v ;' tlieia !, In." n ; we e im.ut ventu'r a. i :i"V slioiv v. i v oi .1 a evely that win n only rich land is i-llitoateil tin' ?. I . ist klti-f ','t. IV n- iil's I'all r.v. I1 i tr fa.-fti'io- tievt r ' .id ill t'.llV Co l'.li'V. I'i o. le ho ! in eve Soii'th or '-t fr en N'ottli i i'.-oliiri moi Ic w i ii .;it,,.,;,..l i-: ln-. . 'ry. If t In y ha. 1 r. aar aed ii'. their I i hoiii's uiiil l-'iu e.-.i..!!v ii ilits lie'.is tin-y w ei'.I leie piiwpei e.i ii."le tha:i in. y h ive I'nae I y s, rki:.;,' t li line a- i-it;j sir in' i s. Tlie cii'iivaiio'i of tho ori'-sis in h" Fi.r:-t'a and liuliford s. c-ions is i:.ci'-::si!i. an I is f tl-1 ij'liie n tint- le rative The j. rape- i-ul ure oiiyht to he far more pia ti'ahhi an.l tx'eli sive than it is, for tane or fan- of ti.e ti-iest i;ip s in A ni'i ie t are in-. 'ii"C!io;n to North Carolina. The an a of inii l il.-vo-e I to the i l'o iili-tioll of to'eicco 'n vi ry l ir;;e- !y VMilel'cl. Wo si!p;iae that at I his time there il.e l;..r less than fif ty ooiiulics i'ne; i-i.i n.ove or I. ss i;i its oul ivutioti, n:n!.t some right or t'-:i O'.iiiutiei are Very largely r!i;,'-ig- i iii it. Tin: tilled telro'-o l.-'t Oil the coutin lit is in t:e Neithi rn I' 'idi-r C'linlii S of this Si iti-. Tlii fe is mar.! loliiceo of ir liner texture gtowu ill Wilireti, (rl'alivir.e, Oi.'lie. l' lson, Caswell an 1 liookiligh.iin than in, where eis,.. 'J'h.. sah- cleaiiy snow tiiis. We find in thi- las! ii-iii.li r of the Hell ler.-osi Kc'VirW I wn s lit s of line tolineco nu iiiioi.ed that are worthy "f ( diPa ial t;-)!... Tlie le view nivs that Jlr. S.oui-.-l Hoiiv...l his id leadv sold fJ.tioU '.v..rtii tif toiiior-.i. He has l.::o ) po.iii.ls on hand. Thi.-. will pr.'k.l.lv f. .toil $:i-.nj ior.il $:): )0 V .-si.l.'s this he in ado l(il) hiinvis ofoo-ii, .-,.;. hushili if wheat, ten at siiicks, iio htisiu-ls potiit.ies, mid l.t 'l.l i onn Is i.oi 1, Now, trailer, lnov nnny hands, tiiinl. ymi, it, ropiliii d to make, nil thii? Too Review mivs, that it was lii.aJ.- hy JI,-. l(,n- ,u,j hin.-eif, ii' d hi i son u hi 1 f Heve:iteeu venrn. He paid .ait for other l.ahor $"l.",0. ir,n.ville can furnish u fcivut ninny other x mipley of sa. h suLVe.-i.n-s iii larmiug. V.'e note these thin. -s lit- rule." ti,.y sho'v tint as fj ici nnd proiiriililo f.trnj i ti af is ilono in North Carolina an au where in the world. Eccentric. There is an old man, named B .11- ! nnui, itving in lVimsvlvani ., who was r f. rmeriv f un .us ii politician, and ' !,- i, urv Clav r,. f,.r IV. s,d,-..t t in- iieulu il V.iW t l ilt tie WO.iM il.M I' hiie lu-urd or hair cut until CI iv pi'-ioeiii. i- nis never oiiiai, touched by a barber -jince. j Oovevnaient Finances. l:"pac1i to Hiiliinn.ri Hrz,lK. Sil.li. Waiiwt. n, June 2". There are live days lett of thu c irient I5sc:il yei;r nil I your correspondent has ivirefnllv invt Ktiiife,l ttm condition of tlie nvertiineiit utianccs in- tin; vear, estiimi'injj for the live d.tvs to com . The cstimalo will bo found' almost -x-ict, probably wilhin $10!),-; ( lij eidu i-way. Tlio year's transae-1 limn will be res folloas: IJeiv ipts, $-2ii".0t)D.OOl); i-xpnditnros $25i,0ih,-: lI!!l; surplus, .S,(!!)ll,l)lK), xvhieli is ap j p.icitile to thu Hiiikll f.m.J, wlncli ti is year is ubout, $:17,4)00,0(O. Tliis - would show an apparent dcl'ici'mcy of about $J5,(iO:),(HlJ but us tlio sink- imr fund is overpaid nearly $201),- eeu.oo.i. mo iroasury poopio give j , t'iem -e ves no uneasiness on that ne-i : count. The otiutatrs of Secret-iry ! S ' r.a in were: Ueccip's, $2(5 1,."()0.- ! HilO: expeii.litm-e.s, f J III lOD.OOO. h aing ?Jl,40i,()l)() iipplic iblo to the sinking fund. Thy dillei-eu-o be- ! ween the , s'imates ami the actmil re-aili , althougli iinpropi tatiot.s were cut . don, arises from the following fn-t- : Tin- S.-er.-t.uy esti-iial.s that he lo,t SSDtl.tlO ) hv thf. reduction of t!-e t.ibae tax; ami iiin.mg tlm ex-; t: a r hn iry pay ments were: $l!,oi)0,-; Hot) for in-ie ii i of pen-ion; ileiic-'en cy m regular ji-msion.s $l,S li,(ni); j gei eral ih -tieien.-i' S H-avi ied for by : act of Congress $:..")0ii,li. I; Hdifa'x! award ?!o."iilvHl)0; Kids' jettiis $1,-1 UJ.i.dOii; .voioual l.-oarl of Iieath; S'liM.tiOt); oilu r' t'?:pendit'ii-es i f an1 umisMiu uaiure, nearly luuf a mil iou. Cons-ros3ioual Vuino.ton', Tune 2'v--Tho re p.ct oem i.nily I'i-cii'ated b-dav that . the I'l'isidetit, v.onl 1 certainly call another session of C ngress n.-xt week if provi.-ion was not mad' for the pay ni m -rsleils iii such a bill ps I ' could propel ly sign, lias had no fl" ct up. hi tie-plans ef Congress men who ha I made firningeiii'mts for leasing Washington. A number left to-iiigiit and more will leave to-nrr-ro.v night, so that there isnoproha bility of a ipioruiu being present on Moil lay next. TIih li'l f. .r die p ivim'td of Unit-, ed St-ie.s ?.I iisbals will be vetoed bv the l'icsi I. v.. The Juliei il A p-.ropi i itien bill win ila -ed in the I'n-id-nt's ban. Is ram inis.aiTi rnooti. an. I in. re serins In In. t oilii iht it wi 1 r i-i ivr thrl'iesi- .1. tils npni'.nal, to t w it ii.-t a ii.!iii' it , i. ' .i i P is not al hrr f,-. .fro.,, ,;l,jret eon It can Or si at I-, i a.lli in.aUwIv tliat tlie l'l'i siiletit s lneliti ill- li js to Ii'- convene ( .ii..'rrs lu1 i''.ii-hi!iiati'iii shonid ii'j ii:rii.iu ul (Hvir without appropriation fur tii" aiv of tnar sn ils havi"j; h. rii ma I", which he C'tiil.rs as an intp.-nunt. part of :h" j.nlieiary und wlimc n-rv ees nre iudiNprnsilili.' 1, i he a iniiuistr.-ition of j'lsliiv all I tlie ci,' ireeaii'nt of the i:iw. To ailj"iii'ii wit hunt such up- proin ia'i ei wonhl l.-ave unperforin- t- I a part of lim liiiin.ss for which t he 4tM srs-ion w as r-.llcl. Tin-Senate i. ji-e'ed tiie nomination of H. T. (Jorliin, of S nitli twirohna, us t'iii' t' Justice i f tlio Supremo Court of I' i uli. A Bis Day s Work. Sr. T.ia is. Md , .Tuno 2S, X'X Tim prep.ir dions for ehiitigino; the rj i i of i ii" Sf. L ivs I;-on Moiin taiu an 1 S ei'.h tu K iibv.iv, which had boon in prorcsH fu- tho tvist two months, o iliumated l ist Uiht, oi l at ihnlii. ii'; this morning; over ,. ,, , , tl..-,,. thousand met, commenced the wot"; of shift Mfj tie' rails, nnd lo;) lu f ire night the entire hue, etond- itig from S' Ii mis t T'Xlfkina t l 'Xll'Uina" I.... l ...,l. o i, . l loi'.'il miles Hint ,, . . . ., il live feet to the nenilv seven hnn lieen ohang -d fi otil stand. ir ! o lilge of four I e t eight RII. I ' one half niches, llm looD.-iiotives and ears had also 1 n nitrred . . , . n, , ,, : t corr. saond. mid traflic nn lor the l!".v Older of tilings will proceed without bieak or hiridraiua Pedostrianlsm iu California.. Sis l nw.-tw . Jan., M-.Vt two ! hick this miming m 1 litis Hall, me Ji Cluijiello nnd Miss Fanny , I oompioitu 1110 litSK, ,(h)i) .jan tcr miles in ; Vt. (H'i.) ipiarter hours, imtlt women ; were npp ir-ntiy as fie !i as when j tin y st:ii ted. They coin inncd walk- j ing with the intention of making j -S.nOO ipi uii.r milt s iu a liko nam-j her of quarter hours. An Unique Picnic. j I A Rubseiilier in the c untry writes that he attended a picnic hist week J which passed off in a y-ry novel man- ; Ui r. The young; man in tho black pantaloon was there, hut ho did'nt. sit down on a cuMard pi"; a bug lit i mi a gill's neck nnd him did'nt scream ' loud enough to bring out the lire de- j p irtiiient i'i tho nearot town, o miles- i distant; a garter Himkd cmfrontedj several young Indie v.h were eating! a lunch, and no onn fainted; the ! ouiig man iu white tiousors wa' not asked to chinl) n tri e and put up a Hwing; a cross hull did not cham a foraging party across n ten aero lot, and uu nngry thunderstorm didn't coino tipahoiit four o'c.ock and daui agi the etijoymeiit and drt-snes of t.l'' . W e never hoard of c ,,ktt. , M i" l,"V. tH?n "j?") a,ul V curiosity Nomstovn HenJ.l. Til ei I riKi.ii en eiirit in c-'rner of. rarrv the every tr.ueier writioif ilei.li t ,,,iM-ineuu Trice 23 ceuta. r. Hull's H.iluinere PiIId. NEW ADVHKTKEMHM fS. IV K WOl'LI) CALL Special Attention TO TilP. FOLLOWING SpflSf NflRI F R fl (1 fl uuuuul -AT- rricos Which We Guarantee In Suit, the Tratjp. Cottonaile.s in Kndloss Variety. Summer Cussimercii. Linen Drills and Linen Duck. Hosiery. Hankerchiefs, Collars and (..'niis, Fans, Para&ols and Uinbreli.is. i Dress (ioods, Shoes, Mosquito Xot- i tings, Lace Curtains, Lace. Counterpanes, Lace Pillow Shams, Counterpanes, Pillow Linen ami Linen Sheeting. the iuoiiEsr tiiixo or Tin: resis: ' flMLMf J.n-JJJ PL'J. A B(. . kl till kit Uiiittti UHkU Mii ki Wi U Uui . vliwwi 'I.K MITI'S AM) f.APlKS LACK t.ISI.K (it.ovi:s, kip oi.ovi:s, iti:ri:::i) i:imi.is, . ;:.! ?un Ai'a sri:: -. p i.. t: ash MISU.N-, Nt:w srvt.r. tit l'lll.MiS, VKi.VKT KillllO.NS, t.INl OAMAS1C, TAIir.K NAPKIN'S, ToWT.I.s, j-.i.i: o:;i:n roj imns, at prices tiot to be undersold; itu: v;it:n anp i m.i:c:ii:i ln-4, 1 I I, 12 I su i-i:ti.i ;s; 1 1 it.ki-ai.k---, Fast Colors, SAc; TKI NKi, V.U.ISKS, M'iiAW MAl- iisr., AN"I CAKI'irilNOs. a-k is itn inspection of our All w toe!; ati'l I'l-ii-es. II. A; R. S. Tl'CKER, i' Cd tf Kuli iiih. X. (I Mil U'JJU). HUiJ UJUUJ' I I have X-W on hind, an Eleg-mt Stink of i DHY GOODS, Xoti:ns,(1i)(hin!r,15o!)ts k Slioes,l all grate far Hiaits, I.ndi.'S. Mis-r anil, t'lipiiren. Hen haiii'ii's II ml Made iIkIIitk ' a Siierialty. The celehraied H..yden (ii;iter cnn'i It- .xi-eiii'l, f. r ftyle, roiiifur', ami i I'u al.i ity. I have am. si vi.i's I'.iili high I Hud low rut in It.'V.Irn, J. S, Tuni.r, i imri.'s ip mr. an,l I . Mi I-; nlso beiui ilul Button Ki.lt Mid Nee Port l ies, for Ladies' S ,'":'.";r w",nr- , . . ,1 i li -si ha the nh ve mentioui.l goo.N, I ,,HV. thousands .,f artiC-a v,-ry attractive. : ilinimh ton nntueroua to incut inn. I colint ' a m'l from my nintiv fnends, nn I l!ie luiu- . lie general.' v Very It- - ci f ullv, nmiOfl tf liuh'igh, X. V". C. i . H. SI fl)!iac!l, (irOfl'I'S, No. I, FavHteville, Nn. 4 3Iait iii nml No .Marlu't Stjtttuv, Ualeih, N.C., (I.T-T to the tiade t ilav. at inside nrloop. the M 'wing, viz : ; mm) Timothy and Clover Hay. i "'L''!: ' U, V,'"' .. 7Uil litis While nnd Yellow ('urn, (all !mis White H died M-hI. Sif) iihls I!tra and l'muity Flour, S.iV'il alr. S. ru;i nnd MuIhm-h-s, PHI tt'tls ll v riie,-. Murken-I uu I Mullete, 2.000 lli rHiivn.-.cd lliini. Pi.iilhl Ihs S'iii Sin IT nnd Bran, lodil:) ihs White Hint Yellow Sugarf, JO) lie-. linking Powders. Choice M.'ssi in t):ioige. Kxtra I'.il'-riuo nod Messina I.einonP, Ked -d Yellow 1!iiii;1'.r, Krtsh ll'iriicoi Cor inuuts, New Tuikish I'ruleH, Ch.iice Hilawi.1 API'I'-". (Vmice Pfttnn CuriRiils, Mixed aud Plain 1'iikl KngliHh and ,"" rii-au Chow-Chow, T1,,,,"r; Turkyy and Dork Iiiinartcil anil 1 naesiii-l iitsuin and sauces sj,,,',,,,, ,lr(Vlllr ailll rUoi,vnR n.-ef, (iraliHin Khcir, Imported an I IVvneptie OHtnieal, r,a, opu'is mn r.nii,, U'nii'k - d and Crushed Wheat, ,, ,, .... u. . i 1. 'ce, t lour aiidOorn tMar.h, ; x,.tBon .t 'ox's tVlatin. Sago, lapiora anil rarina hnperial (Irmiuni Si Mill' Food, .aiine,l Po- 1-rn tf, f'r-s-'ves Had J.-lli. (aerolite ai'd i i in mi, Vlu ftn , p,.,,,.,,,,, c,,,,,,., hiuinrted Hiid A uierii-an Mustardn. I Also: ! K n lire of Imported and Aniedcan iC'gar, rang'ng iu price frmn $ I 'i'i to fl , ell per lUtl. Nhvv and I'luin (Thewing Tuhnrcn. Irom r.p1-' fV,r r't Ttr "iV-' " ,'Rck"i;''! ,ml ! "pIf"Till,'1irijll mmxMa , 1Imvt or Kincy j fjrrv ,llie h;Ul, tu U9 lot t'.ttalugue and P.-'i-.. Mst. t ?l upiea oy man or oiuerwm-. .e-.t rerieMed. t y t w usi ifJ k 9 1 1 mm i m, B.-i-s Huihllny, Uiih-It'h, X. O. HARDWARE!:k S.VS1I, PooKS, ( (iloi:?, nuxns, l'.VISTS, OILS, rum-, wixnow-r.r.Ass, Belting, Steaia-EniH i.imi;, CKMK.NT, rr.ASTKR AND surrLics. r.iiLi (!orrepondene-' PulicitO'l ri vi r; d. c i Out si NEW APVEIITISEMENXS. IMPORTANT TQ WHOLESALE AO RETAIL S U V 3 ?. O , ami all pniaona hiterppterl in ECONOMICAL SHOPPING. We will offer lor tlie Trade. A Larger and more viuiod mock of Dry (Joods, Mats, Shoes, Trunks, Notions, &c, tlian ever before. In consequence of the ripe in cotton, rot. ton liilirii-H have advanced Iroin t 1 2 to, 0 1 2 cents pijr yard since iiiukiiiL' our String purclmsru. " We linve decided IVot to advance one piicea, but to give the trade the benerll of tlie low pilces. We are nellinff aome lim h of Roods at preciKfljr the manufacturer's eric-. We oll'r a pHlr of Unen rutin and rollar to match, fur Hv C'oiitM. LADIES' DliKSS f.OODS OF KVEliV STYLK, SHADE AND I'MICE. A soft flnlsli nimhrir, that nil) cnunt more threadn to the npmre Inch than I. hi dale (1 3 1 2 centB) at p) ceuta per yard or 8 1-2 cents ly the holt. A Hianilard 10-1 sliepilrjr at 20 renta liy the piece. 'J'!"1 iHrjr.'at mock aud jjientiiA vatii-tj of ui'TTONS. A XIi-E UXK ov Trimmefl ana ReaMaiB Suits FOR LADIES. We lmy direct from the Manufacturer Importers aud Ajj.-ut., and are prepared lo sell for THE LOWEST PRICES ! I.. II. YEAKWA.V, PETTY & JOXK. ma2!) tf Itdoljrli. N. C. E T. NORMS & CO., OlJOC'HItlS and Raleigh, ST. C. SOLE AC. I'. NTS I'OH Tatapsco (luiino and Orange Mixture, fton. wall Cotton low, Atlaa Plow, Planet, Jr., Horse Hoe and Iron age Cul tivat ir. W'e have in Ftore and lo arrive 100 Ilu-heli. White United Meal, Sri.tMiO I.b. Hulk il.ir liilt Siden. 1.0IK) liuslielt. While and Mixed Corn, woo M....I...I.. il.,.. ....... i ii niKI Sinks and Hurnla Family and Extra Flour. Hnrrels Sugnr White and Y.-llow, :t.i ltairn (), fr.ea :! GmM MnUaa-a-NVw Crop Cuha, PW drl.-Hiis mid Sugar llouae Svruo loa Stcks Marshalix l.iveri.n. l l.'i,tL i reot.l I-1 tie Knit . i i.trrt-iH r.ariy ivosc I'tiltitoee, lean Hugs Patiiii.se. Uuhiio, 50 ll.ixes Soap, 1U0 Keg Nails, And other goods neceiary to make up a ' full Hiork. All of the Rhove gooi's ive will eell chenn lor cash, or on time, with exiislnctoty ur rangemen'o. Snlici'iug orders, We nre Kein cilullv, M. T. ffORElXS & CO. deel'2-3ni W. C. McMACKIF, OEXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fast end Citizens Nutional Bunk, RALEIGH, N. C. ; Consignments of ad kinds of Mer i chiindise nnd Produce solicited. Snt j isfuctorysivleB guaranteed and prompt I returns invariably made, for moder : nto conimisfciona. J 8- Cotton Rccoived also on Storage at Moderate Rutes.ea Palcigh Daily Cotton Market He i ports ami the latest changes in New i York aud Liverpool Markets forward ed every day to patroiiB. j r.efcrs to Italeig'h National Bank : and tho busiuetis jiublio of the city. OZV ZZAXVD: A largo invoice of MILBURN WAfiONS for sale at $75 esch; sub stantial work and warranted. Ol'KV AND TOl' BTTfiflTKS f.f $80 to $100 each; workuiauship and materiul guaranteed, Flour, Corn, Oats, Fodder, Hay Meal. Chops, Brown Stuff, North Carolina II1IIU8, Sldl'S ailll Shoulders in fact all kinds of Produce always always ! in store. septli) 3m ; "pi'kmtl'ui: i j L1 JOHN T. MORRIS ! Formerly of W. II. Mnrria It. Co.. SurreRnora to A. V. Kiapa, Ilealera iu all Kinds of I Furniture, Maltrw, Spring Bed and j l.'x'kinif-Olnaea. Fmp'a Old Stand. Corner ' f Fayuiieville and Iavle St., Oorner helovr i Varliorouuli lintel, Raleigh, N. (.'. in atore and to arrive, a nice coN -h.ap and medium jrrade (ronds, he void cneHii tor i-anh. Bureau i ot ICt oO. (7 .10 (8 o0 and up to $40. ir. (lend I cotton lop nintlrefca l',iM and (4 00 and all j kindn ot Koodn in proportion. Rep Xnun ! tree. ('t ,)(). $7 50, and $9.00, carpel Loui.cen Il $S rill, and $10. Uall and aee me or write tor j pi ice of any kind of kooiIb. aa I am deterro- inrd to aell aa cheap as lire clu-aper. lie uienther the place and name, uiay s-lf JOU.N T. MORRIS. The bi-ats of the Kxpreai Steamboat (ioinpnuy will run aa follow Irom 10th of j April until further notice : Steamer 1. Mt'HCHISO.V, Capt. Alonza, :(Irriiion, will leave Fyetteville oyerf Tneaday and Friday at 7 oVlock a. !., aui( I Wiliuiiiton every Wednndajr aud balur ! dav at 2 o'c'i-ck P. M. Steamer WAV., (.apt. U. A. Itpbrson, will leave Fayetteville ou Marahiya and Thuraday at 7 o'clock A M., ani ilnilnp. Ion ou Tueatlaya and Friday at 1 o'clock, r M., connect inif with the Weatern Rail rnml at Kiyntevillo ou VVrdneadaya and Saturday. ' J. I. WII.UAMS 4 CO .Ir-n at FayetiCTillo, N. C. jacOO tl