iMttrrr'TTifwfi rt-irriT--'' mm- lu-ii 7iHUltSDAY....July 17. IL 0 J Ej a All advertisements must be handed in by Tuesday of every week, in order to be inserted la the issue of that week. . . AroTtov-lVnt forget, that dnrin8 the , . last three days of this week, the goms in Ih.atorontMr. O. 8. Poo. of tt.ii place, ! will be fold at public aitrtlon. .. St nor-NnKATii.-Onlast I rhby a b-, pro woman in tliia elnoe, naiuoil liash Hill , -tpparent'y in pelArt hepllli, Wna auil.h'ii-Ml !ly ptri.ktn ilowu by n stroke of iisral.viia, and died aoou thereafter. Bisrror's VfitTATtoN. We are tMta.iecl ! are fteA to announc e that win vreac.i i ui me i.,iii.npui v. ii.niii i.e." ' tf.-tiiniii intit Tho mil lie ireneially at tlie I'iiHOC.opai I. Iiurcu nere on lit-. . .i . i .1 .i....i. i.nMa nn Mm. a. inviifid to .itcnd. are invited to attend. Pl.UiOMC.VI. - One nigiil lust week some m'mcraWe wretch cut nut the tongue of a cow belunging to Mr. Hubert Perrj. ol this county. If the rancal could be caught, it would pervn him ri-tht to cut out bis tongue. It is aad to think that any one of the human ppecies could be guilty of a i cruel and diabolionl an outrn-;e. TnK WHKAT I'liOl1. Kor the pnt-t ihree sor four weeks the hum of the threshing machine baa been heard all ovc r ourcouu ty, and our farmerci have been engaged iu ; the hot and dahty work ol threshing out their win!. We regret to learn that the; wheat crop ia so unall Bud riming out eo i bad'y, nome (armers scarcely mtliing mor J than seed. ! VisiTiNO tiik Mountain Our young -t-iwnRman, Mr. James S. Mnnnifg, in com- ' pany with lour ol hia fellow htudents Irmn the L'niveraity, U c-n a visit to our w- stetn inouiitninR, an.l like senaiid-i boys ill- f are , making tlie trip on foet. Our liieml fii Tors tln readers of the l!l-:i niil wil'i an interesting letter in tlris issun, whi'-'i givex a pleasant nnr'ative of their journeyiiigs. PlCNIC. The young people of this C"P: niiiiii- had a very p!eft-r.nt picnic a b w : fl:ya ago at the residence ol Mr. W. 10. ltoudinot, odd n-.ile liom here. They all seemed to greatly ei.-j y theoccas'nn, ami it ' Ti-as very refreshing to ei j-iyihe de-lighlf .il bre. ie, under tfcoso iiiagiiiReent o-iks. Amoi g the pleaaurea of the ley waa the cihibilion ol tlie cuiloni'ies gntlicred by Mr. Houdinot from diO'uutit purls of the world while l e was a naval ntlb'er. Tim Oi.n HorKl..--This piece of prnj erty in our town f. rmerly known as t!ie T.Hgle Hotel," which Vor -ceveral years past ha) beer, unoccupied and gradually deravinsr, was iuirchnwd list week by our j old tiiend, D.iviJ Turner who imeuds , to repair and move into ic as soon as r.os:- ld. Our vilingii already bruata el the iectt country to lie found ai ywliere, and we hope that both w:llnow be liberal'y jatronise.l. i I.NKCBIOIt OotMtT. Next wei k being Il:e time lor holding the senii sitniiiil term if our Inferior cint, and it l-eing a leisure time ju-t now w t'.i the farmers, there : will doubtless be ipiite a InrM crowd in attendance. 1 We would sngirest to thase of our sub- ' a-ribers who owe a small aeiouut to the EKCortn. that it would b a g nnl time to ; I'AV CP, either by bringing the inoney in1 jierson or sending it by Hou-e oelglibor who is coming. Hmei:it.,er "ehort credits make long friends." A Sao Akvmctiov A deep gloom of sorrow and saddened sympathy h is sc.iii d txu our town, fur on th i lllh inst., we followed to her rally (pave, Sarah t'nrdny, ' claiik'hter ol Aaron (t. Ilendui, Kip, who. In the full bl'iiicu of joyous ymith and in the beauty of early wnmnuhood has heei'. ' called to her (lod. When the sickle ol ! death cuts down the aged and Hth"rs in ! tbe'rlpened grain, we a-e tint filed with; such peculiar sn tness, as lieu the young j and the b.auliful v. lib all their li.ight hopes are so uuitine'y taken. j Tin: .V C. Statu lrn Insi ijinckom r.iNV. We have received a circular from this Oomiiany giving the names ol its Pol- ! iiy-lioblers,who have died ami the amount paid their families, from which we learn Uuit four were ciliics cf this county' nd the sum of debt thousm.l dollar .,' paid their lamilies. Of course this large mount must have been a Croat helo in these bard times, and proves the wisdom of evry man having some insurance tn help take care of his family in caao of his di sth We are pleased to know that this great Home Institution is In a most flourishing condition, tad promptly pays up all claims vilbout aciv tri.tiole. PnoniniTtON In Chatham Few of our citizens are probably a-varu tliat ilm sale of liquor is prohibited in nearly out! half i mi county . ill" legislature lias, nt every session for seve'al years past, en acted a, prohibitory law for one or more localities in Chatham, until these "probi liiteu'" places are quitrf numerous in the county. Wc have gono to the trouble ol ItM'king up all the Acts of the Legislature reJatiog to the sale ot liquor in this county, . as to ascertain in what localities it is ix-ehiblted and will now punlisli these pla ces r,.r the in'ornmtion of our readers. Tlie ale of liquor is prohibited in two milesef Euckhorn Iron Furnace, Haywoo.i. Locirilte, Cier;r Copper Mine, Fndor , (except in K.,'ypt.) (lulf, Mt. Yernon S,trinjfs, Itrowu'a (.'Iiai el, Mt. P.easant, l!y- num's Factory, and O'Kelly's Church; and iu two and a half miles of Hanks' Chapel. There may be other places In addition to I these, that have rped our not'eo. He-1 eides these localities, the prohibitory law prevails In three eutire townshi s, (Vn- tre, Ilnd'eyV, and AlhrightH so tl V- it would seem that public opinion iu coir c.i-irity is clejiili die ip favor if rii.hiliition . " ' I .o.-.iu,ei.i..g.if.B,a t he cnr. Jea on qu'teeiteMiVfJUB centuju tcclious. ; .v uii-.'ii uieiiu.iig ,s saij tu be enr- I The Asuiioato ('cuaum Tliia is tlie name to which the Itondolpli Regulator has been changed, and whose editors are Messrs Urudshatv anJ Hackney, tliH latter being one of our Chatham boyc. lhey i have our best wishes for much suc.cesB in. their --prise.and they will richly de. i auea of tlio Courier as apt "ghtly ami newsy aa the fint. ' ITot i.nt ic.i.lnv thnlllh ' every hod y was complnleing of tlio limit !. ... ,.. ..,.. i.... i ' . . . . or V3 iit'nr:'i'n, nnt tno nest oav, paiuway, ... , ., . "ttRi "vl'" "or .ml the tlmrmometoi ww. ...... . , . , .. lieinu H)i ilifjirera in tho Hlmile. I lure , . i . . .lUMll l.i:iii'l!Jll lit r;ti wiil ill viti ii witn a ttroiiR hre, blown,-, but ti,o5in now 'emplovcl in ffrinf? on Huh the Birooi-o a hlaat, biirmiif; evervthinjj . t)l0 jnjj,.,,, Ukjlir hcro.--Groollbbi)ro' touched A i-lijrht ruin thut afternoon, pujy ami another the next nijjlil. however,: the atmosphere and kept ua from fm;..;, ,. ...... ... i. v" '. '. ... ,.., (it,i evnlt(ni,((()tlliU ,mt wrv(i wliirIi visited m, and mini v deaths have occurred... , , ... . . , . there was not one murder ou that wmrruN rort tip: i.r.cnn. Tlie Iiiiproniittn Wallilnir Matili. At altailrmd s'r.iion t'other uiglit, Three aeutle sex al'ghti d; No "little bieecli-s" wis in sight; Why were they thus'y Blighted ? Tlie one, as Scots say, was "ut hum?;'' The eldest well known here; And, Willi these two also, the'ie came A prt ttv KTlSANOKIt. 'o tnain was there them to convy l"p to tin' dislnnt 'hoio And so It S'lemed, that they must Blay At depot "iIZI the morrow. I p spoke the stranger lass and cai 1 : "In my C""d ' goober" etat.f ' Of t-n mill s we an- not afraid "Nor deem Mich hour too late. Mod if y,.u only had the pluck 1 ') i von mv nieniilng ea'irb '." "I'd d ire you. both, to try your luck "In a fiist-clu-s walking wa'.eh." Tie- elder maiden siisen d, "I ni ss '.'ucli ta'k is merest twadi'.l., "l-'or all 'iiy frieiuls In town confess, "I'm heavy on a waddle:" "So if you think, by heel and toe, "To In lit me to' burg, "I'll give you f.-ehiigs. like nct t "The girls that tried Yon-Berg." The rhaiii'iiii m .id was all a glow, She veined .pite ni'irhly ti-J'ed-She sal 1 : ' Voung Mirs, I'.l have mi know "'a my spec'itl gift; ' Y'uir banter does net appall; "I'm ready nny time, most, "To take my foot in bund and call On "Scratch" to take tlie hindmost." And so the merry race began In this ten-mile-long cvmteft. At fust they walked and then they ran, Then sat and look a long res'; Then, up and at it hard aijtin; TIih hi',1, now, fast ilescemling. And then, with all their might aud tun in, Like tho mercury, ascending.'.nt ,!r,,,.., l,uo il...i. Am ,l.Mlr brenthi,, sounded louder- Which, like the tear on soldier's chet-k. "V. ashed off iho sl'iius cl powder." I cannm, here, in full telatn All, that to :i:iiu In ti ll; I only know, that Iho' 'twas late, Tle'y reached Ii one safe tin I wril. They, each "n ". elsim a vwtoi's meed, Ii'or are they of one iuit.,1 Pave 'tis with any two agreed, The. other was behin I. i i , f n.. ' ' ndof the rrec-io-m bond" ' .," , ,. , ,. . ', ... i.m.H tneir nolo Mili many a '""" To the EXi ii.vtt made by Poxn. , Their womu'.s i'l soon d uiht, be well, no" When, if you're b-ave in talk And know, young man, what you're about, A-k them to take a walk. - " Randolph KoiDS. , ,. 0 Ashhoro Couiier says: H'lgll I alks, Esq.. of p nnikl.nsvlle, ; will so. .ti commence btiildiftg another large cotton factory. The prospect for a good crop this year is very promising, wheat crops are much better than last vear. Dr. Worth arrived Saturday cvej,-1 , ing, ..nd will epend a few days at j '"'l 1 m'm Iit'l'l'. i home looking after his private ali'drs. Col. Polk, Commissioner of Agri 1 I lie Dr. deserves a respite. Tho culture, has re ceived a letter fruit a duties of his office bavo been heavy, 1 prominent citizen of Burlington, Yt., aud be h is worked faithfully. N. C. . staling that a movement is on foot never had a a more faithful oflicer, in that loeulitv to onroinza n eolmir and Randolph is always proud of j,,, This comity is destined to be come, not only the lust mineral coun- iy iu .vmn Carolina, out to surpass tors of theindnci inoi'ts, Ma'it:ia st ite many of the far f imod gold regions ' , m of the movc ineiit, that are or of California and Montana. can be oil'. red a settlement in this lue mining interest in this section ' Ull)i received pernio have u new lmpeuin, our become thorouirhlv orouse 1. new en r.rV has Loan instill ;d iu th'cmi, and they have "one eeiiiously to work and discovered that many vnbiublo treasures lio hid mi their farms. Almost daily our town is visited by tlie pleasant and genial capitalUts in search of some rich liommza, in which to iu- vest their overblowing purse. Tut' Drown fc .Smith mine five uiiles from town, i:s aid to be one of ue richest, yet discovered in this COlltltrj. They are working it with n vnu ftn aro cxpectil g rich result, ' public npiirn are a great blessing f( .. " e can say ilo snuie ol f null I a Haliy Svriip; it is the heat rem- ,M)y ,,, Cllre0l Hll lh,n frnjtooi has to eucouunr. Price t'5 els. STATE NEWS. N. ('. Huiul-Kook. j Col. L. L. Polk has distributed! ning Bix thousand cf the baud - fmn tim nnnartinoiit. ( itainlh Ve, It'O MiU'llillC. iivuu ail uti uuiuiiuit! ,-fl :.,... 1 OHO . 1, ,.f J jvi iniiniiK mu i per dav. wi'd soon Im in operation hi vr. ...i v.,cui..n I l"'B J "" ' " ' 0""u ,Kairnnd Hands 1" oi tv convicts will arrive to-nit;ht I , T- . . , , . , ... ; Iv-'lit men were killed in men were killect in Pw York eitv alone on the lUi of Ju!v. t.. .1 . 1" i i. i . x' . i r t ' in . n w m-ii n ir i nr ri t i n r ; day. - Oliarlotto DeiiKwrat. ,l - An F.x-t'oiinnvmnn. Hon. John A. Ilynmn, colored, formerly Congressman from the Sec-, ! ond District, is assistant to tho mail 'clerks between Baltimore aa 1 Cum- bci land. Obnci ver. Hunted. Two lliousnnd h-j1o witnessed (he execution of Jnhn D.ivin, colored, for the murder of Henry Ab'Dnflie, :it Sniithiilo, iiruviswick county, on Fridav last. He made a oonfcsbioi). -Wiliuinston Review. n!.rnor,,l . i ' Them ave ab iut one hundred and thirty School Committemen in the 'county of Granville. Considerably ! nioro than li:ilf of these School Com'- wit tecmen are negroer., a nmy n-ity of whom cannot read, or c their names. free La nee. ..l,... -..w.i n,.l ,v,-;t.. " .. iiiu ,ul,,i w ;N. ('. It. . I At the annua' meeting of the stock -, lioldern of the North Carolina R.iil roa l held iu Charlotte, on the 10th, Colonel Thomas M. Holt was re elected president and V. L. Thorn-' 'burg senntary. Xo other business of importance transacted. Raleigh News. .x. J'. Mine. It is said that a largo number of enpilali.-t i from England and the , P.-icil'n.' slope ure now iu North Caro lina and Georgia, lacking up the best mines at a low cost, which tiie are confident can bo workod more prolilably with the improved ttppli- r.nces now -employe I in othor miner al sections of tlio country. Wash ington llepub'icaii. 31 rs. 31 not: This lady prcrvher or cvangelU ; arrived in Oxford on Saturday last imp! commenced on Sunday morning ' a series of meetings in the Methodist . I'hurch. Large crn.vcls have attend ed the meetings and much interest ,l:W l-n1di,ir,,,J'.1''1 1 -7 t,Hr t see and hear this now Weil known lad v. l'Yee Lance. (icvinl r'aniiiug. Vu learn that Mr. W. n. A vera, of Johnston coiiipy, eu fifty acres of in 1S7S, .r ubic-ed over lif'y Ivth s f Cotton. He made eivhty bands of corn, ph n' v o!' vt getiiblt-s, prove nder for Ins stock, and packed ,:IUI) pounds of good meat. He used only two mules on bin farm. Young man if vou are contemplaling a trip to 'Jexas had n't vou better s;t down an 1 n fleet 1.'.ll.mer a!11j Tlie School Rill. Judge Euve has rend r d his de cision in the now ee'ebrat. d and eiirebilly watched School bill case. He d. cides I hat 'lie lnauduiuiis issue to com. el the President of the sen le mid Iho speaker of tho House to sign tho b.Il known as tho bchoo! bill, but tlie Secretary of St do can not be eo:upei!'ii t. receive the bill until it is H gne.l. The dc ftiidunts aud plainlnis have tuki-n an nppea! to the Supreme Court, and they will hear the case ut this term. -'-Raleij'h Observer. ,.f the bundled to one thousand fani- ilies f or st tl lenient in a more g. niid . climate than Vermont has iifi'..nled. Ho therefore, as one of tlie origina- Slate, and inquires especiul y as to railroad rat' s. Kaleigli News, Ike Young's Danger. There is a lively tight, going on among North Carolina RcpiiblTcnuR over the chairmanship of the Heptlb- hca i State Committee. Kf ogh, the present chairinau, is for Grant, as is also Ike Young, both very strong ameug tlio Stalwarts. District At- toruey Albert son is for .Sherman. If Ike Young does not. look out he will Jose "his (hidings," r.nd Shaffer will ge t his long cove ted place. Ike is crafty and smart. W.lmington Star. - - a great 'allure in Lusho-nt is sometimes less liinient.ili:,. a lailn... IhhIiIi. )r. Bllp, H,, r Pill,, lr,seive tho health. Price 25 cents. Death of Hon. Wm. Allen. Cincinnati, July 11. Ex Gover wr . Allen am homo near Chillicothe. Ohio, this i ,-ning. Killed By Lightning. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 10, 187.). iJuring a Heavy tuunaerstonn tui ... h , V . . niicrnoon two countrymen, on men - in tlm .iiv villi ,i wmmii.lnniU.i i .. ' J . i . ' . ! w" f?m n c,,rn ",r lr tooK 10- j fiitfo under a bridge near California, ( Ohio. Li-'htnin.T struck the bridge, ' and killed both the men sud their. four horses. A Stfimpode. , . "' Ai:w 10! K, July VI. A drove of ivxan steers was UL-uip; ttriven ! tliroti-'h Central I'aak to day when , u"-""""" """ . nK,!.111' ,nu,, u r 0 K ,e '",m t lt!i ni'iiri hf.e.1 1 liev lusiiiil ilmvn f lip . clrrvj.f mirtneil bv tlio tiolipo nnil . " . 1'ursiicii uu. ponct ami ....... ..... - ... , . rowds ot peopi nevoral persons- wem tossed on their horns, but none I on tl reported seriously hurt. Murder. j Wii.vini-.ton. X. C. July '12. IST'J. I Tamos Heaton formerly Clerk of thol . Snperi'ir Court cf this (New Hanov ;or)counl;y nnd ex-Judge of tho Pro-1 bate Court, shot anr. Lilled ins par- i .amour, Alary Hi Iclili'o (.colored), at' tho coiner of Second and Market; streets, in this place, to-night. Thn-o shot were tired all of which took eft'ect. Heat on esciipcd. Jualousy was tho cause of tlio act. ' Sheep For England. ' r.. IA T.,1.. 10 1 i71 i " "'O-"'"!-! -i i., ! itj !, The Hri'ish htenmer Australian, j , wliio!' sailed from this port yesterday, j 'took, J,20(J head of live sheep for the j ' Liverpool ni'il'kdt, shipped bv a Chi- cago fir 'I he k hoc!) lire mi csoec- o v e in co ft. averncr n.' near v one let, averaging; nearly one j o r- t hundred ami for.y pound i ea-h. riiey were put on ile.-, Uveety-hve in ap..n. l ive men wont along to lake care of them. : ..... The Dead Erinca. : fiiMir.m-nsr .Tnlv 1-2. 1S7!. Tli' last sad scenes connected with the, funeral of Iho Princo Imperial of j I'raneo nro enil-til. Tlio body rests' now in tho lit! In church of St. Marv ' J ' . ' . at Chiselhlll'st, hv the side Of the dust' , of Xapoleon III. A day of mourn-! ing and of woe it has been, not only . in the pretty little Kentish village of Cliisclhnr.-it, but in tlio wholo of England. Queen Victoria mourned - with Iho bereaved Empress, and! many thousands of Eiigbsh women wotvr. t.t chiv tliiin.rh tlu-v were not pj.,,. Never has the 'death of :t , Priuco cr.usei! sc much rrief. '" A Colored Duel ! T, . , , , . L.M.TIM01.F, July 11. ls:). An af- temoon paper publishes a i from Towsonton which states that genuine', bona tide duel took place ; in JJaltinioro county yesterday be-! tween two colored vonncj gentlemen, ! James Sampson and Wilson Myers. 1 Tlio dilicu'.ty originated in a love j al'i'air, both men being enamored ofj the same yung woman. The duel took plute pi the woods, ate I at thoj word "lire Myers pistol was clis-, chirgel, Sampson receiving a slif,ht iejti ry iu the face. Sampson's pis-i tot missed. P. fore tb.ey c-tild lire, again both were arrested. Explosion of a Powder Mill.! San Euancisco, Julv 10. At Uodie ! to-day a terrible explosion oi a pow-! der inngazino occurred, ttenr the old ; Standard Incline W oiks, wcich were blown to atoui. Ti:e Suiumit, Works :l hhc.rt di.itaiieo olT, wt re shuttered . toi.ieccM. The whiilfi town is a hos- pital. , r j " i i,',.(.,.v ,.,...( ..., .,.,,. of moro deaths and injurus. As far . as uearo irom tueio are eigtii, per- ;.n:is t.- lio ib'O.l nii.l over forty wounded, with a prospect that , many will dio from thotr injuries. : ,,. i vi i i' W omen urn! chi dre:e are crying and . (arching lor their loved cues. It1 is probub'o that many were blown ' iuta t.ia air and their remains scat tered broude st. Quai'antine Regulations. G ston, July 11. The Board : of Health hu-t evening dec lured .piar- j antine ngajiist Memphis, and freight troni Unit point wul not lie allowtat to enter that ei' v. Passengers will be adiuitted oiily nfter the expiration- of twenty davs from their (lepurture. The 1'oard also passed n resolution that nil vessels from healthy ports ! ntitnide the tropics sha'l ho forbid- den to touch at Key " est. C.uiiii, Im. , J til v 12 -Tlio fleam- ev I Hv ot Helena, from ickshurg, was not allowed to land hera last night. Quarantine regulations have been eiiforced au'ainst all steamers and trains from Memphis, in accord-1 ance with a resolution adopted by i tho Hoard of Health. j The Situation in Memphis. MKMi-iii, July 12. Tho State P.oard of Health this nruning cs-1 tablished inspectors of trains and pii3srngers. Hereafter ell persons1 ar.d tiaius leaving Momphis will be' required to have certificates from' tho inspecting oiVift-rs. All trains arriving and deputing will transfer passengers and baggage at a point tivo miles distant irom the citv. Jmlgo Ray's condition is unimproved nnd but faint hopes are entertained , , . 1 ... .... tor IMS recovery. Mis soil alsj lies in a critical condition. .Yo new cas'S have beer, reported, nn.l tho c'c peiii' iinofe-sion is tl'iit the fevn 'ill riot sjiicad, but be Coll liiicd to the luiiiilies where it is nt present located. Sensible Crows. A farmer in Holden, informed ti3 ! that, .inch annoyed with crows j .... i ... m . ' .. i . u 1 1 . i,.. ... 7 thawX imagine bis iMirpriso one wet day r.t limling a ',J fluflr fJi'f.liinT idieltei' iimler it 7rnm tht. Tho t.nibrelia is now f. ni.n- Used ttf OlllCr piuposc. 15 ingor j y ?.:., A ' ,,1"h' y E W ADVERTISEMKNTS. At my mil1, on Hhw Kiver, four nii!e rflM l'l'tsiiorci', f am prepii-od t- do i wool. CAliniNO m the tur manner, (iood ! w-.i k Kuatantee-1, when the wool la prop. I i eriy iirepart-a. STEPHEN' IIKN'I.Y. July ITtli. 1flT0. XT C T Z O ft! n TIIUHSD.VY KHIDA Y. AND SAT V7 urd unlay, the 17th, 18th. and l'jih dnvs of ?"!auIl!.;,1,t:V;.,.I.,L,l V,1'J,:l!::,.,.'l:.L,HJ imblic miction, for cash, toe KSTlitH stoc k l..r l.J.l-l.l.'- I st " of floods in the stoie of o. S l'.e. wreni nargains can oh i;ao, us iiiese goods mpst be sold. A little money will buy MtTH. JOHN MAN NINO, July 0.1, IST'.l-ta Trusten. Read! A beautiful lire ol rrintu, Ladies -Oress (i noils, Kibbons, I.aees, Il.imburg K li;ings. I.ndien Soarfs, Ilusiery, aud general stuck of aukeo Notions. At IJYNl'M IIKAPKn's 'Y" , i..-p Store. . " r." """ "'"":" '-?. lauiutrieu ami unlaun lri"d Sliirts. st iiv.m m .v n kapi a's Now i.hcap stor. fp iinfl 0f t1(, celebrated Cable R -rewed 15 iv State Shoes, from a man's urogun to a cine itiiuon nauer; an on lady's slipper to a Fine Kuttou SI j-''F'-", '.'' i.ut.i... ......u bvxim iikvpkn's IS THE TDlf" to RLY vour ?r)ods; New (.h(,Rp StorP- , M Y SUh;. js (COMPLETE in EVERY a cod Stock of Men's and Hov's S'.ftfElNE. and vou w ill be able to get amlStrawKats. Udiea.tml Children's Hate, JJETTER Uar"aitis NOW, than you at iiiM-M hi:mmn's will LATKR, as ALL kinds of goods New cheap St . re. '.u.e GOING l.'P. !,(! IIIHflH ttir tit! uiftiirv. A. " f irsr. .ia,s , jewing Miif 'iii- vr.HV i' ni-.Ar nr. IIYM'.M a: II KAPKx's New Cin sp St' r . Family Medicines. Paints. . Yarnisb, Spicits Turpeniine 1'veS Kerosene ami .d-aral Oil. tt liYxt'M iV ii!".rr.'s New ' beHp St".e MeKoy Horse CiMars, Hugjry Whips. Ilalrers. Valises, Trunks, Oil lJIoths, and Ladies' Baskets, at by x i"M A in . Api a's Ne.v t'heap Store. A good Stick of Crockery, Stoi.o and (, and Lamps, at rv.vt y: iv r k vnicx s New Cheap ton A g"ed stock of (!roceri. f.uoa. New Odeans, ami SU!rarllou)l Molasses, Sugar, Colli.'!' and alBo Fancy Oroce'ies, at hyntm A- iu-:api-:x New cheap Store. Wagon ami Muggy Mi'erial, a vai'u ty ol pimvs D.uih!-' Tern Iteam ' Shovels-in . Inct from a Narmw Ilnll Tongue to a Cut-. ''" Sweep, w'nh a yiod rt'K-k of lihrd.vare aud Furniture, at MAt;m ,v itkahkn s N' iv Cheap Store. All l.:..!. A '..... :.. ......1 for' ,r,,,.,iip' Wi)0', A Sl.,,,,, w.v 8t' uynvm k hkapkn'm New Cheap Store. J'TjT'We most rospec' fully rtcjuest a!l,ihe J.-:h day ut September next, certaiu . persons before buying to gi v us a call, im take pleasure in showing our goods, whether we sell or not. HYNI'M tllKAOKN. ? n PKtslinro', N. O., J uly 31, lsrO. SCHOOL NOTHMf f r WILL OPEX .V SCHOOL FOR I jl)Vs and CirU in Piitsbun, cn Monday "the lsih day ot August. It will be inv irreatest. care iu teuchim; to adopt the latest ami most improved methods ol instruction, and to use the best text boois. ,' 1in.,11,t t)te k .HsIi studies, I will tench, if desired, . LSLHI. uA llGil . , , i It is very desirable that all scliolara bi lt aliH (i f ,,, i.clll,K Terms :-Fifieen dollars for all lisU studies, and five ih.l'nrs additional 'or each of the languages, payable one ball in advance nnd balance at close of session, JAMES S. MANNING, A. R. Juno lit h, lsrih tf 0-5 IinKilKS, ROCIfAWAYS, and SIMHNO WAOONS t prices to suit the times Made of tlie best material, and warranted to give entire mti-fation. ',")'" n"lr"'M' b vi"K "T1"'?- Consilt your a call I'ctore , Also, a full lot ni HAND MADE HARNESS. A. A. McKETUAN A 0XS, l'ayctteville, X. C. oct 2 t-noii-oin IB far to -jl) i A ITER Yon: Hot -i: is , , it is t o late to wish you insured. Re Wise a:l Insure in Time ! jA It ests but liitlo to insure and fire is lenrtul foe. twi: xoim u cakoi ixa iiomi: i.vst u- ax. i: . ompaxy ..k k a i.kic hi, ' in nmr vur iVeFiug, Furnitut-, Store, Mill, .; oilier biiiiiling, iu the lowest ra'es, and PAY it it burns. This Company has l'ai-1. in los than a yen", lor tiiiikf; build- ini's burnt in I lleii haoi. Voiiis in.iv be the next ! Aep'v for insur ance to II. A. LONDON, Ja T Aciknt, i'-.'O tf P.ltsboro', N, (' NEW A DYERTISEMEXTS. AT- W L LONDON'S ! - I I A larp;o and ERY CHEAP lot of i fit' . .-i t .. . jlutuuurir j jiigings ana .'.nsertious T nl JUSt rcceiuu. In addition to his LARCE ftlock . of Goods, (which is tho Ii AUG EST: in the Coiiuty) he will open a ; i 5 Cent Department,;Taltfs paM Consisting of a crcat many Fancy and Vwfol Articles. Every article1 ; jp this department will be sold for A..nt f --111 l.o f..e 5 CEIJTS, and a rjjre-it mnnv of them are worth tiorahle, as vltry may be b It open and a' 10 tO 25 Ce'ntS. You will l)e!lowsparl-.stoeecr.pH.; It requires no wa- got. 1 hey are too numerous to f yai,.p fa aeii', if neglected, the c-fl-clericy H mention hero. "ALL Goods in tips uVstroved by ev!ioi-tion of the water, antl ! department are sold for CASH only, Call and see them f mm : We ajr-iin eali vour attention to tho SEW1XG MACHINE WE are si liing; it is tho DUST and CHEAP- F.ST Machine in the Market prices' STILL LOWER. If you wish a COOK STOVE, the "COTTON KINS" . ,n TU'ST h Sj!s! mm mi tH4 Henieinher, ; STORE is fh LOXDOX'S CHEAP' place to ouy AM ' and EVEltYTHfXC. CASH will go a long way ! Call land see! Wo are always glad to show goods. ; W. 1.. OXDOX. Pittsboro'. N. C. STATK OF Noll I'll CAROLINA. ( orNTV Ol-' t II.VTII IM, M. D. Williams, it. v lork ami T. M. Muson, vs. Alens St'.ne Alphcus Stone, M.irk .1. Stono and others. In the Superior Court, i In pursuance of an nrJrr, in the above . entitled case, made at S,irin- Term lsT'.l, I will sell for CASH, at tlie Court House , loor in '.he town of 1'ittibcro', on Monday real estate situate in the county ol (.lial-1 ham, on the waters of New Hope, being ' the same lands conveyed by 1 . 11 Stone, de I ci ased, to me. aj moitgacee, iui tho !21ih ' of March l?ti, and coiitiiiiiint h ait ysi) acres. JOliN MANN I NO, June l'J'h, 1 is . Mertgngee. Irai'i ttswmi H.ioj RslAigli, X. C. S. II. STTiEET & SON, OWNKISS AND l'ltlU'IKTOItS. I Rest Sample lidtinis in the City. The National overlooks Cnion or Capitol siinaie, I lie finest Park iu the STMT., and always accessible lo tiucats o! the House. The Gaston House, KTew-bcrno, ZJ. C S. J. SI IS EE 1 A S(N, Piopr S. . :. stijkkt, sit. wm. j. ti:i:kt uavl tt Dr. West Harris, fl AYINt! II in I'lui PUAOTISKIt PKNTISTHY ! for SO years, and received a I bersl pstrou nge returns thanks and solicits a com inn ' ance ol the same, promising to jrive satis faction iu vork and prices. aid 10-Cai 1 Pittsb'nro, N. C. e li nH of the F.nresa Steamboat pany will run as follows Irom 10th ol ril uu'il fiirilo r notice ; teamen. . n ,u in.-n i ap . .iion.a Harrison Tuesday and Friday at T o'clock a. m., and 'iliningtmi every Wednesday and Salur- iIhv at 2 o'clock i. m. .'. "'AX ''; M A- will leve ravctieville on Moiiilavs and Thursdays ut T o elock A M.,anl W ilming. ion on Tue-davs and Fridays st 1 o'clc ek i'. v., collecting with the Western Kail road st Fayettevillu on Weilnesilavs airs' Saturdays. J. l. WILLIAMS .V CO .Iguit nt Fayttcville, N. jaiioO tf NjY. iror J. SliockoeMacliifiRWorls, I lUCHJlUM), V.A.. i Manufftctnrera of Portable and Stationary kneine ami Hoilera, Saw Mdla, C'orii in-i . f in- ..1... i.:.... 1 1 i " i:r" Pulleva, Turbine Water V heeln, Tobacco , ,.-,., vsl-hinerv. Wrought Iron Worl.. lirnsa and Iron Castings, .Machinery of , hverv Deacrip ion. iniikiti t: Tlin'sliinfl; Jljichincs. A Sl'i-CIAI.TY. Repairing I'roiiiiit-l.v A: Oiro-fiilly Done. The Tn vent ion of the Aire. It does not destroy tho dralt. It doe, 1 not interfere with cleaning the t.ibes. It -will rot choke up. and requires no cleauing. , It reroires no dii-ct dampers to be opened i when raising stuiim fdampcrs beintr obiec- the boiler is kept in a lilt by condition. It S'I"I,'', ani' durable and raa be relied ;upon. It can be atta-he-d to any boiler. No planter should bo without one of them. Insurance companies wi.l insure, giua and barns where tin) Talbolt Engines and Spark Arresters tire used at same n.t aa charged lor wuter or horse-power. ' I'S'-Send for illuttrated ciiculars ind price list. u:av29 Om '. L. B. I.YM'31, Asciit, ?:j?i3s Uo ir.VN l" FAGTURERS ok thi: BEST YARNS AXP SHEETING S AXP DEALERS IX - GENERAL HEECIIANDISI Look t,; Tin SHEETINGS AXD YARXS, in: xpi:p CHATHAM COTTON ILLI IK ynr WANT TIIK BEST! FIRST, AXD ONLY COTTON MILL IX THE COUNTY. Eiicewe Hoe .Enterprise. oet3-no:-tf 1872. 1879. THE Pi ALES GH NEWS. Ela lit Years of Successful Kxperiiwiep. The Oldest Daily K"er;spaper Raleigh. THE ('IIEAITST AM) REST IN T11K STATE. Recently Redressed and Greatly Improved. Dailv, One Year, - - $.1.00 Weekly, " " - - 1.00 Sample copies free. HI SSEY & JORDAN, ninj8-tf PiioriuKToiis'. TIMES TABLE !C:;e Pea? & Yadkin Valley R'y. To 'Vi" VttfiiL May HMIi, Daily Except Sunday. Leaves Fayelteville at 1:00 p ttt, Arrives al (lull at T:.V5 p in. Li iwi s Oulf at C:00 a m. Arrives ut Fayelteville at 10:0 a in. L. C. JoNF.S, Superintendent. WIIOI.KSAI.K AXI KF.TAII. (Jrocers : Com. MerrhaiiK. No. LI, Hargelt Street, ltaleigh. K. C. Dealers in Planters Supplies 'ol Fvery Description. In Store : toiiO Bnshi Is Corp. (MH) liashels Hlsi-k Peas. 200 Sacks North Carolina Flnnr best in the.c'nr. :..l.. li-W f,.IV..n Tn. l,um. uai.ull. Meel. and Leather in K"i' variety, whnli v.'e efTer at the lowest casli prices. Tin t) given to good customers. SPECIAL IXDUCEMEXTS OF FERED TO MERCHANTS. Consignments of Cottoi, and Country Pro duce Solicited; Prompt aud Salislaitoiy Itetnrns Made. HfT'We extend to onr friends In Chat, ham and Surrounding Country a Lean welcome when they vieit Kaleigh, i July 3.1, IHP,!. tf ' TALBOTT SOrJS

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